Mark's Gospel Edexcel - 5RS16

Page created by Rachel Gonzales
Mark's Gospel Edexcel - 5RS16
Mark’s Gospel
                    Edexcel - 5RS16
                    Revision Booklet

                                    a c kground

Mark tells stories about Jesus, a carpen-    put their procurator to rule over him
ter and a teacher who lived in Israel.       called Pontius Pilate. 2) Herod Antipas
Our calendar is supposed to tell us the      ruled the Northern part of Israel called
number of years that have passed since       Galilee which was where Jesus grew up
Jesus‟ birth (for example 2010 should be     and taught before travelling to Jerusalem.
two thousand and ten years after Jesus       Things important to the Jews were:
was born.) In fact it is slightly wrong as   1. Torah: the Law or instruction given by
we think Jesus was born in about 4BC            God through Moses (10 commandments)
and died in AD30.                            2. The Synagogue: a local place of wor-
In 37BC the Romans made Herod the               ship where the Torah was read and ex-
Great, King of the Jews. He ran the             plained.
country for the Empire. When he died         3. The Temple: There were many syna-
in 4BC the Romans divided up his king-          gogues, but only one Temple in Jerusa-
dom among three of his son, two of              lem built by King Solomon in 950BC.
them are important for us: 1) Archelaus         Animal sacrifices to God could only be
ruled the southern part of Israel called        offered there. All travelled here for the
Judea, but he was so cruel the Romans           festival of the Passover.
Mark's Gospel Edexcel - 5RS16
Use this page to fill in
   information about the
different groups at the time
of Jesus in Israel - clue: five
  including the Romans...
                                  Groups at
                                  the time
                                   of Jesus

   Why did
  Mark write
  a Gospel?
Mark's Gospel Edexcel - 5RS16
                                                                 The gospel according to Mark was
                                                                 written as an account of Jesus’ life,

                                                               however it is also believed to have been
                                                               inspired by God to help Christians live

                                                                 in the world today and it has many
                                                                          layers of meaning

                                                                            The surface level deals with what
                                                                           took place at the time of Jesus and
                                                                             why Mark has decided to include
                                                                            this story out of all the different
                                   The next level deals with the early               things Jesus did.
                                   What was life like in 100AD - why
                                    did they need to write this story

 The deepest level deals with what
does it teach Christians living in the
world today. This is open to inter-
 pretation - Liberals, Conservatives
  & Fundamentalists all have their
         own understanding
Mark's Gospel Edexcel - 5RS16
Print your surname here, and your
                       other names afterwards to ensure
                       that the exam board awards the
                       marks to the right candidate.

    Here you fill in                         Here you fill in your
    your school’s                            personal exam num-
    exam number.                             ber. Take care when
                                             writing it down be-
                                             cause the number is
                                             important to the exam
                                             board when writing

                                                In this box, the ex-
                                                aminer will write the
Ensure you                                      total number of
know how long                                   marks you have
the exam lasts                                  achieved in the
and plan your                                   exam paper.
time accordingly.

                              Make sure you understand
                              exactly which questions from
                              which sections you should

                                      Note that the quality of your
                                      written communication will
                                      also be marked. Take par-
                                      ticular care to present your
                                      thoughts and work at the
                                      highest standard you can
Mark's Gospel Edexcel - 5RS16
There are two questions on each page
                                                     but you only need to answer one of
                                                     them. Choose either the top one or the
                                                     bottom one and remember that you must
                                                     answer parts (a), (b), (c) and (d) from the

Part (a) ques-                                                 Part (b) questions require
tions require a                                                you to give your opinion
 glossary defi-                                                and two developed rea-
 nition as your                                                sons for it in order to get

                                                                       In answers to part (c)
                                                                       questions you need to
                                                                       give explanations.
                                                                       One way to gain maxi-
  Part (c) ques-
                                                                       mum marks is to give
    tions include
   marks for the
    quality of the
 written commu-
         nication.                                                       The marks for each
                                                                         question are shown
                                                                         on the right-hand
 Pay attention
                                                                         side of the page.
 to any text
                                                                         Make sure that you
 highlighted in
                                                                         note how many
 bold, as it will
                                                                         marks a question is
 alert you to
                                                                         worth as this will give
 important in-
                                                                         you an idea of how
                                                                         long to spend on that
 about what to
 include in
 your answer.                                                     The statements in part
                                                                  (d) questions are meant
                                                                  to be controversial but
                                                                  make sure you know
                                                                  what the question is ask-
                                                                  ing you before you start

  Make sure you
   refer to a story
from Mark’s gos-
  pel in your part
     (d) answers.

Start this part of your
answer with ‘Some                                                     Start this part of your
people might disagree                                                 answer with ‘I agree.’
with me because… ’                                                    or ‘I disagree.’, then
and then give three                                                   give three simple rea-
simple reasons or two     There are 20 marks                          sons why to get full
developed reasons or      available for each ques-
one fully developed       tion – that’s a mark a
You must clearly show the examiner which question
you are answering. This is really important because if
the examiner is not sure you might not get any marks.

                                   Don’t feel that you
                                   have to fill the answer
                                   space provided. Eve-
                                   rybody’s handwriting
                                   varies, so a long an-
                                   swer from you may
                                   take up as much
                                   space as a short an-
                                   swer from someone

                        The amount of space
                        given for you to write your
                        answer in should give you
                        a clue as to how much
                        you should write and how
                        long it should take. Large
                        spaces are for more im-
                        portant questions with
                        more marks available
                        which you will have to
                        spend more time on.

