Marine matters - Integrated Marine Observing System

Page created by Patrick Henry
Marine matters - Integrated Marine Observing System

                                                                            ISSUE 35 | NOVEMBER 2020

                              Long-term research shows
                              ocean acidification ramping up
                              on the Great Barrier Reef

                              Ship of Opportunity
                              operations during
                              the pandemic

                              The New Technology Proving
                              Low Cost Wave Buoy project
                              advances to its next phase

                      RV Investigator recovers and deploys
                      IMOS deep water moorings in the
                      Southern Ocean after a significant
Peter Jansen, CSIRO

                      delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

                                                               For more IMOS News |
Marine matters - Integrated Marine Observing System

Welcome to the November 2020 edition of Marine Matters
This edition of Marine Matters provides   Beyond the news and updates, this issue     We highlight a number of data features
an update on progress within IMOS         has a strong focus on Facilities and        in this issue to keep the community up
during 2020, despite the ongoing          their recent achievements. Implications     to date on changes and improvements.
disruptions caused by COVID-19. There     of COVID-19 have created numerous           These include exciting new products
have been a number of changes in          issues for travel and vessel operations,    for multi-satellite sea surface
IMOS in 2020 which are worth noting.      but we are pleased to report that after     temperature, improved accuracy of
There have been some significant          several months’ delay IMOS deep water       seal tracking data, and an update on
changes within the IMOS Office this       moorings in the Southern Ocean were         biogeochemical Argo data streams.
year. We welcomed Dr Paul van Ruth        successfully turned around on the first
                                                                                      IMOS continues to support collection
as the IMOS Senior Science Officer        RV Investigator research cruise since
                                                                                      of additional data on waves and we
and recently farewelled Jo Neilson as     the pandemic began. Congratulations
                                                                                      are pleased to provide updates on
she starts her journey into retirement.   to the Facility and the vessel operations
                                                                                      Waverider Buoys deployed by the
                                          team for achieving this objective.
We have also had some changes in                                                      New Zealand Defence Force and
Node leadership with Dr Ana Redondo-      In other mooring news, a recent             results of the New Technology Proving
Rodriguez (SARDI) appointed as the        publication based on IMOS data              low-cost wave buoy project.
new Node Leader in South Australia        from the Great Barrier Reef reveals
                                                                                      These aspects and several other
and Dr Andrew Lenton (CSIRO), Dr Bea      increasing ocean acidification in the
                                                                                      highlights are featured for you in this
Pena-Molino (CSIRO), and Dr Robert        region as a result of climate change.
                                                                                      edition. We hope you enjoy it.
Johnson (BOM) appointed as leaders        These data reinforce the importance
of the Bluewater and Climate Node.        of sustained observing and long-            Dr Michelle Heupel
We welcome all of them and thank          time series data to understanding           IMOS Director
them for their contributions to IMOS.     trends and change in our oceans.
                                                                                                                                Ocean Beach (Tas), Lea Walpole

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The IMOS Annual Highlights Document
2019–20 is available now
The document showcases a selection            as our operations, data streams and          by industry and Defence, define dynamics
of science highlights illustrating the        outputs mature and increase in their         related to food security and biodiversity
many ways in which IMOS research              relevance. Active monitoring of the use      conservation and facilitate scientific
infrastructure was used over the past         and users of our data outline the breadth    research into these areas and more.
year for the benefit of Australians.          of our community, the applicability
                                                                                           IMOS strives for continual improvement
                                              and value of the observations we
The 2019-20 Annual Highlights document                                                     through exploring the potential of new
                                              produce and reflect the strength of
for Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing                                                technologies to improve our observing
                                              our partnerships. Our collaborative
System (IMOS) can be downloaded from                                                       capability and test new ways to deliver
                                              approach, high data quality and
the IMOS website. This web page has                                                        data for use by researchers, industry,
                                              commitment to making our observations
links to the pdf of the document, as                                                       managers, policy makers and the
                                              accessible underpin our outstanding
well as more detailed information about                                                    general public. As we enter the United
                                              national and international reputation.
the uses and users of IMOS data.                                                           Nations Decade of Ocean Science and
                                              Despite the disruptive events of the         look toward 2030, IMOS will continue
In our 14th year of operation IMOS
                                              2019-2020 year, which included extensive     to deliver ocean observations for the
and our community have weathered
                                              bushfires and the start of the global        benefit of Australia and our regional
some significant changes. However,
                                              corona virus pandemic, the IMOS              neighbours who share our oceans.
we have collectively continued to
                                              community rallied to continue to deliver
strive for excellence in the delivery,                                                     We hope you enjoy reading the IMOS
                                              ocean observations which are critical
use and uptake of the IMOS program                                                         Annual Highlights document for 2019-
                                              to numerous elements of Australian
and this document celebrates the                                                           20 and thank you for your continued
                                              life and wellbeing. IMOS observations
highlights and our achievements.                                                           interest and support. If you wish to receive
                                              support weather and climate modelling
                                                                                           any further detail about IMOS progress
As IMOS grows and evolves we continue         and forecasting, help inform ocean
                                                                                           during the year, please do not hesitate to
to move from strength to strength             conditions relative to maritime operations
                                                                                           contact our office n

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 IMOS office                          New ARDC co-invested projects
 STAFFING UPDATE                      will enhance data integration
                                      between NCRIS capabilities to
                                      support leading edge research
                                      IMOS welcomes the investment from the Australian Research Data
                                      Commons (ARDC) Cross-NCRIS Data Assets program.

