Markets Today RESEARCH - BNZ

Page created by Roberto Howell
Markets Today

1 November 2021

Events Round-Up                                                The Fed meets on Thursday morning, with the market
                                                               expecting it to formally announce tapering, likely to
AU: Retail sales (m/m%), Sep: 1.3 vs. 0.4 exp.                 commence mid-November and finish by mid-2022. The
                                                               market prices an almost 80% chance of a Fed rate hike by
GE: GDP (q/q%), Q3: 1.8 vs. 2.2 exp.
                                                               June next year. Economists are finally starting to catch up
EC: GDP (q/q%), Q3: 2.2 vs. 2.1 exp.                           to the market, with Goldman Sachs changing its Fed rate
EC: CPI (y/y%), Oct: 4.1 vs. 3.7 exp.                          call on Friday, now expecting the first hike in July 2022.
EC: Core CPI (y/y%), Oct: 2.1 vs. 1.9 exp.
                                                               In Europe, CPI inflation was much higher than expected, as
US: Employment cost index (q/q%), Q3: 1.3 vs. 0.9 exp.         foreshadowed by the Spanish and German inflation
US: Core PCE deflator (y/y%), Sep: 3.6 vs. 3.7 exp.            numbers the previous night. Headline inflation matched
                                                               its highest since the formation of the euro, at 4.1%, while
US: Chicago PMI, Oct: 68.4 vs. 63.7 exp.
                                                               core inflation rose to 2.1% y/y, the first time it has been
CH: Manufacturing PMI, Oct: 49.2 vs. 49.7 exp.                 above the ECB’s 2% target since 2002. The market
CH: Non-Manufacturing PMI, Oct: 52.4 vs. 53 exp.               continues to bring forward the expected timing of ECB rate
                                                               hikes following President Lagarde’s ‘half hearted’ pushback
                                                               against market pricing on Thursday night, with now 20bps
Good Morning                                                   of hikes priced in by the end of 2022 and 60bps by the end
                                                               of 2023. The German 5-year rate was 5bps higher on
Bond markets remain volatile amidst high inflation and         Friday, hitting its highest level in 2½-years, at -0.39%, while
growing expectations that central banks will bring forward     Ital’s 10-year yield pushed another 12bps higher, with the
interest rate hikes. Friday saw the highest quarterly wage     market anticipating less ECB bond buying support ahead.
growth in the US in almost 40 years and European core
inflation above the ECB’s 2% target for the first time since   US Treasury yields bucked the global trend on Friday,
2002. The US 10-year rate fell slightly on Friday but there    despite the extremely strong wage data, with the 10-year
were big movements in Australia after the RBA decided          rate falling 3bps, to 1.55%. The yield curve remains under
against enforcing its Yield Curve target once again,           flattening pressure amidst expectations that the Fed will
signalling that it will ditch the policy and its 2024 rate     raise rates by the middle of next year, in turn leading to a
guidance at its meeting tomorrow. NZ rates had some            growth slowdown down the line. Month-end related
respite on Friday, falling back after their big moves higher   demand may also have supported bonds on the session.
earlier in the week. The USD was stronger on Friday, with
the EUR giving back its post-ECB gains and the NZD falling     Equities remain oblivious to the increase in central bank
back below 0.72. Equities continue to edge higher.             rate hike expectations, with the S&P500 grinding out a
                                                               0.2% gain on Friday, taking it to a fresh record high.
Inflation concerns remain front and centre for market          Earnings reports from tech heavyweights Amazon and
participants. In the US, the Employment Cost Index (ECI)       Apple disappointed market expectations, but the
recorded a 1.3% quarterly increase in Q3, much higher          corporate earnings season has been positive overall, with
than expected, with wages and salaries 1.5% higher over        more than 80% of S&P500 companies having beaten
the quarter, the largest such increase since 1982. The very    earnings expectations so far. The S&P500 was up 6.9% in
high rate of wage growth in the US confirms the US labour      October, and the NASDAQ 7.3%.
market is extremely tight. Fed officials expect that more
workers will return to the labour force in the coming          The USD appreciated sharply on Friday, rising by 0.7-0.8%
months following the end of generous unemployment              in index terms. The EUR gave back all its post-ECB gains,
benefits, the return of schools and the decline in Covid-19    and some, falling over 1% to 1.1560, near its year-to-date
cases in the country, in turn moderating wage pressure.        low. The NZD was down 0.4%, falling to around 0.7170.
But, if wage growth remains elevated, it will likely sustain   Currencies and equities haven’t been overly affected by
higher inflation, in turn requiring a more aggressive Fed      the recent volatility in interest rate markets and risk
monetary policy response.                                      appetite remains generally positive, a key factor behind
                                                               the almost 4% appreciation in the NZD over the month.                                                                                               Page 1
1 November
Markets Today                                                                                                    2021