                                      Don’t write outside
                                      the box as when your
                                      answer is scanned,
                                      anything outside this
                                      box may not be
1. The call of the first disciples (1 v 14-20 & 2 v 13-17)
2. Sending out the Twelve (6 v 7-13)
3. The true family of Jesus (3 v 31-35)
4. True greatness (9 v 33-37)
5. The rich man (10 v 17-31)
6. The Parable of the Tenants (12 v 1-12)
7. A spirit cast out by Jesus (9 v 14-29)
8. The Parable of the Sower (4 v 1-20)
9. Jesus, the disciples & service (10 v 35-40 & 41-45)
10. Are the disciples really failures? (14 v 27-31, 32-42)
11. Peter denies knowing Jesus (14 v 66-72)

    Do you know the nature of discipleship? How can
    you be a disciple in today‘s world?
    Do you know the cost of discipleship? What do you
    have to give up to be a follower of Jesus?
    Do you know the rewards of discipleship? What
    does God give you if you follow him?

                                    Key wo

    1. Disciples, followers of Jesus            8. True Greatness, the teaching of Je-
    2. Levi, a tax collector who was                sus that service of others is true
       called to be a disciple                      greatness.
    3. Sons of Zebedee, the brothers            9. The Commandments, the collec-
       James & John whom Jesus called               tion of laws given by God.
       to follow him                            10. The Eye of a Needle, a metaphor
    4. Service, an act of help or assis-            used by Jesus to show that wealth
       tance                                        makes it difficult to enter the
    5. The Twelve, the twelve selected              Kingdom of God.
       from the disciples to be Jesus‟          11. The Kingdom, the rule of God in
       closest disciples.                           people‟s lives.
    6. True Family, those who follow the        12. Peter‟s denial, the way Peter said
       teachings of Jesus.                          he as not a follower of Jesus after
    7. Self-sacrifice, putting other peo-           the arrest of Jesus.
       ple‟s needs before your own.
p            les
                                      o f t h e disci

     Jesus chose 12 men to be his special disciples. This may have been symbolic, as the Old
     Testament character Jacob, one of the Jewish patriarchs, had 12 sons. The 12 sons in turn
     became the founders of the 12 tribes of Israel. By his choice of 12 men, Jesus may have
     been showing that he was sent by God for all the Jewish people.
     In Mark 1 v 15 Jesus walked beside the sea of Galilee and calls out to Simon & his brother
     Andrew saying “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they both
     dropped their nets and followed Jesus.
          This shows us that discipleship requires you to....

     After calling some simple fisherman, the next person Jesus calls is a tax collector, probably
     the least favourite person to a Jew (just above the Romans) so they were considered out-
           This shows us that the type of people Jesus called were.....

     Jesus starts by appointing the first disciples to be his close friends and helpers. He calls
     them to leave their jobs to travel and work with him. This shows that the nature of disci-
     pleship is to follow the master whole-heartedly. After watching and learning from Jesus
     about healing people Jesus sends them out with specific instructions which are... (list what
     he told them to do!)

                                                      ple       ship
                                       o s t o f disci

Some people are great examples of disciples - Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Oscar Romero, Maximil-
ian Kolbe and Dietrich Bonhöffer as they have followed Jesus whole-heartedly and have been self-sacrificial
towards others. Jesus taught that to be truly great you “must be the very last, and the servant of all” and
welcome all towards them. True greatness in the Christian faith comes from serving others, because in that
way the Christian is serving God.

Not everyone finds it easy - in the story of the Rich man he challenges Jesus about how he can get into
     What does Jesus tell him to do and what does Jesus mean by this?

The Christian church has been criticised in the past because it has so much       Imagine a quiz show
wealth and there are many rich Christians. Christians have to decide their pri- for Christians called
orities carefully. This is a problem for them in a society where success is meas- DISCIPLE OR NO T
ured by the salary earned and the possessions you have.                           DISCIPLE. What
The parable of the Tenants is an allegory (symbolic story) that criticises the    would a person have
Jewish leaders, showing they will oppose God (the owner of the vineyard) and to do to win it?
persecute & kill God‟s servants (prophets/Jesus). The owner then gives the
vineyard to others who were not involved in killing his son. The Jews exclusive relation-
ship with God was broken at the point they kill Jesus and God gives us all humanity a part of His kingdom.
                                                Costs of discip

Parable of the Sower: Jesus teaches how                    Explain how the four different
a farmers scatters seed and each of the                    types of people described in the
four places the seed lands represent those                 parable may still be relevant to-
that hear the Word of God (the seed)                       day... [8]
and the variety of ways people respond.

                                                      James & John want to have a special place in
                                                        heaven as they thought they had earned it,
                                                       Jesus has to correct them - “whoever wants
Research the life of Maximilian Kolbe.                   to be the first must be slave for all. For
How did he put Jesus‟ teaching on service                even the son of man did not come to be
into practice?                                        served, but to serve, and to give his life for
                                                             many.” What does Jesus mean?

                                         Rewards of Dis

       Make a list of the things the Jesus told his disciples to do in Mark 14 v 33 - 42 from the
       time they reach Gethsemane. Tick all the parts they achieved.

