Page created by Miguel Ross
JUNE 2019

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                         A Victorian National Parks Association report,
                                                                                 with John Ford, an independent consultant with
      Scope and methods                                                      3   a background in marine and fisheries ecology,
      Executive Summary                                                    4-5   as the main contributing author.
      Recommendations                                                        5

      SECTION 1 - Marine Protected Areas – an introduction                       Victorian National Parks Association
      What is a marine protected area                        6
                                                                                 The Victorian National Parks Association (VNPA) is
      Why are MPAs established                               6                   Victoria’s leading nature conservation organisation.
      All MPAs are not equal                               6-7                   VNPA is an independent, non-profit, membership-
                                                                                 based group, which exists to protect Victoria’s
      SECTION 2 – Benefits of Marine Protected Areas
                                                                                 unique natural environment and biodiversity through
      Benefits of Marine Protected Areas                                 8       the establishment and effective management of
      Biodiversity protection                                         9-10       national parks, including marine national parks,
      Threatened species conservation                                10-11       conservation reserves and other measures.
      Ecosystem resilience and climate change                        11-12       We achieve our vision by facilitating strategic
      Spillover benefits                                                12       campaigns and education programs, developing
                                                                                 policies, through hands-on conservation work,
      SECTION 3 – Global targets:                                                and by running bushwalking and outdoor activity
      how is Australia and Victoria tracking                                     programs which promote the care and enjoyment
      International benchmarks                                          13       of Victoria’s natural heritage. Published by the
      The global coverage of MPAs in 2018                            13-15       Victorian National Parks Association.
      MPAs in Australia                                              15-16
                                                                                 Victorian National Parks Association
      Highly and partially protected MPAs in Victoria                17-20
                                                                                 Level 3, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton, Victoria, 3053
      Marine v terrestrial protected areas                              20       Phone: 03 9347 5188 | Fax: 03 9347 5199
      The debate around whether MPAs work                               21       Website: | Email:
      Reasons for MPAs not achieving their objectives                   22
      Developing MPAs that work                                         22

      References                                                     23-25

      Above: Marine invasive species monitoring, Wilsons Promontory,
      Victoria. Photo by Parks Victoria.
      Cover image: Weedy Seadragon, Victoria's marine emblem.
      Photo by Jack Breedon.
      Back cover image: Great Victorian Fish Count. Photo by Kade Mills.

Marine Protected Area Review | PAGE 2
This report provides an overview of marine
protected areas (history plus global, national
and local Victorian context), reviews their
scientifically reported conservation benefits,
and briefly discusses the criteria that make for
an effective marine protected area. It does so
by analysing the scientific literature on marine
protected areas in a conservation context,
not their cultural, social or economic benefits.
The report’s emphasis is on Victoria’s marine
protected area network, but its 24 marine
national parks and sanctuaries and six partially
protected areas are Victoria’s contribution to
the National Representative System of Marine
Protected Areas (NRSMPA), which was agreed
to by all Australian governments in 1998.

The scientific literature search for this report
was not as thorough as a full systematic
review, however it initially considered over 1600
scientific, government and NGO reports. To
identify relevant scientific literature, searches
were conducted on Web of Science, Science
Direct and Google Scholar database for
scientific research articles, reviews and short
communications containing “Marine Protected
Area” or “Marine Park” or “Marine Reserve” in
the title, published between 2009 and 2018 (up
to Aug 2018). Papers were filtered to include
only studies that explicitly considered or
evaluated the conservation benefits or success
of MPAs. This process removed all studies
which were either a) purely observational
science (no comparison to non-MPAs), b)
methodological only, c) attitudinal or focused
on perceptions of MPAs, d) social or economic
impacts e) management and enforcement, and
f) purely theoretical. The most relevant 85 of
these articles are referenced here.

Statistics for the global coverage of MPAs were
sourced from two main sources: Protected
Planet marine database (UNEP-WCMC and
IUCN 2018) for total MPA area, and Atlas
of Marine Protection (Marine Conservation
Institute 2018) for highly protected (i.e. no-
take) MPA statistics. Australian MPA area
statistics were sourced from the CAPAD 2016
database Australian Government Department
of the Environment and Energy (2017) and
supplemented by calculations from GIS maps
of the 2018 Commonwealth MPA revisions
Australian Government Department of the
                                                    Seahorse, Port Phillip Bay.
Environment and Energy (2018).                      Photo by Shannon Hurley.

                                                                                  Marine Protected Area Review | PAGE 3
Executive Summary
      Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are         (1,060km2) are contained within MPAs,                                            A 2010 review of Victoria’s MPAs found
      a powerful spatial planning tool that     half of this figure relies on the inclusion                                      that they did not meet the NRSMPA’s
      aim to conserve marine biodiversity,      of six partially protected MPAs in South                                         key principles of comprehensiveness,
      ecosystems and ecological processes.      Gippsland that lack goals, objectives,                                           adequacy and representativeness,
      The accepted international definition     management plans and systematic                                                  while the Victorian Environment
      of a MPA is very broad, and MPAs          monitoring. When the 10% figure is                                               Assessment Council in 2017
      can vary massively in scale, the level    further analysed, most is within the                                             concluded that the “existing system
      of protection, and the conservation       Victorian Embayments (Corner Inlet and                                           of no-take marine protected areas
      benefits they provide.                    Nooramunga marine and coastal parks)                                             has some gaps in representation, and
                                                and Flinders (Wilsons Promontory                                                 individual marine protected areas may
      Australia is a world leader in MPA
                                                marine national park, marine park and                                            not meet the adequacy criterion”. And
      establishment, beginning with the
                                                marine reserve) marine bioregions.                                               both the 2013 and 2018 Victorian
      Great Barrier Reef Marine Park in 1975
                                                The Otway, Central and Twofold Shelf                                             State of the Environment reports
      and continuing with the declaration
                                                marine bioregions have MPA coverage                                              highlighted the limited protection
      of new MPAs across Commonwealth,
                                                ranging from 4-6%, mostly no-take.                                               afforded by the current MPAs.
      state and Northern Territory
      waters, all now part of the National
      Representative System of Marine
      Protected Areas (NRSMPA). Together
      the MPAs cover approximately 36%                                                                                                                       16%

      of our territorial waters and, on the
                                                    Marine protected area                                                                                    14%

      surface, meet the lowest international        (no-take) areas compared                                                                                 12%

      benchmark, Aichi Target 11, of 10%            by state/territory                                                                                       10%

      (other targets urge at least 30% that                                                                                                                   6%
      would eventually become no-take).                                                                                                                       4%
      But the biodiversity conservation                         TOTAL                                                                                         2%

      outcomes are mixed, with the location
      of MPAs often skewed away from
                                                         10.4%                                                                                                0%
                                                                                                                                                                     WA    NT     SA   QLD NSW VIC       TAS
                                                        of commonwealth
      key habitats in favour of areas that            waters in no-take areas

      have little or no commercial interests
      (Devillers et al. 2014).
      It is now 17 years since Victoria
      established what was the world’s first
      highly protected network of marine
      national parks and sanctuaries. But
The primary goal of Victoria’s MPAs         and in the wrong places. Stemming                      planning and management. A holistic
is to maintain biodiversity and             from these widely-recognized                           marine spatial planning framework for
ecological processes, yet Victoria          constraints on many global MPAs,                       managing cumulative threats, where
has the smallest area of MPAs of all        several recent studies have identified                 MPAs are a key conservation pillar,
states and territories, and the second      the key criteria necessary for an MPA                  will be the most effective approach to
smallest area of no-take reserves           to meet key conservation objectives.                   conserving marine environments on a
behind the Northern Territory.              These key criteria are:                                local, regional and global scale.

