Management of Unilateral Maxillary Canine Impaction

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Management of Unilateral Maxillary Canine Impaction
Volume 33       Issue 1                                                                                  Article 4


Management of Unilateral Maxillary Canine Impaction
Maureen Antolis
Universitas Indonesia

Krisnawati E. Tarman
universitas indonesia

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Antolis, Maureen and Tarman, Krisnawati E. (2021) "Management of Unilateral Maxillary Canine
Impaction," Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics: Vol. 33 : Iss. 1 , Article 4.
DOI: 10.38209/2708-2636.1094
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Management of Unilateral Maxillary Canine Impaction

Management of Unilateral Maxillary
Canine Impaction

Maureen Antolis*, Krisnawati E. Tarman

Department of Orthodontics Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia


   Maxillary canine is an essential part of teeth for smile esthetic and function. Orthodontic treatment for patient with
impacted maxillary canine is considered to be more complex and require good biomechanical control during traction.
This case report describes an orthodontic treatment of a 17-year old female patient with unilateral maxillary canine
impaction on the left side. Orthodontic traction was used to guide the canine into normal occlusion. The orthodontic
treatment had been completed within 19 months and successfully obtained favourable esthetic and stable occlusion.
Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics 2021;33(1):26e32

Keywords: Tooth impacted; Maxillary canine; Orthodontic traction

1. INTRODUCTION                                                                  and resorption of the affected tooth.4,7 However, the
                                                                                 maxillary canine plays an important role of esthetic
                                                                                 and guidance of occlusion, thus the treatment pri-
B    eing the last tooth to be developed through
     the longest path of eruption, the maxillary                                 ority is to preserve canine into its position.8 In this
                                                                                 case report, we present a case of palatally impacted
canine has the highest incidence of impaction
                                                                                 canine in a 17-year old female patient and was
after third molar.1 The incidence has been re-                                   treated using a preadjusted edgewise system.
ported to have range between 0.92 e 2.2%.2,3
Furthermore, impacted maxillary canine normally
occurs two times more in women than man.4                                        2. CASE REPORT
Reports stated that majority of maxillary canine                                 2.1. Clinical Examination
impaction occurs unilaterally2 at which most of
the cases (50% - 85%) are palatally displaced.5                                     A 17-year old female patient came to orthodontic
   The etiologies of impacted canine are believed                                clinic with chief complaint of missing canine on her
due to multifactorial and idiopathic origins.6 How-                              upper left side and irregularly arranged upper and
ever, there are several theories proposed as poten-                              lower front teeth.
tial etiological factors; for example, prolonged                                    Extra oral examination revealed a good facial
retention or early loss of deciduous canine, absence                             profile (Figure 1). The intraoral examination pre-
or anomaly of upper lateral incisors, local obstruc-                             sented full permanent dentition except upper left
tion, pathology, and genetic factor.1,7 Early diagnosis                          maxillary canine. Clinical examination showed
and timely interception provide better prognosis to                              bulging on palatal between upper left lateral incisor
manage the impacted canine.                                                      and first premolar. The upper and lower teeth are
   The treatment is considered extremely challenging                             mildly displaced with maxillary dental midline
due to the potential adverse sequelae of impacted                                deviated 1 mm to the left side and mandibular
canines, including resorption of adjacent roots,                                 dental midline deviated 0.5 mm to the right side of
referred pain, infection, dentigerous cyst formation,                            her facial midline. There was also mild incisor
                                                                                 proclination with an overjet of 4 mm. The canine

Received 2 March 2021; revised 1 April 2021; accepted 17 April 2021.
Available online 16 June 2021.