  Jesus took his disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane and asked his 3 closest friends to stay
  awake and support him and they fell asleep three times. They failed to support him through
  this crisis, and yet the Christian church exists today because of their work after Jesus‟ death.
        The Christians to whom Mark was writing were facing persecution in Rome. How
        might this story have helped them?

  Peter doesn‟t stop with falling asleep in the garden he goes ahead and fails his closest friend
  by denying him three times and leaving Jesus unsupported in front of the High Priest.
  Peter weeps when he remembers that Jesus had predicted this failure and he had confidently
  said it would not happen.
        How does Peter‟s failure encourage Christians today?

       Think of some situations where Christians might be tempted to deny being a Christian.
       What might they do? What should they do?
qu e st ion s for practice
                                      Quic k

Who were the sons of Zebedee?                          Explain why the story of the rich
What was Levi‟s job?                                   man might cause problems for
Who were the Twelve?                                   some Christians today. [8]
Who are Jesus‟ true family?
What is true greatness?

                                                   “Most Christians today ignore Jesus‟ teach-
Name two commandments.
                                                  ings about discipleship.” In your answer you
What is „the eye of the needle‟?
                                                         should refer to Mark‟s Gospel.
What is the kingdom?
                                                            Some people agree... [3]
What is the difference between self-
                                                        Other people might disagree... [3]
sacrifice and service?

                               Examination q

  Be the examiner: Explain why the nature of discipleship as shown in the calling of
  the first disciples is important to Christians today. [8]

Student answer: The nature of discipleship as
shown in the calling of the first disciples is im-
portant to Christians today as Jesus picked a
range of people to be his disciples. Levi was a tax
collector and they were not meant to be nice peo-
ple and another one was a zealot, a man that
hated and killed the Romans. This is showing
that anyone, no matter what their attitude is or
how they act, can be a follower of Jesus and Jesus Any other comments about the answer:
will forgive them. This gives everyone in the
world a chance to make a change as they know
someone will forgive them and they can start
again and make the right decisions.
Conflict & Argument
1.  Jesus heals a paralysed man
2.  Disagreements about the Sabbath
3.  The trouble with the law - Ritual cleanliness
4.  The trouble with the law - Corban
5.  Jesus predicts his Passion
6.  Jesus enters the Temple
7.  Who‘s in authority here?
8.  A taxing question
9.  Jesus‘ argument with the Sadducees about
10. Expensive perfume at Bethany
11. The plot to kill Jesus

                                             Key W

                                                         7. The Temple:
     1. Sinners: those who did not follow all the                            the building in Je
                                                              where sacrifices                   rusalem
        Jewish laws                                                              were made
                                                         8. The law: the
     2. Sabbath: the day of rest on the seventh                             collection of law
                                                              handed down by                   s
        day of the week (Saturday)                                               God and collecte
                                                             the Torah                              d in
     3. Ritual cleanliness the Jewish laws on           9. Fasting: goin
        food and washing which prevented any-                              g without food on
                                                             days as a sign of                   certain
        thing unclean entering the body                                         devotion to God
                                                       10. Scribes: relig
                                                                          ious law
     4. Corban: a gift dedicated to God which                men who made co yers, originally
        meant it could not be used for anything        11. Pharisees: a re       pies of the Torah
        else                                                               ligious group wh
                                                            aim was to keep                    ose
     5. Passion: the suffering of Jesus, especially                            the Jewish faith al
                                                            and focused on th                      ive
        in the time leading up to his crucifixion     12. Sadducees: g          e Torah
     6. Palm Sunday: the Sunday before Good                              roup of priests w
                                                           trolled the Temple                ho con-
        Friday when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a                                 and collaborated
                                                          with the Romans
g t rouble!
                                   ausi n
                            Jesus c

                                                     The purpose of this topic is to
                                                   help you investigate how Jesus ran
  Eric Liddell (as seen in Chariots of Fire)       into conflict with the religious au-
  refused to run in the 100m final of the
                                                       thorities as a result of his
  Paris Olympics as it took place on a Sunday
  in 1934. More recently Jonathan Edwards                 teaching and actions.
  also refused to compete on a Sunday be-
  cause of his strong Christian beliefs.
  In both cases these men were in conflict
                                                                    eals a
  with the authorities because their faith                 Jesus h        n
  told them they should keep Sunday as a                    ara ly sed ma
  day of rest.
  Jesus had arguments with Pharisees on a
  number of occasions because he broke the
  commandment ―do not work on the Sab-          Mark 2 v 1-2: Jesus is at home in Caper-
  bath‖, yet he tried to explain that God did   naum and crowds gather, so much so that
  not want us to be crushed by his laws.        some friends are unable to bring their
                                                friend to Jesus‘ feet for healing. They
                                                break through the roof and lower him
                                                down on ropes.
                                                1.   How important was faith in the
                                                     healing of the paralysed man?
                                                2.   Why did this healing lead to conflict
                                                     with the teachers of the law?
                                                3.   Who has authority to forgive sins in
                  e n ts about                       your opinion?
       Disagr      bbath                        The Jewish leaders saw Jesus‘ actions as
            the Sa                              blasphemous.

   Ten commandments say keep the Sabbath holy - what does this actually mean?

