Marketplace and Customers - Singtel

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Marketplace and Customers - Singtel

             05 Marketplace and Customers
                                                                                                                                     We are committed to being
                                                                                                                                     a responsible and innovative
                                                                                                                                     leader in the markets where
                                                                                                                                     we operate. Our strategy is
                                                                                                                                     underpinned by delivering
                                                                                                                                     an unparalleled customer
                                                                                                                                     experience, developing
                                                                                                                                     responsible and innovative
                                                                                                                                     products and services, and
                                                                                                                                     ensuring that responsible
                                                                                                                                     business practices are
                                                                                                                                     adopted in our supply chain.

CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE                        CUSTOMER SATISFACTION               DMA       We also transformed 63 Yes Optus            In appreciation of our loyal customers,
Distinctive end-to-end customer            We constantly strive to raise the bar of      shops across Australia into our new         we introduced a new Singtel Circle
experience is a strategic differentiator   customer satisfaction by focusing on          Generation 6 design which enhances          rewards programme which creates
that sets us apart in this fast-paced      delivering a smooth purchase and after-       customer interaction and engagement.        differentiated bundled offers for
and competitive telecommunications         sales experience to our customers.                                                        them. Exclusive to eligible customers
and media industry. We recognise                                                         The enhancement of mySingtel app and        who subscribe to our mobile, fibre
that a superior experience is defined       During the year, we introduced a new          myOptus app gives our customers easy        broadband, Singtel TV and Home
by the quality of service and care,        experiential retail concept across our        access to information and services on       Digital Line plans, Singtel Circle offers
as well as the range of innovative         Singtel Shop outlets in Singapore with        their mobile phones such as checking        a variety of perks including Free Data
services and value we offer to our         innovative features such as interactive       their data usage and bills.                 Sundays and Weekend Movies.
customers. Over the years, the Singtel     digital elements, visual communication
Group has invested in numerous             and other selling tools to engage our         The introduction of our online              In Singapore, for every 10 customer
projects focused on enhancing              customers. This concept helped to             automated chat agent ‘Ask Shirley’ in       complaints via the media, social media,
customer experience. They include          enhance customer satisfaction and             Singapore and the IVR to Chat and           our website and management, we
process and system innovations and         sales while reducing average handling         Visual IVR in Australia is an example       received 22 customer compliments in
improvements to reduce waiting             and waiting time, resulting in a 7%           of how we try to improve our                FY2016, up from 16 a year ago.
time for customers at our retail shops     improvement in process and productivity.      customers’ overall experience. We also
during peak hours, as well as new          Our store concept was a finalist for the       implemented installation touchpoints        In Australia, Telecommunications
mobile handset launch experience for       Singapore Retailers Association’s Retail      by providing SMS communication to           Industry Ombudsmen (TIO) complaints
our corporate customers.                   Concept of the Year award and the             help customers keep track of installation   for phone and internet users about
                                           Society of British and International Design   status and provide instant feedback on      Optus were 7.9 complaints per 10,000
                                           – International Design Excellence Award       their experience.                           services. PR5
                                           in 2015.
Marketplace and Customers - Singtel

