MARCH 2022 | EVENTS & MORE - Laramie County Library

Page created by Melvin Knight
MARCH 2022 | EVENTS & MORE - Laramie County Library
MARCH 2022 | EVENTS & MORE - Laramie County Library
Library                                                                      Special Events
Information                                                                  & Exhibits                                                                    Spring Break
No closures in March.
                                                                           Elementary School Art Show
                                                                           February 11–April 4
                                                                           Library Hours
*RSVP Required                                                             Enjoy art created by K–6 students in
                                                                           Laramie County School District #1. Visit
See an asterisk beside an event you're                                     all three floors of the library to see the
interested in? This event requires an RSVP!
                                                                           creative wonders!                                                                          *RSVP Required Online
                                                                                                                        *RSVP Required Online
to let us know you'll attend. If you RSVP and can't                        (All Ages; All Floors)
attend, please let us know!                                                                                             Spring Break Binge Bundles                    Papercrafts Workshop
                                                                                                                        March 28–29                                   Tuesday, March 29
                                                                                                                        Library Hours                                 Grades K–2 10:30–11:30am
Contents                                                                                                                Our binge bundles are back! Choose            Grades 3–6 2:30–3:30pm
                                                                                                                        from a variety of themed bundles              The library is excited to bring you
Exhibits & Special Events ...................................1                                                          containing movies, books, and snacks          Emily’s Papercrafts! Learn some fun
Spring Break Activities....................................2-4             Wyoming Book Awards                          to see you and your family through            techniques on how to fold paper into
Youth & Family Events.........................................5            Beanstack Challenge                          spring break! Choose from our online          amazing shapes. Choose how you want
Early Literacy Classes...........................................7         February 1–March 15                          list of themes and pick up your bundle        to participate, in person or virtually from,
Calendar grid .........................................................9   All Hours                                    March 28–29. Reserve your bundle by           well, anywhere! Please note that you
Teen Events..........................................................11    It’s almost time for the Wyoming Book        visiting         MUST be signed up in advance in order
                                                                           Awards! Wyoming has three book               or by calling the library at 307-634-3561,    to attend.
Adult Events.........................................................13
                                                                           awards to give out and we need you to        starting March 21st.                          (Grades K–2 and 3–6; Cottonwood Room
Seed Library Events............................................14                                                                                                     or Virtually via Zoom)
                                                                           decide which books to give them to!          (Children & Families; 2nd Floor Ask Here
Genealogy Events...............................................15                                                       Desk)
                                                                           Read at least three of the ten nominated
L2B (Library to Business)....................................15                                                                                                       *RSVP Required Online
                                                                           books in your age category and then
Burns and Pine Bluffs Events...........................16                  vote for your favorite. You can also         All Day LEGO® Build                           Balloon Twisting with
Burns Events.........................................................17    nominate a book for next year’s book         Monday, March 28                              Alpacablobo Balloons
Pine Bluffs Events................................................18       awards.                                      10am–6pm                                      Wednesday, March 30
Bookmobile Schedule.......................................19                                                            If you have the imagination, we have the      10:15–11:15am, Grades K–2
Locations and Hours..........................................19            Wyoming’s three book awards are: the         bricks! We will have multiple challenges      11:30am–12:30pm, Grades 3–6
                                                                           Buckaroo Book Award for children in          and activities throughout the day, so pop     Ever wanted to make cool designs by
                                                                           grades K–3, the Indian Paintbrush Book       on in and build your heart out! This is a     twisting balloons? A flower? A butterfly?
Color Key                                                                  Award for children in grades 4–6, and        great challenge for children and teens.       Well come on in to the library or log on
                                                                           the Soaring Eagle Book Award for youth       (Grades K–12; 2nd Floor)                      to Zoom to learn from one of the best!
Find everything you’re looking for by color:
                                                                           in grades 7–12.                                                                            Please note that you MUST be signed up
       Closures &                             Adults                                                                                                                  in advance in order to attend.
       Announcements                                                       Sign up for the fun at lclsonline.                   Visit
                                                                                                                                                                      (Grades K–2 and 3–6; Cottonwood Room
       Café                                   L2B                 beginning February 1.                  or scan this QR code for an event
                                                                                                                                                                      or Virtually via Zoom)
                                                                           Need assistance creating a Beanstack                 that requires an online RSVP.
       Exhibits &                             Genealogy
       Special Events                                                      account? Call the library at 307-634-3561
                                              Seed Library                 for help getting started.
       Youth & Families                                                                                                 The library is limiting attendance capacities in an effort to safely host in-person
                                                                           (Grades K–12; Beanstack Challenge)
       Teens                                   Technology                                                               events. All youth and family events require advanced RSVP/sign up in order to
                                                                                                                        attend. Find instructions on how to reserve a spot in each event's description.
       Bookmobile                              Branches
MARCH 2022 | EVENTS & MORE - Laramie County Library
Spring Break                                                  *RSVP Required Online
                                                                                                  Tween Make-It: Masquerade Masks

