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IMPRINT Owner and Editor: FEDERAL MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, ENVIRONMENT AND WATER MANAGEMENT Stubenring 1, 1010 Vienna Project management: BMLFUW, Abt. I/3: Gabriele Obermayr Scientific coordination: Umweltbundesamt, Maria Stejskal-Tiefenbach Contributing authors: Umweltbundesamt, Maria Stejskal-Tiefenbach, Wolfgang Rabitsch, Thomas Ellmauer, Elisabeth Schwaiger, Bernhard Schwarzl, Helmut Gaugitsch, Gebhard Banko Photos: BMLFUW/A. Haiden, Umweltbundesamt, Wolfgang Rabitsch, Thomas Ellmauer Editor: Umweltbundesamt, Maria Deweis The preparation of the Biodiversity Strategy Austria 2020+ was financially supported through funding provided by Federal and Regional authorities and the European Union. All Rights reserved. Vienna, December 2014
FOREWORD AUSTRIA IS A COUNTRY OF DIVER- I sincerely thank all members of the National Bio- SITY. Beautiful cultivated landscapes, a great di- diversity Commission who prepared and unani- versity of plants, animals and habitats make our mously recommended this Strategy. The challenge country unique. They provide the basis for a livea- we are facing now is to take the necessary further ble, healthy and economically strong country. It is steps to implement the Austrian objectives and up to us to safeguard these features – for us and for measures for biodiversity. This is a joint task and I future generations. will request all players and stakeholders involved in The Biodiversity Strategy 2020+ aims at conserving Austria’s biodiversity policy to make their contribu- Austria’s biological diversity, at keeping in check tion in fulfilling it! the loss and degradation of species, genetic diversi- Our goal is to make Austria a country worth living ty and habitats as well as addressing and minimising in, with pure air, clean water, a diverse nature as the causes of hazards. well as safe and affordable food of high quality! The Biodiversity Strategy Austria 2020+ is essential if we want to achieve this goal! ANDRÄ RUPPRECHTER Federal Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, En- vironment and Water Management --- 3 ---
TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 PREAMBLE 6 INTRODUCTION 9 FIELD OF ACTION – KNOWING AND ACKNOWLEDGING BIODIVERSITY 9 Target 1: The significance of biodiversity is acknowledged by society 10 Target 2: Biodiversity research and monitoring activities are extended 12 FIELD OF ACTION – SUSTAINABLE USE OF BIODIVERSITY 12 Target 3: Agriculture and forestry support conservation and improvement of biodiversity 14 Target 4: Game and fish stocks are adapted to natural environment conditions 16 Target 5: Tourism and leisure activities are in line with biodiversity objectives 18 FIELD OF ACTION – REDUCING PRESSURES ON BIODIVERSITY 18 Target 6: Energy supply is biodiversity-friendly 19 Target 7: Pollution is reduced 21 Target 8: Negative impacts of invasive alien species are reduced 22 Target 9: Incentives with negative impact on biodiversity, including subsidies, are abolished or adapted 23 FIELD OF ACTION – CONSERVING AND DEVELOPING BIODIVERSITY 23 Target 10: Species and habitats are conserved 25 Target 11: Biodiversity and ecosystem services are taken into account in spatial planning and transport/mobility 27 FIELD OF ACTION – SECURING GLOBAL BIODIVERSITY 27 Target 12: Contribution to overcome global biodiversity crisis has been made 29 REFERENCES --- 4 ---
PREAMBLE WITH THE PRESENT BIODIVERSITY The National Biodiversity Commission, which is STRATEGY AUSTRIA 2020+ Austria fulfils the pro- composed of representatives from all groups in visions of Article 6 of the Convention on Biological society, will assist and review the implementation Diversity (Federal Law Gazette No 213/1995). Ac- of the strategy and the achievement of its objectives. cording to this Article, each Contracting Party shall The members of the Commission present an annual (a) develop national strategies, plans or programmes report on the measures taken in their scope of re- for the conservation and sustainable use of bio- sponsibility to implement the strategy and reach the logical diversity or adapt for this purpose exist- objectives. In 2017, these annual reports will be ing strategies, plans or programmes […]; and summarised and presented to the Commission. In (b) integrate […] the conservation and sustainable 2020, in a comprehensive evaluation report, the use of biological diversity into relevant sectoral changes are to be presented compared to 2010 – or cross-sectoral plans, programmes and policies. unless the reporting obligations require that other reference years are used. Any adjustments and fur- ther strategic planning will be developed from 2020 onward. TOWARDS THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY AUSTRIA 2020+ In 2012 the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agricul- ture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW) together with the Federal Provinces and the Environment Agency Austria (Umweltbun- The Biodiversity Strategy Austria 2020+ defines desamt) launched a broad participative project to five fields of action and twelve targets, in which it develop a new Biodiversity Strategy for Austria. describes the priorities, which are in future to serve The first draft of the Biodiversity Strategy Austria as an orientation for stakeholders of the Federal 2020+ was developed on the basis of the results of Government, Federal Provinces and municipalities, seven theme-related workshops organised by the NGOs and all the other relevant stakeholders, in Environment Agency Austria. Stakeholders and order to conserve and promote biodiversity and its decision-makers of relevance to the field of biodi- ecosystem services over the long term. To conserve versity at various different levels – Ministries, Fed- biodiversity we urgently need to scale up joint ef- eral Provinces, social partners, representatives of forts. interest groups, scientists, experts, land owners, The implementation of the Biodiversity Strategy is a NGOs and many others - were involved in the fur- shared responsibility. ther development and coordination of the strategy. In legal and administrative terms, the Biodiversity At their meeting on August 28, 2014, the Nation- Strategy Austria 2020+ is implemented by the terri- al Biodiversity Commission agreed unanimously torial authorities competent to do so according to on the present strategy and recommended it to the Federal Constitution as well as by the other the Federal Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, actors and stakeholders involved in the field of bio- Environment and Water Management. logical diversity and indicated in the Strategy. The implementation is to be financed from a broad mix of public and private funds as well as through the EU co-financing system. For the federal level, fi- nancing of the implementation must be covered by the funds provided for in the relevant framework financial legislation. --- 5 ---
