May 2021 - Evergreen Club

Page created by Janice Bowen
May 2021 - Evergreen Club
May 2021
                                                                  The May pandemic version of the
                                                      Monthly Evergreen Club (which is still ... closed) Newsletter.
 Evergreen Club Memberships $27
    January 1 to December 31
      Florence Filberg Centre
         411 Anderton Ave.
      Courtenay, BC V9N 6C6

          The Evergreen Club
     at the Florence Filberg Centre
                                                                                                      Photograph by Art Hockley
President’s Message                  Submitted by Gord Kruger, Evergreen Club President
Greetings Everyone!!.....I hope all is going reasonably well in "Your" bubble". A new month is upon us and the first order
of business for me is to retract to some degree the rather brash statement I made in my April message. I talked about the
train in the tunnel and how I thought that there was some slight sign of improving numbers in our battle with the "Covid
Monster". I seemed to infer that the train was still at the far end of tunnel but it's light was flickering. Well...I think that
flicker has temporarily dulled. The train it seems, jumped the tracks shortly after that and at this time I'll not chance any
further predictions. The numbers in British Columbia took off to new heights in April and Dr Bonnie and her political pals
had to re-adjust their thinking. It seemed that we are almost back at square one......can't even go to Timmies or McDonalds
and grab a sit down cup of coffee.....and as a matter of fact, we really can't do much of anything or go anywhere. I really
didn't see that coming and the reality of it all stings severely. I'll not even begin to discuss what it's done to the status of the
Evergreen activities. I'll leave that to our stalwart coordinator Janet and her team. I know she will have some things to tell
you in her report in this issue of the newsletter....and I'll just sit here with egg on my face.

As we continue to confront this menace it seems that the only real solution is to get the vaccine numbers up and continue our
use of the safety layers that we have at our availability. Surely to goodness there will come a time when we will be able to put
all this behind us and we REALLY will see that train get back on track. It's been a long long time now that our club activities
have been scuttled.....we've all aged another year, a year lost at a time in our life when years are so highly coveted. Fortunately
we live in an area where COVID numbers have been fairy low and our membership seems to have been lucky in that sense.
But we have lost a few of our membership to natural causes over this past year and that part of it is sad....sad to have the end
come during such a turbulent time. To the families and friends of those that have passed, I offer my condolences.

I also want to take a moment to recognize our many wonderful volunteers. Although it may seem that there is little you
can do at the moment, do not despair. "SOON"....and hopefully very soon, you will be called on to make it all happen once
again....and our club will flourish once more. April was volunteer month and once again we were unable to recognize our
volunteers with celebration.....hopefully April 2022 will be totally different.....gotta' get that train moving.

That's a wrap for now....stay safe and continue with the safety protocols.........see you at the train station.....gk
May 2021 - Evergreen Club
evergreen Club News
    Reopening News - Let’s Get Together Outside!                                             The Fine Print
It is officially time to reconnect with old and new friends at the Evergreen Club     All outdoor program plans are tentative
as we will start to slowly reopen, starting with some outdoor activities.       The   until confirmed and are subject to the
Evergreen Club will be offering a variety of new outdoor activities this spring and   Provincial Health Orders (PHO) and
summer for small groups. Have a look at the some of the new options on page 3.        recommendations that are in place for
In addition to this, some of our Activity Clubs may decide to meet outside. At
this time we still cannot open up for Activity Clubs that share equipment such as     Under the current PHOs outdoor
cards or game pieces. Please contact your Activity Club volunteer rep or Janet        gatherings are limited to the same ten
( for more information. All Evergreen Club activities        people, and attendees must observe
and programs are open to current Evergreen Club members only, no guests at this       social distancing. These are subject to
time.                                                                                 changes.