                                                                                                  Friday, April 1
                                                                                                  Are you participating in the After Hours Masquerade Ball but don’t have a
                                                                                                  masquerade mask to wear? Then come in and make your own unique mask
                                                                                                  for this fun event. Didn’t get into the after-hours event but still want to make a
                                                                                                  cool mask? You can still join us to make a mask masterpiece! Please note that
                                                                                                  you MUST be signed up in advance in order to attend.
                                                                                                  (Grades 3–6; Cottonwood Room)
    *RSVP Required Online                         *RSVP Required Online
                                                                                                  *RSVP Required Online
    Wiggle and Giggle Dance Party                 So You Wanna Dance?                             Tween After Hours: Who Dunnit, Mystery at the Masquerade Ball
    Wednesday, March 30                           Thursday, March 31                              Friday, April 1
    10:30–11am                                    10:15–11am                                      6–8pm
    We’re having a dance party! Come join         Time to dance your heart out! En Avant          Mystery Scene Scenario: Laramie County Library is hosting a masquerade
    us to dance, sing, play, and get your         Dance Studio will be here at the library        ball to celebrate the acquisition of an antique copy of a very rare book. Then
    groove on! This event is great for ages 18    doing a fun learning workshop focused           something goes terribly wrong at the ball, and it is up to you to figure out
    months to 5 years. The library is limiting    on lyrical dancing that will get you up         the mystery! Fancy finger food will be served and a signed permission slip is
    attendance capacities in an effort to         and moving!                                     required for participation. Participants in grades 3–6 can pick up a slip and
    safely host in-person events. Please note     (Grades K–6; Cottonwood Room)                   receive more information after signing up. Please note that you MUST be
    that you MUST be signed up in advance                                                         signed up in advance in order to attend.
    in order to attend.                           *RSVP Required Online
                                                                                                  (Grades 3–6; Cottonwood Room)
    (Ages 18 months–5 years; Early Literacy       Super STEAM Day
    Center)                                       Friday, April 1
                                                  10:15–11am, Grades K–2
    *RSVP Required Online                         11am–12pm, Grades 3–6
    Mini Figure Painting Workshop                 3–5pm, Grades 7–12
    Wednesday, March 30                           Finish out your spring break with Super
    5–6pm                                         STEAM workshops! What is STEAM
    Award-winning minis painter Kyle              you ask? It’s science, technology,
    McCormick from Olympus is dropping            engineering, art, and math all wrapped
    by to teach the ins and outs of mini          up in a crazy fun activity! Please note
    figure painting. We will provide a kit with   that you MUST be signed up in advance
    a figure, paint, and brush. You can attend    in order to attend.
    in person at the library or virtually via     (Grades K–2, 3–6, and 7–12; Cottonwood
    Zoom. Please note that you MUST be            Room)
    signed up in advance in order to attend.
    (Grades 3–12; Cottonwood Room or
    Virtually via Zoom)                                       Visit
                                                              or scan this QR code for an event
                                                              that requires an online RSVP.

    The library is limiting attendance capacities in an effort to safely host in-person events.
    All youth and family events require advanced RSVP/sign up in order to attend.
    Find instructions on how to reserve a spot in each event's description.                                                                                                            4
MARCH 2022 | EVENTS & MORE - Laramie County Library
Youth & Family Events