INTRODUCTION BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY, THE EXTRA- the increased sealing of land caused by housing ORDINARY VARIETY OF MICROORGANISMS, development and infrastructure building measures, FUNGI, PLANTS AND ANIMALS THAT SUR- also in the area of urban green spaces and gardens ROUNDS US, IS CRITICAL TO HUMANKIND. Inter- and allotments. This leads to the loss and fragmen- acting with cycles of matter, it produces clean air tation of important habitats. and clean water, provides for fertile soils and con- Air pollution caused by traffic and trade and indus- tributes to the climate on planet Earth. Moreover, try areas has altered the local conditions in wood- diversity is the essential basis for our food, health land, meadows and pastures. Heavy metals and road and well-being in an environment worth living in salts are adversely affecting soil organisms. and for the provision of renewable raw materials, Communal green spaces, such as parks, industrial for such things as clothing or construction material. wasteland, private gardens and even areas next to This makes biodiversity loss the most critical global infrastructure facilities (e.g. roadside environment) 1 environmental threat alongside climate change. account for a significant part of Austria’s total terri- There are diverging estimates on the human- tory and are thus fundamentally in a position to induced extinction rate; yet each one of them indi- make an important contribution towards improved cates a much higher rate of extinction than it would biodiversity. be under natural conditions. Globally, around 60% Areas used for agriculture and forestry account for of all ecosystems, 25% of mammals, 13% of birds about 80% of the country’s total area. Around 25% and 41% of amphibians are threatened by extinc- of Austria’s territory is used for production- 2 tion. About 75% of the genetic diversity of agricul- oriented, conventional and organic farming with 3 tural crops has been lost worldwide since 1900. regionally varying intensity. The cultural landscapes shaped by mankind provide an essential habitat for many animal and plant species. The ways in which THERE IS AN ABUNDANCE OF BIODIVERSITY IN these areas are used, as well as their general AUSTRIA – BUT IT IS UNDER THREAT maintenance, are key factors for biological diversi- ty. To continue to ensure the diverse functions of Due to its climatic and topographic conditions, Aus- these areas in the future, it is crucial for us to find tria has great biodiversity and, compared to others, the right balance between “protecting and using”. it is even one of the most species-rich countries in Agricultural management is unable to deliver sup- Central Europe. Austria’s regionally adapted agri- ply security unless it is adapted to the location and cultural production also contributes to a vast genetic resource-efficient. According to the agricultural diversity of ecotypes, varieties and breeds. To pre- structure survey “Grüner Bericht 2013”, 56% of the serve this very diversity has become the object of grassland in Austria is used extensively, which is an numerous political programmes and projects. Over above-average proportion compared to other coun- the past years, these increased nature conservation tries. and species protection efforts have helped to slow According to the Red Lists for selected animal spe- down species loss in several areas. In other areas of cies groups in Austria, 37% of mammals, 36% of biodiversity, however, a trend reversal has yet to be birds, 64% of reptiles, 60% of amphibians and 60% achieved. of fish are assigned to a category threatened by Besides climate change and the spreading of alien extinction. Where fern and flowering plants are invasive species and the usage of fertilizers and concerned, 40% were under threat around 15 years pesticides, the major threats to biodiversity include ago. Of the 488 biotope types that occur in Austria, 1 many of which were created by the use and farming European Commission (2011): Communication from the methods applied by mankind, 246 are considered Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the threatened or highly threatened and 33 are threat- Regions. Our life insurance, our natural capital: an EU biodiversity ened with complete extinction. Five biotope types strategy to 2020. Brussels, 3 Mai 2011, COM(2011) 244 final 2 3 --- 6 ---
4 are already extinct. According to Article 17 in the 2013 report, 17% of the target features (in accord- ance with the Habitats Directive) in the Alpine and 5% of the target features in the Continental region 5 are in a favourable condition of preservation. SUCCESSFUL BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION – EXAMPLES The entire area of land protected under various na- ture conservation laws is 27% of the territory of To raise public awareness, campaigns are carried 6 Austria. Of this area, 16% of the state territory is out both by public institutions and NGOs , infor- designated as Natura 2000 area, national park or mation material is developed, visiting centres estab- nature conservation area and thus strictly protected. lished, guided tours offered and a variety of media Almost 11% are less strictly protected sites such as employed. The campaign “vielfaltleben” was very landscape conservation areas. successful in conducting conservation projects and Projects to improve the ecological situation are also projects for raising public awareness. A biodi- carried out by public and private organisations, versity municipality network was established. One many of which are co-funded by the European Un- part of the project “Nationalparks Austria Öffen- ion. The Austrian Agri-environmental Programme tlichkeitsarbeit 2012-2014” involved a number of (ÖPUL) and the ecological forestry measures effective public relations activities. The purpose of (WUM) help to promote agricultural and forest these nationwide information campaigns in Austria management activities that are environmentally was to raise the awareness level and the significance friendly, extensive and protective of natural habi- of biodiversity. tats. These measures therefore contribute substan- A large number of specific nature conservation tially towards reaching the agricultural biodiversity measures were carried out, among them activities targets. In the European Union, Austria is a pioneer for endangered plant and animal species, such as the in organic farming. By promoting rare crop varieties sand iris, the freshwater pearl mussel, birds of prey, and plant varieties for organic farming, measures butterflies and beetles. Swamps and bodies of flow- are taken to improve genetic diversity in agriculture. ing water were restored; meadows and woodlands For ecological, health policy-related and socio- were ecologically enhanced by extensive manage- economic reasons, Austria does without cultivating ment. Nesting, breeding and spawning sites were genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agricul- created for birds and amphibians. tural