Media Kit 2023 - INDE. Awards

Page created by Antonio Dominguez
Media Kit 2023 - INDE. Awards
Media Kit 2023

   Since its inception, the INDE.Awards has been a unique voice across the Indo-Pacific,
   championing the most outstanding regional design and architecture and elevating it
across the globe. Over the years of the program, it has been responsible for shining a light
on design narratives and vernaculars that define our place in the world, and emphasise the
role we have to play in championing that which is progressive, innovative and exceptional.

Now entering its seventh year, the Awards are more influential than ever, with an alumni
group of jury and ambassadors that speak not only of the talent within our region but the
 important role INDE. plays in bringing these disparate voices together. Now backed by
the knowledge forum that is the INDE.Summit, the INDE. program is unrivalled as the only
    event construct to truly define the future of Indo-Pacific architecture and design.

    However, the INDE program is on a path of evolution: a perpetual moving force that
  constantly seeks to redraw and re-examine the boundaries through which it is defined.

For 2022, INDE. is proud to continue our ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusivity,
   elevating our categories which celebrate design that is trailblazing, sustainable and
  considerate of the past, present and future. We continue to strive to extend our reach
  further into the Indo-Pacific, offering expansive connection points and activating our
  ever-growing community of jury, ambassadors, speakers and alumni - so that we may
         further cement our place as the only truly regional program of our kind.

                        What lays in store for             2023?
                                Join us on our journey.

Our Partners

Each year we partner with leading brands to present an awards program that is expansive
in its reach and expert in its review. Together with our Partners we are committed to the
 ongoing development of exceptional architecture and design in the Indo-Pacific region.

   Platinum Partner

  The Building         The Multi-Residential Space    The Living Space    The Work Space

  The Learning Space   The Health & Wellbeing Space   The Design Studio   The Social Space

  The Graduate         The Prodigy                    The Influencer      The Retail Space

  Trophy Partner

  Strategic Partners

The Awards: The Categories

Celebrating our region’s most progressive buildings, spaces, objects, concepts and people.
 We award those who exceed the norms to produce outstanding design and architecture.

 We invite you to partner with INDE by aligning your brand with the following categories:

 The Building              The grand prize for the region’s most progressive architecture, The Building
                           is awarded to the project that marks a new direction in the future of
                           architecture as well as its capacity to respond to its local place and culture.

 The Multi-Residential     High-density living is about much more than efficiency. We honour a multi-
 Building                  residential building that is designed with equal consideration for community,
                           site, sustainability, human experience and market needs.

 The Living Space          Homestead, shophouse or apartment, to live well is to respond to one’s
                           place. We award the region’s most inspiring home, the architecture, interior
                           and exterior, that dwells thoughtfully and sensitively within its site and
                           place, and responds with intelligence to its local context and culture.

 The Interior Space        The Interior Space recognises outstanding interior design, crafted
                           for residential living. The design sets its own narrative, demonstrates
                           originality and creativity, and is undoubtedly innovative. It is simply the very
                           best interior design that enhances life.

 The Work Space            The workplace is social and cultural, as much as it is functional. This award
                           honours a workspace design that meets the demands of work and the needs
                           of people.

 The Social Space          Some of the most impressive spaces are those where people interact and
                           play. We honour a hospitality or F&B space that tells a relevant story, captures
                           the imagination, and brings people together.

The Retail Space              Retail takes many guises today, but in physical retail spaces, impact
                              and experience are critical. We award a space with mastery over retail’s
                              shifting ground.

The Learning Space            A spectrum of formal and informal spaces is emerging in the education
                              context. We honour an environment that promotes connection and learning
                              in the ways it needs to happen today.

The Health & Wellness Space   The spaces in which we seek health and wellness services are evolving. We
                              honour a place for wellness that gives equal emphasis to procedure and
                              human experience.

The Influencer                How does design change our world for the better? The Influencer is a
                              product or project that represents how design impacts the region and the
                              world at large. The Influencer demonstrates how progressive design can
                              improve the world.

The Object                    Not all objects are created equal. We look at how they function, what they
                              signify, and how they respond to the needs of people. Here, we award the
                              region’s most original players in modern industrial design.

The Graduate*                 The Graduate award recognises and celebrates final year architecture
                              students who shows outstanding promise in their chosen architecture
                              course. Through innovation and creativity the student aspires to make a mark
                              on the profession and break new ground through design. The recipient of this
                              accolade is a future design leader in the making and this award will no doubt
                              become the protagonist for a stellar career.