    The library is limiting attendance capacities in an effort to safely host in-person                         *RSVP Required at the 2nd Floor Ask Here Desk   *RSVP Required Online
    events. All youth and family events require advanced RSVP/sign up in order to                               Kindermusik®                                    Famous Illustrators
    attend. Find instructions on how to reserve a spot in each event's description.                             Saturday, March 12                              Tuesday, March 15
                                                                                                                10:15–11am                                      4:15–5pm
                                                                                                                Sing, sway, laugh, and play with skilled        Ever wonder how illustrators make the
    *RSVP Required Online                           The Alliance of Therapy Dogs. Visit the                     educator Laura Sutton. Visit the 2nd floor      beautiful pictures you see in books?
    K-2 STEAM: Celebrating Dr. Seuss                2nd floor Ask Here desk or call the library                 Ask Here desk or call the library at 307-       Join us for a peek into how some of your
    Tuesday, March 1                                at 307-634-3561 to reserve a spot for                       634-3561 to reserve a spot for this event.      favorite book illustrators make their art!
    4:15–5pm                                        this event. Please note that you MUST be                    Please note that you MUST be signed up          This month, we will focus on Eric Carle.
    Did you know that March 2nd is Dr.              signed up in advance in order to attend.                    in advance in order to attend.                  Wear play clothes as it could get messy!
    Seuss’s birthday? Help us celebrate with        (Grades K–6; Early Literacy Center)                         (Ages 2–5; Early Literacy Center)               Please note that you MUST be signed up
    some Seussical STEAM projects. Children                                                                                                                     in advance in order to attend.
    in grades K–2 are encouraged to sign up         *RSVP Required Online                                       *RSVP Required Online                           (Grades K – 2; Early Literacy Center)
    now, as space is limited. Please note that      Brown Bag Book Club                                         Second Saturday STEAM
    you MUST be signed up in advance in             Thursdays: March 10, 24                                     Saturday, March 12                              *RSVP Required Online
    order to attend.                                6–7pm                                                       2:30–3:30pm                                     Crafty Family Challenge:
    (Grades K–2; Early Literacy Center)             Book Club will meet twice during the                        Explore a variety of STEAM topics               Leprechaun Traps
                                                    month of March. We will chat about                          (Science Technology Engineering Arts            Friday, March 18
    Storytime at Wyoming State                      the book, do some crazy activities, and                     Math) with crafts, games, experiments,          4:30–5:30pm
    Museum’s Family Day                             enjoy a delicious treat! Participants can                   and more! This month, make your own             Welcome to the Crafty Family
    Saturday, March 5                               bring a “brown bag” meal and drinks                         drawing robot. Create an “Art Bot” with         Challenge! Gather your crew of moms,
                                                    will be provided. We will be reading                        simple materials and use it to make a           dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles,
                                                    Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha                        beautiful piece of artwork with your            cousins, and kiddos for this extreme craft
    Head on over to the Wyoming State
                                                    Lai. Participants in grades 4–6 can pick                    friends! Please note that you MUST be           challenge. Use an array of recyclable
    Museum for their Family Day event,
                                                    up their book from the second floor Ask                     signed up in advance in order to attend.        materials and craft supplies to create the
    Happy Birthday, Yellowstone! to
                                                    Here desk after signing up. Please note                     (Grades 3–6; Cottonwood Room)                   best leprechaun trap. You might even
    participate in one of our early literacy
                                                    that you MUST be signed up in advance                                                                       catch a leprechaun! Supplies will be
    storytimes and other fun activities. Visit
                                                    in order to attend.                                         *RSVP Required at the 2nd Floor Ask Here Desk   provided, but feel free to bring whatever to register.
                                                    (Grades 4–6; Early Literacy Center)                         Young Readers Book Party                        materials you like. Leave your creations
    (Children & Families; Wyoming State
    Museum–2301 Central Ave.)                       Book description: For all the                               Sunday, March 13                                at the library, and staff will vote for their
                                                    ten years of her life, Hà has                               1:15–2pm                                        favorites. Winners will be awarded a
    *RSVP Required at the 2nd Floor Ask Here Desk
                                                    only known Saigon: the thrills                              You’re invited to a party! A book party!        prize and have their creations displayed
                                                    of its markets, the joy of its                              Join us for a celebration of reading with       for all to see. Sign your family up today!
    Sit, Stay, READ! Read to a Therapy Dog          traditions, and the warmth
                                                                                                                young readers that’s a little bit early         Please note that you MUST be signed up
    Monday, March 7                                 of her friends close by. But
                                                    now the Vietnam War has                                     literacy class, and a little bit more! We       in advance in order to attend.
    Thursday, March 17                                                                                                                                          (Children & Families; Cottonwood Room)
                                                    reached her home. Hà and                                    will read and talk about books, sing, play,
    4–5pm                                           her family are forced to flee as                            and learn. This month’s theme is Things
    Everyone loves to hear a story, even            Saigon falls, and they board                                That Go STEAM. Visit the 2nd floor Ask
    our four-pawed friends! Come in to the          a ship headed toward hope.                                                                                    Visit
                                                                                                                Here desk or call the library at 307-634-
    library and practice reading aloud to one       In America, Hà discovers the                                                                                  or scan this QR code
                                                    foreign world of Alabama: the                               3561 to reserve a spot for this event.
    of our community’s therapy dogs. We                                                                                                                           for an event that
                                                    coldness of its strangers, the dullness of its food . . .   Please note that you MUST be signed up
    know you’ll have a furry good time! This        and the strength of her very own family.                                                                      requires an online
                                                                                                                in advance in order to attend.
    event is presented in partnership with                                                                                                                        RSVP.
                                                                                                                (Grades Pre-K – 2; Early Literacy Center)
5                                                                                                                                                                                                               6
MARCH 2022 | EVENTS & MORE - Laramie County Library
Early Literacy Activities

