Master of Arts SUPSI in Conservation-Restoration

Page created by Sheila Haynes
Dipartimento ambiente costruzioni e design

Master of Arts SUPSI in Conservation-
Piano di studio

Tempo Pieno
Anno accademico 2022/2023

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Ciclo di conferenze pubbliche "Emergenza
Codice                           D350

Crediti                          2.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento   1°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                 Opzionale

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Intervention methods and techniques I
Codice                           MTC 01.3

Crediti                          8.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento       1°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                     Obbligatorio

Obiettivi / Competenze           In this module, students will develop a clear understanding of materials, methods
mirate                           and techniques used in the conservation-restoration of wall paintings.
                                 By the end of the module, students will be able to:
                                 - define, on the basis of historical-artistic, scientific and technical considerations,
                                 the criteria for choosing materials and methods to use in conservation
                                 - demonstrate the practical skills necessary to undertake conservation
                                 interventions in a respectful and appropriate manner in view of the cultural value
                                 of the work, its tangible and intangible characteristics, its state of conservation
                                 and its surroundings.

Carico di lavoro dello   Teaching hours 100
studente / Durata lavoro

Metodo di valutazione            Student evaluations will be based on the following:
                                 - ongoing regular attendance;
                                 - presence and active participation in exercises, lectures and discussions;
                                 Final exam:
                                 - written and oral exams on the courses MTC 01.1 Cleaning and MTC 01.2
                                 Consolidation and protection.

                                 A failing grade (F) may require a full repetition of the module (attendance and

Responsabile                     Alberto Felici

                                                                                                      Ore SA    Ore SP
MTC 01.1.3                       Cleaning                                                                  -         -
MTC 01.2.3                       Consolidation and protection                                              -         -
MTC 01.3.3                       Stacco and strappo techniques                                             -         -

                                                                               Totale ore settimanali: 100.0           -

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Codice                           MTC 01.1.3

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       40.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
mirate                           - describe options and different types of cleaning interventions and discuss the
                                 associated aims and problems;
                                 - critically evaluate cleaning options based on ethical, historical, and scientific
                                 point of view;
                                 - define and develop a cleaning intervention according to intervention criteria
                                 and working properties defined for the specific case;
                                 - describe the physical and chemical characteristics of materials used for
                                 cleaning (currently and in past interventions);
                                 - describe how they interact with the original materials and with the results of
                                 alterations and deterioration products;
                                 - critically evaluate a cleaning intervention;
                                 - select and use materials and techniques considered appropriate when cleaning
                                 porous architectural surfaces.

Contenuti                        The course will cover the following topics:
                                 - reasons for cleaning: removing a cause of deterioration vs improving the
                                 legibility of the work of art;
                                 - cleaning a paint layer by removing harmful substances from the surface;
                                 - cleaning a paint layer to remove film forming substances;
                                 - characteristics of materials and methods used for cleaning and their interaction
                                 with the support and constituent materials.

Metodo di                        Lectures and discussions, presentations and analysis of case studies, relevant
insegnamento                     reading material, and practical exercises.

Relatore                         Alberto Felici, Francesca Piqué

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Bibliografia                     • Wolbers R., Stavroudis C., Cushman M., Aqueous methods for the cleaning of
                                 paintings. Conservation of Easel paintings, 2020, 526-548;
                                 • Mora, P., Mora, L., & Philippot, P. (1984). The conservation of wall paintings.
                                 • Cremonesi, P. (2013). Rigid gels and enzyme cleaning. In New Insights into the
                                 Cleaning of Paintings: Proceedings from the Cleaning 2010 International
                                 Conference, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia and Museum Conservation
                                 Institute. Smithsonian Institution.
                                 • Cremonesi, P. (2016). Surface cleaning? Yes, freshly grated Agar gel, please.
                                 Studies in conservation, 61(6), 362-367.
                                 • Zanini, A., Trafeli, V., & Bartoli, L. (2018, June). The laser as a tool for the
                                 cleaning of Cultural Heritage. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and
                                 Engineering (Vol. 364, No. 1, p. 012078). IOP Publishing.
                                 • APLAR3, Il Laser e I Laser, a cura di A. Brunetto, Atti del Convegno
                                 Applicazioni LASER nel restauro - Bari 18-19 giugno 2009, Padova, 2010.
                                 • Beltrami E., Berzioli M., Cagna M., Casoli A., Selva Bonino V.E., La pulitura dei
                                 dipinti murali: uno studio di applicabilità di sistemi tradizionali e sistemi
                                 addensanti con gel acquosi di poliacrilato, Padova, 2011.
                                 • Brunetto A., L’utilizzo della strumentazione laser per la pulitura delle superfici
                                 nei manufatti artistici, Padova, 2000
                                 • Cremonesi P., L'uso di tensioattivi e chelanti nella pulitura di opere policrome,
                                 Padova, 2001. Sources

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Consolidation and protection
Codice                           MTC 01.2.3

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       20.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
mirate                           - identify and describe the phenomena of decohesion;
                                 - recognize potential causes and processes associated with this kind of
                                 deterioration phenomena;
                                 - describe the aims, criteria and working properties associated with the
                                 consolidation intervention;
                                 - understand the physical and chemical characteristics of the materials used for
                                 consolidation (currently and in the past) and their interaction with the wall
                                 painting constituent materials and with the products of alteration and
                                 - evaluate a consolidation intervention after treatment and over time as part of a
                                 maintenance plan;
                                 - critically evaluate options for consolidation based on a methodological,
                                 historical, and scientific point of view and on the exposure and environmental

Contenuti                        The course will cover the following topics:
                                 - definition of a consolidation intervention, its aims and its constrains;
                                 - options for consolidation of the paint layer: process to assess the need and
                                 make a selection;
                                 - definition of a protection intervention, its aims and its constrains;
                                 - options for protection: intervention criteria and working properties to be
                                 - methods and materials used for the consolidation and/or for protection in the
                                 treatment of wall paintings;
                                 - case-specific intervention criteria and working properties to be considered;
                                 - theoretical and practical aspects of materials for consolidation (organic and
                                 inorganic materials) and application methods;
                                 - methods to assess consolidation: desired outcomes and properties that can be

Metodo di                        Lectures and discussions, presentations and analysis of case studies, relevant
insegnamento                     reading material, and practical exercises.