This report has identified the following    • Legislated with regulations that
key benefits of MPAs:                         address actual threats
                                            • Sufficient funding and staffing to
1.   MPAs are effective in stopping           manage and enforce regulations
     direct habitat destruction caused                                                             1.   Victoria’s MPAs be considered as
                                            • Supported by government,                                  a key conservation pillar in the
     by mining, coastal development,
     dredging, and some fishing
                                              community and users                                       current Victorian process of marine
     activities                             • External threats are addressed                            spatial planning
                                              through broader marine                               2.   An independent review, of
2.   Well-managed no-take MPAs
                                              spatial planning                                          current Victorian MPAs against
     maintain higher adult abundances
     and larger sizes of some               • Part of a network that has                                the NRSMPA’s key principles of
     exploited organisms compared to          representation and replication                            comprehensiveness, adequacy
     areas open to exploitation               of habitats                                               and representativeness, as
3.   A large, well-established, well-       • Old (>10yrs), large (>100km2)                             recommended by the Victorian
     enforced, no-take MPA with               and completely protects local                             Environmental Assessment
     surrounding heavily fished or            habitat extent                                            Council’s Statewide Assessment of
     unregulated areas are likely to        • No-take (if conservation objective                        Public Land Assessment, 2017.
     provide spill over benefits for          relates to exploited species)                        3.   Review of the criteria for key
     exploited species                                                                                  factors in MPA success (as listed
                                            No-take MPAs are the most effective
4.   MPAs deliver positive benefits to      means of achieving the highest level of
                                                                                                        in Table 7) using most recent
     threatened species populations                                                                     literature, to better manage
                                            conservation benefits – the reason for
     when the threatened species is at      their establishment – but they should                       expectations around conservation
     risk from activities that the MPA      be used within a suite of conservation                      benefits and outcomes, for use in
     can regulate                           and marine management measures,                             Victorian MPAs.
5.   The biodiversity and habitat           including marine spatial planning.                          a.   Scoping for new MPAs in
     protection benefits provided by        In Victoria, barely 5% of its coastal                            Victoria be underpinned by the
     MPAs can increase the resistance       waters are contained within MPAs                                 above criteria and involve a
     (the capacity to withstand             that have clear conservation plans                               review of previous scoping work
     impacts) and resilience (the           and objectives, leaving 95% of those                             conducted by VNPA to identify
     capacity to recover from impacts)      waters without comprehensive                                     the gaps in marine protection.
     to human-induced threats
6.   MPAs have the potential to be          Biscuit Star, Port Phillip Bay. Photo by Shannon Hurley.
     a conservation tool for climate
     change by: preventing carbon
     emissions from marine habitat
     loss, sequestering carbon
     through habitat repair, affect
     climatic interactions, conserving
     ecosystem integrity to resist
     invasive species favoured by
     climate change and provide a
     refuge for species and habitats

However, many MPAs globally do
not provide the benefits listed above
due to a number of key factors:
regulations do not address threats,
threats are external and cannot be
regulated within the MPA, inadequate
staffing and resources, lack of political
support, lack of stakeholder support,
non-compliance with regulations or
the MPA is too small, poorly designed

                                                                                                             Marine Protected Area Review | PAGE 5
      Marine Protected Areas – an introduction

                                        “They (MPAs) are a necessary and fundamental step in arresting
                                                what is clearly an unsustainable trend in exploitation”
                                                                             T I M W I N T O N , A U T H O R A N D C O N S E R VAT I O N I S T

                                                development), the management goals           Many secondary objectives arise from
      What is a marine                          are often much narrower. It is this          these core goals, most associated
      protected area?                           breadth of management objectives             with the economic and cultural values
                                                and aspirations that make MPAs such          of conservation. The key secondary
      Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are
                                                potentially powerful conservation            objectives include:
      a conservation tool based on spatial
                                                tools but can also place unrealistic
      planning and regulation of coastal                                                     • increase fish stocks or fish
                                                expectations on what MPAs can
      and oceanic waters. Rules and                                                            productivity (an ecosystem service)
                                                achieve in each unique context.
      regulations determine what activities                                                  • increase tourism (and ecosystem
      can occur within zones of a MPA, and                                                     service or outcome of charismatic
                                                Why are MPAs
      management plans address threats                                                         species protection)
      to the key values such as biodiversity,   established?
                                                                                             • strengthen cultural connection and
      threatened species, ecosystem             In recent decades there has been               opportunity, and
      processes and services, and cultural      a growing recognition of the need
      and social values.                                                                     • reference areas for scientific
                                                to better protect our oceans from              research
      An internationally accepted definition    human-induced threats. In the coastal
      was created by the International          zone, pressure from increasing               However, clear goals and objectives
      Union for Conservation of Nature          population, coastal development,             for many MPAs are not clearly set out,
      in 2008; A MPA is a “clearly defined      catchment runoff, shipping, invasive         even after they have been enshrined in
      geographical space, recognised,           species and recreational activities has      law (Zupan et al. 2018). This has often
      dedicated and managed, through legal      put unprecedented stress on marine           led to unrealistic public and political
      or other effective means, to achieve      ecosystems. In the open ocean,               expectations of the performance
      long-term conservation of nature with     improving technology of fishing              of MPAs, particularly around the
      associated ecosystem services and         and mining has brought resource              secondary benefits such as fisheries
      cultural values” (Dudley 2008).           exploitation to even the deepest             productivity (Agardy et al. 2016). This
                                                and most remote locations. New               issue is further explored below.
      The broad goal “to achieve long-term      tools were required to conserve the
      conservation of nature” is what sets      world’s oceans. Hence over the past          All MPAs are not equal
      MPAs apart from other marine spatial      twenty years we have seen the global
      management tools which focus              coverage of MPAs increase from               Each MPA can differ significantly in
      on protecting ecosystem services          below 0.7% of the world’s oceans in          the rules and regulations in place to
      or cultural values. For example,          2000, to 7.44% today (UNEP-WCMC              achieve marine conservation. The
      a fisheries habitat or spawning           and IUCN 2018).                              IUCN has created seven categories
      ground closure aims to conserve fish                                                   which describe the level of protection,
      productivity, an ecosystem service,       Whilst the driving reasons behind the        or conservation objectives, within an
      as the primary outcome. Similarly,        creation of each MPA is unique to the        MPA (Day et al. 2012). Categories
      a shipwreck preservation zone             environmental, cultural and economic         I-III are the most highly protected
      aims to conserve the cultural and         context, the core goals are based            and no extractive use of living or
      historical value associated with the      around:                                      dead material is allowable, hence
      shipwreck. Whilst the effective rules     • Conservation of biodiversity               they often referred to as “no-take” or
      and regulations of these types of                                                      “highly protected” MPAs (Table 1).
                                                • Protection of threatened or
      spatial management zones may be                                                        Category IV is aimed at protecting
                                                  endangered species or ecosystems
      very similar to MPAs (e.g. prohibition                                                 some, but not all, species or habitats.
                                                • Conservation of ecosystem                  Hence there may be strict restrictions
      of fisheries, mining and coastal            processes and services

