P R O G R A M S & S E RV I C E S

3   Your Library Card         12   Adult Events

 4   Library Services          15   Music in the Atrium

 5   StoryWalks                16   Film Festivals

 5   Free WiFi in the Parks    18   Youth Events

 6   Mobile Apps               21   Early Literacy

 7   Tools for Teachers        22   Levy Information

 8   Digital Services          23   GHPL 2021 Summary
     & Online Learning
                               24   Support the Library
10   E-Books & Digital Media
Your Library Card
                        Apply online at

                        Materials & Loan Periods
“Hot Picks” Books                  7 days         There are no daily incremental fines
                                                 for overdue items borrowed at GHPL,
Magazines                          7 days        except for items borrowed from state-
                                                 wide network OhioLINK.
DVDs/Blu-rays                      7 days         The library blocks patron accounts
                                                 that have $10 on their account, and/or
Video Games                        7 days        an item that is 21 days overdue, and/or
                                                 10 overdue items.
Books (excluding “Hot Picks”)      21 days
                                                  Items 35 days overdue are marked
                                                 lost, and a bill for the replacement cost
Audiobooks                         21 days
                                                 and processing fee is mailed.
Nontraditional Items               Varies         The library does not offer refunds for
                                                 lost items that have been paid for and
E-books/Digital Media              Varies        then returned later.

Maximum Items Checked Out                        Lost, Stolen, or Missing Items
Patrons in good standing (owing less             & Cards
than $10) may have a maximum of                  Patrons are responsible for all materials
100 physical items checked out at                checked out on their card including lost
a time. This includes 20 movies, 40              and damaged items. Please report lost
CDs, 5 video games, 5 vinyl records,             cards/items immediately.
2 board games. New patrons may
have a maximum of 10 physical                    Adding Users to Your Account
items at a time for the first 30 days.            A patron’s library record is confidential.
(Maximums from digital collections,              Patrons may ask at a service desk
nontraditional items, and SearchOhio             (in-person only) to have specified users
and OhioLINK items vary.)                        added to their accounts.

Cards for Children 17 & Under                    Access GHPL Online
                                                 Access your account at to
Parents are responsible for their
                                                 place reserves, choose your pickup
children’s library cards. Only legal
                                                 location, renew materials, save
guardians/custodians are allowed
                                                 searches, and create lists. Also,
access to a child’s card. A parent or            reserve a meeting room, download or
guardian may ask (in-person only)                stream digital media, learn about library
to have grandparents, siblings, child            events/news, donate to the library, and
care providers, step-parents, etc.               access information and resources.
added to a child’s account.
                                                 Renewing Items
Past Due Accounts                                Most items automatically renew when
Past due accounts owing $25 or                   due, up to the maximum number of
more may be sent to a collection                 renewals, unless requested by other
agency.                                          patrons.

Library Services

Automatic Holds               GHPL StoryWalks             School Outreach
Automatic Renewal             Golden Buckeye              Staff Book
(on most items)                                           Recommendations
                              Card Applications
BookPage Newsletter
                              History Walks App           Study Cubicles
                                                          Tax Forms
Culture Pass                  Homebound Delivery          (seasonal & limited)

Device Advice                 Meeting Rooms               Technology Tutoring
                                                          (by appointment)
Digital Library
                              Mobile Printing             Used Books
                              (use your device to send
Drive-Thru Pickup             print jobs from anywhere)   Donation Box
E-Newsletter                  Nursing Room
                                                          Voter Registration
Family Restroom               Notary
                              (by appointment)            Wheeled Walker
FAX/Scanner                                               (mobility aid for in-library use)
Free Online Courses           Public Computers
                              (Internet/Microsoft         WiFi
                                                          (library property and at
GHPL Mobile App               Office/Adobe Reader)          Grandview Heights Parks/Pool)

GHPL PopUp Library            Reference Services

  NEW SERVICE!    Culture Pass
  Get free admission for the family to the
  Columbus Museum of Art! Learn more at

Grandview Heights Public Library

                                                     StoryWalks at both C. Ray
                                                     Buck Park (1280 Goodale
                                                     Blvd.) and Wyman Woods
                                                     Park (1520 Goodale Blvd.)
                                                     are a fun way to enjoy a
                                                     story or activity with the
                                                     whole family outdoors in our
                                                     community’s beautiful parks.
                                                     Visit for
                                                     upcoming themes.

