Page created by Tracy Figueroa



APPLICATION    TITLE                                   REQUESTS TO SPEAK   TIME        RIGHT OF REPLY       TIME
NO.                                                    IN OBJECTION        ALLOCATED   OR SPEAKERS IN       ALLOCATED

12/00353/FUL   SPLASHDOWN, Shenley Church End          Iain Sear           3 Mins      N. Jenkins (Agent)   Up to 9 Mins

                                                       Nick Hamp           3 Mins

                                                       Cllr A Dransfield   3 Mins

12/00186/FUL   Land to the rear of 9 Newport Road,     Cllr Reynolds       3 Mins      A Cornell (Agent)    Up to 6 Mins
               Hanslope                                (Hanslope Parish

                                                       Cllr A Geary        3 Mins

12/00698/FUL   Development Site at Portishead Drive,   Cllr S Burke        3 Mins      Mr S Barker          Up to 15 Mins
               Tattenhoe                                                               (Agent)
                                                       Cllr E Bald         3 Mins

                                                       James Harrison      3 Mins

                                                       Cliff Schraibman,   3 Mins

                                                       Joanna Hall         3 Mins

12/00848/FUL   1 St. James Close                       Cllr Reynolds       3 Mins      P Sawbridge          Up to 3 Mins
               Hanslope                                (Hanslope Parish                (Applicant)
               Milton Keynes                           Council)

12/00389/FUL   5 High Street, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes   Cllr D Hopkins        3 Mins   Mr S Petar and R   Up to 9 Mins
                                                            Andrew Mason,         3 Mins   (Agents)
                                                            (Chairman to Woburn
                                                            Sands Business and
                                                            Association)          3 Mins

                                                            Cllr J Jeffreys

12/00404/ADV   5 High Street, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes   Cllr D Hopkins        3 Mins   Mr S Petar and R   Up to 9 Mins
                                                            Andrew Mason          3 Mins   (Agents)

                                                            Cllr J Jeffreys       3 Mins

12/00450/CON   5 High Street, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes                                  Cllr D Hopkins     Up to 3 Mins

                                                                                           for refusal)

                                                                                           Mr. S Petar        Up to 3 Mins
                                                                                           (Recommended for


Attached are additional representations received following publication of the agenda:

REF             APPLICATION / LOCATION                             REPRESENTATION       PAGES

12/00353/FUL    Dolphin Splashdown                                 C Hewison            7
                Shenley Church End
                                                                   C Appleby            8

                                                                   P Lan                9

                                                                   R Madhotra           10

                                                                   C Dias               11

                                                                   M Byrne              11

                                                                   J Frances            12

                                                                   L Chestney           13

                                                                   S Findlay            13

                                                                   M Walls              14

                                                                   A O’Brien            14

                                                                   G Hawthorne          15

                                                                   J Main               16

                                                                   R Cole               17

V Walden                       17 – 18

C Eales-Johnson and M Maslin   18 – 19

S Reid                         19 – 20

P Ainsworth                    20

R Jones                        21

F Snnok                        21

H Slorach                      22

L Randall                      23

M Chircop                      24

C Malcolm                      24 – 25

W Lloyd and C Noakes           25 – 26

K Hobbs                        26 – 27

J Y Troiano                    27

P Nelson                       28

C Welch                        28 – 29

E Duffy                        29

‘Anna’                         30

S J Doherty                             31

                                                       Save Splashdown Action Group            32 – 51

                                                       Petition                                52 – 76

                                                       D Wood Frontier Estates                 77 – 85

12/00698/FUL   Development Site at Portishead Drive,   J Hall (Photographs to be referred to   86 – 91
               Tattenhoe.                              in speech to Committee)

From:        Hewison, Carol
Sent:        28 May 2012 11:51
To:          White, Brian; Williams, Chris (Councillor)
Cc:          Jury, Ruth; Dransfield, Andy
Subject:     Proposal to demolish the Dolphin splash down

Good morning

As a resident of Shenley church End I would like to raise my objections to the above proposal. The site was designated for leisure
usage and should be kept as such. There is a shortage of swimming pools on this side of the city and we should not loose such a
facility because of the mismanagement and incompetence of a private company. This is the year of the Olympics and we should be
looking at the how we provide sports facilities for today and the future.

We already have a large Sainsbury’s within a very short distance in the local centre and in Central Milton Keynes and the current
local store is not using all the space that it has acquired.

Shenley Church End is adjacent to the western flank development area so we know there will be a greater need for a good quality
leisure. We also have the new Extra care village.

I know from my frequent visits to the Dolphin leisure centre that most of the classes were fully booked and so were the classes for
swimming lessons. In a city where we are amongst the bottom 5% of getting children to learn to swim I think there is an important
life style issue that needs addressing.

A large Sainsbury’s could potentially have a detrimental impact on the local small shops.

I would urge you to give this matter serious consideration and prevent the demise of another leisure facility and what is claimed to
be a “world class city”

Carol Hewison

Carol Hewison

Shenley Church End

From: Chris Appleby
Sent: 28 May 2012 17:15
To: Jury, Ruth; Hoyle, Donald; Dransfield, Andy
Cc: Williams, Chris (Councillor); White, Brian
Subject: Dolphin Splashdown Re-development

Ladies and Gents

As a local resident and voter of Shenley Church End, I wish to highlight my opposition to the proposed re development of the
dolphin splashdown site.

I find the loss of a vital sports facility a completely unwelcome development that is inappropriate and apparently motivated by
income generation as opposed to good long term community planning.

It is clearly recognized that we have major issues with an unhealthy population and the loss of much needed facilities such as this
one will only make matters worse. Both my children learned to swim at the splashdown and now regularly travel to Buckingham to
use the swimming pool there due to the loss of the splashdown. I still find this bizarre that a small town such as Buckingham can
have a much needed facility run at a profit but Milton Keynes cannot.

I do not see the need for yet another supermarket there are dozens within easy reach within MK and there is even an existing
shopping site across the road which is being under utilized by the applicant.

To demolish a purpose made venue to make way for a supermarket is scandalous. There are plenty of brown field sites to develop
for shopping within Milton Keynes... surely not the only purpose made leisure swimming pool ?

