Nick The Music Man & Jen The fairy Dancer present

Page created by Alberto Townsend
Nick The Music Man & Jen The fairy Dancer present
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Nick The Music                                       
                                                              for interactive music and videos!
Man & Jen The
fairy Dancer


Using Interactive Music
& Movement Activities
to Introduce
Concepts to Children

All songs by Nick Young
                          Interactive music and videos available at
Nick The Music Man & Jen The fairy Dancer present
Learning About Transportation
Providing the
foundation:                 The focus of this module is on modes of transportation.

                            Children will be sailing, swimming, hot air ballooning, running,
                            flying in an airplane, riding in an elevator and driving a tractor.

                            With call and response, directed movement and imaginative
                            movement the children will be exploring all the ways that we get
                            around our world.

TRANSPORTATION              The children will be using the hand percussion instruments to
                            accompany songs, play rhythms and tell stories.

                            Using Interactive Music and Movement to Explore the World
                            of Transportation

                            This interactive music module is packed with highly interactive
                            and energetic songs about many modes of transportation that
• Learning about            children love to explore. Children will be sailing on boats, flying in
  Transportation            a hot air balloon and an airplane, driving a tractor and so much
                            more. Then it’s instrument time. Pass out the drums, shakers,
• Using interactive music   scrapers, bells and triangles and let us hear the music! The
  to explore the world of   children learn to read and play music notes with rhythm games
  transportation            using the included Rhythm Sound Cards and the the instruments
                            tell a musical story. Each of the 11 interactive songs, stories and
                            rhythm games comes with a teacher training video, an illustrated
                            Song Card and an interactive audio track.
Nick The Music Man & Jen The fairy Dancer present
Other areas of development:

                               • Understanding of Language
These interactive
music and                      • Responsiveness to Language
activities don’t               • Phonological Awareness
just enhance the
                               • Comprehension of English (Receptive English)
development of
children in Pre-               • Knowledge of the Natural World
Science concepts..
                               • Perceptual-Motor Skills and Movement Concepts

                               • Gross Locomotor Movement Skills
There are many other
important areas of             • Fine Motor Skills
development that are
addressed when children        • Active Physical Play
participate in these fun and
engaging songs, stories        • Music, Dance and Drama
and rhythm games.              ____________________________________________
                               In addition children get a boost in their
                               academic performance and school readiness!
Nick The Music Man & Jen The fairy Dancer present
My Sailboat
Nick The Music Man & Jen The fairy Dancer present
My Sailboat


                                            My sail boat
                                            A beautiful thing
I say it first and you say it after me.     We like to sail
                                            We like to sing
                                            Yo ho

Helpful Tip: This is a fun call and         Yo ho

response song to start the music            We like to sing

time. Start with the children sitting       Yo ho

in their group spot.                        Wind is blowing
                                            We are going
                                            We like to sing
                                            Yo ho
Nick The Music Man & Jen The fairy Dancer present
Elevator Ride
Nick The Music Man & Jen The fairy Dancer present
Elevator Ride

It’s time ride on an elevator! Bend
your knees and get down low.
                                        Let’s ride the elevator
                                        from the bottom to the top
Helpful Tip: Get ready for deep         1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor stop!
knee bends! Have the children
                                        4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
stand in the circle and then bend
their knees and get down low.           Now let’s go back down again
Nick The Music Man & Jen The fairy Dancer present
Lots of Ways to Get Around
Nick The Music Man & Jen The fairy Dancer present
Lots of Ways to Get Around

Now we get to move our                Lyrics:
bodies like some different
kinds of transportation! Put on
                                      There’s lots of ways to get around
your invisible bubble. Move
                                      get around, get around
your body where there is room
                                      There’s lots of ways to get around
to go without bumping your
                                      Let’s go for a ride

                                      Take a ride in a car, car X3
                                      Riding in a car
Helpful Tip: This is an
imaginative movement
song. The children will be            motor boat
moving their bodies freely            bicycle
inside the group space. Be            airplane
sure to remind them to put
                                      race car
on their “invisible bubble”
before you start.                     space ship
Nick The Music Man & Jen The fairy Dancer present
We Swim
We Swim


It’s time to go swimming! Show
                                  We swim X 4
me how you can swim with your
                                  Big arms X 2
big arms!
                                  Swim up
                                  Swim down
Helpful Tip: Start with the
                                  Swim around and around
children sitting in their group   We swim X4
spots. Model the motion of        Swim up, up up
swimming by making big            (slowly standing up)
swimming motions with your        Swim in a circle
arms. Ask the friends to show
                                  All around
you how they can swim with
their big arms.                   (turn around)
                                  aaaaand splash!
                                  (swing arms down)
Hot Air Balloon
Hot Air Balloon