                                                       The library is limiting attendance
                                                       capacities in an effort to safely
    Tales Together Crafts                                                                         *RSVP Required at the 2nd Floor Ask Here Desk        Guided Play
                                                       host in-person events. All early
    March 1–20                                                                                    Book Babies                                          Mondays: March 7, 14
                                                       literacy classes require advanced
    Library Hours                                                                                 Fridays: March 4, 11, 18                             10–11:45am
                                                       RSVP/sign up in order to attend.
    Stop by the Ask Here desk on the 2nd                                                          10:15–10:45am                                        On Monday mornings, we invite you to
    floor to pick up a weekly craft packet to
                                                       Find instructions on how to                                                                     come play with us! Each week we will
                                                                                                  Join us for a short early literacy class
    go along with the week’s early literacy            reserve a spot in each event's                                                                  feature a different playscape in the Early
                                                                                                  designed just for babies and their
    classes.                                           description.                                                                                    Literacy Center, along with suggestions
                                                                                                  caregivers! Enjoy books, songs, lap
    (Ages 18 Months – 5 Years; 2nd Floor)                                                         bounces, and rhymes! Afterwards,                     of how to engage your child in guided
                                                                                                  babies can play with our educational                 play.
    *RSVP Required at the 2nd Floor Ask Here Desk   *RSVP Required Online                         toys while caregivers visit.                         (Ages 18 months–5 Years; Early Literacy
    Tales Together                                  Virtual Tales Together                                                                             Center)
    Tuesdays: March 1, 8, 15                        Thursdays: March 3, 10, 17                    Visit the 2nd floor Ask Here desk or call
                                                                                                  the library at 307-634-3561 to reserve a             Guided Play Themes:
    Wednesdays: March 2, 16                         9:30–10am                                                                                          March 7: Roads and Ramps
    Thursdays: March 3, 10, 17                      Join us for a live virtual Tales Together     spot for this event. Please note that you            March 14: Block Party
    10:15–10:45am and 11–11:30am                    via Zoom! During this interactive             MUST be signed up in advance in order
    Join us for an interactive early literacy       early literacy class, we will practice        to attend.                                           *RSVP Required at the 2nd Floor Ask Here Desk
    class for preschool children and                new skills incorporating books, songs,                                                             Yoga Together
    their caregivers. Practice new skills           rhymes, movement, and more! RSVP at           Masks and social distancing are
                                                                                                  encouraged. No more than two                         Wednesday, March 9
    incorporating books, songs, rhymes,    to receive an
                                                                                                  caregivers per child please. You may sign            Saturday, March 19
    movement, and more! Stay after for a            email with the Zoom link.
                                                                                                  up one week in advance.                              10:15 – 10:45am
    fun interactive craft.
                                                                                                  (Ages Birth–24 Months; Cottonwood                    Come and experience stories, stretching,
                                                    Stop by the Ask Here desk on the
                                                                                                  Room)                                                and fun with a special early literacy class.
    Visit the 2nd floor Ask Here desk or call       2nd floor to pick up a weekly craft
                                                                                                                                                       This month’s theme is Space.
    the library at 307-634-3561 to reserve a        packet to go along with the week’s
    spot for this event. Please note that you       early literacy classes and if you didn’t
                                                                                                                                                       Visit the 2nd floor Ask Here desk or call
    MUST be signed up in advance in order           already get one, we have brought back
                                                                                                                                                       the library at 307-634-3561 to reserve a
    to attend.                                      our free rhythm kits.
                                                                                                                                                       spot for this event. Please note that you
                                                    (Ages 18 Months – 5 Years; Live via
                                                                                                                                                       MUST be signed up in advance in order
    Masks and social distancing are                 Zoom)
                                                                                                                                                       to attend.
    encouraged. No more than one adult
                                                                                                                                                       (Ages 18 Months – 5 Years; Cottonwood
    per child please. Participation is limited      Did you know?                               Who are these mountain lion cubs                       Room on March 9, Early Literacy Center
    to one class per week. You may sign up          All of our Early Literacy Classes follow    and what are they doing in the                         on March 19)
    one week in advance.                            a theme each week, so you can attend        library?
    (Ages 18 Months – 5 Years; Early Literacy       whichever session works best for your
    Center)                                         schedule!                                   Elsie and Eddie are the early literacy
                                                    Early Literacy Class                        mascots for Laramie County Library
                                                    Themes by Week:                             System. You'll see them                                ELC Information:
Visit             March 1: Creepy Crawly Critters             around the library
or scan this QR code                                March 8: Things That Go                     and sometimes                                          Letters of the Month: Q/R
                                                                                                                        Look for Elsie's paw print
for an event that                                   March 15: Strike Up the Band                around town!            for all Early Literacy Class   Number of the Month: 9
requires online RSVP.                               March 22: No Early Literacy Classes         Wherever they are,        dates on the calendar
                                                    March 29: No Early Literacy Classes         they are helping to get
                                                                                                                             grid, pages 9-10.         Color of the Month: Turquoise
                                                    (Spring Break Activities)
7                                                                                               young children ready to read!                                                       8
MARCH 2022 | EVENTS & MORE - Laramie County Library
Sunday                           Monday                         Tuesday                             Wednesday Thursday                                                      Friday                             Saturday
                                                                1                                   2                                   3                                   4                                  5

                                     MARCH                         *Tales Together, 10:15 & 11am
                                                                  Tales Together Crafts, LH,
                                                                                                    L Taxpayer Advocate Service:
                                                                                                    Problem Solving Day, 9am
                                                                                                                                             *V. Tales Together, 9:30am
                                                                                                                                            *Tales Together, 10:15 & 11am
                                                                                                                                                                               *Book Babies, 10:15am
                                                                                                                                                                            T *Gamers Unite, 3pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Y Storytime at Wyoming State
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Museum's Family Day, 10am

                                                                March 1-20                             *Tales Together, 10:15 & 11am                                                                           S Seed Library Opening, 10am
                                                                Y *K-2 STEAM: Dr. Seuss,                                                                                                                       T *V. SaturD&D, 1pm
                                                                4:15pm                                                                                                                                         T *Teen Advisory Board, 2pm

