Measuring the Impact of Covid-19 - on the Foam and Adhesives & Bonding Industries

Page created by Marc Reid
Measuring the Impact of Covid-19 - on the Foam and Adhesives & Bonding Industries
Measuring the
Impact of Covid-19
on the Foam and
Adhesives & Bonding
    hich organizations are likely to need financial assistance
    within the near future
  How organizations are pivoting their manufacturing
  activities to stay operational
    hich business activities will be front and center in
    company investment strategies over the next 24 months
Survey Demographics
                                                                                      Who took part in the survey?

                                                                                      Type of organization
                                                                                      Foam / Adhesives & Bonding Manufacture		 30%
                                                                                      Converter / Fabricator					21%
Welcome to the Measuring the              outbreak of the global pandemic in
                                                                                      Supplier of Chemicals / Raw Materials / Additives		 17%
Impact of Covid-19 on the Foam and        March 2020. We invited a panel of four      End-User / OEM / Component Manufacturer		 17%
Adhesives & Bonding Supply Chain          industry experts to review the results in   Supplier of Manufacturing Equipment / Tools		       7%
report.                                   a live webinar and discuss the current      Testing / Engineering Services				3%
                                          status of the market and how they view      Other								3%
We hope you are safe, healthy and well,   the future of the industries. Some of the   Supplier Surface Treatment and Coatings			          2%
and that you have personally managed      points they made are included in this       Academia / Research
Which markets / industries do you serve?
                                                 The respondents serve a variety of end-user verticals:

                                   Automotive                                                                                        76%
                                      Medical                                                                                        60%
                                 Construction                                                                                        57%
                                    Packaging                                                                                        54%
                   Electronics and Appliances                                                                                        51%
                      Aerospace and Defense                                                                                          45%
                   Apparel, Sports and Leisure                                                                                       34%
                                        Other                                                                                        5%

                                                 Before the pandemic, list the top three performing markets for your organization:
                                  Automotive                                                                                         23%
                                 Construction                                                                                        15%
                                   Packaging                                                                                         13%
                Consumer Goods & Appliances                                                                                          12%
                                      Medical                                                                                        12%
                                   Electronics                                                                                        8%
                        Aerospace & Defense                                                                                           6%
                       Furniture and Bedding                                                                                          6%
                     Apparel, Sports & Leisure                                                                                        3%
                                       Marine                                                                                         2%

                                                 How would you describe the state of your organization’s growth before the Covid-19 outbreak?
           Performing in-line with projections                                                                                       54%
  Performing beyond projections (sustainably)                                                                                        20%
 Performing below projections (but optimistic)                                                                                       20%
Performing beyond projections (unsustainably)                                                                                         3%
                                  I don’t know                                                                                        2%
                Performing below projections                                                                                          1%
            (expect performance to continue)
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on businesses
in the Foam and Adhesives & Bonding Supply Chain

JANUARY 9%                                   MARCH 65%
          FEBRUARY 19%
                                                                                         WE ARE NOT YET EXPERIENCING IMPACT 7%

