MANIFEST Welcome to the Manifest; a quasi-weekly summary that cares more about brevity than grammar, and what is about to or could happen in ...

Page created by Samuel Warner
MANIFEST Welcome to the Manifest; a quasi-weekly summary that cares more about brevity than grammar, and what is about to or could happen in ...
Welcome to the Manifest; a quasi-weekly summary that cares more about brevity than
grammar, and what is about to or could happen in Seaside than what did or didn’t.
Contributions to future editions are welcome at .

      General Plan Update – Comments on the draft General Plan are due by the end of the
      week. If you’re short on pens, postage or email, stop by at this Wednesday’s joint
      special meeting of the Planning Commission and City Council starting at 5:30 PM and tell
      us what you think, directly.

      If you haven’t yet looked at the draft General Plan, you can get to it right from the City’s
      homepage: Chapter 2, with the big picture guiding
      principles and strategies, is attached. Keep in mind the principles and strategies aren’t
      numbered in order of importance and aren’t yet finished. Just one observation, but I
      think we need to be blunt about Seaside being recognized as a college town in the
      guiding principles. The creation of CSUMB is, fundamentally, the economic offset from
      the loss of Fort Ord economic activity and the transition to a higher ed / higher skill /
      higher wage regional economy is best represented in the opportunity a growing CSUMB
      affords. Similarly, the sixteen strategies are fine as they are (I’m not completely sold on
      more cars = better) but there should also be strategies on securing investment,
      promoting innovation, rapidly expanding affordable workforce housing and improving
      education opportunities for Seaside children.

      Make no small plans.

      Make No Deficit Budgets – Last Thursday, the City Council reviewed where we’re at, at
      the mid-way point of the budget year. The presentation (self-explanatory? – feel free to
      call if you have any questions) is attached. The bottom line? We’re on pace to have
      about $400K more annual revenue than expense.

      Why That Matters – Because the stock market crashed in 2008 and public employees
      didn’t have the common decency to stop getting older in response. There’s a ppt from
      the League of Cities on the CalPERS issue facing local government attached. Here’s the
      essence of the challenge for Seaside – we need to add about a half million a year in
      revenue (while we’re optimizing expenses) each year, for the next several years to
      maintain current service levels.
MANIFEST Welcome to the Manifest; a quasi-weekly summary that cares more about brevity than grammar, and what is about to or could happen in ...
The more detailed CalPERS unfunded accrued liability obligations go from $1,744,990 in
our current budget year to $2,288,083 next year. At present, that shouldn't be a
problem. The years thereafter look like this:

2019 - 20 $2,836,570         2020 - 21 $3,248,370          2021 - 22 $3,763,470
2022 - 23 $4,209,000         2023 - 24 $4,512,800          2024 - 25 $4,771,000

The numbers are certainly of interest, and could become a concern if we either become
imprudent in our expenditures or lethargic in pursuit of investment in Seaside. So, let’s
neither be imprudent, nor lethargic. See again; make no small plans.

Water Study Session – If you missed the Council’s Study Session on water, it’s attached.

On The Horizon

   o Cannabis Dispensary Ordinance Revisions – Planning Commission this
     Wednesday, and the City Council on Feb. 1.

   o Fireworks Enforcement Operations Plan – Staff will brief the Council on our
     fireworks enforcement plan on Feb. 1, and we’ll also have a fine increase for
     fireworks infractions and an update on the Community Fireworks Display,
     scheduled for July 4, at the Bayonet / Black Horse Golf Course.

   o Short Term Rental Ordinance – Heading to the Planning Commission Feb 14, and
     the City Council thereafter.

   o One More Golf Course Resort DDA Tweak? – The new golf course resort is
     expected to have a significantly grander clubhouse / resort spa that requires its
     own parcel, and that’s been complicated a bit by prior bonding language. The
     DDA may need to come back before the Council on the 15th, with a slightly
     extended date for closing.

   o More Future Council Study Sessions - $30K homeless service allocation in current
     budget, exploring the feasibility of acquiring CalAm’s service infrastructure, a
     discussion on a public safety commission and a review of SPD training practices.

Police Chief Update – By the end of this week, the full background check for Abdul
Pridgen should be complete. Stay tuned.

Congrats MPUSD & Seaside High School! - Leading off a Washington Post article about
recognition as a School of Opportunity:
MANIFEST Welcome to the Manifest; a quasi-weekly summary that cares more about brevity than grammar, and what is about to or could happen in ...

                       chapter two

          PR IN CIPLE S

  This chapter describes the vision laid out by the community
  for Seaside for the next 20 to 30 years. The Vision, Guiding
  Principles, and supporting strategies presented lay the
  groundwork for the future development of the City. Extensive
  community engagement shaped the vision and guiding

                                         PUB L I C D RAFT   21
MANIFEST Welcome to the Manifest; a quasi-weekly summary that cares more about brevity than grammar, and what is about to or could happen in ...
 Seaside is a vibrant, proudly diverse, energetic and         lands supports the regional economy, capitalizes on
 safe community, with extraordinary natural beauty,           proximity to California State University of Monterey Bay
 quality of life and economic opportunities. The City of       &680% DQGSURYLGHVEHQHȴWVIRUDOOWKH&LW\ȇVUHVLGHQWV
 Seaside is socially just and culturally rich with healthy    6HDVLGHR΍HUVHGXFDWLRQDQGWUDLQLQJIRU\RXWKȂWKHQH[W
 neighborhoods. Seaside is a thriving community in            generation of City leaders – and adults, and support of
 which people can live, work, shop, and play in a beautiful   high-quality job placement opportunities for all residents.
 coastal setting. People are attracted to the City’s small-
 town character, social diversity, cultural identity, rich    Seaside is a community with thoughtful, planned
 history, and abundant natural resources and open             growth and well-designed neighborhoods that respect
 space networks. The City is welcoming of all people and      and complement the natural environment. A variety
 strives to be a diverse, peaceful, healthy, and balanced     of housing, recreational, and economic development
 community on the Monterey Peninsula.                         opportunities are available that clearly identify Seaside
                                                              as a destination on the Monterey Peninsula with access
 Seaside is economically diverse and prosperous with new      to regional-serving employment, CSUMB and the Fort
 innovative industries and strong local businesses with       Ord National Monument. A multimodal transportation
 a vibrant downtown that attracts residents and visitors      system supports land uses and mobility for all residents.
 to the Peninsula. New development on former Fort Ord

 Community meeting #4.