* Corresponding author at: Department of Orthodontics, University of Indonesia, Jl. Salemba Raya No. 4, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, 10430 Indonesia.
E-mail address: (M. Antolis).
2708-2636/© 2021 Taiwan Association of Orthodontist. This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license
Management of Unilateral Maxillary Canine Impaction
Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics                                                                     M. ANTOLIS, K.E. TARMAN
2021;33(1):26e32                                                                      UNILATERAL MAXILLARY CANINE IMPACTION

                                    Figure 1. The extra oral photographs before treatment.

relationship was Class I on the right side and the                  The cephalometric analysis presented Class I
molar relationship was Class I on both sides                      skeletal relationship with mild bimaxillary progna-
(Figure 2).                                                       thism and proclination (Figure 5 and Table 1).
  Based on vertical parallax technique, the loca-
tion of impacted tooth was confirmed on the                        2.2. Diagnosis
palatal side (Figure 3). The prognosis of the
impacted tooth was also assessed according to the                   The 17 years old female patient was diagnosed as
reference of previous study by Mc Sherry and                      Class I malocclusion with upper left canine palatally
Counihan et al.9,10 Panoramic radiograph showed                   impacted.
the canine was angulated 40 to midline, left
canine was not overlapping with the adjacent                      2.3. Treatment Objectives
lateral incisor, crown of the canine was located in
the cervical of lateral incisor and the apical of the               To achieve alignment of the impacted canine
canine was located between lateral incisor and                       into the upper arch
first premolar. In brief, the impacted canine had a                  To correct maxillary and mandibular midline in
good prognosis of traction (Figure 4).                               line with facial midline

                                    Figure 2. The intraoral photographs before treatment.

Management of Unilateral Maxillary Canine Impaction
M. ANTOLIS, K.E. TARMAN                                                                                 Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics
UNILATERAL MAXILLARY CANINE IMPACTION                                                                                    2021;33(1):26e32

                                                                          2.4. Treatment plan

                                                                            Levelling and aligning upper and lower arch
                                                                            Midline correction and opening space for the
                                                                             impacted canine
                                                                            Traction of the impacted canine
                                                                            Releveling and realigning the upper arch

                                                                          2.5. Treatment Progress

                                                                             An active orthodontic treatment was begun with
                                                                          preadjusted edgewise appliance with .022” MBT
   Figure 3. Periapical and occlusal radiograph before treatment.         bracket. Levelling and aligning were performed on
                                                                          both arches. After 6 months treatment, consolida-
  To establish Class I canine and molar relationship                     tion of upper arch was finally done, followed by
  To achieve orthodontic functional occlusion                            placing an open coil spring between left premolar

                                            Figure 4. The panoramic radiography before treatment.

                                         Figure 5. Lateral cephalometric radiograph before treatment.

Management of Unilateral Maxillary Canine Impaction
Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics                                                                                M. ANTOLIS, K.E. TARMAN
2021;33(1):26e32                                                                                 UNILATERAL MAXILLARY CANINE IMPACTION

Table 1. Cephalometric measurements in before and after treatment.          phases were performed (Figure 7). Finishing and
                      Mean          Pre-treatment     Post-treatment        detailing were carried out with bending and settling
SNA                   81 ± 3       87               87                   elastics. The active treatment had successfully been
SNB                   78 ± 3       85               85                   completed within 19 months.
ANB                   3 ± 2        2                2
Angle of Co           0 ± 10       6                5
SN-MP                 32 ± 3       30               33                   2.6. Treatment Result
MMPA                  27 ± 4       23               24
Interincisal angle    135 ± 10     122              120                    The palatally impacted canine was properly
UI-SN                 104 ± 6      114              113                  aligned in the maxillary arch by orthodontic trac-
UI-PP                 109 ± 6      120              120
                                                                            tion. Ideal overjet and overbite were also achieved.
LI-MP                 90 ± 4       95               96
Upper lip - E line    1 ± 2 mm      0 mm              0 mm                  Class I canine and molar relationship with a
Lower lip - E line    0 ± 2 mm        1 mm            0 mm                  functional occlusion were established (Figures 8
                                                                            and 9). The panoramic film demonstrated root
                                                                            parallelism was achieved with minimal root
and lateral incisor in order to give space for the                          blunting (Figure 10). The cephalometric radio-
impacted canine. Once an adequate space had been                            graph analysis and superimposition have shown
achieved, attachment was bonded on the canine tip,                          no significant change in skeletal and dental
and traction with piggyback archwire was conduct-                           parameter (Figures 11 and 12). In addition, the
ed (Figure 6). After 8 months, the upper left canine                        patient was suggested to use essix retainers for
was bonded, and both releveling and realignment                             retention phase.

