Media data 2022 (1) - diagnostik trillium - Trillium GmbH

Page created by Teresa Joseph
Media data 2022 (1) - diagnostik trillium - Trillium GmbH
Journal for
  trillium                                                                     interdisciplinary medicine
  diagnostik                                                                               ISSN 2198-1310

Media data 2022 (1)
– valid from 01.01.2022 –

                        Trillium GmbH Medizinischer Fachverlag – Medical publisher
   Jesenwanger Straße 42 b | D-82284 Grafrath | Phone number: +49 8144 93905-0 | Fax +49 8144 93905-29
                               Managing Director: Dipl.-Kfm. Martin Hoffmann
Profile & Distributor

Since 2003, Trillium Diagnostik is reporting four times a year on inno-                       With this mix of topics, we have earned a high reputation over seven-
vative developments and products in medicine, with a focus on in vitro                        teen years thanks to renowned expert authors. Our strength lies in
diagnostics (IVD):                                                                            making complex issues understandable and identifying trends at an
• Proven and innovative test methods from laboratory medicine,                               early stage. Today, Trillium Diagnostics serves thousands of readers
   microbiology, transfusion medicine, human genetics and pathology                           as a valuable source of knowledge and a basis for decision-making.
• Advances in information and automation technology
• New management concepts to increase efficiency and cost-effective-                         Our readers are your target group
   ness in the laboratory
                                                                                              The print run is 10,000 copies; of these, 5,000 go to subscribers, 1,400
 Distribution key (print run 10,000)                                                          we send to medical and commercial managers in hospitals, and 3,000
 Status September 2021                                                                        are distributed as part of media cooperations at congresses and asso-
                                                                                              ciation meetings as well as via a topic-specific alternating mailing. With
                                                                                              our group subscriptions, we reach laboratory physicians and senior
 Hospitals 14 %                                                  Topic-specific
                                                                                              MTAs all over Germany, organized in associations as well as numerous
 (commercial and                                            partnerships 30 %
 medical management)                                   (Professional congresses               partner associations from innovative areas of medicine across the
                                                           association meetings               board.
                                                           and bills of exchange)
                                                                                              For decision-makers in the healthcare sector, we offer clear formats
                                                         Archive & Authors-/                  such as tables and info boxes that enable even the non-specialist to
                                                       Company receipts 6 %                   get a quick overview of the market. Our strong presence at trade con-
 Subscribers 50 %                                                                             ferences ensures that Trillium Diagnostik is available exactly where
 (Associations, laboratories,                                                                 you are also represented with your employees.
 companies, individuals)

Partner associations

                                                                                       Berufsverband                                                     Berufsvereinigung der
      Akkreditierte Labore                                                               Deutscher                                                      Naturwissenschaftler in
       in der Medizin e. V.             Ärztliches Qualitätslabor e. V.              Laborärzte BDL e. V.                   BIO Deutschland e. V.       der Labordiagnostik e. V.

                                                                                                                         Deutsche Gesellschaft für
    Bundesverband Deutscher                 Deutsche Gesellschaft                                                          Klinische Chemie und           Netzwerk Diagnostik
      Pathologen BDP e. V.                  für Immunologie e. V.                        DELAB e. V.                    Laboratoriumsmedizin e. V.      Berlin-Brandenburg e. V.

 Deutsches Institut zur Weiterbildung                                     Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische                                      Interdisziplinäre Gruppe für
 für Technologie und Analytik in der      Forum MedTech                           Informatik, Biometrie                      German Society for            Labormedizin und
            Medizin e. V.                   Pharma e. V.                         und Epidemiologie e. V.                    Extracellular Vesicles   Durchflusszytometrie IGLD e. V.

                                        Innovations- und Gründer­                  Schweizerische Union                      Verband der                Vereinigung Deutscher
        Healthcare Saarland               zentrum Biotechnologie                     für Labormedizin                  Diagnostica-Industrie e. V.   Biotechnologie-Unternehmen

                                                                          Trillium Diagnostik Media Data 2022 | p. 2
Editorial supported formats
                                                                                                                                            (Double-) page
 Special publications are particularly suitable for presenting your pro-                                                                    as special publication
 duct in more detail - e.g. through a user report, an interview or the pre-
 sentation of results of new scientific studies. The articles are created by a
 freelance journalist or one of your users in cooperation with our editorial
                                                                                                       1/1                   2/1            Number of characters (without images) up to:
                                                                                                                                            1/1 page approx. 4,000
 team and can be edited and approved by you. An attractive layout with a                                                                    2/1 pages approx. 8,500
 gray background and mentioning your company's friendly support com-                                                                        Price 1/1 page: 3,980 €
 plete the overall picture.                                                                                                                 Price 2/1 pages: 6,980 €
                                                                                                                                            Prices plus author's fee if applicable

