Media Information 2022 - Advertising rate card no. 59 Valid from 10/01/2021 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH

Page created by Theresa Keller
Media Information 2022 - Advertising rate card no. 59 Valid from 10/01/2021 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
Print + Online

Media Information 2022
Advertising rate card no. 59
Valid from 10/01/2021
Media Information 2022 - Advertising rate card no. 59 Valid from 10/01/2021 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
We‘re there for you!
Your contact partners in the advertising marketing department:

Ingo Rosenstock                                         Thomas Heusler                      Carmen Calvo-Zeller
Sales Management                                        Media Sales                         Ad Management
phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 146                        phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 312    phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 616            

Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
Abraham-Lincoln-Straße 46 | 65189 Wiesbaden | Germany
phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 555 |
Media Information 2022 - Advertising rate card no. 59 Valid from 10/01/2021 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
Cross-media services

       Journals                  Online solutions                           Books                   Corporate Solutions

Also                                                                Print + digital
available as

                  Enhance your marketing with offprints of our specialist articles!
                  We offer reprints of our specialist articles – together with your advertisement – with their own cover and supplementary editorial
                  content on request. You can, for example, distribute these reprints at events, send them to selected customers or use them in internal
                  communications. Give us a call, and we’ll be happy to advise you:
                  Ingo Rosenstock | Sales Management | phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 146 |
Media Information 2022 - Advertising rate card no. 59 Valid from 10/01/2021 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
Table of content

Trade journal                                                                                                                                              Website
Title portrait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1   Portrait  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
Schedule and topics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2           Prices | advertising formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
Advertising rate card no. 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4                 Special form of advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
Job advertisements | business connections  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Special form of advertising: Cover page  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8                             Newsletter
Special forms of advertising: Corporate content formats  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9                                           Portrait  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20

International knowledge of the adhesive technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10                                             Prices | advertising formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22

Handbook adhesive technology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
Circulation and distribution analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
Range overview Print + Digital  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
Readership profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
Reader survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
Media Information 2022 - Advertising rate card no. 59 Valid from 10/01/2021 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
Trade journal
                                                                                                                                     Title portrait               1
1 Title:                adhäsion KLEBEN+DICHTEN                                         12 Advertising:           Ingo Rosenstock (Sales Mangement)
2 Brief description:	adhäsion KLEBEN+DICHTEN is the only German-language               		                        phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 146
                        trade journal for adhesives and sealing technologies. It        		              
                        addresses manufacturers and users of adhesives and                                        Thomas Heusler (Media Sales)
                        sealants and creates cross-sector synergies. It provides        		                        phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 312
                        practical information on subjects relating to raw               		              
                        materials, adhesives and sealants, equipment and plant          13 Editor:	Dr. Hubert Pelc (Editor-in-Chief)
                        engineering, applications, and research and develop-                                      phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 283
                        ment. The magazine reveals market trends and includes                           
                        reports on product developments, as well as infor-
                        mation on major trade fairs and other events.                   14 Scope analysis 2020 = 14 issues (incl. 4 issues in English):
3 Target group:	Decision-makers and specialists engaged in innovative                     Total volume                                          756 pages   =   100.0 %
                        joining and bonding technologies from sectors inclu-               Editional part                                       603 pages    =    79.8 %
                        ding: automotive, aviation, wood and furniture, paper              Advertisement part                                   153 pages    =    20.2 %
                        and packaging, construction, electronics, machinery                Supplements                                                  –
                        and appliances, and textiles
                                                                                        15 Content analysis of the editorial part:              603 pages    =   100.0 %
4 Frequency:            10 times a year
                                                                                           From the industry, trade fairs                       160 pages    =    26.5 %
5 Magazine size:        210 mm × 279 mm                                                    Reference sources                                    108 pages    =    17.9 %
6 Jahrgang:             66th volume 2022                                                   Research and development                              61 pages    =    10.1 %
7 Subscription price:   Yearly subscription                                                Market surveys                                        59 pages    =     9.8 %
		Germany                                              € 407 (incl. V.A.T. + p&p)        Cover story, topic of the month                       47 pages    =     7.8 %
                        Foreign countries        € 383.18 (excl. V.A.T. / incl. p&p)      Plant and equipment engineering                       37 pages    =     6.2 %
                        Single issue	                 € 47.29 (incl. V.A.T. + p&p)        Products                                              30 pages    =     5.0 %
                                                                                           Applications                                          28 pages    =     4.6 %
8 Official journal of:	–                                                                  Content, imprint                                      28 pages    =     4.6 %
9	Cooperation                                                                            Adhesives and sealants                                27 pages    =     4.5 %
    partners:           IVK, MKVS, FEICA                                                   Mostly clicked on Springer Professional               18 pages    =     3.0 %
10 Publishing company: Springer Vieweg
		                      Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
		                      Abraham-Lincoln-Str. 46 | 65189 Wiesbaden | Germany
		                      phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 0
11 Publisher:	–