22     C I T Y O F S E A S IDE G E NE R A L P L A N
MANIFEST Welcome to the Manifest; a quasi-weekly summary that cares more about brevity than grammar, and what is about to or could happen in ...

Guiding Principles
In order to achieve the realization of the vision for Seaside, the City will focus on the following guiding principles:

1. An Inclusive City for All                                         3. A Destination

Seaside honors diversity, embracing the City’s history as            Seaside is a regional destination for culture, business,
a place where everyone can thrive, regardless of race,               economic opportunity, education, and recreation on the
class, income, age, culture, or sexual orientation. The              Peninsula. The City is home to small, unique businesses,
people of Seaside value the diversity of our community               music and cultural events, CSUMB and educational
and that everyone has the opportunity to participate in              institutions, corporations, and the Fort Ord National
City government.                                                     Monument. The City encourages housing, services, and
                                                                     amenities that serve the Fort Ord National Monument
2. One City                                                          and Dunes State Park visitors as well as CSUMB students
                                                                     and faculty.
Seaside weaves together existing Seaside neighborhoods
with military housing areas and new neighborhoods                    4. A City where Economic Prosperity
and employment districts on former Fort Ord lands to                 Is Shared by All
neighborhoods grow incrementally over time, connect to               Seaside’s diverse economy allows prosperity to be shared
the existing circulation network, and relate physically and          by all residents. Residents have access to educational and
architecturally to adjacent neighborhoods.                           training opportunities to overcome employment barriers.
                                                                     A highly-trained and skilled workforce helps attract new
                                                                     businesses to the City.

Transportation alternatives at community meeting #4.

                                                                                                          PUB L I C D RAFT   23
MANIFEST Welcome to the Manifest; a quasi-weekly summary that cares more about brevity than grammar, and what is about to or could happen in ...
5. An Economically Diverse City                                 9. A City with a Range of Housing
 Seaside leverages its unique Peninsula location, proximity
 to CSUMB, and the former Fort Ord lands to create new           Safe and healthy housing options meet the needs for
 job opportunities and support a range of economic               multiple generations and incomes. Seaside provides a
 sectors. The City supports small, local businesses and          variety of housing types to serve a broad and diverse
 start-up entrepreneurs.                                         community of new and existing residents, allowing
                                                                 people and families to transition from one housing type
 6. A City that Celebrates and Learns                            to another as their needs change over time, socially and
 from its History                                                economically.

 Seaside connects residents and visitors to its unique past      10. A City with Affordable Housing
 as a center of the Civil Rights movement and as the home
 country. The City’s rich and complex history of civil rights    housing opportunities for current and future residents.
 KHOSVGHȴQH6HDVLGHȇVSDWKIRUZDUG                            When sites are redeveloped, there is no net loss of
                                                                 D΍RUGDEOH KRXVLQJ 7KH LPSDFWV RI GLVSODFHPHQW IRU
 7. A City with a Downtown                                       residents during redevelopment are minimized.

 West Broadway is the heart of the City, creating a vibrant,     11. An Active City
 walkable downtown with high-quality streetscape design,
 community gathering spaces, and buildings that support          The City provides high-quality, safe community and
 pedestrian comfort and safety.                                  recreational facilities, parks, and open spaces to meet
                                                                 recreational and social needs of youth and adults. Seaside
 8. A City with Distinct and Complete                            residents, workers, and visitors have the opportunity to
 Neighborhoods                                                   participate in a broad range of recreational and sports
 Seaside’s new and existing neighborhoods have distinct
 identities that help to distinguish them and nurture a sense
                                                                 12. A Healthy City
 of pride and belonging among residents. Neighborhoods
 have housing, amenities, and parks and recreational             Seaside makes decisions to support the physical and
 uses. They are clean, attractive, and beautiful.                mental health of its residents. The City improves access
                                                                 to healthy food, limits pollution, and increases access to
                                                                 health, mental health, and preventive care services.

 Small group discussion at community meeting #5.                 Interactive exercises from community meeting #2.

24     C I T Y O F S E A S IDE G E NE R A L P L A N
MANIFEST Welcome to the Manifest; a quasi-weekly summary that cares more about brevity than grammar, and what is about to or could happen in ...

13. A City with a Focus on Active                            16. A Sustainable, Resilient City
                                                             Seaside supports innovative programs and policies for
Seaside supports a multi-modal transportation network        environmental sustainability and climate change. The
that enhances neighborhood connectivity and provides         City uses cleaner energy, conserves water, and reduces
opportunities for active transportation and complete         greenhouse gas emissions to increase community
streets. New pedestrian and bicycle connections and          DZDUHQHVVDQGUHVLOLHQF\WRFOLPDWHFKDQJH7KHVHH΍RUWV
programs will make it easier, more comfortable, and          DOVR SURYLGH DGGLWLRQDO FREHQHȴWV IRU WKH FRPPXQLW\
safer for residents, workers, and visitors to meet their     including increased public safety, reduced greenhouse
daily needs and access regional destinations, such as the    gas emissions, and greater economic stability.
Fort Ord National Monument, Fort Ord Dunes State Park,
Seaside Beach, CSUMB, and adjacent communities.              17. An Environmentally-Sensitive City

14. A Safe City                                              Seaside stewards natural resources and habitat in the
                                                             City and former Fort Ord lands. New development uses
Seaside promotes safe neighborhoods free from violence       ODQGHɝFLHQWO\WRSURWHFWVHQVLWLYHDUHDV1DWLYHWUHHVDUH
and crime that have a trusting, collaborative relationship   maintained and protected, when feasible.
between law enforcement and residents. The City fosters
safe neighborhoods through good community and                18. A Responsible, Transparent, and
environmental design that promotes a mix of uses and         Responsive City
active streets.
                                                             Seaside is a Peninsula leader by actively working towards
15. A Creative City                                          its vision, monitoring its actions, and adjusting course.
                                                             Seaside conducts business in an open and transparent
Seaside embraces the creative culture and the artistic       way that encourages everyone to participate. The City
pursuits of our diverse community by cultivating their       works with residents and organizations to achieve its
talents and expertise. The City continues to support         vision.
cultural events and parades that promote the cultural
diversity and ecological sustainability ideals.

