MEDIA KIT 2018 - New YORK CITY October 25, 2018 - Galien Foundation

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MEDIA KIT 2018 - New YORK CITY October 25, 2018 - Galien Foundation
MEDIA KIT    2018

 October 25, 2018
MEDIA KIT 2018 - New YORK CITY October 25, 2018 - Galien Foundation

/5           2018 AWARDS COMMITTEE

/ 6-7        GALIEN FORUM
             Overview & Background
             “They participated in the Forum”



/ 11         PRIX GALIEN USA


/ 13         WHO WAS GALEN



Pre-event & On-site
Resources for Journalists
                                                                                      For more information and
    Galien Foundation events are conducted fully on the record, and we welcome
                                                                                      register for a press pass
    and invite members of the media to participate as engaged stakeholders via
    onsite discussion, as well as via social media, and to report on proceedings
                                                                                      please contact:
    and outcomes.
                                                                                      Finn Partners
                                                                                      Holmes Report & PR News
    We certainly appreciate coverage of our events, but our priority is to help you
                                                                                      Midsize Agency of the Year
    explore and uncover today’s key issues and connect with the people and diverse
    organizations we bring together that make the world a healthier place.            Contact:
                                                                                      Giana Gregga
    To help facilitate your engagement with our speakers and stakeholders,            T +1 312 329 3910
    we are delighted to work with you in the lead-up to our 2018 Forum and            M +1 708 703 2210
    Ceremony on:                                                            

        Arranging interviews with key speakers                                        Helpful links
        and stakeholders                                                    
                                                                                         Prix Galien USA
        Reserving private spaces for on-site interviews
                                                                                         Forum (latest programs, participants,
        Sharing our latest programs and speaker lists                                    registration, and reports)
                                                                                         Pro Bono Humanum Award
        Providing hi-resolutions imagery (including photos                               Med StartUp Award
        of people, spaces, logos, etc.)
                                                                                         Prix Galien Around the Globe
                                                                                         Prix Galien Hall of Fame

MEDIA KIT 2018 - New YORK CITY October 25, 2018 - Galien Foundation
innovation to improve
                                                 the human condition


             Sue Desmond-Hellmann,
              Ethiopia Clinic site visit

   The Prix Galien Award recognizes
outstanding achievements in improving
the global human condition through the
                                                              and politics. The outcome we seek is guided by the
 development of innovative drugs and                          synthesis principle that underpins the conduct of
            other treatments.                                 science itself: successful innovation where financing,
                                                              physical assets, knowledge and skills are combined
                                                              from many sources to move new ideas quickly “from
The Prix Galien was created in 1970 in                        the bench to the bedside,” on behalf of patients
 honor of Galen, the father of medical
  science and modern pharmacology.
                                                              A truly global program present in 14 countries*
                                                              Our program includes a review of contributions from
Worldwide the Prix Galien is regarded                         a new generation of innovators representing diverse
as the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in                       sectors in health. Our theme: better cross-cultural
                                                              contacts, harmonized regulation, internal business
     biopharmaceutical research.                              process improvements, new information technologies
                                                              and effective public-private partnerships can remove
                                                              barriers to the commercialization of good medicines and
    The Prix Galien is more than an award: it is a            expand access to these benefits to all who need them.
    movement with a mandate to foster, recognize and
    reward excellence in scientific innovation to improve
    the state of human health. Building on an unrivaled       2018
    network of Top biomedical scientists including Nobel      Through our partnership with the Élie Wiesel Foundation
    Laureates in medicine, the Prix Galien manages an         for Humanity and our first initiative in Africa, 2018 will
    independent, cross-functional and geographically          represent a new and exciting stage in the evolution of
    diverse program of events and sponsorships to             the Prix Galien as the pre-eminent “force populaire”
    brand “the best of the best” in new medicines and         behind the global scientific enterprise. With the support
    diagnostics.                                              of our sponsoring organizations, our efforts will extend
                                                              to all who see medical innovation not only as an
    Our scope is global, and our commitment to                industrial policy asset but as a source of social progress
    progress in medicine is both measurable and concrete.     – where private enterprise and public engagement
    Our members express this through the establishment        combine to deliver a greater public good.
    of productive relationships to build lasting bridges
    between the commercial research enterprise and local      We invite all communities with a commitment to the
    communities engaged in public policy, science, finance,   conduct and promotion of life sciences innovation to
    academic research and the media.                          contribute to this important work.
    In addition to recognizing advances in promising
    therapies, the Prix Galien’s annual Pro Bono Humanum      * Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, Italy,
    Award for humanitarian achievements brings a unique       Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, United
    focus to the intersection between science, business       Kingdom and the United States.
MEDIA KIT 2018 - New YORK CITY October 25, 2018 - Galien Foundation
Elie WIESEL In Memoriam
                                                       Honorary Founding President
                                                          The Galien Foundation
                                                            Peace Nobel Laureate
                                                              Boston University