Given the spread of the virus from the
end of December 2019 throughout China
                                             65% of all organizations indicate March as
                                             the month they started to feel the economic
                                                                                                              “We’ve seen that
and the rest of East Asia, some business     impact. On March 11, 2020, President Trump                     Covid-19 has really
already started noticing economic impact     suspended nearly all foreign travel as a
before the virus outbreak was declared       response to the WHO’s categorization of                 created and highlighted
a pandemic by the WHO on March 11,
2020. Although only 9% of the total
                                             the disease as a pandemic and most states
                                             had entered lockdown by the end of the                  focus on vulnerabilities
respondents indicated to have started
noticing an impact as early as January,
                                             month [Map of start dates USA Stay at
                                             Home Order]. A majority of converters and
                                                                                                          in the supply chain
nearly a quarter (23%) of end-users /        fabricators (72%), foam and adhesives and                      resulting in a lot of
OEMs / component manufacturers said          bonding manufacturers (66%), chemicals
they started noticing the impact during      / raw materials / additives suppliers                        disruption, financial
this month.                                  (64%) and end-user / OEMs / component
                                             manufacturers (57%) all started to take a hit
                                                                                                              hardship, quality
A fifth of the total respondents started
noticing the economic impact in
                                             during this time.                                           corruption and many
February: it consisted of 29% of the         Only 7% of organizations are saying they                   other impacts that we
testing and engineering services, 22% of     were not yet experiencing any economic
the suppliers of chemicals / raw materials   impact at the time of the survey, within                   have not anticipated”
/ additives and 21% of the foam and          this group a third are foam and adhesives
adhesives & bonding manufacturers.           manufacturers and a fifth converter /                   Alexander Zmoira - Managing Director, Risk
                                             fabricators.                                                       and Financial Advisory, Deloitte
Impact on manufacturing operations
         FEBRUARY 12%                                                            WE ARE NOT YET EXPERIENCING IMPACT 11%

                                        MARCH 72%

The same can be said about                  more visible for some (23%) compared to
manufacturing operations. As ‘non-          January (9%).
essential’ businesses were forced
to close their doors in March, a            It is interesting to note that 21% of                     DEEP DIVE –
                                            converters and fabricators say they are not
majority of the organizations saw their
                                            yet experiencing impact (as of May 2020),
manufacturing operations impacted at
                                            which is also the case for some suppliers
this time. This was especially the case                                                           It is worth pointing out
for foam and adhesives & bonding            of chemicals / raw materials / additives
                                            (14%) and suppliers of manufacturing                     that a quarter of the
manufacturers (84%), end-users / OEMs
/ component manufacturers (77%), and        equipment / tools (29%).                             respondents in the end-
converters and fabricators (70%).                                                                   user group operate in
                                            Impact on production & financial aid
This impact appeared to happen more                                                               the automotive market,
                                            We asked our respondents to indicate the
gradually over a couple of months           level of current production within their                 whilst 17% serve the
across businesses in the suppliers of       organization. On average, suppliers of raw          medical market. 14% serve
manufacturing equipment / tools             materials and chemicals as well as foam                 aerospace & defense,
(67%), suppliers of chemicals / raw         and adhesive suppliers seem to be least
materials / additives (57%), and Testing    affected by the pandemic; whilst OEMs and
                                                                                                 followed by construction
/ Engineering Services (57%) tiers of the   end-users estimated their production levels            (13%). Apparel, sports &
supply chain, as fewer of them seemed to    at half capacity.                                      leisure take up 11% and
experience impact during just the month
of March.                                   Unsurprisingly, as more than 200                    electronics and packaging
                                            universities closed their doors from the              both have 7% of the pie
For suppliers of chemicals / raw            middle of March, academics and research
materials / additives, February appeared    are on hold at the moment.
to be a key time when impact became
Average percentage of current production
Supplier of Chemicals / Raw Materials / Additives                                                                                      68.80%

       Foam / Adhesives & Bonding Manufacturer                                                                                             65%

                                 Converter / Fabricator                                                                                    61%

    Supplier of Manufacturing Equipment / Tools                                                                                        60.70%

      End-User / OEM / Component Manufacturer                                                                                          50.30%

                       Testing / Engineering Services                                                                                   47.10%

                                                   Other                                                                                   45%

                                  Academia / Research                                                                                      10%

