May|June Connection Iyar|Sivan|Tamuz 5781 Temple Beth El, Birmingham - Temple Beth-El | Birmingham, AL

Page created by David Luna
May|June Connection Iyar|Sivan|Tamuz 5781 Temple Beth El, Birmingham - Temple Beth-El | Birmingham, AL
May|June Connection
                      Iyar|Sivan|Tamuz 5781
                       Temple Beth El, Birmingham

    Shavuot Villages May 16 and
Ongoing Small Group Village Initiatives
         Learn more, page 4
May|June Connection Iyar|Sivan|Tamuz 5781 Temple Beth El, Birmingham - Temple Beth-El | Birmingham, AL
Temple Beth El | 2179 Highland Ave. S., Birmingham, AL 35205 |

                                        Table of Contents
                                                                                                 In This Issue
                                                                              Rabbi’s Message: pg. 3
                                                                                       Shavuot: pg. 4
                                                                              Service Schedule: pg. 5
                                                                                  Social Action: pg. 7
                                                                                    Sisterhood: pg. 8
                                                                                Programming: pg. 12
                                                                           Community News: pg. 14
                                                                                      Simchas: pg. 15
                                                                                     Yahrzeits: pg. 16
                                                                    TBE Foundation Donations: pg. 20
                                                                                   Men’s Club: pg. 11
                                                                                 Condolences: pg. 24
                                                                                   Donations: pg. 25

Rabbi: Stephen Slater |
Music & Youth: Sarah Metzger |
Programming & Adult Education: Bethany Slater |
Marketing & Communications: Lindsey Herring |
Engagement & Collaboration: Margaret Norman |
Finance: Andrea May | | 205.313.0619
Office & Operations: David VanLandingham |
TBE Foundation Exec. Director: Cathy Fingerman |

                                     2020-21 Board of Directors
President: Ronald Levitt |               Treasurer: Steve Altmann |
Vice President: Naomi Ivker |        Secretary: Abe Schuster |
Vice President: Allen Halpern |
Keith Abrams                    Alex Grodner                 Dani Kahn-Krell              Joshua Richman
  (Foundation rep)              Jan Jaffe                    Howard Kaplan                Esther Schuster
Marsha Asman                    Katie Hausman                  (Men’s Club rep)           Robin Smith
Suzanne Bearman                 Jan Hirsch (Sisterhood rep) Arlene Redisch                Dan Weinrib
Fred Benjamin                   Ellen Italiaander            Evan Rhodes
May|June Connection Iyar|Sivan|Tamuz 5781 Temple Beth El, Birmingham - Temple Beth-El | Birmingham, AL
Let Silence Be a Fence for Wisdom
By Rabbi Stephen Slater
I conclude my service here humbled by the kindnesses that God
has shown me in Birmingham, Alabama. On many days, so many
of you have been the agents of his kindness, his hands, and feet
and welcoming smile. Your good company, kind words, and
excellent food have given me encouragement. You have shown
me more love and affection than my words can say.
Each of the days of the three years that I have served you as
rabbi have been an honor for me. I am thrilled to have served you in difficult times and in joyous
In the difficult times that lie ahead for us now, remember how we have always come through
difficult times, by drawing more closely together.
I remember how we gathered our city together after the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting in the
square outside of Temple Beth-El. We walked in silence and prayer, united with our neighbors
in our grief.
I remember how we walked in prayer through the Birmingham Botanical Gardens in the midst
of the coronavirus pandemic, each of you beautiful in dignity and contemplation on our Days of
I remember walking with you to the graveside funerals of more than 50 beloved friends in our
Dear friends, let's remember how we cared for each other in the hard times.
And I remember how we came together in good times.
I remember joyful events,
gathering to sanctify the beginning of a marriage,
gathering to celebrate a child, becoming an adult at their bar and bat mitzvahs.
I remember how on Shabbat after Shabbat we have gathered here in prayer and enjoyed sacred
community, learned and to prayed and sung together.
So let silence be a fence for our wisdom. Let's move forward together without acrimony. But
with the quiet confidence that the one who brought us together, still has good things in store
for each of us, but separately. Let's say our goodbyes in a way that shows the affection we have
for each other. Let's grieve our loss. And then let's rise up to do what needs to be done.
Thank you for the honor of serving you. It has been a time of blessing.

Yours truly,
Rabbi Stephen Slater

May|June Connection Iyar|Sivan|Tamuz 5781 Temple Beth El, Birmingham - Temple Beth-El | Birmingham, AL
Shavuot Sunday
    6:15 pm to 9 pm, Sunday, May 16
 A COVID-safe outdoor event in the upper
             TBE parking lot
This event introduces you to our small group Villages, where
you’ll have opportunity to connect with others over different
religious, cultural and community interests. New skills and
areas of study will be introduced and you’ll have entirely new
opportunities to learn and engage. Please join us for the Villages launching event over Shavuot!
You’ll nosh and drink, schmooze, light candles, study, sing and dance. RSVP here:
Below is a little about each Village and what you might expect from upcoming Village meetings in
the summer! But you’ll get a lovely brochure outlining summer options during the Shavuot
program on May 16.

Yiddish Humor 101 with Barry Dreayer: This group brings together people who love humor, especially
Jewish humor and like to share bits from their favorite comics and maybe even plan an evening at the comedy club.
This Village is recommended for anyone who likes jokes and likes to laugh. The group will determine the content
and how often to meet.
Jews Who Wine with Josh Grace: Josh’s intimate knowledge of all things wine will have you connecting on
flavors, history and much more. What’s the importance of wine in Jewish tradition? Connect over wine, history and
Judaism with Josh.
Walking with Intention with Ellen Italiaander and Sheri Krell: Walk this way! Come one , come
all! Join us for a 30 minute walk around the Beth El neighborhood. We will partner up and enjoy the scenery while
we have interesting conversations about lots of thoughtful things! Let’s connect with nature and each other. Don’t
forget your comfortable shoes.
Camping & S’More with Alex Grodner and Asher Krell: Alex will lead the group through all things
outdoors related - camping, hiking, and generally spending time outside - and how it relates to building and
growing a strong Jewish connection. Although we are no longer wandering in the desert, there are still so many
mental, physical, and spiritual positives to stepping away from everyday life and going outside. Come by our village
to learn more!
Shelby Village: A Neighborhood Village with Cathy Fingerman: Remember growing up in a
neighborhood where everyone knew you and your family, and neighborhood block parties or backyard
BBQ's created family memories and long-lasting friendships? The Neighborhood Village concept seeks to replicate
that concept for modern-day living.
Food, Family and Cooking with Bethany Slater: Share cooking, food and family memories together! We’ll
talk about our mutual love of food, and discuss family and cooking stories. This will be a precursor to a cooking club
of sorts and we’ll hash out plans for future gatherings.
Podcast Club with Dani Kahn-Krell: will lead us in a listening of Judaism Unbound’s “Holidays Unbound
Episode 3: Passover Part II”, focusing on a segment challenging the historicity of the Exodus and discussing
implications modern scholarship has on our understanding of the Torah and our Jewish identities. (Read more on
pg. 15.)
News Through a Jewish Lens with Daniel Levine: Every week we take on a different perplexity in the
ever-changing landscape of Jewish/Israeli politics, broadly considered: based on the interests and concerns of the
group. Possible topics: Why has Israel had five elections in two years? When/how did Jews become white? When is
criticism of Israel legitimate and when is it not? When did Judaism become a religion? What is the deal with
Birthright? What's at Stake with the Iran Nuclear Deal? How did Yiddish become cool again (watching Unorthodox
and Shtissel)?
May|June Connection Iyar|Sivan|Tamuz 5781 Temple Beth El, Birmingham - Temple Beth-El | Birmingham, AL
May Service Schedule
Shabbat Emor                                Monday, May 17
    Friday, April 30                        We won’t be holding morning services, but
                                            recommend you watch others online at 8:30 am
    5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services
    7:11 pm Candle lighting                 services-i/
    Saturday, May 1                         8:24 pm Candle lighting
    9:30 am Shabbat morning services        Tuesday, May 18
                                            10 am Morning services in-person with
Shabbat Behar/Bechukotai                    Yizkor
    Friday, May 7
    5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services   Shabbat Nasso
    7:16 pm Candle lighting                 Friday, May 21
    Saturday, May 8                         5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services
    9:30 am Shabbat morning services        7:27 pm Candle lighting
                                            Saturday, May 22
Shabbat Bamidbar                            9:30 am Shabbat morning services
    Friday, May 14
    5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services   Shabbat Beha’alotcha
    7:22 pm Candle lighting                 Friday, May 28
    Saturday, May 15                        5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services
    9:30 am Shabbat morning services        7:31 pm Candle lighting
                                            Saturday, May 29
Shavuot                                     9:30 am Shabbat morning services
    Sunday, May 16 (Erev Shavuot)
    6:15 pm Shavuot Villages Program              Sign up for in-person services online by
    7:23 pm Candle lighting                                         visiting the TBE website,
                                          The link to the
                                             registration form is listed on the home page.