crops. The conservation and enhancement of biological diversity is promoted by sustainable for- THE FRAMEWORK CONDITIONS FOR THE est management. For example, small-scale struc- BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY AUSTRIA 2020+ tured utilisation in small-structured wooded areas is able to create a mosaic of habitats. For restoring The biodiversity strategy Austria 2020+ is embed- habitats in Austria, Austria made particular use of ded in a variety of legal and political framework subsidies from the EU environmental funding conditions. The most essential legal foundations at framework “L’instrument Financier pour an international and EU level are formed by the l’Environnement” (LIFE). Convention on Biological Diversity, the Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive, the Water Framework Directive and the new regulation on Invasive Alien Species. At a national level, the na- ture conservation laws adopted by the Federal Prov- inces are significant, which are complemented by further legal standards of the Federal Provinces, 4 10th Environment Control Report. Umweltsituation in Österreich. such as regulations on species protection and pro- REP-0410, Environment Agency Austria, Vienna tected areas. Of relevance for biological diversity is 5 Environment Agency Austria (2013): Drafting of the Austrian also the National Parks Strategy. Moreover, legal Report pursuant to Article 17 of the Habitats Directive, reporting period 2007-2013. Report commissioned by the Liaison Office of 6 the Federal Provinces, Vienna. Non-governmental organisation --- 7 ---
regulations such as the Austrian Forest Act and Vision and objective of the EU Biodiversity regulations relating to other sectors that have a sig- Strategy to 2020 nificant impact on land use, such as spatial plan- ning, traffic planning, water management, hunting 2050 vision and fishing, are of further significance. Also, the relevant protocols of the Alpine Convention, the By 2050, European Union biodiversity and the Berne, Bonn and the Ramsar Convention, as well as ecosystem services it provides – its natural capi- environment-related criminal law and the Aarhus tal – are protected, valued and appropriately re- Convention constitute further important framework stored for biodiversity’s intrinsic value and for conditions. The EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020, the their essential contribution to human wellbeing strategies of the Federal Government and the Feder- and economic prosperity, and so that catastrophic al Provinces on various topics define fundamental changes caused by the loss of biodiversity are political objectives and intentions. Also relevant to avoided. biological diversity are the strategies and planning concepts of other sectors, for example Austria’s 2020 headline target Energy Strategy, the National Action Plan on Plant Halting the loss of biodiversity and the degrada- Production Products (= pesticides), the Austrian tion of ecosystem services in the European Union Tourism Strategy, the Austrian Spatial Develop- by 2020, and restoring them in so far as feasible, ment Concept, the Austrian Traffic Master Plan or while stepping up the European Union‘s contri- plans at a regional level, such as regional develop- bution to averting global biodiversity loss. ment programmes or zoning plans. We can conclude by pointing out that almost every- European Commission (2011): Communication from the thing people do and, consequently, practically all Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the legal rules and regulations may have an impact on Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the conservation and development of biological the Regions. Our life insurance, our natural capital: an diversity. The protection of biological diversity EU biodiversity strategy to 2020. Brussels, May 3, 2011, helps to secure the business location Austria and COM(2011) 244 final. should continue to do so in the future. In many are- as, it is therefore crucial to develop holistic solution strategies by involving all societal stakeholders. --- 8 ---
FIELD OF ACTION – KNOWING AND ACKNOWLEDGING BIODIVERSITY TARGET 1: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF --- Establishment of cross-sector platforms, e.g. BIODIVERSITY IS ACKNOWLEDGED BY SOCIETY “Biodiversity and Health”, “Business and Bio- diversity” --- The appreciation of biodiversity in society --- Improvement of the knowledge transfer be- has increased (2020). tween academia and society, in particular deci- --- More partners from a variety of sectors and a sion-makers in business, multipliers and profes- higher share of the general public support the sional groups that specifically benefit from na- conservation and development of biological ture, owners of gardens and persons seeking diversity. recreation --- An increased participation of the involved --- Adaption of syllabuses across all educational public in biodiversity-related projects has levels with a view to understanding biodiversi- been achieved. ty, its dynamics and universal value, the concept of ecosystem services as well as action options BACKGROUND for the conservation of biodiversity Responsibility for the conservation of biodiversity --- Expansion of the available services in adult is only taken if knowledge about species, ecosys- education, e.g., LFI (Rural tems and the complex ways in which they interact is Education Institute) and NGOs, in particular al- available. Moreover, the knowledge of the extent to so further training and consultation events for which personal and political decisions may have an farmers, foresters and consultants effect on biodiversity is equally essential. It is cru- --- Further development of the available services of cial to integrate biodiversity concerns in all of the public media (ORF, Austrian Broadcasting) in relevant specialised planning activities or strategies the context of their educational mandate (e.g. tourism strategy, energy strategy, infrastructure --- Increased use of social media, for example Fa- projects, spatial planning). cebook, Twitter, blogs, apps, to reach young people MEASURES --- Raising the awareness of conserving biodiversi- --- Target group-oriented development of public ty in sites that serve as exemplary models in relation activities, e.g. requirements for the public spaces (municipalities, cities, public fa- practical implementation of the EU directives cilities) on wildlife and nature conservation, the signifi- cance of ecosystems and their services, the in- terrelations between consumer behaviour and biodiversity as well as between land manage- ment and biodiversity, particularly also directed at land owners and holders of rights to use land --- Continuation and development of nationwide and specific campaigns in Austria, e.g. viel- faltleben, National Parks Austria,, “Natur im Garten” (“Nature in the garden”), “Biodiversität in der Stadt” (“Biodiversity in Cities”), --- 9 ---