                                                    Figure 6. Traction of the impacted canine.

                                                 Figure 7. Piggyback of the impacted canine.

Management of Unilateral Maxillary Canine Impaction
M. ANTOLIS, K.E. TARMAN                                                                   Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics
UNILATERAL MAXILLARY CANINE IMPACTION                                                                      2021;33(1):26e32

                                   Figure 8. The extraoral photographs after treatment.

                                   Figure 9. The intraoral photographs after treatment.

                                    Figure 10. Panoramic radiograph after treatment.

Management of Unilateral Maxillary Canine Impaction
Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics                                                                                M. ANTOLIS, K.E. TARMAN
2021;33(1):26e32                                                                                 UNILATERAL MAXILLARY CANINE IMPACTION

                                         Figure 11. The lateral cephalometric radiograph after treatment.

              Figure 12. The cephalometric superimposition before and after treatment. (red: before treatment; blue: after treatment).

3. DISCUSSION                                                                environmental factors, such as local obstruction,
                                                                             early loss of primary canine, displacement of the
  The etiology of palatally displaced canine is
                                                                             permanent tooth.7,12,13 In this case, premature loss
obscure. Several theories have been proposed to
                                                                             of deciduous canine could be the reason of inade-
explain the etiology of palatally impacted canine at
                                                                             quate space for canine eruption and the canine be-
which guidance and genetic theories are the most
                                                                             comes palatally displaced.
commonly accepted reasons.11 Guidance theory
                                                                               There are three diagnostic methods for impacted
states that insufficient distal aspect of the root on
                                                                             canine: inspection, palpation, and radiography.14
lateral incisor or agenesis of lateral incisor will result
                                                                             Whether it locates buccally or palatally, the canine
to a lack of guidance for permanent canine to erupt.
                                                                             bulge should be seen between the lateral incisor and
On the other hand, genetic theory highlights the
                                                                             first premolar. Abnormalities or agenesis of lateral
multiple genetic factors which could be responsible
                                                                             incisor could also indicate a higher risk of canine
for palatal impaction. Other possible etiologies
                                                                             impaction. In addition, the deciduous canine
which are related for palatal canine impaction are
                                                                             mobility should be observed to prevent any pro-
systemic conditions, including cleft lip and palate,
                                                                             longed retention of the tooth. Clinical palpation of
Pierre Robin syndrome, endocrine deficiency, and
                                                                             the canine bulge from age of 8 years old is

Management of Unilateral Maxillary Canine Impaction
M. ANTOLIS, K.E. TARMAN                                                                              Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics
UNILATERAL MAXILLARY CANINE IMPACTION                                                                                 2021;33(1):26e32

recommended by previous study as it was proven to               ETHICAL APPROVAL
bring significant benefit for determining canine
                                                                  This study was approved by the Institutional Re-
position.15 In addition, radiographs are required to
                                                                view Board of Faculty of Dentistry Universitas
locate the impacted canine in three dimensions and
detect any root resorption. Parallax radiographic
techniques or cone bean computed tomography
have been commonly recommended in the diag-                     PATIENT CONSENT
nosis of impacted canine case.10                                  Provided.
   Assessment towards the position of impacted
canine to determine its prognosis should be per-                Conflict of Interest Statement
formed before starting the orthodontic treatment.14
There are four conditions that should be examined                 The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
which are horizontal overlap of canine towards
lateral incisor, vertical height of canine tip, angula-         REFERENCES
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Management of Unilateral Maxillary Canine Impaction Management of Unilateral Maxillary Canine Impaction
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