Marine Protected Area Review | PAGE 6
on certain activities (e.g. allows line     Table 1. IUCN MPA protection categories summarised from Day et al. (2012).
fishing but not trawling) or allows
the extraction of certain species and        IUCN MPA Description                       Definition
not others. Categories V-VI aim to           Category
preserve the established sustainable
human interactions with the marine           Ia              Strict Nature              Strictly protected areas set aside to protect
environment, for example allowing                            Reserve                    biodiversity and also possibly geological/
artisan fishing but not industrial                                                      geomorphological features, where human
activities or mining.                                                                   visitation, use and impacts are strictly controlled
An MPA can consist of a single               Ib              Wilderness                 Large unmodified or slightly modified areas,
category or consist of many                                  Area                       retaining their natural character and influence,
separate zonings each with a                                                            without permanent or significant human
different category. For example,                                                        habitation, which are protected and managed so
many of Victoria’s MPAs are zoned                                                       as to preserve their natural condition
only as Category II National Parks,
while the Great Barrier Reef Marine          II              National Park              Large natural or near natural areas set aside
Park consists of eight protection                                                       to protect large-scale ecological processes,
categories spread over scores of                                                        along with the complement of species and
different parts of the park. Ninety-four                                                ecosystems, which also provide a foundation
percent of global MPAs allow fishing                                                    for environmentally and culturally compatible
of some kind in some areas (Costello                                                    spiritual, scientific, educational, recreational and
and Ballantine 2015), and many do                                                       visitor opportunities
not have no-take zones at all. For
example, whilst Brazil’s MPAs cover          III             National                   Areas set aside to protect a specific natural
25% of their waters there are no areas                       Monument                   monument, which can be a landform, sea mount,
that prevent fishing altogether (Giglio                                                 submarine caverns, geological feature such as
et al. 2018). Less than 1% of the                                                       caves or even a living feature such as an ancient
famed Galapagos Marine Park is no-                                                      grove. They are generally quite small protected
take (Moity 2018). Therefore, the level                                                 areas and often have high visitor value
of conservation benefits begins with         IV              Habitat/species            Areas to protect particular species or habitats
the zoning regime, with higher levels                        management area
of protection against identified threats
offering greater benefits.                   V               Protected                  Areas safeguarded to conserve with significant
                                                             seascape                   ecological, biological, cultural and scenic value
Regardless of classification,
however, for an MPA to be an                 VI              Protected area             Protected area with sustainable resource use
effective conservation tool, rules and                       with sustainable           Areas that conserve ecosystems and habitats
regulations must be enforced and                             resource use               together with associated cultural values and
management plans acted on (Agardy                                                       traditional natural resource management systems
et al. 2011). There is currently much
conjecture over the effectiveness
of many MPAs globally, which exist
only as lines on the map, without
regulation or action on the water
(Watson et al. 2014). For example,
a 2012 report found that only 1% of
MPAs in the Coral Triangle (SE Asia)
were effectively managed (Burke et
al. 2012), and hence could enforce
regulations and address threats.
MPAs with adequate staff capacity
have 2.9 times the ecological impact,
highlighting the need for adequate
investment in MPAs beyond their
initial establishment (Gill et al. 2017).
Mere lines on a map will not result in
marine conservation.

                                            Barwon Bluff Marine Sanctuary, Great Victorian Fish Count. Photo by Parks Victoria.

                                                                                                           Marine Protected Area Review | PAGE 7
      Benefits of Marine Protected Areas

                                        “MPAs are not a panacea. They're not going to solve everything.
                                                        But they're a powerful and underutilized tool.”
                                                                                        J A N E L U B C H E N C O, F O R M E R H E A D O F N O A A

      The reasons for establishing          • Otway: South Australian border to                  • Twofold Shelf: Ninety-mile Beach to
      marine parks are many and               Cape Otway                                           the NSW border
      varied, and each jurisdiction         • Central Victoria: Cape Otway to                    • Victorian Embayments: Port Phillip
      employs their own underlying            Cape Liptrap                                         Bay, Western Port, Corner Inlet
      goals and purposes to the
      MPA network. The benefits             • Flinders: Cape Liptrap to the                      Recently these have been divided further
      can be broadly placed into              western end of Ninety-mile Beach                   into biounits (refer to pages 17-18 for
      three different categories –            (and including Wilsons Promontory)                 more information on biounits).
      conservation, economic and
      social. This report focuses on        Table 2. The four key benefits of MPAs, their components, and the mechanisms behind them.
      the conservation benefits of
                                             MPA Benefit                                          Mechanism                                    Key study
      marine parks, although there is
      brief discussion of the fisheries      Biodiversity   • Prevent habitat destruction      • Exclude major destructive activities          Gaines et al.
      benefits, a subject that crosses       protection     • Prevent depletion of populations   (e.g. mining, coastal development,            2010
                                                                                                 destructive fishing)                          Edgar et al.
      the boundaries between the
                                                                                               • Exclude minor destructive activities          2014
      three categories.                                                                          (e.g. human trampling, scuba diving)
      Conservation benefits of MPAs                                                            • Exclude harvesting of living
                                                                                                 organisms such as fishing
      can be put broadly into four
      different categories: Biodiversity     Threatened     • Prevent population decline of       • Exclude harvesting (legal and illegal)     Afonso et
      protection (including habitats),       species          threatened species                  • Prevent incidental harm by restricting     al. 2011
                                             conservation   • Facilitate recovery of                boating and recreational activity          Williams et
      threatened species conservation,
                                                              populations                           (e.g. ship-strikes, habitat disturbance)   al. 2015
      ecosystem and climate change
                                                            • Prevent disturbance to              • Protection of critical habitat             Filby et al.
      resilience and spillover benefits                       critical behaviour                                                               2017
                                                                                                  • Exclusion of harmful activities from
      (Table 2).                                                                                    breeding ground
      To put this into context in                                                                 • Reduce noise impacts by
      terms of the worthiness and                                                                   restricting boating
      potential benefits of Victoria's                                                            • Exclude seismic testing activities
      marine environment protected                                                                • Regulate human tourism interactions
      in MPAs, according to the              Ecosystem      • Increased capacity to resist and    • Higher genetic diversity in MPAs           Munguia-
      Environment Conservation               resilience       recover from disturbance            • MPAs support larger populations and        Vega et al.
      Council’s 1999 report, there is                       • Recover from climate and              maintain trophic diversity                 2015
      nowhere in Australia where there                        weather events                      • MPAs maintain ecosystem integrity          Emslie et al.
      is ‘such a rich diversity of flora                    • Increase resilience to                and stability
      and fauna, and cultural sites                           climate-driven ecosystem shifts     • Presence of higher trophic levels in       Ling et al.
                                                            • Increase resilience to                MPAs resists invasion of climate-          2009
      and landscapes, along such a
                                                              invasive species                      driven invasive species                    Ling and
      compact and easily accessible                                                                                                            Johnson
                                                            • Reduce incidence of                 • Restricting human interaction with the
      coastline’. This diversity includes                     biological invasions                  ecosystem e.g. reducing boat traffic       2012
      intertidal, subtidal and deep                         • Mitigate climate change             • Preservation of natural habitats           Hopkins et
      reefs, seagrass beds, sheltered                                                               locks up carbon. Recovery of               al. 2016
      intertidal mudflats, mangroves                                                                habitats sequesters carbon
      and beaches, subtidal soft             Spillover      • Contribute to population growth     • Larval transport from MPA to               Harrison et
      substrates and pelagic (open           Benefits         in areas adjacent to MPA              surrounding areas                          al. 2012
      water) environments and                               • Increase numbers of exploited       • Movement of individuals                    Diaz et al.
      are contained within five                               species in areas adjacent             into adjacent areas due to                 2016
      marine bioregions:                                      to MPA                                density-dependence