Evaluation parameters: TARGET 2: BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH AND MONITORING ACTIVITIES ARE EXTENDED --- Activities to promote biodiversity (MOBI B1) --- Knowledge of biology and the ecology of --- Number of positive media reports on bio- species and habitats as well as of taxonomy diversity and nature conservation (clippings) has increased (2020+). --- Number of partners involved in the viel- --- Knowledge of the interrelations between hu- faltleben campaign man activities and biodiversity has improved --- Acknowledgement of the significance of bio- (2020+). diversity values by society as well as by spe- --- Data on status and trends of species, their ge- cific biodiversity-related sectors (nationwide, netic diversity and habitats, as well as influ- representative and/or sector-based surveys) encing factors and conservation measures, --- Analysis of viewer ratings of relevant televi- are available (2019, 2020+). sion programmes (Austrian Broadcasting --- Insights and data are taken into account in Corporation ORF and other broadcasters) political decisions. --- Accesses/ratings in selected biodiversity- related social media (“likes”) e.g. National Parks Austria BACKGROUND --- Knowledge transfer in biology classes in A well-founded scientific basis on the ongoing chal- compulsory education (measurement catego- lenges, be it the effects of land use changes on eco- ry: lessons) system services and biodiversity, or climate change --- Field trips of school clas- and biodiversity, is a further essential basis that ses/companies/institutions to national parks, enables us to assess the dangers and risks for biodi- nature parks and other nature reserves versity and develop the appropriate measures. The --- Number of established communication and Austrian Council for Research and Technology networking platforms focused on the topic of Development recommends setting overarching pri- biodiversity orities across all departmental responsibilities for --- Amount of funds spent on awareness-raising selected key issues that have a societal or strategic measures focusing on biodiversity in subsi- significance for Austria. Biodiversity research is a dised areas (e.g. Rural Development - LE, perfect example of the need for taking a cross-sector European Territorial Cooperation - ETZ, approach and lends itself as a “Federal Government- LIFE) Federal Province-Cooperation Project”. --- Number of newly established biodiversity Biodiversity monitoring is required to track changes sites in public spaces in the status of biological diversity. Based on the data from existing and also especially created moni- toring projects and further activities (e.g. biotope Implementation stakeholders7: Provincial gov- mapping) to record species and habitats, reports are ernments, BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education created, for example as set out under Article 17 of and Research), BMLFUW (Federal Ministry of the Habitats Directive and Article 12 of the Birds Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Directive. Management) Technological advancements and innovations are Further stakeholders: Education and further edu- regarded as a requirement for securing quality of cation and training institutions (Universities, Uni- life and prosperity for future generations. The much versities of applied sciences, adult education cen- needed intensification of research and development tres, schools), ASFINAG, BFW (Austrian Research activities for new technologies and their implemen- Centre for Forests), BMWFW (Federal Ministry of tation in Austria and abroad must include possible Science, Research and Economy), botanical and effects on biological diversity. zoological gardens, EVUs (energy supply compa- nies), LFIs (Rural Education Institute), museums of MEASURES natural history, nature conservation academies, --- Commitment to organismic and ecosystemic ÖBB (Austrian Federal Railways), cities and munic- biodiversity research, as well as solution- ipalities and NGOs oriented, transdisciplinary research in national research programmes, particularly on the factors 7 Implementation stakeholders are listed alphabetically in the affecting biodiversity German version. --- 10 ---
--- Assessment of dangers and risks as well as op- --- Development of methods to integrate biodiver- portunities to control the factors influencing bi- sity effects into life cycle analysis (life cycle as- odiversity and, derived from these, the devel- sessment methods) streamlined with the rele- opment of options for action in view of protec- vant international developments tive measures (including preservation of evi- --- Review of existing biodiversity-related monitor- dence/success monitoring) ing programmes in view of their significance to --- Promotion of open-access publications in ac- climate change adaptation 8 cordance with the Berlin Declaration --- Horizon scanning of developments and risk --- Assessment and regular monitoring, primarily factors for biodiversity, e.g. scenarios and fore- of target features as defined under European cast model developments Union legislation (pursuant to the Habitats Di- --- Establishment of new concepts to assess biodi- rective and Birds Directive), as well as further versity with participation of the public (e.g. citi- expansion and harmonisation of the existing da- zen science with smartphone apps) and farmers ta management structures for the assessment, (e.g. active inclusion of farmers and foresters in management and evaluation of relevant infor- biodiversity monitoring projects) in cooperation mation, e.g. for reporting pursuant to Article 17 with experts who assist with the assessment of the Habitats Directive and Article 12 of the --- Assessment of soil biodiversity and its ecosys- Birds Directive and for other mandatory report- tem services ing requirements, e.g. CBD, Ramsar and Alpine Convention Evaluation parameters: --- Creating updates of selected Red Lists for Aus- --- Number of reports and peer-reviewed10 tria and at the level of the Federal Provinces, publications on biodiversity research with development of new Red Lists for selected the participation of national institutions groups of species with high indicator value or --- Reduction of the number of protected tar- high relevance to ecosystem services get features of Community interest, which --- Expansion of extensive biotope mapping activities are currently still categorised as “un- --- Continuation of the work on the development of known” (for EU reporting obligations) a nationwide land use survey (in accordance --- Area covered by the current biotope map- with the land information system Austria/LISA ping standards) which was launched in the context of --- Number/participants of biodiversity-related the Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning further education, training and consultation --- Expansion of education and training options in events for farmers and foresters and other the field of biodiversity research, basic research stakeholders in taxonomy, as well as