                                     Committee                       2007-2011

      Michael S. BROWN, MD                 Barry S. COLLER, MD                  Walter GILBERT, PhD            Joseph GOLDSTEIN, MD
           Nobel Laureate                     Vice President for                   Nobel Laureate                    Nobel Laureate
       Professor of Molecular                  Medical Affairs                   Professor Emeritus              Professor of Molecular
    Genetics and Internal Medicine         and Physician-in-Chief,               Harvard University          Genetics and Internal Medicine
          UT Southwestern                   Rockefeller University                                                 UT, Southwestern
      Medical Center at Dallas                                                                                  Medical Center at Dallas

       Paul GREENGARD, PhD                 Eric R. KANDEL, MD              Joshua LEDERBERG, M.D. Ph.D.        Richard A. LERNER, M.D.
            Nobel Laureate                    Nobel Laureate                       Nobel Laureate            Professor of Immunochemistry,
        Professor of Molecular            Professor of physiology                Professor Emeritus,               Chair in Chemistry
      and Cellular Neuroscience           and Cellular Biophysics         Laboratory of Molecular Genetics     Scripps Research Institute
         Rockfeller University              Columbia University                   and Informatics,
                                                                                Rockefeller University

        Paul A. MARKS, MD             Bengt SAMUELSSON, MD, PhD                  Jan T. VILCEK, M.D.          Gerald WEISSMANN, M.D.
    Laboratory Head of Cell Biology             Nobel Laureate                Professor of Microbiology        Professor of Rheumatology
       Memorial Sloan Kettering        Professor Karolinska Institutet;       New York University School      and Director of Biotechnology
            Cancer Center               Former President Karolinska                  of Medicine                      Study Center
                                         Institutet; Former Chairman                                          New York University School
                                               Nobel Foundation                                                       of Medicine
MEDIA KIT 2018 - New YORK CITY October 25, 2018 - Galien Foundation

                                   Richard AXEL, MD                    Michael S. BROWN, MD              Laurie GLIMCHER, MD
Committee Chair                    Nobel Laureate                      Nobel Laureate                    President and CEO
Chief Executive Officer            Co-director                                                           Dana Farber Cancer Institute;
                                                                       Professor of Molecular Genetics
                                   The Kavli Institute for Brain                                         Professor of Medicine
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation                                        and Internal Medicine
                                   Science. Columbia University                                          Harvard Medical School
                                                                       UT Southwestern Medical
                                   Medical Centre
                                                                       Center at Dallas

 Joseph GOLDSTEIN, MD              Robert S. LANGER                    Cato T. LAURENCIN, MD, PhD        Paul A. MARKS, MD
 Nobel Laureate                    David H. Koch Institute Professor   University Professor              Laboratory Head of Cell Biology
 Professor of Molecular Genetics   MIT                                 University of Connecticut         Memorial Sloan Kettering
 and Internal Medicine                                                                                   Cancer Center
 UT, Southwestern Medical
 Center at Dallas

 Michael ROSENBLATT, MD            Bengt SAMUELSSON, MD, PhD           Marc TESSIER-LAVIGNE, PhD         P. Roy VAGELOS, MD
 Chief Medical Officer             Nobel Laureate                      President                         Prix Galien USA
 Flagship Pioneering at Dallas     Professor                           Stanford University               Committee Chairman 2012-2017
                                   Karolinska Institutet;
                                                                                                         Retired Chairman and CEO
                                   Former President                                                      Merck & Co., Inc.;
                                   Karolinska Institutet;
                                                                                                         Chairman of the Board
                                   Former Chairman                                                       Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
                                   Nobel Foundation
MEDIA KIT 2018 - New YORK CITY October 25, 2018 - Galien Foundation
Galien FORUM
    october 25, 2018 - 7:30AM

    The Galien Forum, held every autumn at New York’s Alexandria Center for
    Life Sciences since 2010, offers a full day of dynamic presentations and
    spirited discussions with top scientists and industry researchers who
    offer perspectives on the most significant challenges in the global burden
    of disease and highlight the latest research and clinical pathways toward
    diagnosis, treatment, and cure.