I look forward to your responses and hope to have your support in declining the proposed planning permission.

Chris Appleby

From: Peter Lan
Sent: 28 May 2012 19:24
To: Undisclosed-Recipient: ;
Subject: Proposed redevelopment of Dolphin Splashdown, Shenley Church End
Importance: High

Dear Sir / Madam,

I do not normally spend my precious time writing emails I feel will simply fall on deaf ears.......

However, in this instance I feel I must vent my frustration at the proposal submitted by and on behalf of
Sainsbury’s to redevelop the Dolphin Splashdown Centre in Shenley Church End as a larger supermarket.

This is none other than preposterous given that the current Sainsbury’s store across the road has hardly been
open any time at all given the original 15 year lease on this building – in addition, should Sainsbury’s successfully
gain permission to redevelop the Dolphin Splashdown site who will ultimately have to meet their costs – “the
customer” of course!

Furthermore, what sensible planning committee would grant such a right given that there is a massive Sainsbury’s
no more than 5 or 10 minutes away in CMK – astounding to think this request is even gaining any time and
attention at all.

Finally, and even more poignantly, I have extremely fond memories of taking my daughter to “Splashdown” and
the incessant laughing and giggling this prompted in her – she’s a teenager now and not likely to want to splash
around like she did but what a shame to deprive the next wave (no pun indented!) of happy, smiling, laughing
kids and their parents of the opportunity to enjoy what was, and could be again with the RIGHT management this
time, a fantastic facility in the heart of our local community?

Please, I urge you, to be considerate of this and give your support in favour of opposing the planning application
from Frontier Estates and Sainsbury’s and instead look to offer this facility to a fresh management team who can
provide funds, experience and skills to refurbish it to more than exceed its original intended use.

Yours Sincerely,
Peter Lan Shenley Church End.
From: Ravi Madhotra
Sent: 28 May 2012 20:28
To: Williams, Chris (Councillor)
Cc: Jury, Ruth; Hoyle, Donald; Dransfield, Andy
Subject: Re- proposal to change leisure faciltiy into supermarket

Dear Mr Williams,

I am writing to express my concerns and register my opposition to the above mentioned proposal to bring in large Sainsbury at the
site of Dolphin splashdown swimming pool.

As you are aware a big Sainsbury supermarket is only 5 min drive to the Hub and we also have Morrison's supermarket within 5
min drive. A larger supermarket will adversely affect many small businesses in the area.

I am sure that you are aware about the issue of traffic congestion in this area because of Denbigh school and the preschool at
Leisure centre This proposal will add to a n existing significant problem in this area.

There is a growing concern nationally about childhood obesity and lack of physical activity of people particularly amongst children
which has obvious advserse impact on peoples' health and consequent burden on healthcare costs. SLC is not able very attractive
because of its very small gym and is currently struggling to cope with the demand. As this is a designated leisure area it should be
used as such and additional leisure faciltiy in the area will have a positive impact on the health and developement of children in the

I, like so many residents in the area, reject the proposal of bringing a large supermarket in Shenley Church End area.

I would like to be updated on the outcome of this process by the Developement control committee.

yours sincerely,

Dr Ravi Madhotra,
(Local resident)

From: c dias
Sent: 28 May 2012 22:00
To: Williams, Chris (Councillor); Jury, Ruth
Subject: Dolphin Splashdown

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to express my view on possible demolition of Dolphin Splashdown. I strongly support to have the redeveloped leisure
facility instead of another supermarket. We are in need of a pool to this area (Shenley Church End, Shenley Lodge, Two Mile Ash,
Laughton, Greatholm, etc). We have way too many supermarkets within 5-7 miles. Morrosons, Sainsbury mini &main, ASDA, M&S,
JohnLewis, Tescos), but there is hardly a place where we could take the kids for a swim within same distance.

Please could you include my view on decision making pole.

Many thanks

Chan Dias

I am writing to express my opposition to the demolishion of Dolphin Splashdown in Shenley Church End so that Sainsbury's may
build a bigger store. We do not need any more supermarkets locally with Morrisons, Asda and Tesco's already established and a
larger Sainsbury's nearby.

I cannot see how demolishing a swimming pool that was built originally using public money on land that has been allocated for
leisure facilties by Milton Keynes Council makes any sense in the current economic climate.. The local community, children and
adults could benefit from this community resource.

I hope my views will be taken into consideration on this matter.

Yours faithfully

Michelle Byrne

could be used by local people makes any sense in this economic climate. Splashdown was originally a council funded and run
leisure facility and as the land has been allocated for leisure facilities and it should stay this way.
Mr John Frances

Shenley Church End
Milton Keynes

30 May 2012


I wish to raise my objections to the proposed planning application submitted by Frontier Estates in conjunction with Sainsbury’s, to
demolish the Dolphin Splashdown Swimming pool (Barton Mill)

I feel the above application to demolish a totally viable swimming pool/ leisure facility and replace it with a supermarket is
detrimental to the residents of the area.

Sainsbury’s have only just developed and opened a supermarket across the road. Why do they need another development? If they
move what will happen to the supermarket they have just opened?

Why demolish a viable swimming pool and leisure facility that was, and is still viable asset to the local and wide wider community?
There are local people who used the swimming pool on a regular basis when it was open, I feel strongly it is more beneficial to
keep it as is a leisure facility and not deprive the local residents of a valued leisure facility

In a 3 square mile you have more supermarkets than i care to list but splash down is the only swimming pool to the west of the city
centre and should be kept as a swimming pool

I urge you to object to the proposed development

Yours truly

John Frances

I write to express my concern at the current proposals for the old Dolphin Splashdown.

Given the growth of this 'side' of MK and no other local leisure facilities it is my considered opinion that this is not in best interests of
the people/tax payers of Milton Keynes, especially as we already have Morrisons & Sainsburys in the nearby.

Also MK sadly lacks public pools/amenities, and not all of us can afford expensive monthly ones.
Linda Chestney

Furzton, but working daily in Shenley Church End.

I am writing to oppose the demolition of the Dolphin Splashdown in Shenley Church End and the proposed replacement with a
Sainsbury’s supermarket.

