Marketing Services - INNOVATIONS, SHAPE THE FUTURE - Rat für Formgebung

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Marketing Services - INNOVATIONS, SHAPE THE FUTURE - Rat für Formgebung

Marketing Services - INNOVATIONS, SHAPE THE FUTURE - Rat für Formgebung
Die groSSen Deutschen MArken 2020 - Marketing Services

Marketing Services

Wer als Stiftungsmitglied des Rat für Formgebung im Jahres-    Any foundation member, who is represented in the annual
band »Die großen deutschen Marken« vertreten ist, beweist,     volume „The Great German Brands“ proves that brand-
dass markenzentriertes Management zur DNA seines               centered management is part of the DNA of his company and
Unternehmens gehört und ist zudem in bester Gesellschaft.      is also in the best of company. Use this exclusive forum to
Nutzen Sie dieses exklusive Forum, um Aufmerksamkeit für       generate attention for your brand and your business.
Ihre Marke und Ihr Unternehmen zu erzeugen.
                                                               With the Marketing Services for your distinction as German
Mit den Marketing Services für Ihre Auszeichnung als Große     Major Brand in the founding circle of the German Design
deutsche Marke im Stifterkreis des Rat für Formgebung          Council, we provide you with a range of individual adverti-
stellen wir Ihnen eine Reihe individueller Werbemittel zur     sing materials that will make your communication activities
Verfügung, die Ihre Kommunikationsmaßnahmen noch               even more successful.
erfolgreicher machen.

Rat für Formgebung Medien GmbH
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49
60327 Frankfurt am Main
T .49 (0)69 - 24 74 48 659 F .49 (0)69 - 24 74 48 700

publikation »Die groSSen deutschen Marken 2020«
   Publication »The major german Brands 2020«

                                                                Hochwertig und aufwändig gestaltete
                                                                Hardcover-Ausgabe mit Abbildungen und
                                                                Kurztexten zu den jeweiligen Unterneh-
                                                                mens- und Markenpräsentationen. Das
                                                                Buch erscheint Ende September 2020.

                                                                High-quality and elaborately designed
                                                                hardcover edition with illustrations and
                                                                short texts on the respective corporate
                                                                and brand presentations. The book will
                                                                be published at the end of September

Format: 230 mm x 280 mm • Verarbeitung: Halbleineneinband aus Duchesseleinen, Soft-Touch-Cellophanierung, Relieflack,
goldfarbenes Lesebändchen, Rückenprägung, Fadenheftung, Goldschnitt • Die Lieferung erfolgt ab Ende September

Format: 230 mm x 280 mm • Processing: Half linen cover from Duchesseleinen, Soft-touch cellophane wrapping, relief
varnish, gold-colored bookmark ribbon, back embossing, thread stitching, gilt edging • Delivery will be from the end of
Marketing Services - INNOVATIONS, SHAPE THE FUTURE - Rat für Formgebung
Die groSSen Deutschen MArken 2020 - Marketing Services

Personalisierte Urkunde
   Personalised document

Personalisierte Urkunde                                            Aufsteller für Magnetrahmen
Personalised Decoument                                             Stand for picture Frame

Urkunde im hochwertigen Aluminium-Bilderrahmen (Firma              Mit dem neuen Aufsteller können Sie Ihre Magnetrahmen
Halbe), personalisiert mit Ihren Firmen- und Markendaten           jetzt formschön und sicher aufstellen, statt sie an die Wand
zur wirkungsvollen Kommunikation an repräsentativen Plät-          zu hängen.
zen, z.B. Ihrem Firmengebäude etc.
                                                                   With the stand you can now beautifully and safely set up your
In a high-quality aluminium picture frame (by Halbe), with         magnetic frames on your furniture rather than hanging them
personalised details of the project and company – for effec-       on the wall.
tively communicating the news of your award at representati-
ve locations, e. g. in your company building, etc.