Media Information 2022 - Advertising rate card no. 59 Valid from 10/01/2021 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
Trade journal
                                                                                                                                                            Schedule and topics

This overview of the subjects scheduled for 2022 is intended for your planning. We reserve the right to make changes if necessary.
For further information, please call + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 146 (Ingo Rosenstock)

Issue, month,   Fairs, events, congresses            Locations  Dates Raw materials Adhesives and                           Plants and    Applications      Market surveys Topic of the
(AD,CD, PD)1    		                                              2022                      sealants                          equipment                                      month
1/2 Jan./Feb.   22. Kolloquium: Gemeinsame Forschung                    Raw materials for                                   Modern test   Bonding in the    Wood adhesives Bio-based
AD 01/19/2022   in der Klebtechnik (DECHEMA)         Cologne   02/15–16 manufacturing                                       engineering   wood industry                    adhesives
CD 01/25/2022   JEC World                            Paris/FR  03/08–10 bio-based
PD 02/15/2022                                                           adhesives

3 March       Composite-Expo                              Moscow/RU        03/29–31                     Adhesive bonding UV curing        Bonding of        Additives for   Pressure-sensitive
AD 02/17/2022 in-adhesives                                Munich           03/30–31                     of plastics                       electronic and    adhesive        adhesives
CD 02/23/2022 ACHEMA                                      Frankfurt/Main   04/04–08                                                       optical systems   formulation
PD 03/15/2022
                                                                                                                       adhesion ADHESIVES&SEALANTS 2 issue 1
4 April       World Adhesive & Sealant Conference (WAC)   Chicago/US       04/25–27                     New sealants and                 Cleaning and    Sealants           Thermally
AD 03/21/2022 Hannover Messe                              Hanover          05/25–29                     casting resins                   pretreatment                       conductive
CD 03/28/2022 PaintExpo                                   Karlsruhe        04/26–29                                                                                         adhesives
PD 04/19/2022 MedtecLive                                  Nuremberg        05/03–05
              Control                                     Stuttgart        05/03–06
              SMTconnect                                  Nuremberg        05/10–12
              CWIEME                                      Berlin            05/10–12
5 May         Rapid.Tech 3D                               Erfurt           05/16–18 New adhesive        Textile adhesives                 Bonding in        Measuring and   Bonding in
AD 04/20/2022 Techtextil North America                    Atlanta/US        05/17–19 raw materials                                        medical           testing         electronics
CD 04/26/2022                                                                                                                             technology                        production
PD 05/16/2022

                                                                                                                      adhesion ADHESIVES&SEALANTS 2 issue 2
6 June        techtextil                                   Frankfurt/Main 06/21–24                      Adhesives for    Mixing and dosing Process-save 2K dosing systems Bonding in
AD 05/17/2022 Bremer Klebtage                              Bremen           06/22–23                    lightweight                        bonding                        vehicle body and
CD 05/23/2022 Int. Dresdner Leichtbausymposium             Dresden       06/30–07/01                    construction                                                      automotive
PD 06/17/2022                                                                                                                                                             manufacture
                                                                                       Print run: 20,000 copies | Target group: Automobile / Bonding technology / Lightweight construction 3
Media Information 2022 - Advertising rate card no. 59 Valid from 10/01/2021 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
Issue, month,       Fairs, events, congresses              Locations      Dates Raw materials Adhesives and Plants and               Applications Market surveys Topic of the
(AD,CD, PD)1        		                                                     2022                 sealants           equipment                                         month
7/8 July/Aug.       FEICA                                    Hamburg     09/14–16 Secondary     Heat resistant     Microdosing                    Reactive adhesives Bonding
AD 07/28/2022       IAA Nutzfahrzeuge                        Hanover     09/20–25 adhesive raw  adhesives          technology                     for electronics    technology for
CD 08/03/2022       HUSUM Wind                               Husum      September materials                                                                          electric mobility
PD 08/24/2022       PIAE - Internationaler Fachkongress zu
                    Kunststoffen im Automobilbau             Mannheim   September       adhesion ADHESIVES&SEALANTS 2 issue 3 | Adhesives Technology Compendium5
9 September         Fachpack                                 Nuremberg   09/27–29               Pressure sensitive Equipment for     Bonding and  Market survey 1: Preview on
AD 08/30/2022       Bondexpo/Motek                           Stuttgart   10/04–07               adhesives and      surface cleaning sealing in    Packaging          Bondexpo and
CD 09/05/2022       parts2clean                              Stuttgart   10/11–13               adhesive tapes     and pretreatment mechanical    adhesives          parts2clean
PD 09/23/2022                                                                                                                        engineering  Market survey 2:
10 October          K                                        Düsseldorf  10/19–26               Adhesives for      Quality assurance              1K dosing systems Adhesive bonding
Ad 09/20/2022       Münchner Klebstoff- und                                                     composite          equipment                                         of composites
CD 09/26/2022       Veredelungssymposium (MKVS)              Munich        October              materials
PD 10/17/2022