All plans for Evergreen Club activities will be accordance with the current           At this time masks are recommended
Provincial Health Orders and are subject to change or cancellation. The Florence      but not required outdoors.
Filberg Centre is not open at this time for indoor Evergreen Club Programs.
                                                                                      If we get more than 10 people
                                                                                      interested in a program or activity we
                          2021 Membership                                             may create two or more groups with
                                                                                      no socializing or changes between the
              To renew or take out an Evergreen Club membership                       groups. Contact tracing information
                                   please visit                                       will be collected.
              Courtenay Recreation’s online registration system at
                                                      Waivers are required and will be on
                                        or                                            hand at the program location.
               Phone the Florence Filberg Centre 250 - 338 -1000
                                                                                      Please not contact the City of Courtnay
      The reception desk is not open for in person service but memberships            for program information or for the
                  can be purchased or renewed over the phone.                         interest list for these Evergreen Club
                   Thanks for supporting the Evergreen Club !

     Table of Contents                         Evergreen Club Staff                        Evergreen Club
   Evergreen Club News      p. 2 - 3
   Cathy’s Corner 		        p. 4                                                        Executive Committee
                                            Courtenay Recreational Association
   EG Greetings             p. 5 - 6                                                  President
                                               250-338-1000 Filberg Office
   Members’ Submission      p. 7                                                        Gord Kruger       250-339-4389
   Member Spotlight         p. 8                                                      Vice-President
                                            Janet CRA Exec. Director &
   More EG News             p. 9                                                       Nettie Webers      250-334-3499
                                                  EG Club Coordinator
   Activity Clubs List      p. 10                                                     Secretary
       Newsletter Submissions                                                          Dianne Bruon       250-338-0940
 Please submit newsletter items for        Cathy Assist. EG Club Coordinator
                                                                                      Committee Members
     the June 2021 newsletter                     & Volunteer Coordinator             Wayne King          250-339-4127
         by Friday May 22st.                             Riki Jager          250-339-1316
                                                                                      Ron Webber          250-338-6603
     Submit by email to Janet at           Alisha EG Food Services Coordinator        Louise Stevenson                     & Admin Support                  

2 May 2021 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •
May 2021 - Evergreen Club
evergreen Club news
       Upcoming Outdoor Activities                                                             A Note from
These outdoor programs are slated to begin in early June, if the Provincial Health
Orders at that time permit. If you would like to be on the interest list for any
                                                                                         Did you enjoy our April sunny
of these small outdoor gatherings please email or call with your name, phone
                                                                                         weather? Like many people, I welcome
number and the name of the program(s) you would like to sign up to do. Want
                                                                                         the warmer weather and longer days.
to join with a friend ? No problem, just let us know, and we will do our best to
                                                                                         Each day I take a break from work and
accommodate your request.
                                                                                         get outside for a bit, a short bike ride,
                                                                                         a walk on the beach, a picnic lunch,
         To be on an Interest List for these programs                                    or just read on the deck. Wading is a
         Email (email preferred)                                     particular pleasure of mine. In April I
                                                                                         was able to wade a couple of times. I
                     or call 250- 338 -1000                                              love walking, in ankle deep water, and
                                                                                         looking for sea life along the shoreline.
          and ask to leave a voice message for Cathy                                     Now I can’t wait for my first ocean
                                                                                         swim! One thing about working from
Evergreen Club staff will be in touch towards the end of May to register you for
                                                                                         home that I like is being able to slip
your program of choice. Each program will run from 4 to 6 weeks and will be
                                                                                         out for a walk on my neighbourhood
hosted by our staff. Programs are free with the exception of Lunch in the Park.
                                                                                         beach at random times or to catch a
Locations to be announced. Cancellation notifications will be sent in case of
                                                                                         low tide.
inclement weather. These programs are open to current Evergreen Club members
only, no guests. Please read The Fine Print on page 2.