Having a leisure pool would be more beneficial to the community than another supermarket, of which there are numerous, within a
reasonable drive. Sainsbury’s have already taken over the Netto site, to the detriment of the local shops, and their supermarket in
CMK is one of the largest in the country. I am not against Sainsbury’s, but any retail outlet taking over this site when it could be
used as a leisure facility, preferably a swimming pool.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


Sandra Findlay

Great Holm

The application made by Sainsbury's to build a supermarket on the Dolphin Splashdown site does not make any obvious sense as
they have only recently opened a Sainbury's Local store across the road in the old Netto store. As the Sainbury's Local is not as big
as the Netto store was, the logic of them now wanting a big supermarket in the same locale is not clear. It could simply be a ploy to
keep out competition since rumours of a warehouse type store on the site have been in circulation for months.

As there are other potential users of the site who would retain it as a leisure facility and the site is designated for leisure use which
would benefit the area far more than yet another supermarket, I would ask that during your deliberations you consider what would
benefit the population most and I sure that you will conclude that another supermarket simply isn't the answer.


Mike Walls

I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed development of a Sainsbury supermarket on the site of the old Bourton
Mill/Dolphin Splashdown. Having lived on Shenley Church End for many years, I believe the closure of the leisure pool has been a
great loss to this community. It would have been much better for Shenley Leisure Centre to take over its running following the
disastrous mismanagement of Bourton Mill. It is my understanding that this was proposed by them but were not given sufficient
time to submit a proposal before the site was sold.

Milton Keynes needs a leisure pool on the western side for the ever expanding development and increasing population. Dolphin
Splashdown Pool provided a facility for the whole spectrum of society from young learner swimmers to older more infirm citizens
and the disabled. It remains the only pool which can be accessed by the disabled without going to specialist sessions at pools with
a hoist.

Sainsburys are currently only using a small part of the old Netto site at their Sainsburys local. Why are they not using the whole site
if they want to expand? A new supermarket on Bourton Mill site would be completely inappropriate in an area that has a large
secondary school, leisure centre, pre-school, medical centre, other outlets and much residential housing backing onto the site.
There would be increased traffic problems which would increase the current dangers for pedestrians and other users. There is the
new, large Sainsburys less than 5 minutes away by car, so another large store is quite unnecessary.

Milton Keynes Council should never have allowed Frontier Estates to leave the Bourton Mill site derelict and should not consent to
change of use to retail. It should remain a designated leisure facility for the whole community.

Anne O'Brien

Shenley Church End Resident

I have recently become aware of the fact that the former site of Dolphin Splashdown is to become a Sainsburys. There are several
factors of this proposal that shock and outrage me.

Firstly, being that there is no other 'fun' pool in Milton Keynes. The only other pool is located in Bletchley Leisure Centre. I now
have to drive to other towns, such as Bedford or Buckingham to visit a fun pool, where as before I only had to travel a short

Sainsburys have recently opened a brand new store in the city centre that is big enough to accomade the city at present. Over the
road from the proposed development there is a Sainsburys Local that has opened, with a reduced floor space than the former shop
that was on the site, if the proposed development goes ahead what will happen to the current shop seeing as it has a fifteen year
lease - will it remain empty?

There is also a new site proposed for the western expansion area, if Sainsburys really wanted to open a new store why waste a
perfectly good, and designated, leisure site and occupy the suggested site for the supermarket.

I have also heard that Shenley Leisure Centre enquired about gaining the property but the site was sold before any negotiations
could begin, why was this?

I feel really strongly about this matter and wish for the pool to reopen.

Yours Sincerely,
Glen Hawthorne

Milton Keynes,

I write in objection to proposals to demolish the Dolphin Splashdown and build a Sainsbury’s supermarket on the site.

I moved to Shenley Church End in 2003 with my wife and children. We fell in love with Milton Keynes and Shenley Church End very
quickly due to its layout and the facilities it offered. My oldest child learnt to swim at Bourton Mill (Dolphin Splashdown). I remember
when it closed down and I also remember being the first person to raise the alarm after I left Shenley Leisure Centre and saw
smoke coming from the roof; I ran back into the leisure centre and asked staff to call for the Fire Brigade.

I object to the planning proposals for the following reasons.

   ‐   Quite simply we do not need a large supermarket on the estate. The current Sainsbury’s in Shenley Church End suffices for
       the size of the area, considering other supermarkets within close proximity. Even if such an argument was valid the current
       Sainsburys is smaller than the Netto it replaced and I see adverts currently at the site for units to lease. As such it appears
       there is opportunity to expand the current store without taking over a leisure facility site.
   ‐   The site was a leisure facility and should remain as such. One thing I find Milton Keynes does lack is swimming pools. We
       have on occasion travelled all the way to Aylesbury for similar swimming pool facilities that were once on our doorstep. In
       contrast since we moved to Milton Keynes I know of 2 large supermarkets being built – Asda in Denbigh North and a new
       Sainsbury’s in the city centre.
   ‐   The proposals will have an adverse affect on current traffic problems in the area. There is already a traffic issue in the area
       at school drop off and pick up times, as I’m sure you will be aware. Increased traffic will increase the risk to school and
       preschool children at these busy times. Any suggestion that traffic will not be affected flies in the face of the clear wish of
       Sainsbury’s – to increase customer numbers and in turn, profit.
   ‐   The presence of a larger supermarket is likely to kill off smaller traders currently on the estate. Already it seems only a
       matter of time before the small convenience store/newsagent closes due to the current competition it faces with Sainsburys.

Although not grounds for objection I would also like to know of any other proposals that have been put forward for the site and of
any efforts to retain it by the council as a leisure facility.
I believe strongly that your role is to represent the community on the estate. I believe this is not a proposal the residents support
and I trust you will represent our wishes.

Thank you

John Main

Shenley Church End

Milton Keynes
Dear all,

As I am sure you now know very well, the pool and associated gym facilites in Shenley have been unused for a long time now and
unknown to many peple a developer has been allowed to buy this prime site that is now being designated as a supermarket.

WHICH COMPLETE SET OF IDIOTS has allowed that to happen?? Selling to Frontier Estates must have been engineered
especially as the details are only now appearing to those of us that live here.

