FIMS, SOA and Media Applications - How modern software systems can serve media businesses

Page created by Clyde Douglas
FIMS, SOA and Media Applications
                 How modern software systems can serve media businesses

                 The demands on broadcast systems are increasing. The move to file-
                 based operations and the challenges of delivering in multiple formats
                 across multiple platforms are exposing many weaknesses in existing
                 systems. Many were designed to meet the needs of the last century,
                 for simpler, linear broadcasting.
                  Traditional broadcasters are facing more competition from new
                 entrants to the media business. YouTube, Hulu, Amazon, Netflix and
                 other over-the-top (OTT) operators have changed the landscape
                 for video on demand. Digital transmission allows broadcasters that
                 once had one channel, to air a multiplex of linear channels, as well
                 providing catch-up and mobile services.
                  To compete with new, global operators, broadcasters must deliver
                 to more platforms — linear and on-demand — and to a plethora of
                 devices from smart TVs to mobile.

                 The Future — Agile and Efficient
                 To meet these challenges, operations must become more efficient
                 and the business must become more agile. Many other sectors have
                 faced similar challenges, from finance to pharmaceuticals. Part of the
                 solution for many has been to turn to new software methodologies,
                 specifically business process management (BPM) and the service-
                 oriented architecture (SOA). Although each can be used stand-alone,
                 BPM and SOA are frequently used together as a platform to improve
                 the performance of the business.
                   Operations that use videotape were constrained by the need for
                 manual handling, but as content migrates from videotape to digital
                 files the way is open for broadcasters to use IT methodologies
                 including BPM and SOA to aid their operations. They provide a holistic
                 approach that can adapt more easily to the digital media future.
                 They also provide corporate management with better visibility of
                 operations. Stemming from improved monitoring, operations can be
F ramework for   optimized to improve efficiency and lower costs.
I nteroperable     BPM and SOA have already proved successful in other business
M edia           sectors, and, with the FIMS Project driving standards and practices
S ervices        to meet their special requirements, the time has come for the media

Traditional Broadcast Systems
                                     Broadcast systems have evolved as a                 It can be difficult to add new functional-
                                     number of silos coupled by real time              ity to the system to meet the ever-chang-
                                     SDI streams or videotape exchange (see            ing demands of multi-platform delivery
                                     figure 1). Within each silo processes and         and evolving codec standards.
                                     applications are linked by a variety of             Storage architectures are changing with
                                     interconnections with file exchange and           object-based and cloud storage becom-
                                     an assortment of control protocols.               ing alternatives to on-premise NAS and
                                       Such systems were optimized for a spe-          SAN arrays.
                                     cific application and have provided a               When vendors upgrade products, the
                                     good price/performance ratio with high            new versions often do not support legacy
                                     efficiency.                                       operating systems leading to the need to
                                       However, the tight coupling of these            replace underlying computer hardware
                                     older systems makes it difficult to upgrade       platforms.
                                     or replace one or more of the compo-                All this adds up to the reality that tradi-
                                     nents. Applications are typically coupled         tional systems are just not agile enough
                                     in a mesh, often with proprietary applica-        to support the new demands of the media
                                     tion programming interfaces (API). If one         business without modifications and addi-
                                     item of software is upgraded to a newer           tional cost. Frequently new multi-plat-
                                     version, the API may also be modified.            form systems are added on to existing lin-
                                     This will undoubtedly lead to changes to          ear playout systems in an ad hoc manner
                                     other software applications that are using        to support a pressing demand. The con-
                                     the API — and this work is usually custom         sequence can be a system that grows in
                                     and can be costly.                                a way that becomes difficult to maintain
                                                                                       and operate.

              optical discs
                                                       videotape                                 videotape
              & camera cards

acquisition                    post-production                           transmission                                 archive