1. Jesus picks corn on the Sabbath with his disciples as they are hungry - he reminds
   them that King David went and ate the holy bread belonging to the priests and no
   one complained then. Sabbath was made for man...
2. Jesus heals a man with a shrivelled hand outside a Synagogue on the Sabbath - he
   asks them is it better to do good or evil on the Sabbath. To save life or kill?

    Explain what Jesus and his disciples had done wrong, according to the Pharisees
    in both of the stories above.
    Do you think Sunday should be treated differently from other days of the week?
                                            w it h the La

Ritual Cleanliness: The Pharisees were strict about many things and followed all of their 613 laws which
covered every aspect of life. It told them how to prepare food and how to eat it. They were angry that
Jesus and his disciples ate food with ‗unclean hands‘. Jesus is trying to show them that it is more important
to have a heart focused on God and be ritually dirty!
Corban: Jesus was unhappy that Pharisees set up their own traditions which went against the Ten Com-
mandments, they would rather give money to the temple fund than to share it with their poor parents.

      What does Jesus mean by the phrase ‗You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to
      the traditions of men‘

      Christians do not follow the Jewish food laws (Kosher) because of what Jesus says in Mark 7 v 9-23.
      Explain why.

                                                         e              s...
                                            n g p ropheci

                                                          Jesus enters Jerusalem
Jesus predicts his Passion (suffering)                    You need to able to describe the events of
You need to know the three passages and the               Palm Sunday and say why Jesus‘ entry might
matching statements between them. You                     have led to conflict with:
should also be aware that they are connected
to prophecies from the Old Testament                      1.    Jewish leaders
                                                          2.    Roman authorities
Matching phrases/words
1.   Son of Man                                           What is the significance of Jesus‘ entry into
2.   Rejected/betrayed                                    Jerusalem?
3.   Suffer                                               1.   Fulfilling prophecies from the Old Tes-
4.   Be killed                                                 tament - Micah & Zephaniah
5.   Rise from death after three days                     2.   Riding a donkey
                                                          3.   Palms & cloaks laid down
Peter tries to correct Jesus and say he will              4.   Shouts of Hosanna
not die. The teaching about the suffering                 5.   Calling him King David
and death is very important for Christians
today as it explains the events that followed.            They believed that their Messiah had come!
(as we learn in the next topic)

   Jesus clears out the Temple: Jesus believed that the Temple, which was the centre of Jewish worship had
   been misused. The court of the Gentiles—the only part open to non-Jews had been taken over for two main
   activities; to sell animals for the sacrifices that Jewish people had to make in the temple and to change
   money for the temple tax.
   The fact that the Temple was used as a place to make money offended Jesus.
   He quoted from the Old testament prophet Isaiah - ―my house will be called a house of prayer for all na-
   tions‖ as he proceeded to turn over the tables and stop the money lenders. He said this in the court of Gen-
   tiles - this message was for all people, not just the Jews and teaches Christians they should do nothing to
   upset community and racial cohesion

The Jewish leaders by the time Jesus had arrived in Jerusalem saw him as a trouble maker and
had decided that they should get rid of him. They agreed that the best way was to trap him in
front of others into saying something that could be used to arrest him.
1. Who’s in authority here - Mark 11 v 27-33 The elders & teachers of the law approached Je-
   sus in the temple and asked him who had given him authority to do all his miracles, teach and
   turn over the tables. If he had answered God then they could arrest him for being mad. He
   asks them a question in response which they were unable to reply.
2. A taxing question—Mark 12 v 13-17 Taxes were high and this reminded the Jews that their
   country was occupied by the Romans. The money paid out had Caesar‘s head stamped on the
   side. Jesus was again challenged by a Pharisee trying to trick him into saying something against
   the Roman authorities. The answer ―give to Caesar what is Caesar‘s‖ tells Christians today that
   they should pay their taxes and also give respect to God.

                                            re tro uble...

  Argument with Sadducees               about res-        Expensive perfume at Bethany (14 v 3-11)
  urrection: The Sadducees who don't even be-                 Can you understand why Jesus‘ welcoming
  lieve in the resurrection ask Jesus about life              treatment of the woman in Simon‘s house
  after death. Their aim is to catch Jesus out on             and why this upset Judas?
  the Mosaic law so as to discredit him to be a           Six days before the Passover Jesus was in
  false teacher. They say that according to Moses         the home of Simon the leper at Bethany
  if a man‘s brother dies leaving his wife then his       While he reclined at table, a woman with an
  brother should marry her and raise up offspring         alabaster flask of pure and very costly nard
  for his dead brother. Having built their case           perfume entered the room
  they ask Jesus whose wife will this woman be at         She broke the alabaster flask and emptied it
  the resurrection. Remember they don't believe           over his head
  in the resurrection and are wanting to trap Je-         1. What were the reactions of the disciples?
  sus and accuse him to the people because of the         2. Why was Judas so angry?
  parable (of the talents) he told against them.          3. Why did the woman choose to do this?
  The Pharisees do believe in the Resurrection
  and are listening to Jesus agree with him.              When people died, their families and friends
      Explain why was Jesus siding with the Phari-        anointed their bodies with perfume and this
      saic position, dangerous in the argument with       shows that Jesus was about to suffer and die.
      the Sadducees about resurrection?

   The plot to kill Jesus
qu e st ion s for practice
                                      Quic k

What is the Sabbath?                                  Explain why Jesus‟ argument with
What is „corban‟?                                     the Sadducees about resurrection
On what day is the Jewish Sabbath?                    is important for Christians today.
Who were the scribes?                                 [8]
What usually happened at the temple?