Marine Protected Area Review | PAGE 8
Monitoring effort and the publication      The four key benefits are explored in       • Greater size, adult abundancy and
of scientific literature does not          further detail here:                          occupancy rates for exploited fish
show an even spread across the                                                           species in no-take Florida MPAs ten
many benefits of MPAs. Instead we          Biodiversity protection                       years after implementation (Ault et
see a clear focus on assessing the                                                       al. 2013)
effectiveness of MPAs relative to          The evidence is compelling for the
                                           effectiveness of well-managed no-           • Significantly high abundance
fish assemblages and species of                                                          and larger sizes of four exploited
interest to fisheries. This often occurs   take reserves in maintaining higher
                                           adult abundances and larger sizes             species in a NSW MPA after 14
even when these indicators are not                                                       years compared to outside, but no
relevant to the initial reasons those      of exploited organisms compared
                                           to areas open to exploitation (Lester         difference for non-exploited fish
MPAs were established. The focus on                                                      species (Malcolm et al. 2018)
fish is due to both practical reasons      et al. 2009, Fenberg et al. 2012,
                                           Edgar et al. 2014). Recent studies          • Higher abundances of five
of fish being easier to count than
                                           supporting MPA benefits to exploited          exploited fish families after 10
the plethora of benthic and cryptic
species, and driven by the rewards of      species from the past 10 years (2009-         years protection in two NSW MPAs,
                                           2018) include:                                however the difference was only
contributing to the ongoing polarising
                                                                                         significant in one of the MPAs
debate around fisheries benefits of        • 2x large fish species, 5x more large        (Harasti et al. 2018)
MPAs. The benefits of biodiversity           fish biomass and 14x more shark
and ecosystem protection are widely          biomass in large, isolated, well-         • Significantly greater abundance of
accepted and not often explored,             enforced, well-established, no-take         exploited kingfish in no-take marine
while the areas of threatened species        MPAs compared to non-MPAs in a              reserves in NSW, but only on their
conservation (mostly megafauna that          global study (Edgar et al. 2014)            favoured habitat of high complexity
are not resident in MPAs), climate                                                       reefs (Rees et al. 2018)
                                           • 71% of over 218 MPAs studied
change and resistance to invasive            across the globe positively               • Two exploited reef fish had
species are difficult to quantify.           influenced fish populations,                significant higher abundances in
                                             increasing fish biomass by 60%,             a small NSW MPA that restricted
Furthermore, most studies evaluate                                                       spearfishing after 12.5 years (Curley
changes to marine life resulting             across all geographies and habitats
                                             (Gill et al. 2017)                          et al. 2013)
from the restriction of harvesting,
                                           • Abundance and biomass of adult            • Only no-take areas of a Mexican
in most cases fishing. There is little
                                             commercial fish species in Spanish          MPA had higher abundances of reef
to no literature on the role MPAs
                                             MPAs positively affected by MPA             fish after 15 years (Rife et al. 2013)
have played in restricting mining or
petroleum activities, port construction      protection, but not juveniles or larval   • Higher species diversity and more
or coastal fringe development.               stages (Felix-Hackradt 2018)                larger individuals of commercially
As highlighted previously, MPAs            • Higher fish abundance and size in           targeted fish inside Philippines
provide major benefits in restricting        Azores MPAs, but only for species           MPAs (Muallil et al. 2015)
devastating activities that involve          with larger maximum size and              • Significantly higher biomass and
the wholesale destruction of marine          lower mobility, and only in reserves        abundance of coral trout species
habitats. The value of such protection       with high compliance levels (Afonso         in an 11 year old no-take MPA in
cannot be easily quantified, as they         et al. 2018)                                Malaysia (Chen Chung et al. 2017)
involve preventing activities that         • 12x number grey reef sharks after         • Higher abundances of heavily
are yet to, or may now never, be             eight years MPA protection on               exploited fish inside Belize MPAs,
undertaken. This is of particular            Ashmore reef, and a shift to more           but lower abundances of other
importance in the developing                 apex predators (Speed et al. 2018)          fishes and corals (Karnauskas and
world, which are often more reliant                                                      Babcock 2014)
economically on resource extraction        • Re-establishment of natural
                                             population dynamics of lobster in         • Higher abundance of exploited
and lack other forms of regulation
(Marinesque et al. 2012). It is              a Spanish MPA after 25 years, with          limpets in MPAs in Italy (Marra et al.
important not to lose sight of such          significantly greater size , biomass        2017)
critical benefits, when public debate is     and fecundity than fished areas
focused on secondary benefits such           (Diaz et al. 2016)
as fisheries productivity.

                                                                                               Marine Protected Area Review | PAGE 9
Lonsdale Wall, in Port Phillip Heads Marine National park. Photo by Shannon Hurley.