                                                                B Fun for Kids!, 10:15am                                                                                    B Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss,
                                                                B March Madness Reading             PB Dr. Seuss's Wacky                                                    1pm                                PB Saturday Matinee and
                                                                Challenge March 1-31                Wednesday, 11am                     PB Fun for Kids!, 10:15am           PB Friday Matinee, 1:30pm          Lunch, 12pm
6                                7                              8                                   9                                   10                                  11                                 12
*RSVP REQUIRED                      Guided Play, 10am               *Tales Together, 10:15 & 11am     *Yoga Together, 10:15am              *V. Tales Together, 9:30am           *Book Babies, 10:15am          Y *Kindermusik®! 10:15am
Visit   Y *Sit, Stay, READ! 4pm                                            TA FAFSA Workshop, 5:30pm             *Tales Together, 10:15 & 11am                                        T *V. SaturD&D, 1pm
/calendar or scan this QR code                                                                                                          Y *Brown Bag Book Club, 6pm                                            Y *Second Saturday STEAM,
to RSVP for an event online.                                                                                                                                                                                   2:30pm
Some events require RSVP via
phone or
in-person.                                                      B Fun for Kids!, 10:15am
See event                                                       B & PB Blind Date with a
details in this                  B Make It Mondays, 1pm         Book, LH, February 8-22                                                                                     B Movies at the Library, 1pm
booklet.                         B Coffee Connections, 2pm      PB Craftastic Tuesdays, 10am        PB STEAM Connections, 2pm                                               PB Friday Matinee, 1:30pm
13                               14                             15                                  16                                  17                                  18                                 19
Y *Young Readers Book Party,         Guided Play, 10am             *Tales Together, 10:15 & 11am        *Tales Together, 10:15 & 11am      *V. Tales Together, 9:30am          *Book Babies, 10:15am              *Yoga Together, 10:15am
1:15pm                                                          A *Library for All Movies, 1pm                                            *Tales Together, 10:15 & 11am     T *Gamers Unite, 3pm               T *V. SaturD&D, 1pm
                                                                Y *Famous Illustrators, 4:15pm                                          Y *Sit, Stay, READ! 4pm             Y *Crafty Family Challenge,        G Genealogy Beyond the
                                                                L *Small Business Resources,                                            A *Craft Night: Line Art & Zen      4:30pm                             Basics, 3pm
                                                                6pm                                                                     Doodling, 6:30pm
                                                                B Fun for Kids!, 10:15am
                                                                B Dinner and a Book Club,
                                                                5:30pm                                                                                                      B STEAM Connections, 1pm           B Storytime with a Therapy
                                 B Make It Mondays, 1pm         PB Craftastic Tuesdays, 10am                                                                                PB Friday Matinee, 1:30pm          Dog, 10am

20                               21                             22                                  23                                  24                                  25                                 26
KEY: Y Youth, pp. 2-6
        Storytimes, p. 7                                                                                                                Y *Brown Bag Book Club, 6pm                                            A *Chat with a Parkinson's
     T Teens, p. 11                                                                                                                                                                                            Professional, 10am
     A Adults, p. 13                                                                                                                                                                                              *Tales Together, 10:15
     S Seed Library, p. 14
     G Genealogy p. 15                                                                                                                                                                                         T *V. SaturD&D, 1pm
     L L2B, p. 15
     B Burns, p. 16 &17
     PB Pine Bluffs, p. 16 &18
     V. = Virtual event                                         B Fun for Kids!, 10:15am
     LH=Library Hours                                           B Minute to Win It, LH,                                                 PB Fun for Kids!, 10:15am
     *RSVP today at              B Make It Mondays, 1pm         February 22-24                                                          PB Storytime with a Therapy         B Movies at the Library, 1pm       PB Saturday Morning Book Club,    B Coffee Connections, 2pm      PB Craftastic Tuesdays, 10am        PB STEAM Connections, 2pm           Dog, 3:30pm                         PB Friday Matinee, 1:30pm          10am
27                               28                             29                                  30                                  31                                  April 1
                                 Y *Spring Break Binge          Y *Papercrafts Workshop: Gr.        Y *Balloon Twisting: Gr. K-2,       Y *So You Wanna Dance?              Y *Super STEAM: Gr. K-2, 10:15am
                                 Bundles, LH March 28-29        K-2, 10:30am                        10:15am                             10:15am                             Y *Super STEAM: Gr. 3-6, 11am
                                 YT All Day LEGO® Build, 10am   Y *Papercrafts Workshop: Gr.        Y *Wiggle and Giggle Dance          T *Hip Hop Don't Stop Dance         T *Super STEAM: Gr. 7-12, 3pm
                                                                3-6, 2:30pm                         Party, 10:30am                      Workshop, 11am                      Y *Tween Make-It:
                                                                T *Craft Fest, 3pm                  Y *Balloon Twisting: Gr. 3-6,       T *My Hero Academia Binge           Masquerade Masks, 4:30pm
                                                                A Book Discussion Group,            11:30am                             Fest, 3pm                           Y *Tween After Hours: Who
                                                                6pm                                 Y T *Mini Figure Painting, 5pm                                          Dunnit, 6pm

