MARCH 2021 Where Families Come To Play - Greensburg Country Club

Page created by Kyle Pierce
MARCH 2021 Where Families Come To Play - Greensburg Country Club
MARCH 2021

Where Families Come To Play
MARCH 2021 Where Families Come To Play - Greensburg Country Club
A year and a half ago, Greensburg Country Club finally found a manager that was able to manage
 in a way that reflected the goals of the owners, provided professional leadership to an enthusias-
 tic staff, and engaged members in a way that no one had previously been able to do. In this short
 period of time, Jay Wallace had a tremendous impact on this club. This impact will be felt well
 into the future. We thank Jay for his time and his effort and wish him the best.

 Jay felt strongly that he could not have accomplished the things that he did without the complete
 support of ownership and membership. We don't know who the next GM of the club will be but
 we know it won't be the same. Without regard to who it might be or when they might join us, it
 is now up to us to see the many initiatives that Jay started through to fruition. Jay laid the
 groundwork but it is up to our members whether or not we see the payoff.

 We know we are going to see positive changes as a result of investments in the clubhouse, on the
 golf course, and at the pool. Our staff will continue to provide excellent service to members and
 guests. We look forward to great participation from our members. We are hopeful that the up-
 coming season will be our best ever. While Jay will not be here to see these results, the best way
 to honor his efforts is to support the club and its events and to remember two of his mottos -
 that MEMBERS RECRUIT MEMBERS and that as a TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More.

 See you at the Club.

From the Membership Corner
We love having members to help us help the club attract new members. We are currently looking
for a few other member volunteers to facilitate new members. Please contact me to be added to
our New Member Committee.
Our New Membership rate structure is as follows. After a $1000 Initiation Fee,
new members then receive 35% off their dues year one, 25% off dues year two,
then 15% off dues year three. So a new member will enjoy unprecedented sav-
ings for three years until the year 2024! (Only applies to new Golf and Founders
Please contact Kristie Killen, Director of Membership & Sales
for details or questions 724-837-1810 or
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2021 Memberships and Food and Beverage Minimums:
The new 2021 membership year begins March 1st. If you have not renewed your membership, your
Membership ends the last day of February.
For members who have not rejoined as of March 1st, we will be billing for 2021 dues on your March
statement. We WILL NOT automatically run credit cards for these dues. You need to let us know if
you want us to run your credit card for your dues.
The first quarter of the 2021 Food and Beverage Minimums for our Golf, Founders and Pool mem-
bers begins in March. The first quarter consists of March, April and May. The minimum requirement
is $150 per quarter. Please call the Office with any questions; 724-837-1810.

Statements available online:
Members can now access their statements on the Greensburg Country Club website. Members will
be able to see their balance at any given time and see the details of all the transactions on their ac-
count. Members will also have the ability to update their personal information, change the credit
card on file, access their current F&B minimum requirement and make payments on their account
directly from the website.
To access the statements, please go to Click on the member login tab on
the top right of the home page. On the initial login, please click the forgot your password tab. A tem-
porary password will be emailed to the email address on file for your membership. You will then log-
in with your email address and temporary password. If we do not have a valid email address on file,
please contact the office and it will be added to your account. Please call the office with any ques-
tions; 724-837-1810.

ACH Payment option available:
Another payment option that is available to our members is ACH payment. With ACH payment, you
would not have to worry about the payment being charged to the credit card on file and you would
not have to send in a check either. The Club would be able to deduct the payment directly from your
bank account on the 16th of each month for the balance on the statement. To setup the ACH pay-
ment option on your member account, please contact Jason Hopkinson in our office at (724)837-