On March 27, 2020, the US Senate passed a      financial assistance and just over half (51.5%)   According to the NY Times, “midsize
$2 trillion economic relief package to help    expect to be needing funding at some point         companies, or those with between
companies mitigate the loss of revenue         in the future.                                      500 and 10,000 employees, get to
due to the coronavirus.                                                                            borrow at an interest rate that is
                                               The same goes for the converters and
Nearly 60% of the respondents have             fabricators (14% and 56% respectively).           not higher than 2 percent annually,
indicated that their business would                                                              and don’t have to repay principal or
require financial assistance at some stage.    It seems that relatively few of the foam                 interest for six months.
11.5% say their organizations have already     and adhesives & bonding manufactures
                                               have already received any funding at the          The midsize companies cannot “outsource
received financial aid, while 8% thinks
                                               time of the survey (6.5%) but 48% say they        or offshore” jobs from the start of the loan
their business could continue without for
                                               expect they will between 1-6+ months.               until two years after it has been repaid.
another 1-2 months. 14% of respondents say
they would be able to continue operations      Nearly a quarter say they won’t need any
                                                                                                 Businesses with 500 or fewer employees
for another 2-4 months and 15% thought         at all, as well as 21% of the converters and
                                                                                                 will get loans directly from banks to cover
they could continue for another 6 months       fabricators and 14% of end-users / OEMs /
                                                                                                   more than two months of payrolls and
without financial aid. 20% of the total said   component manufacturers.
                                                                                                 some other operating expenses, with the
they would not need any.                       Of all segments in the supply chain the             government paying off the balance so
                                               suppliers of chemicals / raw materials /           long as the companies either do not lay
Looking at specific tiers within the foam
                                               additives are most resilient: 43% indicated       off workers or rehire ones they’ve already
and adhesives & bonding supply chains,
                                               that they wouldn’t require financial                 let go.” [NY Times, March 26, 2020]
17% of the end-users / OEMs / component
manufacturers have already received            assistance.
“It’s been nice
to sit back and                  The role of                                                              products for the transportation
                                                                                                          industry. One respondent in this
                                                                                                          category said their organization
                                                                                                          can no longer continue the

watch the industry                                                                                        work it used to do for the
                                                                                                          automotive industry and that
innovate rapidly,                                                                                         they have switched to produce
                                                                                                          PPE gowns instead, which now
we are able to see                                                                                        classifies them as an ‘essential’

regulations drop
                                                                                                          The remaining 14% of ‘essential’
down and loosen                                                                                           businesses is made up of
up. Companies                                                                                             suppliers of manufacturing
                                                                                                          equipment / tools (7%), testing
are quickly able to                                                                                       / engineering services (3%),
                                                                                                          suppliers of surface treatment
collaborate and                  On March 19th the Department         Converters and fabricators          and coatings (2%) and those
                                 of Homeland Security (DHS)           make up for 23% of the
provide solutions.               and the Cyber Security               businesses that are deemed
                                                                                                          who classified themselves as
                                                                                                          ‘other’ (2%).
What we are                      and Infrastructure Agency
                                 published an list of essential
                                                                      ‘essential’. When asked why they
                                                                      are ‘essential’, many respondents   The definitions in the initial
asking ourselves                 critical infrastructure workers.
                                 Organizations operating within
                                                                      say their business works on
                                                                      medical equipment (such as face
                                                                                                          list by the DHS proved
                                                                                                          problematic, however, as
is how do we                     one of these 14 categories are       masks and shields) as well as       many States developed their
                                 allowed to continue operations       parts used in medical equipment     own interpretations, and US
maintain some of                 during the Covid-19 lockdown         (such as foam strips). Others       companies vie to be declared
that collaboration               and according to our survey,
                                 74% of the respondents
                                                                      work on packaging solutions and
                                                                      plastics processing.
                                                                                                          ‘essential’ in the crisis. Indeed
                                                                                                          26% of the respondents say
speed?”                          indicated that their business
                                                                      The third largest category (20%)
                                                                                                          their business is not classified
                                 is considered an essential                                               as ‘essential’, of which 33% is
                                 business.                            of businesses classified as         foam and adhesives & bonding
Alan Robinson, NA Sr                                                  essential represents suppliers
Commercial Director PU & CAV,                                                                             manufacturers, 22% is end-
                                 A further breakdown shows            of chemicals / raw materials        user / OEMs / component
The Dow Chemical Company –       that 28% of the businesses           / additives. They can continue
discussing industry innovation                                                                            manufacturer, 15% are
                                 classified as ‘essential’ are foam   production as they supply raw       converters and fabricators, 7%
to meet the needs of essential   and adhesives & bonding              and basic materials to a variety
industries                                                                                                are suppliers of chemicals /
                                 manufacturers. Many indicate         of industries, such as pharma,      raw materials / additives, 7%
                                 that their business is classified    medical, aerospace, defense and     are suppliers of manufacturing
                                 as essential because they supply     food packaging.                     equipment / tools, 6% are
                                 personal protection equipment                                            testing / engineering services,
                                 and other products to the            15% of the ‘essential’ businesses
                                                                      are end-users / OEMs /              6% classified themselves as
                                 medical industry, or provide                                             ‘other’, and the remaining 4% is
                                 materials products for the food,     component manufacturers, as
                                                                      they continue to supply medical     made up of academia / research
                                 construction, defense and                                                and suppliers of surface
                                 infrastructure industries.           equipment, electronics, and
                                                                                                          treatments and coatings.