                                                                          Topics debated at previous forums include:
    Our 700 attendees represent the top executive and thought
                                                                          > Cancer Immunotherapeutics
    leadership from academic research, industry, government, the
    regulatory community, patient organizations, international            > The Brain Initiative
    organizations, and the media. Time and again, Forum participants      > Personalized Medicine’s Impact on Drug R&D and Patient Care
    praise the caliber of the speakers and their fellow attendees,        > Improving efficiency in Drug Development
    the quality of the panel discussions and presentations, and
                                                                          > What is “Value” and How Can it be Measured and
    the recognition of industry’s critical role in creating life-saving
    innovations.                                                            Demonstrated in Therapeutic Innovations?
                                                                          > U.S. Health Reform
    These events represent peer-to-peer exchange with a public            > A New Agenda for Global Health
    purpose, and they feature unique opportunities to connect with
                                                                          > The Future of Digital Health and its Impact on Healthcare
    a diverse range of people, organizations, and interests, from
    professional and scientific groups, academia and governments to       > New Mechanisms for Industry-Academia Collaboration
    patient associations, non-profit organizations and the media.         > The Future of Targeted Drug Delivery
                                                                          > Microbiota in Human Disease
                     Visit the forum webcast to read our
                                                                          > Autism - The Next Decade
                     2017 Forum Report on people and
                     substance and to see videos and                      > Untangling the Web of Neurodegeneration
                     photos from the event                                > Precision Medicine: Delivering on the Promise
                                                                          > Molecular Scissors: What Can We Expect from Gene Editing?
MEDIA KIT 2018 - New YORK CITY October 25, 2018 - Galien Foundation

Richard Axel, MD           Cori Bargmann PhD               Michael Bloomberg           Michael S. Brown              Dr Samantha Budd              Rory Collins               Mikael Dolsten, MD, PhD
Nobel Laureate             Rockefeller University          Former Mayor                Nobel Laureate                Vice President                Co-director                President, Worldwide
Co-director                                                City of New York            Professor of Molecular        Neuroscience iMed,            University of Oxford       Research and Development
Kavli Institute                                                                        Genetics and Internal         AstraZeneca R&D               Clinical Trials Unit       Pfizer
for Brain Science,                                                                     Medicine
Columbia University                                                                    UT Southwestern Medical
Medical Centre                                                                         Center at Dallas

                           Ezekiel Emanuel, MD, PhD        Kenneth C. Frazier          Maria C. Freire, PhD          Laurie Glimcher, MD           Joseph Goldstein           Dr Alex Gorsky
                           Vice Provost for Global         Chaiman, CEO and            President & Executive         CEO and President             Nobel Laureate             Chaiman and CEO
                           Initiatives; Chair,             President,                  Director                      Dana Farber Cancer            Professor of Molecular     Johnson & Johnson
                           Dept. of Medical Ethics         Merck                       Foundation for the National   Institute;                    Genetics and Internal
                           and Health Policy Levy                                      Institutes of Health          Professor of Medicine         Medicine
                           University Professor Perelman                                                             Harvard Medical School        UT, Southwestern Medical
                           School of Medicine and The                                                                                              Center at Dallas
                           Wharton School, University of

                                                           Paul Greengard, PhD         William N. Hait,              Margaret A. Hamburg, MD       Eric R. Kandel, MD         Sachin H. Jain, MD, MBA
                                                           Nobel Laureate              MD, PhD                       Former Commissioner           Nobel Laureate             Chief Medical information
                                                           Professor of Molecular      Global Head, Research         U.S. Food and Drug            Professor of Physiology    and innovation officer
                                                           and Cellular Neuroscience   and Development               Administration                and Cellular Biophysics    Merck and Co.;
                                                           Rockefeller University      Janssen Research                                            Columbia University;       Lecturer in Healthcare
                                                                                       & Development                                               Director Bio-technology    Policy Harvard Medical
                                                                                                                                                   Study Center, NYU School   School
                                                                                                                                                   of Medicine

John Lechleiter            Dr Jeffrey Leiden               Donald Lloyd-Jones          Joel S. Marcus                Mark McClellan, MD, PhD       Dr Ira Mellman             Tara Narula, MD, FACC
Chairman and CEO           Chairman, President             Chairman, Department        Chairman, CEO & Founder       Director                      Vice President             Medical Contributor
Eli Lilly & Cie            and CEO                         of Preventive Medicine      Alexandria Real Estate        Duke-Robert J. Margolis       Research Genentech         “CBS This Morning”
                           Veritex                         Northwestern University     Equities /                    Center for Health Policy;
                                                                                       Alexandria Venture            Professor of Business,
                                                                                       Investments; Co-Founder       Medicine, and Health Policy
                                                                                       Alexandria Summit             Duke University

                           Guido Rasi                      Michael Rosenblatt, MD      Bengt Samuelsson,             George A. Scangos, PhD        Dr Morgan Sheng            Steven H. Stein, MD
                           Executive Director              Chief Medical Officer       MD, PhD                       Chief Executive Officer       Vice President             Senior Vice President
                           European Medicines              Flagship Ventures           Nobel Laureate                Biogen Idec                   Neuroscience Genentech     US Clinical Development
                           Agency                                                      Former President                                                                       & Medical Affairs
                                                                                       Karolinska Institute                                                                   Novartis Oncology US
                                                                                       Former Chairman
                                                                                       Nobel Foundation