    Marketplace and Customers

                                                                                                   PRODUCT AND SERVICE                          which provides broadband services
    DELIVERING A GREAT                                 Phua Soon Pheng and Tan Ah Hua              QUALITY DMA                                  across rural areas. This high-speed
    CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE                                when she faced difficulty contacting        We are committed to offering our             service is now available to more than
    ‘Customer Focus’ is one of the five core            the authorised wiring partners. “When       customers a great network and service        1.5 million households.
    values of the Singtel Group. We have               Mr Phua found out about my problem          experience. Hence, we continuously
    also extended this spirit of customer              early Saturday morning, he said he          enhance the reach, reliability and           Ensuring Quality Standards G4-15
    centricity to our partners and we require          would do what he could to make              quality of our networks in Singapore         In Singapore, Singtel adheres to the
    them to deliver a great experience to all          sure that everything went smoothly.         and Australia. We believe that the           specific quality standards set by the
    customers on our behalf.                           True to his words, after his call, the      advancement in telecommunications            Media Development Authority (MDA) and
                                                       contractor contacted me and the site        technology will be crucial in achieving      Infocomm Development Authority of
    In the area of installation and                    visit, wiring and installation were all     a number of the UN Sustainable               Singapore (IDA) for the services that we
    maintenance, our Field Delivery                    completed on the same day. What is          Development Goals, such as the               offer. IDA publishes periodic performance
    Operations (FDO) unit, together                    worth mentioning is that every step         development of Sustainable Cities            reports on the various operators in
    with our partner Authorised Installer              of the way, he kept me informed and         and Communities and Innovation and           Singapore covering broadband, mobile
    companies, Activ Communications,                   made sure everything was done to my         Infrastructure. SDG 9     SDG 11             and fixed telephone services. We
    Malifax Technologies and VRNet in                  satisfaction,” she wrote.                                                                continue to meet or exceed the quality
    Singapore, received 79 compliments                                                             Enhancing Network Reliability                of service standards for service coverage,
    in the month of February 2016, a 16%               Ms Ho also complimented Mr Tan as           Ensuring consistency in network and          network availability, network latency,
    increase from the previous month.                  “he provided advice and explanation         service performance is critical. We          installation and fault repair time. These
                                                       to ensure my understanding as he            continue to invest in new base stations      reports can be found at
    On 22 February 2016, happy customer                carried out the installation. This is       and towers, upgrade our technologies
    Ms Ho L. S. wrote in to compliment                 what I call sincere customer care. They     and increase our user capacity. Our total    Despite our effort, there were occasional
    the great customer service exhibited               are truly an asset to your organisation.    capital investment was S$1.93 billion in     shortfalls and in FY2016, Singtel paid
    by FDO Senior Engineering Officers                 Well done!”                                 FY2016 (Singtel S$825 million, Optus         S$105,000 in fines to MDA:
                                                                                                   A$1.08 billion). Of this investment,
                                                                                                   S$211 million and A$536 million were         • A S$90,000 penalty for a Singtel TV
                                                                                                   invested in our mobile networks in             service incident in February 2015
                                                                                                   Singapore and Australia.                       that resulted in some customers
                                                                                                                                                  experiencing difficulty accessing video-
                                                                                                   During the year, we enhanced our indoor        on-demand services and/or booting up
                                                                                                   and outdoor 4G mobile coverage in both         their set-top boxes.
                                                                                                   markets. We also enhanced our service
                                                                                                   offering in Singapore with a WiFi Mesh       • Two fines totalling S$15,000 for
                                                                                                   solution that boosts coverage and offers       broadcasting a talkshow episode
                                                                                                   robust wireless connectivity to improve        without carrying a relevant mandatory
                                                                                                   user experience at home.                       programme rating and two drama series
                                                                                                                                                  with strong religious references and
                                                                                                   In Australia, we were the first telco to        messaging. PR9
                                                                                                   introduce a WiFi talk app allowing our
                                                                                                   customers to stay connected in case          We take these incidents very seriously
Winning the Best Customer Experience Team award at the CEM Asia Award 2015. Our clear customer     of limited mobile coverage. We also          and are committed to ensuring quality
experience strategy, management leadership and staff dedication received the judges’ endorsement
                                                                                                   launched NBN’s first satellite, Sky Muster,   standards across our networks.
Marketplace and Customers - Singtel

In Australia,                              smart cities, utilities and environment.
                                           IoT connectivity will also bring us a step
                                           closer to our 5G goal while supporting
                                           the Singapore Government’s Smart
  offers prepaid WiFi in                   Nation initiative. EC8

           100               Uber
                                           In Australia, Optus is collaborating with
                                           the innovative car riding service Uber for
                                           an in-car WiFi trial across Sydney and
        that allows                        Melbourne. We offer prepaid WiFi in 100
        up to
               10 devices                  Uber vehicles that allows up to 10 devices
                                           to be connected at the same time.
        to be connected at
        the same time                      RESPONSIBLE PRODUCTS
                                           AND SERVICES
                                           The Group strives to reduce the
                                           negative impact of our products
                                           and services. Our responsibility
                                           encompasses safety, privacy and fair
INNOVATION         DMA                     communications for our stakeholders
The Singtel Group innovates                in the marketplace.
continuously and keeps abreast of
rapid technology advancement and           CUSTOMER HEALTH
                                           AND SAFETY DMA                               SINGTEL DRIVES BUSINESS              up 99% of the total number of
changing customer needs. We want to
                                           We view any potential risk to the            TO SMES EC8                          registered companies in Singapore,
bring the latest and the best services
                                           health and safety of our customers           Singtel launched the first ever       employing 70% of the workforce
and experience to our customers. This
                                           very seriously. It is perceived that         nation-wide campaign in late         and contributing 50% of the
is done through driving innovation at
                                           the telecommunications industry              October 2015 to rally support for    country’s GDP.
both our core and digital businesses
                                           might pose a risk to health and safety       small and medium enterprises
through partnerships, acquisitions and
                                           of people due to the emission of             (SMEs) with a call to consumers to   For the inaugural campaign, we
organic innovation. SDG 9
                                           Electromagnetic Energy (EME) from            use products and services offered    used Singtel’s Amobee Brand
                                           mobile devices, base stations and            by SMEs.                             Intelligence to aggregate and
In February 2016, we announced our
                                           tower infrastructure.                                                             analyse online sentiment to help
partnership with Ericsson to enable
                                                                                        We organised the 99% SME             retailers better understand and
Singtel’s 4G LTE network to support the
                                           Since the 1990s, extensive research has      campaign to help SMEs innovate       engage their customers. We also
expected rapid growth of connected
                                           been done on EME to assess potential         by adopting technology as we         leveraged social media to get
devices. The collaboration will start in
                                           health risks, including those by the         believe that a dynamic SME           consumers to rediscover and
the second half of 2016 with a trial of
                                           World Health Organisation. Currently,        sector will strengthen Singapore’s   celebrate the diverse range of
Narrow Band Internet of Things (NB-
                                           there is no conclusive evidence on           economy. There are close to          products and services offered by
loT) technology. A solution that offers
                                           adverse health effects caused by             190,000 SMEs which make              the SMEs.
extended coverage, NB-IoT will help
Singtel to support IoT in areas such as    mobile phone usage.
Marketplace and Customers - Singtel