June Service Schedule
Shabbat Shelach                         Shabbat Chukat
    Friday, June 4                           Friday, June 18
    5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services        5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services
    7:35 pm Candle lighting                  7:41 pm Candle lighting
    Saturday, June 5                         Saturday, June 19
    9:30 am Shabbat morning services         9:30 am Shabbat morning services

Shabbat Korach                          Shabbat Balak
    Friday, June 11                          Friday, June 25
    5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services        5:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat services
    7:39 pm Candle lighting                  7:43 pm Candle lighting
    Saturday, June 12                        Saturday, June 26
    9:30 am Shabbat morning services         9:30 am Shabbat morning services
May|June Connection Iyar|Sivan|Tamuz 5781 Temple Beth El, Birmingham - Temple Beth-El | Birmingham, AL
One of our beloved Sisterhood and TBE members, Phyllis Grusin Weinstein,
   lived to share her wisdom, knowledge and compassion with us until the age
     of 100! Honoring her, as she so richly deserved, with the dedication of a
                stone on our Tree of Life are the following people:
Dalia & Keith Abrams           Cathy & Irwin Fingerman      Sandy Koplon                   Loraine & David Reznik
Louise & Jimmy Abroms          Arlene Fisher                Gennye Krasner & Family        Sherri & David Romanoff
Freddi Aronov                  Joy & Robert Fleisher        Sheri & Jimmy Krell            Lana & Stephen Royal
Marsha Asman                   Shirley & Ron Froehlich      Esther & Jack Levy             Pam Ruttenberg &
Natalie & Eric Asman           Arlene & Milton Goldstein    Sue & Billy Lischkoff            Arnold Shiland
Bernard Axel                   Susan & Steve Greene         Roz & Peter Mannon             Amy & Michael Saag
Ilene & Sandy Axelroth         Mira & Eddie Griffith        Mary Ann Merrell               David Schwartz
Michelle Bearman-Wolnek &      Karen & Reuben Halpern       Jennye Merrell                 Lora Schwartz
  Seth Wolnek                  Maurine & Jacob Halpern      Courtney Merrell               Joycie & Arthur Serwitz
Phyllis & Norman Berk          Terri Heiman                 Candy & Ed Meyerson            Joyce & Maury Shevin
Faye Bernstein                 Hannah & Colin Helman        Sybil & Larry Michalove        Harriett Shulmister
Roz Bloomston                  Gail & Charles Herman        Florina Newcomb                Toby & Bert Siegel
Gina Boyd                      Felice Hirsch                Andrea & Larry Newman          Natalie & Albert Sikora
Lenora Pate & Steve Brickman   Riva Hirsch                  Judy Olitsky                   Lynette Slaughter
Adrienne & Julian Brook        Judy & Peter Jablow          Susan & Stuart Padove          Bari Sokol
Sherry & Jerry Cherner         Sharon Kahn & Richard Lehr   Marjorie Perlman & Jay Stern   Dodie Sokol
Mindy & Gary Cohen             Jenny Katz                   Sheryl & Jay Perlstein         Sandy & Morton Stern
Charlotte Corenblum            Lisa & Alan Kianoff          Hazel & Murray Pizette         Geri & Bob Stone
Caryn & Steven Corenblum       Mary Kimerling (Sylacauga)   Marian & Myron Radwin          Dorothy Ziff
Heidi & Martin Damsky          Mary & David Kimerling       Judith Rattner                 Melissa & Melvin Zivitz
Lori & Stephen Dorsky          Sheryl & Jon Kimerling       Nadav Raviv
Lisa & Alan Engel              Toby Klein                   Janet Reagan
Carol & Mark Entman            Ricki & Lanny Kline          Arlene Redisch
May|June Connection Iyar|Sivan|Tamuz 5781 Temple Beth El, Birmingham - Temple Beth-El | Birmingham, AL
VISION: Engaging in Tikkun Olam is a core value of
                                                                        Temple Beth El congregants. We are a consistent and
                                                                        recognized partner in the greater Birmingham

                                                                        MISSION: To provide the TBE community (including
                                                                        but not limited to our members) opportunities to
                                                                        participate in Temple Beth El planned and sponsored,
                                                                        Judaically-informed, social actions throughout the
                                                                        Jewish calendar year.

Social Action Purim Project
Pesach on Purim, Dayenu, it was more than enough!

Heartfelt thanks to our TBE community for your
marvelous support of our M’Shalach Manot project at
the Highland Manor residential community.

Our congregants contributed oodles of snacks and the
bags were filled to the brim. Sheri Krell supplied the
decorative Purim stickers and Caryn Corenblum
served as a collection site. We are also grateful for
dedicated volunteers, Amy Allon, Susan Lapidus and
Judy Olitzky who did an amazing job in filling 111 bags,
one for each of the Highland Manor residents. Thanks      Shown above (left to right) are Amy Allon and Terri Heiman
                                                                    after deliveries were made to Highland Manor.
also to Samantha Palmer who along with her daughter
Eliza, Amy Allon, Terri Heiman and Bernard Stern distributed the gift bags to each apartment.

Margaret Norman and Bethany Slater are recognized for their assistance along with appreciation to all
who supported the project. We missed the excitement of having the children engaged in preparing the
gifts and look forward to next year when we will celebrate Purim once again as a community.

Holiday Tzedakah
The [T]Be Involved Social Action Committee and Rabbi Stephen are encouraging charitable giving in
connection to our Jewish holidays. As the Talmud states, the mitzvah of tzedakah is equivalent to all the
other mitzvot. On Shavuot, we read the Book of Ruth, which encourages us to welcome the outsider to
our community, show loyalty to our family, and engage in acts of gemilut chasadim (acts of loving
kindness.) In observance of the holiday, we encourage congregants to donate to the following:

1,) Society of St. Andrew: ( The Society of St. Andrews is the oldest and largest gleaning
organization in the United States. Just as Ruth & Naomi gleaned in the fields of Boaz, the Society of St.
Andrew brings volunteers together to harvest and share produce with those in need in their
communities. The [T}BE Involved Social Action Committee recently partnered with the Society of St.
Andrew to package apples for local distribution and is planning a gleaning event in the future.