There are more than enough supermarkets in the easy striking range of everybody in this great city, why on earth would we need

If the site was properly managed as in it's early life then there is no reason to allow a change of use. there are so few decent places
of this kind in MK.Reposess it give it a wash and brush up then return it to the use of the local community and especially the local
scools and leisure centre.

Indeed I would not be surprised if the local community would not step up to the mark to help if asked.

Too many bankrupt enterprises have been allowed to be sold to pirates, what about a referendum for the local area maybe that is
a good new idea!!

With concerned regards

Bob Cole
Shenly Church End resident and until it closed Dolphin user.

I live at Shenley Church End and yesterday I received a flyer through my door in regards to the proposed demolition of the Dolphin
Splashdown pool.

I have to say I did not realise there may still be time to save it and recently had a booklet from Sainsburys in regards to the new
store that I supported, however as I said I did not know that it wasn't a foregone conclusion that we couldn't save the pool.

I would like to say most strongly that if there is any chance to re-instate the Splashdown pool I would support that wholeheartedly.

As you say in your leaflet there is no such pool for miles around, only 'serious' normal pools

 We spent hours of fun in the Splashdown with the wave machines and flumes, music and the unique swimming area. There were
places for little ones to play and you could spend a great deal of time in there having fun, there was even a small restaurant. It was
a great loss when we lost it. I have friends now with children who have to go miles out of town to find a fun pool.

When the Bourton management took over, the first time I went there they said you could only go in if you were a member now and
that was to cost around £30/£40 per month, when I said I didin't want to pay all that every month for swimming they said you can
use the gym also, which was tiny, there was no single rate charge just to go in the pool and that was the kiss of death to the place
as no family can pay monthly charges that high just to go to a pool.

I would urge you to please try and stop the new Sainsbury's now if there is any chance we could have the pool back again as you
say in your leaflet we have a nice size Sainsbury's now already in the old Netto site and that is really good and we have larger ones
nearby if we need them.

If the pool was re-instated in the same way as the old one ie a fun pool with all that goes along with that then the area would be
really great for leisure activities with the Shenley Leisure Centre nearby, the two would compliment each other.

Thank you very much

Vivien Walden

Dear Sirs/Madam

We write with regard to the Frontier Estates / Sainsbury planning application to demolish the Dolphin Splashdown
Swimming Pool (Bourton Mill) in Shenley Church End Ref 12/00353/FUL.

The site was designated as being used for leisure purposes by Milton Keynes Council. This was an
excellent facility which we used regularly when it was open. There are no swimming pools in close vicinity and
we are sure that many people and children would use the pool if it re-opened. People are being told to
exercise regularly and swimming is one of the best exercises available.

Has the appropriate action been taken by the Council to change the use of the site from leisure to retail with
the developers marketing the site for 12 months as a swimming pool before change of use?

We cannot believe that Sainsbury proposing to open yet another store on the site of the Dolphin Splashdown is
necessary or required by most residents. There is a large Sainsbury Store within a 5 minute drive away and
we have the local Sainsbury shop which took over the old Netto store in Shenley Church End. In fact this
small store could be extended as it has not utilised the full size of the former Netto store.

The Council's comments would be welcome as to why it is not willing to allow the former Dolphin Splashdown
to be run as a swimming pool as we are sure other parties would be interested in opening this facility which is
sorely needed in Shenley Church End and the surrounding areas.

Yours faithfully

Czesia Eales-Johnson and Malcolm Maslin
Shenley Church End, Milton Keynes MK5

Dear Councillors

Unfortunately I cannot attend the MK Council Development Committee meeting on 31 May, but here are the concerns I have sent
to the ward councillors.

As a resident of Shenley Church End for over 20 years, I am concerned about the proposal to demolish what used to be Dolphin
Splashdown and replace it with a supermarket. I have several reservations about this plan.

       1.     What effect will this have on the existing local centre which has recently struggled to fill existing units? The existing
       Sainsburys is a welcome addition and could surely be expanded within its existing footprint, while there are plenty of larger
       supermarkets within 5 minutes of Shenley Church End. Is the quiet residential area of Shenley Church End the appropriate
       venue for a larger supermarket? I think not. Also will it result in vacant units in the local centre which is also undesirable.
       2.     I don’t think that Milton Keynes needs more supermarkets, but existing leisure centres are in much shorter supply. It
       seems a tragic waste to demolish an existing leisure facility in any case, but this could complement Shenley Leisure Centre
       and help boost fitness, reduce obesity in the area. My family were regular users of the old Dolphin Splashdown and I’m sure
       something similar would be much better for the local and wider community than another supermarket.
       3.     I would be interested to know if there has been any attempt by the existing owners to retain the site as a swimming
       pool, since this is what they purchased. It seems that this site is very different from their usual residential and commercial
       projects, which seem more similar to the new proposal. Have there been other parties interested in retaining the site as a
       leisure facility who should be given an opportunity to do so?

I look forward to hearing how such concerns are being addressed.

With best regards

Susan Reid

Shenley Church End

Dear Ruth (Jury) and Gentlemen

I am horrified that we at Shenley Church End may be having A Large Sainsbury's Super Store built on
the proposed sight where Splashdown used to be, I for one would rather have a really good Leisure facility including
the swimming pool, so that Young and Old from the surrounding areas could enjoy getting fit and healthy, also it would
encourage Teenagers to enjoy each others company there, instead of sitting in front of x-box games etc or getting up
to mischief , there could be a facility for perhaps weekly discos properly run with American style milk/coffee bar,perhaps
Tea Dances held fortnightly for people of a certain age, or am I just living in the past, we have enough superstores around as it is.
Children from the local schools plus nursery schools could also use it.

This could be a Golden Opportunity for perhaps Sainsburys / Frontier Estates / Mk Council to even finance it, done with a bit of
it could really work for the whole of the MK community not just for putting money into already large pockets but to help put back
some pride and give encouragement to young and old of MK.

Well, I have had my say!

P. Ainsworth ( SWIMMER )

Dear Cllr. Williams,

The staff and parents of Shenley Church End Pre-School are concerned about the proposed development of the former Dolphin
Splashdown site into a retail site.