Community engagement in Seaside.

                                                                                                 PUB L I C D RAFT    25
MANIFEST Welcome to the Manifest; a quasi-weekly summary that cares more about brevity than grammar, and what is about to or could happen in ...
Major Strategies
 20 to 30 years. The strategies include neighborhood enhancement strategies, including addressing parking and circulation
 East, as illustrated in Figure 2. The major strategies are listed below.
                                                                  DQG (FKR $YHQXH $FWLYH JURXQGȵRRU UHWDLO ZLOO EH
 1. Create a vibrant Downtown Seaside
                                                                  focused in these centers, supported by improvements
 Seaside has lacked a traditional Downtown that serves            to streetscapes and sidewalks. A lower-intensity mix of
 as an anchor for residents and visitors. The General Plan        uses will be encouraged between the centers. On key
 DQG:HVW%URDGZD\8UEDQ9LOODJH6SHFLȴF3ODQHQYLVLRQD         stretches, Fremont Boulevard will be narrowed to create
 walkable, pedestrian-oriented streetscape with buildings         a more walkable, pedestrian-oriented street. Buildings
 SODFHGFORVHWRWKHVLGHZDONJURXQGȵRRUUHWDLODQGQHZ       will be placed close to the street in a pedestrian-friendly
 residential units along West Broadway Avenue. Active             way, with residential-only buildings allowed in mixed use
 a lively shopping experience. Similarly, East Broadway
 Avenue will be transformed into a mixed-use corridor with        3. Enhance the Auto Center for
 higher-intensity mixed-use centers at Fremont Boulevard          diverse employment
 and San Lucas Street. Residential uses will provide for an
                                                                  The Seaside Auto Center and auto-related businesses
 appropriate transition between East Broadway and the
 neighborhood to the north. Residential-only buildings will
                                                                  health. However, emerging trends in the transportation
 be allowed where retail is not required.
                                                                  shared mobility, may disrupt the automotive industry and
 2. Transform Fremont Boulevard into
                                                                  D΍HFW KRZ DXWRUHODWHG EXVLQHVVHV XVH ODQG LQ 6HDVLGH
 a mixed use corridor
                                                                  If these transformations occur, the City will maintain this
 Fremont Boulevard will be transformed from an auto-              area as a vibrant center for employment, supporting a
 oriented corridor characterized by low density uses into         diverse mix of companies, jobs, and makerspaces, while
 a beautiful mixed-use corridor with higher-intensity             creating more walkable blocks.
 mixed-use centers at Hilby Avenue, Broadway Avenue,


26     C I T Y O F S E A S IDE G E NE R A L P L A N
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4. Preserve established                                      6. Build a “campus town” adjacent to
neighborhoods                                                CSUMB
Existing low-density neighborhoods contain the majority      A long-term opportunity exists to capitalize on the
of Seaside’s families and long-term residents, and make      adjacency of CSUMB by providing campus-supporting
Seaside a wonderful place to live. Moving forward, the       uses, including jobs, retail, entertainment, and services
priority is to preserve and enhance these residential        for students. This new neighborhood can also provide
areas by maintain the overall scale and character, while     students with diverse housing options, new community
improving current issues, such as lack of parking access     parks, and safe and convenient walking and biking paths
to recreational parks and open spaces, and improving the     with easy access to CSUMB. This area has the potential
bicycle network. The homes in these areas will continue      to expand the number and diversity of jobs in Seaside by
to evolve as houses are renovated, sensitive additions       attracting R&D, industrial, and “makerspace” uses close
added and second units constructed that add to the           to the University.
overall supply of housing in the City.
                                                             7. Develop a mixed-use gateway at
5. Renovate multifamily areas with a                         “Main Gate.”
greater diversity of housing
                                                             Located immediately to the east of Highway 1, the General
Seaside needs a diverse housing inventory to meet the        Plan envisions that this area will transform into a mixed-
changing needs of the community. Demographic shifts in       use center with retail, residential, and entertainment uses.
the last two decades require a range of housing options      This area can also serve as an entryway to the Fort Ord
that can give residents choice and the ability to age in     National Monument and Fort Ord Dunes State Park with
place as their housing needs evolve over time. While         appropriate signage and monument-supporting uses.
6HDVLGHKDVPRUHD΍RUGDEOHKRXVLQJLQYHQWRU\FRPSDUHG       The General Plan will guide the form and character of this
to other communities in the Monterey Peninsula, rising       new district, calling for an urban streetscape character,
costs have compelled many, especially those with lower       organized around a central community space or spaces,
incomes, to live in inadequate and overcrowded housing.      in order to create a “main street” shopping experience.
The City’s mixed density neighborhoods adjacent to           Street and block patterns will be designed to provide safe,
Fremont Boulevard present an ideal opportunity to            convenient, and comfortable circulation for pedestrians
H[SDQG D΍RUGDEOH KRXVLQJ FKRLFHV ZKLFK ZLOO EHQHȴW   and bicyclists. Natural open spaces and the area adjacent
many, including young professionals looking to remain or     to Highway 1 will be preserved.
to downsize, among others. The General Plan promotes         8. Expand auto dealerships
a diverse mix of building types and unit sizes, encourages
the renovation or redevelopment of older multifamily         Drive will provide opportunities for employment and
buildings.                                                   expand the tax base. The employment area will include
                                                             a range of auto dealers and be well-integrated with the
                                                             adjacent Main Gate and Campus Town areas.

                                                             9. Create entryways to the City’s key
                                                             amenities and destinations
                                                             In order to draw regional tourism to the City’s unique
                                                             natural and recreational assets, and to maximize the
                                                             exposure and usage of these areas, there will be visitor-
                                                             and the Dunes State Park (located at the eastern ends of
                                                             Hilby, Broadway, Military, Eucalyptus, Gigling, and others).
                                                             Appropriate uses might include cafes, restaurants, and
                                                             other food retail, recreational services (bicycle shops,
                                                             kayaking, etc.), arts and entertainment, and lodging.
Example of corridor mixed-use development.

