MANX STATE OF THE NATION 2021 - A Beacon of Light for Compliance and Risk Professionals - AICP

MANX STATE OF THE NATION 2021 - A Beacon of Light for Compliance and Risk Professionals - AICP

 A Beacon of Light for Compliance and
          Risk Professionals

         Friday 26th March, 2021
               Virtual Event
MANX STATE OF THE NATION 2021 - A Beacon of Light for Compliance and Risk Professionals - AICP
Chairman’s Welcome                                              Manx State of the Nation 2021

                                                       Graeme Snape
                                                  PC.dp, DipIOD, MCSI, ACIB

                                                         AICP CHAIRMAN

    Following a challenging year for everyone, we are pleased to be able to bring you
    the Island’s premier annual event for compliance, risk and governance executives
    and professionals.

    AICP’s year saw us lament the recent loss of our esteemed colleague and friend –
    James Shimmin.

    James, alongside Chris Watterson and myself, back in 2010, were the founder
    members of ACIP. James, a gentleman, avid supporter of the compliance and risk
    profession and entrants to the sector, will be known to many of you here today.
    Together with my fellow board members, we have been thinking of how we might
    recognise James as not only a friend but also as a leading member of and
    contributor to our compliance and risk community. As has been mentioned, one of
    James’ professional and AICP interests was the support of entrants to our profession,
    the AICP bursary being one of his initiatives. In launching, today, the 2nd year of the
    bursary scheme the AICP board has, in memory of James, named the scheme: The
    AICP James Shimmin Memorial Bursary. We trust you agree this is a fitting and
    appropriate tribute.

    I am very pleased to report that the 1st bursary beneficiary has been successful in
    their ICA course and exam. I ask you to join me in offering congratulations.

    Details of this year’s AICP James Shimmin Memorial Bursary will be found on our
    website later today and we encourage and welcome applications for consideration.
    The application closing date is 30th April 2021.

    In spite of COVID 19, social distancing, working from home, closed borders and
    economic impact, our Isle of Man Compliance and Risk world continued to turn.                                                                             page 1
MANX STATE OF THE NATION 2021 - A Beacon of Light for Compliance and Risk Professionals - AICP
Chairman’s Welcome                                            Manx State of the Nation 2021

    Some might say that compliance and regulatory risk have been pushed up our
    agendas. With this ”new normal” backdrop in mind, we have endeavoured to bring
    subject matter that is relevant to both the “normal” and the “new normal”. I hope
    you find, even in these challenging times, that we have done so in this 16th year of
    Manx State of the Nation.

    We are extremely grateful for the support and time given by our speakers and
    express grateful thanks to our enduring partners for continuing to stand with us in
    delivering, as a virtual conference, MSoN:

     •    PwC
     •    DQ Advocates
     •    FIM Capital
     •    Impact Professional Services

    MSoN will, in honour of AICP member experiences, be making a donation to the
    Manx Breast Cancer Support Group.

    Finally, the AICP and its CPD team hopes you enjoy this, our first, virtual
    conference…..Thank you for your support and attendance.                                                                          page 2
MANX STATE OF THE NATION 2021 - A Beacon of Light for Compliance and Risk Professionals - AICP
Manx State of the Nation 2021                         page 3
MANX STATE OF THE NATION 2021 - A Beacon of Light for Compliance and Risk Professionals - AICP
Evolving challenges,
practical solutions
All regulated and designated businesses face regulatory
challenges, regardless of size or sector. Breaching regulatory
obligations can mean sanction and penalties, and can lead to
irreparable reputational damage. We believe that a proactive
approach to regulatory compliance is the best way to mitigate
your risk and protect your business.

Our advisory team can help you to understand and develop
practical solutions to ensure you comply with regulatory
challenges and a helping hand if issues do arise.

