ME 323 - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS - Lab Component Learn by doing . they did it, now it's your turn! - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Lab Component FALL ...

Page created by Shannon Vazquez
ME 323 - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS - Lab Component Learn by doing . they did it, now it's your turn! - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Lab Component FALL ...
Lab Component
FALL, 2020
     Learn by doing …. they did it, now it’s your turn!
Galileo (1638)                        You (2020)

                      Leonardo Da Vinci

                                          Instructor: Prof. Marcial Gonzalez
                                                     Last modified: 8/31/20 5:55:01 PM
ME 323 - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS - Lab Component Learn by doing . they did it, now it's your turn! - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Lab Component FALL ...
General information

     - Prof. Marcial Gonzalez - ME 3061M,
     - Mr. Pedro Martins, (lab TA)
  Laboratory sessions:
     - 6 one-hour labs during the semester
     - Time and date: Tuesdays morning and afternoon, time TBD (EST)
     - Room: Zoom or WebEx
  Objectives:               virtual
     - Provide students a "hands-on" experience and illustrations of some of
       the abstract concepts taught in the course;
     - Teach experimental methods and techniques employed for
       structural mechanics measurements;
     - Help develop effective communication skills, in written and oral forms.
ME 323 - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS - Lab Component Learn by doing . they did it, now it's your turn! - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Lab Component FALL ...
General information

  Schedule (Six one-hour labs):

        DATE                                                LAB MEMO DUE
                        LABORATORY ACTIVITY
      (Tuesdays)                                           (Tue 11:59 p.m. EST)
       15-Sept     1: Tensile and Poisson’s ratio tests.   Memo 1: 22-Sept
       29-Sept           2: Photo-elasticity test           Memo 2: 6-Sept
       13-Oct                3: Torsion test               Memo 3: 20-Oct
       27-Oct         4: Three-point bending test           Memo 4: 3-Nov
       17-Nov           5: Combined loading test           Memo 5: 24-Nov
       24-Nov           6: Column buckling test             Memo 6: 1-Dec

ME 323 - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS - Lab Component Learn by doing . they did it, now it's your turn! - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Lab Component FALL ...
Do you learn by doing?

  Please take advantage of this opportunity
     - 24 spots available!
         - Send us an email:
         - Indicate: your availability: times indicated on next slide,
                       your lecture time and section
                       whether you are an honors student.
     - Sign a different syllabus.
     - Two lab sections.
     - Send your email by Wednesday (Sep 2nd) 11:59 p.m. (EST)
     -   Homework and Quizzes (28%-2%=26%)
     -   Blog Q&A(2%)
     -   Exams (70%-8%=62%)
     -   Lab (10%) , plus drop 1 HW                                      4
ME 323 - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS - Lab Component Learn by doing . they did it, now it's your turn! - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Lab Component FALL ...
Do you learn by doing?

  Students must submit their availability via email (
  •   Tue Morning (EST):
       – 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
       – 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
       – 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
  •   Tue Afternoon (EST):
       – 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
       – 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
       – 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

ME 323 - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS - Lab Component Learn by doing . they did it, now it's your turn! - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Lab Component FALL ...
Earn 3 credit-hours towards your H.C. requirements

  Laboratory sessions:
     - 6 one-hour labs during the semester

                                             (a)     (b)

  Stress analysis using FEM:
     - Lego model of a real-life mechanical
     - Understand the load transmission      (c)     (d)

       when each mechanism is in operation
     - Perform strain/stress analysis using finite
       element (FEM) software for parts
       with irregular geometry and compare with
       analytical calculation.
     - Regular meetings with Prof. Yangfan Liu.
ME 323 - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS - Lab Component Learn by doing . they did it, now it's your turn! - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Lab Component FALL ...
Earn 3 credit-hours towards your H.C. requirements

  Structured Honors Contract:
    - Print the Honors Contract Form, and a copy of a Form 23 for
      the course modification.
    - Speak with your Primary Academic Advisor and give your form 23 to
      Mr. Pedro Martins (TA for the lab).
    - Take the Honors Contract, syllabus and signed Form 23 to the
      Eng. Honors Program office before 4 p.m. (EST) Friday, Sep. 4th.

    -   Homework and Quizzes (28%-1%=27%)
    -   Blog Q&A (2%)
    -   Exams (70%-4%=66%)
    -   Lab (5%) , plus 3 honors credit-hours
ME 323 - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS - Lab Component Learn by doing . they did it, now it's your turn! - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Lab Component FALL ...
Lab Component
Fall, 2020

Spring 2018, Summer 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Summer 2019, Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Fall 2020

                                                 Instructor: Prof. Marcial Gonzalez
ME 323 - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS - Lab Component Learn by doing . they did it, now it's your turn! - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Lab Component FALL ... ME 323 - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS - Lab Component Learn by doing . they did it, now it's your turn! - MECHANICS OF MATERIALS Lab Component FALL ...
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