Relatore                         Alberto Felici, Francesca Piqué

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Bibliografia                     • Mora, P., Mora, L., & Philippot, P. (1984). The conservation of wall paintings.
                                 • Consolidanti e protettivi in uso sui materiali inorganici porosi di interesse
                                 artistico ed archeologico, Atti del Convegno: Trento, 25-27 febbraio 1999,
                                 Incontri di restauro 3, Trento, 2000.
                                 • Feltre città dipinta. Il progetto Leader II “Riqualificazione fronti urbane a Feltre”,
                                 a cura di G. Ericani, Treviso, 2001.
                                 • Baglioni, P., D. Chelazzi, R. Giorgi, E. Carretti, N. Toccafondi, Y. Jaidar, et al.
                                 2014. Commercial Ca(OH)2 nanoparticles for the consolidation of immovable
                                 works of art. Applied Physics A. 114(3):723–32. doi:10.1007/s00339-013-7942-6.
                                 • Daehne, A., & Herm, C. (2013). Calcium hydroxide nanosols for the
                                 consolidation of porous building materials-results from EU-STONECORE.
                                 Heritage Science, 1(1), 1-9.
                                 • Scherer, G. W., & Wheeler, G. S. (2009). Silicate consolidants for stone. In Key
                                 Engineering Materials (Vol. 391, pp. 1-25). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
                                 • I silicati nella conservazione: indagini, esperienze e valutazioni per il
                                 consolidamento dei manufatti storici, Congresso Internazionale, Torino, 2002.
                                 • Hansen, E. F., Lowinger, R., & Sadoff, E. (1993). Consolidation of porous paint
                                 in a vapor-saturated atmosphere a technique for minimizing changes in the
                                 appearance of powdering, matte paint. Journal of the American Institute for
                                 Conservation, 32(1), 1-14.
                                 • Il consolidamento degli apparati architettonici e decorativi. Conoscenze,
                                 Orientamenti, Esperienze, Atti del Convegno di Studi, Bressanone 10-13 luglio,
                                 Padova, 2007.

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Stacco and strappo techniques
Codice                           MTC 01.3.3

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       40.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
mirate                           - trace the development of stacco and strappo techniques in Italy in the 19th and
                                 20th centuries and the cultural and historical context in which these types of
                                 interventions occurred;
                                 - understand the current problems and techniques connected with the
                                 detachment of wall paintings and discuss the conservation problems connected
                                 during and after these operations;
                                 - perform the basic techniques necessary for the detachment and transportation
                                 of a wall painting.

Contenuti                        The course will cover the following topics:
                                  -techniques related with the preparation, detachment, and post-detachment of
                                 wall paintings;
                                 - preparation: the use of adhesives, solubilisation parameters, surface
                                 preparation and facing, use of counter-forms;
                                 - detachment: stacco a massello, stacco, strappo;
                                 - post-detachment operations: verso lining and treatments, intervention layers,
                                 mounting the object on mobile supports, facing removal, installation and display
                                 of mobile supports, in situ mounting of detached paintings.

Metodo di                        Lectures, presentations and analysis of case studies, practical exercises.
Relatore                         Alberto Felici

Bibliografia                     • Brajer I., The transfer of wall paintings: based on Danish experience, London
                                 • La Trinità di Masaccio – Il restauro dell’Anno Duemila, a cura di C. Danti,
                                 Firenze 2002
                                 • Mora P. e L., Philippot P., La conservazione delle pitture murali, Bologna 2001,
                                 pp. 265-308

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Field work I
Codice                           MWP 01.3

Crediti                          17.0 ECTS                         Semestre di riferimento   1°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                 Obbligatorio

Obiettivi / Competenze           In this module, students will acquire the ability to develop, manage and execute a
mirate                           conservation-restoration intervention on wall paintings based on international
                                 standards, practices and ethical/professional codes.
                                 By the end of the module, students will be able to:
                                 - identify stakeholders, supervising and administrative institutions and fellow
                                 professionals involved in the project;
                                 - describe the cultural significance of the wall paintings and the building in which
                                 they are housed, both in terms of tangible and intangible concepts;
                                 - assess both the building and the wall paintings – technical execution, state of
                                 conservation, previous interventions, principal causes of deterioration, and active
                                 - assess historical and scientific investigations, and environmental factors;
                                 - define the intervention criteria, procedures – methods and materials, and
                                 expected results;
                                 - articulate recommendations for short, medium and long-term maintenance;
                                 - document and communicate performed treatments and results, including
                                 attachments with bibliographical references and other auxiliary material.

                                 Key factors required to optimise the learning process include:
                                 - critical thinking;
                                 - logic;
                                 - curiosity;
                                 - documentation, organisation and communication skills;
                                 - willingness to work as part of a team.

Carico di lavoro dello   Teaching hours 300
studente / Durata lavoro

Metodo di valutazione            Student evaluation will be based on the following:
                                 - attendance and active participation in lectures and hands-on work;
                                 - capacity to independently process theory-based learning using critical thinking
                                 - manual abilities demonstrated during hands-on exercises;
                                 - professional standards when documenting, presenting and discussing
                                 treatments and procedures;
                                 - participation in group work;
                                 - ability to work independently
                                 Final exam:
                                 - PowerPoint oral presentation of performed treatments, adopted criteria and
                                 material options;
                                 - Intervention report (to be presented as a printed document and as an
                                 electronic file in pdf format).