Advertise your company in our Newsletter
Greensburg Country Club is now accepting advertisements from members to be included in
the monthly newsletter. Have your company recognized by purchasing a quarter page ad in
our newsletter for $50 per month. Send us your quarter page ad and we will make sure all the
members see it. If you have any questions or would like to purchase a quarter page ad please
email Jason Hopkinson at
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                                    2021 Tournament Descriptions
Par 3 ParTee – Saturday, April 17
•   This will be an 10:00 am shotgun start
•   Format: Three Person Scramble
•   All 18-holes will be transformed into Par 3’s
•   Everyone will play the same set of tees
Opening Day – Saturday, May 1
•   This will be an 9:00 am shotgun start
•   Format: Two Best Net Balls of Four using 90% handicap
•   Players will sign up as individuals and be drafted A, B, C, D within groups
•   Pairing’s Party – Thursday, April 29 @ 7:30 pm
Men will play the White tees, those that qualify may play the Green or Gold tees**
Match Play Club Championship Bracket Posted – Monday, May 3
•   Signup deadline – Saturday, May 1st @ 5:00pm
•   Limited to the first 32 players to enter
•   Random seeding within the bracket
•   All matches will be played using full USGA handicaps at the time of the match
•   Men will play the White tees, those that qualify may play the Green or Gold tees**
•   Matches must be completed within 4 weeks or both competitors are disqualified
Ryder Cup – Saturday-Sunday, May 22-23
•   Format: Two 36-Player teams
•   Men will play the Blue or White tees, those that qualify may play the Green or Gold tees** Ladies will play
    the Red tees
•   All matches will be stroked off the low ball in each match
•   Better Ball and Alternate Shot Matches Saturday (9-holes each)
•   Singles Matches Sunday (18-holes)
•   Pool Party Saturday night
Men’s Member/Member – Saturday-Sunday, June 5-6
•   Format: Two-Person Team – Five 9-Hole Matches
•   Flights based on team handicap – six teams per flight
•   Men will play the White tees, those that qualify may play the Green or Gold tees**
•   All matches will be stroked off the low ball in each match
•   Matches #1-#3 Saturday (27-holes total)
•   Matches #4-#5 Sunday (18-holes total)
•   Flight Winner’s Shootout Sunday
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Men’s One-Day Member/Guest – Friday, June 18
•   Format: Two-Person Team – Better Ball
•   Lunch prior to 12:00 shotgun
•   Dinner following play
•   Gift for each guest
•   Men will play the White tees, those that qualify may play the Green or Gold tees**
Club Championships – Saturday-Sunday, July 17-18
•   Starting times both days
•   Format: Individual Stroke Play / 36-holes over two days
•   Gross prizes awarded for Club Champion, Senior Club Champion, and Ladies’ Club Champion
•   Net prizes awarded for one-third of the Lowest Net scores
•   Championship Flight will play Blue tees
•   All other flights will play the White tees, those that qualify may play the Green or Gold tees**
•   Ladies will play the Red tees
73 Annual Tommy Smith Memorial Better Ball Invitational –
Thursday-Sunday, August 5-8
•   8:00 am and 1:00 pm shotgun starts for tournament rounds
•   Format: Four-Ball Match Play
• Championship Flight will play the Blue tees, All Other flights will play the White tees, those that qualify may
play the Green or Gold tees**
•   Flights based on handicap
•   More details to be announced
Couples’ Club Championship – Sunday, August 22
    Couples who share a membership are invited to participate
•   Men will play the White tees, those that qualify may play the Green or Gold tees**
•   Ladies will play the Red tees
•   Team total score determines the Champions
•   Gross and Net divisions
Old Pal – Saturday, September 11
•   This will be an 9:00 am shotgun start
•   Format: 27-holes, 3 formats (Better Ball, Scramble, Alternate Shot)
•   Players may make their own twosome
•   Men will play the White tees, those that qualify may play the Green or Gold tees**
•   Special Columbus Day Dinner in the evening (details to follow)

** Tournament Tee Policy:
For all Greensburg Country Club member tournaments, competitors must play the
tee most represented in their last 20 handicap score postings.
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                       PRIVATE CLUB NETWORK
You now have access to some of golf's greatest clubs, courses and destinations
The Private Club Network provides extensive access to private clubs across the
United states, Canada, Mexico and Scotland; offering preferred rates only availa-
ble to members; and the opportunity to enjoy the private club lifestyle and expe-
riences all over the world. Over 175 clubs are available. Tee off on your schedule
and bring guests along to play. Private Club Network offers members of Greens-
burg Country Club the opportunity to join the Private Club Network and purchase
an annual membership for only $60 annually. To gain access, please contact Jason
Hopkinson at or 724.837.1810.