                                                    “The woman at Bethany was right to
Who are sinners?
                                                  anoint Jesus.” In your answer you should
What is ritual cleanliness?
                                                           refer to Mark‟s Gospel.
What happened on the first Palm Sunday?
                                                            Some people agree... [3]
What is the law?
                                                       Other people might disagree... [3]
Who were the Sadducees?

                               Examination q

  Be the examiner: Explain why the story of Jesus‟ entry into Jerusalem is significant
  for Christians today. [8]

Student answer: The story of Jesus entering Je-
rusalem is significant for Christians today as
when the disciples went off to get the colt all
they said was “the son of god needs it” and the
people let him take it. This show the people be-
lieved in God. While Jesus entered Jerusalem the
people treated him like some kind of royalty as
they cheered and shouted and threw palms and Any other comments about the answer:
clothes onto the floor, acting as a carpet. This
                                                      Have they explained all the key
shows that Jesus was important to them and       points?
they cared for him.                                   What could you add to this response
                                                 to get a level 4 answer?
Death & Resurrection
  Put the events on the timeline below (check which stories are relevant!)

 The Last Supper in
    Jerusalem to
celebrate the festival
of Unleavened bread

                                                                             The resurrection
                                                                             three days after
                                                                           Jesus is pronounced

  What other information could you add to the line above to remember key events?

                                           Key W

       1. Feast of unleavened Bread: the first
          day of the Passover Festival
       2. Last supper: the Last meal Jesus ate    8. High Priest: the chief Jewish leader at
          with his disciples, which founded the       the time of Jesus (Caiphus)
          Eucharist                               9. Sanhedrin: The supreme Jewish coun-
       3. Passover: Jewish festival celebrating       cil which found Jesus guilty of blas-
          the release from Egypt                      phemy
       4. Upper room: the place where the Last    10. Pontius Pilate: The Roman procurator
          Supper took place                           (governor) of Judea at the time of Je-
       5. Gethsemane: The place where Jesus           sus
          was arrested                            11. Crucifixion: The Roman death penalty
       6. Judas Iscariot: The disciple who be-        suffered by Jesus when he was nailed
          trayed Jesus                                to the cross
       7. Blasphemy: associating oneself with     12. Golgotha: The place of the skull; the
          God and language or deeds that insult       place where Jesus was crucified
                                                 L as t Suppe
                                            er &

   Mark 14 v 12-16—Jesus told the disciples to go into the city and find a man carrying a
   jar or water and follow him and he would take them to the upper room. Jerusalem
   would have been heaving with all the Jews arriving to celebrate the Passover meal to-
   gether with their families and relations. In this passage Jesus‘ authority is seen again
   clearly, just as he sent them to get a colt to enter Jerusalem. The disciples find every-
   thing just as Jesus had said - imagine how amazing to be alongside this man.
   Need to know:
   1.   The preparation for Passover
   2.   What takes place during the supper
   3.   Jesus‘ warning of Peter‘s denial

                                                          sy   mbols
                                             s t Su pper—
                                      The La

                                                                    This is my body, broken for you

The Passover celebrated the night when the angel of death passed over the Egyptians and Is-
raelites. The Jews had slaughtered a lamb and put the blood on their door in a cross shape to
escape death. The wine was to remind them of the blood of the lamb and the bread that they
had to run from the Egyptians.

NEW MEANINGS: Blood - wine / body - bread

The angel of death will not affect those that take part in the communion service as they are
members of God‘s family and given eternal life.

     Explain why the Last Supper is still important for Christian believers today. [8]

The blood that was to be shed by Jesus when he died meant a new covenant (binding promise)
was made by God with his people. The Israelites at the time of the Exodus were freed from
slavery, the Jews at the time of Jesus were to be freed from their slavery to the law of

Jesus predicts Peter‘s denial and that one of his disciples will betray him later which shocks
all the disciples. Peter does not believe this will happen and protests his loyalty to Jesus.

     This is my blood, shed for you

  All Christians believe that the celebration of the last supper is an important sac-
  rament. The Eucharist (thanksgiving) is the distinguishing mark of the mass for Roman
  Catholics, it is celebrated, at least, each Sunday. Some Protestants also include Com-
  munion in every Sunday service; others schedule it once a month.

       Why do different churches have different ideas about communion?

       Different interpretations of what takes place with the host and wine at
   communion: Transubstation /Consubstantiation / Receptionism / Memorialism

                                        ya l & arrest

   Prayers in Gethsemane

   What do Jesus‘ prayers show about Jesus and his mission and his relationship with the
   Jesus prays a version of the Lord‘s Prayer and calls out ―Abba‖ (father). This shows
   how he turns to his father for everything. He asks for his cup of suffering to be taken
   away from him. Jesus knows that he is about to undergo a very hard time ahead.
      The disciples fall asleep in the garden and leave Jesus to face his darkest time
      alone. Why do you think Jesus wanted his friends to stay awake?

      Jesus could have avoided crucifixion and he did not want, he went ahead to his death
      willingly know that this was His father‘s plan.