    Figure 1. Legacy broadcast
    workflows operate in silos       Visibility of Processes
                                     Traditional systems also suffer from a            manage existing systems and to guide
                                     lack of visibility of the internal processes.     future investment. Many broadcasters
                                     Individual processes may display the sta-         already have end-to-end alarm moni-
                                     tus on a local user interface, but it is diffi-   toring, but resource usage may only be
                                     cult to obtain an overall view (dashboard)        monitored for billing purposes, and not to
                                     of the operation of the business.                 discover utilization factors for hardware
                                       As broadcasters strive for even more            and software plus measuring operational
                                     efficiencies, it is vital to have an overall      efficiency.
                                     view of technical operations as an aid to

What is a Service?                              process, but the principles remain the
                                      In the context of SOA, a service is a mech-     same.
Nomenclature                          anism to provide access to a capability.          Because the service is abstracted it
Services communicate via a bus, an    Examples of services in the broadcast           opens the way for broadcasters to lever-
analogy with hardware architec-       domain include:                                 age cloud services more easily. As an
tures. The benefits of SOA are best      • ingest                                     example, at times of peak transcode
seen when applied across the enter-      • transform                                  demand a cloud transcode service
prise, so the communication bus          • playout                                    could be used to supplement in-house
becomes the Enterprise Service Bus       • move a file                                resources. With a standard service inter-
(ESB). The term ESB has now become       • archiving a file                           face for transcoding, the implementation
generic, even when a service bus      A transcoding application could expose          can be an on-premise service or in the
may not extend throughout a broad-    its capability to transcode files as a trans-   cloud.
cast operation.                       form service.                                     The operation of the services is orches-
                                        The service is defined at the business        trated by a layer of middleware, software
                                      level rather than the detailed technical        that manages business processes accord-
                                      level. This allows different manufacturers      ing to the needs of the business.
                                      to deliver a given service, even though
                                      the detail of implementation will differ        Services are Reusable
                                      from product to product. This leads on to       A transform service can be used for dif-
                                      a key feature of services—abstraction of        ferent business processes. For example
                                      capability.                                     a transcoder could be used to transform
                                                                                      files at ingest to the house codec or used
                                      Abstraction                                     to create multiple versions of content for
                                      The business management logic may call          multi-platform delivery. The transform
                                      for a file to be transcoded from in-house       services can be redeployed to different
                                      mezzanine codec to YouTube delivery for-        departments as the needs of the file traf-
                                      mat, but it would not define the specifics      fic change from hour to hour. This pro-
                                      of a particular make and model of trans-        vides a significant improvement in utiliza-
                                      coder or the detail of the file formats. It     tion and operational efficiency
                                      would simply indicate that a transcode
                                      capability is required.                         Service Contract
                                        This abstracts the business logic from        In SOA, services share a formal contract.
                                      the underlying technical platforms.             Service contracts are commonplace in
                                        A generic service interface for file trans-   broadcasting and across the M&E sec-
                                      form can be defined. Different transcod-        tor, where companies call on others for
                                      ers will be wrapped by a service adap-          capabilities, like playout, subtitling and
                                      tor, which handles the complexity of the        VFX as examples. The service level agree-
                                      transcode process. To the business logic,       ment (SLA) for playout will include qual-
                                      the transcode is simply a job.                  ity aspects like permitted downtime (for
                                                                                      example the 99.999 % SLA).
                                      Autonomy                                          Service contracts operate at the busi-
                                      In existing broadcast systems, the ingest       ness level, and ultimately could result in
                                      job is delegated to an operator. He or she      monetary exchange, for example with
                                      configures an encoder, then starts and          cloud services.
                                      stops the encoding at the appropriate             It could be said that many broadcasters
                                      times. The operator is functioning auton-       run departments that provide services
                                      omously during the processes of the job.        to other departments (as silos). They just
                                        These concepts of delegation and              don’t extend the methodology to the
                                      autonomy are also fundamental to the            architecture of technical systems. Instead
                                      SOA design philosophy. The encoding             they run monolithic silos for the process-
                                      may well be automated as a computer             ing of content within each department.