11 November Formnext                                                  Frankfurt/Main 11/15–18 New adhesive raw                        Modern test       Bonding in        Raw materials     Liquid Additive
AD 10/13/2022 Medica/Compamed                                         Düsseldorf     November materials                               engineering       lightweight       for adhesive      Manufacturing
CD 10/19/2022                                                                                                                                           construction      formulation
PD 11/15/2022
                                                                                                                                  adhesion ADHESIVES&SEALANTS 2 issue 4
12 December Bau                                                       Munich          01/09–14                     New sealants and Manual applicati-               Building adhesives Bonding and
AD 11/23/2022                                                                                                      casting resins    on systems                                        sealing in the
CD 11/29/2022                                                                                                                                                                          building industry
PD 12/19/2022

    AD = Advertising deadline | CD = Copy deadline | PD = Publication date
    In addition, 4 times a year we publish the special English-language issue „adhesion ADHESIVES+SEALANTS“, which includes an overview of the most important topics covered in the German edition and
     reaches adhesive and sealant manufacturers and users from various fields throughout Europe, the USA and Asia.
    Combination of magazines adhäsion, ATZ and the Springer Professional channel lightweight construction – special conditions according to advertising price list
    The English-language directory provides a comprehensive overview of suppliers of adhesive raw materials and adhesives as well as companies from the fields of equipment,
    research and service sector - supplemented by the latest legal regulations, European standards and test procedures as well as statistical overviews.
Subject preview also available online: and
Regular columns: practice-relevant issues from research and development | company-news | new products and events

Media Information 2022 - Advertising rate card no. 59 Valid from 10/01/2021 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
Advertising rate card no. 59, valid from 10/01/2021
                                                                                                                                     Trade journal
1 Advertisement formats and prices (prices in Euro)
  Total fee including the printed issue and linking inside the eMagazine.

  Format                                           Type area formats                    Format for bleed ads                 Basic price     2-colours*         3-colours*    4-colours*
                                                   width × height in mm                 width × height in mm**               b/w
  2/1 page                                         388 × 240                            420 × 279                                   5,406            6,561            7,715         8,869
  1/1 page                                         175 × 240                            210 × 279                                   2,881            3,519            4,157         4,795
  2/3 page      upright | horizontal               115 × 240 | 175 × 156                131 × 279 | 210 × 177                       2,023            2,634            3,272         3,909
  Juniorpage                                       115 × 178                            131 × 198                                   1,725            2,049            2,374         2,698
  1/2 page      upright | horizontal               85 × 240 | 175 × 117                 101 × 279 | 210 × 137                       1,551            1,875            2,199         2,522
  1/3 page      upright | horizontal               55 × 240 | 175 × 76                  63 × 279 | 210 × 86                         1,120            1,444            1,768         2,092
  1/4 page      upright | horizontal | block       40 × 240 | 175 × 56 | 85 × 117       46 × 279 | 210 × 63 | 101 × 137              904             1,124            1,344         1,563
* ISO scale | ** plus 3 mm bleed difference on all sides | Further formats on request
                                                                                                    2	Surcharge for advertising in the eMagazine
                                                                                                       (only in combination with printed advertisement)
                                                                                                       Type of advertising                  File format                          Price in €
                                                                                                       Audio or video integration           mp4 or YouTube-Video                  750

                                                                                                                                            .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp               500
                                                                                                       Picture gallery

                                                                                    Linking of your advertisement inside the eMagazine

Media Information 2022 - Advertising rate card no. 59 Valid from 10/01/2021 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
Advertising rate card no. 59, valid from 10/01/2021
                                                                                                                                          Trade journal
1 Advertisement formats and prices (prices in Euro)
  Format                                           Type area formats                    Format for bleed ads                 Basic price         2-colours*         3-colours*    4-colours*
                                                   width × height in mm                 width × height in mm**               b/w
  2/1 page                                         388 × 240                            420 × 279                                    5,156               6,311            7,465         8,619
  1/1 page                                         175 × 240                            210 × 279                                    2,631               3,269            3,907         4,545
  2/3 page      upright | horizontal               115 × 240 | 175 × 156                131 × 279 | 210 × 177                        1,773               2,384            3,022         3,659
  Juniorpage                                       115 × 178                            131 × 198                                    1,475               1,799            2,124         2,448
  1/2 page      upright | horizontal               85 × 240 | 175 × 117                 101 × 279 | 210 × 137                        1,301               1,625            1,949         2,272
  1/3 page      upright | horizontal               55 × 240 | 175 × 76                  63 × 279 | 210 × 86                               870            1,194            1,518         1,842
  1/4 page      upright | horizontal | block       40 × 240 | 175 × 56 | 85 × 117       46 × 279 | 210 × 63 | 101 × 137                   654               874           1,094         1,313
  1/8 page      upright | horizontal | block       55 × 86 | 175 × 25 | 85 × 56         –                                                 329               444             560             674