BEACH HOUR Once a week we will meet at a different local beach. Bring a
chair and enjoy some conversation, ocean views and if you wish a ramble on the

Conversation Circle                Once a week we will meet and hang out for
conversation and maybe start with some probing questions and/or interesting
facts to discuss! Bring a chair and enjoy a chat!                                        However I do still miss the hustle and
                                                                                         bustle of the Evergreen Club! With
easy Walking Group Join us for short walks, less than 30 minute, on flat                 the current restrictions on all indoor
trails followed by a time for visiting. Bring a chair if you want to sit and socialize   activities we still have some time to
after the walk. We will meet at different local parks each week.                         go before we can use the Florence
                                                                                         Filberg Centre again. I am excited to
Trail Walking Group Enjoy a short easy hike of up to one hour on local                   announce that we have a few outdoor
trails. We will meet at a different local park each week.                                activities almost ready to launch. Read
                                                                                         over the options and sign up to be on
Games Hour Enjoy lawn games like Bocce, Croquet and others each week.                    an interest list. As soon as we have
Bring a chair if you want to stay and socialize after a game or two.                     locations and safety plans approved we
                                                                                         will be calling those interested to let
Trivia Time Come try out your knowledge in this casual trivia game just for              you know more details and sign you
the fun of it. Bring your chair!                                                         up to participate.
Lunch in the Park Alisha, our Food Services Coordinator will be making lunch             Next month I hope to have an update
and bringing it out to the park weekly for registered members.                           on resuming indoor activities. I have
                                                                                         been think about that for so long I can’t
  Send us your name and phone number if you are interested in any of these               even imagine it happening but it will!
 programs and we’ll call or email you with the details once they are confirmed.          I am looking forward to seeing you all
             You can decide if you want to register at that time.                        and being at the office again.
              May 2021 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •                                            3
May 2021 - Evergreen Club
Cathy’s Corner MAy Edition
                         We were fortunate to be able to host the Comox Valley Volunteer Tax Clinic again this year.
                         Although the program had many modifications to comply with the safety guidelines, one thing
                         remained the same, the service was greatly appreciated by the community. Thank you to all the tax
                         volunteers and tax greeters who volunteered their time. It is great to see some of our volunteers
                         return, even under these strange circumstances!

Since the club has been closed I have been utilizing the time with some professional development. I took a course on
volunteer management in the fall and now I am learning InDesign. InDesign is the computer program Janet uses to design
our newsletters. I am excited to learn this new skill as I have always enjoyed learning and I have a creative side I like to
incorporate into my work. This program will allow me to create fun things like posters and pamphlets for special events,
and of course allow me to assist with the newsletter. Normally things like professional upgrading take a back seat during the
busy times, so this has been a great way to maximize this (temporary) quieter time. I hope you are finding new and exciting
things to do with your time as well.

Missing the opportunity to connect with others has probably been one of the most difficult aspects of the pandemic. That is
why, I am so excited about the announcement of the planning of some outdoor groups. With the arrive of spring, I couldn’t
think of a better time to be outside to catch up with old friends and to soak up the beautiful spring weather.

                                                                        Miriam’s Muse
                                                                    This monthly column features
                                                                  wisdoms, jokes and sentiments that
                                                                       serve as inspiration for
                                                                          Miriam Piikkila.

                                                                All of these gems are taken from her scrapbook she
                                                                generously has agreed to share with us. Thanks Miriam!

                                                                           Is not the absence of conflict but the
                                                                                   ability to cope with it.

                                                                  The difference between stumbling blocks and stepping
                                                                           stones is the way a person uses them.
    A mother’s love is unique from other types of love.
    A mother is programed through biology to love her            Don’t put off until tomorrow what can be enjoyed today.
   child, from the moment she finds out it is on the way.
                                                                     You can’t get much done by starting tomorrow.
     Her love is protective, as she loves her children so
   fiercely, she wants to protect them from any harm or                    Practice makes perfect so be careful
    sadness. Her children’s successes and triumphs are                              what you practice.
  like her own, yet she can only be as happy as her most
  unhappy child. A mother’s love is unselfish, as the only         The happiness of your life depends on the quality of
     thing she wants from her child, is their happiness.                             your thoughts.

   Here’s to all the wonderful Evergreen mother’s, as your          Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of
     love makes the world a kinder and gentler place.                                happiness.