Format: DIN A4, Hochformat • Magnetischer Profilrahmen, hochwer-
tige Glasabdeckung, Rahmenfarbe schwarz, matt • Mit Aufdruck der
Firmen- und Markendaten

Format: DIN A4, vertical format › magnetic profile frame,
high-quality glass cover, black coloured frame, matte finish
› certificate contains an imprint with details of the brand and
Marketing Services - INNOVATIONS, SHAPE THE FUTURE - Rat für Formgebung
Die groSSen Deutschen MArken 2020 - Marketing Services

Personalisiertes Acrylglas-ZErtifikat und Kuboid
   Personalised Acrylic-glass certificate and and Cuboid

Personalisiertes Acrylglaszertifikat                                   Premium Kuboid aus Acrylglas
personlised acrylic-glss certificate                                   Premium Acrylic-glass Cuboid
Hochwertiges Acrylglaszertifkat (inklusive Acrylglasaufstel-           Dezent und wertig: der Premium Kuboid.
ler) mit dem Label zur Kennzeichnung Ihrer Marke, persona-             Subtle and valuable: the premium cuboid.
lisiert mit Ihren Firmen- und Markendaten.

High-quality acrylic-glass certificate (including an
acrylic-glass stand) with the label for labelling your
brand,personalised with your

Details                                                                Details
Zertifikat Format: 185 mm x 250 mm • Acrylglas geschnitten, weiß •     Kuboid-Format: 140 × 115 × 25 mm • Acrylglas transparent,
Label-Aufdruck 1-seitig, 1-farbig schwarz • Weißer Acrylglasaufstel-   Kanten glanzgefräst • Label-Aufdruck 1-seitig, 4-farbig
ler zum Einstecken (reversibel)
                                                                       Cuboid-format: 140 x 115 x 25mm • transparent acrylic-glass
Certificate format: 185 mm × 250 mm › laser-cut acrylic-
                                                                       • edges are milled • label-print one-sided, 4-coloured
glass, white › label imprint, one-sided, single-colour black ›
white acrylic-glass stand to insert on the back side (reversi-
Marketing Services - INNOVATIONS, SHAPE THE FUTURE - Rat für Formgebung
Die groSSen Deutschen MArken 2020 - Marketing Services



Kommunizieren Sie flexibel und auf einfache Art und
Weise, dass Sie zu den großen deutschen Marken im Rat
für Formgebung gehören. Nutzen Sie die Aufkleber oder
Folienplots z.B. an repräsentativen Plätzen, z.B. Ihrem
Firmengebäude etc.

Communicate flexibly and in a simple way that you are one
of the big German brands in the German Design Council.
Use the stickers or foil plots, e.g. at representative places,
e.g. Your company building etc.

Aufkleber klein 4-farbig • PE Folie • Format: 180 x 150mm
Aufkleber groß 4-farbig • PE Folie • Format: 240 x 200mm

Stickers small • 4-coloured • PE foil • format: 180 x 150mm
Stickers big • 4-coloured • PE foil • format: 240 x 200mm
Marketing Services - INNOVATIONS, SHAPE THE FUTURE - Rat für Formgebung
Marketing Services – Order form

Innovations, shape the future.
The Major German Brands 2020

❦ Pubication »Innovations, shape the future. The Major German Brands.« 2020 Edition

   Special offer price valid until 15 Juli 2019 | from 16 July 2019 regular pricing for foundation member EUR 44.90* | for non-foundation member EUR 54.90*.
   Delivery will take place from 19 September 2019.

   Foundation member:               1 copy | EUR 34.90*                                                         Quantity:              (german)                   (english)

   Non-foundation member: 1 copy | EUR 44.90*                                                                   Quantity:              (german)                   (english)

   5% discount attainable from 5 copies | 10% discount attainable from 10 copies | 25% discount attainable from 50 copies | 30% discount attainable from 100 copies

   Issues from previous years are available on request.