                                                                                                    PUB L I C D RAFT      27
MANIFEST Welcome to the Manifest; a quasi-weekly summary that cares more about brevity than grammar, and what is about to or could happen in ...
10. Develop Seaside East with                                       11. Construct new and enhance
 sustainable neighborhoods and the                                   existing parks
 preservation of natural areas
                                                                     Anticipated population and employment growth in the
 Seaside East, one of the City’s primary growth areas                City will increase demand for new park and recreational
 LGHQWLȴHG LQ WKH )RUW 2UG 5HXVH 3ODQ ZLOO EH GHYHORSHG   facilities. Former Fort Ord lands, including Seaside
 in a way that balances new diverse neighborhoods and                East, Campus Town, and Main Gate will provide new
 PL[HGXVHUHWDLODUHDVZLWKWKHSUHVHUYDWLRQRIVLJQLȴFDQW         neighborhood, community, and recreational commercial
 natural resources. New development will be clustered                areas. Adding innovative green spaces, re-programming
 into traditional, walkable neighborhoods with a diversity           unused spaces for public use, and improving pedestrian
 of low and moderate density housing types, including                and bicycle connections to existing parks and open spaces
 “neighborhood centers” that provide retail, services and            within existing Seaside neighborhoods can improve park
 DPHQLWLHVIRUUHVLGHQWV6LJQLȴFDQWQDWXUDODUHDVKDELWDW         access for residents in the Terrace West, Terrace East,
 FRUULGRUVDQGEX΍HUVWRWKH1DWLRQDO0RQXPHQWZLOOEH              and Olympia neighborhoods, who are living greater than
 GHYHORSHGWRHQKDQFHWKH&LW\ȇVRSHQVSDFHV6LJQLȴFDQW            one-half mile walking distance from a park.
 new recreational facilities will be developed to provide
 PXFKQHHGHG VSRUWV DQG DWKOHWLF ȴHOGV )LQDOO\ QHZ          12. Create an active trail network
 economic base.                                                      Seaside will continue on its path to create a regional
                                                                     network of active open space trails and bicycle facilities
                                                                     that improve access to the Fort Ord National Monument,
                                                                     Dunes State Park, Seaside beach, open space, and other
                                                                     neighborhood and community parks. Trails will connect to
                                                                     formal and informal trailheads in the National Monument
                                                                     and link to the Fort Ord Rec Trail and Greenway (FORTAG),
                                                                     a regional network of paved recreational trails and
                                                                     greenways connecting communities to open space.

 New park equipment in Seaside.

28      C I T Y O F S E A S IDE G E NE R A L P L A N

13. Preserve habitat                                                 15. Construct a complete bicycle
As future development occurs on former Fort Ord
lands and within existing Seaside neighborhoods, the                 Seaside residents desire a high-quality, connected
City will require new development to protect sensitive               bikeway network. The General Plan builds on the existing
habitats and preserve the extensive natural resources in             regional and local planned bikeway network, identifying
Seaside. In particular, new growth in Seaside East will be           QHZ RQVWUHHW ELNH ODQHV R΍VWUHHW ELNH SDWKV DQG
accompanied by active open space corridors with trails               separated cycle tracks to increase the convenience
that support natural vegetation communities, scenic                  and use of cycling as a daily form of transportation. By
vistas, sensitive habitats, and connections to the National          increasing cycling in Seaside, the community will realize
Monument and FORTAG trail. Important oak woodlands                   D QXPEHU RI FRPPXQLW\ EHQHȴWV LQFOXGLQJ LPSURYHG
and oak linkages will be protected and managed, and an               KHDOWK UHGXFHG WUDɝF OHVV QHHG IRU FRVWO\ URDGZD\
RSHQVSDFHEX΍HUEHWZHHQIXWXUHGHYHORSPHQWDQGWKH                 improvement projects, and improved air quality.
National Monument will be created.
                                                                     16. Ensure a sustainable water supply
14. Create a multimodal network of                                   to support economic development
complete streets
The General Plan envisions a citywide network of                     D΍HFW H[LVWLQJ UHVLGHQWV DQG IXWXUH JURZWK 'HYHORSLQJ
“Complete Streets” that meet the needs of all users,                 a strong framework of policies and practices that
including bicyclists, children, persons with disabilities,           encourage sustainable water management is a critical
drivers, movers of commercial goods, pedestrians, public             step to strengthen the local (and regional) economy.
transportation, and seniors. Street standards ensure all             These actions include: promoting water conservation
travel modes are accommodated on new streets and                     DQG HɝFLHQF\ LQ H[LVWLQJ EXLOGLQJV LQFUHDVLQJ WKH &LW\ȇV
VWUHHW UHWURȴW SURMHFWV 7KH *HQHUDO 3ODQ FDOOV IRU ȊURDG   recycled water supply, optimizing groundwater recharge,
diets” on East Broadway, Del Monte Boulevard, and                    and supporting a portfolio of new water sources under
Fremont Boulevard to reduce the number of motor                      development by Cal-Am, MCWD, MRWPCA and MPWMD.
space on segments of key commercial streets with excess              occur in areas such as Downtown Seaside and Fremont
capacity.                                                            Boulevard.

Oak woodlands on former Fort Ord lands.