Marc Tessier-Lavigne PhD   P. Roy Vagelos                  Bert Vogelstein             George Yancopoulos,           Krishna Yeshwant, MD          Elias Zerhouni
President                  M.D., Retired Chairman          Professor                   MD, PhD                       General Partner               President, Global R&D
Stanford University        and CEO, Merck & Co., Inc.      Johns Hopkins Medical       Chief Scientific Officer      Google Ventures               Sanofi
                           Chairman of the Board,          School                      Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
                           Regeneron Pharmaceuticals                                   President, Regeneron

MEDIA KIT 2018 - New YORK CITY October 25, 2018 - Galien Foundation
“I applaud Prix Galien for recognizing
                                                                         the pioneering spirit of America
                                                                            innovation and research.“

                                                                                 John McCain
                                                                           American Senator - 2008

                  “The Prix Galien USA recognizes the
                important research necessary to develop
                 innovative medicines and devices that
                 have a life-saving impact on individuals
                     and families across the globe.“

                         Kathleen Sebelius
                   American Secretary of Health and
                      Human Services - 2011
                                                                                                    “We recognize the importance of the Prix
                                                                                                     Galien in promoting drug research, and
                                                                                                    we salute the excellent work of the Jury.“

                                                                                                           Philippe Douste-Blazy
                                                                                                    French Minister of Foreign Affairs – 2006

                                                           “I’d also like to congratulate all the
                                                       candidates for the 5th Annual Prix Galien
                                                       Awards Competition, which honors those
                                                          in the pharmaceutical industry who
     “When Olympic rhymes with Galenic:                 have developed the technical, scientific
    there is a gold medal that can be won                 and clinical research skills necessary
       for an extraordinary achievement:                 to develop innovative medicines and
     this is the Galien Award, the Oscar of                 devices. Your work is invaluable.“
            pharmaceutical research.“
                                                            Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D.
                Walter Sutter                             Commissioner of Food and Drugs
         Swiss State Advisor, Director                 US Food and Drug Administration - 2011
        of the Public Economy - 2004

                                                                                              “The Galien Foundation, created to honor
                                                                                                 and catalyze excellence in scientific
                                                                                                 innovation, recognizes outstanding
                                                                                                achievement with the prestigious Prix
                                      “Prix Galien recognizes men and women                                Galien Award.“
                                      from the pharmaceutical and biomedical
                                     industries whose contributions of science                             Bill De Blasio
                                     have improved and saved countless lives.“                  Mayor of the City of New York - 2015

                                                 Michael Bloomberg
8                                        Mayor of the City of New York - 2010
MEDIA KIT 2018 - New YORK CITY October 25, 2018 - Galien Foundation
A record of leadership in bringing
                                  the best of biomedical discovery
                                  to the attention of the world…

  “The Prix Galien is the right event, on the                                “I welcome you to the annual Prix
   right issue at the right time. I thank the                             Galien awards for innovative excellence
 Galien Foundation for bringing us together                                  in biomedical products and health
 and for recognizing that a healthier world is                             technologies. The awards are among
    a safer world and a more just world.“                                       the highest honors in science
                                                                                      and commerce..“
              BAN Ki-moon
        UN Secretary-General - 2010                                                   Jimmy Carter
                                                                                American President - 2017

                                                                                                                             “I am particularly grateful
                                                                                                                               to receive this Award.“

                                     “The Prix Galien is a prestigious award,                                                      Bill Clinton
                                         a magnificent occasion to pay                                                       American President - 2010
                                       recognition to our researchers and
                                          to encourage our industry.“

                                                Jean Chretien
                                         Canadian Prime Minister - 1994

                                                                                   “It is a pleasure to congratulate all
“I know the importance of the Prix Galien                                       those who promote the Prix Galien and
  which rewards every year therapeutic                                         pharmaceutical research: they play a vital
 innovations and research works among                                         role in the fight against disease throughout
           the most creative.“                                                                   the world.“

          Emmanuel Macron                                                                     John Major
        French President - 2018                                                      British Prime Minister - 1996

                                                                                                             “The Prix Galien since 1970 is dedicated
                                       “The Prix Galien is a welcome                                                to promoting the research
                                       initiative to stimulate creative                                         and development of the medicine
                                     research and promote excellence.“                                             and medicine industries.“

                                             Barack Obama                                                                   Macky Sall
                                         American President - 2008                                                   Senegalese President - 2018
MEDIA KIT 2018 - New YORK CITY October 25, 2018 - Galien Foundation

             Hall of fame          Around the globe since 1970
                                              BY NUMBER OF MEDALS