The roads/parking facilities outside the pre-school (situated in the Annexe of Shenley Church End Leisure Centre) are stretched to
capacity at 9.00, 11.15-12.00 and at 2.45 when our families drop-of and collect their children at the beginning and end of each
session. We are very concerned about the additional traffic flow that would be generated by a large retail development opposite our
site and the associated dangers to our families and children when arriving and departing from sessions.

Following an informal survey amongst our families, a large majority of them reported that they would prefer the site to remain for
leisure purposes, preferably to be returned to use as a public swimming pool.

Ruth Jones
Shenley Church End Pre-School

Dear Councillors

As a leader of a local Brownie group, I would prefer the Dolphin Splashdown site to be redeveloped as a swimming pool rather than
converted to a retail store.

Having a swimming pool in the local area would be much more beneficial to the community, including young people such as local
Guiding and Scouting groups.

I feel there are sufficient shopping facilities nearby and would rather see this site used for a leisure facility which would benefit the

Best regards

Fiona Snook
1st Crownhill Brownies

From: Helen Slorach <
Date: 31 May 2012 10:45:14 GMT+01:00
To: "ruth.jury@milton-keynes.gov.uk" , "donald.hoyle@milton-keynes.gov.uk"
, "andy.dransfield@milton-keynes.gov.uk" 
Subject: Demolition of Dolphin Splashdown

Hi there,

I live on Pigott Drive in Shenley Church End and am writing with regard to the proposed demolition of the Dolphin Splashdown pool
and subsequent replacement with a large Sainsburys store.

I'm hoping others have already written and hopefully persuaded you to reconsider this 'development' for many reasons. For me the
most important is that I really feel the site would be ideal as a fun swimming pool open for public use.

I have lived in Shenley Church End most of my life and remember visiting the Dolphin Splashdown as often as possible, having so
much fun with my friends and growing in confidence with swimming. I always felt it was such a shame when Bourton Mill took over
and ran it privately for its members. The only pool I could take my young children to then was Bletchley, which was a nice pool
suitable for small children but has since be replaced by a 'serious' swimming pool. So now we have nowhere to go. We (myself and
my friends with children in the area) have said for years we would love a fun pool to take our children to, why not use that site as it
was intended?

If Sainsburys goes ahead with the site I'm sure it will do well but what will happen to the other shops that already struggle with the
smaller store there? It's already not as nice as it could be, this development would be the end of many of the businesses there and
lead to vacant units prone to vandalism etc.

My final concern is for the huge increase in traffic in a residential area right by the pre-school we use. It's already busy with school
traffic, this would make it so dangerous and would be horrible for the people living nearby with queues of traffic waiting to park (as
happens at any large retail store).

Please please do what is right for the area. I know it will probably not be the most financially beneficial but is that the most
important thing?

I also write on behalf of the following:

Mrs Judith Lowery Mrs Lisa Pitta

I am writing to disagree with the proposal to demolish Dolphin Splashdown and build a Sainsburys in Shenley Church End.

We do not need a Sainsburys in Shenley Church End – we already have one.

I think the area should be left as a leisure facility (as per the plans on the map)

With the increase of obesity in Milton Keynes, an indoor swimming oasis would encourage families to exercise more.

I feel it could be modernised along the lines of the Centreparcs / Disney swimming oasis’s.

Roped off area for children with little slides, rope bridges, fixed floats which they have to try to cross without falling in the water.

A deeper pool area for swimmers and have a wave machine / plunge pools / water rapids / hot tubs / flumes / tube flumes in a
green (artificial tree/plant) setting creating a swimming oasis

With the recent completion of the over 50’s retirement complex at Shenley Wood, and within walking distance of a swimming pool
in Shenley Church End, you can have over 50’s aqua zumba classes to encourage a healthy retirement and ‘keep active’ life style,
which in turn may help your health budget.

In MK there are facilities for every conceivable sport EXCEPT an indoor swimming oasis.

Let’s complete your GO campaign of

     GO SKI, GO CLIMB, GO SAIL, GO SHOP, GO EAT                      with

Lori Randall (Shenley Church End Resident)

Dear Sirs

Please accept this email as my family's objection to the proposed redevelopment of the Dolphin Splashdown.

I believe that the current Sainsburys store is more than sufficient for the area even at it's current size, but have no objection to them
re-sizing back to the former Netto store.

When the pool was closed to the public, we joined as members to be able to use the facilities. As the centre has closed down we
now find ourselves travelling to Bletchley and Towster. The pool should be re-opened for public use. It's perfectly situated in a
residential area with lots of families and schools who stress the importance of increased activities for children.

Is it really a consideration to remove a sports and leisure site for the benefit of yet another branch of supermarkets ?

Thank you for taking the time to read our opinions.

Michelle Chircop

Dear sirs,

I am writing to express my concerns and objections to the proposed demolition of the Dolphin Splashdown and the plans to build a
new large Sainsbury's store on the site.

The recent development of the Shenley Church End centre following the closure of the Netto store was very welcome. The
proximity of the local store for 'small' item shopping is beneficial, and the range and standard of produce provided by the new store
is much better than previously available.

However I cannot understand what the reasoning behind closing this new store to build a larger store next door. The relatively
recent opening of the very large Sainsburys store in the city centre provides more than adequate provision for accessing the
greater range of goods that I may require. This type of shopping would always require car transport so the difference in
convenience between parking in Shenley Church End or City Centre is neglible. If there is desire on the part of Sainsburys to
extend their floorspace at the current Shenley Church end site then surely this can be accomodated by utilising more fully the
floorspace of the current premises, or extending the premises on the current footprint.

The only advantage I can see with the Dolphin site would be car parking, but this would be available on the site whatever the re-use
of the leisure centre.

On that matter I am extremely dissapointed that there has been no progress with re-opening the splashdown centre.

When it was orignally open as the Dolphin my family would use the facilities regualrly for family visits as well as swimming lessons
for both my sons. We have now moved closer to the site and the reopening would certainly see my family making good use of it.
Especially my son, who attends Denbigh school and has expressed great interest in being able to get to leisure pool without the
need for buses or 'dad's taxi'.

The whole planning application for the proposed development came as something of a surprise as it doesn't appear to fit properly
with any other aspect of the development of the area.

We have no small number of good sized supermarket outlets, all within easy reach. The provision at Sheney Church End is more
than adequate for the locality. There is no provision within easy reach for any leisure pool facility.