                                                                                                            PUB L I C D RAFT      29
Figure 2: Major Strategies

30   C I T Y O F S E A S IDE G E NE R A L P L A N
City Council Meeting
January 18, 2018

2017-18 Mid-Year Budget Update

• Total General Fund Revenue
      Estimate Increases         $ 1,047,908

• Total General Fund Projected
      Expenditure Increases      $ 640,000

 NET REVENUE INCREASE            $ 407,908
Decisions Already Made > $10,000

      Community Development Part Time                         $ 15,000
      Engineering Contracts                                   $ 30,000
      Community Center Equipment                              $ 15,000
      LandWatch Settlement*                                   $136,450
      Keep Fort Ord Wild Settlement*                          $163,550

      * in part funded with $200,000 Monterey Downs payment
Mission / Vision Critical > $10,000

      Fire Overtime                                               $100,000
      Police Reserve (part-time)                                  $ 15,000
      Police Admin. (consultant)                                  $ 25,000
      Econ Dev / Planning Satellite Office*                       $ 95,000

      * in part funded with $25,000 Main Gate developer payment
        Public Works Transfer Street Work          $ 5,000
        Community Fireworks Event                  $ 20,000

Account Transfers (no added cost)
      City Attorney                                $ 50,000
      Fire Operations                              $125,000
      Comm Dev (2016 Resource Mgmt. retirements)   $ 50,000
      Public Works Community Projects              $ 50,000

Decisions Already Made                 $ 380,000
Mission or Vision Critical             $ 235,000
Referenced During Strategic Planning   $ 25,000

Total General Fund Expenditure
           Increases                   $ 640,000

Vehicle License Fee In Lieu                 $135,000
Transaction Tax Measure L                   $200,000
Transaction Tax Measure R                   $300,000
Sales Tax                                   $100,000
UUT Cal Am Water                            $100,000
Cannabis Permit Application Fees            $119,000
Monterey Downs Settlement (net dev costs)   $ 78,908
Measure X (Streets Fund)                    $200,000

• Total General Fund Revenue
      Estimate Increases         $ 1,047,908

• Total General Fund Projected
      Expenditure Increases      $ 640,000

 NET REVENUE INCREASE            $ 407,908
Monitoring, Returning In April

 • Quarterly Reporting
   • Salaries / Recruiting / On-Boarding
   • CalPERS Future Obligations
   • Land Sales
   • FORA Fiscal Analysis Update &
     Future Budgeting

• Accept and file the 2017-2018
  Mid-Year Budget Report

• Adopt the resolution approving
  the 2017-2018 Mid-Year

       Adds $407,908 to reserves
CalPERS 101

Dane Hutchings, Legislative Representative, League of California Cities
How the Fund Operates
• Pooled investments called the Public Employee Retirement Fund (PERF).
• All 3000+ employers money is pooled together and invested in a series of
  asset classes (e.g. Growth, equity, real estate, infrastructure etc.)
• BUT… each employer has their own independent pool with their own
  “funded level” (think Honeycomb).
• If one pool (Agency) is terminated, they move to the Terminated Agency Pool
  (TAP) fund and benefits may be reduced. (See LA Works)
• “Discount Rate” equals the Floor that CalPERS must earn. Anything below the
  employer must pick up the difference. Note: Discount rate is determined by a
  60 year average

                                     13 ¢                   61 ¢
                               Employees               Investment Earnings
The Silver Bullets
• Retroactivity Credit (e.g. Peace Officer retires Before 1999,
  average pension equals 62,218. Same Peace officer retires After
  1999 pension is $96,270).

• Local Governments followed suit amidst recruitment challenges,
  CalPERS actuarial data and political climate (at the time).
Brief Time Line of Events (Truncated)

2000‐2001 — CalPERS takes significant hit due to the
bubble Fund drops below “Super Funded Status”
2008‐2009 — The Great Recession Hits
The Fund loses 27% or $67 billion in value—drops to 61.00%
funded status. True Impact is 34.75% loss [27 loss+
7.75(discount rate) = 34.75% Loss]
2012 — PEPRA signed into law which established a
new tier of employees with less generous benefits
(Classic vs. PEPRA)—Does not modify “Classic” active
formulas or retiree benefits.
 Important Note: Agencies won’t feel significant
impacts of PEPRA for 25+ years due to “classic” benefit
December 21, 2016 — CalPERS
      Board Takes Further Action.
• CalPERS Board moves to lower its discount rate from
  7.5% to 7.00% over a phased in process (eight years in
                  Discount Rate Phase in Timeline (Local Agencies)
        Fiscal Year                                   Fractions of Rates
          18‐19                                          1/5 of 7.375
          19‐20                                  2/5 of 7.375 and 1/5 of 7.25
          20‐21                             3/5 of 7.375, 2/5 of 7.25, 1/5 of 7.00
          21‐22                             4/5 of 7.375, 3/5 of 7.25, 2/5 of 7.00

          22‐23                  Full impact of 7.375, 4/5 Impact of 7.25, 3/5 impact of 7.00

          23‐24                 Full Impact of 7.375, Full Impact of 7.25, 4/5 Impact of 7.00

          24‐25                   Full impact of 7.375, full impact of 7.25, Full Impact 7.00
By The Numbers
• According to CalPERS:
   • In 2001 there were two active workers for every retiree.
   • In 2016 there were 1.3 active employees for every
   • It is projected that within the next 10‐20 years there will
     be 0.6 workers for every retiree (CalPERS 2016 Annual
     Review of funding levels and Risk September 20, 2016).
2016‐17 — Current State of the Fund
• Fiscal year 2016‐17 CalPERS Announced a 11.2% return on
  Investment well above the assumed rate of return (discount rate)
  of 7.375% (State) 7.50 (Locals).
     • Note: FY 15‐16 return was 0.61% well below 7.5%
• Limited Fund Growth Despite Positive Market Trends: Seven years
  of positive economic growth yet the fund has only gained 7 percent
  in value (2008: Approx 61% Funded. 2017: Approx. 68% funded
  after 11.2% was announced).
• Experts warn that if the funding level drops below 55‐50% the fund
  may no longer be viable.
Pending CalPERS / Legislative
•    Board Stayed the Course @7.00 rate in

• Amortization Modification Prospective
  modification from FY 18/19 from 30 years to 20
  years (Action in February) (Think 30 year to 20
  Year Mortgage)

• Pending legislation applying joint‐several liability
  to all agencies who have entered into JPA’s.
NEW CA Cities Pension Webpage
CalPERS 101
• PERS Primer
• League Board sustainability Principles
• CalPERS Presentations

• Statewide Fact Sheet
• Discount Rate Background
• Employer to Employee Fact Sheet (in development)
• Latest Studies and Research Papers