          Free WiFi
          in Grandview Heights Parks

            PROVIDED BY                     FUNDED BY

  SUPPORTING INITIATIVES                 Provides outside working space for
 Provides greater access to the
                                             individuals and businesses.
 library’s digital collections at        Supports Grandview Heights                            Schools’ 1:1 Computing program.
 Promotes library, parks and            Provides emergency communication
 recreation, and city events.                network for first responders.

Mobile Apps

History Walks
Take self-guided walking tours
featuring fascinating local legends,
inspiring structures, and notable
people. Download the free app from
the Apple App Store or Google Play
Store. Presented with the Grandview
Heights/Marble Cliff Historical Society.

                                      Access thousands of e-books, e-audiobooks,
                                      graphic novels, picture books for kids,
                                      and more with Libby! This free app is an
                                      easy way to access our Digital Downloads
                                      collection, also available at
                                      Libby is available for Android, iOS, some
                                      Chromebooks, and on your browser at

 Download the free Grandview Heights
 Public Library app, available from the
 Apple App Store and Google Play
 Store. Use it to check out your items
 right from your phone!

Tools for Teachers
Teacher Collections
Teachers may contact Youth Services to have collections of books gathered for
school use. Learn more at

Library Visits
Teachers may bring their classes to the library for tours, research, assignments,
and projects. Please reserve a date and time in advance with staff to alleviate any
space or resource conflicts.

Outreach to Schools
The Youth Services staff provides outreach services, including book talks and
instruction on the library’s digital resources, book deliveries, story times, and
GHPL PopUp Library visits to many local day care locations, schools, and
summer programs.

Ellison Die Cutter
A paper cutting machine is available to the public for in-library use. Choose from
50+ letters and designs. Please bring your own paper.

Live homework help from online tutors
Get live assistance Monday-Friday 2-11 pm and 24/7 access to learning
resources, including: writing labs, paper reviews, SAT practice tests, and group
study. For students K-12 and adult learners.

Digital Services
            & Online Learning
   / research

Ancestry Library Edition
Access billions of historical and genealogical records. Available in-library only,
including through our WiFi.

Chilton Library
Detailed Vehicle Repair
Most models from 1940-present, including step-by-step repair instructions.
Browse or search by specific make, model, and year.

The Columbus Dispatch Collection
Online Newspaper
Current and archived issues of The Columbus Dispatch (1985-present), with
full-color newspaper pages, individual articles, and online-only content.

Consumer Reports
Through EBSCOhost Research Databases
Nonprofit organization dedicated to product testing, consumer research, and

1000+ video classes in painting, knitting, crafting, sewing, and more.

Gale Courses
Educational Courses
Instructor-led courses in computer applications, web design, accounting,
personal development, and much more.

Job assistance from live, online coaches
Get help with your resume, cover letters, job interview preparation, and more.
Plus, find career resources, job hunting assistance, and test preparation
resources online 24/7.

LinkedIn Learning
Educational Courses
Instructor-led courses and video tutorials in computer applications, web design,
accounting, and more.

Local History
Explore Grandview Heights/Marble Cliff Historical Society collections, History
Walks, GHHS Yearbooks, Columbus Citizen-Journal photo archives, and more.

Mango Languages
Quick and easy online lessons – Spanish, French, Italian, ESL, and more.
Free mobile app.

New York Times Digital Access
Online Newspaper
Unlimited access to articles from The New York Times with your GHPL card.