        Live! Casino Proud to be a Corporate Member at GCC
Live! Casino sets a new standard for gaming, dining and live entertainment
throughout its 100,000 square foot, two-level facility. The property features 750
of the latest, stat-of-the-art slots, approximately 30 live-action table games, as
well as the industry-leading FanDuel Sportsbook. It also features stellar dining
opportunities with two premier concepts - Guy Fieri's American Kitchen + Bar
and Sports & Social Steel City. While you are enjoying Live! Casino, remember to
PLAY IT SAFE! Live! Casino has developed a comprehensive Play It Safe plan that
focuses on masking, temperature checks, social distancing, and repeated clean-
ing. The plan to provide a safe environment for team members and guests
meets or exceeds the state's COVID-19 guidelines. Stop in and sign up for your
Live! Rewards card.

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Easter Bunny Brunch
Sunday March 28

Seatings at 10:00, 10:30 or 11:00am

Reservations must be made by Friday March

Non-members: $22.95++ for Adults, $11.95
Children 6-12, 5 and younger are FREE

Members: $20.95++ for Adults, $10.95 Children 6-12, 5 and younger are FREE

                  Mark Your Calendar!!
                  Saint Patrick’s Day Menu Night March 13th
                  Bingo Night March 20th
                  Easter Brunch April

The GCC Members Club is 57 strong and growing as we strive to get
100% Participation from all golfing members. The snow will soon be
gone and an exciting golf season awaits. We met with Chuck and Club
Management this past week and reviewed Member gift options, along
with developing the event schedule for 2021. Here is a little teaser…we
will open this season with a new, Par 3 ParTEE 18 hole Par 3 Tournament
open to all members, sponsored by the GCC Members Club. This will be
the first event where members begin to accumulate points for the Player
of the Year. Details will soon be coming as to the plan for Events and
Player of the Year, but please know everything the Members Club is do-
ing is for the enhancement of the golf experience at GCC.
Please get your $100 GCC Members Club Registration Fee sent in to Rich
Finoli or the Clubhouse (Attn: GCC Members Club) as soon as possible…
this is going to be a great season with many new and exciting twists,
along with the golf course improvements and a new fleet of carts.
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                        P.O. Box 964
                        Greensburg, PA 15601
                        Phone: 724-837-1810
                        Fax: 734-837-1811

Your family at the Greensburg Country Club would like to extend Birthday
Wishes to all our members who celebrate a birthday this month! In honor of
your birthday, we invite you to come in and celebrate with us. Simply make a res-
ervation during your birthday month and present the birthday coupon you re-
ceived in the mail! We hope to be able to celebrate your birthday at the Club. If

March Hours *All Hours Subject to Change due to current conditions

Golf Shop Retail: 724-837-3230          Dining Room & Lounge:
Monday - CLOSED                         Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday-Sunday: 11:00am-3:00pm          Tuesday: 11:00am-3:00pm
                                        Wednesday: 11:00am-4:00pm
Golf Course:                            Thursday: 4:00pm - 8:00pm
Monday - Noon - Dusk                    Friday: 4:00pm - 9:00pm
Tuesday-Sunday: 9:00am - Dusk           Saturday: 4:00pm - 8:00pm
(Winter Play rules apply)               Sunday: 10:30am - 1:30pm

Club Office:                            Grille Room:
724-837-1810                            Monday: CLOSED
Monday - CLOSED                         Tuesday: 11:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday-Thursday: 9:00am - 4:00pm       Wednesday: CLOSED
Friday: 9:00am-6:00pm                   Thursday: 11:00am - 9:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 2:00pm               Friday: 11:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am-1:30                    Saturday: 11:00am - 4:00pm
                                        Sunday: Closed
MARCH 2021 Where Families Come To Play - Greensburg Country Club
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