                                 A failing grade (F) requires a full repetition of the module (attendance and

Responsabile                     Daniela Murphy Corella

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                                                                                        Ore SA     Ore SP
MWP 01.1.3                       Developing and managing a conservation project              -          -
MWP 01.2.3                       Wall paintings I                                            -          -

                                                                   Totale ore settimanali: 300.0         -

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Developing and managing a conservation project
Codice                           MWP 01.1.3

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       40.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           By the end of the seminar, the student will be able to:
mirate                            - understand and follow a methodological decision-making process to properly
                                 developed, manage, and implement a conservation project;
                                 - understand the role of the heritage conservator-restorer within the framework
                                 of a conservation project;
                                 - identify and communicate with the stakeholders and professional figures
                                 involved in the process;
                                 - consider and apply international professional standards when developing a
                                 cultural heritage project.

Contenuti                        The seminar will cover the following topics:
                                 - the role of the conservator-restorer: professional figure and code of ethics;
                                 - the stakeholders;
                                 - principles of conservation and restoration;
                                 - definition and differences between preventive, remedial and emergency
                                 - the role and importance of scientific investigations;
                                 - post-treatment recommendations and maintenance plan;
                                 - documentation and data management;
                                 - working as part of a team.

Metodo di                        Lectures and discussion, presentation and analysis of case studies, readings,
insegnamento                     and practical field work exercises.

Relatore                         Daniela Murphy, Francesca Piqué, Cristina Monti-Carcano

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Bibliografia                     • The Burra Charter: The Australia ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural
                                 Significance, 1999.
                                 • Demas M., Planning for Conservation and Management of Archaeological
                                 Sites. A Values-Based Approach, in J.M. Teutonico, G. Palumbo (eds.),
                                 Management Planning for Archaeological Sites, international workshop
                                 organized by the Getty Conservation Institute and Loyola Marymount University,
                                 19-22 May 2000, Corinth, Greece, Los Angeles, The Getty Conservation
                                 Institute, Los Angeles 2002, pp. 27-54.
                                 • Cather S., Assessing causes and mechanisms of detrimental change to wall
                                 paintings, in Conserving the painted past. Developing approaches to wall
                                 painting conservation, Post prints of a conference organised by English Heritage,
                                 London 2-4 December, 1999, London 2003, pp. 64-74.
                                 • Cather S., Choices and Judgment : The Professional Conservator at the
                                 Interface, in Conservation of Ancient Sites on the Silk Road, Proceedings of the
                                 Second International Conference on the Conservation of Grotto Sites, Mogao
                                 Grottoes, N. Agnew (ed.), Los Angeles 2010, pp.22-32.
                                 • Piqué F., Wong L., Boming S., Methodology for the Conservation of the Wall
                                 Paintings in Cave 85, in Conservation of Ancient Sites on the Silk Road,
                                 Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Conservation of
                                 Grotto Sites, Mogao Grottoes, N. Agnew (ed.), Los Angeles 2010, pp.421-429.
                                 • SCR/SKR, Definizione della professione e codice deontologico, testo approvato
                                 dall’Assemblea generale di Zug l’8 maggio 1999.
                                 • ECCO, Professional Guidelines 2002, ECCO, Code of ethics 2003, ECCO,
                                 Education in Conservation-Restoration 2004.

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Wall paintings I
Codice                           MWP 01.2.3

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       260.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
mirate                           - develop an intervention project based on professional ethical standards that
                                 also includes: cultural relevance, state of conservation, environmental factors,
                                 requirements and needs of stakeholders and supervising bodies.
                                 - define working phases including; short, mid and long term operations.
                                 - integrate preliminary studies with on-site comparative tests, material options
                                 and working criteria.
                                 - undertake on-site working phases systematically and rationally, including
                                 preliminary safety operations and final esthetical presentations.
                                 - organize working protocols including; local health and safety laws, legislative
                                 parameters and global costings.
                                 - liaise between professional team members, stakeholders and clients.
                                 - evaluate the project once it is concluded and develop maintenance protocols.
                                 - document, communicate and archive technical results including; preliminary
                                 studies, work-in-progress and final reports.

Contenuti                        The course will cover the following topics:
                                 - reading and analysing existing documentation concerning the site;
                                 - preparing a preliminary condition assessment of the site;
                                 - defining intervention, methodology and criteria used when choosing treatments
                                 and materials.
                                 - performing treatments and procedures and undertaking post treatment
                                 - working with a team as well as undertaking individual procedures and
                                 independent studies;
                                 - assisting the organisation and coordination of the site;
                                 - knowing and respecting relevant health and safety standards and familiarise
                                 with legislative aspects related to the site.

                                 Students will be expected to prepare reports and document their work. These
                                 reports, together with the student’s on-site performance and final exam will define
                                 the student’s final grade. Reports and documentation will include;
                                 - work in progress reports using multimedia platforms,
                                 - photographic and mapping documentation,
                                 - sharing material on archival multimedia platforms,
                                 - final reports and presentations.

Metodo di                        Field work.
Relatore                         Daniela Murphy

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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Swiss Conservation Restoration Campus
Block course I
Codice                           SCRC 01.1.3

Crediti                          5.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento   1°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                 Obbligatorio

Obiettivi / Competenze           In this module, students will develop an awareness of how principles affect
mirate                           conservation-restoration actions, and the importance of reflecting on the role of
                                 the conservator-restorer as a figure amongst the different stakeholders (owners,
                                 cultural heritage officers, curators, communities, etc.).

                                 By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
                                  - explain the principles of conservation-restoration, their role in developing an
                                 intervention project and in sharing it with different stakeholders;
                                  - consider how stakeholder expectations and changing perceptions of cultural
                                 objects or monuments influence an intervention;
                                  - understand how conservation-restoration projects often involve compromises
                                 based on multiple issues and opposing interests;
                                 - develop a well-founded conservation concept and communicate it in a
                                 professional context reflecting relevant principles in conservation-restoration and
                                 ethical norms, such as codes of ethics;
                                 - adopt the position of the conservator-restorer at the interface between objects
                                 or sites and stakeholders and take decisions on behalf of cultural heritage and its
                                 maintenance based on professional principles.