• In the News
     • Latest articles on CalPERS

• League Voice
    • Western City Magazine Article
    • League staff and members testimony to CalPERS Board and Legislature

• Legal
    • Legal resources on pension related cases
Data Collection:
              League Pension Survey
• Collect Information on City Specific Budget Items related to
  Pension Obligations

• Assess Impact of Growing Pension Obligations on Safety and
  Miscellaneous Payrolls

• Improve Understanding of City Efforts to Mitigate Growing Costs

• Anticipate Budget or Service Cuts

• Tell Our Story to Legislature, Administration and Community
Data Collection:
        League Pension Survey: Methodology

• Data was collected directly from CalPERS and a survey was
  administered to League member cities.
• Respondent results varied after thorough review by actuarial staff.
  Depending on the survey question, respondent numbers ranged from
  159 cities to 194 cities (example, some cities do not have in‐house
  public safety). All exceeded the target of 100 cities resulting in a
  strong confidence interval.

• Full executive summary and public release of the report is
Data Collection:
          League Pension Survey: Methodology

• Data Sets: CalPERS contribution amounts as they pertain to:
    •   Percentage of payroll Misc. FY: 06‐07, 17‐18, 24‐25 (Projected)
    •   Percentage of payroll Public Safety. FY: 06‐07, 17‐18, 24‐25 (Projected)
    •   Percentage of total General Fund budget Misc. FY: 06‐07, 17‐18, 24‐25 (Projected)
    •   Percentage of total General Fund budget Public Safety. FY: 06‐07, 17‐18, 24‐25 (Projected)
    •   Percentage of total General Fund budget Aggregated. FY: 06‐07, 17‐18, 24‐25 (Projected)
For purposes of projected future General Fund budgets:
• Projected provided 2017/18 budgets forward assuming 3% annual growth
• Assumed 100% of Safety contributions were paid from the General Fund
• Assumed the portion of Miscellaneous General Fund contributions remained
  constant after 2017/18 fiscal year
League Pension Survey: Key Preliminary
Miscellaneous Employees: In the fiscal year 2024‐2025, a majority of city respondents
will pay over 29% of their payroll towards miscellaneous employee pension costs, with
some employers paying over 49% of payroll. This means for every $100 in salary, the
majority of cities would pay an additional $29 to $49 or more to CalPERS for pensions
alone. Note: These figures do not include costs associated with retiree healthcare.

        2024/25 CalPERS Projected Contribution as % of Projected Payroll
League Pension Survey: Key Preliminary
Safety Employees. 2024‐2025 a majority of city respondents are projected to pay
approximately 51% to over 91% of payroll towards pension costs. In other words, for
every $100 in salary, the majority of cities would pay an additional $51 to $91 to
CalPERS for pensions alone. Note: These figures do not include costs associated with
retiree healthcare.

          2024/25 CalPERS Projected Contribution as % of Projected Payroll
League Pension Survey: Key Preliminary Findings
Rising pension costs will require Cities to nearly double the percentage of
their general fund dollars that they pay to CalPERS.
• The study evaluated the percentage of City general fund budgets devoted to
 paying pension costs to CalPERS. Percentages range from 15 percent to over 23
 percent of total general fund revenue for a majority of city respondents. Note:
 These percentages are for CalPERS costs only ‐‐ over and above the cost of salaries
 – and do not include the cost of retiree healthcare.

           Projected 2024/25 CalPERS Contribution as % of 2024/25 Projected
                                 General Fund Budget
The Keys…
Education: Seek education opportunities through the League,
continue to educate your area managers, council members
etc. on the issues. (This includes attending monthly CalPERS
Board meetings).

Collaboration: Continue to work with stakeholders to find
common ground on legislative policies to stabilize the pension

Communication: Groundswell approach needed. What do
these numbers mean for jobs, raises, services for your
community? Encourage your locals to engage their State
   • Open a dialogue with the public, your councils, locals…
      Keep all stakeholders engaged and educated.
Major Takeaways
                           Knowledge is Power:
Get your numbers from CalPERS to understand your risks and
     • CalPERS has released contribution projections through FY
        2024/25. Its important to note that these projections are not
        perfect. (page 5 of your actuarial report)
          • They assume CalPERS hits their exact discount rate target
          • They do not build in likely future losses

             This will NOT be Easy, Utilize Best Practices:
The toughest decisions will be made locally. Each city will need to
make their own decisions on how to use best practices to stabilize
their budgets.
    • Identify New Sources of Revenue
    • Reduce Plan Benefits (OPEB)
    • Review Services and Staffing Models
    • Establish Rate Stabilization 115 Trust and/or UAL Pre‐Payments
    • Reduce UAL Amortization Period
Water Study Session
Seaside City Council and Successor Agency to the
 Redevelopment Agency of the City of Seaside
                January 18, 2018
Overview of Water Suppliers in
Water Service to City of Seaside



Cal Am   MCWD   Seaside
Water Rates Comparison
                        (Water Service + Usage Charges + Surcharges)
                                                $83.93                                                     $83.72


         $36.56           $37.32




      Marina Coast   Cal Water (Salinas)   San Lorenzo Valley   Marina Coast   Seaside Municipal   Cal-Am (Seaside)
       (Marina)                                 (Felton)         (Seaside)         (Seaside)
                                              4,100 gallons (550 cf)

                                                                                                   Source: Cal Am
Residential Water Rates for Seaside
                          Based on 550 cf (4,100 gal) of monthly water usage

Monthly Charge






                       Marina Coast Water    City of Seaside (Current)   City of Seaside   Cal Am - (Current)
                        District (Current)                                (Necessary)
Evaluation of Water Suppliers

∗ California State Division of Drinking Water (DDW)

“… the regulation of water supply, water
quality, and the various types of water systems
that serve drinking water remains fragmented
in California.”
Source: State Water Resources Control Board report to the state legislature June 2015
Evaluation of Seaside
       Municipal Water System

∗ DDW assessment determined
    ∗ The water system is in good overall condition.
    ∗ A potential cross connection was noted at the tank site.
    ∗ The City's preventative maintenance and record keeping
      program have significantly improved
Regulatory & Environmental