2.) Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama (HICA): ( ¡HICA! champions civic
engagement, economic equality, and social justice for Latino and immigrant families in Alabama. Just as
others welcomed Ruth, although she was an outsider, we should help immigrants within our own

May|June Connection Iyar|Sivan|Tamuz 5781 Temple Beth El, Birmingham - Temple Beth-El | Birmingham, AL
Sisterhood News
New members are a welcome addition to our Sisterhood, so we are happy to say hello to,
ANNA DEASON! For those who have not yet met her, she is the fiancée of Josh Richman, one of
TBE’s Minyan Leaders, and they are regular Shabbat attendees, pre-Covid.
                         Well... not quite yet! But through the magic of ZOOM, we went on a
                         virtual tour of the Florentin district in Tel Aviv on April 11.

                         A crucial ingredient of Florentin’s charm blooms not within the walls
                         but on their very surface. Exploring street art uncovers a unique and
                         carefully guarded realm — few rules and an abundance of
                         unbounded, edgy creativity. It was a LIVE and INTERACTIVE tour;
                         our guide Aaron Gertz lives in Israel and has a great personality. He
                         made our personalized tour fun, informative and entertaining. Thank
you, Rebecca Rothman, for making the arrangements with Aaron and for serving as moderator.
We had an opportunity to ask questions at the end of our tour.
Southern Region Conference was held Sunday, April 18. Ella Rosen,
Arlene Redisch, Sue Lischkoff and Arlene Fisher represented our
Sisterhood and they joined with our ‘sisters’ from the Southern Region
- Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida and
Alabama. Interesting programs were presented and the highlight of
the one-day ZOOM conference was the presentation of the Phyllis
Grusin Weinstein Award to Regina Newman from Atlanta, GA.
Sisterhood underwrote members’ attendance. The conference was
dedicated to Phyllis Grusin Weinstein z"l. In conjunction with this
conference, an ad journal was electronically delivered to each
                            TORAH FUND EVENT — On Sunday, May 9, our annual Torah
                            Fund event was held via ZOOM. Our own Julia Goldberg, daughter
                            of Shira and Matt Goldberg was our guest
                            speaker! She gave us an up close and personal
                            insight into what her first year in the List
                            College Joint Program of the Jewish
                            Theological Seminary/Columbia University
                            has been like, and with her warm and outgoing
                            personality, it was a wonderful program!
                            Your generous donations go entirely towards scholarships for the
                            students attending one of five Conservative seminaries. The
                            money is very important to these students studying to be our
                            future rabbis, education directors, cantors, social workers and

May|June Connection Iyar|Sivan|Tamuz 5781 Temple Beth El, Birmingham - Temple Beth-El | Birmingham, AL
Sisterhood Steering Committee - At a recent meeting, we voted to
commit $15,750 to TBE for their 2021-2022 budget; our financial
commitment specifically supports Religious School salaries, Youth
Programming and the Kitchens.
Members of the Sisterhood Steering Committee are: Lisa Kianoff,
Marian Radwin, Shirley Froehlich, Adrienne Brook, Jan Hirsch,
                        Natalie Sikora, Sue Lischkoff, Esther Levy, Arlene Redisch, Naomi
                        Ivker, Barbara Brande and Arlene Fisher.

                          Our Shabbat Candle Sale was highly successful! Over 60 women
                          purchased from a selection of regular and Nerorim Shabbat candles,
                          colorful Shabbat candles, Havdalah candles and yahrzeit candles.
                          The proceeds from this sale benefit our Gift Shop. When your stock
                          of candles is low, please remember to patronize our own Gift Shop;
                          your support means a lot! Thank you, Jan Hirsch, for chairing this
                          project with your usual efficiency and upbeat attitude! Thank you,
                          also, to Barbara Brande, for creating the materials that enhanced our
                          marketing and PR!

Eighty-two women signed up to receive a Sisterhood Surprise Passover
Gift Bag! Each Sisterhood canvas tote bag contained a box of matzah, a
curated Passover Recipes pamphlet - thank you, Karen Weinrib, for all
your hard work in updating this - a package of Jewish-themed napkins,
individually wrapped candies, and a Happy Passover from TBE
Sisterhood notepad. Thank you to Eileen Levin, Naomi Fineberg, Susan
Goldstein, and Bobbie Sokol for putting the bags together, and thank you
to Ruth Nomberg, Susan Lapidus, and Judy Olitsky for handing the bags
out at the drive-by!

May|June Connection Iyar|Sivan|Tamuz 5781 Temple Beth El, Birmingham - Temple Beth-El | Birmingham, AL
College Connection
The final college connection package of the
school year was mailed! The Passover
package included a box of matzoh, a TBE
mug, kosher for Passover tea, Passover-
themed socks, matzoh masks, and an
inspirational letter from our Rabbi.
Thank you to the Brande family for
sponsoring    the    College   Connection
program that sends care packages to our
college and graduate school students.

Gen XYZ Ice Cream Social

Men’s Club News
          Thank You for Supporting Me Throughout the Years
Men's Club is on a roll with a HUGELY successful March Madness Membership Drive picking
up 58 Members!!!!

Steve Altmann gets a HUGE Yashir Koach leading Men's Club as THE BRACKET MASTER!

With our new 2021 membership, and all of
our members in past years, we are able to
make things happen for our Temple, our
children within our Temple and our
community. That is why I wanted to
include this thank you note the Men's Club
received from one of our very own children
who has grown up with Beth-El and has
recently just had her Bat Mitzvah, Ellie

"Thank you for supporting me throughout
the years"

That is what Men's Club is all about!!!! It is

If you would like to join the list of AWESOME MEN below who have committed to supporting
Men's Club in 2021, please don't hesitate to reach out to Alex Grodner, our vice president, or
me. We would love to have you on board.

THANK YOU to all the guys below. You are all TRULY APPRECIATED!

Allen Halpern,
President of Men's Club
Todd Doobrow              Jon Lewis              Douglas Gilbert          Julian Brook
Keith Abrams              Alan Kianoff           Howard Bearman           Marvin Shelsky
Allen Halpern             Daniel Weinrib         Seth Wolnek              Eddie Griffith
Irwin Fingerman           Andrew Newcomb         Edwin Fineberg           Howard Kaplan
James Krell               Gary Gouse             Myron Radwin             Bert Siegel
Brian Chernoff            Ken Grodner            Steven Sikora            Gregory Friedman
Robert Stone              Ron Hirsch             Martin Damsky            Jeff Weissman
Reuben Halpern            Eddie Denaburg         Steven Corenblum         Jacob Halpern
Ronald Shiland            Stuart Royal           Ronald Froehlich         David Kimerling
Eric Siegel               Seth Diamond           Matthew Goldberg         Gary Gordon
Steven Smith              Steve Greene           Steven Altmann           Alex Rod
Allen Kipp                Barry Dreayer          Stuart Shiland           James Weisberg
James St. John            Evan Rhodes            Kenneth Jaffe
Billy Lapidus             Norman Berk            Abraham Schuster
Alan Weintraub            Alex Grodner           Albert Sikora
The Tirdof series draws from the phrase “tzedek, tzedek tirdof,” which translates to “justice, justice, you shall pursue”
 (Deuteronomy 16:20). We’ve heard many of you express a desire for this type of programming, and are focusing on
 bringing events to Beth El that allow opportunities for reflection, conversation and action. Save the date for these
                    Tirdof programs. Reach out to with questions.