European natural gas futures fell another 13% on Friday        unchanged on the day, at 2.74%. Volatility remains very
continuing the trend lower after Russian President Putin       high and liquidity is thin, exaggerating market movements.
signalled that Gazprom would start filling European
storage facilities from early November. Gas futures are        In other news, overleveraged Chinese real estate
now some 60% off the panic levels reached in early             developer Evergrande has seemingly staved off default for
October but, to put the moves in context, they are still       another few weeks after reportedly making USD bond
more than 2.5 times higher than at the end of last year.       interest payments to investors on Thursday, just ahead of
10-year breakeven inflation expectations in Europe and the     the end of its 30-day grace period. The next coupons come
UK fell almost 10bps on Friday on the back of the moves in     due on the 11th of November and media have reported
gas prices, albeit they remain near multi-year highs.          that Chinese authorities have pressured the company’s
                                                               founder to commit his own personal capital to help the
In Australia, the RBA again decided against enforcing its      company survive.
Yield Curve Control policy on Friday, even with the April
2024 bond trading well above the 0.1% target. The bond’s       Finally, in data released over the weekend, the official
yield jumped another 24bps, to 0.78%, following on from        Chinese manufacturing PMI fell to 49.2, its lowest level
Thursday’s 33bps rise, as the market took the RBA’s            since the nationwide lockdown last year, amidst electricity
inaction as confirmation that it will change its forward       shortages in the country. The non-manufacturing index
guidance at tomorrow’s meeting and will drop the policy        was also softer than expected, albeit it remains in
altogether. The reason the RBA had previously been             expansionary territory.
buying the April 2024 bond if it was trading above 0.1%
was because it tied in with its central view that rate hikes   The highlight in the session ahead is the ISM
were unlikely until 2024. But with core inflation now          Manufacturing survey but focus really lies on the upcoming
within the 2-3% target range, that forward guidance will be    central banks decisions this week, starting with the RBA
dropped tomorrow, and more realistic, outcomes-based           tomorrow, and followed by the Fed and Bank of England
guidance is likely to be adopted. The market prices an         later in the week. In New Zealand, we’re looking for the
almost 40% chance of an RBA rate hike at the February          unemployment rate to fall to 3.7%, which would be its
2022 meeting. The volatility wasn’t confined to the            lowest level since 2008.
Australian short end, with the 10-year rate increasing a
massive 24bps, to a 2½-year high of 2.09%, before    
reversing that move during Friday night futures trading.
                                                               Coming Up
New Zealand rates finally found some relief on Friday, even
with Australian rates pushing sharply higher. The 2-year                                           Period Cons. Prev. NZT
swap rate dropped 9bps, to 2.26%, still some 83bps higher      CH Caixin China Manufacturing PMI    Oct   50      50     14:45
during the month of October. And the yield curve reversed
                                                               US ISM Manufacturing                 Oct   60.3   61.1    03:00
some of its recent flattening trend, the 10-year swap rate
                                                               Source: Bloomberg, BNZ                                                                                                  Page 2
1 November
Markets Today                                                                                                                                              2021

Foreign Exchange                                                                        Equities                                  Commodities**

Indicative overnight ranges (*)                            Other FX                     Major Indices                               Price
               Last     % Day       Low       High                     Last    % Day                     Last    % Day % Year                       Last      Net Day
NZD           0.7171     -0.4      0.7136    0.7193        CHF        0.9161   +0.5     S&P 500         4,605    +0.2    40.8       Oil (Brent)    83.72       +0.1
AUD           0.7518     -0.3      0.7500    0.7552        SEK        8.592    +0.9     Dow             35,820   +0.2    35.2       Oil (WTI)      83.57       +0.5
EUR           1.1558     -1.1      1.1535    1.1676        NOK        8.444    +1.3     Nasdaq          15,498   +0.3    42.0       Gold           1783.9       -1.0
GBP           1.3682     -0.8      1.3668    1.3802        HKD        7.779    +0.0     Stoxx 50        4,251    +0.4    43.7       HRC steel      1803.0      +0.3
JPY           113.95     +0.3      113.51    114.10        CNY        6.406    +0.2     FTSE            7,238     -0.2   29.8       CRB            237.7        -0.3
CAD           1.2388     +0.3                              SGD        1.349    +0.3     DAX             15,689    -0.0   35.8       Wheat Chic.    785.0        -0.1
NZD/AUD       0.9538     -0.1                              IDR        14,168    -0.0    CAC 40          6,830     -0.2   48.7       Sugar          19.27        -1.8
NZD/EUR       0.6204     +0.6                              THB        33.28    +0.3     Nikkei          28,893   +0.3    25.7       Cotton         114.85      +1.0
NZD/GBP       0.5241     +0.4                              KRW        1,168     -0.1    Shanghai        3,547    +0.8    10.0       Coffee         204.0       +2.0
NZD/JPY       81.71      -0.1                              TWD        27.80     -0.0    ASX 200         7,324     -1.4   23.6       WM powder      3925.0       -0.6
NZD/CAD       0.8883     -0.1                              PHP        50.42     -0.6    NZX 50          13,100   +1.0    8.4        Australian Futures
NZ TWI        75.91      -0.1                                                                                                       3 year bond    98.675      0.04
Interest Rates                                                                                                                      10 year bond    98.07      0.02
            Rates                 Swap Yields              Benchmark 10 Yr Bonds        NZ Government Bonds                         NZ Swap Yields
             Cash        3Mth       2 Yr    10 Yr                  Last Net Day                                  Last                             Last
USD           0.25       0.13       0.69    1.56           USD     1.55    -0.03        NZGB 5 1/2 04/15/23      1.55     -0.05     1 year        1.58         -0.06
AUD            0.10      0.07       1.04      2.13         AUD         2.09    0.24     NZGB 0 1/2 05/15/26       2.31    -0.07     2 year          2.26       -0.09
NZD            0.50      0.80       2.23      2.74         NZD         2.63    -0.00    NZGB 0 1/4 05/15/28       2.45    -0.04     5 year          2.63       -0.07
EUR            0.00      0.06      -0.22      0.28         GER        -0.11    0.03     NZGB 1 1/2 05/15/31       2.58    -0.01     7 year          2.68       -0.03
GBP            0.10      0.25       1.23      1.23         GBP         1.03    0.03     NZGB 2 05/15/32           2.63    -0.00     10 year         2.74       -0.00
JPY           -0.05      -0.08      0.02      0.14         JPY         0.10    0.01     NZGB 1 3/4 05/15/41       2.90    -0.02     15 year         2.85       0.01
CAD            0.25      0.48       1.59      2.20         CAD         1.72    0.05     NZGB 2 3/4 05/15/51       3.00    -0.01
* These are indicative ranges from 5pm NZT; please confirm rates with your BNZ dealer
** All near futures contracts, except CRB. Metals prices are CME.
Rates are as of: New York close
Source: Bloomberg                                                                                                                                        Page 3
1 November
Markets Today                                                                                                  2021