taxonomic-systematic knowledge transfer in teacher training pro- grammes and science education at universities, Implementation stakeholders: Provincial govern- universities of applied sciences and extramural ments, BMWFW (Federal Ministry of Science, institutions Research and Economy) --- Promotion of scientific collections, taking into Further stakeholders: AGES (Austrian Agency for account innovative developments and advanced Health and Food Safety), extramural research insti- technologies and networking activities of data tutions, BFW (Austrian Research Centre for For- providers (e.g. Global Biodiversity Information ests), BMG (Federal Ministry of Health) (GMO Facility – GBIF, Biofresh, Austrian Barcoding research), BMLFUW (Federal Ministry of Agricul- 9 of Life – ABOL) ture, Forestry, Environment and Water Manage- ment), BMVIT (Federal Ministry of Transport, 8 The Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Innovation and Technology), Universities of applied Sciences and Humanities aims at promoting the Internet as an in- sciences, natural history collections, LKÖ (Austrian strument to distribute scientific knowledge. These possibilities of Agricultural Chamber), LFBÖ (Austrian farming knowledge dissemination via the Internet have to be promoted according to the principle of open access (Open Access Paradigm). and forestry association), ÖAW (Austrian Academy of Sciences), nature reserve administrations, Envi- _07-2006.pdf. ronment Agency Austria, Universities and NGOs A further development is the Declaration of San Francisco on Re- search Assessment, which promotes the use of primary data. This, too, was undersigned by Austrian research institutions. 10 Scholarly work is checked by a group of independent experts in 9, ABOL: Austrian Barcode of Life the same field. --- 11 ---
FIELD OF ACTION – SUSTAINABLE USE OF BIODIVERSITY TARGET 3: AGRICULTURE AND ally, of which a little more than half is grassland and FORESTRY SUPPORT CONSERVATION AND meadows. The remaining part is managed arable IMPROVEMENT OF BIODIVERSITY land. The safeguarding of a dynamic rural area and the preservation of its diverse tasks and functions --- Increase of areas with biodiversity-related for society must also be ensured in the future. Al- agri-environmental measures (2020). most half of the national territory is covered by --- The conservation status of the habitats and woodland, the majority of which is also used for species that depend on or are affected by ag- silvicultural purposes. Of central significance is also ricultural and forest management is measura- spatial planning along with its planning require- bly improved on the basis of the 2010 refer- ments for settlement and traffic development. Inten- ence scenario (2020). sive farming practices that rely on the excess use of --- Improvement of the Farmland Bird Index de- fertilisers and pesticides affect biodiversity and the 11 velopment (2020) . associated ecosystem services adversely, as does --- Total amount of rare livestock breeds is sta- abandoning utilisation altogether. Agricultural and ble to slightly rising; the number of bee colo- forestry utilisation is subject to regionally differing nies has increased to 400,000 (2020). framework conditions and therefore requires locally --- The amount of dead wood and old growth, adapted biodiversity evaluation and promotion con- particularly in the previously low-appointed cepts. natural areas of the Alpenvorland, Of particular significance to agriculture and, to a Mühlviertel and Waldviertel and in the east- lesser extent, to forestry is the orientation of the ern parts with warm summers, has increased Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the Europe- (2020+). an Union. Its impact varies and also depends on the --- Traditional knowledge is preserved (2020). specific orientation of its targets. With its measures, the Austrian Agri-environmental Programme BACKGROUND (ÖPUL) contributes directly and indirectly towards The method and intensity of agricultural and silvi- conserving biodiversity, for example, by enabling cultural utilisation is crucial to the presence and the adaptation of modern land use to the needs of status of numerous species and habitats in the cul- species and habitats. The documentation of land- 12 tural landscape. A high share of semi-natural areas scape features provides important information (e.g. set-aside land) within agricultural area is a about structural diversity in the cultural landscape. decisive factor for the improvement and mainte- The challenge of the future will be to reconcile the nance of biodiversity. It is essential, in this respect, conservation and promotion of biodiversity and to take account of the economic and social frame- sustainable food security. work conditions that have a strong impact on farm- ing and forestry practices and are also particularly affected by trade and the processing industry. Many types of biotopes currently regarded as valuable in terms of nature conservation were specifically also created by traditional farming and forestry practic- es; many animal and plant species as well as habi- tats depend on the continuation of extensive use. More than 80% of Austria’s national territory is cultural landscape. About a third is used agricultur- 11 12 To achieve a turn-around in trends in the Farmland Bird Index it AMA survey of landscape features: trees/bushes; will also require measures in other sectors. hedgerows/riparian woodlands; ditches; copses, etc. --- 12 ---
Due to the high forest cover, the forest’s signifi- --- Conservation of crop varieties in-situ, on-farm cance for the conservation of indigenous species (in agricultural holdings) as well as ex-situ (in and habitat diversity is considerable. Forest biodi- collections like botanical gardens, gene banks) versity, however, frequently falls victim to a variety --- Conservation of arable plant species on fields of conflicting societal and economic priorities and --- Maintenance of the free exchange of seeds of claims on the forests. To secure the utility, protec- rare varieties tion, welfare and recreational function of the for- --- Raising public awareness about the significance 13 est in the long term, intact forest ecosystems are of traditional methods of using biological diver- required. Sufficiently large zones for process pro- sity and the associated cultural diversity in Aus- tection serve the conservation of species and com- tria, as well as promotion of local know-how munities which require unrestricted, natural forest about traditional cultural species and genetic di- 14 processes. versity (varieties, eco-types, their significance The conservation of biological diversity is closely to the regional culture) associated with traditional knowledge and customs, --- Continuation of national dialogues in agricul- particularly so in the Alpine country of Austria. ture and forestry, particularly on the implemen- Austria has committed itself to preserving tation of the EU standards (e.g. “Seed Dialogue”, knowledge