On this basis I can see no merit in approving this application and would strongly request that the application is denied.

Yours faithfully

Craig Malcolm

Great Holm

Dear Councillors,

We have been informed about the above proposal and would like to register our outrage. The local centre at Shenley Church End
has all the amenities that are required by the local population and certainly does not require a large supermarket added to the area.
We have every major supermarket and all the low cost supermarkets within a 5 mile radius of the Shenley Church End Local
Centre. The existing Sainsbury's facility currently stocks all the products a household would need and the current store hasn't fully
filled the original Netto building. It is likely that the addition of a generic superstore would ultimately diminish the strong feeling of
community in the area.

The Burchard Crescent entrance into Shenley Church End is already very busy and we believe the increased traffic generated by
the new store would mean increased disruption to existing residents and businesses. There is also likely to be increased road
safety risks to the many pedestrians that pass that area, many of which are children attending Denbigh School.
The site can work as a local leisure facility providing swimming and other facilities that I'm certain the local community would
support. The site could be taken on as an extension to Shenley Leisure Centre, who have the infrastructure in place to
accommodate the extra services this would provide. The presence of the Denbigh school and the existing relationship it has with
the Leisure centre provides a perfect plan to offer increased sporting opportunities to local school children during the day. Shouldn't
all children be taught to swim and isn't the School PE department the perfect place to facilitate that?
Out of School hours the leisure centre can offer its facilities to the general public who, we believe, would make use of this facility as
there are limited options throughout Milton Keynes.

Finally, we feel that Milton Keynes as a whole does not require another large supermarket.....there are only a certain number of
mouths to feed!

Yours Sincerely,

William Lloyd & Ceri Noakes

Shenley Church End
Milton Keynes

I am writing to you all to express my surprise that Milton Keynes council are even considering the idea of converting the old Dolphin
Splashdown building to a Sainsburys supermarket. There are more than enough supermarkets within the area (including a very
large Sainsburys).

Why cannot Milton Keynes have a leisure pool within its boundaries or is the health of the people of Milton Keynes less important
than allowing a large corporation to do as it pleases, just like Tesco). It seems that my wife and I, who were members of Bourton
Mill, now have to go to Newport Pagnell if we want to swim. All the other pools in Milton Keynes are restricted to us. If Sainsburys
need a bigger store in the area, why do they not use of the facilities at the old Nettos site. If they do not need to use all of the
available facilities, then why do they need a bigger shop over the road?

The traffic situation is appalling at school times and will surely become even worse if this development is allowed,

I urge you to tell Sainsburys, and all the other supermarkets, where they can get off thinking they can do as they please without due
regard to the people who live in the area, let alone Milton Keynes.

Ken and Jenny Hobbs

Great Holm
Milton Keynes

I speak for myself and many other families when I say it would be much better to build a Leisure pool at the site in Shenley Church
End and NOT another supermarket. We have a fabulous range on p[laces to shop and distance is not an issue as you can do
shopping online too. You CANNOT go swimming with your kids as easily or do that online can you? Most pools are attached the
gymnasiums or are boringly simple pools, MK is crying out for something like Oasis in bedford.Mk has the highest growthrate in the
UK, please give it a chance and make MK aneven better,healthier place to live espaecially for our children!

J Y Troiano

and on behalf of

Mr M Troiano
Mrs L Moloy
Mr M Molloy
Mr S Mcleary
Miss R Stockings
Miss H Cleaver
Mrs M Lieb
Mr M Lieb
Miss L Parish
Mr J Lynch
Mr B Dyer
Miss F Farley

I am writing to say how concerned I am about the proposal for a new Sainsbury’s store on Engaine Drive.

I live on Engaine Drive and am concerned about the extra volume of traffic a new store will bring. I have in the past written to the
council about the speed that cars, buses, lorries go along Engaine Drive and this will only get worse if a new store were to open.
The road is not made for the sheer volume of traffic that a new store will bring.

The entrance that Sainsbury’s is proposing is opposite one of the exits from the school and Leisure Centre and even before a new
building is built it is dangerous in this area with the preschool traffic and traffic and pedestrians coming and going to the Leisure
Centre and Denbigh. There are a lot of students who do walk and cross the road in this area that Sainsbury’s are proposing to have
as an entrance /exit and I would be concerned about accidents.

Traffic is a nightmare already coming from and going onto the V4 and again this will only get worse if a new store were to open.

It would be really nice to see a swimming pool open again in this area and I therefore would like to say that a new store is really not
an option in my opinion as we have a really good smaller Sainsbury’s that is more than adequate for this area.

Kind regards

Mrs Pam Nelson

From: Chris Welch
Sent: 31 May 2012 20:07
To: Jury, Ruth; Hoyle, Donald; Dransfield, Andy
Cc: Williams, Chris (Councillor); White, Brian
Subject: Planning application ref: 12/00353/FUL

Ladies and Gentlemen

I refer to the above planning application for a change of the use of Bourton Mill (or the old Dolphin Splashdown site).

I have just submitted my comments via the planning portal online (for reference, these are below). I would be very interested in an
answer to my third point - i.e., what evidence can be produced to prove that the site developers marketed the site for its current use
for 12 months prior to applying for this change of us. Text of my comments is below:

"I totally disagree with the change of use for this site for the following reasons:

* Sainsbury's already have a site across the road (not to mention a large supermarket in Central Milton Keynes, a very short drive
or bus journey away). Furthermore, there is scope for them to make this site bigger, as they downsized from the size of shop run
by the previous occupiers, Netto.

* I understand that Shenley Leisure Centre are interested in occupying the site as a pool. This, I believe, would be very financially
viable. It didn't previously work as a private pool, but if, as is very likely if Shenley Leisure Centre were to use it, it was open to the
public, it would be the only leisure pool in Milton Keynes and as such be likely to be well-used, as Dolphin Splashdown was.

* I understand that no evidence has been produced that the site has been marketed for 12 months by the developers as a
swimming pool; I would be very interested to see such evidence please, if it exists."


