Maryann Burcar, AA, HHP, CMT, LMT - Amazon S3

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Maryann Burcar, AA, HHP, CMT, LMT - Amazon S3
Maryann Burcar, AA, HHP, CMT, LMT
Maryann Burcar, AA, HHP, CMT, LMT - Amazon S3
is a licensed integrative therapy clinic that
    specializes in medical massage, somatic and
    therapeutic yoga movement, facilitated stretching, and
   Integrative therapies are used to treat chronic neck,
    shoulder, back, limb, joints, limited range of motion,
    scar tissue, past injury and reoccurring pain. It can
    also draw out long-term food, chemical, air toxin build
    up, old medication accumulation from long-term use
    or prior surgeries.
                 uses a customized and interactive
    approach to correct problem areas, speed recovery
    time and bring long-lasting relief to every client.
Maryann Burcar, AA, HHP, CMT, LMT - Amazon S3
Maryann Burcar, AA, HHP, CMT, LMT
                   (Owner and Certified Practitioner) earned
                   her associate degree in Kinesiology,
                   Health & Nutrition, 1000 hour Holistic
                   Health Practitioner, plus over 1600 hours
of professional certifications in Rolf Structural Integration,
Tui Na, Myofascial Gua Sha, Cupping, Stephenson’s
Method, Somatic Movement, Therapeutic Yoga, Personal
Training and Homeopathy.

She has been studying integrative/alternative medicine for
over 20 years and has helped many people to live and
function better in their body.
Maryann Burcar, AA, HHP, CMT, LMT - Amazon S3
   Maryann previously earned a BS and MS degree in electrical
    engineering (magnetics) and worked in the wireless and
    communications design industry for 20+ years. It was during
    this time that she developed a chronic neck & shoulder
    problem that eventually got so bad that she could only turn
    her head about 20 degrees to either side.

   The medical doctors only offered to inject it full of Botox but
    without addressing the root cause, she knew this would not
    be a long-term solution. She searched everywhere for help
    and finally walked into an integrative medicine clinic. The
    practitioner used these tools on her neck and shoulders and
    after only 4 return visits, she could turn her head to both sides
    with full range of motion. It was almost as if there had never
    been a restriction or problem there at all!

   So, while still working full-time in engineering, she went back
    to college and earned the degree and certifications that would
    allow her to help others with frozen/tight musculoskeletal
    problems, painful joints or scar tissue.
   Associate of Arts Degree, Applied Health, Nutrition and Kinesiology,
    Mira Costa College, Oceanside, CA. (Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society)
   Certificate, Holistic Healthcare Practitioner (1000 hours), Mira Costa
    College, Oceanside, CA
   Certificate, Physical Therapy Aide (150 hours), California State
    University (CSU), San Bernardino, CA.
   Certificate, Tui Na: Acupressure (100 hours), Healing Hands School of
    Holistic Health, Escondido, CA
   Certificate, Advanced Myofascial Release (Rolf) (100 hours), Til Lachau
    Advanced Training
   Certificate, Principles of Structural Integration (Rolf) (30 hours),
    International Professional School of Bodywork, San Diego, CA
   Certificate, Gua sha Certification Course (500 hours), Pro-D Seminars,
    Dr. Arya Nielsen
   Certificate, Contemporary Cupping Methods (24 hours), International
    Cupping Therapy Association, San Diego, CA
   Certificate, Stephenson's Method (Creative Healing) (36 hours), Life's
    Work School of Massage, Springdale, AR
   Certification, Yoga Instructor - Mira Costa College, Oceanside,
    CA (500 hours - RYT approved program)
   Certificate, Personal Trainer (300 hours), Mesa College, San Diego, CA
   Certificate, Kinesiology Taping (8 hours), Summit Prof. Edu., Ryan
    Palkoner, MPT, Cert ART, San Diego, CA.
   Certificate, Basic Life Support (BLS/CPR) Card - Expires: August 2019

   Academy of Classical Homeopathy – Lake Helen, FL
   Certificate, Foundations of Classical Homeopathy
   Certificate, Clinical Methods
Integrative Medical Massage is a customized, integrative therapy which
focuses on preventive medicine and getting to the root of a problem. Your
physician may often prescribe pain or muscle relaxant medications and
suggest that some injuries are the result of old age and something that you
will just have to live with.
It is not that your doctor does not want to heal you, it is more that their
training teaches them to treat symptoms, most often with medications.
Since the root cause is not treated, the symptoms may return or develop
into a worse medical condition. Medical Massage also works well for
accident injuries and with physical therapy treatments. It can release
chronically tight tissue, reduce inflammation & improve range of motion.
   Medical massage uses stainless steel tools/instruments,
    cupping (stretch/negative pressure), Rolf Structural
    Integration and other effective techniques to loosen or
    release tightness, scar tissue, injured or painful areas and
    help the body to heal itself.