     51    Merck                                         6      Astra-Zeneca, Inserm, Vertex

     45 Novartis                                         5      Gilead Sciences, Lilly

     42 Roche                                            4      Biogen, Institut Pasteur, Takeda

     37    Sanofi                                        3      Actelion, Alexion, Almirall, Teva

     35    GlaxoSmithKline                               2      AP-HP, Celgene, Chiesi, CTRS, Edwards Life-sciences,
                                                                Fresenius Biotech, Genzyme, Institut Merieux, Ipsen,
     32    J&J/Janssen                                          Lundbeck, Pierre-Fabre, Procter & Gamble, PTC Thera-
                                                                peutics, Shire Pharmaceuticals
     28 Pfizer
                                                          1     AAZ, AbbVie, Abbott/AbbVie, Albana Pharma, Army
     23    Bristol-Myers Squibb                                 Health Department - France, Astellas, Baxter, Biocodex,
                                                                Boston Scientific, Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materi-
     17    Bayer                                                als of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Chugaî, Engel-
                                                                hardt Institute of Molecular Biology, EOS Imaging, Ferrer,
     16    Amgen                                                Genethon, Genentech, Generium, Guerbet, Institut Santa
                                                                Creu, Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Insightec, Intermunde,
     11    Abbott, Servier                                      Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Leo, LFB, Menarini, Norgine
                                                                GmbH, Orphan, Otzuka, PharmaPharm, Roche/Genen-
     8     Boehringer Ingelheim                                 tech, Swedish Orphan International, T2 Biosystems,
                                                                Uriach, Viron Therapeutics,
                                                                Updated December 2017

                                                    by Albert de JAEGER

                                                The Prix Galien medal was designed by Albert de Jaeger (1908 – 1992), laureate of
                                               the Premier Grand Prix de Rome architectural prize. De Jaeger designed medals for
                                             prominent figures such as Pope Pius XII (at the Villa Medicis, 1937) and Pope Jean-Paul I,
                                           Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy, distinguished military leaders
                                        including Marshals Leclerc, Koenig, Montgomery, Marshall and Joukov; the Weizmann
                                    Institute, as well as numerous artists, literary figures and prominent personalities such as Sacha
                               Guitry, Marcel Proust, Henri de Montherlant, Paul Harris, a number of Nobel Prize laureates, the
                           Empress of Iran SA Farah Diba, Princess Grace of Monaco, and others…

      De Jaeger is also the architect of numerous outstanding monuments in France and throughout the world.

Our annual gala awards dinner is a creative
Galien AWARDS                                                           recognition of the productive and positive power
                                                                        of partnerships that drive progress in medical
CEREMONY 2018                                                           science. It is peer exchange with a public purpose
                                                                        - with a diverse range of opportunities for contact
                                                                        with a range of interests, from professional and
october 25, 2018                                                        scientific groups, academia and governments
6:30 PM                                                                 to patient associations, other non-profit
                                                                        organizations and the media.

WHAT PREVIOUS                                                 “Merck’s mission is to                        “Our 2016 Prix Galien USA
                                                               translate science into                        awards [for Cosentyx and
PRIX GALIEN                                                    medically important                           Gleevec] … represent years
WINNERS HAVE                                                   products that positively                      of hard work by our scientists.
SAID UPON                                                    impact humanity, so it is                      These wins underscore our
                                                         natural for us to support the Prix              commitment to addressing the
RECEIVING THE                                  Galien, since it supports exactly that.”          unmet medical needs of patients through
HONOUR                                                                                           science-based innovation.”
                                               Kenneth C. Frazier
                                               Chaiman, CEO and President                        Joseph Jimenez
                                               Merck                                             CEO

               “The Galien Foundation                         “Our 2016 Prix Galien award                       “Our goal — to combine the
                brings together the top                        highlights not only the                           best science with the most
                scientists in the world.                       breakthrough science behind                       efficient drug development
                You have Nobel Laureates                      Cologuard, but also the                          plan and deliver
              across the spectrum of                       unrivaled team that worked to                     transformational medicines to
          scientific disciplines meeting and   develop and bring to market an innovation        patients in need — is completely aligned
talking with members of the pharmaceutical     with the potential to make a significant         with the Galien Foundation mission to
industry to see what’s going on at the         impact in eradicating colorectal cancer. We      promote innovations that improve the
cutting edge, because ultimately that’s        are humbled and thankful to be counted           human condition.”
going to benefit patients.”                    among the companies honored by the
                                               Galien Foundation.”                              Mace L. Rothenberg,
William Hait, MD, PhD                                                                           M.D. Chief Development Officer, Oncology -
Global Head, Research & Development            Graham Lidgard, PhD                              Pfizer Global Product Development
Janssen, Pharmaceutical Companies of           Chief Science Officer
Johnson & Johnson                              Exact Sciences
The committee follows a century-old example set in Sweden.
                                                                    The Prix Galien rewards excellence and novelty, and awards special honors to
                                                                    those who have served humanity at large. Presented at the Ceremony, the Pro
                                                                    Bono Humanum Award recognizes exemplary and innovative efforts in improving
                                                                    the human condition. This special award was presented by the late and beloved
                                                                    Elie Wiesel, in presence of the Prix Galien USA Committee.