∗ Seaside Groundwater Basin Adjudication
  ∗ Groundwater rights in the Seaside Basin are constrained
    by the court judgment adjudicating the basin (the
  ∗ Since 2009, some pumpers have had to decrease their
    water usage according to a ramp down schedule.
  ∗ Full rampdown will go into effect in 2021.
  ∗ About 60% decrease to Seaside Municipal Water System
    and Cal Am
          (Amended Decision Case No. M66343 entered Feb. 9, 2007. (“Decision”)
Water Rights to City of Seaside

∗ Standard Production Allocation (SPA) –
  ∗ Seaside Municipal Water System = ~120 afy
∗ Alternative Production Allocation (APA) –
  ∗ Seaside Golf Courses = 540 afy
∗ APA not subject to rampdown if it remains used on
  golf course property
∗ Some or all of City’s APA can be converted to SPA for
  use elsewhere but subject to rampdown of
  approximately 60%
Seaside Municipal Water System (SPA)


                                                                                                                           SMWS Water Allocation






                       2006   2007   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020   2021   2022   2023
Seaside Municipal Water System (SPA)
                                                         Demand versus Supply

              300.00                                                                                              SMWS Water Allocation
                                                                Estimated Future Water Demand 190 AFY
                                                                                                                  SMWS Water Usage

                                                                                               Estimated Future SPA Water
                                                                                                    Allocation 120 AFY


                                                                                                                       Approximate 70 AFY
                                                                                                                       Gap in SPA Water
                                                                                                                       Available from
              150.00                                                                                                   Seaside Basin



                       2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Seaside’s Water Allocation

∗ Seaside Municipal Water System (SPA)
  ∗ About 147 AF for 2018
  ∗ About 120 AF in 2021
∗ Seaside Golf Courses (APA)
  ∗ 540 AF
  ∗ Decrease by 140 AF?
Seaside’s Water Allocation

∗ Seaside Municipal Water System (SPA)
  ∗ About 147 AF for 2018
  ∗ About 120 AF in 2021                +60 AF SPA
∗ Seaside Golf Courses (APA)
  ∗ 400 AF
                               140 AF APA
Seaside’s Water Allocation

∗ Seaside Municipal Water System (SPA)
  ∗ About 147 AF for 2018
  ∗ About 180 AF
∗ Seaside Golf Courses (APA)
  ∗ 400 AF
Regulatory & Environmental

∗ Seawater Intrusion remains a concern in the Seaside
  ∗ Even though 2017 was an above average rainfall year
    with increased groundwater elevations, basin pumping
    was slightly above the current safe yield of 3,000 acre-
    feet per year
  ∗ Groundwater levels remain below protective elevations
    in deep monitoring wells near the coast
           Source: Seawater Intrusion Analysis Report prepared for the Seaside Basin Watermaster by Hydrometrics dated December 2017
Source: Seawater Intrusion Analysis Report prepared for the Seaside Basin Watermaster by
Source: Seawater Intrusion Analysis Report prepared for
the Seaside Basin Watermaster by Hydrometrics dated
December 2017
Source: Seawater Intrusion Analysis Report prepared for
the Seaside Basin Watermaster by Hydrometrics dated
December 2017
Cal Am Water
Cal Am’s Main System Consumption
                                                                         WY 1988 - WY 2016

                   Permit                                                                                                        Rebate
                                                                                               Rebate                                                 Rebate
                  Moratorium                                      7-Stage                                  Forest Lake         Program
                                                                                              Program                                                Program                             California
                                                       Rebate Conservation &                 Expanded:      Reservoir         Expansion:                                                    and
                                                      Program Rationing Plan                 Appliances Improvements           Irrigation                                                MPWMD
                                                                                                                                                 Lawn Removal &
                                                     Toilets Only Adopted                    & Cisterns ((Recycled H2O)         Systems
  16,000                                                                                                                                           CII Retrofits
                                       Water                                                                                                               Rebate
                                      Project                                                                               Rebate                        Program
  14,000                                                                                                                   Program                       Expansion:
                                                                                                                          Expansion:                    Greywater &
                                                                                                                            HET &                            CII
                                   Water Rationing                                                                          Urinals

                                                                                                                                                                         Mandatory CII
  12,000                                                                                                                                                                    Retrofit
                                                                                                                                                                         Requirements                       Enforcement of

                                                              Visitor Serving & Public
                                                             Adopted 1997. Mandatory
                                                             compliance by December
                                     SWRCB Order
                                     Flood of 1995

                                                                                                                                                        Cease & Desist
        8,000                                                           2000
                                    Critically Dry
                  Critically Dry

                                                                                                                                Critically Dry

                                                                                                                                                                                           Critically Dry

                                                       El Niño

             1988 1993 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
                                                                                                          Water Year
            Data Sources: CAW Customers and Consumption by Political Jurisdiction & Cal-Am Production Records                                                                                 Prepared by MPWMD
Regulatory & Environmental

∗ Cease and Desist Order (CDO)
  ∗ By 2021, Cal-Am must reduce pumping from the Carmel
    River to no more than 3,376 AFY
  ∗ Current pumping is about 6,500 AFY
  ∗ About 50% decrease

                  CDO issued by the State Water Resources Control Board in 2009
                  (SWRCB Order WR 2009-0060)
Cal Am’s Water Allocation

∗ Carmel River
  ∗ 8,310 AF for 2018
  ∗ 3,376 AF in 2022
∗ Seaside Basin
  ∗ About 1,820 AF for 2018
  ∗ About 1,474 AF in 2022
Cal Am’s Water Allocation

∗ Carmel River
  ∗ 8,310 AF for 2018
  ∗ 3,376 AF in 2022
∗ Seaside Basin
  ∗ About 1,820 AF for 2018
  ∗ About 774 AF in 2022
  ∗ 700 AF to remain in the Basin
Legally Available Cal-Am Water Supply
                                                            Compared to
                                             Cal-Am Consumer Water Demand

                                                                                         11,356 AF Demand in 2013


                                                                             9,285 AF Demand in 2016
Acre Feet per Year

                                                                                                               4,435 AF
                             8,310   8,310
                      6000                         8,310             8,310       8,310