What is SOA?
The service-oriented architecture (SOA)         In the context of the media and enter-        The services are implemented by reus-
is not a product but an architecture to       tainment sector a SOA can be used to           able software modules that are indepen-
deploy loosely coupled software systems       implement a “media factory”, process-          dent of the platform on which they run.
in order to implement the processes that      ing content from the production phase
deliver a business workflow.                  though to multi-platform delivery.
  SOA provides a more viable architec-        Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a
ture to build large and complex sys-          software methodology that a media busi-
tems because it is a better fit to the way    ness can utilize to transform the opera-
human activity itself is managed -- by        tion of business into a set of linked ser-
delegation. SOA has its roots in object-      vices or repeatable business tasks, that
oriented software and component-based         can be accessed when needed over a net-
programming.                                  work. This may be a local network, it may
  SOA is not new; it has been in use for a    be the Internet, or in the cloud. In theory,      Part of the ethos of SOA is
decade or more in other sectors includ-       a media business could access services           to align the technology plat-
ing defense, pharmaceuticals, banking         across the globe; in Singapore, London,          forms with the business goals.
and insurance. It developed from the          New York, and Los Angeles as though              Traditionally the operational
principles of object-oriented software        they were all installed locally.                 workflows have been defined by
design and distributed processing. The          Media businesses can rapidly adapt to
                                                                                               the technology, especially stem-
media sector has lagged other sectors in      changing conditions and requirements
the adoption of such systems for a num-       by bringing together services to accom-          ming from the constraints that
ber of reasons. These include the sheer       plish a specific business task                   videotape imposed on processes.
size of media objects, the file sizes, and                                                     The migration to handling con-
the duration of some processes. A query       The Architecture                                 tent as streams and files using
for an online airline reservation may take    There is no prescriptive SOA, but an ESB         generic IT platforms has trans-
a minute at most; a transcode of a movie      is conventional for the messaging layer.         formed what is possible.
can take several hours. Conventional SOA      The workflow orchestration and business
implementations are not well suited to        logic are performed by software applica-
handling such long-running processes          tions called middleware. Adaptors con-
and mission critical activities.              nect the services to the ESB.
 back office

                                         monitoring and management dashboard

                            asset    resource                                       workflow            business
                         management management                                    orchestration          logic

                                                        enterprise service bus

                                                               quality              content
                           ingest            transfer                                                  transform
                                                               analysis            repository