        There are examples of where benefits                   • A comprehensive review of 149        In addition to the important
        to exploited organisms have not been                     studies of 124 different MPAs        biodiversity benefits in protecting
        observed, and these are related to                       across 29 countries found that       ecosystems from destructive
        specific management failings such                        total average organism biomass       activities such as coastal
        as poor enforcement (Pieraccini et al.                   was 446% greater, density 166%       development and mining, MPAs can
        2017), economic traits such as high                      higher, size 28% bigger and          also protect habitats from minor
        value species that encourage illegal                     species richness 21% greater         human impacts such as trampling
        poaching, and for low-productivity                       (Lester et al. 2009). The benefits   or scuba diving. Both seagrass beds
        species that are not given enough time                   were consistently higher for         (Travaille et al. 2015) and intertidal
        to recover (Ban et al. 2017). Highly                     exploited organisms and highest      algae (Addison et al. 2015) can be
        mobile species that spend only a small                   for fishes and invertebrates, in     significantly impacted by trampling,
        part of their time within the boundaries                 particular lobsters, crabs and       and MPAs can regulate to reduce
        of MPAs are also not likely to receive                   intertidal molluscs (Lester et al.   these impacts.
        much benefit of MPA protection                           2009).
        (Pilyugin et al. 2016), unless there                   • A review focused on the              Threatened species
        is regional cooperation in designing                     benefits of MPAs to primary          conservation
        reserves (Breen et al. 2015). However,                   producers and herbivores found
        very large and old MPAs such as the                                                           MPAs deliver positive benefits to
                                                                 mixed results stemming from
        Galapagos MPA (created 20 years                                                               threatened species populations when
                                                                 complex interactions within each
        ago), have increased tuna fisheries                                                           the threatened species is at risk from
                                                                 ecosystem (Gilby and Stevens
        productivity for migratory yellowfin and                                                      activities that the MPA can regulate.
                                                                 2014). The clear majority of coral
        skipjack tuna (Bucaram et al. 2018).                     reef MPAs had less algae and
                                                                                                      For example, a small MPA in Portugal
                                                                                                      effectively conserved populations of
                                                                 urchins, however no differences
        The benefits of MPAs to non-exploited                                                         endangered dusky groper that was at
                                                                 were detected in kelp/algal MPAs.
        organisms, or non-targeted life stages                                                        risk from illegal fishing (Afonso et al.
        of exploited organisms is context                      • More complex habitats and higher     2011). Most listed endangered marine
        dependent. Not all species will benefit                  abundance of associated fauna        species are megafauna, however,
        from no-take reserve protection, such                    (macroalgae, sponges, hydroids,      with very large migratory and foraging
        as algae and slow-growing stony                          featherstars and others) detected    ranges. This presents a significant
        corals (Lester et al. 2009), or prey of                  in MPAs in the UK compared           issue in adequately protecting enough
        heavily exploited species (Harasti                       to surrounding fishing grounds       of their range to be effective (Hays
        et al. 2014). However, given the                         (Howarth et al. 2015), attributed    et al. 2016). MPAs are therefore
        large benefits provided to exploited                     to reduced disturbance from          targeted on areas of intense threats
        organisms the overall benefit of MPAs                    fishing. However, there were no      or necessary for critical life stages,
        can still be evident when considering                    differences in mobile fauna such     e.g. breeding grounds (Lascelles et
        all species within an ecosystem.                         as crabs and starfish between        al. 2012). Very large MPAs could be
        The following studies investigated                       MPAs and fished areas.               based around migratory routes which
        species and communities beyond                                                                are often similar for many species
        those exploited:                                                                              (Pendoley et al. 2014).
Megafauna such as dolphins, seals,           Ecosystem resilience and                            effective for removing invasive kelp
whales and seabirds, can be negatively                                                           in small Tasmanian MPAs (Hewitt
                                             climate change
affected by intensive interactions with                                                          et al. 2005) and is currently being
human tourism which disrupt natural          The biodiversity and habitat                        undertaken in Victoria’s MPAs (Ricketts
behaviours (Ashe et al. 2009, Velando        protection benefits provided by                     Point and Nooramunga Marine and
and Munilla 2011). MPAs can exclude          MPAs can increase the resistance                    Coastal Park) to remove a native pest
tourism vessels in critical feeding or       (the capacity to withstand                          sea urchin species (French 2018).
social areas, such as those proposed         impacts) and resilience (the
by scientists for the Burranan dolphins                                                          Marine reserves can foster high genetic
                                             capacity to recover from impacts)                   diversity than fished areas (Munguia-
in Port Phillip Bay (Filby et al. 2017).
                                             to many human-induced threats                       Vega et al. 2015), resulting in greater
Restrictions on boating in MPAs also
                                             (Hopkins et al. 2016). In preserving                tolerance within the population to
has the potential to reduce boat strikes
                                             natural food webs and trophic                       disturbance, and ability to recover
on threatened species such as turtles
                                             balance, MPAs can also help resist                  under a variety of changed conditions
(Denkinger et al. 2013). At present few
                                             disturbances such as biological                     (Almany et al. 2009). This includes
MPAs restrict recreational boating,
                                             invasion. In the Bahamas, high                      the threat of climate change and the
however this could be an effective
                                             abundances of exploited grouper in                  critical ability of marine ecosystems
strategy for turtle foraging sites in
                                             MPAs better excluded the invasive                   to resist and recover from the effects
places like the Galapagos (Dekinger
                                             lionfish and acted as an effective                  (McLeod et al. 2009). Larger population
et al. 2013).
                                             natural bio-predator (Mumby et                      sizes and species diversity can result
MPAs have the potential to be “noise         al. 2011). However, despite these                   in greater genetic tolerance within
refuges” for organisms that rely on          specific examples there is also                     those groups to extreme heat or pH
acoustic cues to communicate and             evidence that many invasive                         associated with ocean warming and
navigate (Williams et al. 2015). By          species do equally well or better                   acidification. Preserving the genetic
reducing or excluding ship traffic in        within marine reserves (Burfeind                    diversity will promote the resilience of
MPAs, noise can be mitigated, and            et al. 2013). MPA management                        the ecosystems, the ability to bounce
stress reduced on threatened or              plans can also trigger on-ground                    back after the heat or acid intolerant
protected species such as whales,            management options such as                          individuals have been lost (e.g. for
dolphins and seals. Seismic testing is       the physical removal of invasive                    corals: Baskett et al. 2009, Palumbi
also a threat to many megafauna that         species. This approach has been                     et al. 2014).
rely on acoustic signalling (Thompson
et al. 2013), with MPAs potentially
providing clear benefits in reducing         Burrunan dolphin (Tursiops Australis), endemic to Southern Australian waters,
mining and oil exploration activities        primarily from Port Phillip Bay and Gippsland Lakes. Photo taken by Nicole Filby
(Gomez et al. 2017).                         at the southern end of Port Phillip Bay.

Protection from fishing under MPAs
can, however, have unintended negative
consequences for some protected
species through trophic cascades.
Abundance of the protected White’s
seahorse in NSW MPAs were lower
than outside, attributed to the higher
abundance of predators in the MPAs
(Harasti et al. 2014). Protection had
resulted in the increase in exploited
species, but not in non-exploited
species that are threatened by external
pressures that MPAs cannot effectively
mitigate. Similar negative effects
of protection were observed in an
Indonesian MPA, where over-abundant
turtles caused loss of seagrass habitat
through overgrazing (Christianen et
al. 2014), however this effect may be
facilitated by the failure to curb threats
on turtle predators. These results do not
discredit MPAs however, they instead
enforce the call for MPAs to be used
in tandem with other approaches to
achieve effective marine conservation.