Contact Kath and the team

                                Kath Quayle
                                Advisory Senior Manager
                                PwC Isle of Man
                                +44 (0) 1624 689456

                      © 2021 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLC, an Isle of Man limited liability company.
                      All rights reserved.
MANX STATE OF THE NATION 2021 - A Beacon of Light for Compliance and Risk Professionals - AICP
Programme                                                           Manx State of the Nation 2021

     08.30    Virtual Event Site Available for Access

     08.50    2021 State of the Nation : Welcome Address

              The Chairman of the AICP will open the conference reflecting on the year
              that has passed and looking forward to the compliance challenges of the

              Graeme Snape                Chairman of the AICP

     09.00    AICP Keynote Address

              The Island’s Minister for Enterprise will share his views on what lies ahead for
              the Isle of Man in 2021 and looking forward to 2022

              Hon Laurence Skelly,        Minister for Enterprise, Isle of Man
              MHK                                                                                      page 5
MANX STATE OF THE NATION 2021 - A Beacon of Light for Compliance and Risk Professionals - AICP
Programme                                                       Manx State of the Nation 2021

     09.15    Financial Services Authority Update

              Senior representatives from the Financial Services Authority will speak to
              delegates about the trends arising from supervision and share key learning

              Andrew Kermode             Head of Banking, Funds & Investment Division,
                                         Isle of Man Financial Services Authority

              Colin Manley               Head of Insurance, Pensions & Fiduciary Services,
                                         Isle of Man Financial Services Authority

     10.15    The Need for Substance AND Form

              Recurring themes and hot topics at the forefront of the regulatory advisory

              Kath Quayle                Senior Manager Advisory Department

     10.45    Mid - Morning Break

              Kindly Sponsored by Impact Professional Services Ltd                                                                                 page 6
MANX STATE OF THE NATION 2021 - A Beacon of Light for Compliance and Risk Professionals - AICP
Programme                                                         Manx State of the Nation 2021

     11.00    Update from Financial Intelligence Unit

              Phil Hunkin                Director, Financial Intelligence Unit
                                         Isle of Man Government

     11.30    Panel Session – 2021 MLROs : Legislation, Liability & Learning

              Today’s morning panel session will discuss the role of the MLRO, how it has
              been affected by the world events of the last 12 months and what the
              future holds as we all move forward in 2021 and beyond.

              Emma Christie              Panel Chair

              John Atherton              Compliance Manager,
                                         Zedra Trust Company (Isle of Man) Limited

              Audrey Butterworth         Compliance Manager,
                                         Cayman National Bank (Isle of Man) Limited

              Cathy Dawson               Chief Compliance Officer,
                                         IFG Ltd Insurance Group

              Dani Kelly                 Head of Financial Crime and MLRO,
                                         Flutter Entertainment PLC

              Phil Hunkin                Director, Financial Intelligence Unit
                                         Isle of Man Government                                                                                 page 7
MANX STATE OF THE NATION 2021 - A Beacon of Light for Compliance and Risk Professionals - AICP
Programme                                                       Manx State of the Nation 2021

     12.15    Lunch Interval

              Kindly Sponsored by DQ Advocates Ltd

     13.15    Demystifying the Dark Web

              Cyber security experts from Riela Cyber will highlight the dangers and ethics
              of using the dark web and demonstrate what information can be found and
              purchased on the underground network.
              The presentation will enable attendees to better understand the risks arising
              from the dark web and reiterate the importance of remaining diligent with
              protecting personal and corporate data from being exploited by bad
              actors, through training, good corporate governance and appropriate

              Carey Cooper               Cyber Security Operations Team Lead
                                         Riela Group

              Josh Kingett               Cyber Security Engineer
                                         Riela Group                                                                               page 8
MANX STATE OF THE NATION 2021 - A Beacon of Light for Compliance and Risk Professionals - AICP
Programme                                                           Manx State of the Nation 2021

     14.00    Panel Session – Managing Risk and Compliance During a Pandemic

              We are delighted to welcome a panel of senior leaders from industry and
              our regulatory bodies to discuss what they have seen and experienced with
              regards to managing risk and compliance during these unprecedented
              The panel will discuss matters such Data Governance, Cyber Security &
              Business Continuity as well as explore what might change as a result of how
              businesses have operated during the pandemic, such as acceleration of
              digitalisation, fintech and the risks and opportunities of operating in a digital