Marketplace and Customers

Our Compliance Efforts                     responsible for all matters relating to   and the locations of concern. In         These standards are formulated and
However, the perceived health risks        EME exposure. According to RPNSD,         FY2016, we engaged NEA to conduct        regularly reviewed by the Australian
remain a concern for our customers,        the levels of mobile phone radiation      14 measurements island-wide. The         Radiation Protection and Nuclear
the community and regulators. We           permitted in Singapore complies with      results showed that Singtel’s mobile     Safety Agency (ARPANSA). ARPANSA
take necessary measures to ensure          the WHO’s recommended International       base stations complied with the radio    is part of the Commonwealth
compliance with local and global           Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation      frequency radiation levels and safety    Department of Health. ARPANSA’s
standards. And we continue to              Protection (ICNIRP) standards and that    guidelines set by ICNIRP. PR2            standards are based upon those
monitor research findings on EME            radiation exposure from base stations                                              recommended by the ICNIRP.
risks and their implications on relevant   is far lower than that from mobile        The mobile phone handsets sold at our     G4-15    SDG 3
standards and regulations in the           phones. The ICNIRP Standards are          Singtel Shop outlets also comply with
markets where we operate as well as        adopted by many countries around the      regulatory guidelines set out by RPNSD   We also conduct audits of base
the rest of the world.                     world and are considered best practice.   and IDA. SDG 3                           stations and undertake predictive
                                                                                                                              EME modelling and testing to ensure
In Singapore, the Radiation Protection     To address any concerns from the          In Australia, we design and deploy our   compliance at our sites with the
& Nuclear Science Department               public or building owners, Singtel        network to comply with the relevant      Australian standards. All of our sites
(RPNSD), an office of the National         engages NEA to conduct radiation          Federal Government mandated              have EME reports available to the
Environment Agency (NEA), is               measurements near the mobile              standards for exposure to EME.           public at PR2
                                           base stations, antenna locations
Marketplace and Customers - Singtel