Carico di lavoro dello   Teaching hours 80
studente / Durata lavoro

Metodo di valutazione            Student evaluations will be based on the following:
                                 - before the course:
                                 • reading, discussion and presentation of selected principles in conservation-
                                 restoration (group work)
                                 • presentation of a personal case study, i. e. an object or c-r project (individual
                                 work), and
                                 • reading and analysis of an article (individual work);
                                 - during the course:
                                 • presentation and discussion of the principles and codes of ethics researched
                                 (group work),
                                 • presentation and discussion of personal case studies (individual work),
                                 • participation in discussions, and attendance at presentations according to the
                                 programme of the contact week;
                                 - after the course:
                                 • assessment of an academic essay on personal case studies considering the
                                 principles and topics discussed during the module and reflecting on ethical
                                 codes, (individual work).

                                 To pass this module, assignments need to be delivered within their due date and
                                 full attendance must to be respected.

                                 Detailed information on the assignments is available on the Moodle platform

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Responsabile                     Giacinta Jean

                                                                                                    Ore SA   Ore SP
SCRC                    Principles to practice: the role of the conservator                     -        -
                                 - restorer
                                                                         Totale ore settimanali: 80.0              -

Descrittivo dei corsi
Principles to practice: the role of the conservator - restorer
Codice                           SCRC

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       80.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           See learning outcomes of the module.
Contenuti                        The course will cover the following topics:
                                 - reversibility, retreatability, removability;
                                 - authenticity;
                                  -minimal intervention;
                                  -artist's intent;
                                  -cultural and social values;
                                  -documentation and communication;
                                 - layers of history.

Metodo di                        Lectures and discussions, group work with presentations and analysis of case
insegnamento                     studies, relevant reading material.

Relatore                         Swiss Conservation Restoration Campus and invited teachers

Bibliografia                     A full selection of articles is available at the Moodle platform

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Codice                           CR 100.2

Crediti                          6.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento     2°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                   Obbligatorio

Obiettivi / Competenze           In this module students will acquire practical skills and experience in intervention
mirate                           techniques, deterioration analysis and the evaluation of results.

                                 By the end of the module, students will be able to:
                                 - expand their ability to work in groups and engage in dialogue with colleagues
                                 from different disciplines relating to conservation-restoration and cultural
                                 - document and present information related to the site or workshop.

Carico di lavoro dello   Teaching hours 160
studente / Durata lavoro

Metodo di valutazione            Student evaluation will be based on the following:
                                 - attendance and active participation in lectures and hands-on work;
                                 - written and oral presentations of undertaken treatments.

Responsabile                     Ester Giner Cordero

Osservazioni                     Please note: The credits awarded by this module are not part of the 120 ECTS of
                                 the Master’s programme.

                                                                                                    Ore SA    Ore SP
CR 100.1.3                       Internship                                                              -         -

                                                                                 Totale ore settimanali: -      160.0

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Codice                           CR 100.1.3

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       160.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           See Learning outcomes of the module.
Contenuti                        The course will cover the following topics:
                                 - developing a preliminary study;
                                 - participating in preventive conservation projects;
                                 - examining the condition of an art work;
                                 - preparing the artifact for treatments;
                                 - carrying out conservation-restoration interventions;
                                 - documenting state of conservation and interventions.

Metodo di                        Field work.
Relatore                         Ester Giner Cordero

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Study trip
Codice                           CR 210.3

Crediti                          1.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento     2°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                   Obbligatorio

Obiettivi / Competenze           Broaden the student’s knowledge of artworks, conservation-restoration projects,
mirate                           educational centres and scientific institutions through structured travel and study

Carico di lavoro dello   Teaching hours (+24)
studente / Durata lavoro

Metodo di valutazione            Student evaluation will be based on attendance and active participation during
                                 the visits.

Responsabile                     Giacinta Jean

Osservazioni                     Please note: The credits awarded by this module are not part of the 120 ECTS of
                                 the Master’s programme.

                                                                                                    Ore SA     Ore SP
CR 210.1.3                       Study trip                                                              -       24.0

                                                                                 Totale ore settimanali: -        24.0

Descrittivo dei corsi
Study trip
Codice                           CR 210.1.3

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       24.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           Visit ongoing or recently completed conservation-restoration sites, training
mirate                           centres and/or scientific or conservation laboratories.

Contenuti                        Students and teachers will visit restoration sites, training centres or laboratories
                                 where they can explore different approaches to the profession and compare
                                 national and international professional standards.

Relatore                         Giacinta Jean

Bibliografia                     Depending on the destination, a bibliography will be suggested for pre-visit prep.

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Seminari integrati FabLab
Codice                           D450.3

Crediti                          1.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento    2°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                  Obbligatorio

Obiettivi / Competenze           I seminari integrati FabLab puntano a coinvolgere gli studenti dei corsi di laurea
mirate                           Bachelor del DACD in un percorso per lo sviluppo di competenze digitali, in
                                 particolare, nel settore della digital fabrication per il design, l’architettura e la
                                 comunicazione visiva.

                                 I seminari integrati coinvolgono un gruppo di studenti in un percorso in cui,
                                 dall’idea al progetto reale, si disegna in 3D e si fabbrica digitalmente e
                                 collaborativamente un’installazione o struttura architettonica con semplici
                                 elementi in scala 1:1.

                                 Il programma dei seminari offre lezioni teoriche e sessioni pratiche per
                                 presentare gli strumenti, le tecniche e le tecnologie di digital fabrication e i
                                 macchinari del FabLab DACD, in particolare la fresatrice a controllo numerico e
                                 le macchine per il taglio laser.

                                 Il completamento del percorso didattico e la realizzazione del progetto finale si
                                 svolgono nei due seminari, i quali sono considerati complementari e indivisibili.

                                 Nel periodo tra il primo seminario del semestre autunnale e il secondo seminario
                                 del semestre primaverile, gli studenti sono coinvolti in alcuni incontri intermedi di
                                 condivisione di tutorial e risorse per lo sviluppo del progetto finale.

Contenuti                        D450.01 Seminario integrato FabLab I

                                 D450.02 Seminario integrato FabLab II

Carico di lavoro dello   Totale ore lezione:
studente / Durata lavoro 80

Metodo di valutazione            Presenza e partecipazione, collaborazione allo sviluppo del progetto,
                                 partecipazione alle revisioni intermedie, consegna dell’artefatto finale.