              Mark Avery                  Head of Compliance,
              Panel Chair                 HSBC Bank Isle of Man Branch

              Karen Badgerow              Chief Executive,
                                          Isle of Man Financial Services Authority

              Chris Gledhill              Managing Director,

              Nicola Libreri              Technical Specialist,
                                          Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission

              Iain McDonald               Isle of Man Information Commissioner

     14.45    Conference Close

              Graeme Snape                Chairman of the AICP                                                                                   page 9

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Speaker Profiles                                                      Manx State of the Nation 2021

     08.50           Welcome to 2021 State of The Nation

     AICP Chairman

                     Graeme is a data protection, compliance, governance and regulation specialist
                     who possesses over 35 years of financial services experience encompassing TCSP;
                     Investment, DNFBP and Banking businesses.

                     His compliance and regulatory career spans 25 of those years during which he has
                     undertaken both compliance and MLRO responsibilities, at senior level, for a number
                     of organisations.
                     Through his company, CGR Consulting Limited (, he looks to provide
                     pragmatic, holistic business focused data protection, compliance, governance,
                     regulatory and risk consulting services. Clients who seek provision of these services
                     encompass: TCSP’s; IFA’s; Lawyers; Discretionary Investment Managers; Fund
                     administration companies, Insurance companies and banks.
                     He holds the following professional qualifications:
                             Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection (PC.dp)
                             Institute of Directors – Diploma in Company Direction (DipIOD)
                             Associate of the Institute of Bankers (ACIB)
                             Member of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (MCSI)                                                                                            page 12
Speaker Profiles                                                                       Manx State of the Nation 2021

     09.00                         Keynote Address

     Minister for Enterprise, Isle of Man

                                    Laurence Skelly was elected to the House of Keys as a Member for Rushen following
                                    the 2011 general election.

                                    He was appointed Minister for Enterprise in July 2014.

                                    Previously he was Minister for the Department of Infrastructure, Chairman of the
                                    Planning Committee from 2013-14 and a Member of the Department of Community
                                    Culture and Leisure from 2011-13 with responsibility for community, culture and the

                                    Laurence was raised and educated in the Isle of Man. He is married with two
                                    children. He lived in America for a number of years undertaking a successful career
                                    in business and is a past-president of the North American Manx Association. Prior to
                                    becoming a Member of the House of Keys, Laurence worked in travel and tourism,
                                    wholesale and event management.

                                    In his spare time he enjoys travel, walking, golf and the Arts.                                                                                                           page 13
Speaker Profiles                                                                   Manx State of the Nation 2021

     09.15                        Key Themes from Supervision

     Head of Banking, Funds & Investment Division, Isle of Man Financial Services Authority

                                  Andrew is currently the Head of the Banking, Funds & Investments Division at the Isle
                                  of Man Financial Services Authority, with responsibility for leading the teams
                                  covering the supervision of banks, investment firms, fund managers and
                                  administrators, and money service businesses.

                                  Andrew has over 20 years’ experience working in financial supervision and
                                  regulation in the Isle of Man covering areas as diverse as Anti-Money Laundering to
                                  prudential standards for banks.

                                  He is also a qualified chartered accountant and an Associate Member of the
                                  Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, having worked and
                                  trained on the Isle of Man with Deloitte LLP.

     Head of Insurance, Pensions & Fiduciary Services, Isle of Man Financial Services Authority

                                  Colin Manley is Head of Insurance, Pensions and Fiduciary Services in the Isle of Man
                                  Financial Services Authority (“the Authority”)

                                  Colin has 25 years of experience working within the financial services industry,
                                  including senior management positions with insurance firms, a financial services
                                  consultancy and financial services regulatory bodies, including 4 years with the
                                  Central Bank of Ireland.