* ISO scale | ** plus 3 mm bleed difference on all sides | Further formats on request               2	Surcharge for advertising in the eMagazine
                                                                                                       (only in combination with printed advertisement)
Actual distributed circulation: 2,850 copies
                                                                                                       Type of advertising                      File format                          Price in €
                                                                                                       Audio or video integration               mp4 or YouTube-Video                  750
You can find our technical information and specifications for digital copy at:                                                                                                                      500
                                                                                                                                                .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp
Journal format:               210 mm wide × 279 mm long                                                Picture gallery
Print space:                  175 mm wide × 240 mm long
Printing and binding methods: Offset, adhesive binding                                                 Linked advertisement | Insertion         Link                                  250
                                                                                                       (e.g. logo, website)
Contactt:	                   Carmen Calvo-Zeller
                              (Ad Management)                                                          PDF download                             Link                                  250
                              phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 616

Media Information 2022 - Advertising rate card no. 59 Valid from 10/01/2021 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
Trade journal
                                                                        Advertising rate card no. 59, valid from 10/01/2021                                      P
2 Additional fees:                                                                     		Enclosures: (no discounts available)
  Placement:	        2nd, 3rd and 4th cover pages 4c                        € 523                            Loose, maximum size 203 mm x 272 mm
                      Binding placement requests                             € 523                            Up to 25 g per thousand                           € 340
                      Special-interest surcharge                            € 500                             Up to 30 g per thousand                            € 350
                                                                                                               Number of enclosures                          on request
  Colour: 	          Fee for special colours: fee for                                                         Prices for heavier enclosures                 on request
                      each additional colour, price                    on request
                                                                                         	                    Fixed enclosures: (no discounts available)
  Format:	           Ads over the binding:                 10 % of the b/w price                             Per thousand up to 25 g, incl. gluing costs,
                      Island position ads:                  60 % of the b/w price                             applicable only with purchase of a 1/1 page ad  € 200
                      Satellite position ads:               10 % of the b/w price                             Number of postcards                           on request
                      Ads running into the bleed:           20 % of the b/w price                             Larger and heavier formats                    on request
3 Discounts:          applicable for orders placed within the advertising year                                 (also applies for product samples)
  	                  Quantity Scale		                   Length Scale                  6 Contact:              Ingo Rosenstock (Sales Management)
                      For 3 ads                 3%             2 pages          5%    		                      phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 146
                      For 5 ads                 5%             5 pages        10 %    		            
                      For 7 ads               10 %             9 pages         15 %                           Thomas Heusler (Media Sales)
                      For 10 ads              15 %            12 pages        20 %    		                      phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 312
  	Only one discount scale may be applied.                                            		            
                      Discounts apply to all additional fees: colour, placement        7	
                                                                                         Payment conditions:	Payment within 10 days with 2% discount,
                      and bleed fees. Discounts do not apply to special costs                                  net within 30 days after invoice date.
                      or additional technical costs.                                                           15 % agency commission, agency status must be veri-
4 Columns:	          Job Advertisements / Business Connections             Page 6                            fied with the commissioning at the latest and in the
  	Source and supply index:                                                                                   form of an excerpt from the German Trade Register
                      Only orders for all issues of a year, 10 issues incl. special                            (Handels­register); valid for Germany: additional VAT
                      issues (no discounts available)                                                          applies to all prices listed; payment due: upon receipt of
                      per line and publication                              € 6.70                            invoice.
                      Logo, 4 colours (max. size 20 mm), per issue            € 30      Banking information:	Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
                      additional logo, per issue                              € 15                            Deutsche Bank Berlin
5 Special advertising Cover page                                            page 7                            Bank Nr. (BLZ): 100 700 00 | Account Nr.: 069700300
                                                                                                               Swift/BIC: DEUTDEBB
  forms:              Loose / Fixed Inserts: (no discounts available)                                          IBAN: DE09 1007 0000 0069 7003 00
		2-page                                                                 € 3,150
                      4-page                                              € 5,220
                      These prices apply for paper weights up to 170 g.                	You can find our general terms and conditions at
                      Delivered untrimmed, trimming on request.                
Job advertisements | business connections
                                                                          Supplement to advertising rate card no. 59, valid from 10/01/2021

Advertisement formats and prices (prices in Euro)
 Format                                        Type area formats                 Format for bleed ads              Basic price   2-colours*    3-colours*    4-colours*
                                               width × height in mm              width × height in mm**            b/w
 1/1 page                                      175 × 240                         210 × 279                               2,839         3,403         3,977         4,541
 2/3 page       upright                        115 × 240                         131 × 279                               2,009         2,411         2,813         3,214
 1/2 page       upright | horizontal           85 × 240 | 175 × 117              101 × 279 | 210 × 137                   1,425         1,712         1,999         2,276
 1/3 page       upright | horizontal | block   55 × 240 | 175 × 76 | 115 × 117   63 × 279 | 210 × 86 | 131 × 137         1,015         1,220         1,425         1,620
 1/4 page       upright | horizontal | block   40 × 240 | 175 × 56 | 85 × 117    46 × 279 | 210 × 63 | 101 × 137           784           941         1,098         1,255
 1/8 page       upright | block                55 × 86 | 85 × 56                 –                                         466           560           653           746

Classified ads available on request.