Northstar Digital Literacy
Technology Skills
Learn basic computer, software, and technology skills for daily life, employment,
and higher education.

NoveList Plus
Readers’ Advisory
200K+ fiction and nonfiction authors and titles with read-alike suggestions for
all ages.

Online Job & Test Resources
LearningExpressLibrary through OhioMeansJobs
Standardized practice tests (SAT, ACT, GMAT), job & resume help, computer
skills tutorials, professional careers (nursing, real estate, etc), and more.
For elementary school through college.

Washington Post Digital Access
Online Newspaper
Unlimited access to The Washington Post online with your GHPL card.

E-Books & Digital Media /ebooks

          Digital Downloads
          E-Books, E-Audiobooks, Online Magazines
          Thousands of titles available. Get Libby, the free mobile
          app, or visit

          Stream 30,000 classic, indie, and documentary films with
          your GHPL card. Titles are always available - no waiting
          lists! Free mobile apps, including for your TV.

          Movies, TV, Music, E-Audiobooks, E-Books, Comic Books
          Instantly access thousands of movies, TV shows,
          e-books, comic books, and audiobooks. Free mobile
          apps, including for your TV.

          Download free, legal MP3s (to keep!) from Sony Music’s
          collection of 5 million songs. Five downloads each week.
          Free mobile app.

          Classic Reads
Classic   300+ classic novels with no waiting. Available through
          the GHPL Mobile App.

Scholastic Teachables
Teacher Resources
Printable lesson plans, skill sheets, reading passages,
and more for all subjects and all grades.

Live homework help from online tutors
Get live assistance Monday-Friday 2-11 pm and 24/7
access to learning resources, including: writing labs,
paper reviews, SAT practice tests, and group study.
For students K-12 and adult learners. Visit

Masks required for events at the library.
In-person events may be canceled or                          Scan this QR code to
switched to a virtual format, depending                      browse events online.
on current COVID-19 safety guidelines.

Adult Craft Kits to Go                       Lift Your Read
Monthly                                      All ages | Monthly
Pick up a craft kit inspired by our          Discover new voices and diverse
Creativebug database. Available while        perspectives with staff recommendations!
supplies last. Visit to       Visit
access Creativebug, find booklists,           March: Women’s History Month
and more.                                    April: Earth Day
                                             May: Cinco de Mayo

Monthly Book Talks for Adults
First & Third Fridays, 11 am
GHPL Facebook and Instagram pages
Get staff recommendations for new releases, specific genres and themes, classics,
hidden gems, and more.

Grandview Library Writers Group
Second & Fourth Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm
Share your work in any genre and workshop with other writers. Hosted by GHPL
staff members Chris Boerger and R.C. Registration required at

                                      Project Postcard
                                      All ages
       PROJECT                        Start a community conversation by sharing
      POSTCARD                        your book reviews! Pick up a blank postcard
                                      from the library, write your review, and return it
        Share your book review!
                                      to the library. Your review may even be shared
                                      with other patrons! Visit

A Celebration of Women
                                                Tuesday, March 1, 7 pm
                                                Celebrate Women’s History
                                                Month! Join retired professor
                                                and author Trudy Krisher for
                                                women’s history and stories from
                                                her historical fiction book based
                                                on her experiences attending
                                                the 2017 Women’s March in
                                                Washington, D.C.

Spring Gardening Tips
Tuesday, March 8, 7 pm
Prepare your vegetable garden for spring with Tim McDermott from OSU
Extension, Franklin County.

Irish Dance 101
Thursday, March 10, 7 pm
Get your dance moves ready for St. Patrick’s Day (March 17)! Learn the
basics of Irish stepdancing with GHPL staff/Irish dance teacher Michaela Fallon.
No experience or partner required. Class minimum: 5, maximum: 24. No fee.
Registration required at

American Red Cross Blood Drive
Wednesday, March 16, 1-7 pm
Give blood at the library. Call 1-800-RED-CROSS or sign up at
to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins will be accepted only if all appointment slots
have not been filled.