Responsabile                     Serena Cangiano, Marco Lurati, Michele Cutolo

Osservazioni                     Il seminario è interdisciplinare e suddiviso in 2 sessioni: verrà offerto nelle
                                 settimane dal 6 al 10 settembre 2021 e dal 7 all’11 febbraio 2022.

                                 Sono obbligatori i 4 incontri intermedi nel periodo tra settembre e febbraio.

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Intervention methods and techniques II
Codice                           MTC 021.3

Crediti                          1.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento   2°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                 Obbligatorio

Obiettivi / Competenze           In this module, students will acquire a basic understanding of the issues related
mirate                           with the conservation of modern architectural surfaces and decorations including
                                 20th and 21th century wall paintings and exposed concrete surfaces. The
                                 module will provide an overview of the main construction materials and
                                 techniques used.
                                 The properties of these materials and the most common forms of alteration and
                                 deterioration will be discussed and illustrated with case studies.
                                 By the end of the module, students will be able to:
                                 - demonstrate knowledge of the materials and techniques of 20th and 21st
                                 century architectural decorations and their deterioration processes (causes and
                                 - describe the requirements to carry out sustainable conservation, repair and
                                 maintenance work on exposed reinforced concrete and wall paintings;
                                 - understand the main artificial and synthetic polymers used as binders in wall
                                 - consider the evolution of wall painting techniques in modern and contemporary
                                 times, corresponding to the abandonment of traditional procedures and the use
                                 of ready-to-use industrial products;
                                 - discuss issues related to Street Art conservation as new spontaneous forms of
                                 expression linked to urban life.

Prerequisiti                     Students will be required to review the content of the following modules:
                                 - AMT 3.2 Natural and artificial stone materials;
                                 - BCH 1.1 and BCH 2.1. Chemistry for conservation I and II;
                                 - BDD 1.1 Mechanisms and phenomena of deterioration;
                                 - CWP 1.3.2. Materials and intervention techniques. Repair mortars.

Carico di lavoro dello   Teaching hours 30
studente / Durata lavoro

Metodo di valutazione            Student evaluation will be based on attendance and active participation in

Responsabile                     Francesca Piqué

                                                                                                  Ore SA      Ore SP
MTC 021.1.3                      Conservation of modern wall paintings and                             -           -
                                 concrete surfaces
                                                                        Totale ore settimanali: -               30.0

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Conservation of modern wall paintings and concrete surfaces
Codice                           MTC 021.1.3

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       30.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           See the Learning outcomes of the module.
Contenuti                        The course will cover the following topics:
                                 - main forms of concrete alteration with particular attention to those related to the
                                 action of carbon dioxide and chloride resulting in corrosion steel rebars and
                                 cracking/spalling of the concrete cover;
                                 - main materials, products and systems and intervention methods for the
                                 restoration and repair of exposed concrete;
                                 - history and techniques used in modern wall paintings through the study of
                                 individual works, case studies and the most recent research, from new
                                 procedures adopted by artists in the mid-19th century, to the use of new painting
                                 mediums based on synthetic polymers;
                                 - typical issues and deterioration phenomena in modern wall paintings;
                                 - the use of new synthetic mediums in solution and emulsion and their
                                 deterioration phenomena;
                                 - synthetic pigments and new synthetic dyes and their deterioration phenomena;
                                 - the evolutionary processes of artistic movements in urban environments, from
                                 street art to commissioned wall paintings in todays urban settings and the formal
                                 and material characteristics of these works.

Metodo di                        Lectures and discussions, presentations and analysis of case studies, relevant
insegnamento                     reading material.

Relatore                         Luigi Coppola, Maria Rosa Lanfranchi, Francesca Piqué, Ester Giner Cordero

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Bibliografia                     Concrete repair
                                 • Coppola L., Buoso A., Il restauro dell'architettura moderna in cemento armato,
                                 Milano 2015
                                 • Coppola L., Repair and conservation of reinforced concrete tent-church by Pino
                                 Pizzigoni at Longuelo – Bergamo (Italy), in “International Journal of Architectural
                                 Heritage”, 2019, 13(5), pp. 630–638.Emmons P.H., Concrete Repair and
                                 Maintenance Illustrated: Problem Analysis, Repair Strategies, Techniques, John
                                 Wiley & Sons Inc., 2002.
                                 • English Heritage, Odgers D. (ed.), Concrete, Farnham : Ashgate, 2012.
                                 • Grantham M. G., Concrete Repair, CRC Press, 2013.
                                 • Smoak G., Guide to Concrete Repair, CreateSpace Independent Publishing
                                 Platform, 2012.

                                 • Mural paintingsFenn J., Scott Williams R., ‘Caring for plastics and rubbers’,
                                 • Giner Cordero E., Conservare l'arte urbana: proposta di un codice deontologico
                                 e scheda documentativa, in “Kermes: la rivista del restauro”, 109, 2018, pp. 97-
                                 • Gutierrez J., Del fresco a los materiales plasticos: nueves materiales para
                                 pintura de caballete y mural, Mexico D.F. 1986.
                                 • Horie V., Materials for Conservation: Organic Consolidants, Adhesives and
                                 Coatings, 2nd ed., Amsterdam 2010.
                                 • Iazurlo P., Dagli affreschi ai murales: problemi di tecnica e di conservazione, in
                                 G. Jean (a cura di), La conservazione delle policromie nell’architettura del XX
                                 secolo, Giornate di studio internazionali, SUPSI Lugano - Canobbio, 8-9 febbraio
                                 2012, Firenze 2013, pp. 391 – 407.
                                 • Learner T.J. S., Analysis of Modern Paints. Research in Conservation, Los
                                 Angeles 2004.
                                 • Learner, T., Learner, T. J., Smithen, P., Krueger, J. W., & Schilling, M. R.
                                 (Eds.). (2007). Modern paints uncovered: proceedings from the modern paints
                                 uncovered symposium. Getty Publications.
                                 • Learner, T., Sanchez-Pons, M., & Shank, W. (Eds.). (2015). Conservation
                                 issues in modern and contemporary murals. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
                                 • Mayer R., The artist’s handbook of materials and technique, London 1973 (I ed.
                                 New York 1948).
                                 • Piqué, F., Approach for the study of color schemes in 20th Century architecture,
                                 in G. Jean (a cura di), La conservazione delle policromie nell’architettura del XX
                                 secolo, Giornate di studio internazionali, SUPSI Lugano - Canobbio, 8-9 febbraio
                                 2012, Firenze 2013, pp. 391 – 407.
                                 • Shank, W., & Norris, D. H. (2008). Giving contemporary murals a longer life: the
                                 challenges for muralists and conservators. Studies in Conservation, 53(sup1),
                                 • Shashoua Y., Conservation of Plastics: Materials Science, Degradation and
                                 Preservation, Oxford 2008.
                                 • Siqueiros D.A., Come se pinta un mural,
                                 • van Oosten T., Shashoua Y., Waentig F. eds., Plastics in Art: History,
                                 Technology, Preservation, Munich 2002.