      “I think we’ve got some big questions for regulators, why is                Which industries are foam and adhesives
     it ok to take two weeks to qualify an adhesive in emergency but
      ordinarily it takes you nine months? If you want us to innovate             & bonding organizations still serving?
     and help things move forward when this has all disappeared, we
     should be taking a long hard look at some of those regulations”
      David Hatrick, Vice President Innovation, Huntsman Advanced Materials       PERSONAL CARE AND HYGIENE

                                                                                  FAST-MOVING CONSUMER GOODS           AGRICULTURE        GOVERNMENT

     As such, we decided to look           respirator masks, pieces for
     further into which industries         ventilators and foam strips for
     the adhesives and foam supply         face masks.
     chains are still serving and how
                                                                                  FOOD AND BEVERAGE

                                                                                                                                                           AUTOMOTIVE ALL
     they have been able to (re)focus      Suppliers of chemicals /
     their manufacturing activities        raw materials / additives are
                                           working on the development of                      ADHESIVES AND LABELLING

     to meet the demands of the
                                           additives, antimicrobial inhibitors,

     medical and pharma end-user
     verticals, as the demand for          hand sanitizers, and increased                                                      SPORTS AND LEISURE
                                           production of plastic products

     automotive and construction                                                                                                BEDDING
     goods and services steeply            for the medical industry. This
                                           category has also been working
     dropped. While many indicated
     that what they develop is             on developing PPE.                       PACKAGING              MARITIME
     confidential information, some
     organizations were able to share
                                           As with the previous three
                                           categories, the products
                                                                                   (CONSUMER) ELECTRONICS
     with us what they have been
     working on.
                                           supplied by end-users / OEMs
                                           / component manufacturers
                                                                                   INFRASTRUCTURE    TRANSPORTATION                      DATA

                                           also vary, but there appears to be        CONVERTING / FABRICATING     RETAIL    PRODUCT ASSEMBLY
     The majority of foam and
                                           less activity than is happening
     adhesives & bonding
     manufacturers say they are            in the other sectors. A couple         CHEMICALS AND RAW MATERIALS

     working on face masks and             of respondents in this category
     shields, hand sanitizer and other     say their business is designing
     types of PPE. Other answers           additive manufactured PPE and
     include foam and adhesives for        prototypes. Another respondent
     face masks, cloths, temporary         said their business is designing a      FOOD AND BEVERAGE AEROSPACE
     clean rooms and emergency             new type of ventilator.
                                                                                   UTILITIES AND ENERGY    PHARMA          SIGNAGE AND GRAPHICS
     ventilators.                          The remaining businesses work
     Converters and fabricators            on development of (components          PERSONAL CARE AND HYGIENE
     also supply PPE but have also         for) PPE, ventilators, assist in
                                                                                              INDUSTRIAL / ADVANCED

     been working on specific parts        the development of temporary
     that would be used in urgently        hospitals, sanitizers and enabling
     required medical equipment,
     such as die cut parts for
                                           large scale sanitation.
                                                                                              MANUFACTURING APPAREL
Has your company identified opportunities
                  to supply new solutions for mitigating the outbreak?