                                 2017                                                                 countries. This includes the eradication of the Guinea worm
                                 President Jimmy Carter & The Carter Center                           disease as well as the MECTIZAN initiative to control the
                                 In recognition of his role as the nation’s 39th President in         scourge of river blindness in Africa and Latin America, which
                                 expanding access to childhood immunizations and, for the             today serves as a precedent for productive public-private
                                 first time, adding social progress and human rights as a             partnerships. The Committee points as well to his selection
                                 foundational principle of US foreign policy. The Prix Galien         as recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002,
                                 USA Committee also commends his unmatched record in                  in which the Swedish Academy noted his decades of effort
                                 public health provision after leaving office, launching the          to promote individual freedoms and economic and social
                                 Carter Center in 1982 and subsequently positioning it as a           development for all. These are now recognized around the
                                 leading global donor on programs to control and eradicate            world as important drivers of individual health status.
                                 six major communicable diseases prevalent in developing

 2016                                      2015                           2014                             2013                            2012
 Paula S. Apsell                           Pr. Mary-Claire King           Bernard Kouchner, M.D.           Dr. Anthony Fauci               Dr. Francis S. Collins.
 In recognition of her early and           In recognition of your         In recognition of his role in    for his paramount               Dr. Collins, Director of the
 continuing leadership in Making the       work in transforming the       the creation, from amongst       contributions to basic and      National Institutes of Health
 complexities of science, engineering      application of human           French doctors, this group of    clinical research on the        (N.I.H)
 and medical research accessible to a      genetics to medicine through   “Doctors Without Borders”        pathogenesis and treatment      In recognition of his
 mass audience. Through innovative         identification of              who have lent the modern         of immunemediated and           contribution to the ethical
 broadcast and digital programming         the first gene, BRCA1,         field of humanitarian            infectious diseases.            implications of scientific
 of the highest journalistic               responsible for inherited      medicine both legitimacy         He currently serves as          research
 standard, her work has educated,          susceptibility to breast       and worldwide acclaim and        Director of the NIAID and
 entertained and enlightened               cancer. You also               for his fieldwork that has       chief of the NIAID Laboratory
 successive generations of viewers         demonstrated that the          nurtured and developed,          of Immunoregulation in
 on the mysteries that underlie our        genomes of humans and          not only among public            Bethesda, Maryland.
 understanding of the natural world.       chimpanzees are 99%            opinion but also within
 And by turning great science into         identical, and you pioneered   various governments, the
 a good story - a human story - Ms.        the application of genetic     notion of the universality
 Apsell shows that scientific literacy     sequencing in forensics to     of humanitarian action and
 is society’s essential line of defense    identify victims of human      the concept of the Non-
 against the destructive forces of fear,   rights abuse.                  Governmental Organization.
 ignorance and blight.

 2011                        2010                               2009                                      2008                                 2007
 Pr. Paul Farmer             Bill Clinton and                   Harvard Professor Barry Bloom             Sheldon Segal and the                Former Merck CEO Roy
 in recognition of his       Philippe Douste-Blazy,             for bringing the fruits of basic          Population Council for their         Vagelos, for the River
 heroic efforts to do        in recognition of their            biological science to those               global efforts in support of         Blindness Program and
 “whatever it takes” to      outstanding achievements           who are most needy. Columbia              reproductive health and family       his historic decision
 improve the lives and       in providing treatment for         University Earth Institute Director       planning.                            to donate the drug
 health of patients in       underserved populations            Jeffrey Sachs for bringing the                                                 Mectizan® to more than
 destitute communities       through the William J. Clinton     fruits of scholarly economics                                                  530 million people in 34
 around the world            Foundation HIV / AIDS              to bear our problems that have                                                 countries to treat and
 through the Partners in     Initiative and the multilateral    plagued the world for millennia.                                               prevent river blindness:
 Health initiative which     organization, UNITAID.                                                                                            “as much as necessary for
 he co-founded with                                                                                                                            as long as necessary.”
 Tom White.

       The Prix Galien USA Committee, a group of highly accomplished individuals from the scientific and research communities,
       will judge which among the candidates, independent of any category, is the Best Pharmaceutical Agent (i.e. small molecule),
       is the Best Biotechnology Product and which is the Best Medical Technology approved by the FDA in the past ten years. As
       few as one or as many as three prizes may be awarded in each of these categories, and from time to time the committee
       may decide on awards hors prix. The prizes are awarded for products and agents that improve the human condition.