                                      IMOS is involved in two projects                However, the scales, tools and data
                                      successfully funded through the                 products used to study the ocean
                                      Cross-NCRIS Data Assets program                 are very different to those used to
 Jo Neilson retired from her role     to support leading edge research:               study microbes, and both research
 as the IMOS Project Manager on                                                       disciplines require extensive, domain
 November 13th. Jo has led the        • Data nexus: coupling genomic
                                                                                      specific skills that have little overlap.
 senior management of the office        and oceanographic data to
 since IMOS began 13 years ago          enhance integration                           IMOS will lead this project in partnership
 and has been a key contact for                                                       with Bioplatforms Australia. The project
                                      • Ecosystem data integration to support
 the IMOS Governing Board, our                                                        will drive the integration of large DNA
                                        national environmental reporting
 operators and the wider IMOS                                                         sequencing datasets that describe the
 community. We thank Jo for all of                                                    composition and function of Australian
                                      Data nexus: coupling genomic                    marine microbial assemblages,
 her efforts and years of service
 in helping IMOS grow into the
                                      and oceanographic data                          with oceanographic datasets (e.g.
 program we have today. We wish       to enhance integration                          water temperature, salinity, nutrients,
 Jo a very happy retirement. n                                                        dissolved oxygen, current direction)
                                      Every millilitre of the vast ocean
                                                                                      that describe the form and dynamics
                                      ecosystem provides a habitat for millions
                                                                                      of Australian ocean ecosystems.
                                      of microorganisms that modulate ocean
                                      health and ultimately control global climate.   The integration of these very different data
                                                                                      types will accelerate our understanding of

 Dr Paul van Ruth commenced
 in his role as the IMOS Senior
 Science Officer in mid-October.
 Paul is looking forward to working
 closely with the broader IMOS
 community to ensure we continue
 to deliver quality outcomes for
 our stakeholders and promote
 the sustainable management of
 Australia’s marine resources. Paul
 can be contacted via email. n

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how changing environmental conditions         Ecosystem data integration                  the Environment with use in the research
drive the microbial processes that sustain    to support national                         sector, in related government programs.
the planet, while enabling non-microbial
                                              environmental reporting                     The new national and highly visible
researchers’ direct access to key microbial
                                                                                          environment reference collection will have
insights that will enhance modelling of       The Australian Government Department
                                                                                          application in areas including environmental
ecological and biogeochemical processes.      of Agriculture, Water and the
                                                                                          accounts and impact assessments;
                                              Environment produces the State of
This type of data integration does not                                                    land, inland waters, coastal and marine
                                              the Environment report every five years
exist anywhere else in the world and                                                      management; agricultural development and
                                              to meet statutory reporting obligations
will provide great advantages to the                                                      biosecurity; urban planning; infrastructure
                                              and update all Australians and decision-
Australian research community.                                                            design; disaster and risk assessment.
                                              makers on environmental state, pressures,
The output dataset will exploit a wealth      trends and key issues. State of the         Consolidating these assets in this way
of existing information to develop data       Environment reporting relies extensively    will serve as a showcase for NCRIS and
resources and tools that are compatible       on high-quality national data.              for the significant contributions NCRIS
with ideas and needs from the                                                             capabilities are making to understanding
                                              This project will involve Atlas of Living
community, including human health and                                                     the Australian environment. High-quality
                                              Australia (ALA), Integrated Marine
wellbeing; management of protected/                                                       environmental information is also critical for
                                              Observing System, and the Terrestrial
high value ecologies, and safeguarding                                                    Australia to meet its reporting obligations
                                              Ecosystem Research Network (TERN)
Australian aquaculture and fisheries.                                                     under international conventions (e.g.
                                              to develop new cross-facility data assets
                                                                                          United Nations Sustainable Development
                                              to support national environmental
                                                                                          Goals, Aichi Biodiversity Targets, United
                                              reporting. Integrated data products will
                                                                                          Nations Land Degradation Neutrality). n
                                              have significant value beyond State of

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NEWS from the nodes

Change of leadership for the IMOS Bluewater and Climate Node
Dr Beatriz Peña-Molino, Dr Andrew    Dr Beatriz Peña-Molino is a physical         Andrew’s current and future research
Lenton and Dr Robert Johnson have    oceanographer working for the Climate        focuses on key three key impact areas:
recently become the new leaders of   Science Centre at CSIRO in Hobart.
                                                                                  • quantifying the past, present
our Bluewater and Climate Node.      Her interests span the high, mid and
                                                                                    and future role of the ocean in
                                     low latitude oceans and their role in
                                                                                    the global carbon cycle,
                                     climate. Her work has mostly focused
                                     on observations from a wide range            • exploring and understanding
                                     of platforms, from in situ moorings to         the impact of the carbon cycle
                                     drifting Argo floats and remote sensing.       changes on both climate and marine
                                                                                    diversity and productivity, and
                                     Through her work she’s also developed
                                     strong ties to the modelling community,      • the potential role of technologies
                                     and like the rest of the Bluewater             in mitigating climate change.
                                     and Climate node leadership
                                                                                  Andrew currently leads the Earth
                                     team, she would like to use her role
                                                                                  System Science Portfolio within
                                     at IMOS to further breach the gap
                                                                                  CSIRO’s Climate Science Centre he
                                     between observations and models.
                                                                                  is also a member of many national
                                     Beatriz received a PhD in Physical           and international working groups and
                                     Oceanography from the Massachusetts          projects and is an Intergovernmental
                                     Institute of Technology (MIT) - Woods Hole   Panel on Climate Change author.
Dr Beatriz Peña-Molino               Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) joint
                                                                                  Dr Robert Johnson is a biological
                                     program (USA) in 2010. During her PhD
                                                                                  oceanographer at the Bureau of
                                     Beatriz explored the interaction between
                                                                                  Meteorology (BOM) with expertise in
                                     the Gulf Stream and the Deep Western
                                                                                  phytoplankton ecology, physiology, and
                                     Boundary Current in the North Atlantic. In
                                                                                  productivity. His current role involves
                                     2011 she came to Australia and joined the
                                                                                  making ocean science useful through
                                     former Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems
                                                                                  the design and implementation of
                                     Cooperative Research Centre, where her
                                                                                  ocean and remote sensing models
                                     work focused on the circulation of the
                                                                                  into operations within the BOM.
                                     Southern Ocean. Since 2017 she has been
                                     employed by CSIRO, where she continues       Rob applies this expertise to ocean
                                     to work in the Southern Ocean, as well as    remote sensing focusing on ocean colour
                                     in the Indo-Pacific inter-basin exchange     and sea-surface temperature satellite
                                     program and contributes to Argo Australia.   and airborne imagery. For the last little
                                                                                  while his work has been focused on the
                                     Dr Andrew Lenton is an ocean carbon
                                                                                  use and development of tailored satellite
                                     cycle modeler in CSIRO (Oceans and
Dr Andrew Lenton                                                                  remote sensing algorithms and models
                                     Atmosphere), based in Hobart. He
                                                                                  in the detection and quantification of
                                     has extensive experience in modelling
                                                                                  phytoplankton in the Australian region.
                                     the carbon-cycle at different temporal
                                                                                  Rob was awarded his PhD from the
                                     and spatial scales, from individual
                                                                                  University of Tasmania for having
                                     organism responses through to earth
                                                                                  developed novel ocean colour algorithms
                                     system models. He also works closely
                                                                                  for the Southern Ocean and Antarctica.
                                     with observations using them to
                                     assess models as well as to use novel        Our thanks to the outgoing Bluewater
                                     observational approaches to advance          and Climate Node leaders, Professor
                                     our understanding of carbon processes.       Pete Strutton and Dr Steve Rintoul,
                                                                                  who will remain involved in the science
                                     Andrew was awarded his PhD in 2006
                                                                                  of the Bluewater and Climate Node.
                                     from the University of Tasmania, and
                                     he did postdoctoral work in France at        If you would like to keep informed about
                                     Pierre and Marie Curie University and        the Bluewater and Climate Node please
                                     Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de     email n
Dr Robert Johnson                    l’Environment, before returning to CSIRO.