                                                                                                        Marine Protected Area Review | PAGE 11
The ubiquitous impact of a changing        • In the Great Barrier Reef, while        Given that the majority of MPAs
      global climate proposes a significant        MPAs could not protect against the      globally are not no-take (Costello
      conservation challenge for MPA               coral habitat destruction caused by     and Ballantine 2015), many are likely
      management. Climate change                   a severe tropical cyclone, exploited    not supporting significantly higher
      impacts in MPAs are predicted                coral trout fish populations in         population densities and biomass of
      to be greater than those for land-           MPAs did not decline compared to        exploited organisms, and spillover
      based impacts and ocean impacts              significant declines in unprotected     may not be as common as scientific
      combined (Mach et al. 2017 ). MPAs           areas (Emslie et al. 2016)              literature would suggest (Di Lorenzo
      can be a conservation tool for climate     • MPAs in eastern Tasmania                et al. 2016).
      change resilience in a number of             supported greater abundances of
      different ways: 1) Preventing carbon                                                 A large, old, well-enforced, no-take
                                                   large exploited lobsters, which could
      emissions from marine habitat loss,                                                  MPA with surrounding heavily fished
                                                   prey on and control the invasive sea
      2) sequestering carbon through                                                       areas are very likely to provide
                                                   urchin, which is extending its range
      habitat repair, 3) affect climatic                                                   spillover benefits for exploited
                                                   southward via climate change (Ling
      interactions, 4) conserving ecosystem                                                species. A 25 year old no-take reserve
                                                   et al. 2009, Ling and Johnston
      integrity to resist invasive species                                                 in Spain demonstrated spillover of
      favoured by climate change and 5)                                                    small adult lobsters to adjacent fished
      provide a refuge for habitats that alter   MPAs also have the potential to           areas, as lobsters grew much larger
      distribution in response to climate        reduce the likelihood of invasive         in the MPA and are territorial (Diaz
      change (Hopkins et al. 2016).              species invasion by limiting the          et al. 2016). Spillover can also occur
                                                 human interactions with the               through larval transport from MPAs,
      Traditional MPAs can only contribute       ecosystem. Recreational boating           as demonstrated on the Great Barrier
      in a small way to reduce the direct        and commercial shipping are the key       Reef, where 83% of coral trout and
      impacts of climate change, such as         vectors of introduction (Murray et al.    55% of stripey snapper in fished areas
      ocean warming, acidification and           2011), and hence excluding fishing        were sourced from MPAs, despite
      rising seas level (Keller et al. 2009)     boat traffic or removing shipping         MPAs only accounting for 28% of the
      and therefore needs to be paired with      lanes will reduce the incidence of        total reef area (Harrison et al. 2012).
      significant emissions reductions.          invasion.                                 However, spillover does not work
      Such change is occurring on a global                                                 for all species with a larval stage,
      scale that must be addressed via           Spillover benefits                        as demonstrated by the absence of
      significant emissions reductions.                                                    spillover benefits for mussels in South
      However, MPAs can play a role in           Spillover is broadly defined as           African MPAs, despite high adult
      this, by ensuring carbon is not further    the net movement of organisms             abundance and larval production in
      released into the atmosphere by            from MPAs into areas where they           MPAs (Cole et al. 2011).
      preventing habitat change, and in          benefit humans, most often through
      sequestering carbon through the            fishing (Di Lorenzo et al. 2016). For     Bio-economic modelling studies
      natural cycles of vegetative growth        spillover to occur, the MPA firstly       have demonstrated the potential for
      and burial in ecosystems such as           must be effective in rebuilding and       spillover fisheries benefits of MPAs
      mangroves, saltmarsh and seagrass          supporting large fecund populations       in the medium to long term (Cuervo-
      (Hopkins et al. 2016).                     of organisms which, through density-      Sanchez et al. 2018), however there
                                                 dependence (i.e. higher numbers           is evidence to show that this can
      Examples of MPAs providing greater         inside than outside), can transport       only occur in areas of poor fisheries
      resistance and resilience to climate       offspring or adults to surrounding        management and overexploited
      change include the following studies       areas. In a review of 85 studies          stocks (Buxton et al. 2014).
      from the past ten years:                   investigating spillover effects of        Biophysical modelling studies have
      • By fostering larger individuals than     MPAs, 80% were found to show a            predicted that spill-over would occur
                                                 spillover benefit (Di Lorenzo et al.      for species that receive protection and
        outside, MPAs can better resist
                                                 2016). Without further study, this        benefit from MPAs, but only at a small
        climate-driven mass mortality
                                                 result cannot be generalised to all       scale up to 800m away from the
        events, such as observed in Mexico
                                                 MPAs. All but one study reported a        MPA (Halpern et al. 2010a). Similar
        where abalone in MPAs survived
                                                 recovery of populations inside the        local-scale benefits are predicted
        a hypoxia event because of their
                                                 MPA, meaning that these MPAs likely       using ecosystem models (Colleter et
        larger size and better health (Micheli
        et al. 2012). These large individuals    met the criteria (identified in Section   al 2014), however the spillover was
        also had greater egg producing           Three) that make an effective MPA.        predicted to around the same as that
                                                                                           lost from not fishing in the MPAs.
        capacity, and could replenish
        surrounding non-MPA areas after
        the mortality event

Marine Protected Area Review | PAGE 12
Global targets: how is Australia and Victoria tracking?

International benchmarks                          as no-take MPAs, but set no deadline                regional scale rather than the scale
                                                  to achieve the target, instead seeing               of single MPAs (Mach et al. 2017).
Global targets for MPA coverage have              it as an ambitious end-goal (WPC
been in place since 2006, when the                2014), similar to the IUCN World                    In recent research by O’Leary et.
Convention on Biological Diversity                                                                    Al, (2016) , the authors analysed
                                                  Conservation Congress in Hawaii
called for MPAs on 10% of the world’s             (2016), which recommended at
                                                                                                      144 studies to determine
oceans by 2012. However, this target                                                                  whether international targets
                                                  least 30% in MPAs with a long-term
was not met and by 2012 only 2.3%                                                                     for marine conservation were
                                                  ambition that it be all no-take.
of the global ocean was designated                                                                    ‘adequate to achieve, maximize, or
MPAs (Spalding and Hale 2016). A                  While the Aichi Target 11 could                     optimize six environmental and/
revision of the approach led to the               be considered a softening of the                    or socioeconomic objectives’.
development of the “Aichi Target 11”              definition and dilution of protection               They concluded that: ‘Results
in 2010:                                                                                              consistently indicate that protecting
                                                  targets, the decision brings to the fore
                                                                                                      several tens-of-percent of the sea
                                                  the importance of a broader marine
    “By 2020, at least 17 per                                                                         is required to meet goals1 (average
    cent of terrestrial and inland                spatial management system which
                                                                                                      37%, median 35%, modal group
                                                  includes traditional MPAs (Spalding
    water areas and 10 per cent                                                                       21–30%), greatly exceeding the
    of coastal and marine areas,                  and Hale 2016). The most highly                     2.18% currently protected and the
    especially areas of particular                protected MPA may be ineffective                    10% target. ‘The objectives we
    importance for biodiversity                   if major threats external to the MPA                examined were met in 3% of studies
    and ecosystem services, are                   boundaries go unaddressed (Agardy                   with ≤10% MPA coverage, 44% with
    conserved through effectively                 et al. 2011, Kearney et al. 2012,                   ≤30% coverage, and 81% with more
    and equitably managed,                        Stafford et al. 2016). Pressures such               than half the sea protected. The
    ecologically representative                   as sedimentation and nutrients from                 UN’s 10% target appears insufficient
    and well-connected systems                    land runoff, and invasive species and               to protect biodiversity, preserve
    of protected areas and other                  pollution stemming from shipping                    ecosystem services, and achieve
    effective area-based conservation             and ports are better addressed at the               socioeconomic priorities’.
    measures, and integrated into the
    wider landscape and seascape”
    (Convention on Biological                                                                                                      Seagrasses are one of
                                                                                                                               the most rapidly declining
                                                                                                                              ecosystems on Earth. They
                                                                                                                               provide one of the highest
This extended the 10% target until                                                                                             values of non-commercial
2020 and broadened the definition                                                                                                 ecosystem services by
of what could be considered an                                                                                                 Victoria’s coastal habitats,
                                                                                                                                   but are not adequately
MPA to include other types of spatial                                                                                       protected in Victoria’s marine
management and conservation                                                                                                     protected areas network.
measures.                                                                                                                         Photo: Shannon Hurley,
                                                                                                                                       Seagrass meadow
This loosening of the definition of                                                                                                       in Ricketts Point
                                                                                                                                        Marine Sanctuary.
what constitutes an MPA led to
widespread backlash amongst many
scientists, some calling for the term
MPA to be abandoned (Costello
and Ballantine 2015), and others
proposing more ambitious targets
focused on no-take areas. The 2014
World Parks Congress called for 30%
of the world’s oceans to be managed

1   The six goals are: (1) protect biodiversity; (2) ensure population connectivity among MPAs; (3) minimize the risk of
    fisheries/population collapse and ensure population persistence; (4) mitigate the adverse evolutionary effects of fishing;
    (5) maximize or optimize fisheries value or yield; and (6) satisfy multiple stakeholders (i.e., studies contain analyses
    designed to identify the required percentage coverage to minimize trade-offs between stakeholders and maximize value.