  Betrayed by Judas & arrested

Is betrayal by a friend the worst type of betrayal? Judas sells Jesus to the Jewish au-
thorities for 30 pieces of silver. We have seen how he was frustrated by Jesus not acting
like a powerful king in the style of King David.
      Is it Judas‘ fault that he betrayed Jesus?
Some churches consider that Judas is a saint because without his betrayal the prophecies
would not have been fulfilled and no death on the cross.
The armed guards from the Temple arrive under cover of darkness arresting Jesus who goes
peacefully. The disciples run off, frightened that they will be arrested as well, in Mark‘s
version of the story, Jesus does not see them before his death. Who is the young man?
                                                H i g h Priest
                                         before          e
                                  Trials        s Pilat

    Jesus, unusually, has two separate trials after his arrest:
    1.  Caiphus, the High Priest and the Sanhedrin
    2.  Pontius Pilate, the Procurator on behalf of the Roman Empire

                                                       Can you explain why was Jesus handed
Can you describe what happened in the Jewish
                                                       over to the Romans?
trial and whether it was fair?
                                                       The leading priests bind Jesus and lead him away
After Jesus is arrested in the Garden of Geth-         to Pilate.
semane he is taken to stand trial before the           Pilate asks the question ―Are you the King of the
Jewish Council - the Sanhedrin. It was made up         Jews?‖ and Jesus replied, ―You have said it.‖
of 70 members: Pharisees, Sadducees and the            Jesus again does not get pushed into answering
                                                       the question, but allows Pilate to assume his own
High Priest.
      Task to research: Put together a dramatic        Jesus says nothing more, much to Pilate‘s sur-
      account of the trial including the key points:   prise.
1. Sanhedrin wanted to set Jesus up
2. False witnesses                                        Did Pilate want Jesus to die? Remember to
                                                          include details about the practice of releas-
3. High Priest‘s questioning
                                                          ing a prisoner at Passover time.
4. Jesus‘ response claiming who He was
5. Actions towards Jesus – clothes, beating,           Pilate even demands of the crowd, ―What crime
   spitting                                            has he committed?‖

                                                       ‗Jesus should have defended himself to Pilate‘.
     Was the trial fair?
                                                       Do you agree? Refer to Mark‘s Gospel.


   What happened at the Crucifixion according to Mark‘s Gospel? (15 v 21–41)
   The soldiers made a man called Simon carry the wooden cross for Jesus
   and they all marched to Golgotha to be crucified.

     It was 9 o’clock in the morning when he was put on the cross
     At 12 o'clock noon the sky went dark, it stayed dark for 3 hours
     At 3 o'clock in the afternoon Jesus shouted, ―My God, my God, why have you forsaken

   Mark gives a straight forward factual account of the crucifixion, it is important for Chris-
   tians as the death of Jesus has always been a crucial event, he wanted to describe the
   crucifixion for the benefit of people who needed to know exactly what happened. If you
   were living in the 1st century it is important to be able to read about what took place.
   During the crucifixion Jesus was mocked by the bystanders, who taunted him, telling him
   to use his power to come down from the cross.

The word atonement, constructed from at and one, means:
―to be at one‖ or ―to reconcile‖.

      For Christians atonement denotes the reconciliation of God and man, accomplished by
      the Crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. It could only happen if Jesus died as an
      innocent man FREE from sin.

Crucifixion was a punishment given out to the worst sinners, it would have been difficult
for some early Christians to accept that their Messiah (God‘s son) could have died in this
way. Jesus fulfils the prophecy about the Lamb of God being slaughtered and taking away
the sins of the world.

Jesus had to die so that the gap between man and God could be restored once and for all
and we would not have to sacrifice an animal to say sorry to God.

                                                                      Man                     GOD


  Resurrection: The greatest miracle of all time!
  Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene and then his Disciples to show them that God‘s work is
  not over and the prophecies are true. Until this time they had all been hiding in the Up-
  per room for three days.
     ―The event without which there would be no gospel‖ - this means that:
  1. The idea that Jesus died and then came alive is stated clearly in all the Gospels and in
     other books of the NT
  2. Paul in his letters makes it clear that Jesus did rise from the dead
  3. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus were the great events on which the whole
     Christian gospel was based
  The resurrection is central to Christianity, the first Christians preached that Jesus had risen and refused
  to give way under persecution and say it was not true, they were totally convinced. Many Christians today
  believe, like St Paul, that Jesus did physically rise from the dead.
  On the other hand some Christians do not attach much importance to the physical aspect of the resurrec-
  tion, they may find it difficult to cope with the idea, and see the resurrection as a metaphor.

Different endings of Mark‘s gospel: 16 v 8 seems a very strange way to end a book called ‗The Good
News‘ as Jesus is still dead, no mention of him appearing. It is assumed that the original ending has
been lost or Mark was unable to complete his work, there is a suggestion that later some of the sto-
ries of Jesus‘ appearances after the resurrection have been added.
This means the gospel now concludes with the Commission and the Ascension.
qu e st ion s for practice
                                     Quic k

What is blasphemy?                                    Explain why the resurrection is
Where was Jesus arrested?                             difficult for some Christians to ac-
Who was Judas Iscariot?                               cept today? [8]
Who was the Chief Jewish leader at
the time of Jesus?

