Page created by Darren Powell

 Maramures Wooden Churches
The UNESCO Heritage wooden churches of Maramures are architectural
masterpieces reflecting the role religion has played in theses simple, rural
 communities, as well as showcasing incredible craftsmanship.

 2021: £399
 Tue 25 May - Fri 28th May 2021
 Mon 28 June -Thu 1st July 2021
 Mon 20 Sept - Thu 23 Sept 2021
 Tue 21 Sept - Fri 24 Sept 2021

 Guide &
 3 nights, twin 3 Breakfasts, 2 Driver
 dinners Grade 3 - Entry
 (av. 3hrs / day)

 Enhance your YellowWood adventure by first visiting the vibrant city of
 Cluj-Napoca before delving deep into the Northern Romanian
 countryside to appreciate the wondrous Maramures region, with its 300
 year-old wooden churches that transport us back in time.
 The majority of visitors to Romania fly in and out of Bucharest, travelling two or three hours out of
 the capital city, as there is much to be seen and enjoyed within that central region. However, there
 are several wonders outside of central Romania that should not be missed if you have the time... the
 UNESCO Wooden Churches of Maramures are such a site.

 Maramures Add On 1

 Itinerary above the entrance but otherwise reflect
 the craftsmanship of the locals who built
 them. Check in to your local guesthouse
 Day 1: Arrival into Cluj Napoca before heading out to immerse yourself in
 Arrive into the attractive and welcoming village life and marvel at the craftsmanship
 city of Cluj Napoca direct from the UK, or of the 300 year old wooden churches. :
 on an internal flight Local Guesthouse.
 from Bucharest. : Breakfast &
 Take a taxi (not Dinner
 included) to your
 hotel and relax or
 Day 3: Merry
 explore the city. We
 can recommend Cemetery &
 what to do if you Victims of
 have some time to Communism
 wonder in Cluj, and a Memorial
 place to eat this The former prison in
 evening, that will Sighetu Marmatiei is
 suit your budget. a fascinating but
 : 3* Hotel shocking insight into
 Accommodation. the effects of the
 : Not included. Communist regime
 in Romania. The
 prison had a terrifying reputation and many
 Day 2: Maramures Churches of the political prisoners (opponents to the
 After breakfast this morning, your English
 Communist regime) that were sent here,
 speaking local guide will pick you up from
 never came out. The prison has been turned
 your hotel for the scenic
 into a museum which
 2.5hr drive to Maramures.
 gives its visitors a real
 It is a great opportunity to
 insight into recent
 start to relax and get into
 Romanian history and all
 the spirit of slow travel as
 that it has endured during
 village life in the
 the Communist era.
 Maramures remains
 beautifully and The Merry Cemetery is,
 authentically relaxed. ironically, a wonderful
 Wikipedia describes the opportunity to celebrate
 Maramures region as 'as life! Based in Sapanta, it
 close to a living museum is a cemetery full of
 as can be found in Europe’. colourful wood carved
 There are nearly 100 tombstones that depict
 wooden churches in the the lives of those resting
 region, some built in the there with anecdotes and
 17th century, right the way funny jokes about their
 through to the 19th lives. A positive and
 Century, originally in charming way of
 response to the remembering loved ones
 prohibition against the who are no longer on with
 erection of stone us. : Local Guesthouse.
 Orthodox churches by the Catholic Austro
 : Breakfast & Dinner
 Hungarian authorities of the time. They
 have in common, a large roof with tall tower

Maramures Add On 2

Day 4: Travel to Bucharest as well as reliability in their service to us. Due
There are several flights a to the small nature of local guesthouses, we can
day between Cluj only offer single rooms
Napoca and Bucharest, on a first come, first
so before transferring served basis. Single
back to Cluj Napoca, rooms will be available
and depending on your for a supplement of
travel plans, there may £100pp.
be time to visit another
Maramures village and We fully believe in, and
church this morning, or practice, Responsible
simply take time to relax Tourism and are using
and enjoy your guesthouses run by
surroundings. Your guide locals. The
will transfer you back to accommodation on this
Cluj Napoca airport for adventure really
the evening domestic accentuates your
 experience. We put time
flight to Bucharest. :
 and effort into building
 our relationship with
This Add On dovetails accommodation
perfectly with your Romanian Adventure, and suppliers to ensure you have a great trip.
you will arrive into Bucharest on the same day

as those who did not decide to visit Maramures.
Your hotel and Dinner on Day 4 are included in
the cost of your main Romanian Adventure.