                                                                1/1-page                                                 1/2-page                                      1/4-page
                                                                Portrait                                                 Landscape                                     Portrait
 Information boxes within the
 Trillium layout are particularly sui-
 table for presenting your products
                                                                Number of                                                Number of                                     Number of
 and services. They are perceived
                                                                characters:                                              characters:                                   characters:
 by our readers as high-quality
                                                                approx. 3,200                                            approx. 1,500                                 approx. 650
 information and comply with
 German press law, that requires
                                                                Price: 3,980 €                                           Price: 2,680 €                                Price: 1,780 €
 the separation of editorial and
 advertising contributions. For this
 purpose we need descriptive text,                                                         2/1-page
 your company logo, a figure or                                                            Portrait
 image and the contact address.
 Design of the product information
 box and support from our speci-
 alized editorial team are included
 in the price.                                                                             Number of characters:
                                                                                           approx. 6,400

                                                                                           Price: 6,980 €

                                                       All prices are subject to statutory value added tax.

Market overviews & offprints
                                                                                        Table columns                                            Business cards
 We publish system and test overviews in                                                                                                         1/6 Page
 tabular form or in business card format in
                                                                                        information in a
 the context of high-quality neutral technical
                                                                                        table column                                             • Company Logo
 articles, thus ensuring a high attention effect
 for you.                                                                                                                                        • Contact person
 Our overviews do not claim to be complete                                              Price: 1,680 €                                           • Text
 and are based on manufacturer information.                                             Booking discount                                         Number of characters
                                                                                        • second column 25 %                                     approx. 300
                                                                                        • third column 50 %                                      Price: 980 €

 Reprints consist of your unchanged con-
 tributions from Trillium Diagnostik.
 We design offprints in coordination with                     Reprints                         1-page         2-pages        4-pages      6-pages        8-pages
 you individually, for example in conjunc-                    (inkl. Druck + Versand)
 tion with neutral technical articles.
 With the typical Trillium layout, you convey                 500 units                         620 €              720 €      1.460 €     2.140 €          2.780 €
 seriousness and achieve a high recognition
 effect at your own events, at trade fairs or                 1.000 units                       680 €              800 €       1.620 €    2.400 €          3.020 €
 when mailing.
                                                              2.000 units                       780 €              920 €      1.840 €     2.780 €          3.400 €
 Technical specifications
                                                              3.000 units                       880 €              1.040 €    2.080 €     3.140 €          3.760 €
 Format: 	DIN A4, 210 x 297 mm
           as insert max. 205 x 292 mm                        5.000 units                      1.040 €             1.240 €    2.500 €     3.720 €          4.340 €
 Print: 	Digital- or offset printing –                       10.000 units                     1.460 €             1.720 €    3.020 €     5.180 €          5.760 €
          depending on print run,
          Paper 135 g/m²,
                                                            Offprints: plus additional costs for typesetting and layout (prices on request).
          Four-color printing,
          Glossy picture printing
                                                            E-License: 950 € (can be used for an unlimited time).

                                                       All prices are subject to statutory value added tax.

                                                                    Trillium Diagnostik Media Data 2022 | p. 3
Image- and job advertisements

                                                                                                                  Cover flap

 Image ads: We recommend image ads as a series

 spread over the entire year or as a topic- or trade                                                              • Format: W 110 x H 297 mm
 conference-related individual placement.                                                                         • left plus 6 mm, all other pages
 Job-ads can be booked at a discount of 25 % on                                                                   plus 3 mm trimming allowance
 the specified image advertising prices.                                                                          • leave 80 mm free at top of front page for title page
                                                                                                                  Price: 5,980 €

                                        Panorama-display                                    1/1-Page                                                1/2-Page Landscape
                                        „1st double page“
                                                                                            • T rimmed format:
                                        (p. 4/5)
                                                                                              W 210 x H 297 mm*
       p.4               p.5                                                                  Price: 3,980 €                                        • in type area:
                                                                                                                                                       W 179 x H 112 mm
                                        • T rimmed format:                                 Special placements                                      • trimmed:
                                          W 420 x H 297 mm*                                 • next to content: 4,580 €                                W 210 x H 139 mm*
                                                                                            • Cover pages (U2/U4):
                                        Price: 7,280 €                                         Price: 4,880 €                                       Price: 2,680 €