                                                                    People look up and see
Parents: Imagine that you are      I’m a hot air balloon            I’m flying so free
a balloon that has no air in it.    laying the ground               I wonder if they’d like
You’re all flat, just laying on     waiting for my turn             to take a ride with me
                                    to float all around
the ground. Show me how you
                                                                    Because I’m floating, floating
can lay down like a balloon        Fill me up with air              up here with the clouds
with no air inside.                I blow up nice and round         floating, floating
                                   Take a big breath                way up off the ground
                                   Now I’m lifting off the ground
                                                                    Now it’s time to come down
Helpful Tip: Have the              Now I’m floating, floating       I make a hissing sound
children lay down on the           up here with the clouds          Let out some air
floor like a balloon with no       floating, floating               Coming back to the ground
air inside. Model the              way up off the ground
behavior of laying down to                                          Shhhhhh…
encourage the children to          I feel a little breeze           Now I lay right down
do so as well.                     It carries me                    That sure was fine
                                   I wonder where I’ll go           Now I take a rest
                                   I wonder what I’ll see           until the next time
Running, Stop!
Running, Stop!

In this song, we are going run in
place. That means that we run       Running, running, running
but we stay in one place. Show
me how you can run in one spot.
                                    Running, running, running
Helpful Tip: With the children      Running
standing on the edge of the         Stop!
group space, demonstrate
running in place. Remind the
children to run in place, but       Stop!
not run around the room or          Take a rest X 3
group space.
                                    Jump up!
Airplane Ride
Airplane Ride

                                                  Let’s go to the airport        We’re flying over the
                                                  Let’s go fly on a plane        mountains
                                                  Let’s go to the airport        Flying over the sea
                                                  Let’s go fly on a plane        Flying over the city
Now it’s time to fly on an airplane! Show me
                                                  Fly, Fly, Fly on an            Look how far you can see
with your arms how you fly on an airplane.
                                                                                 We’re coming in for a
                                                  Sit down on your seat          landing
Helpful Tip: With the children sitting            Put on your seat belt          Put the wheels down
in their group spot, model the                    Sit down on your seat          Coming in for a landing
movements with your arms of                       Put on your seat belt          now we’re on the ground
driving to the airport, putting on                Now it’s time for take off
your seat belt and flying on an                   Woo! Here we go!               This is a brand new
airplane. You can do this song with                                              airport
the children sitting or moving                    Fly, fly, fly, fly fly on an   This is a brand new town
around the group space.                           airplane X 5                   Let’s see what we can
                                                  Look out the window            Come on let’s look
                                                  You can see the clouds         around
                                                  Look out the window
                                                  at the rivers and towns
Instrument Time

Helpful Tip: It’s time to pass out the           About the Instruments:           the other instruments if they
instruments! This is one of the children’s       We like to use shakers,          are played too loudly.
favorite parts of music class. We will be        triangles, scrapers, bells and   If you don’t have access to
playing rhythms and patterns, reading            drums. Choose instruments        any instrument you can
and playing music notes, playing                 that are safe for the children   make instruments with
rhythmic songs and using the instruments         to handle and that have a        household items. A water

to tell musical stories. We invite the           moderate volume. We don’t        bottle with dry beans inside

children to begin trying out their               recommend large symbols          is a shaker. A plastic bowl
                                                 or tambourines because           turned upside down is a
instrument as soon as they receive it.
                                                 they often have sharp edges      drum. You can also clap your
Monitor the children to insure that they
                                                 and they may drowned out         hands to make the rhythms.
are using their instrument safely.
Drive A Tractor
Drive A Tractor

Show me how a tractor uses it scoop to         Lyrics:                      Use a crane
dig a big hole in the ground. Now show                                      pick it up
                                               It’s time to build a house   use a crane
me how a big crane reaches down with
                                               We need to dig a big         We just don’t stop
it’s tall arm to pick up a heavy pile of       hole                         use a crane
wood. Now show me with your arms               Get in your tractor          It’s big and heavy to hold
how a steam roller rolls across the            and roll, roll, roll!        Come on roll, roll, roll
ground and squishes the ground flat as
                                               Drive a tractor              We need to make the
could be.
                                               Scoop up the dirt            ground very flat
                                               Drive a tractor              cause we’re gonna build
                                               It’s hard work!              a house on top of that
                                               Drive a tractor
Helpful Tip: With the children sitting         and dig a big hole           Steam roller
in their group spot, model the                 Let’s roll, roll, roll!      Roll across the ground
movements of digging a hole in the                                          Steam roller
ground, picking up a heavy load                Move a bunch of wood         Squish the dirt right
with a crane and rolling your arms to          one place to another         down
show a steam roller flattening the             Let’s use a crane            Steam roller
ground. You can do this song with              Come on sisters and          Everything’s as flat as can
the children sitting or moving                 brothers                     be
around the group space.                                                     come on roll with me
Traveling Instruments
Traveling Instruments