                  Yes No
                       Foam / Adhesives & Bonding Manufacturer
                                                                                                          Foam / Adhesives & Bonding Manufacturer
Type of organization

                                                                                   Type of organization
                       34%                                                                                24%
                       Converter / Fabricator                                                             Converter / Fabricator
                       20%                                                                                21%
                       Supplier of Chemicals / Raw Materials / Additives                                  End-User / OEM / Component Manufacturer
                       17%                                                                                18%
                       End-User / OEM / Component Manufacturer                                            Supplier of Chemicals / Raw Materials / Additives
                       16%                                                                                17%
                       Supplier of Manufacturing Equipment / Tools                                        Supplier of Manufacturing Equipment / Tools
                       5%                                                                                 10%
                       Testing / Engineering Services                                                     Testing / Engineering Services
                         3%                                                                               4%
                       Other                                                                              Other
                         3%                                                                                 3%
                       Supplier Surface Treatment and Coatings                                            Supplier Surface Treatment and Coatings
                                                                                                          Academia / Research
Looking ahead – how will Covid-19 impact the future
of the Foam and Adhesives & Bonding Supply Chain
In order to get some insight                      strategic investment they expect                      and marketing and business                      and marketing and business
into how the pandemic has                         for these activities over the next                    development.                                    development will become more
affected business priorities                      24 months.                                                                                            important in future investment
and investment strategies for                                                                           During the pandemic, most                       strategies.
companies within the foam                         Prior to the outbreak of the                          business activities were down to
adhesives supply chains we                        pandemic in March, the foam                           minimal operationality, although                It seems the supply chain will
asked the respondents to                          and adhesives & bonding                               sales and account management                    mainly be consolidating their
indicate how their businesses                     supply chain prioritized the                          as well as marketing and                        manufacturing activities as
prioritized certain activities                    following business activities:                        business development continued                  respondents expect that there
before the pandemic, which                        corporate sustainability, new                         on reduced activity levels.                     will be slightly less investment
activities continued during                       product development and                                                                               in hiring and developing talent,
                                                  launching products, sales and                         Looking ahead, industry                         expanding manufacturing
the pandemic, and how much                                                                              professionals expect that sales
                                                  account management, R&D,                                                                              capacities and mergers &
                                                                                                        and account management                          acquisitions.

Business priorities and activities: then, now and the future ahead
                                                   Before pandemic                                  Now (April – May 2020)                          After pandemic (expected)
                                                   1-2 = no priority, 2-3 = low priority,           2-3 = minimal operationality, 3-4 = reduced     1 = will become less important,
                                                   3-4 = medium priority, 4-5 = High priority       activity, 4-5 = Business as usual*              5 = no impact, 10 = will become more important
                                                  1                      3                      5   1                     3                       5 1            4              7           10
                       Corporate sustainability

Launching new products / product development

                 Sales & account management


            Marketing & business development

                     Hiring & developing talent
Expanding manufacturing capacity by investing
        in capital goods or opening new plants
                             Circular economy