                               The Reverse Underground
                               Railroad in Ohio
                               Tuesday, April 5, 7 pm
                               Prior to the U.S. Civil War, the Free State of Ohio
                               became a hunting ground for slave catchers
                               and kidnappers seeking black “fugitives” or any
                               person of color who could be sold into slavery in
                               American slave states. Join author David Meyers
                               for stories about the terror, injustice, bravery, and
                               determination born of this dark time in American

Forgotten Landmarks of Columbus
Tuesday, April 12, 7 pm (Rescheduled from 1/20)
Local historians and authors Doreen Uhas Sauer and Tom Betti share stories from
their book about important and beautiful buildings in Columbus that have been lost
or saved.

Culinary Crossroads of the Mediterranean
Tuesday, April 26, 7 pm
Travel through fascinating food history with Shawnie Kelley, Wanderlust Tours
owner and Chef Instructor at Columbus State Community College. Learn how
centuries of cultural exchange among countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea
have created diverse and unique cuisines in the region.

Small Farm Animal Visit
Tuesday, May 3, 7 pm
Visit with chickens, ducks, turkeys, and rabbits on the library lawn! “Bring the Farm
to You” lets you see, touch, and learn about your favorite farm animals. For all ages.
No registration required.  

Tai Chi on the Lawn for Seniors
Tuesday, May 10, 7 pm
Learn the basics of this gentle form of exercise on the library lawn with instructor/
former GHPL staff member Diane Sturges. No fee. Minimum: 5; maximum: 15.
Suggested for ages 50+. Registration required at beginning April 26.
Rain location: Library Meeting Room.

Yappy Hour 12
Thursday, May 19, 6:30-8 pm
Join us for our 12th doggie mingle on the library lawn with visits from local pet
businesses & veterinarians. Leases required. No aggressive dogs, please.

32nd                                                        Concert
ANNUAL                                                      Sees


Topher James                            -

Thursday, March 24, 7 pm
Singer/songwriter performing R&B/soul
originals and covers.

           Rai nmaker Blues Duo
                                            Thursday, April 14, 7 pm
                                                    Classic and original
                                              blues with singer/guitarist
                                                John Henry and pianist/
                                                harmonica player David
                                                     Gastel. 2022 Blues
                                              Foundation Award Finalist
                                            for Best Self-Produced CD.

Thursday, May 12, 7 pm
Singer/guitarist performing popular
favorites you can sing along with.

Film                                                  Scan this QR code
                                                      to browse upcoming

                                                          movie events.

                        Elia Kazan
                        Mondays in March & April
                        (except 3/14) at 6 pm
                        A highly-regarded director of both stage
                        and screen, Kazan’s films tend to be
                        thoughtful, topical, and, on occasion,
                        controversial – much like the man himself.

       A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945)
3/07   Betty Smith’s beloved semi-autobiographical novel is translated
       to the big screen.

                                                                            AT THE M
3/21   Viva Zapata! (1952)
       Marlon Brando plays a real-life Mexican revolutionary.

       On the Waterfront (1954)
3/28   Brando is back, this time portraying a former boxer in this gritty
       and intense urban drama.

       East of Eden (1955)

4/04   James Dean, in one of only three major films he made before
       he died in a car accident, stars in this adaptation of John
       Steinbeck’s famous novel.

       A Face in the Crowd (1957)
4/11   Andy Griffith plays against type as a grinning and charismatic
       folk singer corrupted by celebrity.

       Wild River (1960)
4/18   Lee Remick and Montgomery Clift star in this naturalistic (and
       political) film that takes place along the Tennessee River.

       Splendor in the Grass (1961)
4/25   Natalie Wood and Warren Beatty are young lovers dealing with
       family pressures and emotional tension in this powerful drama.

Traveling through Asia and the
          Pacific Islands at the movies
                         Mondays, May 2–23
           Celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
                       with this collection of amazing films!