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NEWS from the nodes

New Node leader for the South Australian IMOS Node
We welcome Dr Ana Redondo             Ana is a physical oceanographer at          facilities in combination with ocean
Rodriquez from the South Australian   the South Australian Research and           modelling and other data sources, to
Research and Development              Development Institute (SARDI) with          deliver research outcomes to multiple
Institute into the leadership team    experience in fundamental and applied       stakeholders, including state government
of the South Australian Node.         research. Ana studied Marine Sciences       and the fisheries and aquaculture sectors.
                                      at the University of Cadiz (Spain) and      These outcomes include studies of the
                                      completed a PhD in oceanography at          regional circulation and its influence on
                                      the University of Queensland in 2013.       food web dynamics, marine connectivity
                                                                                  and the productivity of ecosystems
                                      During her PhD Ana used a variety of
                                                                                  including fisheries and aquaculture.
                                      oceanographic data, from ocean model
                                      results to remote sensing, to relate the    Associate Professor Charlie Huveneers, of
                                      changes in the physical environment and     Flinders University, remains as the Deputy
                                      regional circulation of the Great Barrier   Director of the South Australian Node.
                                      Reef to conditions in the Pacific basin.
                                                                                  We thank the outgoing South
                                      Ana joined SARDI in 2014 and became         Australian Node Leader Dr Paul van
                                      involved with the South Australian          Ruth, who has taken up the position
                                      Node. As part as the Southern Australia     of IMOS Senior Science Officer
                                      Mooring sub-Facility team, Ana assists      in the IMOS office in Hobart.
                                      across all facets of the South Australian
                                                                                  If you would like to keep informed about
Dr Ana Redondo Rodriquez              Node including data collection, QA/
                                                                                  the South Australian Node please email
                                      QC and strategic planning.
                                      In Ana’s role at SARDI, she actively
                                      uses IMOS observations from multiple

                                                                                                                                 Emma Sommerville, IMOS

South Australian coastline.

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Deep Water Moorings: RV Investigator recovered and
deployed IMOS deep water moorings in the Southern Ocean
RV Investigator completed a voyage in September which
had been delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The IMOS Deep Water Moorings were            “We are grateful for the engineering            management, and finally, Master Adrian
deployed into a harsh, remote location in    expertise of the moorings group at CSIRO,       Koolhof, and 1st, 2nd and 3rd Mates (A.
the Southern Ocean, which is particularly    the skilful deck operations undertaken          Roebuck, J. Hokin, and S. Edwards) for
vulnerable to extreme weather including      by Phil De Boer, Tim Lane, Jim LaDuke           excellent ship handling during mooring
very large waves, strong currents and        and the crew of the RV Investigator             operations and during transit to and
severe storms, presenting significant        during some difficult weather conditions.       from the site,” says Dr Shadwick.
technical and engineering challenges.        We thank the MNF staff (Rod Palmer,
                                                                                             The moorings are operated through
                                             Anoosh Sarraf, Phil Vandenbosch, and            a partnership between IMOS, CSIRO
The two moorings, referred to as the
                                             Francis Chui) for their support with the        Marine National Facility, CSIRO, Bureau of
Southern Ocean Flux Station (SOFS)
                                             CTD and computing and network access            Meteorology, and the Australian Antarctic
and Sub-Antarctic Zone sediment trap
                                             on board, MNF Voyage Managers Linda             Program Partnership (AAPP). n
(SAZ) moorings were successfully
                                             Gaskell and Lisa Woodward for voyage
recovered and replaced by new SOFS
and SAZ moorings which are scheduled