                                  Colin is an actuary by profession and is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries Ireland
                                  and a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. Colin is a current member of
                                  the International Association of Insurance Supervisors Standards Assessment Working
                                  Group.                                                                                                          page 14
Speaker Profiles                                                                 Manx State of the Nation 2021

     10.15                    The Need for Substance AND Form

     Senior Manager Advisory Department, PWC

                              Kath is a Chartered Accountant who began her career with PwC in the professional
                              services sector.

                              Kath went on to hold senior executive positions within the financial services and
                              gaming sectors on the Isle of Man for a significant part of her career. She returned to
                              professional practice in 2018 in an advisory capacity to support her clients by
                              leveraging her insights and experiences.

                              Since her return to professional services Kath has advised clients on all matters of a
                              regulatory compliance and governance nature. She manages the regulatory and
                              governance aspects of due diligence, assurance and advisory engagements and
                              works closely with the wider PwC network to support larger scale network wide

                              Kath’s key areas of expertise are in:

                              Accountability and governance frameworks - advising upon, benchmarking against
                              and performing gap analysis in respect of the key governance related requirements
                              of law and regulation, pertaining to the Isle of Man and also to other prominent
                              international markets.

                              Regulatory advice - across all financial service sectors, designated business sectors
                              and the gaming sector. Particular focus upon recent regulatory developments in the
                              area of AML/CFT.

                              Internal control frameworks - drawing upon her knowledge of the Treadway
                              Commission’s “COSO” framework and through the design, implementation and
                              operational application of risk management and control solutions.
                              Kath returned to the firm in early 2018, having gained significant experience in the
                              banking and wealth management sectors. She now advises clients on all aspects of
                              statutory and regulatory compliance and feeds into the advisory work streams of the
                              wider PwC network.                                                                                                        page 15
Speaker Profiles                                                                   Manx State of the Nation 2021

     11.00                     Update from the Financial Intelligence Unit

     Director, Financial Intelligence Unit, Isle of Man Government

                               Phil was appointed as Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit in November 2019.

                               Previously Phil was an Assistant Chief Officer of the Guernsey Border Agency and
                               was Head of the Economic Crime Division for 8 years this included Guernsey’s FIU.

                               More recently, from August 2017 until November 2019, he was Head of the Cook
                               Islands Financial Intelligence Unit. The Cook Islands FIU is responsible for FIU functions,
                               financial transaction reporting and AML/CFT compliance. Phil completed
                               Moneyval’s 5th round training seminar for evaluators in 2015 and in 2018 was part of
                               the Asia Pacific Groups (APG) mutual evaluation team of the Solomon Islands, as
                               the Law Enforcement and FIU expert. Phil also led on Law Enforcement and FIU
                               responses for Guernsey’s mutual evaluations by the IMF in 2010 and Moneyval in
                               2014. He also contributed to the APG’s mutual evaluation of the Cook Islands.

                               Phil has extensive international experience and has served as acting chair of the
                               Egmont Groups Training Working Group and as a vice chair of the Technical
                               Assistance and Training Working Group. He held the role of Egmont’s BECA
                               coordinator for 9 years. Phil also contributes as a Moneyval AML/CFT expert and has
                               been involved with the APG experts meetings.

                               Other international work includes 10 years as a member of CARIN.                                                                                                            page 16
Speaker Profiles                                                             Manx State of the Nation 2021

     11.30                   Current Challenges for the MLROs

     Panel Chair

                             Emma has a 25 year career in Financial Crime; working on organised crime and
                             Contract & Procurement irregularities, conducting due diligence and internal and
                             external corporate fraud investigations.

                             She has prepared files for law enforcement and international regulators on
                             Sanctions and Bribery matters and served in a regulatory role focused on Anti
                             Money Laundering with the IoM Law Society.

                             She spent 10 years as a Compliance Consultant here on Island and most recently
                             spent 3 years as Group MLRO at Pokerstars.

     Compliance Manager, Zedra Trust Company (Isle of Man) Limited

                             John is currently the Head of Compliance and MLRO for Zedra Trust Company (Isle of
                             Man) Limited and has been with Zedra since its formation in January 2016.