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Thesis I
Codice                           MTH 10.3

Crediti                          5.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento     2°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                   Obbligatorio

Obiettivi / Competenze           The Master's thesis corresponds to 30 ECTS credits and represents the final and
mirate                           most significant stage of a training programme. Thesis work is divided into three
                                 modules: MTH 10 preparation, MTH 20 development of the work and MTH 30
                                 discussion and conclusions.
                                 Students are encouraged to develop their interests and skills, demonstrating their
                                 ability to use an interdisciplinary approach to discuss historical-artistic, scientific
                                 and technical aspects. Planning, organizing and writing a thesis allows students
                                 to develop the ability to work independently: a fundamental asset for their future
                                 professional growth and a required skill for the development of an experimental
                                 and innovative approach towards the profession.

                                 With the Master’s thesis, students must demonstrate that they are able to:
                                 - identifying and confronting specific problems independently;
                                 - address theoretical frameworks and practical issues in a critical, scientifically
                                 grounded and technically competent manner;
                                 - effectively communicate obtained results in written and oral forms.

                                 For more information see the Master’s thesis guidelines available at Moodle

Prerequisiti                     To register for the MTH 10 module (5 ECTS) it is necessary to have attended all
                                 the Master's programme modules of the first two semesters.

Carico di lavoro dello   Teaching hours 30
studente / Durata lavoro

Metodo di valutazione            Student evaluation will be based on an oral presentation (20 minutes).

                                 Student evaluations will consider :
                                 - problems to be addressed, the aims of the thesis, the motivation behind the
                                 research and the working methods employed;
                                 - a work plan consistent with available time and resources;
                                 - a preliminary analysis of available bibliography and existing studies on the

Responsabile                     Giacinta Jean

                                                                                                    Ore SA      Ore SP
MTH 10.1.3                       Thesis I                                                                -           -

                                                                                 Totale ore settimanali: -         30.0

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Thesis I
Codice                           MTH 10.1.3

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       30.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           By the end of the module students will be trained to:
mirate                           - define the aim of his/her Master thesis (an intervention project or research
                                 work) and the working phases needed to address it;
                                 - develop milestones and a work schedule.

Contenuti                        Students will choose a thesis topic, identify problems that need addressing and
                                 define a working method.
                                 The subject of the thesis may be the planning and implementation of a
                                 conservation and restoration project that offers elements of interest: a
                                 challenging issue or relevant aspects for the advancement of conservation-
                                 restoration field and requires an experimental approach. The subject of the thesis
                                 can also be the study and laboratory testing to address a technical problem with
                                 a clear applicability and impact in the practice of conservation-restoration.
                                 These topics may be proposed by lecturers, preferably as part of an ongoing
                                 research project, or it can be proposed by the student and then presented for
                                 approval to the lecturers team.

Metodo di                        Individual work supervised by internal and/or external teachers, scientific experts,
insegnamento                     and/or professionals.

                                 The thesis work must be overseen by a SUPSI lecturer (supervisor) and a co-
                                 supervisor or several external advisors. At least one conservator-restorer and
                                 one scientific expert are required.

Relatore                         Alberto Felici, Francesca Piqué

Bibliografia                     You can go to the University of Edimburgh Study Hub learning resources to get
                                 advice on specific study skills topics, plus downloadable resources with useful
                                 study strategies.

                                 Literature review
                                 Dissertations and research projects
                                 Academic writing
                                 • Glasman-Deal H., Science Research Writing For Non-Native Speakers Of
                                 English, World Scientific Europe Ltd, 2020.

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Field work II
Codice                           MWP 02.3

Crediti                          12.0 ECTS                         Semestre di riferimento     2°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                   Obbligatorio

Obiettivi / Competenze           In this module, students will acquire the ability to develop, manage and execute a
mirate                           conservation-restoration intervention on stucco, scagliola and gypsum-based
                                 plaster decorations.

                                 By the end of the module, students will be able to:
                                 - clearly understand planning requirements based on selection criteria and
                                 evaluation conservation and restoration interventions and methods;
                                 - achieve familiarity and progressive autonomy in the execution of intervention
                                 - exercise the ability to choose techniques and materials studied during theory
                                 courses, and understand how to implement them correctly and critically;
                                 - understand and evaluate the final performance and working properties of
                                 materials and techniques;
                                 - evaluate the effectiveness of performed treatments;
                                 - demonstrate the ability to document and transmit information derived from an
                                 on-site conservation-restoration project.

Carico di lavoro dello   Teaching hours 216
studente / Durata lavoro

Metodo di valutazione            Student evaluation will be based on the following:
                                 - attendance and active participation in lectures, discussions, and hands-on
                                  - capability to implement theoretical frameworks critically and autonomously;
                                 - manual dexterity in carrying out assigned exercises;
                                 - ability to record, document, present and discuss performed treatments (written
                                 work diary and PowerPoint presentations).
                                 Final exam:
                                 - presentations of on-site performed treatments (PowerPoint and selection of
                                 images to be handed in);
                                 - evaluation of intervention reports (printed copy and electronic file in pdf format);
                                 - oral exams on course content MWP 02.2.