                                                                                                             Marine Protected Area Review | PAGE 13
independent source, the Atlas of Marine         There is great disparity in the size of
      The global coverage of                     Protection maintained by the Marine             MPAs globally. More than half of the
      MPAs in 2018                               Conservation Institute (MCI 2018),              world’s MPAs are less than 10km2 in
                                                 instead calculates total MPA coverage           size, and the 20 largest comprise 60%
      The official August 2018 United
                                                 at 3.7% of the global ocean and only            of total area (MCI 2018). These large
      Nations figure for the global coverage
                                                 2% which is strongly protected (defined         MPAs are mostly in isolated areas and
      of MPAs that fall under the Aichi 11
                                                 as no-take or heavily restricted take,          are widely criticised (Singleton and
      definition is 29,945,395km2, or 7.44%
                                                 effectively IUCN categories I-III). The         Roberts 2014) for being declared in
      of the world’s oceans, spread across
                                                 remaining 3.7% of the UN-IUCN figure            the overseas territories of developed
      15,334 MPAs (UNEP-WCMC and
                                                 is made up of legally designated but            countries to deflect attention from
      IUCN 2018). However, accurately
                                                 unimplemented MPAs and proposed                 MPAs at home (Jones and De Santo
      calculating the area of the global
                                                 MPAs (Table 3).                                 2016) and to quickly meet their
      ocean meaningfully protected by
                                                                                                 contribution to the global target. Whilst
      MPAs (i.e. not “paper parks”) is a         Most MPAs exist in national waters, with        large remote MPAs do protect vast
      difficult exercise and several differing   17.3 % of waters under the jurisdiction         areas of lightly impacted “wilderness”
      figures exist. Differences arise           of individual countries either currently        areas (Graham and McLanahan
      by alternative interpretations of a        or proposed to be protected. By                 2013), they do not necessarily provide
      minimum acceptable protection level,       comparison, only 1.2% of the high seas,         a good representation of ecosystems,
      and in differentiating the implemented     or international waters, are protected          habitats, climates and levels of human
      and “working” MPAs from those that         (UNEP and IUCN 2018). Closing the               interaction (Spalding and Hale 2016).
      are only designated or proposed.           gap on high seas protection represents          Whilst the Aichi 11 targets aims for
      The current UN and IUCN figures            the biggest challenge for meeting the           good representation of bioregions
      are thought to be over-optimistic          global Aichi 11 target (Spalding and            and species coverage in MPAs, there
      and do include many proposed               Hale 2016), as it requires international        is an over-representation of coral
      but not yet functioning MPAs (MCI          agreement at the level of the UN or             reef systems in the tropics and rocky
      2018). An internationally recognised       regional fisheries management groups.           reef systems in temperate areas. In
                                                                                                 2013, only 32% of coastal and shelf
       Table 3: Percentage of the global ocean protected by MPAs. Designated MPAs                bioregions and 5% of the pelagic
       are those that are gazetted but do not have functioning management plans.                 bioregions achieved the target 10%
       Data taken from the Atlas of Marine Protection (MCI 2018).                                MPA coverage (Butchart et al. 2015).
                                                                                                 Species protection was significantly
                       No-take        Other      Designated    Proposed                          skewed towards stony corals (78%
                                                                              TOTAL              of species have 10% of their range
                        MPAs          MPAs         MPAs          MPAs
                                                                                                 in MPAs) and bony fishes (47% of
       Percentage                                                                                species have 10% range in MPAs),
       of Global                                                                                 with no other group having greater
                          2.0            1.7         1.8          2.0          7.44
       ocean                                                                                     than 25% of species meeting the Aichi
                                                                                                 target (Butchart et al. 2015).

                                                                                                 Barr et (2011) found that ‘73% of
                                                                                                 countries have inequitably protected
                                                                                                 their biodiversity and that common
                                                                                                 measures of protected area
                                                                                                 coverage do not adequately reveal
                                                                                                 this bias…leaving many vulnerable
                                                                                                 species and habitats with little or no
                                                                                                 formal protection’ . For MPAs to be
                                                                                                 successful, and after reviewing 87
                                                                                                 across the globe, Edgar et al (2014)
                                                                                                 found that they had to be no take,
                                                                                                 well enforced, old, large and isolated.

                                                                                           Blue Devil Fish, Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park.
                                                                                           Photo by Shannon Hurley.

Marine Protected Area Review | PAGE 14
Table 4: Five countries with the largest areas of current, designated and                Ninety-eight percent of Australia’s total
proposed MPAs globally, and global MPA total. Data for total area derived from           MPA area lies in Commonwealth Waters
UNEP-WCMC and IUCN (2018) and highly protected MPAs from (MCI 2018).                     (and Commonwealth managed areas
                                                                                         of the Great Barrier Reef), with the
 Country             Total Area    % of             Area of          %                   remainder spread across various state and
                     MPAs          jurisdiction     “highly          Jurisdiction        Northern Territory waters (Table 5). Not
                     (million km2)                  protected”       “highly             all jurisdictions meet the Aichi Target 11 –
                                                    MPAs             protected”          Northern Territory and Tasmania each have
                                                    (million km2)    MPAs                less than 10% of their waters protected in
                                                                                         MPAs, and none meets the ambitious 30%
 USA                 5.1            42              2.8              23                  no-take target proposed by the World Parks
                                                                                         Congress and IUCN, with Qld having the
 France              3.4            35              0.1              1
                                                                                         highest no-take representation at 14% of
                                                                                         territorial waters. Northern Territory lags all
 Australia           3.3            36              0.9              10
                                                                                         other states and territories in having only
 Great Britain       2.8            41              1.5              23                  two MPAs, one with a no-take zone while the
                                                                                         other awaits a management plan and the
 New Zealand         1.2            28              0.1              1                   assignment of zones (as of August 2018)
                                                                                         Australia has good representation of its
 GLOBAL              29.9           7.4             8.1              2
                                                                                         bioregions meeting the 10% Aichi target
                                                                                         (Roberts et al. 2018). Only five of the 41
                                                                                         bioregions (12%) had less than 10% MPA
MPAs in Australia                                                                        coverage, most of these in the South-
                                                                                         east. Eight bioregions were extremely well
Thirty-six percent of Australia’s total    networks are ‘residual’, that is, located     represented with over 50% coverage in
territorial waters are designated an       in areas remote from economic                 MPAs, most of these in the Great Barrier
MPA with some level of protection.         interest with fewer conservation              Reef region. The level of protection is not
If the Antarctic territories are not       benefits than if they were located in         so well distributed, however, with 61% of
considered, this figure is 40%. This is    exploited areas. This review preceded         bioregions having less than 10% of their
one of the highest representations in      the recent reductions in no-take zones.       area in no-take zones (Roberts et al. 2018).
the world and well exceeds the global
Aichi target. Data from the World
Bank places Australia ninth globally in    Table 5: Number and area of MPAs as defined under Aichi target 11, by state and
percentage coverage (sixth if nations      territory. Note that there is some overlap in MPAs between jurisdictions the area total
with extremely small marine area are       for Australia marked with an * is not the direct sum of the figures presented. Total MPA
excluded) and third in total area behind   area and no-take data taken from CAPAD 2016 (Australian Government Department
USA and France (World Bank 2018).          of the Environment and Energy 2017), using IUCN categories I, II and III, except for
However when looking at “highly            Commonwealth no-take areas which were sourced from Parks Australia shapefiles
protected” MPAs, the figure drops to       that reflect the 2018 Commonwealth management plan revisions (Australian Marine
10% of Australia’s jurisdiction.           Parks 2018).** Calculations for total jurisdiction include both Australian national waters
                                           and overseas territories (8,148,250km² - Geosciences Australia 2018). If the Antarctic
The Atlas for Marine Protection (MCI
                                           territories are included the total area is totalling 9,081,035km² and the total Australian
2018) considers less than a third of
                                           MPA coverage is lower at 36%, and no-take MPAs 8.5%. Data on MPAs can vary from
Australia’s designated MPAs to meet
                                           state to state, and can be difficult to determine comparability. For example, if the
the criteria for effective protection.
                                           Macquarie Island MPAs (which are well away from the Tasmania mainland) are removed
This is likely due to the recent
                                           from the Tasmania figures, then the percentage of no-take area would be lower at 1.1%)
upheaval of the Commonwealth
MPA Management Plans, which were            Jurisdiction        No. of      Total MPA     % of         Area of no-       %
suspended and reviewed between              (State/Territory/   MPAs        Area (km2)    jurisdiction take MPA          Jurisdiction
2014 and 2018, significantly altering       Common-                                       in MPAs      (km2, IUCN        no-take
the internal boundaries and protection      wealth)                                                    categories I-III)
levels (reduced from 14% to 10% no-
take). Hence most Commonwealth              Commonwealth        62          3,177,677     39.0           804,807            10.4
MPAs were considered “Paper                 QLD                 90          62,772        51.5           17,019             14.0
parks” during this period. The new          SA                  50          27,130        45.2           7,444              12.4
management plans came into force
                                            WA                  39          25,197        21.8           12,474             10.8
on July 1st 2018 and as of August
2018 figures from the Atlas for Marine      NSW                 18          3,489         39.6           666                7.6
Protection have not been updated            NT                  2           2,906         4.1            650
      Marine protected area                                                                                    14%