                                                                                                                                            Jim LaDuke, CSIRO
to be recovered in April 2021.
IMOS is particularly pleased with
the successful recovery of the SOFS
mooring after an extended deployment
of 16 months and two winter
seasons due to the voyage delay.
Dr Elizabeth Shadwick, who leads the
IMOS Southern Ocean Time Series
(SOTS) Observatory sub-Facility and is
a senior research scientist at CSIRO,
was the Chief Scientist on this first
research voyage of the RV Investigator
since the shutdown of sea operations
due to the COVID-19 pandemic.                Mooring recovery team. Phil de Boer, Daniel Morse, Peter Taylor, Tim Lane, Roderick Langham,
                                             Elizabeth Shadwick, James Hogg, Lisa Woodward, Pete Jansen, and Linda Gaskell.
“We have sustained the longest time
series of Southern Ocean observations

                                                                                                                                             Adrian Koolhof, CSIRO
operated by any nation, contributing to
the global effort to understand ocean
dynamics and their role in climate
and responses to anthropogenic
emissions,” says Dr Shadwick.
The sensor records and sample
collections achieved with moorings at
SOTS increase our understanding of
climate and carbon cycle processes in
Subantarctic waters – which are now
recognized as globally important in
removing CO2 from the atmosphere.
This voyage into the Southern Ocean will
produce science of global significance and
is made possible by the strong partnership
between Australia’s national Integrated
Marine Observing System and the CSIRO
Marine National Facility (MNF).
                                             Recovery of the Southern Ocean Flux Station Mooring.

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AODN: Waverider Buoys deployed by the New Zealand Defence Force are
providing critical information about conditions in the remote Southern Ocean
The wave climate data from the Southern Ocean site is now available via the AODN Portal.

The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF)           added to a pre-existing data collection     • The second deployment by HMNZS
routinely operates in the Southern Ocean,      on the AODN Portal, forming part of           WELLINGTON occurred on the
with their crews experiencing large waves      the Waverider Buoys Observations –            2nd of March 2018, the highest
which are often poorly forecasted.             Australia – Delayed (National Wave            wave it recorded was 23.8 m on
                                               Archive) collection. Once the QA/             the 9th May 2018, then on 27th of
To improve the safety of their sailors at
                                               QC has been completed on data from            July 2019 the battery stopped. To
sea the NZDF are working in partnership
                                               the third deployment it will also be          find this data filter on Site name:
with the academic community to improve
                                               available via the AODN collection.            Campbell Island Wave Rider Buoy
forecasts in the area. Moreover, the NZDF
                                                                                             on Step 2 of the AODN Portal.
is currently engaged in a shipbuilding         IMOS with our collaborators such as
programme which requires a detailed            the NZDF, looks to provide observations     • The third deployment installed by
understanding of the wave climate for sea      for the operational needs, safety             HMNZS CANTERBURY on the 23rd
keeping analysis and ice belt design.          and efficiency of marine industries,          November 2018, collected data
                                               particularly those who patrol and transit     onsite until it broke free on 11th June
Unlike other regions, the Southern
                                               the oceans for security, by making            2020, maximum wave height during
Ocean has limited ship traffic and
                                               data available on the AODN Portal.            operation is still to be assessed.
consequently there is a scarcity of wave
observations from volunteer observing                                                      Feedback and questions regarding
ships. The difficult conditions and remote     History of the deployments                  the Wave buoy data or any product
location have resulted in limited scientific   The Southern Ocean is known for being       available via the AODN Infrastructure,
measurements of the wave climate.              quite treacherous, possibly resulting       are always welcome, please send to
                                               in the three deployments to date; 
The NZDF have been working to fill this
knowledge gap since February 2017              • The first was deployed by HMNZS           This news item was written in collaboration
by measuring waves in the Southern               OTAGO on the 8th of February 2017.        with New Zealand Defence Force Staff. n
Ocean near Campbell Island.                      On the 20th of May 2017 it recorded
The NZDF have conducted three                    its maximum wave height of 19.4m,
deployments at the site (52°45.71′S,             it then broke free on the 28th of July
169°02.54′E), with data from two of              2017, and was not recovered. To
the three deployments available via              find this data filter on Site name:
the AODN Portal. The data has been               Southern Ocean Wave Rider Buoy
                                                 on Step 2 of the AODN Portal.

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Marine matters - Integrated Marine Observing System

Satellite Remote Sensing: IMOS multi-satellite sea surface
temperature (SST) composite products have been updated
The Bureau of Meteorology have reprocessed the products adding a further six years of data.

The IMOS Multi-sensor L3S composites
of sea surface temperature (SST)
have recently been reprocessed by
the Bureau of Meteorology and are
now available from the AODN Portal
back to 2012 (previously only back to
1 Jan 2018). They also contain data
streams from additional satellites
that significantly improves the spatial
coverage and accuracy of the products.
The Sea Surface Temperature (SST)
Satellite Remote Sensing Sub-Facility is
a collaborative effort with the Australian
Bureau of Meteorology to produce
high-resolution satellite sea surface
temperature (SST) products over
the Australian and Southern Ocean
regions, designed to suit a range of
operational and research applications.
The Multi-sensor L3S products are used
to nowcast coral bleaching (IMOS SST
products are used in ReefTemp) and
marine heatwaves (IMOS OceanCurrent),
and to study coastal ocean features
and short-term ocean phenomena such
as diurnal warming and upwelling.

Data links and further
The new IMOS Multi-sensor L3S
SST products are available from the
AODN Portal (this news item provides
the links to the individual products)
and AODN Thredds server.
These multi-sensor L3S products are
non-interpolated 0.02 degree composites
(equal area weighted averages) of 0.75 km
to 4 km resolution SST observations from
                                              Recent plots from IMOS OceanCurrent demonstrate the (a) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and
AVHRR and VIIRS infra-red sensors on
                                              (b) corresponding SST Percentiles over the Australian region for 23 September 2020, derived
various polar-orbiting satellites (AVHRR on   using the IMOS 6-day night-time 2 km Multi-sensor L3S SST data and CSIRO’s SSTAARS daily
NOAA-15/17/18/19 and MetOp-A/B, and           2 km SST climatology.
VIIRS on Suomi-NPP and NOAA-20). n
                                              These illustrate the improved spatial coverage from including additional data streams from
                                              NOAA-20 and MetOp-B (in addition to Suomi-NPP and NOAA-18). The Percentile maps are useful
                                              in identifying Marine Heat Waves around the Australian and New Zealand coast. The 23 Sep 2020
                                              map illustrates the strong marine heatwave at the time off the northwest coast of Australia.