and practices of interacting with nature. “Forest Dialogue”, Natura 2000 Platform) --- Implementation of effective measures to safe- MEASURES guard honey bees and wild bees --- Development and implementation of measures --- Implementation of measures in the context of to ensure a “favourable conservation status” for the Austrian Forest Ecology Programme target features as defined in the Habitat Di- (ÖWÖP), in particular via the Rural Develop- rective relating to agricultural landscapes and ment Programme 2014-2020 woodlands, such as e.g. interdisciplinary, prac- --- Creation of incentives in rural development tical management guidelines developed by tak- 2014-2020 to raise the share of old growth and ing a participative approach dead wood, particularly for woodlands with a --- Effective use of available funding for the single- lower share of dead wood, in accordance with area payment scheme as well as project subsidi- professional criteria sation to protect biodiversity in the Rural De- --- Transformation and transfer of forest stands that velopment Programme are far from their natural state and increase of --- Establishment of 5% ecological priority sites the share of tree species of potentially natural (e.g. flowering strips), so that biodiversity- forest communities adapted to climate change related ecosystem services, networking and --- Increase of unmanaged wilderness areas in na- stepping stone functions are optimised by agri- tional parks (in particular forests) as defined in environmental measures the Austrian National Park Strategy and in ac- --- Conservation of permanent grasslands, particu- cordance with the recommendations given by larly of extensively farmed land, as well as fur- the National Park Austria Advisory Board, as ther sites of high conservation value. Mainte- well as the identification and review of the es- nance of the current proportion of high-nature tablishment of further areas suitable for process value (HNV) areas as well as preservation of protection in the context of the nature reserve cultural landscapes to promote biodiversity by concepts by means of conservation management ÖPUL measures agreements --- Maintenance of the specific support of agricul- --- Assessment, conservation and sustainable de- tural holdings to maintain biodiversity, particu- velopment of semi-natural forest stands in the larly in disadvantaged areas framework of appropriate support programmes --- Conservation and expansion of regionally after reconciliation of interests and by adding to adapted livestock breeds in-situ, on-farm (in ag- the network of natural forest reserves any suffi- ricultural holdings) as well as ex-situ, including ciently sized forest communities not yet includ- honey bees ed and taking into account old growth stands with a long-standing habitat tradition, irrespec- tive of the forest community 13 Forestry Act 1975 (Federal Law Gazette 440/1975) as amended --- Review of the options to implement the Wood- 14 In terms of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020 (Target 2, land Bird Index Target 3) --- Expansion of organic farming --- 13 ---
Evaluation parameters: TARGET 4: GAME AND FISH STOCKS ARE ADAPTED TO NATURAL ENVIRONMENT --- Area with biodiversity-related agri- CONDITIONS environmental measures --- Amount of expenditure for biodiversity- --- The Forestry-Hunting Dialogue continues related measures as part of the Agri- (2014). environmental Programme --- Population size and structure of hoofed game --- Fruit variety diversity (MOBI G5) are optimally adapted to the respective natu- --- Naturalness of tree species composition ral habitat conditions (2020+). (MOBI W1) --- Game impact situation has improved (2020+). --- Dead wood (MOBI W2) --- Public acceptance of predatory animals has --- Biodiversity Index Forest improved (2020+). --- Conservation status of species and habitat --- Conservation status of Habitat Directive fish types in the Habitats Directive (Art. 17 Re- species and aquatic habitat types has im- port) as well as status of bird species in agri- proved by 50% or 100%, respectively; threat cultural landscapes and forests in the Birds status of at least 15% of fish species has im- Directive (Art. 12 Report) proved (2020+). --- Threat status of selected species groups and --- Good condition and/or good ecological po- biotope types in agricultural landscapes and tential as defined in the Water Framework forests (Red List) Directive has been achieved by 2015 or --- Farmland Bird Index 2021/2027, respectively. --- Number and area of natural forest reserves --- The fishing industry is sustainable (2020+). --- Livestock breeds considered worthy of con- serving (MOBI G6) --- Species and variety diversity in agricultural production in Austria --- Number of bee colonies --- Area and share of forests with superordinate biodiversity conservation objective through active measures (pursuant to the MCPFE As- sessment Guidelines, Categories 1.3) --- Number of biodiversity-relevant and agricul- ture and forestry-related Austrian traditions in the list of the Convention on the Safe- guarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage BACKGROUND Hunting manages game stocks and, consequently, Implementation stakeholders: Provincial govern- their ecosystems. Hunting management potentially ments, BMLFUW (Federal Ministry of Agriculture, leads to conflicts with other groups of land users, Forestry, Environment and Water Management) for example, in the forestry, farming, traffic and Further stakeholders: AGES (Austrian Agency for settlement, tourism and nature conservation sectors. Health and Food Safety), BFW (Austrian Research The way wildlife management is undertaken is cru- Centre for Forests), botanical and zoological gar- cial to the conservation of biodiversity. In many dens, regional hunting associations, Land&Forst parts of the Austrian forests, the game impact situa- Betriebe (farming and forestry association), LFIs tion shows no signs of significant improvement in (Rural Education Institute), agricultural chambers, the near future. If damage caused by wildlife (graz- Austrian Forests (ÖBf AG), nature reserve admin- ing) prevents the natural regeneration of forest istrations, cities and municipalities, Universities, stands, this can lead to a reduction in forest biodi- Austrian Economic Chamber as well as Arche Noah versity, for example, by a decline in the number of and further NGOs mixed tree species (Austrian Game Impact Monitor- ing, WEM; Austrian Forest Inventory, ÖWI). A common basis of understanding is of fundamental significance if biodiversity conservation measures are to be implemented successfully. Firstly, the Austrian Forest Dialogue deals with game-related --- 14 ---