                             Prior to joining Zedra John spent 17 years working for Barclays in a number of
                             different roles including IOM MLRO, Head of Barclays Offshore International
                             Compliance and Compliance business partner to Barclays Wealth Trust Business and
                             its UK Corporate and Employer Solutions business.                                                                                                     page 17
Speaker Profiles                                                               Manx State of the Nation 2021

     11.30                    Current Challenges for the MLROs

     Compliance Manager, Cayman National Bank (Isle of Man) Limited

                              Audrey has worked in the finance industry for 20 years.

                              During the last 18 years, she has specialised in Risk Management and
                              Compliance. Audrey is the Head of Risk & Compliance for both Cayman National
                              Bank (Isle of Man) Limited and Cayman National Trust Company (Isle of Man)
                              Limited on the Isle of Man.

                              She is a Fellow of the International Compliance Association, holds an International
                              Certificate in Enterprise Risk Management and is an accredited Practitioner in
                              Data Protection.

     International Financial Group Limited Chief Compliance Officer, IFG Ltd Insurance

                              Cathy is an experienced compliance executive with over 34 years’ experience in
                              financial services across many disciplines.

                              Cathy has specific expertise in regulatory risk, and is responsible for leading the
                              Group Compliance Team to deliver the annual Compliance Plan and embed the
                              regulatory risk framework across all of our group companies. Cathy works closely
                              with the Board, Executive Management and Regulators in eight jurisdictions.

                              Cathy is a fellow of the International Compliance Association.                                                                                                     page 18
Speaker Profiles                                                                   Manx State of the Nation 2021

     11.30                     Current Challenges for the MLROs

     Head of Financial Crime and MLRO, Flutter Entertainment PLC

                               Dani has been in both Compliance Officer and MLRO roles for a number of years
                               across Corporate and Trust, Banking and most recently Gaming sectors.

                               She is currently the Head of Financial Crime and MLRO for Flutter International which
                               includes brands such as Pokerstars and Betfair International.

                               Her responsibilities include the ongoing management of the AML CFT framework
                               across the International business and responsibility for reporting suspicious activity to
                               the various financial intelligence agencies across multiple jurisdictions in Europe as
                               the MLRO.

                               That experience extends to dealing with cross border law enforcement enquiries
                               and the International regulatory landscape on a global scale as well as providing
                               ongoing advisory services to the wider business.

     Director, Financial Intelligence Unit, Isle of Man Government

                               Phil was appointed as Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit in November 2019.

                               Previously Phil was an Assistant Chief Officer of the Guernsey Border Agency and
                               was Head of the Economic Crime Division for 8 years this included Guernsey’s FIU.

                               More recently, from August 2017 until November 2019, he was Head of the Cook
                               Islands Financial Intelligence Unit. The Cook Islands FIU is responsible for FIU functions,
                               financial transaction reporting and AML/CFT compliance. Phil completed
                               Moneyval’s 5th round training seminar for evaluators in 2015 and in 2018 was part of
                               the Asia Pacific Groups (APG) mutual evaluation team of the Solomon Islands, as
                               the Law Enforcement and FIU expert. Phil also led on Law Enforcement and FIU
                               responses for Guernsey’s mutual evaluations by the IMF in 2010 and Moneyval in
                               2014. He also contributed to the APG’s mutual evaluation of the Cook Islands.

                               Phil has extensive international experience and has served as acting chair of the
                               Egmont Groups Training Working Group and as a vice chair of the Technical
                               Assistance and Training Working Group. He held the role of Egmont’s BECA
                               coordinator for 9 years. Phil also contributes as a Moneyval AML/CFT expert and has
                               been involved with the APG experts meetings.

                               Other international work includes 10 years as a member of CARIN.                                                                                                            page 19
Speaker Profiles                                                                   Manx State of the Nation 2021

     13.15                     Demysstifying the Dark Web

     Cyber Security Operations Team Lead, Riela Group

                               Carey is the
                                        t   Cyberr Security Operations team lead at the Riela Group of Companies.