                                                  „If Jesus had not been crucified, there
 Who was Pontius Pilate?
                                                   would have been no Christianity.‟ In
 Where did the Last Supper take place?
                                                  your answer you should refer to Mark‟s
 What was the Sanhedrin?
 Where was Jesus crucified?
                                                          Some people agree... [3]
 What feast is celebrated at Passover?
                                                    Other people might disagree... [3]

                               Examination q

  Test yourself: Explain why the Crucifixion is important for Christians today [8]

Your own answer:

                                                     Have you used technical terms:
                                                atonement, reconcile, sins, sacrifice, lamb
                                                of God?
                                                     Point, evidence, explain?
Identity of Jesus (Who is he?!)
1. Jesus is baptised
2. Peter‘s confession at Caesarea Philippi
3. The transfiguration
4. Jesus calms a storm
5. The feeding of the 5,000
6. Jesus walks on water
7. Jesus heals Legion (a mad man)
8. The raising of Jairus‘ daughter
9. Jesus - Messiah
10. Jesus - the Son of Man
11. Jesus - the Son of God
From the start of the Gospel people were asking the question ―Who is Jesus?‖ and he attempted to
show them through his teachings and actions.

                                             Key W

   1. Baptism: confessing sins and being            7. Legion: A man from whom Jesus
      immersed in water as a sign of                    cast out many demons
      purification                                  8. Messiah: the Anointed One
   1. Confession: an acknowledgement                    (Christ) who would bring in God‟s
      or declaration of something                       Kingdom
   2. Elijah: the Old Testament prophet             9. Moses: the Old Testament prophet
      believed to return before the Mes-                to whom God gave his laws
      siah                                          10. nature miracle: a miracle in which
   3. healing miracle: a miracle in                     Jesus shows his power over nature
      which Jesus shows his power over              11. Son of Man: a title used by Jesus
      sickness                                          of himself, probably meaning he
   4. Jairus: the synagogue ruler whose                 would suffer before bringing in
      daughter was brought back to life                 God‟s Kingdom
      by Jesus                                      12. Transfiguration: when Jesus‟ ap-
   5. John the Baptist: the man who                     pearance was changed
      baptised Jesus in the river Jordan

                                                                                          Initiation ceremony - welcoming
                                                                                               members into the church

    Not long afterwards Jesus came from Nazareth in the province of Galilee and was
    baptised by John in the Jordan. As soon as Jesus came up out of the water, he saw
    heaven opening and the Spirit coming down on him like a dove. And a voice came from
    heaven, ‗You are my own dear Son. I am pleased with you.‘

          What is the significance of these words? What does it teach us about Jesus?

    All Christians are baptised today to show that they are members and part of the
    True family. Some Christians choose to baptise babies (Roman Catholics and many
    Anglicans) as they believe that the sacrament washes you free from sin and unites
    you with God. Other Christian groups (Baptists, Methodists and Quakers) wait to be
    baptised until they are older as they think it is important each person makes a per-
    sonal commitment, this is called a believer‘s baptism and involves full immersion.

 John the Baptist -                                                                   dicts the arrival of a
                        , wr itin g some   40  0 yea rs before Jesus‘ birth, pre
 The OT writer Isa  iah                                                                                  peo-
                                          und   for  the Me   ssi ah ‘s arr ival. In Mark‘s Gospel many
                              e the gro
 messenger who will prepar                                  riv er Jo   rdan were intended to call
                                                                                                    the people
                               ak. His  ba  pti sm in  the
 ple come to hear John spe                                 ssi ah . His baptism would involv
                                                                                               e dipping a per-
                                the  com ing   of the  Me
 to prepare themselves for                               Je ws who regularly took ritual
                                                                                             paths to cleanse.
                           s   wa s fam ilia r for  the
 son under the water, thi
                                                                                The Transfiguration
Jesus goes through a transfiguration, which means there was a supernatural change in the
way he looked. Mark describes Jesus‟ clothes dazzling white, it was something wonderful
and awesome with Jesus displaying an authority that was more than human - nothing less
than an experience of the glory of God.

Meaning of the:                 Moses              Elijah             Tent               Mountain/hill
                                Voice from cloud                      White              Messianic secret

                                                                                      was an ac-
                                 it ma tte rs wh et her th e transfiguration of Jesus
Discussion point: Do you th                                the disciples?
                            took place in the minds of
tual event or a vision that

                                                                                  answer you
                         im ag ine d th ey he ar d Go d talking to them.‖ In your
―The disciples must have                          [3]  W hy would some disagree wit
                                                                                    h you? [3]
                          sp el. Do  yo u ag ree
should refer to Mark‘s Go
                                            Miracl      tal illn
                                                & m e n
                                  tu re , death

Jesus calms a storm: “Who is this even the wind and waves obey him?” This is Mark‟s first account of a
nature miracle. The storms were a common feature of the Sea of Galilee so fisherman would not be sur-
prised by a storm, this one must have been particularly strong. Jesus stops the storm with a few words, and it
surprises the disciples. Jesus asks them - “do you have no faith?” The Church interprets this story in terms of
the storms of life - and how Jesus guides people through them to safety.

      Do you think Jesus calmed a storm? Give two reasons for your point of view [4]
      (An excellent answer will give an opinion supported by two developed reasons.)

The feeding of the 5000: Another example of a nature miracle. Food is miraculously multiplied - 5 x loaves
& 2 x fish to feed 5000 people. The leftovers filled 12 baskets of bread

      Symbolism from the OT - Jews wandering in the desert for 40 years. What did God give them on the
      7th day every week?