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AODN/Animal Tracking: IMOS improves the accuracy of our seal tracking location data
The IMOS Animal Tagging sub-Facility has developed a new quality control process to
improve the accuracy of data transmitted by Seal Satellite Relay Data Loggers (SRDL).

IMOS Animal Tagging scientists have           Data Links and Further                    The Satellite Relay Tagging Program
created two new quality control packages      Information                               – Delayed mode data will remain
for the software R to use with data                                                     available in the AODN Portal until all
transmitted from seal Satellite Relay Data    Near real-time collection on the          historical data have been added to
Loggers – foieGras and imosQCdev.             AODN Portal.                              the new dataset collection. The IMOS
                                              Delayed Mode on the AODN Portal.          Animal Tagging team will run the QC
The foieGras package fits continuous-time
                                                                                        packages on the satellite locations of the
models in state-space form, estimating        Both dataset collections are available    historical records, supplying all records
most probable locations along animal          as a set of csv files, including the      with improved satellite locations.
trajectories from error-prone locations       automated QC summary output.
observed via the Argos satellite system.                                                Thank you to Ian Jonsen of Macquarie
                                              The original format files for these two   University and Clive McMahon from the
The imosQCdev package applies the             dataset collections can be found on       Sydney Institute of Marine Science for
foieGras models automatically to the          the AODN data server (for the delayed     their contribution towards this story.
new data received every 24-hours and          mode and the near real-time).
appends the estimated locations to                                                      For any questions or feedback about
Conductivity-Temperature Depth (CTD)          The two new dataset collections           these dataset collections or any other
profiles and other data collected. The        replace the Satellite Relay Tagging       AODN Portal collections, please
data are available in near real-time          Program – Delayed mode data               contact us at n
mode on the AODN Portal, and also             collection that provides access to
become available in delayed mode              the data coming directly from the
on the AODN Portal when a second              Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU,
level of supervised QC is completed           University of St. Andrews, UK).
by the end of the Austral Summer.

                                                                                                                                      Rob Harcourt, Macquarie University.
The IMOS Animal Tracking – Animal
Tagging Sub-Facility annually deploys
Satellite Relay Data Loggers (SRDL)
on several species of Southern
Ocean seals including Weddell
and Southern Elephant seals.
The data loggers are equipped with a CTD
and sometimes a fluorometer, collecting
high resolution ocean observations in
the deep Southern Ocean and Antarctic
waters. Animal activity such as dive depths
and duration, which are important for
understanding marine mammal foraging
ecology are measured by the data loggers.
Researchers are advancing understanding
of the world’s oceans and its top
predators, how these species interact with
their environment and predicting how they
may be affected by future changes through
analysis of combined oceanography
and marine mammal ecology data.

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BGC Argo: Update from the IMOS Biogeochemical Argo sub-Facility
The IMOS Biogeochemical Argo team would like to update the community on progress
and plans, discuss deployments, and offer our assistance to new users of the data.

In October last year, two Biogeochemical     Australian Bight, the SE Indian Ocean           like to extend an offer to potential users
Argo floats were deployed in the EAC off     and the eastern tropical Indian Ocean.          to draw on our experience. We are
Brisbane. You can look at their tracks       We would welcome community input on             more than happy to provide code and
and data via the AODN Portal or IMOS         the relative priority of these locations, and   expertise. The following web sites also
OceanCurrent (Float 5905441 and              ideas for other deployment locations.           provide resources for new users:
Float 5905442)                                                                     
                                             The IMOS Biogeochemical Argo
In early 2021, we intend to deploy           deployments are of course part of a larger      https://kimbaldry.github.
three floats close to Antarctica from RV     international community that includes           io/FriendlyExperts/
Investigator. The approximate location       the SOCCOM project to deploy up to
                                                                                             Biogeochemical Argo data represent
of these floats is about halfway between     200 Biogeochemical Argo floats in the
                                                                                             a great opportunity for undergraduate
Davis Station and Heard/McDonald             Southern Ocean (including the GAB).
                                                                                             and graduate teaching and student
Islands (67.5°E, 62.5°S). We are also
                                             Data from older Biogeochemical Argo             projects, and we are excited about
hoping to deploy three floats in the
                                             deployments by CSIRO in the Indian              helping new users to access the data.
northern EAC/Coral Sea in late 2020,
                                             Ocean, in collaboration with India, are
but those plans have been impacted by                                                        Regards
                                             also available via the IMOS data portal.
COVID and we are still seeking options.                                                      Pete, Tom, Christina and Bozena
                                             Data QC protocols for biogeochemical
The current IMOS Biogeochemical Argo                                                         If you would like more information
                                             data are evolving, and we realise that
project, which runs through mid-2022,                                                        please contact:
                                             understanding the sensors, data, QC
will enable the purchase and deployment                                            
                                             and processing may represent a barrier
of about another three floats. Candidate                                           
                                             to some users. For that reason, we’d
locations for deployment include the Great                                          n

                                                                                                                                          Dr Thomas Moore, CSIRO

  One of the first IMOS Biogeochemical
  Argo floats to be deployed.