                       5/02             Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
                                        6 pm
                       A native New Yorker travels to Singapore to meet her boyfriend’s
                       family in this romantic comedy based on a bestselling novel by
                       Kevin Kwan.

MOVIES                 5/09             Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
                                        6 pm
                       A poor Mumbai teenager is accused of cheating on India’s
                       version of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Oscar winner for
                       Best Picture.

                       5/16             Once Were Warriors (1994)
                                        6:30 pm
                       A family descended from Maori warriors is beset with family
                       problems and discrimination. Based on the novel by
                       Alan Duff.

                       5/23             Better Luck Tomorrow (2002)
                                        6:30 pm
                       Based on a true crime story, Asian American high school
                       seniors turn to petty crime for thrills. Directed by Justin Lin
                       (Fast & Furious).

Masks required for events at the library.
In-person events may be canceled or                          Scan this QR code to
switched to a virtual format, depending                      browse events online.
on current COVID-19 safety guidelines.

Spring Fun To Go                                   Take & Make with Mom
Kids of all ages                                   Kids of all ages
April                                              May 2-8
Pick up a family fun kit at the library while      Stop in to pick up a craft kit to
supplies last beginning April 1. This kit will     make with a favorite lady.
include a craft, activities, treats, and more to
help you and your family connect.

     Story Times
                No Registration Required

Baby Games                       Family Story
0-18 months                      Time: Evening
Thursdays, 10:15-10:45 am        Edition
& 11:15-11:45 am                 2-5 years
March 3-May 5                    Wednesdays,
                                 6:30-7 pm
Tales for Toddlers               March 2-May 4
18-36 months
Tuesdays, 10:15-10:45 am &
11:15-11:45 am
                                 Music &
March 1-May 3                    Movement
                                 2-5 years
Family Story Time                2-2:30 pm
2-5 years                        March 2-May 4
Mondays, 11-11:30 am
March 7-May 2
Dungeons & Dragons
                                               Grades 6-12
                                               Saturdays, 1-4 pm
                                               March 12, April 2 & 23, and May 14
                                               Learn how to play in the realms of
                                               fantasy in this classic role-playing
                                               game. No registration required.

Picasso Preschoolers                           Virtual ACT Crash Course
Ages 3-5                                       For high school students
Wednesdays, 10:15-11 am                        Friday, March 18,
March 2, April 6, May 4                        4:30-8:30 pm
Learn about the elements of art                Are you taking the ACT
beginning with a short story time with         soon? Dr. Srinath Sampath
Miss Jean & Sheldon the Snail. Then,           from PrepAccelerator is offering
use what you have learned to make your         a free, 3-hour rigorous and fast-
own masterpiece to take home. Dress            paced crash course that focuses on
for a mess! Space is limited. Registration     problem-solving for all 4 sections of
required at two weeks in       the ACT. Register for the session
advance.                                       by going to
                                               prepaccelerator/622005 beginning
                                               Wednesday, February 2.

                                               PopUp Library at
                                               Pierce Field
                                               Thursdays, April & May,
                                               3-4:30 pm
                                               Check out some books and pick up
                                               an activity to take home from our
                                               PopUp Library, weather-permitting.
Show Your Talent
Grades 4-12
Wednesdays, March 2 & April 6, 7-8 pm
Whether you play an instrument, recite
poetry, rock at karaoke, or tell jokes,
come show your talent with other creative
individuals at the library. No registration
required. Karaoke machine, keyboard,
and guitars provided.

Monday Mash-Ups
Grades 4 & up
Mondays, March 7-May 23,
3:15-4:15 pm (except 3/28)
Games, crafts, karaoke, movies - stop by
and see what’s going on! No registration
Parachute Play for Preschoolers
                    3-5 years
                    Friday, April 8, 11-11:45 am
                    Activities, songs, and games all based on parachute
                    play. Perfect for preschoolers. Registration is
                    limited. Register online at beginning
                    March 25.