Chris Welch

From: Eddie [
Sent: 01 June 2012 11:58
To: Williams, Chris (Councillor)
Subject: Dolphin splashdown

Hello, I would like to see this swimming pool reopened as such.
We do not need another supermarket, we already have to many in Milton Keynes as it is.
I have to travel to Bedford to swim at a pool similar to what the splashdown was and it is always busy over there.
No more supermarkets please, can we please have our swimming pool back.
It's also a disgrace that this place has stood empty for so long.

Regards Mr Duffy, crownhill .

From: Anna [
Sent: 31 May 2012 22:04
To: Williams, Chris (Councillor)
Subject: Proposed demolition of dolphin splashdown

Dear Sir,
I hope you take the time to read my letter as I believe the Dolphin Splashdown site should not be made into another Sainsburys but
should instead be kept as a public pool. The reasons I believe this are the following.

When I was younger which wasn't that long ago, I remember the pool to be a very popular place. It was always busy especially on
saturdays when they would put on the wave machines, slides and reef rapids. My brother and I also had regular swimming lessons
on a Monday. My brother, cousins and I were regular visitors to the pool as it was only a 3 minute walk from our house and was
only 50p for kids to enter and £1 for adults. It was away for us kids to have fun and yet did not cost a fortune. When Bourton Mill
took over from Splashdown mine and my brothers swimming lessons stopped as the pool became private and the prices rose. We
were members for a while until we decided it wasn't as fun as it used to be hence why everyone still refers to it as dolphin
splashdown. Now to go swimming most people go to Bletchely and withe increasing prices in bus fairs and pool entry this is
becoming far more expensive for young people to do, a pool would really benefit our area. This is the main reason I believe the
pool should be bought back it encourages people to exercise at an affordable price and allows kids to experience the fun I used to
have at the pool.

The other reason the pool should be kept is because we don't need another Sainsburys. There is one five minutes away why is
there a need for another one so close. Especially because of all the supermarkets Sainsburys is one of the most expensive.

Instead of building another supermarket the land should fulfil it's original purpose, it should hold a leisure facility. I guarantee you
would not be making a mistake in building it summer or winter people would want to come that is if it still was reasonably priced
and had the fun things for the kids it used to have. Also with Denbigh school, Loughton and perhaps Glastonbury as well just
minutes away it wouldn't be bad idea to have something for the kids I know I would like it being 17 . Think about this before making
the wrong decision and just answer me this do we really need another supermarket?

Yours sincerely

Dolphin Splashdown
(Bourton Mill)
Shenley Church End
Submission to the Development
Control Committee
of Milton Keynes Council

12 JULY 2012

Save Splashdown Action Group

The Save Splashdown Action Group presents the
following summary submission in support of our
objection to planning application 12/00353/FUL.
We request that the Milton Keynes Council
Development Control Committee ideally reject
the application outright, but as a minimum delay
the decision for six months in order to give local
residents an opportunity to develop an alternative
business case to refurbish the site as a leisure pool
for the benefit of residents of Shenley Church End
and the wider Borough of Milton Keynes.

Planning application objections summary                              2-5
Detailed grounds for objection                                           6
Direct response to planning department summary                           12
Legal opinion                                                            15

Save Splashdown submission to the Development Control Committee          1

Technical objections to the
                                          planning application
                                          There are a number of factual inaccuracies in the Council’s
I have worked as a swimming teacher
in Milton Keynes and other areas          Planning Department’s summary submission put before the
for over forty years. Having worked
at ALL the pools in Milton Keynes,
                                          DCC; these include the following:
Dolphin Splashdown was the only
pool that catered for all ages from       • The property was not advertised as a leisure site, thereby precluding
babies to oap’s.
                                             potential leisure developers from making alternative proposals. The developer
 I taught at Dolphin Splashdown              acknowledges that they performed no marketing of the site and therefore fail
from the day it opened until a
year before the 2nd fire. We held
                                             to meet the condition of the Chief Planning Officer expressed in planning pre
swimming lessons every day of the           application 10/01585/PREAPP - Re-development of former Water Fun Centre.
week for all age groups, from babies
though to adults. I know that the         • The public consultations were biased in favour of the change of use to retail
benefits of these lessons have saved
                                             and made no mention of the possibility of leisure use despite the bid from a
life’s, as well as the safety aspect in
the water, swimming is a social way          global leisure developer responsible for Gulliver’s land in Milton Keynes who
of meeting new people, swimming              proposed to retain the site as a pool.
can improve strength,suppleness,
and stamina, rehabilitating               • Several inaccuracies in Milton Keynes leisure department’s submission have
allowing the muscles to exercise
against the resistance of water, and
                                            been noted, including the statements that the pool length is inadequate for
psychological can also relieve stress.      lane swimming and lessons - it is in fact 25 metres long and lessons were
I cannot imagine any supermarket            offered in addition to lane swimming at the former Dolphin Splashdown
being capable of doing all these            Centre; and that the pool was operated at a loss for the last 10 years - in fact
                                            the pool was profitable in 2002 and the overall operational losses incurred
Angie Clarke via Facebook                   were significantly lower than when the pool was publicly owned.
                                          • The planning application conflicts with a number of MK Council’s Policies
The development of yet another               and mitigations are inadequate. For example, the proposal fails to address
super market on this site will lead,         adequately the second point of the Chief Planning Officer, viz: “The size of the
inevitably to more road congestion
and the greater risk of danger to road
                                            retail stores being proposed in both options is unacceptable and inappropriate for
users and pedestrians both young            Shenley Church End Local Centre, particularly as there is already an existing A1
and those of more mature years,not          convenience store serving the centre. A smaller retail store of around 1500-1600
to mention additional noise from
delivery trucks at various times of         square metres is considered to be an appropriate size in this local centre.”
the day and night. It will be a very
sad day for the community as a            • The loss of the non-designated heritage asset that is the iconic pyramid of
whole if this proposed development           the Dolphin Splashdown pool will further degrade the architectural heritage
goes ahead.
                                             of Milton Keynes and the original planners’ vision of 3 pyramidal structures,
Mr Paul Gilbert via Planning portal          namely; Bletchley Leisure Centre 1973, CMK The Point 1984 and Dolphin
                                            Splashdown 1992.
                                          • A s predicted by Milton Keynes Council’s Retail Capacity Update August 2011
                                             there is massive projected over-provision of Convenience Goods floor space
                                             through until 2026, which will be exacerbated by this proposal.