                      4000                                 Carmel River Supply


                             2,299   2,299                    Seaside Basin
                                                   1,820           1,820         1,820
                                                                 Supply                          1,474       1,474
                             2016    2017          2018              2019        2020            2021        2022
The Peninsula Cannot Ration to Meet our Needs

                               Hospitality Industry in
                                 Monterey County

                       • 24,000 jobs
                       • 9 million visitors
                       • $2.6 billion in spending

                   Average Daily Water Use Per Capita

                       •   230 gallons – USA
                       •   200 gallons – Sacramento
                       •   160 gallons – Morgan Hill
                       •    85 gallons – Sunnyvale
                       •    55 gallons – Monterey Peninsula

                    Source: MPWMD
So, What is the Plan?
                        The Future Water Supply Portfolio

      Monterey Peninsula Water Supply

                         Aquifer Storage      Pure Water
                          And Recovery         Monterey

                Los Padres Dam                        Local Water
                                   Seaside Basin
                 / Carmel River                         Projects

Source: MPWMD
Changing Sources of Supply


         Source: MPWMD
Monterey Peninsula Water Supply

                  Planning and
               Conservation League

                  Monterey Peninsula
                    Regional Water
                  Authority (MPRWA)

                   Monterey County
Citizens for
                     Coalition of
                 Peninsula Businesses   County of Monterey
Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project
                     Demand                                   Supply

       13,290 AF average customer demand   3,376 AF legally from Carmel River (2017)

       500 AF for economic recovery        1,474 AF legally from Seaside Basin (2021)

       325 AF for Pebble Beach buildout    (700) AF Cal-Am intends to leave in the
                                           Seaside Basin for recharge for 25 years
       1,181 AF for legal lots of record
       ----------                          94 AF available from Sand City long term
       15,296 AF total demand
                                           1,300 AF assumed available from ASR

                                           3,500 AF from Pure Water Monterey

                                           6,252 AF from Desalination Plant
                                           15,296 AF total supply

Source: MPWMD
Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project
              Revised???   Supply

 9,750 AF average customer demand (??)    3,376 AF legally from Carmel River (2017)

 250 AF for economic recovery (??)        1,474 AF legally from Seaside Basin (2021)

 325 AF for Pebble Beach buildout         (700) AF Cal-Am intends to leave in the
                                          Seaside Basin for recharge for 25 years
 1,181 AF for legal lots of record (??)
 ----------                               94 AF available from Sand City long term
 11,506 AF total demand
                                          1,300 AF assumed available from ASR

                                          5,750 AF from Pure Water Monterey

                                          0 AF from Desalination Plant (Interim ??)
                                          11,294    Total supply
                                          9,044 AF total  Supply
MPWSP – Status/Schedule

∗ Hearings concluded November 3rd on certain issues
∗ Briefing underway on the hearing issues
∗ Final EIR/EIS to be released in March 2018
∗ CPUC decision (CPCN) in June 2018
∗ Satisfy September 2018 CDO Milestones
∗ Permitting from responsible agencies (e.g., Coastal
∗ Litigation?
MPWSP Settlement Efforts

∗ All-parties settlement meeting on December 19th
∗ Seeking to hire a professional facilitator
∗ Additional settlement meetings through March
∗ Possible hearings at CPUC in April on PWM (GWR)
  expansion potential and specifics plus settlement update
∗ Potential petition to the SWRCB to modify CDO to add
  PWM expansion as additional milestone satisfaction
∗ Potentially address desalination conflict through mutually
  acceptable process without litigation
Water Service in the Former Fort Ord

 ∗ 1998 – MCWD contracts with FORA to provide water and
   sewer service in former Fort Ord
 ∗ 2001 – MCWD acquired infrastructure in former Fort Ord
 ∗ MCWD provides water from Salinas Basin Aquifer
 ∗ Monterey County Water Resource Agency ordinance
   prohibits transfer of groundwater from Salinas Basin to
   Monterey Peninsula
 ∗ MCWD may propose to annex former Fort Ord into their
   service area
Water Service in the Former Fort Ord
FORA Water Allocation        6,600
Total Usage (2016)          2,717.56
Difference                  3,882.44

Seaside Water Allocation     1,012
Seaside Usage (2016)         289.64
Difference                   722.36
Seaside Water Usage in the Former
            Fort Ord




                                                                    Total Seaside (AF)

   500                                                              Total Seaside Less Golf Courses (AF)

   400                                                              Linear (Total Seaside Less Golf
                                                                    Courses (AF))




     2008   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016
Seaside Water Allocation

Seaside Projects in the Former Fort Ord     AFY
Sunbay Apts                                120.0
Bostram Park (Mobile Homes)                 84.8
Seaside Highlands                          188.0
Seaside Resort                             161.4
MPUSD                                       81.0
Monterey College of Law                      9.0
MPC                                          9.7
Chartwell School                             6.4
Total Need                                 660.3
Allocation                                1,012.0
Water Available                            351.7
Seaside Future Water Needs
  Seaside Projects in the Former Fort Ord    AFY
  Sunbay Apts                                120
  Bostram Park (Mobile Homes)                84.8
  Seaside Highlands                          188
  Seaside Resort                            161.4
  MPUSD                                       81
  Monterey College of Law                      9
  MPC                                         9.7
  Chartwell School                            6.4
  Main Gate (Estimated Future)               391
  Campus Towne (Estimated Future)            433
  Other (Estimated Future)                   212
  Total Need                                1696.3
  Allocation                                 1012
  Deficit (Estimated Future Need)            680
Water Service in the Former Fort Ord

 ∗ Three Party Planning to Augment Water Supply
   ∗ Marina Coast Water District
   ∗ Monterey 1 Water
   ∗ FORA
 ∗ Pure Water Monterey (PWM) – Advance Treated Water
   ∗ MCWD Allocation
     ∗ Phase 1 - 2019              600 AFY
     ∗ Phase 2 - (?)               827 AFY
     ∗ Total                       1,427 AFY

           Source: MPWMD
Marina Coast Water District
Proposed PWM Allocation

                              Source: MCWD
Source: MCWD
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