                    Sidewalk Doodles
                    All ages
                    May 1-28
                    Explore our interactive chalk doodle at the
                    library! Chalk doodles will be located on the First
                    Avenue sidewalk in front of the library. Doodles
                    change weekly. Take a picture posing with it and send
                    it to to be entered for a prize!

                                    Small Farm Animal Visit
                                    Tuesday, May 3, 7 pm
                                    Visit with chickens, ducks, turkeys,
                                    and rabbits on the library lawn!
                                    “Bring the Farm to You” lets you
                                    see, touch, and learn about your
                                    favorite farm animals. For all ages.
                                    No registration required.

Family Concert & Musical Fun with

                             All ages
                             Tuesday, May 31, 11 am-12:30 pm
                             Join us for a musical morning as we kick
                             off Summer Reading Club 2022! Enjoy a
                             family-friendly concert with members of the
                             ProMusica Chamber Orchestra, plus more
                             musical activities.

Summer Reading Club                           Be a Volunteen
All ages                                      Grades 7-12
May 31-July 31                                May 31-July 31
All ages can read to win great prizes!        Have you completed the 6th
Use your online or paper reading log          grade or higher? Would you
to reach your reading goals, complete         like to help out at the library this
challenges, participate in library events,    summer? Our Volunteens assist the Youth
and win prizes. Visit for            Services staff with the Kids’ Summer
information on how to sign up online or       Reading Club! Applications are available
pick up a paper reading log.                  in Youth Services beginning May 1.

GHHS Art Gallery at the Library
Spring exhibit: Reduction Block Prints
Stop by “The Basement” at the library any time to view original art by Grandview
Heights High School students.

          Early Literacy
Did you know May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month? Check
out a children’s book with Asian and Pacific Islander representation. Before, during,
and after reading, ask your child questions such as, “What do you have in common
with the characters?” and “What did you learn about the characters and/or their
culture?” Reserve books from the library at

Vocabulary and Letters
Practice letters with your child by playing an alphabet game. Walk around outside
or in your home and find items that start with each letter. This can also help build
your child’s vocabulary!

Not only are fingerplays fun, but they help develop finger independence and finger
awareness. Because of this, they also are good activities for future little musicians.
Try this one at home:
               Five Plump Peas
               Five plump peas in a peapod pressed
               (Put hand in fist with other hand on top)
               One grew, two grew, so did all the rest!
               (Release one finger at a time)
               They grew, and they grew, and they wouldn’t stop
               (Spread hands apart to show they have grown)
               They grew so big, that the peapod POPPED!
               (Keep spreading hands and clap hands in front of you on “popped”)

Levy Information
  The Grandview Heights Public Library is on the ballot this spring to request
  a renewal of the 4.5 mill operating levy with NO tax increase. This renewal
  is needed to maintain the current level of funding for the library. Below are
  answers to frequently asked questions about the levy.

Why is there a library levy on the May 3 ballot?
Collections for the library’s 4.5 mill operating levy end this year. The library is asking
the community to renew this 4.5 mill operating levy for another 6 years with NO tax

Will my taxes increase if the levy is renewed?
No. This levy is a straight renewal with no tax increase.

Why is this levy necessary?
The current expiring levy provides
approximately 39% of the library’s operating
revenue. The renewal of this levy is needed
to maintain library services. This includes
maintaining current hours, staffing, services,
programs, and materials (books, music,
movies, e-books, etc.).

How much tax will I pay
for this levy if it passes?
If the levy passes, homeowners pay the
same amount they currently pay. To view your
individual tax, please search for your property
on the Franklin County Auditor’s website:

What happens if the operating levy does not pass?
If the levy does not pass, the library will lose approximately 39% of its revenue and
will be forced to consider reducing hours, circulating materials, and staff.