                              *The Graduate category is by nomination from course leaders only.

The Prodigy                   Forget following trends; this award honours someone who sparks them. The
                              Prodigy sees no distinction between design disciplines. The next wunderkind.

The Luminary                  Whether casting a long shadow across many disciplines or excelling ahead
                              of the pack in one, The Luminary recognises the ongoing contribution of four
                              industry icons.

Best of the Best              The highest of accolades, the Best Of The Best is awarded to one
                              top-scoring winner on the night. This lucky winner has not only taken out the
                              top prize for their category, but has the highest scoring entry of all winners.

The INDE.Awards Jury Alumni

           Each year a select group of industry experts, thought leaders and designers
   are invited to form the INDE.Awards Jury. This pool grows from year to year, creating
           a community of experts who can be called upon to preside over the judging.

Abbie Galvin                Adele Winteridge            Akshat Bhatt              Alice Hampson                Aric Chen              Asha Sairam
BVN                         Foolscap Studio             Architecture Discipline   Alice Hampson Architect      M+                     Studio Lotus
AUSTRALIA                   AUSTRALIA                   INDIA                     AUSTRALIA                    HONG KONG              INDIA

Brodie Neill                Chan Ee Mun                 Chui Lai Judy Cheung      David Teh                    Elaine Ng Yan Ling     Eleena Jamil
Brodie Neill                WOHA                        Cheungvogl                Pakatan Reka Arkitek (PRA)   The Fabrick Lab        Eleena Jamil Architect
AUSTRALIA/UK                SINGAPORE                   HONG KONG                 MALAYSIA                     HONG KONG              MALAYSIA

Elisapeta Heta (Ngātiwai,   Andrea Trimarchi & Simone   James Calder              Jan Utzon                    Jefa Greenaway         Jeff Copolov
Ngāpuhi, Waikato Tainui,    Farresin                    Era-Co                    Utzon Architects             (Wailwan, Kamilaroi)   BatesSmart
Sāmoan, Tokelauan)          Formafantasma               AUSTRALIA                 DENMARK                      Greenaway Architects   AUSTRALIA
Jasmax                      ITALY                                                                              AUSTRALIA

Josh Camoroff               Joyce Wang                  Khai Liew                 Koichi Takada                Leone Lorrimer         Liam Timms
Lekker Architects           Joyce Wang                  Khai Liew                 Koichi Takada Architects     GHDWoodHead            International Towers
SINGAPORE                   HONG KONG/UK                AUSTRALIA                 AUSTRALIA                    AUSTRALIA              AUSTRALIA

Luke Yeung               Lyndon Neri & Rossana Hu   Maria Warner Wong            Nic Brunsdon                  Paul McGillick         Luke Pearson & Tom Lloyd
Architectkkidd           Heri&Hu                    WOW Architects | Warner      NIC BRUNSDON                  McGillick Consulting   Pearson Lloyd
THAILAND                 CHINA                      Wong Design                  AUSTRALIA                     AUSTRALIA              UK

Peta Hefferman           Praveen Nahar              Raj Nandan                   Shashi Caan                   Florian Heinzelmann    Daliana Suryawinta
Liminal Studio           India National Institute   Indesign Media Asia Pacfic   SC Collective                 SHAU                   SHAU
AUSTRALIA                of Design                  AUSTRALIA                    UK                            INDONESIA              INDONESIA

Sanjay Puri              Sarah Bader                Stephen Burks                Stephen Todd                  Dr. Sue Carr           Tiana-Jane Furner
Sanjay Puri Architects   Gensler                    Stephen Burks ManMade        Australian Financial Review   Carr Design Group      (Gomeroi)
INDIA                    JAPAN                      USA                          AUSTRALIA                     AUSTRALIA              BVN

Tim Ross                 Tonya Hinde                Wendy Leung                  Whare Timu                    William Smart          Zhenru Goy
AUSTRALIA                BLP                        M Moser Associates           (Ngāti Kahungunu, Te          Smart Design Studio    Goy Architects
                         AUSTRALIA                  AUSTRALIA                    Arawa, Ngāti Tūwharetoa)      AUSTRALIA              SINGAPORE
                                                                                 Warren and Mahoney
                                                                                 AOTEAROA (NEW ZEALAND)

Program Reach & Engagement
                                          The Entries

Over 700 entries    15 Countries across     155 Shortlisted       13 Honourable       20 Winners
                      the Indo-Pacific          entries              Mentions