CUSTOMER DATA PRIVACY                      charges. They could however log into          FAIR MARKETING                               The Marketing Code also sets out
AND PROTECTION DMA                         Singtel’s myBill system to view their         COMMUNICATION              DMA               the requirements that our third party
Data privacy of our consumer and           correct billing information. The mySingtel    We recognise that fair marketing             agencies and representatives must
enterprise customers is of paramount       app incident, caused by a staff error,        practices and being transparent in the       follow to ensure that Singtel’s marketing
importance to us. We strive to keep        mistakenly published the information of       way we communicate can build trust           activities comply with the company and
their information secure across our        one customer on the app. We suspended         and loyalty among our customers.             industry guidelines. It also specifies that
operations and supply chain. Our policy    the app immediately to rectify the                                                         our marketing and advertising activities
is to be open and transparent about        error. We assured our customers that          A new Marketing Code of Conduct was          are to be conducted in a fair, honest and
how we collect, use and disclose our       their account security had not been           introduced in July 2015. Briefing sessions    ethical manner to protect our brand
customers’ personal data.                  compromised and have since instituted         were conducted for all marketing             reputation.
                                           safeguards in our processes to prevent a      employees in Singapore who had to
In Singapore, we abide by the Personal     recurrence. We voluntarily informed the       sign and declare that they would abide       We strive to ensure that our advertising
Data Protection Act (PDPA), which          Personal Data Protection Commission           by this Code in their course of work. An     and promotional materials comply
comprises various rules governing the      about both incidents. PR8                     e-learning module was then introduced        with Singapore advertising guidelines
collection, use, disclosure and care                                                     in November 2015. This marketing code        and the Australian regulations. Our
of personal data. A Data Protection        In December 2015, Optus reported a            has since been incorporated into the         employees in Australia undertake
Governance Committee, chaired by our       data privacy incident to the Office of the    Singtel Code of Conduct and will be          online compliance training annually
Data Protection Officer, ensures that      Australian Information Commissioner           part of the annual refresher exercise that   and those who deal directly with our
Singtel maintains full compliance with     (OAIC) caused by one of our agents.           requires all employees in the marketing      competitors have additional training
the PDPA. All our employees undergo                                                      function to undertake.                       on anti-competitive conduct.
mandatory training related to PDPA.        We also want to help our enterprise
We have also introduced measures to        customers to be more aware of the
ensure that our vendors and partners       threats and build their capability to
are PDPA-compliant. G4-15                  protect their corporate and customer
                                           data. To this end, we took an important           “At Singtel, we recognise that our reputation
In Australia, we engaged a third party     step to boost our cyber security
to conduct an independent review           business by establishing the Singtel               and long-term success depend on how well
and certification of existing privacy       Cyber Security Institute (CSI). A first-            we live up to our social and environmental
practices. To further improve our data     of-its-kind in the region, the CSI is a
security efforts, a dedicated privacy      hybrid between an advanced cyber                   responsibilities, as well as our strong
team was established to help develop       range and an educational institute that
a preventative and proactive approach      provides training to enterprises and
                                                                                              execution of corporate governance. We
towards data privacy.                      governments to enhance their cyber                 remain committed to all three aspects in
                                           security skills and preparedness. The CSI
In Singapore, there were two incidents     will train company boards and senior               building a sustainable business that meets
                                           management in cyber awareness, crisis
in early 2016 involving our eBill email
notification and mySingtel app. The eBill   and communications management while
                                                                                              the expectations of all our stakeholders.”
incident, caused by a software glitch,     cyber operations teams will be trained to
                                           improve their cyber defence skills. This            – Ms Aileen Tan
resulted in about 5,400 customers
receiving eBill email notifications that    initiative supports our goal to be a global           Group Chief Human Resources Officer, Singtel
contained erroneous names and bill         cyber security service provider.
Marketplace and Customers - Singtel

Marketplace and Customers

Group Chief Executive Officer Chua Sock Koong and Minister for Communications &                                                                                   Touring the CSI facility
Information Yaacob Ibrahim at the opening of the Singtel Cyber Security Institute (CSI)

There were no cases of non-compliance                   principles with action, work tirelessly   this area. All new hires are required    - One case of fictitious/inflated invoices
with regulations and voluntary codes                    to make trust part of their corporate     to complete fraud awareness              - Two cases of fraudulent overtime
concerning marketing communications,                    DNA, and in doing so, shape future        training via e-Learning within one         and travel claims
including advertising, promotion and                    industry standards by introducing         month of joining the company. Our        - One case of unauthorised signing
sponsorship at Singtel and Optus                        tomorrow’s best practices today.          Whistleblower hotlines allow staff and     up of customers for value-added
this year. In May 2015, the Advertising                 Singtel was one of the only two in the    any external party at any location to      services
Standards Authority of Singapore                        telecommunications category, and the      report any incident of misconduct.
clarified with us on the use of the word                 only telecommunications company in        We also require our people to make       When these cases came to Singtel’s
‘rebate’ instead of ‘waiver’ in one of our              Singapore and Asia to be honoured         an annual declaration on any conflict     knowledge, independent internal
mobile advertisements. PR7                              this year.                                of interest.                             investigations were conducted by our
                                                                                                                                           Internal Audit immediately, and the
Corporate Governance and                                We ensure that the Group’s zero           Despite such controls and measures,      persons of interest were terminated
Ethics G4-56                                            tolerance policy towards fraud,           there were occasional instances          and the matters reported to the law
Corporate governance, transparency                      corruption and unethical actions          of policy breaches. In Singapore,        enforcement authority. SO5
and business ethics are at the core of                  is strictly adhered to. Our Group         six cases involving our employees
the Singtel Group. Our efforts in this                  policies on Fraud Investigation and       surfaced during the year:
area have been recognised through the                   Whistleblower help with our fraud
2016 World’s Most Ethical Companies                     risk management. We conduct fraud         - One case of corruption involving
ranking by Ethisphere Institute for                     and control awareness programmes            appointment of service providers
the sixth consecutive year. The award                   throughout the year to constantly         - One case of fabrication of customer
recognises organisations that align                     refresh and update our people in            compliments
Marketplace and Customers - Singtel