❦ Sticker

   1 sticker 180 x 150 mm | EUR 14.90*                                                                                                                 Quantity:

   1 sticker 240 x 200 mm | EUR 24.90*                                                                                                                 Quantity:

❦ Premium Acrylic-glass cuboid

   1 cuboid | EUR 44.90* •• Form 10 cuboids | EUR 39.90* per piece                                                                                     Quantity:

❦ Personalised acrylic-glass certificate (delivery time approx. 6-8 weeks)

   1 personalised certificate | EUR 59.90* •• From 10 certificates | EUR 54.90* per piece                                                              Quantity:

❦ Personalised document (within a frame)

   1 personalised document | EUR 79.90* •• From 10 documents | EUR 69.90* per piece                                                                    Quantity:

   Optional accessorries:
   1 stand for picture frame | EUR 4.90*                                                                                                               Quantity:

❦ Picture frame by HALBE (high-quality, black aluminium picture frame by HALBE without document)

   1 frame | EUR 49.90*                                                                                                                                Quantity:

   Optional accessorries:
   1 stand for picture frame | EUR 4.90*                                                                                                               Quantity:

❦ The following brand name shall be used for personalised certificates and documents:

   *All prices plus VAT, postage and packaging (plus possible customs abroad).
    If you are interested in ordering a larger amount of issues we are pleased to submit an individual offer.

❦ Contact address

   Rat für Formgebung Medien GmbH | Messeturm | Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49 | 60327 Frankfurt am Main | Germany
   T .49 (0)69 - 24 74 48 659 | F .49 (0)69 - 24 74 48 700 |
Marketing Services - INNOVATIONS, SHAPE THE FUTURE - Rat für Formgebung
Marketing Services – Order form

Innovations, shape the future.
The Major German Brands 2020

❦ Billing address

      Mr      Ms

   Company:		                                                         Department:

   First name/Name:		                                                 Street:

   Postcode/Town:		                                                   Country:

   Telephone:		                                                       E-mail:

   VAT identification number (VATIN):

   (Companies are legally obliged to state their VAT identification number (VATIN). Should you not have a VATIN, i.e., you are a private
   person or a small company in accordance with article 14, para. 4, of the German Value Added Tax Law (UstG), please enter a ‹0›)

❦ Delivery address (if different from above)

      Mr      Ms

   Company:		                                                         Department:

   First name/Name:		                                                 Street:

   Postcode/Town:		                                                   Country:

   Telephone:		                                                       E-mail:

   Place/Date		                                                      Signature/Company stamp

   With the shipment of the present order, the ordering party acknowledges the General Terms and Conditions of Business for Purchase
   as the basis for the contract (see also page 4 below). Particular reference is made to numbers 1 and 2 of the General Terms and Condi-
   tions of Business for Purchase.

❦ Contact address

   Rat für Formgebung Medien GmbH | Messeturm | Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49 | 60327 Frankfurt am Main | Germany
   T .49 (0)69 - 24 74 48 659 | F .49 (0)69 - 24 74 48 700 |
General Conditions of Supply and Delivery for purchased goods

Innovations, shape the future.
The Major German Brands 2020

1) General                                                                                  6) Liability for defective items