      (no-take) areas compared                                                                                 12%

      by state/territory                                                                                       10%




                  TOTAL                                                                                         2%

           10.4%                                                                                                0%
                                                                                                                       WA    NT     SA   QLD NSW VIC       TAS
          of commonwealth
        waters in no-take areas
Environment Conservation Council’s          NRSMPA’s key principles of
Highly and partially                       1999 marine investigation, while the        comprehensiveness, adequacy and
protected MPAs in Victoria                 other six MPAs (IUCN VI) followed           representativeness. Conducted
                                           recommendations of the Land                 for the VNPA’s 2014 Nature
It is now 17 years since Victoria
                                           Conservation Council’s 1982 South           conservation review, in summary
established what was the world’s first
                                           Gippsland investigation in 1986             Edmunds et al. (2010) found for
highly protected network of marine
                                           and 1991.                                   each marine bioregion:
national parks and sanctuaries. But
as the years have passed it has
                                           In total, the state’s 30 MPAs cover            Otway: the bioregion’s four
become recognised as inadequate                                                           marine protected areas were
                                           1061 km2 of Victorian coastal waters,
and other Australian jurisdictions have                                                   representative of consolidated
                                           the smallest area of any state or
surpassed it.                                                                             and unconsolidated substrata
                                           territory in Australia. Victoria also has
                                           the second-smallest area of no-take            but neither adequate nor
Although the Northern Territory                                                           comprehensive due to limited
continue to struggle with marine           MPAs (after the Northern Territory
                                           (Table 5), and the second-smallest             areas of intertidal, subtidal
conservation and trails Victoria, the                                                     and deep reef in Discovery
Australian Government and states of        area of coastal waters (after NSW).
                                                                                          Bay MNP and subtidal reefs in
Western Australia, South Australia and                                                    Merri MS, and the absence of
                                           Table 6 lists Victoria’s 24 highly
Queensland are well ahead, and even                                                       seagrass habitats in the parks.
                                           protected and six partially protected
New South Wales has covered more
                                           MPAs, along with their area and
of its waters in MPAs.                                                                    Central Victoria: considered
                                           percentage coverage. The highly
                                                                                          representative of consolidated
Australia’s state jurisdictions have       protected network covers 530 km2 or
                                                                                          and unconsolidated substrata,
opted for creating multi-zoned             roughly 5.3% of coastal waters. When
                                                                                          and comprehensive for four
marine parks but with core areas           the terrestrial components of Shallow
                                                                                          of five biounits (deep reefs
given high-level protection (IUCN I,       Inlet (20% terrestrial), Corner Inlet
                                                                                          and offshore sediments
IA, II and III). Western Australia has a   (10%) and Nooramunga (40%) marine
                                                                                          off Mornington Peninsula
network of MPAs that covers 40% of         and coastal parks are excluded, the
                                                                                          were largely missing, along
its waters with almost 11% in no-take,     six partially protected MPAs cover
                                                                                          with Western Port entrance
Queensland 50% with 14% no-take,           530.8 km2 or roughly 5.3% of coastal
                                                                                          seagrass and shallow reef
and South Australia 45% with 12.4%         waters. Together, the two MPA
                                                                                          habitats). The assessment
as no-take. With the proclamation of       groups cover 10.6% of coastal waters.
                                                                                          of adequacy was mixed, with
the Australian Marine Parks Network                                                       the entirety of some habitats
in 2012, 40% of Commonwealth               The six partially protected MPAs
                                           in South Gippsland, lack goals,                included, such as in Point
waters are now covered by MPAs with                                                       Addis MNP and Port Phillip
10% no-take. By comparison, Victoria       objectives, management plans and
                                           systematic monitoring. Although they           Heads MNP, while others were
has only 12% of its waters in its MPA                                                     missing, such as subtidal reefs
network and just 5.3% as no-take.          are assigned IUCN VI, which qualifies
                                           them as MPAs under the lowest                  in Marengo MS, and some
Internationally, the UN’s Sustainable      global benchmark, the Aichi Target 11          patchy as at Eagle Rock MS.
Development Goal 14, ‘Conserve and         of 10%, they allow recreational and            Flinders: the four
sustainably use the oceans, seas, and      commercial fishing and it could be             marine protected areas
marine resources’ has set the bare         argued that they are parks in name             comprehensively covered
minimum for high-level protection at       only or ‘paper parks’.                         the two Wilsons Promontory
10% of marine habitats, double the                                                        biounits but not the offshore
Victorian percentage, while the long-      When the 10.6% figure is further               biounit and were not
term aspiration of the IUCN is for at      analysed, most are within the                  considered representative. The
least 30% in no-take.                      Victorian Embayments (Corner                   level of protection afforded by
                                           Inlet and Nooramunga marine and                the three multiple use areas,
There are 30 MPAs in Victoria’s            coastal parks) and Flinders (Wilsons           and thus their adequacy, was
coastal waters, comprising 24 highly       Promontory marine national park,               unclear.
protected or no-take marine national       marine park and marine reserve)
parks and sanctuaries, along with          marine bioregions. The Otway, Central          Twofold Shelf: data limitations
six marine parks, marine and coastal       and Twofold Shelf marine bioregions            for the Ninety-mile Beach MNP
parks and one marine reserve that          have MPA coverage ranging from                 prevented a full assessment
are partially protected. All Victorian     4-6%, mostly no-take. They fail                across the region and one
no-take Marine National Parks              to meet the lowest international               of the four biounits (isolated
(IUCN II) and Marine Sanctuaries           benchmark, Aichi Target 11.                    islands and deep shelf) was not
(IUCN III) were declared at the                                                           included in a park. The other
same time in November 2002 after           A 2010 review of Victoria’s MPAs               three MNPs were assessed as
recommendations contained in the           found that they did not meet the               representative and adequate.

                                                                                           Marine Protected Area Review | PAGE 17
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