SUPPLY CHAIN                                 programme to help us identify              been a signatory of the UN Global       Ongoing pursuit for excellence
MANAGEMENT             DMA                   opportunities and mitigate risks within    Compact since 2007) and stakeholder     We continue to engage our internal key
The Singtel Group is committed to            our supply chain.                          concerns arising from our materiality   business stakeholders to drive awareness
collaborating with transparent, ethical                                                 review.                                 as well as sustainability initiatives
as well as socially and environmentally      This programme was aided by a Life                                                 within our supply chain. During the
responsible suppliers. In our ongoing        Cycle Assessment (LCA) exercise for        We have started scanning all of our     year, we engaged Singtel’s Centre of
efforts to improve the way we purchase       our Singapore and Australia operations     new suppliers across a range of key     Operational Excellence to support the
goods and services, our preference is to     which we conducted during the year.        areas including human rights as         integration of sustainable supply chain
procure from vendors who currently are       The LCA was instrumental in helping        well as workplace safety and health     management practices into our existing
or working towards being responsible         us to determine the direct and indirect    and environmental management.           policies and processes. We have also
and sustainable companies. SDG 8             environmental impact of how we             This has been applied to all tenders    started to educate our people to raise
 SDG 12                                      source for our business needs. We          above $200,000 since December in        awareness and advocacy of sustainable
                                             also conducted a Social Hotspot            Singapore and February in Australia.    procurement practices.
Our Supply Chain G4-12                       Analysis which identified sources of         HR10      EN32     LA14
We have extensive infrastructure and         vulnerability within our supply chain,                                             As we prepare to align to the ISO 20400
connectivity through our investments         such as human and labour rights as well    We also concluded assurance reviews     International Standard for Sustainable
in our fixed and mobile networks,             as environmental issues. In addition,      on our offshore call centres in India   Procurement which is expected to be
international submarine cables and           we carried out a risk assessment of key    and the Philippines for data privacy    released in 2017, we have started to
satellites, data centre facilities, and IT   sustainability impact and compliance       and security, which are material to     measure our performance against the
and customer care delivery centres.          requirements across 75% of our supply      our business.                           British Standard 8903.
                                             chain expenditure.
We contract with local and global                                                       The Singtel Group is committed          We recognise that instilling higher
vendors for our different lines of           These initiatives allowed us to pinpoint   to maintaining a safe and healthy       standards in our supply chain has its
businesses. In FY2016, we contracted         areas of the supply chain that require     workplace by minimising the risk        challenges. Such standards take time to be
around 6,000 suppliers worldwide.            the most attention from a sustainability   of accidents, injury and exposure       embedded within our internal operations
For our fixed broadband and pay TV            perspective.                               to health hazards for our people,       as well as those of our suppliers. Our
services, our key suppliers provide us                                                  including our contractors. We work      philosophy – that our supply chain
with an array of equipment including         Embedding sustainability in our            closely with our outsourced vendors     relationships around sustainability
modem, router and set-top box. For           supply chain                               and partners to ensure that health      issues should be collaborative and not
mobile services, we work mainly with         Our Supplier Code of Conduct was           and safety risks are minimised          adversarial in nature – remains, as we take
network infrastructure and equipment         updated to address the broader             for their employees and contract        steps towards achieving our 2020 goal of
suppliers, as well as handset and device     spectrum of issues identified by the        workers. Despite our measures, we       becoming an industry leader in this space.
manufacturers. Our main suppliers            LCA. We clarified expectations in new       recorded two separate fatal accidents
for digital and entertainment services       contracts with our suppliers worth more    at our Singapore office premises in
are advertising agencies and content         than $5,000 in Singapore and Australia     2015 involving a security guard and
providers.                                   to strengthen the Code’s legal effect,     a cleaner. They were employees of       In FY2016
                                             and these suppliers must comply with       our contracted service agencies.          we contracted around
Sharpening our focus on supply chain         our Code when bidding for contracts        The cases are currently undergoing
In FY2016, we implemented a new
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
                                             with us. We also ensured that the new
                                             Code is aligned with our UN Global
                                             Compact commitments (Singtel has
                                                                                        investigations by the relevant
                                                                                        authorities. SDG 3                        6,000
                                                                                                                                   suppliers worldwide
Marketplace and Customers - Singtel Marketplace and Customers - Singtel Marketplace and Customers - Singtel
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