                                              by Cathy

4 May 2021 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •
May 2021 - Evergreen Club
Evergreen Club greetings

The Art Group                                  Book Club
It’s hard to believe that we are heading       We have not met as scheduled since the COVID-19 closure of the Evergreen Centre.
into the fifth month of 2021, but              We have, however, submitted to each other via email what we had been reading
wasn't April beautiful? Sunshine               and watching in the previous month. We had a Zoom get-together recently to
and flowers, what else could we ask            stay in touch with each other and talk about books. Some of the titles read and
for? would   recommended by our members were:
be really nice to meet again right?
Hopefully that time will come soon                                      Where the Crawdads Sing, Delia Owens
(fingers crossed). In the meantime                                           Firefly Lane, Kristin Hannah
we keep our camera’s handy, our                                      Autopsy of a Boring Wife, Marie-Renee Lavoie
brushes clean and our canvas ready.                                       The Innocents, Michael Crummey
Enjoy May as your garden and flowers                                          The Long Call, Ann Cleeves
grow and bloom and don’t forget your                                      From Sand and Ash, Amy Harmon
mother on Mother’s Day. Marcia                                         The Race and Other Stories, Sinclair Ross
                                                                        As For Me and My House, Sinclair Ross
Bible Study                                                                  Shuggle Bain, Douglas Stuart
As we persevere through this time                                         Transcendent Kingdom, Yaa Gyasi
of Covid-19 and the variances, there
is comfort in focusing on God’s                              We have also been sharing what we’ve been watching:
promises to us. Among His many                                                  Atlantic Crossing, PBS
promises to all who have answered                                       Blood, Acorn TV through the Library
His call to follow Him, the following                                    Vera, Knowledge Network & Library
are a few.                                                           Mark Twain, Ken Burns DVD from Library
                                                                                 The Coroner, CBC
1 John 5: 1,4 Everyone who believes                                      Keeping Faith, Knowledge Network
that Jesus is the Christ, is born of God.
Everyone born of God overcomes the             We look forward to once again meeting in person…. It may be getting closer!
Joel 2: 32 Everyone who calls on the
name of the Lord will be saved.
Psalm 32: 7,10,11 You are my hiding            Choristers
place; You will protect me from
                                               Hey we finally got a little rain like they
trouble and surround me with songs
                                               have been promising us for so long, My
of deliverance. Many are the woes of
                                               plants say thank you So I was thinking
the wicked but the Lord’s unfailing
                                               "April Showers" would be a good song
love surrounds the man (person) who
                                               to be singing this month.
trusts in Him. Rejoice in the Lord
and be glad, you righteous; sing, all
                                               Our back yard is starting to look good
you upright in heart!
                                               so you are welcome to take a drive
Psalm 91: 14 “Because he loves me”,
                                               down our back alley for a look , There's
says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will
                                               a good chance you’ll see Phil out there
protect him, for he acknowledges my
                                               primping the beds.
                                               How about singing "Oh lonesome
God’s Blessing to all of you! Look
                                               me" and Happy Trails" as well as April
for His Blessings everyday and give
                                               Showers" to all and sundry this month.
Thanks. We will meet again when the
Evergreen re-opens. See you then.
                                               So long until we meet again.
Helen Waddell 250-400-3400
               May 2021 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •                                          5
May 2021 - Evergreen Club
Evergreen Club greetings

Darts                                                                              Drama Club
Hi, dart players, hope you've all had
your first vaccine shot by now. Nothing                                            Hello Everyone, and a happy May to
for us to do, but wait some more for                                               you! With more folks being vaccinated
the Covid 19 virus to be under control                                             maybe we can start to see each other
and we can get back to our schedule                                                again outside this summer. Lets hope!
and hit all those bulls eyes and triple                                            Anyway, another funny anecdote from
20's (if we can remember where they                                                our Betty Annand about her niece is
are on the board).                                                                 on Page 7. I loved it!