                                                                B Fun for Kids!, 10:15am
                                 B Make It Mondays, 1pm         PB Craftastic Tuesdays, 10am                                            PB Fun for Kids!, 10:15am
MARCH 2022 | EVENTS & MORE - Laramie County Library
Teen Events
     Cheyenne High School Study                 *RSVP Required Online
                                                                                                                          Spring Break
     Group                                      Teen Advisory Board
     Come study and learn together with         Saturday, March 5
     tutors from all three high schools.        2–3pm
     Cheyenne High School Study Group           Want to have a say in teen events and
     will meet at various times and locations   services at the library? Come and join
     throughout the month. Please ask a         us for an introductory meeting of the
     library employee when and where            Teen Advisory Board. This meeting will
     the meetings are being held. Email         establish the rules and goals of this                    Visit              ongoing group.                                           or scan this QR code for an event
     with any further questions.                (Teens; 2nd Floor-Teen Lounge)                           that requires an online RSVP.
     (Teens; Various Locations)
                                                FAFSA Workshop
     *RSVP Required Online                      Wednesday, March 9                        *RSVP Required Online                              *RSVP Required Online
     Gamers Unite: Jackbox Games                5:30–7:30pm                               Craft Fest                                         Hip-Hop Don’t Stop Dance
     Friday, March 4                            Pros from the TRIO Educational            Tuesday, March 29                                  Workshop
     3–5pm                                      Opportunity Center (EOC) will be          3–6pm                                              Thursday, March 31
     Come and get wacky with some fun           available to answer questions about       Start your spring break off by keeping
                                                the Free Application for Federal                                                             11am–12pm
     multiplayer games through Jackbox.                                                   your hands busy with some crafts! There
                                                Student Aid (FAFSA). The workshop                                                            Come and learn some awesome hip-
     (Teens; Sage Room)                                                                   will be multiple crafts that you can make
                                                will include information on completing                                                       hop moves from the experts at En
                                                                                          and take home. Please note that you                Avant Dance Studio. Be sure to wear
     *RSVP Required Online                      the application and understanding the     MUST be signed up in advance in order
                                                deadlines. The EOC pros will explain                                                         comfortable clothing that you can move
     Virtual SaturD&D                                                                     to attend.                                         and groove in. Please note that you
     Saturdays: March 5, 12, 19, 26             where the application goes, who sees      (Teens; 2nd Floor-Teen Lounge)
                                                it, and how it is used. Corrections and                                                      MUST be signed up in advance in order
     1–3pm                                                                                                                                   to attend.
     Role-playing adventure is just a click     verifications will also be reviewed.      *RSVP Required Online
                                                (Teens & Adults; Computer Classroom)                                                         (Teens; Cottonwood Room)
     away. Join our Teen D&D online                                                       Mini Figure Painting Workshop
     community and get started on                                                         Wednesday, March 30                                *RSVP Required Online
                                                *RSVP Required Online
     creating a character today. Don’t have                                               5–6pm                                              My Hero Academia Binge Fest
     a Discord account yet? No problem!         Gamers Unite: Super Smash Bros.           Award-winning minis painter Kyle
                                                Friday, March 18                                                                             Thursday, March 31
     Laramie County Library offers Discord                                                McCormick from Olympus is dropping
                                                3–5pm                                                                                        3–6pm
     Communities for teens to interact, chat,                                             by to teach the ins and outs of mini
                                                SUPER SMASH BROS. ‘Nuff said.                                                                It might be spring break, but that won’t
     and play online. To participate, you                                                 figure painting. We will provide a kit with
                                                (Teens; Sage Room)                                                                           stop us from going back to school and
     will need a phone, tablet, or computer                                               a figure, paint, and brush. You can attend         fighting some bad guys! Bring your
     with internet connection and a Discord                                               in person at the library or virtually via          friends as we watch as many episodes
     account. You will receive the Discord                                                Zoom. Please note that you MUST be                 of My Hero Academia as we can fit in one
     invite link and information needed to      *RSVP REQUIRED                            signed up in advance in order to attend.           afternoon. Plus Ultra! Please note that
     create an account when you RSVP for        Visit   (Grades 3–12; Cottonwood Room or                   you MUST be signed up in advance in
     the event.                                 or scan this QR code                      Virtually via Zoom)                                order to attend.
     (Teens; Live via Discord)                  to RSVP for an event.                                                                        (Teens; Cottonwood Room)

11                                                                                                                                                                                      12
MARCH 2022 | EVENTS & MORE - Laramie County Library
Adult Events                                                                               SEED LIBRARY EVENTS

     *RSVP Required Online                          *RSVP Required Online
     Library for All Movie Day                      Chat with a Parkinson’s
     Tuesday, March 15                              Professional                                Seed Library Opening Day
     1–3:30pm                                       Saturday, March 26                          Saturday, March 5
     Welcome to our event specifically              10am–12pm
     geared towards adults with disabilities!                                                   10am–1pm
                                                    This is an informative and educational      “Check out” seeds for your garden! We have a wide variety of flowers, herbs, and
     This month, join us for a Library for All      program from the Parkinson’s
     Movie Day! Enjoy some popcorn and                                                          vegetables to choose from, all suitable for beginning gardeners in our climate. Seeds
                                                    Association of the Rockies. Dr. Heather     are free, and no library card is needed. Each person is limited to 12 packets of seeds.
     other treats with your friends while           Heiser will present information for
     watching a movie together. Please bring                                                    Presented by Seed Library of Laramie County, a joint project of Laramie County Library
                                                    individuals with and those caring for       System and Laramie County Master Gardeners.
     your staff with you.                           individuals with Parkinson’s Disease.
     (Adults; Cottonwood Room)                                                                  (Adults; Cottonwood Room)
                                                    You will learn about treatments,
                                                    therapies, and resources to manage your
     *RSVP Required Online                          challenges.
     Craft Night: Line Art and Zen                  (Adults; Sunflower Room)
     Thursday, March 17                             Book Discussion Group
     6:30–8:30pm                                    Tuesday, March 29
     Everyone could use a moment of Zen             6–7:30pm
     every now and then. Join us for this           Catch up on your to-be-read list and
     adult craft night of relaxation and enjoy      join Laramie County Library’s book
     the art of meditative line drawing.            discussion for our March read, The Book
     (Adults; Sunflower Room)                       Woman of Troublesome Creek. Come to
                                                                         the 3rd floor of the
                                                                         library to check out
                                                                         your copy of the       Time to get your garden growing!
                                                                         book and join us for
                                                                         tea and scones on
                                                                         the last Tuesday of

                                                                         the month.
                                                                         (Adults; Sunflower

                             *RSVP REQUIRED
                                                                                                                                                  Use Libby to check out ebooks,
                             or scan this QR code                                                                                                 audiobooks,
                             to RSVP for an event.                                                                                                magazines, and
                                                                                                                                                  comics. Scan this
                                                                                                                                                  code to get started.