issues and, secondly, the Austrian Forest-Hunting- --- Consideration of nationwide and regional game Dialogue was launched in 2012. The “Principles, corridors, migration axes and obstacles in local Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Hunting” and regional spatial planning were developed in a participatory process and are --- Coordination of required wildlife control meth- generally intended to provide a fundamental basis. ods across hunting grounds as well as habitat In 2012, the representatives of the provincial hunt- improvement measures ing and forestry associations signed the “Mariazell --- Continuation of the Austrian Game Impact Declaration” which, among other things, seeks to Monitoring (WEM) and the surveys on forest ensure that the regeneration of tree species typical regeneration and grazing conducted by the Aus- of the site is generally possible according to the trian Forest Inventory (ÖWI) 15 natural potential. --- Targeted management of hoofed game popula- Large predators may play a role in the management tions to maintain and improve forest biodiversi- of hoofed game populations/wildlife damage prob- ty lems (grazing), as they have an impact on distribu- --- Coordination of the contents of training pro- tion and size of the hoofed game populations. By grammes for hunting and forestry, particularly damage prevention measures (herd protection) and with a view to game impact and evaluation and adequate damage compensation, the acceptance of the development of resulting holistic measures large predator animals can be raised. --- Creation and implementation of concerted man- Fish fauna in Austria is specifically affected by agement plans for predatory animals (bears, interruptions in the water continuum due to migra- wolves, lynxes, bird of prey) to be implemented tion obstacles, such as power plants, dams, flood across Austria in cooperation with stakeholders; protection measures, shipping, abstraction of water these shall also include measures for the recon- (e.g. for irrigation purposes), changes in the dis- ciliation of interests including damage preven- charge regime, water level fluctuations, bank rein- tion (e.g. herd protection) and public relations, forcement, water use (e.g. tourism) and, to a lesser as well as regulations for damage compensation degree, pollution due to wastewater (including sub- issues stances with hormonal effects). Locally, there is the --- Improvement of morphology, hydrology and the possibility of financial loss due to fish predators ecological status of water bodies in the context (e.g. in fish ponds). According to the Red List, 65% of the implementation of the Water Framework of indigenous fish species are listed in a threatened Directive (WRRL) requirements category. Fishing, which in Austria is primarily --- Establishment of functioning fish ladders in significant in the form of recreational fishing, af- accordance with the requirements specified in fects the species spectrum of the aquatic biocoeno- the National Water Management Plan, inspec- sis typical of the water body by fish stocking and tion of existing fish ladders and, where neces- fish removals. sary, their improvement, fish protection facili- ties at hydroelectric power plants as well as the MEASURES use of fish-friendly turbine types in the context --- Cross-sector coordination of hunting activities of the implementation of the WRRL require- with agriculture and forestry sectors, traffic, set- ments tlement and recreation use, tourism, as well as --- Definition and control of maximum stocking nature conservation and spatial planning rates and/or limitation to certain fish species --- Continuation of the Forestry and Hunting Dia- typical of the site logue and intensified communication of the --- Ban on the release of invasive alien fish, fresh- Mariazell Declaration to all those who make use water crayfish and mussel species of the natural environment --- Reintroduction of extinct populations of indige- --- Increased consideration of the sustainable hunt- nous fish, freshwater crayfish and mussels on ing criteria the basis of site inspections and according to na- --- Review of the introduction of game-ecological ture conservation considerations and taking into 16 spatial planning tools across all federal provinc- account the IUCN criteria as well as increased es and coordination of nationwide population production of autochthonous fish for stocking control requirements purposes to support weakened populations 16 15 009.pdf --- 15 ---
--- Development of criteria and indicators for sus- TARGET 5: TOURISM AND LEISURE ACTIVITIES tainable fishing and aquaculture ARE IN LINE WITH BIODIVERSITY OBJECTIVES --- Continuation of the dialogue platform “Infor- mation Meeting for EU Fisheries Affairs and --- Biodiversity objectives are incorporated into Aquaculture” (IFA) tourism policies and guidelines (2020+). --- Periodic creation of management plans for lakes --- Cooperation projects between tourism and with regard to sustainable use of stocks nature conservation are enhanced (2020). --- Keeping of annual statistics on fish caught and fish stocked BACKGROUND --- Implementation and requirements of the Aqua- Biological diversity is of great significance to tour- culture Council Directive as amended ism and leisure activities. A pristine natural envi- (2006/88/EC) and the Austrian Strategy on the ronment and landscape is an important competitive Promotion of National Fish Production (Aqua- advantage and a basic requirement for tourism. culture 2020) taking into account the ecological Many of the zones with the greatest tourism intensi- requirements ty are located in Alpine regions and conservation areas. Particularly in centres of mass tourism, as Evaluation parameters: well as in ecologically sensitive natural environ- --- Game impact on forest regeneration ments, there may be an excess use of natural re- (WEM and ÖWI) sources, which could have adverse effects on biodi- --- Status and trends of fish species (Red List) versity, both within and outside of the protected --- Number of legal proceedings relating to Sec- areas. Extensive surfaces are sealed by the construc- tion16 (5) Forest Act (“Destruction of forest tion of tourism infrastructure facilities (e.g. hotels, caused by game”) car parks, ponds for making artificial snow) or are --- Hoofed game damage (ÖWI) homogenised by tourism-related measures (e.g. --- Status and trends of predator animals (Red levelling of skiing slopes). Leisure activities may List, Habitats Directive) lead to the disturbance of species, for example dur- --- Acceptance of predators in the public (repre- ing breeding, foraging or hibernation periods. In sentative survey) addition, such activities are associated with the --- Ecological status of bodies of flowing water construction or expansion of infrastructure and lakes (in accordance with WRRL) measures. It is therefore essential that tourism and --- Share of fish produced according to sustaina- leisure activities be controlled, and that particular ble principles in Austria compared to total attention be given to ecologically sensitive areas. In fish consumption in Austria the guidelines on environmental labels for the tour- ism and leisure industries, biodiversity criteria were included. Implementation stakeholders: Provincial govern- ments, BMLFUW (Federal Ministry of Agriculture, MEASURES Forestry, Environment and Water Management) --- Participative establishment of boundaries for Further stakeholders: BFW (Austrian Research tourism infrastructure in accordance with the Centre for Forests), Federal Office for Water Man- natural landscape and climate based on region- agement, energy industry, fishery associations, fish ally differentiated biodiversity guidelines and breeders, municipalities, trade and industry, hunting the adaptation of expansion projects to suit the- associations, agricultural chambers, Land&Forst se plans and, if necessary, review of restoration Betriebe (farming and forestry association), ÖBf options AG, nature reserve administrations, tourism associa- --- Reduction of further land consumption by tour- tions, Universities, water management sector and ism infrastructure measures NGOs --- Enhancement of visitor control measures inside and outside of conservation areas coordinated with land owners --- Intensification of collaborative efforts between nature conservation and tourism, specifically by nature reserve administrations, nature reserve supervisors and other regional stakeholders --- 16 ---
--- Implementation of the Alpine Convention tour- Evaluation parameters: ism protocol --- Number of businesses with the environ- --- Cooperation between tourism and transport and mental label for the tourism and leisure in- tour operators to develop environmentally dustry friendly mobility options (arrival, mobility at --- Number of businesses and/or projects with the destination) with the objective to reduce the cooperation activities between nature re- motorised private transport associated with tour- serve administrations, regional stakehold- ism ers and tourism --- Development of ecological attractions and areas --- Number of nature reserves as signatories of where people can experience nature, also in set- the European Charter for Sustainable Tour- tlement areas and local recreation areas ism (Europarc Federation), number of charter --- Assessment of ways to collect a biodiversity partners contribution for using semi-natural habitats for tourism and leisure activities on a voluntary ba- sis Implementation stakeholders: Provincial govern- --- Development and implementation of a nation- ments, tourism associations and cooperation pro- wide concept for tourism and nature conserva- jects tion, with designation of “quiet zones” modelled Further stakeholders: BMLFUW (Federal Minis- 17 on those in Tyrol try of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water --- Further development and evaluation of Management), BMWFW (Federal Ministry of Sci- measures to preserve the cultural landscape as ence, Research and Economy), Austrian Hotelier the basis for multi-functional tourism areas Association, Österreich Werbung, Austrian Eco- --- Evaluation of the tourism industry’s impact on nomic Chamber, CIPRA Austria, Alpine organisa- biodiversity tions and other NGOs 17 http://www.tiroler- --- 17 ---
FIELD OF ACTION – REDUCING PRESSURES ON BIODIVERSITY TARGET 6: ENERGY SUPPLY IS generation fuels, none of which are currently ex- BIODIVERSITY-FRIENDLY pected to reach a noticeable market share before 2020. --- Suitability or exclusion areas for wind power Light pollution refers to adverse effects of night- are defined across Austria (2020). time lighting – an issue which is gaining signifi- --- Renewable energy from biomass is increas- cance among conservationists. Reproduction, de- ingly also generated from waste and by- velopment, foraging, predator-prey relationships, products as far as is feasible; exclusively eco- migration behaviour or the activity radius of multi- logical use of hydropower at suitable loca- ple insects, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, crayfish 19 tions and adapted to ecological requirements and mammals are affected by artificial light. Be- (2020+). sides a number of synergy effects (e.g. energy sav- --- Lighting facilities are converted to suit biodi- ing and climate protection) there are also other as- versity requirements (2020). pects (e.g. human health, occupational safety, traffic safety) that need attention. BACKGROUND The provision, distribution and utilisation of energy MEASURES sources used in Austria may directly or indirectly --- Transparent consideration of public interests – (in some forms of energy e.g. through the emission in the case of new operations – regarding ener- of harmful substances or greenhouse gases) lead to gy production and biodiversity conservation at a changes and adverse effects on habitats and to spe- regional and local level cies endangerment. It is therefore important to avoid --- Planning and establishment of suitable expan- conflicting priorities in the environmental, energy sion locations by taking into account direct and and biodiversity policies and ensure that positive indirect as well as cumulative effects synergies are created. --- Revitalisation, modernisation and efficiency The generation and utilisation of Renewable Energy enhancement of existing hydroelectric power Sources generally opens up new possibilities for plants while simultaneously carrying out eco- environmentally friendly and climate-friendly ener- logical improvements to achieve a good ecolog- gy supply and for increased regional value creation, ical condition / potential but it may also lead to a conflict of objectives and --- Establishment of photovoltaic facilities, pri- intervention into ecosystems. Hydroelectric power marily on buildings and suitable open spaces plants lead to significant changes in water ecosys- but not in grassland tems; wind farms in conjunction with the necessary --- Promotion of measures to reduce energy con- infrastructure lead to changes in the landscape ap- sumption and to enhance energy efficiency in pearance and can create obstacles for birds and bats all stages of energy provision and utilisation in flight. Biomass crops must be grown in accord- --- Promotion of the cascading use of all cycles of ance with the production of foods and animal feed materials and strengthening of renewable re- (food-feed-fuel principle). In the European Union, sources from sustainable production sustainable criteria were agreed for the production --- Minimisation of light pollution, e.g. by provid- 18 of bio-fuels, including their cultivation. Work is ing biodiversity-friendly lighting systems with ongoing on the development of second- and third- energy-efficient and long-lasting lamps, reduc- tion of illumination periods and intensity by 18 Directive 2009#/28/EC, Article 17 to 19 and Directive 98/70/EC. half-night switching, motion detectors Austrian Fuels Ordinance 2012 (Federal Law Gazette II No. 398/2012): Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management on the quality of fuels and the sustainable use of biofuels. BMLFUW (2010): 19 Ordinance 250/2010 on agricultural outputs for biofuels. --- 18 ---
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