12 marinematters

       National Mooring Network: Long-term research shows
       ocean acidification ramping up on the Great Barrier Reef
       The collaborative research conducted between AIMS and CSIRO
       drew on over a decade of IMOS observations.
       Ocean acidification is no longer a sombre      support the growth of coral on the Reef.     CO2, pH and aragonite saturation state
       forecast for the Great Barrier Reef but a      It’s never been more important to address    data (2009–2019). These data were
       present-day reality, a new study reveals.      ocean acidification in plans to manage       collected as part of Australia’s IMOS
                                                      the Reef”, said Dr. Bronte Tilbrook, a       network at two long-term monitoring
       The study, published in the international
                                                      Senior Principal Research Scientist at       stations, located 650 kilometres
       Journal Scientific Reports, shows
                                                      CSIRO who leads IMOS’ observational          apart at contrasting locations.
       carbon dioxide (CO2) and ocean
                                                      projects for CO2 and ocean acidification.
       acidification are rapidly increasing on                                                     The researchers found the minimum
       the Reef. Seawater CO2 has risen 6             Ocean acidification results from seawater    CO2 concentrations measured today
       per cent over the past 10 years and            absorbing excess CO2 that has been           were likely to already have passed the
       matches the rate of CO2 increases in the       emitted into the atmosphere. The CO2         highest CO2 levels expected 60 years
       atmosphere, confirming the influence of        dissolves in the seawater where it changes   ago, even after accounting for the
       atmospheric CO2 on seawater CO2 levels.        the chemistry. This includes decreasing      effects of temperature, nutrients, salinity,
                                                      the water’s pH, and reducing the aragonite   and daily and seasonal changes.
       “People talk about ocean acidification in
                                                      saturation state, which is critical for
       terms of 50 years’ time, but for the first                                                  “We know now that oceans are taking
                                                      building the skeletons of reef-building
       time our study shows how fast ocean                                                         up about 23% of the excess CO2
                                                      coral and other marine organisms. Under
       acidification is already happening on                                                       from the air. They actually provide a
                                                      reduced pH conditions, their calcium
       the Reef,” said Dr Katharina Fabricius,                                                     service to humanity by slowing climate
                                                      carbonate skeletons take longer to
       lead author and Senior Principal                                                            change. But the price to pay is that
                                                      form and weaken, leaving them more
       Research Scientist at the Australian                                                        the seawater’s carbon chemistry is
                                                      susceptible to damage and erosion.
       Institute of Marine Science (AIMS).                                                         changing, and we didn’t know it was
                                                      While long-term data exist for CO2 and       happening in dynamic coastal waters
       The research, a collaboration between
                                                      ocean acidification trends in open oceans,   at such fast rates,” Dr Fabricius said.
       AIMS and CSIRO, drew on over a
                                                      there have been very few long-term data
       decade of observations collected                                                            In another research first, AIMS and
                                                      on these trends in coastal waters around
       as part of Australia’s Integrated                                                           CSIRO scientists have used data
                                                      the world, including the Great Barrier
       Marine Observing System (IMOS) to                                                           from 1384 Reef sites to show coastal
                                                      Reef. Biological and physical processes
       conclude that the Reef’s rich carbonate                                                     acidification’s negative impacts on three
                                                      like respiration create large fluctuations
       seafloor is not buffering against ocean                                                     important indicators of Reef health:
                                                      in CO2 in coastal areas, making the
       acidification as previously thought.
                                                      detection of trends more difficult.          • the numbers of both baby coral and
       “Our research shows that acidification                                                        coralline algae are plummeting as
                                                      The study has filled this important
       is rapidly changing the conditions that                                                       CO2 increases across the Reef, and
                                                      knowledge gap by analysing 10 years of
                                                                                                   • undesirable seaweed is thriving
                                                                                                     at high CO2 locations.

                                                                                                   The study, published earlier this year in
                                                                                                   the journal Global Change Biology,
                                                                                                   found these baby coral and coralline
                                                                                                   algae also decreased and seaweed
                                                                                                   increased as fine suspended sediment
                                                                                                   increased across the Reef — with the
                                                                                                   greatest sediment concentration and
                                                                                                   organism changes observed closer to
                                                                                                   the shore. The researchers highlighted
                                                                                                   effective water quality management as
                                                                                                   an achievable solution to reduce coastal
                                                                                                   acidification’s impact on the Reef.
                                                                                                   This new item was originally published
                                                                                                   as a media release by AIMS. n

                                The IMOS Yongala National Reference Station on the central Great
                                Barrier Reef with the AIMS research vessel Cape Ferguson.

                                                                                                                            marinematters      13

                               Expendable BathyThermograph (XBT):
                               Ship of Opportunity operations during the pandemic.

                               In a time where much of the                       program that have been able to continue    To continue the collection of data along
                               oceanographic observing community                 operations uninterrupted through 2020.     the PX32 and PX30 lines, we have
                               is unable to collect data in the usual                                                       enlisted the help of the ships’ crew
                                                                                 Under normal conditions, the CSIRO
                               way, the IMOS XBT Ship of Opportunity                                                        to undertake sampling at a reduced
                                                                                 operates three XBT lines (PX30, PX32
                               program has continued and adapted,                                                           frequency (every 4 hours). The crews of
                                                                                 and IX28) in high density, low frequency
                               where necessary, to maintain our                                                             Hansa Freyburg, Seatrade Orange and
                                                                                 mode, with an observation undertaken
                               observations as best we can.                                                                 Seatrade Red have volunteered to collect
                                                                                 every 1-2 hours. Each line or transect
                                                                                                                            XBT data during their transits. After a
                               The Bureau of Meteorology operates                is occupied four times per year.
                                                                                                                            brief pause on sampling in May-June
                               three XBT lines (IX01, PX02 and PX11/
                                                                                 This demanding sampling regime             while arrangements were made and
                               IX22) in frequently repeated mode,
                                                                                 requires a ship rider to join the SOOP     equipment modified, XBT observations
                               with observations undertaken every
                                                                                 vessel and collect the data while on       recommenced from September 2020.
                               4 hours. Each transect is repeated
                                                                                 board. Travel restrictions and COVID-19
                               on a weekly or monthly basis.                                                                The IX28 line (Hobart to Dumont
                                                                                 health and safety requirements on
                                                                                                                            D’Urville, Antarctica) is completed
                               These observations are collected by ships’        board, means that ship riders are
                                                                                                                            from the l’Astrolabe during the Austral
                               crew and have therefore been able to              currently unable to join our volunteer
                                                                                                                            summer months (October to March). This
                               continue their normal operations. They            vessels to collect XBT observations.
                                                                                                                            season’s planning has been complicated
                               are the only organisation in the global XBT
OceanOps (