13                                                                                                                                                                                        14
MARCH 2022 | EVENTS & MORE - Laramie County Library
                                                                                                            or scan this QR code
     Genealogy Events                                                                          Burns and Pine Bluffs Events
                                                                                                            to RSVP for an event
                                                                                                            and receive the Zoom
                                                                                                            link via email.

     Genealogy Beyond the Basics                                                               Fun for Kids! Burns                           Fun for Kids! Pine Bluffs
     Saturday, March 19                                                                        Tuesdays: March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29              Thursdays: March 3, 24, 31
     3–4:30pm                                                                                  10:15–11am                                    10:15–11am
     This class will take you beyond the very basics of genealogy research and into some       Join us for an interactive storytime          Join us for an interactive storytime
     forgotten resources that can tell you about your ancestors. We will discuss how to        session to promote early literacy             session to promote early literacy
     research your ancestors in church, land, immigration, and military records, as well as    through books, songs, puppets, crafts,        through books, songs, puppets, crafts,
     newspapers and wills, using both Internet and print resources.                            and much more!                                and much more!
     (Adults; Sunflower Room)                                                                  (Children & Families; Burns Branch            (Children & Families; Pine Bluffs Branch
                                                                                               Library)                                      Library)

                                                                                               Themes by week:                               Themes by week:
                                                                                               March 1: Down by the Pond                     March 3: Down by the Pond

     Library to Business Events                                                                March 8: Getting Dressed
                                                                                               March 15: Creepy Crawly Games
                                                                                               March 22: Things That Go
                                                                                                                                             March 10: No storytime
                                                                                                                                             March 17: No storytime
                                                                                                                                             March 24: Things That Go
                                                                                               March 29: Storyteller’s Favorites             March 31: Storyteller Favorites

     Taxpayer Advocate Service: Problem Solving Day
     Wednesday, March 2
     The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) will be available throughout the day to educate
     taxpayers on filing accurate tax returns, to provide refund timing information, and to
     inform taxpayers about self-help tools and resources for checking on refund statuses.
     TAS can also assist individuals and small businesses with tax issues they have not been
     able to resolve with the IRS. Take advantage of this free service and drop in any time
     during the event for personalized, step-by-step guidance.                                 Storytime with a Therapy Dog
     (Adults; Willow Room)                                                                     Burns: Saturday, March 19
     *RSVP Required Online                                                                     Pine Bluffs: Thursday, March 24
     Small Business Resources at Your Library                                                  3:30–4:45pm
     Tuesday, March 15                                                                         Volunteers from the Alliance of Therapy Dogs will be bringing their certified therapy
     6–7pm                                                                                     dogs to the library for storytime. These four-legged friends love to have kids read
     Discover how the library can help you with your next adventure! We will discuss           to them, so bring the whole family and get to know these awesome pups and the
     LinkedIn Learning, GALE Business: Plan Builder, GALE Legal Forms, and other                                                              amazing organization that brings them!
     resources, all of which can help make your business dreams a reality.
     (Adults; Sunflower Room)                                                                                                              Please note: reservations are required
                                                                                                                                           as space is limited and parents will need
                                                                                                                                           to sign a waiver. To reserve your spot,
                             *RSVP REQUIRED                                                                                                please call the Burns Branch Library at
                             Visit                                                                       307-547-2249 or the Pine Bluffs Branch
                             or scan this QR code                                                                                          Library at 307-245-3646.
                             to RSVP for an event.                                                                                         (Children & Families)

15                                                                                                                                                                                      16
MARCH 2022 | EVENTS & MORE - Laramie County Library
Burns Events                                                                               Pine Bluffs Events