 * ISO scale
** plus 3 mm bleed difference on all sides
Applicable for Germany only – the current V.A.T. rate has to be added to all prices.
You‘ll find our general terms and conditions at

Extra charges                                                                                Contact:                Ingo Rosenstock (Sales Management)
for colours:              per special colour on request                                                              phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 146
Rate for box numbers: Euro 12 (Germany)
		                    Euro 16 (foreign countries)

Special form of advertising: Cover page
                                                                                      undivided attention!

          Your company in the focus of the target group!
          By occupying the title, you can be sure of the undivided attention
          of your target group:
          – exclusive and visible immediately*

          The special advertising form cover can be assigned as follows:

          Cover flap 			                                                  € 5,100
          Cover picture** 			                                             € 5,700

              1x bookable per issue
               The cover picture will be provided with your logo. You will receive a 1/1 page in the magazine including.

          Additional VAT applies to all prices listed. You can find our general terms and conditions at

          For further details please contact:
          Ingo Rosenstock (Sales Management)
          phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 146

Special forms of advertising: Corporate content formats
                                                                                                                          Attention-grabbing and target-oriented!

             Format: Best Practice                                       Format: Interview              Format: Company profile             Format: Roundtable
               „In the company“                                          „In conversation“                     „In view“                       „In discourse“

                  Scope: 1-2 pages                                          Scope: 1-2 pages                   Scope: 2 pages                   Scope: 4 pages
                    Components:                                               Components:                      Components:                       Components:
                 • Box with key facts                                         • 3-6 questions            • Portrait about the company          • Expert discussion
                                                                                                                                              on a specific subject
                   • Company logo                                   • Photo of the person interviewed      • Highlighting of news:
                                                                                                              e.g. new products,                   • Publication
             • Integrated interview box                               • Company portrait with logo         new corporate strategy,          (4 page follow-up report)
                   with 3 questions                                                                      new company structure etc.              in the magazine

Note: All corporate content formats are marked as a special advertisement publication.

Show your industry expertise and use these attractive forms of advertising
to bring your company into the focus of your target group!
We design individual offer packages for you according to your wishes and needs.

We will be happy to inform you about the various offers: Ingo Rosenstock (Sales Management)
						                                                   phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 146

International knowledge
                                                                                                                                   of the adhesive technology

                                               is publi
                                       Issue 3      H a m b u rg
                                               A in
                                      for FEIC                            5,000 copies distributed by industry:                     distributed by country:

                                                                          19 % Automotive engineering                               15 % Germany
                                                                          15 % Chemical industry                                    15 % Great Britain
                                    The special English-                  14 % Electrical engineering / Electronics                 13 % Eastern Europe
                                    language issue “adhesion              12 % Manufacture of rubber and adhesives                  12 % USA / Canada
                                    ADHESIVES+SEALANTS”                    9 % Mechanical engineering                               11 % Benelux
                                    is published 4 times a year            8 % Furniture sector                                     10 % France
                                    as an autonomous journal               7 % Steel / light metal construction                      6 % Italy
                                    for international markets.             6 % Construction                                          5 % Spain / Portugal
The magazine reaches international manufacturers and users                 5 % Paper and packaging                                   5 % Scandinavia
of adhesives and sealants and provides information across all              3 % Medicine / I&C technology, optics                     5 % China / India / Taiwan
industries. Readers receive up-to-date, diverse and practical              2 % Research and development                              4 % Austria / Switzerland
information, including information on the most important
trade fairs and events.

The circulation of 5,000 copies will be sent directly to
selected international industry experts.
                                                                                             adhesion 01.2022 adhesion 02.2022 adhesion 03.2022 adhesion 04.2022
For international trade fair displays, see page 2+3.
                                                                    Advertising deadline        02/17/2022            04/20/2022      07/28/2022          10/13/2022
Prices and formats see page 4.
                                                                    Copy deadline               02/23/2022            04/26/2022      08/03/2022          10/19/2022
                                                                    Publication date            03/15/2022            05/16/2022      08/24/2022          11/15/2022
                                                      ing an
                                           n book
                       d is co  u nt w h e           + DICHTE
                 ecial                sion KLE
                                               B E N
          10% sp              a d h ä
                  nal ad in                                        Individual advice: phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 146 (Ingo Rosenstock)

Handbook Adhesives Technology

                                                                                                                           Prices in €    Prices in €
                                                                              Forms of advertising                         IVK-members    Non-members
                                                                        1/1 page company profile b/w                              0          1,395
                                                                        Logo to company profile
                                                                                                                                295           350
                                                                        Print & Online incl. linking
                                                                        1/1 page ad 4c                                         1,795         1,950
                                                                        2/1 pages company profile
                                                                                                                               2,350         3,190
                                                                        + ad 4c
                                                                        valid for Germany: additional VAT applies to all prices listed.