Christians today have different views about this story, some say “People in the crowd saw that Jesus was will-
ing to share his food with them as they felt guilt and shared their food too,” or perhaps “Mark exaggerated the
numbers—what if there were only a few people,” others might believe that “People only really got a small
scrap of bread each,” however for many “Jesus was able to use God‟s power to perform miracles.”

Jesus walks on the Sea: water reappears in this nature miracle which takes place on the evening of the feed-
ing of the 5000. The disciples are in a boat on the Sea of Galilee, the next thing, they are amazed as they see
a ghost walking towards them. Jesus says to them „take courage! It is I. Don‟t be afraid.” Mark linked the
incident, along with Jesus‟ words of reassurance to OT pictures of God appearing to his people. God ap-
peared to Moses through the Burning Bush and used the same phrase “It is I” translated as “I am.”

Jesus heals Legion: A mad man who was possessed by hundreds of demons is healed by Jesus. Mark de-
scribes the man as an outcast who lived in the tombs on the edge of all the towns, he was too strong to be
bound by iron chains as he broke them. When Legion sees Jesus he runs to him and falls at his feet and cries
out, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?” A mad man who is not allowed into the
towns knows exactly who Jesus is and calls him son of God. Some Christians would think this story is about
a man with a mental illness, not possession by demons and this can cause problems for Christians today.

      Do people still believe in possession by evil spirits today?

The raising of Jairus’ daughter: Jairus runs to find Jesus, he is a leader of the synagogue, yet believes that
Jesus has the power to heal his sick child. Jesus doesn‟t rush to his house, but continues to teach other people
and heals a woman bleeding to death. A servant comes to tell them the girl is dead, this is met with the re-
sponse, “Don‟t worry, just have faith.” Jesus goes to Jairus‟ house and taking in his 3 closest disciples (Peter,
James & John) to the little girl‟s room says, “Talitha Koum!” which means „little girl, get up.‟ She gets up!

      Was Jairus‟ daughter really dead? What did Jesus mean when he said she was only asleep?
f J esus:
                                             Titl  e s o
                                                              , S on of God
                                             , S on  of Man
                                         a h

Messiah (―Anointed one‖ in Hebrew, Christ is Greek word) The name familiar to all Jews.
Mark opens the Gospel giving Jesus this title - Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The 4 beliefs
were: the Messiah was to stand against God‘s enemies and the enemies of his chosen people.
All faithful Jews would be brought back to their homeland exile. Jerusalem and the Temple
would become the centre of the world. The Messiah would bring a period of perfect peace.
     How does Jesus reflect the traditional Jewish ideas of a Messiah?

Son of Man: The title that Mark used particularly when Jesus was speaking about himself.
     Why did he use this rather than Son of God or Messiah?
There are 3 times he uses this title and they all link him with persecution of himself or his
followers: 1) If anyone is ashamed of me, then the Son of Man will be ashamed of him. 2)
Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 3) At the trial of the High Priest
when asked if he was the Christ. It tells us that Jesus had authority from God. He uses it
when walking through the cornfields: The Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.

Son of God: Mark uses this title at the start of the Gospel - Son of God 1 v 1. It appears at
his baptism and transfiguration and the Roman soldier announces it as Jesus is dying on the
cross. It links Jesus with God the father and gives us an understanding of the trinity. The
Parable of the Tenants refers to the owner of the vineyard‘s son being sent.        This is a
very important title for Christians today.

                                                 ’s c on fession
                                           Peter              -33)
                                                     (8 v 27

         ―Who do people say I am?‖

 „Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi... “Who do you
 say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Christ.” Peter recognised that Jesus was the
 Christ, the Messiah, when Jesus asked who people thought he was.
 This passage is important is important because it gives readers information on how Jesus‟
 teachings were being received at the time. John the Baptist had a reputation for his teach-
 ing, while Elijah was a very important prophet in Judaism.

                                                                Account from Matthew‘s gospel
 In Matthew‟s account of the same story it includes
 additional information about Peter. Jesus replies, “Blessed are you Simon, son of Jonah... and I tell
 you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades (hell) will
 not overcome it.

 The Roman Catholic church teaches that this event marked the appointment of Peter as the first
 Pope - the person who lead the Christian church after Jesus‟ ascension into heaven. The use of Pe-
 ter meaning rock shows that the church would be built on Peter‟s leadership.
qu e st ion s for practice
                                     Quic k

What title does Mark start with in the              Explain why some Christians have
opening verse?                                      problems believing that miracles
Who baptised Jesus at the beginning of              can take place today. [8]
Mark‟s gospel?
Who first identifies Jesus as the
„Messiah‟ according to Marks gospel?

What is meant by „transfiguration‟?              “If Jesus was baptised he must have
What are the two different types of baptism      been sinful.” In your answer refer to
that are practised by Christians today?                     Mark‟s Gospel
What is meant by the term „nature miracle‟?            Some people agree... [3]
Give 2 examples of healing miracles.              Other people might disagree... [3]
What three titles does Mark use he describes

                              Examination q

  Test yourself: Explain why Matthew‟s account of Peter‟s confession is more impor-
  tant for Roman Catholics than Mark‟s Gospel [8]

Your own answer:

                                                     Have you looked up what Matthew
                                               says about Peter the rock in his account?
                                                     Point, evidence, explain?
You can also read