                                 A failing grade (F) requires a full repetition of the module (attendance and

Responsabile                     Alberto Felici

                                                                                                    Ore SA      Ore SP
MWP 02.1.3                       Conservation of stucco, scagliola and gypsum-                           -           -
                                 based plaster decorations
MWP 02.2.3                       Deterioration processes and treatment options                           -        16.0

                                                                                 Totale ore settimanali: -       216.0

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Conservation of stucco, scagliola and gypsum-based plaster decorations
Codice                           MWP 02.1.3

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       200.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
mirate                           - delineate an intervention project that reflects: cultural significance, state of
                                 conservation, environment and location, requirements of clients, relevant
                                 conservation bodies and local communities, while respecting the ethical and
                                 deontological principles of the profession;
                                 - identify conservation priorities and short, medium and long term procedures;
                                 - contribute to the planning of an intervention by defining the criteria required
                                 when choosing materials and evaluating tests;
                                 - carry out the various stages of an intervention in a critical and systematic
                                 manner, starting from preliminary safety operations, to the final aesthetic
                                 - manage a work site: legislative framework, costs and health & safety
                                 - interact with stakeholders and collaborate with the various professionals
                                 involved in the management and conservation of cultural heritage;
                                 - evaluate the results obtained at the end of the intervention and consider the
                                 need for a future monitoring and maintenance plans;
                                 - document, communicate, and archive technical and scientific results related to
                                 all the work phases and implement long term preservation measures.

Contenuti                        The course will cover the following topics:
                                 - workshop exercises: fastenings, pinnings, and re-adhesion of three-
                                 dimensional objects;
                                 - preliminary study and analysis of artifacts or sites: defining its cultural
                                 significance, investigation and survey of the artistic techniques and state of
                                 - assessment of conservation problems (potentially including formulation of a
                                 diagnostic campaign);
                                 - preliminary project: aims and criteria for material choices and treatment
                                 options; techniques, preliminary tests, initial costs and estimates;
                                 - final project: procedures, methods and techniques, equipment, materials and
                                 tools, development of working timetables;
                                 - intervention execution: managing procedures, contact-times and evaluating
                                 - drafting an intervention reports taking into account monitoring
                                 recommendations and maintenance.

Metodo di                        Presentation and analysis of case studies and field work.
Relatore                         Alberto Felici, Giovanni Nicoli

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Bibliografia                     • Arcolao C., Le ricette del restauro. Malte, intonaci, stucchi dal XV al XIX secolo,
                                 Venezia 1998.
                                 • Decorazioni a stucco tra Ticino, Campione di Italia e Valle d’Intelvi, a cura di
                                 Agustoni E., Progetto Interreg IIIA Lugano-Como 2006.
                                 • Fogliata M., Sartor M., L’arte dello stucco. Storia, tecnica, metodologie della
                                 tradizione veneziana, Treviso 2004.
                                 • L’arte dello stucco, Atti del convegno conclusivo del Progetto Interreg IIIA,
                                 Como 2006.
                                 • L’arte dello stucco in Friuli nei secoli XVII-XVIII. Storia, tecnica, restauro,
                                 interconnessioni, Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Passariano - Udine, 24-26
                                 febbraio 2000, Udine 2001.
                                 • Lo stucco. Cultura, tecnologia, conoscenza, Atti del convegno, Bressanone 10-
                                 13 luglio 2001, Padova 2001.

Deterioration processes and treatment options
Codice                           MWP 02.2.3

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       16.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
mirate                           - define the main conservation problems of decorative artificial stone work;
                                 - understand the different intervention approaches, methods and techniques
                                 used for the conservation of decorative artificial stone work: stucco forte,
                                 scagliole, plaster and artificial stone.

Contenuti                        The course will cover the following topics:
                                  - conservation of plaster casts: methodological approach and presentation of
                                 case studies;
                                 - conservation of scagliole: methodological approach and presentation of case
                                 - conservation of artificial stone: methodological approach and presentation of
                                 case studies;
                                 - structural pins: methodological approach and analysis of complex case studies;
                                 - reintegration, consolidation and re-adhesion: methodological approach and
                                 analysis of case studies.

Metodo di                        Lectures and discussionss, presentation and analysis of case studies, relevant
insegnamento                     reading material.

Relatore                         Alberto Felici

Bibliografia                     • Brunetto A., Ablazioni laser sulle superfici in gesso, in Problemi conservativi dei
                                 manufatti dell’Ottocento, a cura di M. Fratelli e E. Signorini, Padova 2008.
                                 • Anzani M., Rabbolini A., Il restauro del materiale lapideo con i gel di agar agar:
                                 il gesso “La bella Pallanza” e il marmo “Busto di donna” di Paolo Troubetzkoy, in
                                 Lo stato dell’arte, VII Congresso Nazionale IGIIC, Napoli, 8-10 Ottobre 2009,
                                 Firenze 2009.
                                 • D'Alessandro L., Persegati, F., Scultura e calchi in gesso: Storia, tecnica e
                                 conservazione, Roma 1987.
                                 • Payne E. M., The Conservation of Plaster Casts in the Nineteenth Century, in
                                 “Studies in Conservation”, 2020, vol. 65, n. 1, pp. 37-58.
                                 • Turco T., Il Gesso: Lavorazione, trasformazione, impieghi, Milano 1990.
                                 • Stucchi e stuccatori ticinesi tra XVI e XVIII secolo. Studi e ricerche per la
                                 conservazione, a cura di A. Felici e G. Jean, Firenze 2020.