Published once a year, alternately in German and English, in
cooperation with the German Adhesives Association, it offers                                                                Formats
a valuable overview of                                                                                                   in mm (wxh)
– Adhesives providers,                                                  Book format                                         148 x 210
– Adhesives manufacturers and                                           1/1 page (type area)                                130 x 190
–C ompanies from the equipment,
  research and service sectors.                                         1/1 page bleed ad
                                                                                                                            148 x 210
                                                                        (+ 3mm bleed allowance)
The target group consists of manufacturers and users of
adhesives and sealants in Germany and Europe.

Print circulation 5,000 copies + online distribution                       Adhesives Technology                               Dates
via Springer Professional and IVK.                                           Compendium 2022
                                                                        Advertising deadline                               07/18/2022
It will be published in German in August 2022.
                                                                        Copy deadline                                      07/25/2022
                                                                        Publication date                                   08/30/2022
Individual advice: phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 146 (Ingo Rosenstock)

Trade journal
                                                                                      Circulation and distribution analysis                                2
1 Circulation monitoring: –                                                     4	Digital distribution:
2 Circulation analysis:	average number of copies per issue in one year            All printed issues of adhäsion are also published in electronic form, as well
                         (July 1 2020 bis June 30 2021)                            as in the digital library, which is used by an
                                                                                   average of 0.32 million unique visitors per month.
                                                                                   (Source: AGOF daily digital facts 2021-03)
   Print run:                        3,000
   Actual distributed                2,850    of which, abroad:           168   5 Article downloads:
   circulation (ADC):                                                           	In the space of 12 months (July 2020 to June 2021) 1,132 adhäsion
                                                                                  articles were downloaded from
   Copies sold:                        840    of which, abroad:           128     (PDF downloads in the subscriber-only area, not including previews
   Subscription copies:                840    Member copies:                –     and HTML views). PDF downloads include advertisements.
   Individual sales:                     –
   Other sales:                          –
   Voucher copies:                   2,010
   Reminder, archive and               150
   record copies:

3 Geographical distribution analysis:

                                                        Percentage of
                                                        actual circulation
   Economic area                                           %       copies
   Germany                                               94.1        2,682
   Foreign countries                                      5.9           168
   Actual distributed circulation (ADC)                 100.0        2,850

3.1	Coverage in Germany structured according to postcode areas:
    current coverage upon request

Range overview Print + Digital

                                                                     Springer Professional                  Springer Link
                                                                     Unique User: 320,000                   (full-text articles in 2020)
                                                                     (AGOF daily digital facts 2021-03)     adhäsion:
Comprehensive B2B coverage                                           Article downloads
                                                                     adhäsion: 1,132                        adhesion:
Springer‘s diverse communication channels                            (July 2020 - June 2021)
enable you to reach specialists and mana-
gers in industrial adhesive and sealing
technology in an up-to-date, reliable and
sustainable manner.
With the ideal combination of print,            Print                                                                        digital multi-user licenses/
eMagazine and online, we meet the most          Print run: 3,000 copies                                                      IP-activations for
diverse information needs and reading           Subscription copies                                                          companies:
habits.                                         (incl. eMagazine + archive):
                                                840 copies
                                                                                        Print and more...                    adhäsion: 39,720 Users
                                                                                                                             (August 2021)
We pick up the reader wherever he or she is     (ø July 2020 - June 2021)
and are thus in direct contact with your tar-
get group – and far beyond.
We expand your advertising success
crossmedially!                                                         Newsletter                         eMagazine
                                                                       Kleb- und Dichttechnik:
                                                                       2,876 subscribers                  adhäsion: 11,818 PIs
                                                                       Maschinenbau+                      adhesion: 2,650 PIs
                                                                       Werkstoffe:                        (each in 2020)
                                                                       8,326 subscribers
                                                                       (July 2021)

Readership profile

Business sectors | subject areas | professional groups                      Size of business unit
Classification No.        Readership groups                   Percentage   Percentage
24                        Chemical industry                           24     1 up to 19 employees  30
34, 35                    Manufacture of motor vehicles /                    20 up to 99 employees  23
                          parts, other vehicles (shipbuilding,              100 up to 499 employees 22
                          rail vehicles, air and space)               18   500 and more employees  20
31, 32                    Electrical engineering, electronics         14   Not specified            5
33                        Medicine / MSR technology, optics            4   Total100
22, 21, 22                Wood, paper, printing and
                          publishing industries                       10
29                        Mechanical engineering                      12   Publisher`s own survey
45                        Construction industry                        8
17, 19                    Textile industry, leather industry           4
36                        Furniture/jewellery/sport/toys 3
74                        Services for companies                       2
                          Other                                        1
                          Total                                      100

Reader survey

adhäsion KLEBEN+DICHTEN                                       adhäsion KLEBEN+DICHTEN                                       adhäsion KLEBEN+DICHTEN
offers a lucrative target group.                              leads your customers directly to you.                         meets its readers' expectations.