                               He has a wealth of infrastructure and cyber security experience across the medical,
                               financial retail, and telecom sectors. In addition he has a strong entrepreneurial
                                         ch is an asset in bridging the divide between technical and business.
                               spirit whic
                               Carey alsso holds numerous certifications in Microsoft, Cisco, Linux and the Cyber
                               Security DDisciplines.

                               He has a passion for anything related to technology.

     Cyber Security Engineer, Riela Grroup

                               Josh is a Cyber Security Engineer specialising in Technical Sales and Support.

                               Josh build
                                        ds trust into each client relationship by working closely with business
                               functions to deliver professionally tailored solutions for our clients from sales through
                               to producction and after care.

                               Having sp
                                       pent 4 years as an Officer Cadet in the British Army, Josh has had a great
                               opportunnity to develop his interpersonal and management skills to the highest
                               standard possible.

                               Josh is an
                                        n avid public speaker and presents material regularly across different
                               industries through seminars and online hosted events.                                                                                                           page 20
Speaker Profiles                                                                   Manx State of the Nation 2021

     14.00                     Managing Risk and Compliance during a Pandemic

     Head of Compliance, HSBC Bank Isle of Man Branch

                               Mark has 20 years’ experience working in a variety of Compliance and Risk roles.

                               Mark first came to the Isle of Man in 2001 and began his Compliance career with
                               Britannia International where he worked for 14 years, eventually becoming their
                               Head of Compliance and MLRO.
                               In 2015 Mark moved on to HSBC Bank PLC IOM Branch to become Head of their IOM
                               Compliance function, since that move as well as remaining as the Head of
                               Compliance for the IOM Branch, he has a taken on a wider role within the HSBC
                               Channel Islands & Isle of Man, where he now heads the Corporate Banking & Global
                               Markets Regulatory Compliance function but also continues with his IOM Branch
                               Compliance responsibilities.

                               Mark represents HSBC within various IOM Bankers Association forums and has been a
                               member of the AICP since its inception and joined the Associations CPD committee
                               5 years ago. He is now enjoying a more active role within the AICP, supporting the
                               islands Compliance professionals in raising awareness and understanding of local
                               and international regulatory developments.

     Chief Executive, Isle of Man Financial Services Authority

                               Ms. Badgerow was appointed to the position of Chief Executive of the Financial
                               Services Authority on 1 November 2015.

                               Prior to this Karen served over 30 years with the Canadian government in senior roles
                               in financial services regulation. Most recently Ms. Badgerow was Senior Vice-President
                               with the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation heading up their Insurance and Risk
                               Assessment Division. Before joining CDIC, Ms. Badgerow spent over 25 years with the
                               federal banking and insurance regulator, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial
                               Institutions, and was responsible in her last position for oversight of the federal banking

                               Ms. Badgerow has also represented Canada on a number of international
                               committees including the Senior Supervisors Group and the FSB's Supervisory Intensity
                               and Effectiveness Committee.

                               Ms. Badgerow holds a Bachelors Degree and a Masters Degree in Public
                               Administration from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada.                                                                                                           page 21
Speaker Profiles                                                                  Manx State of the Nation 2021

     14.00                     Managing Risk and Compliance during a Pandemic

     Managing Director, PDMS

                               Chris co-founded PDMS in 1993 with a mission to help organisations get the
                               maximum value from information technology and their associated data assets.

                               His experience lies in recognising the business benefits that can be achieved by
                               effective use of information technology to make services cheaper, safer and more
                               convenient. This extends across the whole spectrum of activities associated with
                               software development and the implementation of technology in general.

                               He attended Manchester University and Cranfield Institute of Technology and
                               gained his Diploma in Company Direction from the Institute of Directors. Drawing on
                               his extensive knowledge and passion for technology, Chris is a founder member of
                               the Isle of Man Chamber of Commerce digital committee and has recently been re-
                               elected as an SME representative on the techUK Central Government Council.

                               Chris has a particular interest in both Govtech and Regtech – using technology to
                               improve both internal government and citizen facing services and to facilitate the
                               delivery of regulatory requirements more efficiently and effectively.