Please remember to pay your 2021                                                   Peggy
membership fees, it's important to
support our Evergreen Club through                                                 Genealogy Club
the pandemic shutdown.
                                                                                   We continue to hold our meetings on
We've had some nice, warm weather                                                  the 3rd Thursday of every month via
to enjoy, even if it's only a cup of tea                                           Zoom. The discussions and webinars
and looking out the window at all the                                              are informative and enlightening. If
blossoms and gardens coming to life.                                               you are not one of our regulars, but
                                                Ginny in her Easter bonnet         would like an invite, please contact
                                                                                   Bob Scales at his email address
Take Care. Be Safe. We’ll get through this together.                     
Ginny Greene 250-334-4334
                                                                                   Diane 250-335-1510

                                                                                    Make the most of the
                                                                                          best and
                                                                                    the best of the worst.

                                                                                   Gospel Sing a Long
                                                                                   Happy Mother’s Day to every lady and
                                                                                   may we soon be back together singing.
                                                                                   Keep a song in your heart and mind
                                                                                   and enjoy the warm sunshine and
                                                                                   beautiful, colorful spring time. God’s
                                                                                   gift to all of us. Hoping we will soon
                                                                                   be back together singing the lovely
                                                Photography by Ginny Greene        songs Jeanette always has prepared for
                                                                                   us. Loretta
 Zoom Meetings
Clubs meeting online include: Drama, Computer, Genealogy and Book Club. If
your activity club would like to meet on Zoom or just get together for a chat we
can set that up. Email Janet at

6 May 2021 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •
May 2021 - Evergreen Club
Evergreen Club members’ Submissions
From “Stories About Lorna”
                         by Betty Annand
Lorna has a ranch and has raised some very talented horses. Through the years she’s
also raised many other remarkable animals such as her “special needs” chickens,
Bill, Lert, Stevie Wonder and Dob. The following are Bill and Lert’s stories -

When Lorna first acquired chickens, she didn’t have a chicken coop and the chickens had to run wild during the day, and
roost in the barn at night. One evening she came across one of the hens roosting in a tree instead of the barn. The poor bird
appeared to be starving. On closer inspection she discovered that its beak was deformed so badly it could barely eat. The
top beak was straight but the bottom one had grown in sideways. No wonder it was starving to death! Because of the hen’s
abnormality, Lorna nicknamed her “Bill.”

I’m sure Bill would have been Sunday dinner if she belonged to anyone else, but Lorna couldn’t kill any animal. She fed Bill
by hand everyday for the next 16 years! Because she worked as Chief Steward on the Powell River ferry, she was able to bring
home all the leftover scrambled eggs from the ship’s café and those eggs, along with 140 corn kernels that Lorna flattened
every day, managed to keep Bill alive and well all those years. Of course what Bill appreciated most was all the TLC Lorna
gave her.

Bill proved to be a good broody hen and hatched a lot of chicks during the following years. Then, as the poor bird aged, and
her health began to fail, there was always one chick from each of her hatchings that would remain at her side until the next
batch, and then another chick would take over the vigilance. The last hen to watch over Bill stayed with her until the end. This
chicken was so alert and dedicated to her task, that Lorna named her “Lert.”

Near the end, Lert would cover Bill with one of her wings as though to comfort her and keep her warm. It was truly a heart-
warming sight. Sadly, when Bill died, Lert was so upset that she tried to stop Lorna from taking her away to bury her and
she made sad clucking noises. In fact, poor Lert was so heart-broken she refused to eat and she passed away four days later.

                                     SERIOUS LOCK DOWN ADVICE
                                                 Submitted by Val Parmely

Everyone PLEASE be careful because people are going crazy from being locked down at home! I was just talking about this
with the microwave and the toaster while drinking my Pepsi, and we all agreed that things are getting bad. I didn’t mention
any of this to the washing machine, because she puts a different spin on EVERYTHING!! Certainly, couldn’t share with
the fridge, cause he’s been acting cold and distant! In the end, the iron straightened me out! She said the situation isn’t all
that pressing and all the wrinkles will soon get ironed out!