     March Madness Reading                        Movies at the Library                                                                           Saturday Matinee and Lunch
     Challenge                                    Fridays: March 11, 25                                                                           Saturday, March 5
     March 1–31                                   1–3pm                                                                                           12–2pm
     Library Hours                                Join us at the Burns Branch Library                                                             Come to the Pine Bluffs Branch Library to
     How many books can you read in               for a family-friendly movie and some                                                            enjoy a Saturday matinee of La La Land
     a month? Join our March Madness              popcorn!                                                                                        (rated PG-13), starring Ryan Gosling and
     Reading Challenge and find out! Every        (Children & Families)                                                                           Emma Stone. Winner of six academy
     participant is eligible for prize drawings                                                                                                   awards, this movie tells the story of
                                                  Movies by week:                                                                                 an actress and a pianist who, while
     at the end of the month.                     March 11: Peter Rabbit (rated PG)
     (All Ages)                                   March 25: Brave (rated PG)
                                                                                                                                                  navigating their careers in Los Angeles,
                                                                                                                                                  fall in love and have to reconcile their
                                                                                                                                                  aspirations for the futures.
     Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!                    Dinner and a Book Club                                                                          (Adults)
     Friday, March 4                              Tuesday, March 15
     1–4pm                                        5:30–7pm
     Help us celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday!                                                                                                      Craftastic Tuesdays
                                                  Join us at the Burns Branch Library for
     There will be crazy crafts, Dr. Seuss                                                                                                        Tuesdays: March 8, 15, 22, 29
                                                  a potluck dinner and a lively discussion
     storytime, and cookie decorating. At         of this month’s read, The Lager Queen         Dr. Seuss’s Wacky Wednesday                       10am–7pm
     2pm, there will be a showing of the          of Minnesota by J. Ryan Stradal. This         Wednesday, March 2                                Get crafty on Tuesdays! Create and take
     classic Horton Hears a Who (rated G).        witty novel is about family, Midwestern       11am–4pm                                          home a paper quill shamrock card to
     Anyone who comes in costume will             values, hard work, fate, and the secrets of   Get silly, get wacky as we celebrate the          bring a little luck your way.
     receive a prize!                             making a world-class beer and award-          one and only Dr. Seuss with our very              (All Ages)
     (Children & Families)                        winning pies.                                 own Wacky Wednesday! Join the fun
                                                  (Adults)                                      with some Seuss-inspired crafts, games,           STEAM Connections
     Make It Mondays                                                                            and treats. Don’t miss out on a special           Wednesdays: March 9, 23
     Mondays: March 7, 14, 21, 28                 STEAM Connections                             interactive storytime at 3:30pm.                  11am–4pm
     1–5pm                                        Friday, March 18                              (Children & Families)                             Explore at the library twice a month
     Feeling crafty? Make our March-themed        1–5pm                                                                                           with a STEAM challenge that promotes
     craft to take home!                          Try your hand at a STEAM challenge that       Friday Matinee                                    creativity, building, and problem solving.
     (All Ages)                                   promotes creativity, building, problem        Fridays: March 4, 11, 18, 25                      This month’s STEAM discoveries are
                                                  solving, and fun!                             1:30–3pm                                          fingerprint science and leprechaun trap
                                                                                                Spend your Friday afternoons at the               engineering.
     Coffee Connections                           (Grades 1–6)
                                                                                                                                                  (Grades 1–6)
     Mondays: March 7, 21                                                                       library to watch a matinee! Each week
     2–3:45pm                                                                                   will feature a different movie. Bring a
     Join us for coffee hour and spend some                                                     favorite snack and enjoy the show!                Saturday Morning Book Club
     time with your friends and neighbors!                                                      (Children & Families)                             Saturday, March 26
     On the 21st, we will have a matinee of                                                                                                       10–11am
     News of the World (rated PG-13), starring                                                  Movies by week:                                   Join in for a relaxing morning discussion
                                                                                                March 4: Horton Hears a Who (rated G)             of Ben: A Novel and a True Story by Robyn
     Tom Hanks. Coffee and snacks will be                                                       March 11: Luca (rated PG)
     provided.                                                                                  March 18: The Lion King (Live Action; rated PG)
                                                                                                                                                  S. Brown. For more information, please
     (Adults)                                                                                   March 25: Spirit Untamed (rated PG)               call 307-245-3646 or visit with staff.

17                                                                                                                                                                                             18
Bookmobile                             Locations & Hours
Schedule                               Cheyenne
                                       2200 Pioneer Avenue
Albin Community                        Cheyenne, WY 82001-3610
Thursdays: March 3, 17       
                                       10:00am–9:00pm                  Monday–Thursday
Capital Greens Apartments              10:00am–6:00pm                  Friday, Saturday
Tuesdays: March 8                      1:00pm–5:00pm                   Sunday
3:30–5pm                               The Library Café Hours:
                                       8am–4pm                          Monday–Friday
Carpenter–Evans Park                   Closed		                         Saturday, Sunday
Thursdays: March 10
                                       112 Main Street
Pershing Pointe                        Burns, WY 82053
Mondays: March 14, 28                  307-547-2249
3:30–5pm                      /branches/burns

Prairie View Apartments                1:00pm–5:00pm                   Monday
Tuesdays: March 1, 15                  10:00am–5:00pm                  Tuesday
3:30–5pm                               Closed		                        Wednesday
                                       10:00am–7:00pm                  Thursday
                                       10:00am–5:00pm                  Friday
West Winds Park                        9:00am–12:00pm                  Saturday
Monday, March 7                        Closed                          Sunday

Schedule is subject to change due to   Pine Bluffs
unforeseen circumstances.              110 East 2nd Street
                                       Pine Bluffs, WY 82082

                                       Closed		                       Monday
                                       10:00am–7:00pm                 Tuesday
                                       10:00am–5:00pm                 Wednesday-Thursday
                                       1:00pm–5:00pm                  Friday
                                       9:00am–12:00pm                 Saturday
                                       Closed                         Sunday


Warm up at                             Note: Library facilities may close due to weather
                                       or other unforeseen circumstances. If you are

The Library Café!                      interested in attending an event or utilizing a
                                       service, please feel free to call your library branch or
                                       check the library website to ensure that everything
                                       is operating as scheduled.
You can also read