                       1/2-Page Portrait                                                    1/3-Page Landscape                                      1/3-Page Portrait

                       • in type area:                                                     • in type area:                                        • in type area:
                          W 89 x H 248 mm                                                      W 179 x H 79 mm                                         W 57 x H 248 mm
                       • trimmed:                                                          • trimmed:                                             • trimmed:
                          W 105 x H 297 mm*                                                    W 210 x H 100 mm*                                       W 72 x H 297 mm*

                       Price: 2,680 €                                                       Price: 2,180 €                                          Price: 2,180 €
* Plus 3 mm trimming allowance on all pages.
Advertisements in the type area without a limitation or full background are provided with a gray line (0.5 pt)..
                                                          All prices are subject to statutory value added tax.

Special advertising formats & conditions
                                                                       Bookmarks                                                             Inserts
 Special advertising for-
 mats                                                                                                                                        • Format up to:
 offer an eye-catcher for                                              • Format up to:                                                         W 205 x H 292 mm
 potential customers. By                                                  W 110 x H 292 mm                                                   • Paper: for flyers max. 135 g/m²
 inserting them in a specific                                          • Texts 5 mm from the                                                • Weight: up to 25 g
 place, your articles in the                                              binding site                                                       each additional 20 g surcharge
 magazine are preferential-                                            • Delivery ready for gluing                                          25 €
 ly opened by readers and                                                 including ribbon (length                                           Price per 1,000 pieces:
 thus highlighted once again.                                             approx. 380 mm)                                                    340 € at non-specific place
 Bookmarks are glued to the                                            Price: 4,980 €                                                        380 € at specific place
 U3, together with a ribbon
 and are thus firmly atta-          Delivery ready for further processing; production costs on request.                                      420 € pasted at specific place
 ched to the booklet.

Special conditions on advertisements and
                                                                                    Reference prices Trillium Diagnostik
editorial product information boxes
                                                                                    Single issue € 12.00
Multiple booking discount:
For multiple bookings within one calendar year we offer                             Annual subscription               Price per issue          Total price per year
the following discount levels (not retroactive):
from 3-fold placement: 5 %
from 4-fold placement: 10 %                                                         1 subscription                          9.50 €                    38.00 €
                                                                                    3 subscriptions                         7.50 €                    90.00 €
Table and business card overviews are not deductible.
                                                                                    10 subscriptions                        6.00 €                   240.00 €
AE-commission: 10 %                                                                 25 subscriptions                        4.50 €                   450.00 €

                                                                                    An annual subscription corresponds to four issues and is automatically renewed
                                                                                    for one year at a time. Written notice of cancellation is possible until December 1 of
                                                                                    the current year.
                                                                                    Subscription prices include statutory value-added tax and shipping costs..

                                                          All prices are subject to statutory value added tax.

                                                                     Trillium Diagnostik Media Data 2022 | p. 4
Overview 2022

           Issue 1/2022 | Publication date: 24.03.2022 | Deadline for advertisements/print documents: 20.01.2022
 Focus topic               NEUROLOGY
 Test and system           Urinary laboratory (table), SARS-CoV-2 incl. consumables, IT solutions for the laboratory, CNS markers, pediatric laboratory/
 overviews                 newborn screening, breast cancer diagnostics (incl. prediction and prognostics), histopathology, automation pathology,
                           laboratory consultation
 Planned                   Laboratory medicine and IT         Pathology                              Pediatrics/Neurology             IT and informatics
 topic-specific media      analytica 2022                     105. Annual Meeting of the             48. Annual Meeting of the        DMEA 2022
 partnerships* with        21.–24.06.2022, Munic              German Society of Pathology            Society for Neonatology and      26.–28. April 2022, Berlin
 conferences and                                              (DGP)                                  Pediatric Intensive Care Medi-
 trade fairs               8. Mitteldeutsche                  09.–11. June 2022, Münster             cine e. V. (GNPI)                67. GMDS-Annual Meeting and
                           Laborkonferenz                                                            19.–21. May 2022, Aachen         13. TMF-Annual congress
                           (t. b. a.)                         22. Federal Congress of Patho-                                          21.–25. August 2022, Kiel
                                                              logy Berlin (BDP)                      95. Congress of the German
                           Laborforum Sysmex & Partner        (t. b. a.)                             Society of Neurology (DGN)
                           (t. b. a.)                                                                (t. b. a.)
                                                              (t. b. a.)