                               Map of global XBT lines from 2016, showing Australia’s contribution in pink.
                               Note PX32 line is slightly North of the PX34 line and is not shown on the map.

                               14 marinematters

                     by quarantine requirements for visits           companies, vessels and crew for their

                                                                                                                                                                     Mitch Gimm, Master, Northwest Sandpiper, Shell.
                     to Antarctica, plus federal and state           contributions through this pandemic and
                     government quarantine requirements              for their continuing support into the future:
                     for international travellers. Fortunately,
                                                                     IX01: Swan River Bridge (K Line)
                     we have found a path forward and for
                     l’Astrolabe’s first rotation in November,       PX02: OOCL Houston, OOCL Texas
                     Pat McMahon (CSIRO) will be on board            and OOCL Panama (OOCL)
                     to collect our usual high density XBT
                                                                     PX11, IX22: Northwest Sanderling
                     observations. We now expect that
                                                                     and Northwest Sandpiper (Shell)
                     the program will operate as normal
                     for IX28 for this summer season.                PX32: Hansa Freyburg (ANL)

                     In addition, the RV Investigator was able       PX30: Seatrade Orange and
                     to sample part of the IX28 line (from 50S       Seatrade Red (Seatrade)
                     to Hobart) during September 2020.               IX28: l’Astrolabe (French Navy,
                     The CSIRO and the Bureau of                     LEGOS & IPEV) and RV Investigator               Crew from Northwest Sandpiper
                     Meteorology kindly thank the following          (Voyage in2019_v09) n                           (Shell) prepare to deploy an XBT.

                                                                                                                                                                     Capt. C.P. Licardo, Master, Swan River Bridge, K Line
Pat McMahon, CSIRO

                                                                                                                     XBT system set up on Swan River Bridge
                                                                                                                     (K Line)

                                                                                                                                                                     Dr Chris Chapman, CSIRO

                     XBT deployment tube extending from the bridge on the l’Astrolabe.                               View from the Seatrade Orange (Seatrade)

                                                                                                                                              marinematters     15

The New Technology Proving Low cost Wave Buoy
project advances to its next phase

The start of November 2020 represents       the first year (Figure 1). A major focus        For example, in the Bonney upwelling
a one-year milestone for the two-year       now has been on validating their ability        zone in southwest Victoria, three
IMOS New Technology Proving Low Cost        to deliver long-term data with 6-monthly        mooring designs are being trialled with
Wave Buoy Technology sub-Facility,          servicing across a number of different          performance compared to a conventional
representing a collaborative effort among   marine environments throughout                  wave buoy. The deployments are
researchers at the University of Western    Australia with different wave climates,         co-located in proximity to the IMOS
Australia, Deakin University, University    tidal flows and biofouling regimes.             Bonney oceanographic mooring
of Melbourne, Australian Institute of                                                       and Portland acoustic curtain.
                                            Over the past year, measurements have
Marine Science (AIMS) and CSIRO.
                                            concentrated on test sites maintained

                                                                                                                                       Paul Tinkler, Deakin University
The project focuses on assessing            off Western Australia (WA - maintained
the performance of a new generation         by the University of Western Australia)
of small, low-cost wave buoys that          and Victoria (Vic -maintained by
could help to efficiently expand wave       Deakin University and University of
observations around Australia. The          Melbourne), with initial data being
trials conducted at several sites around    streamed to the community in near
Australia have focused on collecting        real-time at the
sustained observations from Sofar           and sites.
Ocean Spotter buoys, which are both
                                            The Spotter buoys have been serviced
much cheaper and smaller (hence less
                                            at 3-6 monthly intervals, with minimal
costly to deploy) than conventional
                                            disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic
wave buoys. To benchmark wave buoy
                                            due to the ability to deploy and retrieve the
performance, the project has established
                                            small Spotter buoys from small coastal
several test sites around Australia where
                                            vessels (Figure 2). Due to the much
Spotter buoys are deployed directly
                                            smaller size of these new buoys (~5 kg
adjacent to conventional wave buoys.
                                            versus >100 kg for conventional buoys),
The ability of these new buoys to           the project has also been focusing on
measure wave motions with comparable        trialling new mooring designs that are
accuracy to conventional buoys has          tailored to maximise performance.               Figure 2: Port Fairy wave buoy servicing
been established in the project during
                                                                                            Research vessel MV Yolla.

Figure 1: Comparison of
significant wave heights for
two Spotter wave buoys
deployed off Albany, WA
adjacent to a Datawell
Directional Waverider buoy.