The Rat für Formgebung Medien GmbH (hereinafter referred to as »RfF«) offers goods          6.1 if there is a defect in the purchased goods, the buyer can demand supplementary
for sale. These General Terms and Conditions of Business form the exclusive basis for all   performance (rectification of defects or replacement). If the rectification of defects is not
goods and services provided under the purchase agreement concluded between the RfF          successful in cases in which defects are not insignificant, the buyer can withdraw from
and the buyer. The Terms and Conditions of Business of the buyer will not be recognised     the purchase agreement or reduce the purchase price.
even if the RfF does not expressly object to them in individual cases.
                                                                                            6.2 Unless otherwise specified below, further claims of the buyer, regardless of the legal
2) Establishment of a contract of purchase                                                  grounds, are excluded. The RfF is not liable for damage not incurred on the delivered
                                                                                            goods themselves. In particular, the RfF is not liable for financial losses or other pecu-
The order placed by the buyer represents an offer to the RfF to conclude a purchase ag-     niary losses suffered by the buyer.
reement. When the order has been received by the RfF, the RfF will send an e-mail that
confirms the receipt of the order (the so-called order confirmation). The order confirma-   6.3 The aforementioned liability limitations do not apply insofar as the cause of da-
tion does not yet represent acceptance of the offer to purchase. A purchase agreement       mage arises from intent, gross negligence or injury to persons. Moreover, the liability
comes into being only when this has been explicitly stated by the RfF or the RfF sends      limitations do not apply if the buyer asserts claims under the German Product Liability
the ordered product to the buyer and the shipment is confirmed in writing. All offers are   Act.. Insofar as the RfF negligently violates a material contractual obligation, the duty
valid as long as the products in question are in stock and available for delivery.          to pay compensation for property damage is limited to the damage typically incurred in
                                                                                            such cases.
3) Delivery
                                                                                            7) Data protection
3.1 Delivery is made ex warehouse at the expense of the buyer. The shipping costs will
depend on the destination as well as the weight and size of the products shipped. They      You declare that you agree to your data being processed and used by the German Design
will be individually calculated for each order.                                             Council. You likewise agree that the German Design Council shall be entitled to transmit
                                                                                            this data to its partners for purposes of information. All personal data will be processed
3.2 For deliveries outside the European Union, import duties such as import tax, custo-     solely and exclusively in pursurance of the statutory regulations set out in the Federal
ms duties and customs fees may be incurred which must be paid by the buyer. These           German Data Protection Act and Telemedia Act.
vary depending on the customs area. The buyer is responsible for payment of the custo-
ms duties and fees incurred. Import fees are not included in the shipping costs.            8) Other conditions

3.3 The ordered goods will be delivered in a timely manner. The goods are insured with      8.1 German law shall apply to the exclusion of the UN Sales Law. The court of jurisdiction
the carrier up to the amount of € 2,500.00. If there is externally visible damage to the    for all disputes arising directly or indirectly out of the contractual relationship between
shipping packaging, the buyer is requested to check the contents of the delivery directly   the RfF and the purchaser shall be Frankfurt am Main, providing that the purchaser is
in the presence of the carrier and to have the damage confirmed in writing immediately.     a registered business person within the terms of German trading law (Vollkaufmann).

4) Cancellation                                                                             8.2 If any of the aforementioned conditions should prove inoperative, the rest remain
                                                                                            operative in respect of contracts concluded. The appropriate statutory provisions shall
4.1 The buyer can cancel the purchase agreement in writing or by returning the goods        be taken to apply in place of the inoperative clause.
within two weeks after receipt of the goods, insofar as the buyer is a consumer. This
provision does not apply to goods already used or damaged by the buyer as well as           8.3 The RfF shall not be responsible for minor discrepancies between the depiction or
custom-made products, CDs, magazines and catalogues. The cancellation period begins         description and the original items and reserves a right to such minor discrepancies.
with the date of receipt of the goods by the buyer.
                                                                                            8.4 Prices shall be as currently advertised.
4.2 In the event of exchange or return of the goods, the recipient and sender must be
clearly marked. The RfF requests that the buyer pay the required amount of postage.
Freight collect returns will not be accepted by the RfF. Returns from non-EU countries
must be accompanied by the required customs documents. Should buyers have any fur-
ther questions, they should contact the RfF directly.                                       Rat für Formgebung Medien GmbH
5) Payment                                                                                  Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49
                                                                                            60327 Frankfurt am Main
Within Germany, the RfF will supply goods either charges collect or on invoice. For sales   Germany
abroad, the RfF will only supply goods that have been paid for in advance. Companies        T .49 (0)69 - 24 74 48 659
from third countries (outside the EU and EFTA) are obliged to provide a company cer-        F .49 (0)69 - 24 74 48 700
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