Please note:
The itinerary illustrated here is flexible • 3 nights twin share accommodation (unless
depending on the aspirations of the group, you have paid for a single room).
which could be as small as 2 or as large as 12.
However, as well as enjoying the famous wooden • All transfers, including the return airport
churches of Maramures, recognised as UNESCO transfer to Cluj Napoca.
Heritage sites, we aim to include the Merry
Cemetery and Victims of Communism Memorial • 3 breakfasts & 2 dinners. Your guide will help
as they both offer a fascinating insight into organise other meals but the cost is not
Romanian history and culture, and are easily included.
accessible from Maramures.
 • Full guided itinerary with local English

Accommodation speaking guide from Day 2 of your

This ‘Add on’ to your main Romanian Adventure
showcases the warm hospitality of the
Romanians and the delicious local fayre of the
 Whats not
Maramures region with a 2 night stay in a
charming local village guesthouse (similar to
the photo above). We always choose
 International Flights
accommodation based on cleanliness, comfort,
 Airport Taxes
safety, proximity to our route (to avoid
 Insurance cover
unnecessary travel) and a warm client welcome
 Tips (allow approx £25)

 Maramures Add On 3

Drinks (including Alcoholic friends or family who are
drinks) when not part of an interested in having their own
included meal. customised trip, then please
Snacks let us know and we can cost it
Souvenirs for you.

Local Am I fit
Food & Enough?
Drink The focus of this holiday is a
 cultural exploration. To get
During your visit to the most of out of this
Maramures there will be the adventure, you need to be in
opportunity to visit local producers of regional good physical condition and able to walk slowly
food and drink: cheese, meats, bread and on level ground for around 2-3 hours in a day (to
‘palinca’ - a clear (strong!) distilled spirit made explore villages on foot). Any walking is at the
out of plums or other fruits. We can’t natural pace of the group, with regular stops.
guarantee which producer you will visit as it will
depend on the season and their availability but
your guide will arrange some group tastings
and an opportunity to purchase souvenirs!
 This Maramures ‘Add On’ starts in Cluj Napoca,

Guiding the nearest city to the region you are visiting.
 We understand that arriving into an unfamiliar
 airport can be daunting, so we will be able to
Supporting you on your holiday will be a local, support you with planning your adventure.
English speaking Romanian guide.
 Finding flights
We work closely with our Romanian Tour
 Flights are not included in the cost of your
Operator partners both before and during your
 holiday, and whilst we are happy to help advise
adventure to ensure that they understand your
 you, responsibility for booking the correct
needs and the standard that YellowWood
 flights rests with you. We recommend that you
Adventures expects. We believe that it is a very
 use a comparison tool when searching for
important positive aspect of Responsible
 flights, such as skyscanner. Or
Tourism, to employ the expertise of local
suppliers, as well as offering you a much more
informative and authentic experience.
 We will send you a Flight Information Sheet
 with further pointers on which flights to book

Your Group for your adventure.

As this is an optional ‘Add On’ to your main
Romanian Adventure, it may be just a group of
2, or may be more, up to the maximum group
number of 12.

We get clients booking alone, as couples and in
small groups of friends. If you have a group of

 Maramures Add On 4

Travel by Train further afield. Airport services include Duty
Although the most cost effective way to get to Free, ATMs & Currency Exchange.
Romania is to use a low cost airline, there is
much joy to be found in incorporating your On arrival at the airport you will go through
travel into your adventure and choosing the passport control to baggage reclaim.
lower carbon footprint option of the train.
Travel to Bucharest direct on the train from If you are arriving some time ahead of the start
Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Sofia or of your ‘Add On’ and have some time spare in
Tehssaloniki, as well as a multitude of Cluj, we can send you information to help you
destinations with indirect routes. There is then spend your time wisely.
an overnight sleeper train between Bucharest

 Other info.
and Cluj Napoca that you may wish to use as
an alternative to an internal flight. For your
return journey to Bucharest we recommend
taking a domestic flight to avoid missing the For information on budget, visas, health &
first night of the main trip. safety, social and cultural norms, food and
 drink etc, please refer to the Adventure Pack for

Airport & Arrival
 your main Romanian Adventure.

Avram Ian Cluj International Airport (Cluj
Napoca) is 9km East of the city centre. It is a
fully functioning airport - the 2nd busiest in
Romania, welcoming flights from Europe and

 Maramures Add On 5
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