                Position in the company                                            Decision-making responsibility                            Page traffic
         3%     Owner, co-owner                                       12 %         I make decisions independently          26 %              read every or nearly every page

         6%     Chairperson or managing director            35 %                   I make decisions with colleagues         21 %             read 3/4 of the pages
                Head of operations / head of                                       I prepare the decision-making
29 %            department: technical                50 %                          process                                29 %               read 1/2 of the pages

  21 %          Production engineer                                 18 %           I voice concrete recommendations        24 %              read 1/4 of the pages
                Head of operations / head of
         3%     department: managerial                        26 %                 I acquire information                               0 % read few or hardly any pages
  21 %          Other member of staff: technical               24 %                I contribute input / suggestions

         3%     Other member of staff: managerial                        9%        Not involved in decision-making

         6%     Instructor

       9%       Other

•	88 % of adhäsion     KLEBEN+DICHTEN readers are          •	93 % contact a company because of an advertise-               • 63 % p age contact score
   decison-makers, consultants or advisers.                        ment in adhäsion KLEBEN+DICHTEN, making it a crucial           guarantees the success of your ad.
                                                                   decision-making aid for this market.

Fachwissen. Digital. Finden.
                                                                                                                                Portrait                     1
1 Web adress (URL):
2 Brief description:	Within the Springer Professional* portal,
             offers contributions on innovative
                      joining technologies, cross-industry news on bonding
                      technology as well as current information on
                      application-related bonding technology research.
3 Target group:	Decision-makers and specialists engaged in innovative
                 joining and bonding technologies from sectors
                 including: automotive, aviation, wood and furniture,
                 paper and packaging, construction, electronics, machi-
                 nery and appliances, and textiles.
4 Publishing company:       Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
	Contact editor:	Dr. Hubert Pelc (Editor-in-Chief)
                   phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 283
	Contact advertising:	Ingo Rosenstock (Sales Management)
                         phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 146
  		Thomas Heusler (Media Sales)
                         phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 312
  	For agencies:	
                  Business Advertising GmbH
  		              phone + 49 (0) 211 / 17 93 47 – 0
5 Usage data:               Current usage data on request.
                                                                             * is an integral component of the information service
                                                                    Banners will be displayed on regular rotation within
                                                                             the subject area Mechanical Engineering + Materials. Further information
                                                                             about the channels on on page 15 and on request.

Fachwissen. Digital. Finden.
                                                                                   Portrait   1
1 Web adress (URL):
2 Brief description:	Excellent specialist editors select and compress current
                      topics in the fields of automation, surface technology,
                      manufacturing + assembly technology, design +
                      development, materials technology, lightweight
                      construction, bonding and sealing technology as well
                      as the major topic industry 4.0 for the target group.
3 Target group:	Decision-makers and engineers in the fields of mecha-
                 nical engineering, plant construction, construction,
                 production/materials technology.
4 Publishing company:       Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
	Contact editor:	Thomas Siebel
                   phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 261
	Contact advertising:	Ingo Rosenstock (Sales Management)
                          phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 146
  		Thomas Heusler (Media Sales)
                          phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 312
  	For agencies:	
                  Business Advertising GmbH
                  phone + 49 (0) 211 / 17 93 47 – 0
5 Usage data:               Current usage data on request.

Fachwissen. Digital. Finden.
                                                                                                                 Prices | advertising formats                          P
1 Advertisement formats and prices (prices in Euro)

      Web                                                                               pixel format                          cpm                            kb
      Fullsize banner                                                                     468 × 60                            100                          max. 120
      Superbanner (big size)                                                              728 × 90                            100                          max. 120
      Skyscraper                                                                          120 × 600                           110                          max. 120
      Wide skyscraper                                                              160 or 200 × 600                           110                          max. 120
      Medium rectangle                                                                    300 × 250                           100                          max. 120
      Wallpaper (superbanner + skyscraper)*                                               728 × 90 +                          180                     each max. 120
                                                                                          120 × 600
      Billboard                                                        770 | 800 | 870 or 970 × 250                           180                          max. 120
      Half page                                                                           300 × 600                           180                          max. 120
    Background colouring on request.

Details on special ad formats on request.

2 Discounts:                     Conditions agreed on for print media do not apply for            Banking information: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
                                 online media.                                                                         Deutsche Bank Berlin
3 Payment conditions:            Payment within 10 days with 2% discount,                                              Bank Nr. (BLZ): 100 700 00 | Account Nr.: 069700300
                                 net within 30 days after invoice date.                                                Swift/BIC: DEUTDEBB
                                 15 % agency commission, agency status must be veri-                                   IBAN: DE09 1007 0000 0069 7003 00
                                 fied with the commissioning at the latest and in the
                                 form of an excerpt from the German Trade Register                You can find our general terms and conditions at
                                 (Handelsregister); valid for Germany: additional VAT   
                                 applies to all prices listed; payment due: upon receipt of

Online special forms of advertising
                                                                                                                             Interact with the target group!