                                                              Bamberger Morphology Days
                                                              (t. b. a.)

           Issue 2/2022 | Publication date: 23.06.2022 | Deadline for advertisements/print documents: 21.04.2022
 Focus topic               IMMUNOLOGY
 Test and system           Automation in immunohematology (Table), molecular blood typing, autoimmune analyzers (Table),
 overviews                 HLA/complement diagnostics, automation microbiology (incl. LIS modules), sexually transmitted infections (STI),
                           diagnostics of mycoses
 Planned                   Immunology                         Transfusion medicine/                  Infectiology                     Laboratory medicine
 topic-specific media                                         Transplant medicine
 partnerships* with        50th Annual Meeting of the         Annual Meeting of the Ger-             Annual Meeting of the German     SULM-Conference 2022
 conferences and           German Society for                 man Society for                        Society for Hygiene and Micro-   (t. b. a.)
 trade fairs               Immunology (DGfI)                  Transfusion Medicine and               biology (DGHM) e. V., VAAM
                           07.–10. September 2022, Hannover   Immunohematology (DGTI)                04.–07. September 2022, Berlin   21. Annual Meeting of the
                                                              21.–23. September 2022, Mannheim                                        Working Group of Accredited
                           17. German Allergy Congress                                               Infektio Update                  Laboratories
                           (DAK) (AeDA, DGAKI, GPA)          31. Annual Meeting of the               20.–21. May 2022, Berlin         (t. b. a.)
                           08.–10. September 2022, Wiesbaden German Transplant Society
                                                             (DTG 2022)
                           Dresdner Symposium on             29. September – 01. October 2022,
                           Autoantibodies (GFID)             Erlangen
                           (t. b. a.)

* This issue is to be distributed in each case via the        Subject to change without notice. All information without guarantee. A constantly updated overview of all
congress folders or displayed at the trade press stand.        planned topics can be found at

                                                                    Trillium Diagnostik Media Data 2022 | p. 5
Overview 2022

            Issue 3/2022 | Publication date: 22.09.2022 | Deadline for advertisements/print documents: 21.07.2022
 Focus topic                SPORTS MEDICINE
 Test and system            Automation clinical chemistry and immunochemistry (Table), perianalytics, NAT extraction/amplification/detection (Table),
 overviews                  drug- testing and toxicology (TDM/Tox/DOA), hematology automation, gastrointestinal infections, gastrointestinal tumors
                            and colorectal cancer screening, Next Generation Sequencing (incl. evaluation software)
 Planned                    Laboratory medicine                 Infectiology                             Oncology                     Emergency medicine/POCT
 topic-specific media       Annual conference of the            Freiburg Infectiology and                Annual meeting from DGHO,    17th Annual Meeting of the
 partnerships* with         DGKL e. V., Symposium for           Hygiene Congress                         OeGHO, SGMO and SGH          German Society for Interdisci-
 conferences and            Biomedical Analytics                t. b. a., vsl. October 2022, Freiburg    07.–10. October 2022, Wien   plinary Emergency and Acute
 trade fairs                14.–15. October 2022, Mannheim                                                                            Medicine (DGINA)
                                                                German Infectiology-Update                                            (t. b. a.)
                            MEDICA                              02.–04. December 2022, Hamburg
                            14.–17. November 2022, Düsseldorf

                            IGLD 2023
                            (t. b. a.)

            Issue 4/2022 | Publication date: 22.12.2022 | Deadline for advertisements/print documents: 20.10.2022
 Focus topic                SEPSIS
 Test and system            Coagulation automation (table), vWF- and ADAMTS- diagnostics, diagnostics of leukemias, lymphomas and multiple myelomas, respiratory
 overviews                  infections, sepsis
 Planned                    Laboratory medicine                 Hemostaseology                          Infectiology                  Cytometry
 topic-specific media       IGLD 2023                           Annual meeting der GTH                  Annual Meeting of the Society DiGifZ 2023
 partnerships* with         (t. b. a.)                          (t. b. a.)                              for Virology                  (t. b. a.)
 conferences and                                                                                        (t. b. a.)
 trade fairs                BDL-Annual meeting
                            (t. b. a.)

                            Laboratory Forum
                            Hannover 2022
                            (t. b. a.)