      Where Do We Go from Here? A Conversation with Lisa McNair
                                             3 pm-4:30 pm, May 2

Since the fall of 2020, Temple Beth El has been
engaged in a public facing programming series
entitled Tirdof (You Shall Pursue), exploring issues
of civil rights past and present. Now we’re asking,
what’s next, and exploring tools for taking action.
Lisa McNair, whose sister Denise McNair was
killed in the 1963 bombing of the 16th Street
Baptist Church, is a professional public speaker on
the topic of reconciliation. This program will
feature both a talk by Lisa on her family’s journey
and experiences with reconciliation work, and
interactive question-and-answer session.

For this program we will be joined by members of
Adath Jeshurun, a congregation in Minneapolis,
taking advantage of virtual format to expand our
reach and facilitate a conversation on racial justice
and reconciliation across Jewish communities and
regional distinctions. Lisa’s presentation and the
moderated Q & A will last for approximately 60
minutes. For the last thirty minutes of our
program, we will host small group breakout
sessions for participants to collaborate and
brainstorm across congregations (and states), and then come together for sharing and processing.

This series is part of the development of the Beth El Civil Rights Experience; a multimedia project exploring
the intersections of Birmingham’s Jewish and Civil Rights histories, with an eye towards exploring the past
                                and “building bridges” in the present and future.

                      Visit the Temple Beth El calendar for registration information.

Braving Discomfort to Move Toward Action with T. Marie King
                                           7 pm-8:30 pm, June 3

In our Tirdof series on Civil Rights Past and Present we've taken the time to learn about the history of
civil rights in our community, as well as issues of contemporary racial justice and equity. Now, it's time
to ask, "what's next?" Join us for this special workshop with local organizer T. Marie King, where
participants will be empowered to reflect on their blind spots, acknowledge harms experienced by
neighbors and identify pathways of action!

King is a trained Truth, Racial Hearing and Transformation facilitator and experienced presenter and
facilitator. This will be an interactive workshop, with space for sharing and learning together. Visit the
Temple Beth El calendar for registration information.

This series is part of the development of the Beth El Civil Rights Experience; a multimedia project exploring
the intersections of Birmingham’s Jewish and Civil Rights histories, with an eye towards exploring the past
                                and “building bridges” in the present and future.

     Inter-everything is our new programming series especially for our inter-everything families. Why “inter-
  everything?” Because in conversations with our community, it’s become clear that interfaith doesn’t cover it. Our
community is interfaith, intercultural, interdenominational and everything beyond and in between. We’re looking for
 chances to connect, and if you and/or your family identify as inter-anything, we want to connect with you! Get in
     touch with Margaret at with questions or to share your programming ideas!

                                       Family Hike and Picnic
                                          10 am to noon, June 6

Join us for our third inter-everything group event; a family-friendly hike at Red Mountain Park! This is a
chance to gather in community with other families and individuals who identify as interfaith/
intercultural/interdenominational—inter-anything—while enjoying an outdoor activity at one of our
city’s best greenspaces. We’ll meet at the entrance to the park at 10AM and end with a chance to picnic
together. Along the way, we’ll even learn a little bit about the Park’s history as a former site of iron and
ore mining! Bring a bagged lunch, if you’d like, and we’ll provide some additional snacks and goodies.

This program is part of Beth El’s new programming series especially for our inter-everything families.Why
 inter-everything? Because in conversations with our community it’s become clear that interfaith doesn’t
 cover it. Our community is interfaith, intercultural, inter-denominational and everything beyond and in
between. Rather than get caught up on labels we’re looking for chances to connect, and if you and/or your
      family identify as inter-anything we want to connect with you! Get in touch with Margaret at
    with questions or to share your programming ideas!

This is our series focused on intellectual stimulation and cultural programming. Programs will include book talks,
workshops, lectures, watch parties and more Thursday nights on Zoom from November to May. Some programs will
  have a cost to help cover licensing expenses or honorariums: $18-36 for members and $36-56 for nonmembers.

           Southern Jewish Foodways with Dr. Marcie Cohen Ferris
                                          7 pm to 8 pm, June 17

                                                                        Spoonbread, shnecken and sweet and
                                                                        sour Passover meatballs—these are
                                                                        just a few of the recipes you can find
                                                                        in Marcie Cohen Ferris’ seminal work
                                                                        on Southern Jewish foodways, Matzoh
                                                                        Ball Gumbo: Culinary Tales of the
                                                                        Jewish South. Join Engagement and
                                                                        Collaboration Coordinator Margaret
                                                                        Norman and Dr. Cohen Ferris for a
                                                                        delicious conversation on Southern
                                                                        Jewish food and the stories and
                                                                        histories that food reveals.

                                                                        In addition to Matzah Ball Gumbo, Dr.
                                                                        Cohen Ferris is author of The Edible
                                                                        South: The Power of Food and the
                                                                        Making of an American Region and co-
                                                                        editor of Jewish Roots in Southern Soil:
                                                                        A New History, as well as Professor
                                                                        Emeritus of American Studies at UNC-
                                                                        Chapel Hill.

                                                                        Participants who register by June 10
                                                                        will receive a complimentary snack
                                                                        drop off! If you live more than five
                                                                        miles from Temple Beth El, we invite
                                                                        you to pick up your snacks.

                     Visit the Temple Beth El calendar for registration information.

This collection of programs is meant to support
                                                              your physical, environmental, mental and
                                                              spiritual well being. Judaism’s vision for a life
                                                              well lived is a life of wholeness. Shalem means
                                                              wholeness, healthy, harmony, total well-being.
                                                              It is related to shalom, peace. Over this coming
                                                              year, we are intentionally hosting programs to
                                                              support you in cultivating these values.

   The Transformative Power of Shabbat (However Imperfectly You
 Observe It); a conversation with Sharron Swain and Rebecca Rothman
                                       11 am to noon, May 23

Have you ever wondered how some people manage to unplug entirely once a week? Rebecca Rothman
and Sharron Swain each grew up not observing Shabbat but have each—independently and in different
ways—incorporated elements of this magical day of rest into their lives as adults. Join us for a
conversation with Rebecca and Sharron as they explore what Shabbat looks like in their homes and how
it has become more accessible to them both. Whether you are curious about how to get started yourself,
or just find the idea intriguing, join us for a fun and enlightening discussion about the transformative
power of Shabbat. Visit the Temple Beth El calendar for registration information.

Other Programs
                     Shavuot Podcast Dinner Club (from page 4)
Podcast Dinner Clubs are ideal for busy people who love learning! Structured like a book club, but one
where you don’t have to read the book ahead of time, participants come together to listen to segments
of a podcast, pausing to discuss, nosh and socialize. Each Podcast Dinner Club is hosted by different
discussion leaders on varied topics, which in the past have ranged from Jewish farming to Jewish history
and zero-waste lifestyles. Join us for this special Shavuot program and have a taste of a Podcast Dinner
Club, as we listen and discuss together in real life.
For this iteration of Podcast Dinner Club Dani Kahn-Krell will lead us in a listening of Judaism Unbound’s
“Holidays Unbound Episode 3: Passover Part II”, focusing on a segment challenging the historicity of the
Exodus and discuss the implications modern scholarship has on our understanding of the Torah and our
Jewish identities. No prior knowledge or listening is required, just join ready for a stimulating and
thought-provoking discussion guided by our excellent hosts.

                     Shabbat Picnic & Confirmation Celebration
                                     11:30 am to 1 pm, May 21
Join us for the next iteration of our Shabbat Picnics; a special edition to celebrate our confirmation
students! We’ll be gathering in Caldwell Park after Saturday services, from 11:30 - 1:00, and will have
special snacks and outdoor fun. Bring a lunch, picnic blanket or chairs and a favorite face mask. RSVP to (See back cover for more info.)