                                                                                                                      web, mobile

                                                              media bus


The      Advanced        Media      Workflow       The media bus operates in parallel to
Association (AMWA) and the European              the ESB to transport the large media files
Broadcasting Union (EBU) had been inde-          between services.
pendently looking at the issues of SOA             Security includes authorization and
for the media sector. In 2010 the two            access control, but for media operations
parties decided to pool resources and            it may well include digital rights man-
jointly set up a project, the Framework          agement on watermarking of content
for Interoperable Media Services (FIMS).         essence files. The enterprise nature of
This project would develop standards             SOA and ESB will make the need for secu-
for a framework to implement a media-            rity policies to be more rigorous than
friendly SOA.                                    older siloed architectures.
  The FIMS solution has the aim to pro-
vide a flexible and cost-effective solu-         Planning for SOA
tion which is reliable and future proof. It      Migrating from traditional tightly cou-
should allow best of breed content pro-          pled systems to use the principles of
cessing products to be integrated with           SOA is a big step for a media business.
media business systems                           The efficient operation of a SOA requires
  The FIMS team released V1.0 in 2012 as         thorough analysis of business needs and
an EBU specification, Tech 3356. Three           detailed definition of the services that will
service interfaces have been specified:          be needed to meet those needs.
•    transform                                     It will also require rigorous planning of
•    transfer                                    the IT infrastructure— the computers and
•    capture                                     networks—for efficient operation of the
  Services currently under development           services.
in 2013 including quality analysis (QA)            It must be remembered that SOA is a
and the repository service.                      means to deliver business goals, not an
  The FIMS Project has expanded on the           end in itself. Moving to SOA is an opportu-
conventional SOA with additional fea-            nity for a media business to rethink goals,
tures to meet the needs of media opera-          and break from the constraints imposed
tions. Specifically FIMS adds:                   by earlier videotape operations.
•    Asynchronous operation                        For broadcasters used to running
•    Resource management                         departmental silos, many with real time
•    A media bus                                 elements, the move to a SOA will be a
•    Security                                    radical change to the way the business
  Asynchronous operation allows for              operates. However, the advantages of
long running services. A media process           the SOA and allied systems like BPM are
may take hours or days; conventional             proving attractive propositions for the
SOAs allow for processes that complete           broadcaster or service providers that are
in seconds or minutes. This places specific      running complex file-based operations
persistence requirements of the SOA BPM          for multi-platform delivery.
platform.                                          A media company looking to embrace
  Although services are loosely coupled          SOA and BPM will face challenges includ-
to the orchestration, jobs can still be run      ing change management, plus they need
with time constraints. This may be simply        to keep on air throughout the migration
to start a job at a certain time, but services   to the new technical infrastructure.
can also be real time, like the capture and        In view of the radical change SOA can
playout of streams. In theses cases the job      bring, many companies have trialed the
requests for the service will also include       architecture in one area of the business
start and stop times for the process. For        before committing to that changes across
playout, this concept is no different from       the entire enterprise.
a playlist or schedule.                            Traditional broadcast system installa-
  Resource management allows process             tions were a wiring and configuration
and resource scheduling to be cognizant          exercise whereas SOA requires more IT
of very long running media processes.            than video skills.
  A SOA typically is based on an ESB that          There are several consulting companies
carries XML messages between services.           that specialize in the media sector, and

these companies can bring their valu-         Early adopters of SOA have designed
able skills to broadcasters who are unfa-   each service adaptor as a custom proj-
miliar with complex enterprise software     ect. As FIMS adds more standard service
implementations.                            adaptors, the need for bespoke coding
  However, the task of delivering a media   will decrease.
SOA potentially needs custom develop-         The road will be long and many obsta-
ment of adaptors to the chosen services.    cles remain to be resolved, but the suc-
If common standards existed there would     cess of this project will bring benefit to
not be the same need to duplicate devel-    both vendors and media companies with
opment work creating new adaptors for       a more standards-based approach.
each project.
  It was this issue that the AMWA and the
EBU independently realized. Combining                         David Austerberry, 2013
forces, they formed the FIMS Project to
bring standards to the process.

Questions about FIMS

  ff If SOA is common in other sectors, why                         ff How does FIMS relate to AMWA Application
     not just buy a system from a middleware                           Specifications?
                                                                        »» FIMS is a system architecture. Application
     »» The problem lies with the special nature of media                  Specifications define constrained versions of
        operations. Through the work of the FIMS Project,                  MXF used for file exchange. FIMS services could
        standards are being created for a framework and                    well use Application Specifications for content
        for service adaptors specifically designed for the                 transfer over the media bus.
        media sector.
                                                                    ff How does the FIMS architecture relate to
  ff How can I be confident that mission critical                      the file based workflows already being
     tasks, such as program playout, will occur on                     adopted?
                                                                        »» It is possible to build a file-based workflow in
     »» A playout service, like all services are abstracted                many ways. It could model older videotape
        and autonomous. This means that a playout ser-                     workflows, or the FIMS architecture could be
        vice can run in real time, synchronous to a time-                  adopted, but these are just two ways to use con-
        of-day reference.                                                  tent files in a workflow.

                                                                  If you are interested in the FIMS Project, please visit
                                                                  for more details and resources.

                                                                  If you are interested in becoming a member of the AMWA,
                                                                  please visit the AMWA web site at

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