The vacuum, however, was very unsympathetic…told me to just suck it up! But the fan was VERY optimistic and gave me
hope that it will all blow over soon!

The toilet looked a bit flushed but didn’t say anything when I asked its opinion, but the front door said I was becoming
unhinged, and the doorknob told me to get a grip!! You can just about guess what the curtains told me: they told me to
“pull myself together!”

We will survive!! Gotta keep the humour!
              May 2021 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •                                            7
May 2021 - Evergreen Club
Spotlight on Spotlight on Stephanie Whitelaw
                                                                                                              by Heather Rapin
Stephanie Whitelaw was born at the Vancouver General Hospital. When she was
five, her family moved to Oshawa, Ontario where her father served as the Eastern
Ontario Sales Rep for General Motors. It was during this time that Stephanie fell
in love with ballet during her five years of lessons. Her parents made sure to take
her to see Swan Lake and she has attended many ballet performances since.

While working for General Motors, one of her dad’s responsibilities was to arrange
cars for celebrities, royalty and government officials. He met Prince Phillip and
Princess Elizabeth, President Nehru from India, and Winston Churchill, among
many others. Stephanie became a royal buff during this time and her father
was excited for her to meet Princess Alexandra and the Duchess of Kent. She
remembers getting dressed in her Brownie uniform and practicing the curtsy for
her visit with them. It was a short visit but the love of royalty stuck with her.
Recently, Stephanie flew the Union Jack to commemorate the passing of Prince
Her parents missed British Columbia and moved back to Vancouver, camping
across Canada on their return trip. The love of camping is still a passion for
Stephanie. Soon after their arrival, her dad became the general manager for the
PNE and under his watch, and because of his innovative ideas, the PNE had their
                                                                                         Stephanie (nurse) with fellow cast
first one million attendees come through the gates in one day. It is interesting to
                                                                                         members Peggy and Cindy in the
note that her father introduced the idea of having international pavilions where
                                                                                        Evergreen Drama Club’s production
patrons could learn about different cultures, much like Expo 86 did many years
                                                                                               of “We Are Family”.
Stephanie’s mother encouraged her daughter to audition for the Elgar Choir of British Columbia. Her mother had been a
member of this touring choir for many years. Stephanie had to learn fifty two pieces of music in a few months to qualify for
the European tour that performed in six countries in three months, partly financed by the Rotary Club International. Her
mother spent hours plucking out the second soprano parts of the songs and when the choir master just randomly chose
pieces of music for Stephanie to sing, she was able to do it. She boarded the train one day before her thirteenth birthday, the
beginning of a journey that took her on the Carinthia from the Cunard line, a British ship that landed in France one week
later at 1 a.m. and their first performance was six hours later, singing acapella in front of a cathedral audience.

Stephanie has enjoyed music through her life. She has a favourite memory of being asked to sing a solo at her Grade 12
graduation. She chose, ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone.’ That song exemplifies Stephanie’s life. She is a mother of two children,
grandmother of two grandsons and great grandmother of two great granddaughters.

It’s not surprising that Stephanie chose a care giving profession. Following in her mother’s footsteps who was a registered
nurse trained at St. Paul’s Hospital, class of 1934, she trained as a Practical Nurse. She then married and had two children.
After her children started school, she took more courses and trained as a Care Aide. Stephanie worked in extended care for
ten years when all of the heavy lifting began to affect her shoulders. Believing that, “No matter how old you are, you can still
train,” she took a one year course from the University College of the Fraser Valley and finished her profession working as a
Nursing Unit Clerk for nine and a half years before retiring to Courtenay.