                 Format: Webinar                                          Format: Podcast                                Format: Branchenmonitor

     Opportunities and benefits:                             Opportunities and benefits:                             Opportunities and benefits:
     • convey content live and interactively                 • for new customer acquisition                          • standalone newsletter to the
                                                                                                                       subscribers of our Springer
     • accompanied or steered by a competent specialist      • for the training of customers and employees             Professional newsletters
                                                             • as an ideal medium for information with little time   • optical design in the look & feel
     • presentation of products/services                       investment and technical hurdles                        of our Springer Professional
     • virtual, direct exchange with your target group       • to strengthen the brand: good moderators transport      newsletters
                                                               your brand in an image-enhancing way                  • you provide the content,
     • lead generation
                                                             • as a „personal companion“, podcasts have a high         we take over the design
                                                               level of recognition

About the various offers will be happy to inform you:     Ingo Rosenstock (Sales Management)
                                                          phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 146
powered by
                 Fachwissen. Digital. Finden.
                                                                                     Portrait   1
1 Name:                        Newsletter Kleb- und Dichttechnik
		                             of Springer Professional
2 Brief description:	The newsletter provides readers with summaries of
                      news on adhesive technologies and from the industry.
                      It also informs readers about upcoming fairs and events
                      in the adhesives sector.
3 Target group:	Decision-makers and specialists engaged in innovative
                 joining and bonding technologies from sectors
                 including: automotive, aviation, wood and furniture,
                 paper and packaging, construction, electronics,
                 machinery and appliances, and textiles.
4 Frequency:                   fortnightly on Wednesdays,
		                             every 2nd and 4th week of the month
5 Publishing company: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
	Contact editor:	Dr. Hubert Pelc (Editor-in-Chief)
                   phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 283
	Contact advertising:	Ingo Rosenstock (Sales Management)
                         phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 146
    Thomas Heusler (Media Sales)
    phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 312
6 Usage data: 	2,876 subscribers (July 2021)

Fachwissen. Digital. Finden.
                                                                                   Portrait   1
1 Name:                     Newsletter Maschinenbau + Werkstoffe
2 Brief description:	The newsletter provides readers with relevant topics
                      from the fields of automation, surface technology,
                      manufacturing + assembly technology, design +
                      development, materials technology, lightweight
                      construction, bonding and sealing technology and
                      industry 4.0.
3 Target group:	Decision-makers and engineers in the fields of
                 mechanical engineering, plant construction,
                 construction, production/materials technology.
4 Frequency:                fortnightly on Thursday (uneven calendar weeks)
5 Publishing company:       Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
	Contact editor:	Thomas Siebel
                    tel + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 261
  Contact advertising:	Ingo Rosenstock (Sales Management)
                         phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 146
  	Thomas Heusler (Media Sales)
                         phone + 49 (0) 611 / 78 78 – 312
6 Usage data:               8,326 subscribers (July 2021)

powered by
                         Fachwissen. Digital. Finden.
                                                                                                               Prices | advertising formats                P
1 Advertisement formats and prices (prices in Euro)
     Advertisement formats newsletter Kleb- und Dichttechnik                             pixel format                      fixed price            kb
      Text ad + logo/pictures (gif or jpeg)1                                  pic 140 × 100, text 300 characters 2             500               max. 45
      Text ad + logo/pictures (gif or jpeg)1                                  pic 140 × 100, text 650 characters 2             600               max. 45
      Fullsize banner (gif or jpeg)1                                                       468 × 60                            600               max. 45
      Rectangle (gif or jpeg)1                                                            300 × 250                            600               max. 45
      Super banner (gif or jpeg)1                                                         600 × 315                            800               max. 45

     Advertisement formats newsletter Maschinenbau + Werkstoffe                           pixel format                     fixed price            kb
      Text ad + logo/pictures (gif or jpeg)1                                   pic 140 × 100, text 300 characters 2            650               max. 45
      Text ad + logo/pictures (gif or jpeg)1                                   pic 140 × 100, text 650 characters 2            800               max. 45
      Fullsize banner (gif or jpeg)1                                                       468 × 60                            800               max. 45
      Rectangle (gif or jpeg)1                                                             300 × 250                           800               max. 45
      Super banner (gif or jpeg)1                                                          600 × 315                          1,000              max. 45
    not animated files
    incl. spaces

2 Discounts:	            Conditions agreed for print media will not                        You can find our general terms and conditions at:
                          be applied for online media, on request                 
3 	Payment conditions:	Payment within 10 days with 2% discount,
                          net within 30 days after invoice date.                            You can find our specifications for online advertising at :
                          15 % agency commission, agency status must be verified  
                          with the commissioning at the latest and in the form of
                          an excerpt from the German Trade Register (Handels­
                          register); valid for Germany: additional VAT applies to all
                          prices listed; payment due: upon receipt of invoice.
    Banking information:	Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
                          Deutsche Bank Berlin
                          BLZ: 100 700 00 | Account: 069700300
                          Swift/BIC: DEUTDEBB
                          IBAN: DE09 1007 0000 0069 7003 00
A world of information from the
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