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Field work III
Codice                           MWP 03.3

Crediti                          7.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento   2°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                 Obbligatorio

Obiettivi / Competenze           This module focusses on identification, assessment and treatment of natural
mirate                           stone. Based on a methodological approach, students will learn about materials
                                 and methods used to address cleaning and consolidation procedures in stone

                                 By the end of the module, students will be able to:
                                 - assess and define conservation problems on natural stone and its relation to
                                 the nature of the stone and external deterioration factors;
                                 - define and apply relevant intervention criteria to develop methods for stone
                                 - acquire familiarity and progressive autonomy in treatment implementation
                                 (cleaning and consolidation);
                                 - choose techniques and materials studied in the theory courses, understand
                                 how to apply them correctly and evaluate their performance critically;
                                 - define and evaluate the final performance and working properties of an
                                 - check and evaluate the effectiveness of performed treatments;
                                 - document and communicate: gathered information, performed operations and
                                 working materials;
                                 - understand the need for and plan regular control and maintenance procedures
                                 over time.

Carico di lavoro dello   Teaching hours 116
studente / Durata lavoro

Metodo di valutazione            Student evaluation will be based on the following:
                                 - attendance and active participation in exercises and discussions;
                                 - ability to apply theoretical knowledge critically and autonomously;
                                 - manual dexterity in carrying out the assigned exercises;
                                 - ability to record, document, present and discuss the work performed (written
                                 work diary and presentations).

                                 Final exam:
                                 - presentation of on-site work (oral PowerPoint presentation including a selection
                                 of images);
                                 - evaluation of the intervention report (printed copy and electronic files in pdf
                                 - oral exams based on course content MWP 03.2.

                                 A failing grade (F) requires a full repetition of the module (attendance and

Responsabile                     Francesca Piqué

                                                                                                  Ore SA        Ore SP
MWP 03.1.3                       Stone conservation I                                                  -          96.0
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MWP 03.2.3                       Deterioration processes and treatment options                 -         -

                                                                       Totale ore settimanali: -   116.0

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Stone conservation I
Codice                           MWP 03.1.3

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       96.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
mirate                           - identify the most frequent problems encountered in the conservation and
                                 restoration of stone objects and monuments exposed to the environment;
                                 - define the different types of direct interventions in terms of their
                                 methodological, scientific, and practical aspects;
                                 - understand how to develop an intervention concept that takes into account;
                                 cultural significance, state of conservation, environmental factors, the needs of
                                 clients, cultural heritage organisations and local communities, while respecting
                                 the ethical and deontological principles of conservation-restoration;
                                 - plan an intervention that reflects aspects of preventive conservation,
                                 preservation, restoration, evaluation and long-term maintenance, and defines the
                                 criteria for the choice of materials and techniques;
                                 - perform a direct intervention using a critical and systematic approach;
                                 - organise and manage a work-site (legislative framework, costs and health &
                                 safety regulations);
                                 - manage clients and collaborate with the professionals involved in the
                                 management and conservation of cultural heritage.

Contenuti                        The course will cover the following topics:
                                  - methodological and multidisciplinary approach to stone conservation;
                                 - preliminary studies and analysis of the work: understanding the cultural value,
                                 documenting the artistic technique and state of conservation;
                                 - assessment of conservation problems (including a possible diagnostic
                                 - the role and the interaction with a structural engineer;
                                 - preliminary project: concept of intervention, criteria for the choice of materials
                                 and techniques, preliminary tests, cost estimates;
                                 - final project: choice of intervention methods and techniques, equipment,
                                 materials and tools, time schedule;
                                 - execution of the first stages of the intervention, checking operations and timing,
                                 evaluation of the performed work.

Metodo di                        Lectures and discussions, presentations and analysis of case studies, relevant
insegnamento                     reading material, and field work.

Relatore                         Stefano Volta, Francesca Piqué

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Bibliografia                     • Lazzarini L., Laurenzi Tabasso M., Il restauro della pietra, Torino 2010.
                                 • Rockwell P., Lavorare la pietra. Manuale per l'archeologo, lo storico dell'arte e il
                                 restauratore, Roma 1989. English version: The Art of Stoneworking : a
                                 Reference Guide, Cambridge 1993.
                                 • Rodolico F., Le pietre delle città d'Italia, Firenze (1953) 1965.
                                 • Schaffer R. J.,The Weathering of Natural Building Stones, Facsimile of the
                                 1932 edition, published by Construction Research communications Ltd, by
                                 permission of Building Research Establishment Ltd, 2004.
                                 • Snethlage, R., & Sterflinger, K. (2011). Stone conservation. In Stone in
                                 architecture (pp. 411-544). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
                                 • Torraca G., Materials Science for Architectural Conservation, Los Angeles,
                                 2009. Available as free .pdf

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Deterioration processes and treatment options
Codice                           MWP 03.2.3

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       20.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
mirate                           - understand stone-specific and environmental related deterioration processes
                                 (building upon the knowledge acquired in the Bachelor module BDD 1.1);
                                 - identify and explain methods and techniques for assessing deterioration and
                                 those used in interventions for the conservation of natural stone works;
                                 - evaluate the results obtained at the end of an intervention and develop future
                                 monitoring and maintenance plans.

Contenuti                        The course will cover the following topics:
                                 - the main deterioration mechanisms in relation to nature of stone: particularly for
                                 carbonate stones and sandstones;
                                 - the main deterioration mechanisms in relation to crystallisation pressure of
                                 salts; swelling of mineralogical materials containing clays (hydric and hygric
                                 dilatation and thermal expansions and contraction) and other processes;
                                 - pore systems and pore fluid transport;
                                 - process review: diagnosis, preventive and passive intervention planning;
                                 - inhibitors of salt crystallisation and inhibitors of swelling clays;
                                 - the chemistry of inorganic and organic materials used in stone conservation;
                                 - the use of instruments to evaluate properties of stone: acoustic methods (sonic
                                 and ultrasonic), surface hardness evaluation with Drilling Resistance Measuring
                                 System (DRMS) and abrasimeter; water expansion coefficient measurement;
                                 capillary rise and water absorption;
                                 - in situ instrumental monitoring techniques: water presence and movement
                                 measurements, heavy rain measurements, temperature and relative humidity
                                 - case-related development of evidence-based practical conservation methods.

Metodo di                        Lectures and discussions, presentations and analysis of case studies, relevant
insegnamento                     reading material.

Relatore                         Wanja Wedekind

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You can also read