                                     The Platforms

                                Total engaged industry audience

            Print                               Digital                            Social
        450,700                               834,733                             72,402
          Indesign                                        Facebook
           Habitus                             Indesignlive                       Instagram
            Cubes                                         LinkedIn
       Lookbox Living              
     Architecture Design                      Habitusliving
                                          Architecture & Design

The INDE.Summit

         354 registants                      Average 5 sessions                               20 speakers                   3,053 Total engagements, chats,
                                               per registrant                                                                    emojis and questions

                                                                    INDE.Summit is now available on demand

                                                        The INDE.Awards Gala
                                                                             Physical & Digital

                              270 attendees to Physical Gala                                        439 registants to Live Digital Gala
                                                             INDE.Awards Digital Gala is now available on demand

                                            27+ Countries tuned in                                                 People

                                                                                                                   48%         Designers
                                                                                                                   40%         Architects
                                            India                    Spain
                                            HK                       UK                                            4%          Development/Property Managers
                                            Malaysia                 Fiji
                                            Philippines              Vietnam                                       3%          Manufacturing/Wholesale
                                            Vietnam                  Sri Lanka
                                            Cambodia                 Taiwan                                        5%          Design-savvy public

                                                                    Sample of attending firms

4N Design                          Buchan                               Formacy                            Lixil                                STAND DESIGN LLP
AA+A architect                     BVN                                  Futurespace                        Lyons Architecture                   State of Kin
Adam Cornish Design                Carter Williamson Architects         Gary Batt & Associate Architects   m3architecture                       Studio Bright
Aidea                              Casey Brown Architecture             Gensler                            MA Architects                        Studio Dewar
Aidea Inc                          CHALK ARCHITECTS                     GHD Woodhead                       Matakohe Architecture and Urbanism   Studio Duo
AIM Architecture                   Cheshire Architects                  Gingerbread Design                 Matt Williams Architects             studio gram
AirLab SUTD                        Chris Connell Design                 Gray Puksand                       MCBRIDE CHARLES RYAN                 Studio Kennon
akiHAUS Design Studio              CHT Architects                       Grimshaw Architects                MGS Architects                       STUDIO ORCA
Alexander &CO.                     City Collective                      Groupgsa                           Milieu                               Studio RYTE
Ambit Curator                      CK Architecture                      HAMMOND STUDIO                     MPavilion                            Studio SKLIM
Anagram Architects                 Cloud Dwellers                       HAS Design and Research            MRTN Architects                      Studio Tate
Anna Carin Design Studio           Copeland Associates Architects       Haskell Architects                 MWA                                  Studio Tēpu
Archier                            Core Collective Architects           Hatch RobertsDay                   mydaras architects                   Studio Urbo
Architecture BRIO                  Cox                                  Hayball                            Nervegna Reed                        STUDIO WILLS + Architects
Architecture Discipline            Craig Tan Architects                 HEGI DESIGN HOUSE                  nettletontribe                       Studio Y
Architectus                        Cumulus                              Helen Kontouris Design             NH Architecture                      SUHO
Aria                               Czarl Architects                     House of Bamboo                    Nilkamal                             SW1
ARM Architecture                   Daryl Jackson Alastair Swayn         IF (Integrated Field Co.,Ltd.)     Ong&Ong                              T-O Architects
Art Decoline                       Dash Architects                      Ink Haus Studio                    PACE Development Group               Taylor Knights
Assembly Architects                Davenport Campbell                   iredale pedersen hook architects   Parenthesis Pte Ltd                  Techne Architects
Austin Maynard Architects          Denton Corker Marshall               IX ARCHITECTS PTE LTD              Park + Associates Pte Ltd            Those Architects
AWA Studio                         DEQA Design Collaborative            Jasmax                             Patten Design                        Two Good Co
B.E Architecture                   Derlot Group                         John Wardle Architects             Peter Elliott Architects             University of Auckland
Balarinji                          Design By Golden                     k20 Architecture                   Phorm Architecture and Design        via.
Bangawarra                         DesignInc                            Kaizen Architecture                Plus Architecture                    Warren and Mahoney
Bangawrra                          DesignOffice                         Kennedy Nolan                      POD (People Oriented Design)         White Jacket
Barbera                            DGSE                                 Kirsten Johnstone Architecture     Proske Architects                    WHSmith Australia
Bates Smart                        dwp                                  Kister Architects                  PTW                                  Williams Burton Leopardi
Bearspace                          Edition Office                       Koichi Takada Architects           Reddog Architects                    Wiltshire Swain Architects
Bennett Architecture               EIW Architects                       Kosloff Architecture               Richards Stanisich                   Winter Architecture
Billard Leece Parternship          Eugenie Kawabata                     Kosloff Architecture               RooMoo Design Studio                 WOHA
Billard Leece Partnership          FDAT Architects                      L Architects                       Russell & George                     Woods Bagot
Bird de la Coeur Architects        Fender Katsalidis                    LAAB Architects                    Salt Studio Architecture             WY-TO Group
BKK Architects                     FIELDWORK                            LAANK                              SBA Architects                       YSG Studio
Blake Letnic Architects            FJMT Studio                          Law Architects                     Silver Thomas Hanley                 ZJJZ
Breathe                            Flack Studio                         LIMINAL Studio                     Silvester Fuller
Breathe Architecture               Foolscap Studio                      LIN architecture                   SJB
Brown Falconer                     Forlano Design                       Livistudio                         SJK Architect