* This issue is to be distributed in each case via the con-     Subject to change without notice. All information without guarantee. A constantly updated overview of all
gress folders or displayed at the trade press stand.             planned topics can be found at

                                                                       Trillium Diagnostik Media Data 2022 | p. 6

Trillium Diagnostik, ISSN 2198-1310
General Informations
Publication frequency: quarterly | Print run: 10,000 copies
Magazine format: DIN A4, 210 x 297 mm | Type area: 179 x 248 mm
Print data: Images with min. 300 dpi resolution | CMYK mode | Font converted to paths
File formats: JPG, (print-)PDF, TIF, EPS (please no open files)
Printing: Offset | four-color printing | adhesive binding

Prof. Dr. Georg Hoffmann (Publisher)
Dr. Sabine Ramspott (Chief editor, V. i. S. d. P.), +49 8144 93905-14
Dr. Gabriele Egert (Editorial management, Innovation & Market), +49 4487 99827-66

Department management
Microbiology: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Andreas Ambrosch
Laboratory medicine: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Gruber
Pathology: Prof. Dr. Christopher Poremba

Marketing & Sales
Michaela Schwalbe, +49 8144 93905-12

Production & Design
Manuela Steinert (subscription management), +49 8144 93905-10
Christina Hoffmann (Graphics)

                            Trillium GmbH Medizinischer Fachverlag – Medical publisher
             Jesenwanger Straße 42 b | D-82284 Grafrath | Tel. +49 8144 93905-0 | Fax +49 8144 93905-29
                                   Managing Director: Dipl.-Kfm. Martin Hoffmann

                                                     Trillium Diagnostik Media Data 2022 | p. 7
The following General Terms and Conditions (GTC) shall also apply to all future         Advertisements which are not or only with difficulty recognizable as advertise-
advertising orders, both for printed products of the publisher and for all other        ments due to their editorial design may be marked accordingly by the publisher.
forms of publication (e.g. the publisher's website or digital data carriers).           The publisher is authorized to reject orders for advertisements, supplements
Therefore, the formulations of these GTC with regard to the printed products            or bound-in inserts, even if confirmed as binding, in accordance with uniform,
always correspondingly include all other forms of publication.                          objectively justified principles of the publisher, if, in the publisher's due dis-
                                                                                        cretion, their content violates applicable legal standards, official regulations or
Conclusion of contract:                                                                 good morals, or if their publication is unacceptable to the publisher. The
If a customer places an advertising order, he acts in his own name and for his          publisher can only decide whether to accept a print order after a sample has
own account, unless otherwise declared. The prices and discounts shown in               been submitted.
the price list can be calculated uniformly for all customers. Contractual contents
are exclusively determined in writing (as a rule via the order confirmation).           Unless special size specifications have been agreed, the advertisement shall
Ancillary agreements of any kind, including those with representatives or               be set by the publisher in the format customary for this purpose and the actual
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                                                                                        result of changes requested by the customer to the originally agreed design
Cancellations of advertisements, supplements and bound inserts after the                shall be borne by the customer.
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individually will be charged at the full agreed rate.                                   safekeeping and timely forwarding within the scope of due commercial care.
If special advertising formats or preferential placements are cancelled four            For the forwarding of any offers or messages, customary means of transmission
weeks or less before the advertising deadline, the customer/agency will be              (e.g. by post) shall apply without special costs (e.g. for accelerated processing).
charged 50% of the agreed remuneration as cancellation costs. For cancellati-           In the event of loss or delay in the transmission of offers, warranty claims and
ons two weeks or more before the advertising deadline, the full agreed remu-            claims for damages are excluded to the extent permitted by law. The publisher
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Discounts shall not apply if the customer does not accept agreed advertisements,        checking purposes in order to protect against misuse of the numbering service.
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                                                                                        Invoicing, due date, payment, default:
Mutual rights and obligations:                                                          Unless otherwise agreed, invoices are payable within 14 days of the invoice
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The publisher only guarantees the technically correct reproduction of the
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                                                                                        The prices listed in the media data apply. In the case of longer running orders,
As a rule, proofs are only supplied upon express request for an appropriate             the new prices come into effect in the event of changes - unless other agree-
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ding place surcharge and explicit written confirmation to this effect is given by
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publisher has the right to cancel the order. The customer can only cancel
advertisements in writing up to the editorial deadline for the respective issue
in writing.

                                                                     Trillium Diagnostik Media Data 2022 | p. 8
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