   Medical Massage works at a deep level and varies from light
    (new accident injury) to deep tissue work (older accident or
    long term tightness/pain). Preferences and evaluations will
    be discussed prior to your session. Common areas for
    treatment include: Neck, shoulders, back (upper/lower),
    arm, hip, leg, knee, elbow, wrist, and ankle.

   Your customized appointment may include a combination
    of any of the following techniques: Rolf Structural
    Integration, Tui Na (Acupressure), Medical Cupping,
    Myofascia Gua Sha or Stephenson's Method.
Homeopathy is an integrative
                                medicine that works with
                                your doctor’s diagnosis, to
                                encourage the body’s own
healing abilities to recognize & resolve problems within the
mind and body. Minute doses of a specific substance are
given to the patient in order to bring about a safe, effective
and gentle solution. “Arnica” is a common homeopathic
remedy used today to help injuries heal faster.
Dr. Samuel Christian Frederic Hahnemann, M.D. (1755 –
 1843), was a famous German medical doctor and the
founder of Homeopathy. He was a humanitarian who cared
very much for people and their well-being.
   He became "fed up" with the invasive and often
    dangerous medical practices of his time (i.e. blood
    letting, purging, lobotomy). So he quit his
    traditional medical practice and began to focus on
    researching alternative medicine techniques from
    all over the world, looking for safer, more effective
    cures for his patients. Out of his extensive research
    homeopathy was born.

   Dr. Hahnemann was called the “Father of
    Experimental Pharmacology” because he was the
    first physician to prepare safe medicines in a
    specialized way; proving their ability to cure
    diseases on human beings. Many physicians
    studied under him and he was greatly respected by
    his peers and the medical community.
   Dr. Hahnemann supported the law of cure known as
    “Similia Similibus Curentur”, or “Like Cures Like”. This
    means that a remedy that produces symptoms in a healthy
    person will cure those same symptoms when given to a
    person in a diseased state.

   When a homeopathic substance is ingested, the body senses
    the molecular structure and searches for a match within the
    system. When a match is located, the body corrects the
    problem and brings the system back into balance.

   In addition to the symptoms, homeopaths examine aspects
    of the patient’s physical and psychological state, then
    homeopathic reference books, known as repertories are
    consulted and a “remedy” is selected from the Materia
    Medica, based on the totality of the patient's symptoms
    and traits.
   Thomas Hanna used the term; "somatic education" to
    describe somatic movement awareness. These movements
    were created to improve motor control, making it possible
    to change, previously learned, dysfunctional muscular
    patterns. Somatic Movement, Facilitated Stretching and
   Therapeutic Yoga all require slow, conscious
    attention during the movement, as it is key to the
    learning process. We can’t learn something new if
    we aren't aware of what we are doing. Your focus
    should be on the internal experience of the
    movement rather than on the end result, as this is
    how the nervous system learns new things.
   If we practice a movement as if it were the first
    time we've done it; paying attention to the
    “quality" of the movement, we will become more
    aware of where the tight areas and be able to
    release them more effectively.
   Somatic movement, Facilitated stretching and
    Therapeutic Yoga are all highly effective in
    improving body function, and recovering from
    various musculoskeletal conditions and disorders.
   The personalized and custom Somatic Movement,
    Therapeutic Yoga or Facilitated Stretching
    sessions at RejuVitize are great for athletes,
    cyclists, runners or anyone who could benefit
    from a deep, assisted stretch that lengthens tense
    muscles and tissue.
   Regular somatic movement, stretching or
    therapeutic yoga helps keep the muscles and
    joints lubricated (esp. the vertebrae); lowering the
    chance of injury and providing welcomed relief
    for the client.
Office Hours:
                  9:00 am – 9:00 pm
RejuVitize is located off the I-15 freeway, just two blocks
from the Miramar Road exit. We accept medical FSA/HSA .
             9474 Kearny Villa Road, Suite 113
                    San Diego, CA 92126
                 To make an appointment:
                  858-324-4272 text/msg
             or email

        Please visit: for more
                  information and pricing.
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