Call for Submissions! Songs of Our Grandmothers Project
Songs of our Grandmothers is a project dedicated to capturing and preserving the songs that our elders
remember. The videos are crowd-sourced - they come from people around the world. Our goal is to
capture songs from different backgrounds, to reflect the importance that songs and music play in all
cultures. We encourage everyone to participate - you can film a loved one singing a song that is mean-
ingful to them and we'll share it on the site. If you are interested in participating, please email us at
You can check out “Songs of our Grandmothers” at

                                                                      Flower Arranging
                                                                        and Gen XYZ
                                                                         2 pm-3 pm, June 15

                                                                 Join Sisterhood and Gen XYZ for a
                                                                 virtual flower arranging workshop with
                                                                 Wild Things Flowers and Curiosities; a
                                                                 woman-owned and operated floral
                                                                 shop in Homewood.

                                                                 Participants can register by calling Wild
                                                                 Things at 205 703 8821 and letting them
                                                                 know they’d like to join. The morning of
                                                                 June 15th participants will be able to
                                                                 pick up their flowers at Temple Beth El,
                                                                 or Wild Things (located at 2815B 18th St.
                                                                 S., Homewood, AL).

                                                                 We will then gather virtually and
                                                                 practice the art of flower arranging
                                                                 together, with the leadership of a
                                                                 skilled professional!

                                                                 The cost is $40 to participate in flower
                                                                 arranging and you can register anytime
                                                                 before noon on June 14.

If you would like to participate without purchasing flowers, or have questions about this workshop,
email Margaret Norman at

News You Need to Know
If you or a loved one has moved, kindly let the Temple Beth El office know your new address and
phone number. Contact David or Andrea at the TBE office 205-933-2740 or email the office at with the new info. This is so necessary when mailing out Yahrzeit
reminders, donations in your honor, bulletin and just so your friends will know. Thank you so
very much for your cooperation and help with this.
You can also update your contact information directly through the member portal of ShulCloud.

Community News & Announcements


Mazal Tov and Simcha Stories
Mazal Tov to the following on their May and June milestones. Special birthdays are acknowledged beginning at age 25
and every five years thereafter. All birthdays are not listed in each Connection.

Special Birthdays
Jeff Padawer                          Philip Engelhardt                      Bernard Axel
Fred Benjamin                         Matthew Levey                          Mary Kimerling
Edwin Fineberg                        Rochelle Green                         Naomi Kipp
Jenifer Thornton                      Barry Ivker
Gary Schiff                           Marissa Shelsky

Polina & Leonid Mazur (25)            Roslyn & Peter Mannon (29)
Ellen & Kerry Stein (18)              Sherri & David Romanoff (35)
Esther Schuster & Allen Shealy        Sarah & Abe Kunin (8)
(37)                                  Robin & Fred Benjamin (32)
Arlene & Milton Goldstein (54)        Dani & Asher Kahn-Krell (4)
Vikki & Ken Grodner (38)              Danielle & Ben Rosenbaum (4)
Kim & Daniel Mirelman (39)            Tobie & Michael Bogart (38)
Michelle Bearman-Wolnek &             Brenda & Steve Weinstein (44)
Seth Wolnek (28)

Karen & Reuben Halpern (50)           Eileen & Leonard Levin (55)            Natalie & Albert Sikora (62)
Rebecca Salzer & Kevin Kelleher       Ilene & Sandy Axelroth (45)            Robin & Steven Smith (41)
(19)                                  Joan Loretta Munn & Steven             Karen & Dan Weinrib (18)
Lisa & Alan Kianoff (39)              Birns (44)                             Joan & Hunter Gordon (47)
Anita & Gary Gouse (50)               Shira & Matthew Goldberg (27)          Susan & Stuart Padove (48)
Adrienne & Julian Brook (57)          Zena & Lewis Schulman (46)             Suzanne & Howard Bearman (61)
Debbie & Louis Tuck (40)              Cindi & Michael Routman (21)           Barbara & Gary Gordon (44)
Sandy & Morton Stern (58)             Nan & Doug Unkenholz (42)              Gail & Abraham Schuster (38)
Pat & Alan Geldzahler (65)            Rebecca & Joshua Rothman (21)          Meredith & Gary Weintraub (29)
Naomi & Joshua Ivker (26)             Amy & Scott Stein (26)                 Sherri & Jeff Weissman (34)
Maurine & Jacob Halpern (22)          Stacy & Justin Ladden (11)             Bobbie & Howard Sokol (51)
Shirley & Jack Hasson (55)            Sybil & Larry Michalove (61)           Diane & Howard Slaughter (52)

Special Birthdays
Ben Rosenbaum                         Alex Belotserkovskiy                   Ira Kline
Tatyana Shitsel                       Kim Mirelman                           Jeffrey Barnes
Booth Samuels                         Bridget Sikora                         Joshua Ivker

March 2, 2021
I am sorry to say we are leaving Birmingham next week. This was a difficult
decision on our part but it was a time in our life to live closer to family. We are
moving to Ponte Vedra, Florida
where our youngest daughter,
Karen Freedman. resides and not
too far distant from our oldest
daughter, Lisa Parks. Our other
two children, David Michalove
live in Atlanta, GA, and Stacy
May in Menlo Park, California.
 We were married in Temple Beth
El in 1960 by Rabbi Mesch
shortly after Sybil graduated
from the University of Alabama.
Sybil had grown up in
Birmingham where she and her
Greenberg family had been very
active in the Birmingham Jewish community. For the next 22 years (with a stint
in Viet Nam) we embarked on an Air Force career as Larry had previously
graduated from West Point becoming an Air Force officer. In 1977 we retired
from the USAF and settled down in Birmingham where Larry worked the next 22
years in the construction industry for both Harbert Construction Company and
Rust Engineering. We finally retired all together in 1999.
 We had a wonderful life in Birmingham and now it was time to move once
again! We will miss everyone very much!!!
Much love to our friends at Beth El!!!
Larry and Sybil Michalove