16 marinematters

Using the large volume of data                 A second drifting buoy was deployed from          Australia off WA and the Northern Territory
collected over the past year, the              the RV Falkor in January of 2020 in Bremer        (NT). A new test site was recently deployed
project has also been helping to               Canyon along WA’s south coast. The buoy           off Ningaloo Reef, WA, with field support
develop new QA/QC procedures for               has since drifted more than 2000 km,              provided by the Minderoo Exmouth
wave buoy data delivery within IMOS,           initially to the west and then north and          Research Laboratory, which will compare
working closely with the AODN.                 now sits 350 km offshore of Exmouth in            Spotter data against a conventional wave
                                               WA’s northwest (see the current location          buoy maintained by the WA Department
The QA/QC procedures have been
                                               at The buoy                of Transport. In late November, the team
developed with the larger national wave
                                               continues to report quality near real-time        will establish its final test site off NT, by
observation community, coordinated
                                               spectral wave data hourly.                        comparing performance of a Spotter buoy
with the FOO Surface Waves Working
                                                                                                 adjacent to a conventional wave buoy
Group and the AODN. Over the past              Looking forward to the final year of
                                                                                                 that will be deployed by AIMS as part of
year, the near real-time data from the Vic     the project, a particular focus will be
                                                                                                 the IMOS Wave Buoys sub-Facility of the
and WA project sites has been attracting       expanding test sites in the northern part of
                                                                                                 National Mooring Network Facility. n
significant stakeholder and public interest
(for example, 25K web visits to the https:// website alone in 2020).
With the wide range of stakeholders
interested in real-time coastal
observations, as additional Spotter buoys
are being deployed at new sites around
Australia, further stakeholder engagement
and data uptake is expected to further
grow. This New Technology Proving sub-
Facility is doing the groundwork to trial
and operationalise this new technology
to enable standardisation across
deployments and integration across
Australia’s broader wave buoy network.
In addition to the moored buoys, the
New Technology Proving sub-Facility
has included the deployment of drifting
Spotter Buoys (Figure 3). A drifting
buoy was deployed in Perth Canyon in
November 2019. After deployment, the
buoy travelled to the south and spent
the winter of 2020 about 500 km SW of
Cape Leeuwin before deciding to come
home. In September, the buoy drifted
north and was remarkably able to be
recovered 100 m off the beach just south
of Perth. The buoy, which recorded
significant wave heights over 9 m, was
in very good condition and contained 11
months of raw displacement data (which                     Figure 3: Drifter tracks for two Spotter buoys delivering near real-
is not transmitted due to the file sizes).                 time wave data, released off Bremer Canyon and Perth Canyon.

                                                                                                                           marinematters   17

                                      IMOS DATA STREAM USED:                       Previous studies in the region have
                                      Ocean gliders, Ocean radar,                  examined the eddy dynamics mainly
                                      Ocean moorings and SRS.                      using satellite imagery, shipborne
                                                                                   measurements and, numerical modelling.
                                      Mesoscale eddies are ubiquitous features     However, these studies have been limited
                                      in the ocean with closed circular currents   by low spatial and temporal resolution of
                                      that are typically 50-300 km in diameter     ocean observations and subsequently
                                      and are considered to be the weather         there is a limitation in understanding
                                      of the ocean. They play an important         of the three-dimensional structure and
                                      role in physical and biogeochemical          generation of mesoscale eddies.
                                      processes in the ocean being effective
                                      transporters of heat, salt, nutrients,       Sharani’s study will use a variety
                                      and other biochemical materials in the       of oceanographic remote and in-
                                      ocean. They are highly energetic rotary      situ observations collected through
                                      features and lasts for many weeks and        IMOS using a variety of platforms
                                      travel many hundreds of kilometers.          that include High Frequency Radar,
                                                                                   ocean gliders, oceanographic
                                      The West Australian ocean circulation
Sharani Kodithuwakku                  is dominated by the Leeuwin Current
                                                                                   moorings and satellite remote sensing
                                                                                   along West Australian coast.
The University of Western Australia   (LC), a strong, narrow poleward flowing
                                      current with both seasonal and inter-        This will be the first study of its type
Project title:                        annual variability. It is considered         to use such a rich array of oceanic
                                      anomalous as it flows poleward, in           measurements. The study consists of
Dynamics of Mesoscale eddies
                                      contrast to other ocean basins, where the    three major aims: (1) define the climatology
around Western Australia.                                                          of mesoscale eddies in Western Australia;
                                      currents flow equatorward. These unique
                                      oceanographic characteristics of LC          (2) examine the internal three-dimensional
                                      System together with changes in coastline    structure of mesoscale eddies in the
                                      orientation results in the most energetic    Perth submarine canyon; and, (3) to
                                      eddy field associated with eastern           determine the role of topography on the
                                      boundary current systems globally.           generation of mesoscale eddies. n

                                                                                                                                  Paul Lethaby, UWA

18 marinematters
The AODN Portal provides access to all available
                                                                 Australian marine and climate science data
                                                                 and provides the primary access to IMOS data
                                                                 including access to the IMOS metadata.

Director Michelle Heupel –
Deputy Director Indi Hodgson-Johnston –
Senior Science Officer Paul van Ruth –
Operations Manager Emma Sommerville –
Communications Manager Marian Wiltshire – |
IMOS Program Officer Jake Wallis –
Office Assistant Karen Pitman –

General enquiries: Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS), University of Tasmania, Private Bag 110, Hobart, TAS, 7001
+61 (03) 6226 7549 T • +61 (03) 6226 2107 F

For more information about IMOS please visit the website
                                                           Thanks to: Michelle Heupel, Jake Wallis, Beatriz Peña-Molino,
Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS)      Andrew Lenton, Robert Johnson, Ana Redondo Rodriquez,
is enabled by the National Collaborative Research          Elizabeth Shadwick, New Zealand Defence Force, AODN, Helen
Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). It is operated by a       Beggs, Katharina Fabricius, AIMS, Ian Jonsen, Clive McMahon,
consortium of institutions as an unincorporated joint      Pete Strutton, Tom Trull, Rebecca Cowley, Ryan Lowe, Daniel
venture, with the University of Tasmania as Lead Agent.    Ierodiaconou, Jeff Hansen, Ian Young, and Sharani Kodithuwakku.

                                                                                                   marinematters      19
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