                                          Save Splashdown submission to the Development Control Committee                      2

Strength of public opinion
                                         in objection to the planning
                                         A group of enthusiastic and able residents have formed an action
300 signatures                           group representative of a cross section of the community, and
in 1 week
                                         we have been able to garner the support of over 2,200 people
                                         through our Facebook page since 27 May, more than 300 people
                                         over the past week who have been willing to sign our doorstep
                                         petition and over 130 objections to the planning application on
130 objections                           the Council’s planning portal.
on the Council’s portal
                                         One resident has even gone as far as writing a song appealing
                                         for Dolphin Splashdown to be saved (http://soundcloud.com/
                                         general-lee-smith/dolphin-splashdown-protest), and very few of
                                         those approached have not supported these key points:
2,298 ‘likes’
on our facebook page:                    • We believe strongly that Milton Keynes needs a swimming pool of this kind.
facebook.com/                               Not only do residents of the City presently have to travel as far as Bedford,
savesplashdown                              Towcester and Aylesbury to enjoy such a facility, but it would also provide a
                                            much-needed leisure centre easily accessible to smaller children and those
                                            with special needs in the community. The pool is particularly suitable to those
                                            with autism spectrum disorders and disabilities who benefit from the sensory
                                            experiences of the waves and spray in the fun pool; it is also a suitable facility
                                            for those with disabilities and toddlers to gain water confidence and learn
                                            to swim due to the large shallow beach area, and for the same reason older
…we do not need a bigger sainsburys         residents and all less able swimmers were able to enjoy Dolphin Splashdown.
we need a great fun pool … my son
is autistic he needs a fun pool …           Daily swimming lessons were very well supported.
he needs the sprays the slides the
sensory aspect of a fun pool with        • The current pool area available per 1,000 residents of Milton Keynes is just
waves … the locals do NOT want this         9.8m2 compared with the national average of 12.64 m2. According to MK
please for once listen with your heart
not your purse.
                                           Council’s Sports and Leisure Strategy Refresh Document of December 2010, by
                                           2026 four new swimming pools will need to be built in order to meet demand
Beverley Nash via Facebook
                                           in Milton Keynes. In the interests of both sustainability and responsible use of
                                           community resources, we believe one of these pools could be the refurbished
                                           Dolphin Splashdown pool.
I am appauled that the council
would consider demolishing the only      • Furthermore, it is evident that the Government’s directive that schools offer
family fun pool in Milton Keynes, my
family & I have to drive to Bedford/        adequate swimming provision to Key Stages 1 and 2 children will not be met
Aylesbury etc to be able to have a          in Milton Keynes simply because of a deficiency in the number of swimming
fun day out swimming, the structure
is there and you should be looking
                                            facilities available to schools. A report last year written by the Amateur
for an investor to look into bringing       Swimming Association and Kellogg’s found that more than one in three
this family pool back to its former         primary school leavers do not have the basic swimming skills to save their own
glory, I spent most of my teenage
years there and was hoping my 3             lives. While this need will not be met by one pool, the facility would present at
young children would have the same          least part of the solution in the western area of the City.
opportunity, what are the councils
plans for swimming family fun,           • The western flank of Milton Keynes has expanded considerably, and will
Mrs Jadie Lebeau via Planning               continue to do so with the Western Expansion Area (WEA) development,
Portal                                      yet MK Council has no plans to fund any new swimming pools in the City at
                                            this time, despite their strategy requiring additional swimming facilities. The
                                            relatively modest sum of £2.6 million therefore represents a very attractive
                                            way to reintroduce swimming provision to the area, versus the £6-8 million for
                                            a basic modern pool such as the new Wolverton facilities, for example.

                                         Save Splashdown submission to the Development Control Committee                     3

• It has been noted, again in the Refresh Document of December 2010, that 80%
I loved going there as a kid, the
waves and the river rapid bit were            of respondents said someone in their household made use of leisure facilities
fab. Bletchley pool is ok if all you          and 50% of all households use a swimming pool regularly. The document
want to do is swim up and down but
it is useless if you have a small child,
                                              illustrates that there is an under provision of swimming pools in the City,
my son is nearly 4 and I would have           versus a “surplus” of sports halls. Evidently, the S106 funds earmarked for
to hold him all the time if I took him        the Shenley Leisure Centre’s extension of their squash courts and gym would
there as it is too deep even at the
supposed ‘shallow’end.                        be welcome but the benefits of any improvements made to SLC sports halls
                                              provision is inferior to the loss of a multi million pound facility that is much
Mhari McLaughlin Jones via
Facebook                                      needed at this time.

There is enough supermarket

provision in the area. A local
Sainsburys, three local Tesco’s, Lidl,
Aldi, Morrisons, Asda, Sainsburys
and Tesco superstores are all within
10 minutes drive of Shenley Chuch
                                           In a city which already offers sufficient supermarkets and a
Christine Cooper - via Planning
                                           local area already well supplied with a Sainsbury’s convenience
Portal                                     store, local stores and within short drives of both small local
                                           convenience and major supermarkets, the residents do not need
                                           an additional large supermarket - particularly since the new
                                           WEA more than satisfies predicted need for food retail.
                                           • The action group’s concerns include the inevitable traffic, pollution and noise
                                              levels; and - as has been highlighted by the majority of people who have signed
                                              our petition - the safety of children and others attending the pre-school,
                                              secondary school and leisure centre. In addition, we are concerned that the
                                              current nationwide problem of one in seven retail units standing vacant will
                                              only be exacerbated by the vacancy of the existing Sainsbury’s and likely
                                              closure of other stores in Benbow Court.
                                           • Of possibly greater concern is the fact that a unique community asset has been
                                             lost. According to former Dolphin Splashdown manager Leigh Mitchell, the pool
                                              was once host to thousands of lessons as well as being an all-age appropriate
                                              fun facility. Essentially forcing local residents to drive to suitable facilities
                                              out of town is not only inconvenient and in many cases both financially and
                                              logistically exclusive, but causes undue environmental impact which should not
                                              be ignored.

                                           Save Splashdown submission to the Development Control Committee                   4

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