                                                                                                  Elie Wiesel, Peace Nobel Laureate;
                                                                                   BAN Ki-moon, General Secretary, United Nations;
                                                                                               Bill Clinton & Philippe Douste-Blazy,
                                                                                2010 Prix Galien Pro Bono Humanum Award Laureate

                              Who was Galien?
Born in 131AD, Galen (Galien in French) is     inspired the direction of his life. When he      world, studying local plants and remedies,
considered the father of modern medicine       was 17, Galen worked as a physician to           eventually describing 473 original drugs and
and pharmacology.As an anatomist,              the gladiatorial school. At the age of 37,       many substances of mineral and vegetable
physiologist, clinician and researcher,        Marcus Aurelius summoned him to Rome,            origin. Importantly, Galen was the first to
his work formed the basis of a school          where he grew in reputation and stature          codify the art of preparing active drugs
of thought known as “Galenism”, which          as a healer, teacher, researcher and writer.     using multiple ingredients. Galen’s faculties
dominated medicine until the Renaissance.      His ideas on the functioning of the human        of observation, logic and deduction made
In fact, Galen’s works were used as primary    body were so well received that he became        him the true successor of Hippocrates,
medical reference for nearly two centuries.    the personal doctor of young Commodus,           and his declaration that the primary aim of
                                               the heir to the Emperor. He died in 201AD.       medicine was patient care formed the very
Raised in Pergamos, he studied in Smyrna,      During his long and eminent career, Galen        cornerstone of modern pharmacy.To quote
Corinth, and Alexandria, the three centers     completed over five hundred learned works        Jean-Pierre Changeux, “Galen first showed
of medical excellence in the ancient world.    addressing anatomy, physiology, pathology,       that our mind was in the brain, not in our
Legend has it that Galen was visited           medical theory and practice, and many            hearts.” It can be said that this was the
by Aesclapius in a dream and that this         forms of therapy. He traveled throughout the     beginning of experimental medicine.
The mission of The Prix Galien-MedStartUp program is to foster
                                                private-sector collaborations to treat and cure medical conditions
                                                that pose a threat to public health worldwide and promotes
                                                foster innovative research partnerships among major integrated
                                                pharmaceutical companies, biotech firms, and medical device
                                                manufacturers, producers of vaccines, academic research institutes,
                                                and health care organizations, including e-health vendors.

This unique initiative, which takes place in                                                    Best Collaboration/Partnership with an
the same venue and at the same time as the                                                      Academic institution in a Breakthrough
Galien Forum, was built on several years of                                                     Therapy
cooperation between the Galien Foundation and
Business France with three core goals:          A focal point of the program is the active      Best Innovative Clinical Trial Design to achieve
                                                participation of the most innovative start-up   a Faster and Better Therapeutic Outcome
Strengthen commercial partnerships              companies who are seeking US partners to
that bridge the traditional silos between       share research and support global commercial    Best Use of a Patient-Centered Health
government, industry and academia;              development of promising lead technologies.     Engagement Technology

Defray the growing complexity and cost          Each year the Jury nominates candidates         Best Collaboration/Partnership in a
burden of medicines R&D; and                    for four awards in the following categories:    Breakthrough Therapy or Diagnosis
                                                                                                geared to Developing Countries.
Promote cross-border trade, jobs, and
economic growth.

THE JURY                                                             !   Chairman:
                                                                         Bernard POUSSOT
                                                                         Director, Roche Holding,
                                                                         Former Chairman & CEO, WYETH

                              !   Roch DOLIVEUX                                        !   François MAISONROUGE
                                  Honorary CEO,                                            Senior Managing Director,
                                  UCB                                                      Evercore Partners

                              !   Mikael DOLSTEN                                       !   Paul STOFFELS
                                  Global R&D President,                                    Chief Scientific Officer,
                                  Pfizer                                                   Johnson and Johnson

                              !   Jean-Pierre GARNIER                                  !   Elias ZERHOUNI
                                  Former CEO,                                              Global R&D President,
                                  GSK                                                      Sanofi

                              !   Franz HUMER
                                                                                           JOIN US ON :
                                  Former CEO,
                                  Roche                                      +
                                              And in 2018, the winners are…