  NZD exchange rates
  30/10/2021 NY close        Prev. NY close    0.73                 NZD/USD - Last 7 days
  USD        0.7171          0.7201
  GBP        0.5241          0.5222
  AUD        0.9538          0.9545            0.72
  EUR        0.6204          0.6165
  JPY        81.71           81.79             0.71
  CAD        0.8883          0.8890
  CHF        0.6569          0.6566
  DKK        4.6158          4.5855            0.70
  FJD        1.4786          1.4869              23-Oct    25-Oct     27-Oct    28-Oct     29-Oct     30-Oct
  HKD        5.5783          5.6004
  INR        53.69           53.95                                  NZD/AUD - Last 7 days
  NOK        6.0550          5.9996
  PKR        123.33          124.76
  PHP        36.16           36.52
  PGK        2.5161          2.5356
  SEK        6.1615          6.1330
  SGD        0.9672          0.9682
  CNY        4.5935          4.6027
  THB        23.79           23.97
  TOP        1.5862          1.5896
  VUV        78.31           78.93              23-Oct    25-Oct     26-Oct     27-Oct    29-Oct      30-Oct
  WST        1.8142          1.8210
  XPF        73.76           73.92                            NZD/USD - Last 12 months
  ZAR        10.9295         10.8984          0.74

  NZD/USD Forward Points                      0.68
              BNZ buys NZD   BNZ sells NZD    0.66
  1 Month     -3.10          -2.70
  3 Months    -11.92         -11.41
  6 Months    -30.36         -29.36           0.62
                                                 Oct-20   Dec-20     Feb-21    Apr-21    Jun-21     Aug-21
  9 Months    -57.78         -55.97
  1 Year      -91.15         -89.15
                                                               NZD/AUD - Last 12 months
  NZD/AUD Forward points
              BNZ buys NZD   BNZ Sells NZD
  1 Month     -5.42          -4.58
  3 Months    -18.61         -17.15
  6 Months    -39.60         -36.53
  9 Months    -67.09         -62.09
  1 Year      -95.64         -89.85           0.92

                                                 Oct-20   Dec-20     Feb-21    Apr-21    Jun-21     Aug-21                                                                                            Page 4
1 November
Markets Today                                                                                                                                                                        2021

Contact Details
BNZ Research
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 Wellington Mail Centre                                New Zealand                                     Toll Free: 0800 854 854
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 New Zealand
 Toll Free: 0800 283 269

National Australia Bank
 Ivan Colhoun                            Alan Oster                                Ray Attrill                              Skye Masters
 Global Head of Research                 Group Chief Economist                     Head of FX Strategy                      Head of Fixed Income Research
 +61 2 9237 1836                         +61 3 8634 2927                           +61 2 9237 1848                          +61 2 9295 1196

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 Foreign Exchange                            +800 642 222                                              Foreign Exchange                             +1 212 916 9631
 Fixed Income/Derivatives                    +800 283 269                                              Fixed Income/Derivatives                     +1 212 916 9677

 Sydney                                                                                                Hong Kong
 Foreign Exchange                            +61 2 9295 1100                                           Foreign Exchange                             +85 2 2526 5891
 Fixed Income/Derivatives                    +61 2 9295 1166                                           Fixed Income/Derivatives                     +85 2 2526 5891

 Foreign Exchange                            +44 20 7796 3091
 Fixed Income/Derivatives                    +44 20 7796 4761

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