       Upcoming Congregational Meeting!
  We aim to have a congregational meeting
  at the end of June or early July, so be sure
     to check your emails. We’ll share the
       definitive details when finalized.
May & June Yahrzeits
(dates indicate Shabbat in which names will be read)
May 7-8              Allen Solomon     May 21-22             Bernard Stelman     *Leon Toranto
                     Bertha Stein                           *Anne Touro           Ben Warner
 Rose Anfanger      *Abram Stern       *Henry Accortt        Rose Weiss           Philip Warren
*Zelda Barnes       *Rhoda Toranto     *Ida Bomchel                              *William Weinstein
 Gene Barth          Rose Walters       Jacob Brick         May 28-29            *Harold Weslock
 Bertha Breslin      Barnett Weissman Allan Brown                                *Harry Wise
 Estelle Bruchis                        Helen Bruck         *Bernard Berk         Gussie Witt
 William Bruchis    May 14-15           Harvey Buchalter     Louis M. Berman Charles
*Harry Erdberg                         *Etta Caine           William Bernstein Wreschner
 Milton Fingerman *Abraham              Reva Calesky        *Eli Blousman        *Yetta Ziff
 Fanny Fishman      Abkowitz            Lee Cohen            Saul Bram            Ida Zonenberg
 Isaac Franco        Tobie Axel         Loyce Coughlin       Pearl Broner
 Gertrude Frankel    Jeannette          Eva Davis           *Hellen Cherner      June 4-5
*Helen Geldzahler Capouya               Ellen Doneson       *Fanny Cohen
 Alfred Gessow      *David Cohen       *Rose Feinberg       *M.I. Cohen          *Frank Abelson
 Augusta Gold        Ember Cohen        Anna Feirman        *Max Corenblum        Jacob Allen
*Fannie Goldberg    *Morris Cooper      Lil Frank            Jack Dorsky         *Edith Alpert
 Rose Landers       *Sarah Coplon      *Charles Frankel      Alice Ellison        Esther Altman
Goldstein            Elise Davis        Mary Gennis         *Dora Euchvitz       *N. Bearman
*Frank Green        *Maren Dell         Aaron Gettinger     *Elsie Evensky       *Beatrice Bomchel
 Morris Green        Gustav Dobbie     *Sarah Ginsburg       Matilda Franco      *Selma Botnik
 Meyer Gruder       *Tillie Eisenberg  *Goldey Goldberg      Rena Gilman          Ruth Bruchis
*Lottie Grusin      *Alexander          Paul Goldman        *Leonard Goldberg *Breine Cohen
 Samuel Grusin      Feinberg           *Dora Goldstein       Gerry Goldstein     *Harry Cooper
*Sholom Grusin       Robert Feirman     Lazar Golubov       *Sara Gordon         *Jacob Cooper
 Milton Hillard     *Robert Frohman     Charles Harris       Oscar Greenberg *Evelyn Dube
*Betty Hodges       *Hertzl Heiman     *Rebecca Hurvich      Daniel Greene       *Samuel Edlavitch
*Joan Holzman        Yevgeniya Ioshpa *Jeanette Hyatt        Robert Griffith     *Joseph Epstein
 Raye Jaffe         *Abraham Jaffe      K. Kaplan           *Irving Haberman      Dora Feldman
 Morris Kazdon       Shirley Lane       Lynda Kemeny         Esther Harris        Alice Ostroy
*Feiga Kimerling    *I.M. Levin         Ruth Kertzner       *Israel Jaffe        Freifeld
 Elaine Kleinstub   *Lena Levin        *Irwin Koplon        *Rita Capouya        *Gertrude
 Frieda Kottle       Solomon           *Nellie Koplon       Kimerling            Friedman
 Harriet Krentzman Liberman             Richard Marks        Nathan Kottle       *David Goldstein
*Linda Lindy        *Julian Lichter    *Morris May           Nathan Kulpe         Ida G. Goldstein
 Earl Lipsitz       *William Lischkoff  Vivian Mazur         Samuel Langer       *I. S. Grossman
*Jennie Lischkoff    Pearl Marbach      William Michalove    Ida Lapidus         *Zelda Jacobs
 Harry Lupion       *Sol Miller         Dona Mintsina        Hortense Levey       Harry Jaffe
 Celia Matlick       Mildred Nassau    *Joshua              *Isadore              Milton Kantor
*Clara Mazer         Dorothy Bieber    Nissenbaum           Lichtenstein         *Morris Karpe
*Isadore Minnen     Nomberg             Kathleen Olshan      Louis Marcus
*David Moss         *Anna Rafel         Phillip Pisetzky    *Libby Myer           Harry Kartus
*KarenEntmanNomberg *Doris Reich        Isaac Rakhman       *J. E. "Gene" Plotka  Jack Kartus
 Mae Olshan          Anna Rose         *Ida Raskin          *Michael Reis         Sheila Klein
 Peggy Ostrin       *Robert Routman     Al Reiss             Donna Reisman       *Ida Korpus
*Joseph Radoms      *Arthur Rubin      *Ann Robertson        Avraam              *Benjamin Kurman
 Gerald             *Louis Sarasohn    *Annie Rosenthal     Reznichenko          *Simon Levine
Rosenbaum           *Max Sarasohn       Minnie Roth         *Ernest Rosemore *Chaje Lichter
 Henry Rothschild *Philip Schiff       *Barbara Routman     *Debra Rosen          Sara Lupion
*Jerry Routman      *Harry Schwartz     Ari Rutkoff          Marvin Rubin        *J. B. Mazer
 Sylvia Saroff       Ilka Shitsel       Herman Schwarz       Nellie Shapiro       Noam Mazur
 Anna Schlaff        Michael Slive     *Sheryl Siegel       *Samuel Silverstein *Meyer Miller
*Adele Schwartz     *Jack Tishler      *Hannah Slaughter     Harriet Stiegel     *William Miller
 Leonard Segal      *Ephraim Toranto    Sol Slive            Ruth Stomakin        George Nelubin
*Annie Shiland      *Sara Weinstein     Leon Smith          *Mose Temerson        Marilyn Nowachek
 Esther Skurko       Constance Werbin *Amanda Stein          Pearl Tishler        Mariam Pelikhova

Elisha Rakhman      *Rae Weinstein    June 25-26           July 2-3
 Jeanne Reznick       Mary Wolf
*Hyman Rosen          Avrum Zinger     *Rose Band           *Morris
 Jerry Rosenthal      I.J. Zuckerman   *Hilda Beck          Applebaum
 Shula Rutkoff                         *Julius Bloomston    *Ira Beck
*Mose Seal         June 18-19           Yetta Bloomston     *Rosa Berkowitz
*Shirley Senior                         Leona Braverman     *Nathan Caine
 Sol Shapiro        Maurice Abrams      Punky Burwinkle      Herman Cohen
 David Simon       *Anna Blousman      *Cecile Cohen        *Tessie R. Cohen
*Sarah Sirote      *Massie Brown        Lazur Cooper        *Samuel
 David Slaughter   *Monroe Cohen       *David Danneman      Corenblum
*Mary Slaughter     Henry Coplon       *Rachel Davis        *Pearl Cypress
*Sidney Sokol       Tom Davis           Isadore Eubanks      Ellen Dorsky
 I. W. Spielberger *Rose Filler        *Bernard Goldstein   *Ida Feinberg
 Seymour Steinlauf  Florence Fried      Leon Greenberg      *Mary Feinberg
*Rachel Weinstein  *Lillian Perrin     *Sam Greenberg        Fannie Fine
*Rose Weslock      Friedman            *Gerald Hallerman     Gabriel Fineberg
                    Ruth Goldforb       Sally Ivker          Harold Frankel
June 11-12         *Bernice Gouse       Simon Jacobs         Oscar Gershon
                    Theodore Gregory *Bluma Kadis           *Rose Ginsburg
 Selma Brande       Abe Gross          *Joe Koplon           Celia Goldberg
 Chaya Cohen       *Ida Esther Hurvich Moisey Koshin        *Jerry Gordon-
 Conrad Cypress    *Sam Joffe           Haya Koshina        Hellman
*Florence "Flo"    *Jacob Joseph       *Estelle Kurman       Harry Greenberg
Epstein             Esther Kartus      *Ethel Laufman       *Ruth Greenberg
 Abe Feldman        Lois Katz           Mark Levin           Sheldon Gross
 Louis Fleisher    *Leah Kimerling     *Bluma Lewis         *Sylvia Helman
 Michael Gates      Leah Kolodkin       Harold Lischkoff     Hermine Herzfeld
 Helen Ginsburg     Robert Lehr         Sophie Litvine      *Moisey Kalikhman
*Herman            *Sarah Levy         *Seymour Marcus       Abraham Kertzner
Greenberg          *Stella Levy        *Ruth Mazer          *Barbara Levy
 Elizabeth         *Abram Lewis         Clara Mazor         Kisber
Hirschberg         *Pearl Lewis        *Dena Padawer        *Eve Koplon
 Isadore Itzkow    *Jack Litvine       *Jake Pollock        *Rita Laufman
*Benjamin Jaffe    *Yankee Marcus      *Sadie Randman        Jack Lerer
*Sidney Jaffe      *Mary Margolis       Herbert Raymond     *Bernard Letaw
 Marisha Kahn      *Nathan Miles        Phillip Redisch     *Eva Mazer
 Kalmen Kleiman     Rachel Mossin       Lenore Rice          Beatrice McHale
 Herman Kleinberg *Harold Newman        David Routman        Richard Mendel
*Thomas Kramer      Abe Pearlman        Seymour             *Jacob
 Feiga Kurman      *Dora Perel         Sadowsky             Rotenstreich
 Charles Levey      Lee Schaeffer      *Helene Scheuer      *Bertha Sarasohn
 Marion Levin      *Harold Schnaper *Jacob Scheuer          *Sarah Sarasohn
*Hannah Levy        David Shweky        Robert               Louise Schwartz
*Josephine Lipsitz *Tillie Siegal      Schlesinger          *Jacob Seligman
 Sadie Lux         *Isaac Sirote       *Pauline Schuster     Leon Shapiro
 Helga Mendel      *Chaim Skalet        Katerina Shal       *Emanuel Sherry
*Leon Newman       *Julius Skalet       Esther Shelsky       Hyman Sokol
*Mark Nozick        Morris Slive        Margaret Smith       Julius Stark
*Arthur M.          Yetta Slive         Raye Staff           Carolyn Stern
Padawer            *Helene Spira        Florence Stein       Nathan Stern
*Albert Perling     Max Teninbaum      *Sam Temerson        *Harold
*Bertha Schiffer   *Himan Urdong       *Iris Weiner         Teninbaum
*Jean Schwartz     *Leon Weinstein      Joe Weinstein       *Bertha Torme
*Henry Shugerman Alfred Weiss           Sara Weinstein       Joseph Werbin
 Zev Meir Siegel    Sprinze Wilensky *Alex Weslock           Louise Winick    *denotes perpetual
*Morris Sokol       Zvi Wilensky                                                memorial plaque in
*Rose Suferin      *Stella Zodin                                                Sanctuary
*David Weinstein
*Heiman Weinstein