Like many of us, Stephanie’s parents helped shape who she would become. Her father started running at 67 and he became
a track and field athlete. He jumped his last hurdle at age 90. It was in this spirit, Stephanie signed up to hike the rugged
Chilkoot Trail (the Klondike Gold Rush trail) at age 57. She had no previous experience and trained for six months. It was
hard work, especially when she was falling behind the group one day and her leg went straight through the ice and snow.
She had to get herself out, and with determination, she did and proceeded to make it to the end of the trail. She once again
proved that she could set a goal and work to achieve it.
                                                                                                     Continued on page 9

8 May 2021 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •
May 2021 - Evergreen Club
Spotlight on Stephanie Whitelaw                    Tax Volunteers Rise to the Occasion!
                                           Our Community Volunteer Tax Program went extremely well throughout March
At present, Stephanie is enjoying          and April. The tax preparation volunteers did almost 200 tax returns. Volunteers
retirement with her husband, John.         attended a special training session and then leapt into action to run this year’s
They moved to the Comox Valley             program under Covid conditions. Alisha and Cathy took turns supporting the
in 2003 and they both joined the           program and the volunteers.
Evergreen Club a year later. She is
passionate about enjoying nature,          The volunteers at the door were outstanding. They greeted each person, asked
spending time outdoors and walking         the Covid Screening questions, took names for contact tracing forms, ensured
her dogs. John is the wagon master,        everyone had a mask and wiped down surfaces between people. Each tax station
(which includes making sure that           table was set up with a Plexiglas shield between volunteer and participant and
everyone is safe while traveling and       the tax preparers were able to help people in a very safe environment. Their
booking the campsites) of the Comox        attention to detail and patience is especially acknowledged. The tax program ran
Valley RV Club and they both enjoy         like clockwork!
camping in the area and making new         Pictured here are just a few of our tax program volunteers. A very special thank
friends. Stephanie loves writing stories   you goes out to all of you for a very successful tax program this usual year.
as a hobby. She broke into acting just a
few years ago and enjoys the challenge
of getting into character and learning
all those lines! She is looking forward
to the Evergreen Centre reopening but
Stephanie lives in the moment and is
busy enjoying each day to the fullest.
What better place to do that but in the
Comox Valley?

            Puzzle Program
  If you would like to be a part of
     our Puzzle Program please                   Greeters Jackie & Cecile            Greeters Lana & Lena at the door
          give us a shout!
             Email Janet at or
  call the Filberg 250 338 1000 and
   ask to leave a message with your
     phone on Janet’s answering
 Alisha will give you a call to set up a
 time to drop off or pick up puzzles
             at your home.

 Puzzle donations (complete please)
    are always welcome. You do
   not have to donate a puzzle to           Mike, our Tax Program team lead,                Our 2021 Tax Preparers
            participate.                            at his tax station.              Carol, Mike and Rick (missing Moira)
              May 2021 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •                                      9
May 2021 - Evergreen Club
We will meet again in 2021 !
      We will look forward to seeing you at the Evergreen Club in 2021!

      Active                            Creative                                Special
Carpet Bowling                          Pursuits                               interest
Cycling                         Art Group                               At the Movies
Cue Sports                      Brazilian Embroidery                    Bible Study
Darts                           Camera Club                             Book Club
Floor Curling                   Drama Club                              Computer Club
Golf                            Fabric Painters                         Genealogy Club (Virtual)
Slo Pitch                       Knit & Crochet                          Friday Night Dance
Table Tennis (Mon/Tues)         Quilters                                Meet & Greet Singles
Table Tennis (Thur Night)                                               Stamp Club
Walk & Talk                               Games

                                                      S   1

Bridge (Thurs)                 Mexican Train                                       Music
Bridge (Tues)                  Scrabble                                 Choristers
Canasta                                                                 Gospel Sing
Crib                              Plus Special                          Happy Gang
Euchre                                                                  Heartstrings
Texas Hold’em Poker                                                     Karaoke
Whist                               bus trips                           Recorder (Tues)
                                and Much more!                          Recorder (Thur)

                     The Evergreen Club is a program of the Courtenay Recreational Association (CRA),
                     a non-profit organization. The Evergreen Club Executive Committee oversees the
                                     program on behalf of the CRA Board of Directors.

10 May 2021 Evergreen Club Newsletter • 250-338-1000 •
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