                                          I see an airplane         I see a horse
                                          up in the sky             galloping by
                                          Look at the airplane      whoa there horsy
Play the rhythm of the song with your     see it go by              can I take a ride?
                                          Please come down and      Please stop for a
                                          let me take a ride        moment
                                          come in for a landing     so I can climb on
                                          I’m ready to fly          We’ll ride across the
Helpful Tip: With the children
                                          I see a sailing ship      with our cowboy hats on
sitting in their group spot, pass out
                                          out on the sea
the instruments. Ask the children
                                          Please sailing ship       I see a space ship
to play their instrument along with
                                          is there room for me?     with astronaut inside
the rhythm of the song.
                                          Come into the harbor      Please Mr. Astronaut
                                          I will join your crew     can I take a ride?
                                          We will sail around the   We can travel to the
                                          world                     moon
                                          across the ocean blue     or maybe even Mars
                                                                    Then we’ll take a journey
                                                                    to the distant stars
Rhythm Sounds: To-o

Now it’s time for rhythm sounds.                Ta
Today we get to learn a new sound:
To-o. To-o gets one loooong sound.
Let’s try it together. To-o. Good job!

Helpful Tip: It’s time to introduce
a new sound: To-o. To-o is                      Titi
actually a half note. This note has
one long sound. It lasts as longs
two Ta’s put together. Make one
sound and then let it ring out for
two counts. Keep your tempo
consistent when combining it
with the other rhythm sounds.
The Apple Tree Story
The Apple Tree Story

                                        The Story:

Please help me tell the Apple
                                        Hey friends, I heard that there is an apple tree deep in the forest that grows the most
Tree Story with your instruments.       delicious apples you ever tasted. I’m really hungry for apples. Will you come and help
The shakers make the sound of
                                        me find the apple tree? Okay, good. I think the tree is this way through the tall grass.
                                        (Shakers make the sound of my legs brushing through the tall grass)

the tall grass, the bells and
                                        Okay, we got through the tall grass.

triangles make the sound of tip-
                                        Now we have to walk across this frozen river. Tip toe very lightly so we don’t crack the
toeing across the frozen river, the     ice!

scrapers make the sound of              (triangles and bells make the sound of tiptoeing across the ice)

cutting through the dense forest        Now we have to use our saws to cut our way through the dense underbrush and the
                                        thick bushes.

and the drum makes the sound of         (scrapers)

the elephant walking.                   Oh boy, here’s our friend the elephant. He says he will give us a ride to the apple tree
                                        with the delicious apples! (drums)

                                        Look, here’s the amazing apple tree that we’ve been searching for! We finally made it!
                                        Let’s try one of these yummy apples. Chomp, chomp, chomp! Mmmmmm! So delicious!

Helpful Tip: In this story, the
                                        Uh oh, shhhhh! Who do I see sleeping under the apple tree… and just now waking
shakers make the sound of the           up… it’s a big lion!

tall grass, the bells and               Let’s get back on the elephant! (drums)

triangles make the sound of tip
                                        Now we have to cut through the bushes! (scraper)

toeing across the frozen river,
the scrapers make the sound of          Tip-toe across the ice! (triangles and bells)

cutting through the dense               Run through the tall grass. (scrapers)

forest and the drum makes the           We made it back home. But wait… look who's standing right behind you… it’s the lion!

sound of the elephant walking.          Lion: Hello friends. Can I try a bite of that delicious apple? I’ve been waiting all day
                                        under the apple tree for someone to come along and pick one for me. Chomp. Mmmm.
Interactive music and videos available at

                                       Contact Us! 562-537-4187
                      For more information on the
                      PlayMotion Music Interactive
                      Music and Movement Program,
                      contact us at:
                      PlayMotion Music is an
                      interactive music and movement
                      curriculum and training program
                      with modules on…
                      • Language Development
                      • Pre-Math Skills
                      • Pre-Spelling & Reading
                      • Nutrition & Exercise
                      • Science
                      • Nature
                      • Social/Emotional Development
                      • Imagination
                      • Health & Wellness
                      • Spanish
                      • Music & Movement: Dance
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