2017                             2016                                                                    2015
Best Pharmaceutical Product:     Best Pharmaceutical Agent:                                              Best Pharmaceutical Agent:
Venclexta™, AbbVie & Genentech   Ibrance®, Pfizer, Inc.                                                  IMBRUVICA®, Janssen Biotech, Inc.
(a Member of the Roche Group)                                                                            & Pharmacyclics LLC, an AbbVie
                                 Best Biotechnology Product:
                                 Cosentyx®, Novartis Pharma.
Best Biotechnology Product:
SPINRAZA®, Biogen & Ionis        Best Medical Technology:        Discovery of the Decade winners:        Best Biotechnology Product:
Pharmaceuticals                  Cologuard®, Exact Sciences      Best Pharmaceutical Agent:              OPDIVO®, Bristol-Myers Squibb
                                                                 Gleevec®, Novartis Pharma.              KEYTRUDA®, Merck & Co., Inc.
Best Medical Technology:
Exablate Neuro, INSIGHTEC                                        Best Biotechnology Product:             Best Medical Technology:
                                                                 Yervoy®, Bristol-Myers Squibb           T2Candida Panel, T2 Biosystems,
Pro Bono Humanum Award:                                          Best Medical Technology:                Inc.
Former President Jimmy Carter                                    Sapien 3TM, Edwards Lifesciences
                                                                 Corpo.                                  Pro Bono Humanum Award:
                                                                                                         Pr. Mary-Claire King
                                                                 Pro Bono Humanum Award:
                                                                 Paula S. Apsell

2014                             2013                            2012                                    2011
Best Pharmaceutical Agent:       Best Pharmaceutical Agents:     Best Pharmaceutical Agents:             Best Pharmaceutical Agent:
Sovaldi® - Gilead Sciences       Zelboraf® - Genentech           Victrelis® - Merck; Incivek® - Vertex   Prevnar13® - Pfizer

Best Biotechnology Product:      Best Biotechnology Product:     Best Biotechnology Product:             Best Biotechnology Product:
HEMACORD® - The New York         Zostavax® - Merck               Yervoy® - Bristol-Myers Squibb          Stelara® - Janssen
Blood Center’s Howard                                                                                    Prolia and XGEVA® - Amgen
P. Milstein Cord Blood Center    Best Medical Technology product: Best Medical Technology product:
                                 S-ICD® System - Boston Scientific Sapien® - Edwards Lifesciences’
                                                                                                   Pro Bono Humanum Award:
Best Medical Technology:                                           Melody® - Medtronic
                                                                                                   Paul Farmer
Trevo ProVue® - Stryker          Pro Bono Humanum Award:
                                 Dr. Anthony S. Fauci              Pro Bono Humanum Award:
Pro Bono Humanum Award:                                            Dr. Francis S. Collins
Dr. Bernard Kouchner

2010                             2009                            2008                                    2007
Best Pharmaceutical Agent:       Best Pharmaceutical Agent:      Best Pharmaceutical Agent:              Best Pharmaceutical Agent:
Coartem® - Novartis              Gleevec® - Novartis             Isentress® - Merck;                     Januvia® - Merck;
                                                                 Selzentry® - Pfizer                     Chantix® - Pfizer
Best Biotechnology Product:      Best Biotechnology Product:
RotaTeq® - Merck & Co.                                           Best Biotechnology Product:
                                 Nplate® - Amgen;                Soliris® - Alexion;                     Best Biotechnology Product:
Best Medical Technology:         Promacta® - GSK                 Infuse® - Wyeth                         Humira® - Abbott;
xTAG® - Luminex Corporation                                                                              Gardasil® - Merck
                                 Best Medical Technology:        Special therapeutic development:
Pro Bono Humanum Award:          Cellsearch® - Veridex (J&J)     Revlimid® - Celgene              Pro Bono Humanum Award:
Bill Clinton and                                                                                  Dr. Roy Vagelos
Philippe Douste-Blazy                                            Pro Bono Humanum Award:
                                 Pro Bono Humanum Award:
                                                                 Sheldon Segal
                                 Jeffrey Sachs and Barry Bloom
OCTOBER 25, 2018

and the winner is…

 Actors win Oscars
win Prix Galien USA

                            2017        Exablate Neuro®             2017
                                     Spinraza® / Venclexta    TM

                            2016     Cologuard® / Cosentyx®         2016

                           2015     Imbruvica®/ Keytruda®/              2015
                                   Opdivo® / T2Candida Panel

                          2014    Hemacord / Trevo®ProVue
                                             TM                    TM

                                         Sovaldi ®

                                         S-ICD® System
                         2013         Zelboraf® / Zostavax®                 2013

                     2012         Incivek® / Melody® / Sapien®
                                       Victrelis® / Yervoy®
                    2011 Prevnar13® / Prolia and XGEVA® / Stelara® 2011
                  2010            Coartem® / Rotateq® / xTAG®                      2010
              2009                   ®            ®       ®
                          Cellsearch / Gleevec / Nplate / Promacta           ®       2009
             2008            ®           ®            ®                 ®
                       Infuse / Isentress / Revlimid / Selzentry / Soliris       ®     2008
           2007            Chantix® / Gardasil® / Humira® / Januvia®                      2007

                                                                                     The Galien Foundation
                                                                                     99 John Street, Suite 2502
                       The Galien Foundation                                         New York, NY 10038
                       99 John Street , Suite 2502.                                  Tel: 212-685-1592

                       New York, New York 10038
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