TBE Foundation
          Never Underestimate the Power of Chocolate
I was born with a plain Jane name—Cathy Suzanne Stewart.

I would have been Cathy Suzanne Silverberg had my paternal
grandfather, a 13-year-old immigrant and indentured servant on a
Canadian farm, not illegally entered the US. and later changed the family
name to Stewart.

Names are fascinating.

The names of the Foundation’s Named Funds are an Honor Roll of Beth El
families. Some of the funds are large and for general use; some are much
smaller or for specific usage.

I would have liked to have known Ike Kanter who established the Ike Kanter Simchat Torah
Fund to provide chocolates for the kids on Simchat Torah! Anyone who wanted his legacy to be
associated with chocolate is great in my book!

Food and hospitality are a part of legacy at TBE: the Etta Caine Kiddush Luncheon Fund, the
Ceitlin Family Kiddush Luncheon Fund, the Laufman Family Kiddush Fund and the Sanders/
Levey Family Fund.

Foundation Named Funds exemplify the spirit of family values that the Donor(s) wish to

Knowing Barbara Bonfield and her penchant for volunteering, isn’t the Bonfield Family
Volunteer Fund a perfect fit? Ditto, the Brook Family Lay Leadership Fund, the Tenenbuam/
Spielberger Tikkun Olam Fund, and the Murray Saul Fisher Cantorial Fund.

What are your family values that you would like to pass on for generations to come?

A named Fund in the Foundation can be established with as little as $5,000, payable over 3
years. Would you like to start a conversation and explore what your legacy could be at the
Temple Beth-El Foundation? Let’s talk!

In the spirit of Ike Kanter, I’ll provide the chocolate!

—Cathy Fingerman, Executive Director
Temple Beth-El Foundation

                     “We are worth what we are willing to share with others.“
                                    --Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
FUND                                                 In memory of Al Echenberg, Justine Sider’s
  Barbara Bonfield                                   husband
                                                     In memory of Michael Sanders
MYRON “PETE” AND ANN Z. COHEN ARON                      Amy Sanders
In honor of Ann Cohen                                MEYER & DOROTHY SHILAND ADULT PROGRAM
   Toby Klein                                        ENRICHMENT FUND
                                                     In memory of Meyer Shiland on his Yahrzeit
MURRAY SAUL FISHER CANTORIAL FUND                       Judy & Gerson May
In memory of David Staff, beloved husband of         In memory of Meyer Shiland on his Yahrzeit
Dolly                                                  Dorothy Shiland
In honor of Colin Helman’s birthday
                                                     RUTH AND JOSEPH SIKORA CHILDREN’S
In memory of Sue Tuck, beloved wife of Albert
                                                     EDUCATION FUND
                                                      In memory of Albert Sikora’s bother, David
   Arlene Fisher
                                                     “Sonny” Sikora
                                                        Arlene Fisher
GENERAL FOUNDATION FUND                                 Cathy & Irwin Fingerman
From the estate of Phyllis Weinstein on Shloshim
  Toby Klein                                         Your donations make a difference! The Temple
                                                     Beth-El Foundation recently supported:
FUND                                                 Picnics on Highland: Etta Caine Kiddush
In memory of Nathan Kianoff, father and              Luncheon Fund, Ceitlin Family Kiddush Luncheon
grandfather                                          Fund, Laufman Family Kiddush Fund, Sanders/
In memory of Della Katz, beloved grandmother,        Levey Family Fund, Arnold and Florrie Krell
great-grandmother and great-great grandmother        Childcare Fund
on her Yahrzeit                                      Cantorial Skills Class for Sarah Metzger: Rabbi
   Lisa & Alan and Hayley KIanoff; Natalie, Marc &   Culpeper and Irby Cohen Performing Arts Fund,
    Micah Goldsmith                                  Heidi and Martin Damsky Teacher Training
                                                     Education Fund
MAXINE AND STANLEY LAPIDUS SPECIAL                   Engagement/Collaboration Coordinator: Reva
PROJECTS FUND                                        and Joe Engel Young Adult Engagement Fund
In memory of David Staff, beloved husband of         Civil Rights Tour Research: Charles and Esther
Dolly Staff
                                                     Kimerling Media Fund
   Susan & Billy Lapidus
                                                     Civil Rights Tour Book Printing: Maxine and
                                                     Stanley Lapidus Special Projects Fund
Mazal Tov to Sue & Billy Lischkoff on the Bar
Mitzvah of their grandson, Alex Fennessey
  Arlene Fisher                                        Foundation donations received after April 6 will be
                                                              published in the next Connection.
 Wishing good health to her brother, Bobby Marks
   Julie Marks

Condolences (As of 04.23.2021)
With sympathy, TBE wishes the families of the following peace and love during their time of sorrow:

Davida Ann Mazer Lasley
Feb. 24
Sister of Honi Gottlieb (Steve) and Susan Kornblut (Harold)

Eugenia Meixon
March 4
Daughter Rita Meikson and son Pavel Meikson

David “Sonny” Sikora
March 10
Brother of Albert Sikora (Natalie)

Wayne Lassen
April 16
Brother of Rochelle Olshan and Linda Cohn

Izzy Rosenthal
April 17
Brother of Hannah Helman (Colin)