                               With more than 28 years’ experience in Enterprise and Digital technology, Chris is still
                               passionate about the benefits that organisations and individuals can achieve
                               through good software engineering. He also understands why these benefits
                               sometimes seem frustratingly elusive.

     Technical Specialist, Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission

                               Nic Libreri took up the role of Technical Specialist within the Isle of Man Gambling
                               Supervision Commission in April 2020 having previously undertaken the roles of
                               Inspector and Senior Inspector.

                               Prior to this she has over 12 year’s health and social care regulatory compliance and
                               policy development experience within the Third Sector. She holds an ICA Diploma in
                               Governance Risk and Compliance.                                                                                                           page 22
Speaker Profiles                                                                Manx State of the Nation 2021

     14.00                   Managing Risk and Compliance during a Pandemic

     Isle of Man Information Commissioner

                             Iain McDonald has been the Isle of Man’s Information Commissioner since
                             September 2015 having been Data Protection Supervisor since January 2003.

                             He is the supervisory authority in the Isle of Man for the Data Protection Act 2018, the
                             Unsolicited Communications Regulations 2005 & the Freedom of Information Act
                             2015. Iain was a co-proposer of the “Madrid Resolution” on International Standards
                             on the Protection of Personal Data and Privacy which was a catalyst for the GDPR.                                                                                                       page 23
Thanks                                                       Manx State of the Nation 2021

      We hope you have found this year’s State of the Nation informative, interesting
      and entertaining and look forward to welcoming you to the 2022 Manx State
      of the Nation next year.
      The Board of the AICP extends its sincere thanks and gratitude to the following
      for helping to make Manx State of the Nation 2021 such a successful event.

      The AICP CPD committee of:

      Mark Avery, HSBC
      Leanna Dobson, Boston Multi-Family Office
      Gerry Ganly, Ultratech Associates
      Dani Kelly, Pokerstars
      Claire Stringer, Lloyds Bank
      Hilary Peterson, Hilary Peterson Limited

      Justin McMullin and his team from Event Lighting Services
      Kevin Ellis from Avid Events
      Rosie Snape, administrator for AICP

      Our 2021 Sponsors who’s continued support is greatly recognized and
      appreciated.                                                                        page 24
Privacy Notice                                                                     Manx State of the Nation 2021

    Privacy statement in relation to Manx State of the Nation 2021
    The invitation you received in relation to Manx State of the Nation 2021 invited you to register to attend the
    conference and to give us some information about you to assist with the organisation and administration of the
    conference. This statement is designed to help you understand how your personal data is processed when you
    registered for the conference and also any further processing that takes place at the conference.

    What personal data will be processed?
    When you registered for the conference, we collected from you information about your name, job title and
    company. We also asked for contact information and whether you have any dietary requirements.

    How is the data used?
    Your name, job title and company were used to produce a delegate badge for you and to assist us
    with registration for the event. We will also use your name to produce an attendance certificate for you if
    you need one.
    Your contact information was used to communicate with you in the event that either you or the AICP had queries
    about your registration. We will also use it to send you your CPD certificate and to inform you of any information
    about the conference which might be useful to you.

    Where is the data stored?
    When you registered through correspondence with AICP, the information you provided is held on a spreadsheet
    maintained by the AICP solely for that purpose.

    Who can see the information?
    As a matter of policy, the AICP does not share delegate or registration information with any of the
    conference sponsors.

    How long is the data kept for?
    The AICP will delete all data relating to registration and attendance within three months of the conference. This
    means that if you request a certificate of attendance after the data has been destroyed we will not be able to
    provide it.

    Your rights
    If you wish to see the data processed about you in relation to Manx State of the Nation 2021,
    please email
    You have additional rights under the Isle of Man’s data protection legislation and regulation such as the right
    to rectification of incomplete data and the right of erasure of data. If you wish to exercise those rights,
    please email                                                                                                      page 25
Keeping up with the
pace of change
By taking a proactive approach to
regulatory compliance our clients mitigate
risk and protect their business using
practical solutions tailored to their needs

                          © 2021 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLC, an Isle of Man limited liability company. All rights reserved.
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