                     Digitization & automation

                        Mergers & acquisitions
Future outlook on business plans
  While much will remain                  When asked about the top                  of the respondents feel there is        slowed down, it is difficult to say
  uncertain for the ongoing future,       challenges in ensuring business           enough inventory and availability       how the impact on revenue will
  it is important to look ahead to        continuity, respondents indicated         of materials and components to          develop in the coming months,
  how the industry can and will           that a reduction in orders and            continue production in the event        though the rise in demand
  recover from this period of severe      sales is the biggest challenge            of a prolonged disruption in the        within the medical and pharma
  disruption. Our respondents do          for their business at present.            supply chain.                           sectors, and the fact that many
  expect increased investment in          Otherwise, it seems the supply                                                    companies throughout the
  sales and account management,           chain is relatively robust in their       They are less optimistic                supply chain are able to continue
  and marketing and business              ability to deliver raw materials          regarding the impact on a               their manufacturing activities,
  development, undoubtably to try         and fulfilling & delivering orders.       business’ revenue. As economies         offers many new opportunities.
  and recover the losses brought          This is reinforced by the results of      globally are taking a hit and
  on by the crisis.                       the sentiment poll. The majority          supply chains and demand have


 Top 3                          challenges in business continuity
1. Reduced orders / sales - 34%        2. Availability of workforce - 16%       3. Shutdown of suppliers who classify as ‘non-essential’ businesses - 13%

4. Delay in delivery of orders - 13%   5. Availability of raw materials - 12%     6. Shipping and distribution - 10%    7. Shelf life of stockpiled inventory - 2%
3                                                             3

 Sentiment on                                                                2                       4                                    2                         4

 organizational                                                      1                                     5                      1                                       5

 response to crisis                                         There is enough inventory and availability of raw materials           The pandemic will minimally impact our
                                                           and/or components to continue production in the event of a                     organization’s revenue
                                                              prolonged disruption in the supply chain (2+ months)

                           3                                                             3                                                             3
               2                        4                                    2                        4                                    2                         4

        1                                     5                       1                                    5                       1                                       5

   The company’s leadership had enough resiliency               Leadership has put mental and physical wellbeing              Corporate communications to employees were
    planning in place to ensure business continuity                     at the forefront of their strategy                  timely, structured and clear in response to this crisis
                   during this crisis
                           3                                                             3                                                             3
               2                        4                                    2                        4                                   2                         4

        1                                     5                       1                                    5                      1                                       5

   Working remotely will not disrupt the productivity             I have a better work-life balance working from              I am being more productive working from home
                    of my team                                                        home

1 - Totally disagree                        2 - Disagree                          3 - Neutral                             4 - Agree                           5 - Totally agree

Finally, we investigated                      do not feel that working remotely               improvement. When asked to                      embracing technology sooner,
sentiment towards their                       has impacted their personal                     elaborate if their organization                 stock PPE and to not keep
employer’s handling of the crisis             situation much, such as keeping                 could have done to better                       inventory levels so tight.
and the impact on their own                   up productivity while working                   prepare for the outbreak some
work life.                                    from home and maintaining a                     of their feedback included:                     Having said that, an
                                              work-life balance. Of course, it                better support for working                      overwhelming majority of 77% of
On average, respondents indicated             must be noted that the majority                 from home, better and faster                    the respondents think that their
to be optimistic regarding their              of respondents are in a leadership              communication, contingency                      organization couldn’t have done
employer’s preparedness to the                role themselves.                                plans, better availability of virtual           anything else to better prepare
outbreak of the pandemic, as                                                                  tools, identifying which customers              for a black swan event like this
well as its communications to                 However, 23% of the respondents                 were vulnerable for shutdown,                   pandemic.
employees and customers. They                 do feel that there was room for
What is the new normal for
research and development
in the technical foam and
adhesives and bonding sectors?
Join our next webinar: re-inventing r&d in
the new normal: re-examining your existing
technology and product portfolio for quick wins
Tuesday June 30, 2020 5pm ET

Reserve your seat now
Virtual Event August 2020
A week long interactive digital event experience
coming to you 24 - 28 August 2020. An opportunity
to inform and educate, connect and build relationships
with peer-peer matchmaking and networking.
More information coming soon

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                                                         Webinar                                       Interested seeing the full                         discussion on the results of the
                                                         survey? Watch it here.
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