Robert “Bobby” Marks
April 19
Brother of Julie Marks

Temple Beth El Donations
GOOD FORTUNE                          IN MEMORY OF                     ROBERT SPIELBERGER
CHAI                                  MOST GENEROUS                    MEMORIAL
Mazal Tov to Jacob & Maurine          In memory of Lee Unger Lichter
Halpern on the Bat Mitzvah of their   Southpace Properties
daughter Ellie                                                         Sarah Goldberg Frankel
Lisa & Alan Engel                                                      Edward Schulman
                                      DOUBLE CHAI                      Lynn & Bert Bloomston
                                      Phyllis Weinstein
ADDITIONAL                            Toby Klein
Mazal Tov to Anna Deason & Joshua                                      YAHRZEIT
Richman on their marriage             Alvin Slaughter                  MOST GENEROUS
Jeff Padawer                          Lynette Slaughter                Edward Isaac Stein
                                                                       Joyce & Gaston Stein
                                      David Staff
CHICO BOMCHEL                         Cissy & Leonard Held             Meyer Shiland
MEMORIAL SOCIAL                       Barbara & Gary Gordon            Judy & Gerson May
ACTION                                CHAI                             Ruth Mirelman
CHAI                                  Davida Mazer Lazley              Kim & Daniel Mirelman
In memory of Davida Mazer Lazley      Sherry & Jerry Cherner
Bernard Axel                                                           GENEROUS
                                      David Sikora                     Alfred Rice
ADDITIONAL                            Cheryl Palmer                    Jill & Marc Rice
In memory of Davida Ann Mazer         Shirley & Ron Froehlich
Lasley                                Dodie Sokol & Howard Weintrob    France Jaffe
In memory of Conrad David Cohen                                        Her Children
Karen & Dan Weinrib                   David Staff
                                      Heidi & Martin Damsky
                                      Esther & Jack Levy               DOUBLE CHAI
RABBI’S                                                                Barney M. Bonfield, father-in-law
                                    Sue Tuck                           Barbara Bonfield
DISCRETIONARY FUND                  Heidi & Martin Damsky
In honor of Rabbi Stephen & Bethany Lynette Slaughter                  Harry Wilk
Slater for your assistance and love Hannah & Ken Tichansky             Arlene Fisher
shown to us for David’s funeral
Dolly Staff                         Mary Ginsburg                      Rose Helman
                                      Leslye & Stephen Lapidus         Hannah & Colin Helman
CHAI                                  ADDITIONAL                       CHAI
                                      David Sikora                     Vladimir Belotserkorskiy, son
Wishing continued good health to
                                      Bernard Stern                    Bronya Belotserkovskaya
Ruth Siegler
Toby Klein
                                      Davida Ann Lasley                Izzy Weintraub
                                      Jeff Padawer                     Gloria Weintraub
Wishing continued good health to                                       Freddy Weintraub
Melvin Zivitz                                                          Gloria Weintraub
Jeff Padawer

Audrey Rich                               Sarah Goldberg Frankel
Natalie & Eric Asman                      Edward Schulman
                                          Lynn & Bert Bloomston
Bertha (Fritzi) Rosenberg, mother
Toby Klein                                Alexander Zinger
                                          Evdiniya & Boris Zinger
Marion Lefkowitz Siegel
Herman Siegel                             Henry Greenberg
Susan & Harold Brooks                     Katherine & Bruce Greenberg

Melvin Olshan                               Donations processed after April 7 will be
Rochelle Bloomston                              published in the next edition of the

Alvin Slaughter
Shirley & Jack Hasson

Mary Meyerowitz
Gustave Meyerowitz
Sandy & Gene Siegal

Claire Klein Gettinger
Holly & David Gettinger

Abe Butler & Rose “Boo” Butler
Gloria Weintraub

Pauline Riskin
Natalie & Albert Sikora

Helen Jaffe, grandmother &
Jan & Kenny, Kendal and Tyler

Gregor Kishinevskiy, grandfather and
Frieda Kishinevskiy, mother,
grandmother and great-grandmother
Isaak Kishinevskly, father, grandfather
and great-grandfather
Ester Kishinevskaya, mother,
grandmother and great-grandmother
Zinaida Golubova, Lazar Golubov,
Genya Safyanova and Victor Safyanov

Joyce Benjamin
Harvey Benjamin
Marvin Rich
Bobbye & Michael Seligman

Shirley Aaron               Sandra Jaffe &             Sheree & David Kanter      Gail & Abe Schuster
Janet & David Aarons          Barry Dreayer            Lisa & Alan Kianoff        Lora Schwartz
Dalia & Keith Abrams        Lisa & Alan Engel          Mary & David Kimerling     Joyce & Maury Shevin
Melissa &                   Alise & Joe Erdberg        Sheryl & Jon Kimerling     Susan & Ronald Shiland
  Steven Altmann            Naomi & Ed Fineberg        Rikki & Lanning Kline      Toby & Bert Siegel
Phyllis & Joseph Arnold     Cathy & Irwin Fingerman    Sheri & Jimmy Krell        Natalie & Albert Sikora
Natalie & Eric Asman        Arlene Fisher              Susan & Billy Lapidus      Diane &
Marsha Asman                Rhoda & Wayne Fleisig      Haran & Cheryl Levy &        Howard Slaughter
Bernard Axel                Nancy Frankel &            Paula Levy                 Lynette Slaughter
Suzanne &                     Lennie Siegel            Linda Levine               Marilyn Slater
  Howard Bearman            Shirley &                  Sue & Billy Lischkoff      Bari Sokol
Linda & Bruce Beeber          Ronald Froehlich         Roslyn & Peter Mannon      Bobbie & Howard Sokol
Susan Biedinger             Pat & Alan Geldzahler      Julie Marks                Joyce & Gaston Stein
Barbara Bonfield            Ginger & Lawrence          Elaine May                 Julie & Charles Stein
Adrienne& Julian Brook        Gennis                   Joan May                   Betty Steinmetz
Jerry Brown                 Burt Gershon               Frieda & Eph Mazer         Sandy & Morton Stern
Pam & Alan Buchalter        Jeff, Cary, & Andrew       TBE Men's Club             Nan & Phil Teninbaum
Brian Chernoff                Gershon                  Lucas Nesladek & Krystal   Nan & Doug Unkenholz
Jeff, Lauren, Hudson, and   Sandra & Douglas Gilbert     Ortiz-Nesladek           Karen & Dan Weinrib
Parker Chernoff             Arlene & Milton            Jeff Padawer               Rhonda &
Karen Chernoff                Goldstein                Susan & Stuart Padove        Harry Weinberg
Shellie Chester             Claudette & Sheldon        Marian Radwin              Ilene & Allan Wilensky
Ann Cohen                     Goldstein                Arlene Redisch             Dorothy Ziff
Lauren Cohen, Deena         Stan Gershon               Loraine & David Reznik
Ruben, & the                Joan & Hunter Gordon       Sherri & David Romanoff
  Feinberg Family           Debra Gordon-Hellman       Evelyn & Andrew
Mindy & Gary Cohen          Mira & Eddie Griffith      Rosemore                   Donations received after
Charlotte Corenblum         Vikki & Ken Grodner        Ella Rosen                 April 7 will appear in the
Sharon & Michael            Hannah & Colin Helman      Harriet Routman            next issue.
Corenblum,                  Cecille & Max Herzel       Nathan Salant
Caryn & Steven              Bruce, Kathy & Amelia      Donna & Gary Schiff
Corenblum                   Joan Holzman               Esther Schuster & Allen
Susan Damsky                Gay Jacobs                   Shealy

Temple Beth El              Non-Profit Org.
2179 Highland Ave. S.       U.S. POSTAGE
P.O. Box 550220                PAID
Birmingham, AL 35255-0220   Permit No. 889
205.933.2740                Birmingham, AL

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