                     Voter Registration Information
                     Register to vote and cast your ballot in upcoming elections.
                     Monday, April 4, 2022, is the voter registration deadline for the
                     May 3, 2022, Primary Elections. Learn about statewide issues
                     and get voter information from the Franklin County Board of
                     Elections ( and the Ohio Secretary
                     of State (

Grandew Heights Public Library

  2021 SUMMARY
The Grandview Heights Public Library (GHPL) is an award-winning, independent
suburban library system known for progressive leadership and friendly,
personalized service.
GHPL is a founding member (1988) and Administering Library of the Central
Library Consortium (CLC), a cooperative among 17 Central Ohio library systems.
GHPL offers 67 million items to its cardholders through a partnership between the
CLC and statewide networks SearchOhio and OhioLINK.

 Became 1 of 5 U.S. public libraries            Increased service and event partner-
  to receive 14 consecutive five-star              ships with Grandview Heights Schools.
  ratings from Library Journal.
                                                 Hosted community read & online
 Ranked #1 nationwide among libraries            discussion with national author Jason
  our size by Library Journal.                    Reynolds, in collaboration with 8 other
 Returned building hours to pre-                 Central Ohio libraries.
  pandemic levels to offer indoor and             Hosted racial equality discussion series,
  drive-thru services 7 days a week.              presented with Grandview Heights
 Provided free COVID-19 home test kits           Schools with input from community
  at our drive-thru in partnership with           members and leaders.
  Franklin County Public Health.                 Launched Lift Your Read monthly book
 Updated roofing on the east side of              recommendations program.
  the building.                                  Introduced new patron feedback tool.
 Completed façade repairs and upgrades.
                                                 Introduced take-home craft kits for
 Refreshed teen area of the library.             adults.

  17,543                                854                               170
Registered Borrowers          New Library Cards Issued              Notarized Documents

458,881                                 378                            6,847
Total Items Borrowed          Events (In-Person & Online)         Library Computer Sessions
   (Physical & Digital)

  11,339                            13,131                           45,123
Reference Transactions              Event Attendees                     WiFi Sessions

MISSION To transform lives through           VISION       To inspire your greatest story
knowledge, ideas, and experiences          TAGLINE       Where the community connects

Grandew Heights Public Library
1685 W. First Ave. Columbus, OH 43212 • 614-486-2951 •

Hours                                                       Library Closed: April 17, May 29-30
Monday-Thursday: 10 am-8:30 pm                              Automated Phone Renewal:
Friday: 10 am-6 pm                                          1-877-772-6657 (1-877-77-BOOKS)
Saturday: 10 am-5 pm                                        Ask Us:
Sunday: 1-5 pm

                                                  We’re a Five-Star Library
                                                  GHPL is 1 of 5 U.S. public libraries to receive
                                                  14 consecutive five-star ratings from Library
                                                  Journal, ranking #1 nationwide among libraries
                                                  our size. Thank you for continuing to make us
                                                  one of the best public libraries in the country!

                                                  Music on the Lawn Sponsorships
                                                  Learn how your business can support the 36th
                                                  Annual Music on the Lawn outdoor summer
                                                  concert series. Contact us at or

                                                  Culture Pass
                                                  Get free admission for the family to the Columbus
                                                  Museum of Art! Learn more at

                                                  Support the Library
                                                  Learn how your tax-deductible donation or
                                                  sponsorship can support the library.

10th Annual Herb & Veggie Plant Sale
Late March orders for May pickup
The Friends of the Grandview Library will be selling a wide variety of high-quality
herbs and vegetables just in time for spring planting to support the GHPL Foundation.
Local delivery will be offered for a small fee. All proceeds benefit the library.
Visit for more information.

         The library is wheelchair-accessible. Ramps and elevators provide access to the entire building. Walkers available.
Library events may be photographed/filmed for promotion in library publications, website, or e-newsletters. Attendance automatically
    confers consent for your likeness to be used. Please notify staff if you decline being photographed for yourself or your child.
You can also read