             Over one full day on 3 August 2022, with 1 keynote, 1 in-conversation,
           4 partner panels and 4 sessions the INDE.Summit brought together the
            most disruptive minds in our region for a symposium unlike any other.

      Progressive, cutting edge and region specific, the INDE.Summit expanded the
    touchpoints for the INDE.Awards program, contextualising and adding knowledge
        to the INDE community and beyond. For partners this was a chance to share
             thoughts, insights and experiences with a highly engaged audience.

        In 2023, the INDE.Summit returns as the only program to draw on the entire
          Indo-Pacific for a day of knowledge sharing and progressive discussions.

2022 Session Topics

Moderator: Leali’ifano Dr. Albert L Refiti (School of Art and Design, Auckland University of Technology)
Speakers: T’iafelelea’i Carinnya Feaunati (Designgroup Stapleton Elliott), Elisapeta Heta (Ngātiwai, Ngāpuhi,
Waikato Tainui, Sāmoan, Tokelauan)(Jasmax),Samantha Rich

Moderator: James Calder (ERA-co)
Speakers: Sarah Bader (Gensler), Abin Chaudhuri (Abin Design Studio), Laurie Aznavoorian, Pablo Albani

Moderator: Jefa Greenaway, Wailwan|Kamilaroi (Greenaway Architects)
Speakers: Joachim Quino Holland (Fieldwork), Lee Chin-Wei (Bio-architecture Formosana), Adam Haddow (SJB)

Moderator: Dr. Nicole Gardner (University of New South Wales)
Speakers: Jade Kake (Ngāpuhi, Te Whakatōhea And Te Arawa) (Matakohe Architecture + Urbanism), Dr.
Florian Heinzelmann (SHAU), Kirsten Bauer (ASPECT Studios), Chan Ee Mun (WOHA)

Join us for INDE 2023

We welcome you to continue your journey with the INDE.Awards into 2023 and beyond,
as we come together to unite the industry across our country and region and elevate the
                 best of architecture and design to a global stage.

    Contact our team at to discuss opportunities to
      connect your brand with the INDE.Awards and INDE.Summit program.

                      Entries open: 29 November 2022

                        Entries close: 16 March 2023

                       Judging: 20 April - 18 May 2023

              INDE.Summit Lineup announced: 4 May 2023

           INDE.Awards Shortlist announced: 15 June 2023

                                   9 August 2023

                     INDE.Awards Gala
                                  10 August 2023

                              The above dates are approximate.

“The INDE Awards recognises and celebrates the works of some of the best
  architecture and design practitioners in our region, illustrating how dynamic and
  important the region is. With this platform we are also better able to understand
and engage with the rich and diverse nature of the practices from disparate cultures
and societies within the region, each with it’s own social and historical backgrounds
 yet linked by the pursuit of excellence and a greater good. In better understanding
nuances and bridging diversity, this leadership provided by the INDE Awards is ever
       more collegiate and important at this time of geo political uncertainty..”

                                      Khai Liew
                                 Khai Liew (Australia)
                                INDE.Awards 2022 Juror

Powered by a fellowship of the Indo-Pacific’s most inspiring brands, thinkers and creatives, the 2023 INDE.Awards is proudly brought to you by:

Platinum Partner

Event Partners

Strategic Partners

Contact us © Indesign Media Asia Pacific
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