Management of Inpres Market Traders in Banda Sakti District

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 495
                 Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science, Political Science, and
                                          Humanities (ICoSPOLHUM 2020)

                Management of Inpres Market Traders in
                        Banda Sakti District
                      (Study of Disperidagkop Lhokseumawe City)
               Mauludi1,*, Jumadil Saputra2, Zikri Muhammad2, Alwi3, Muryali1, Zuruh Zun
                                     Natur4, Muhammad Rizki Ikbal5
            Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas
          Malikussaleh, Lhokseumawe, Indonesia
            Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Development (FBESD), UMT, Terengganu, Malaysia
            Department of Sosiology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Malikussaleh,
          Lhokseumawe, Indonesia
            Student of Law Faculty, Universitas Malikussaleh, Lhokseumawe, Indonesia
            Student of Public Administration Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,
          Universitas Malikussaleh, Lhokseumawe, Indonesia

          *Corresponding Author: Email:

          Traders selling in the market emerge from an uneven condition of economic and educational
          development, besides that it is also the result of unavailability of jobs for small people who do not
          have the ability to produce. This problem has led to the Disperindagkop of Lhokseumawe city to
          make policies to manage and supervise traders. This study aims to determine how the management
          of the Presidential Market Traders in the city of lhokseumawe. This policy is a form of guidance
          for traders to occupy the stalls that have been provided. This type of research in this thesis is a
          descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The position of researchers in qualitative research is
          planning, implementing data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, and in the end become a
          reporter for the research results. So the researcher is the key research instrument. The types of data
          in this study are primary data and secondary data. The technique of collecting data by means of
          interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis is guided by an interactive data analysis
          model. The results of this study are expected to be inputor donating thoughts and suggestions to
          local governments in managing market traders' stalls and improving the quality of market trading
          in their management The City Government in managing the Inpres market merchant stalls by the
          Disperindagkop of Lhokseumawe City is maximized. The need for direction, guidance, and control
          from the Disperindagkop against traders who do not comply with established rules can be given
          sanctions so that their implementation in the field can be fully implemented.

          Keywords: Management, Traders

          1.        INTRODUCTION                                     only rooted in the problem of
                                                                     meeting the necessities of life (basic
                   In general, wet markets,
          often referred to as traditional
                                                                               In     traditional     market
          markets, are seen as dirty areas, a
                                                                     activities there is interaction between
          source of traffic jams and a place of
                                                                     sellers and buyers. There are three
          origin for criminals. This is based on
                                                                     elements in the market, namely
          or by factors of economic
                                                                     sellers, buyers and goods or services
          development which were initially

                             Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -   347
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 495

whose existence cannot be separated.                                   Table 1.1
The meeting between the seller and                       Details of 2015-2019 Inpres Market
the buyer creates buying and selling                       Traders in Lhokseumawe City
transactions, but that does not mean
that everyone who enters the market
will buy goods, some come to the
market just to play or want to meet
someone to get information about

          In line with the real
                                                     Source: Disperindagkop Lhokseumawe City
evidence of the role of this traditional             Year 2019
market in the government, it has                                The increase in traders in
shown an appreciation for its                        the inpres market in Lhokseumawe
existence for traders and for the city               City could cause obstacles for market
or service area. It turns out that                   managers, namely Disperindagkop in
traditional markets have a strong                    placing traders who do not have
capacity to survive in uncertain                     stalls to trade, so that the opportunity
macroeconomic situations, and do                     for traders to have stalls that have
not fall into a slump, such as formal                been provided. Furthermore, to see
economic activities or large-scale                   the number of traders who occupy
economic activities. The market has                  the Inpres market merchant stalls in
served as a rescue net and job                       Banda Sakti District, Lhokseumawe
provider for some communities.                       City in 2019, as shown in the table
          This study will discuss one                data below.
of the traditional markets in                                        Table 1.2
Lhokseumawe City, namely the
Inpres Market. This inpres market is                    Details of the Traders Occupying the
                                                               Inpres Market Traders
located in a strategic place, namely                        Lhokseumawe City in 2019
on Jalan Listrik in Lhokseumawe
City, so this market is always
crowded with people. This market is
also a one-on-one market on the
border between the villages of Kuta
Blang, Tumpok Tengoh and the
villages of Kampung Jawa Baru. In
market activity there is an exchange
of goods and services and the
formation of prices.
          The number of merchant                     Source: Disperindagkop Lhokseumawe City
                                                     Year 2019
stalls occupying the Presidential
                                                              Based on empirical data, the
Market in Banda Sakti District,
                                                     researchers found that the number of
Lhokseumawe City, is as recorded in
                                                     merchant stalls in the presidential
the table below:
                                                     market in 2018 was not fully
                                                     occupied by 327 units. Buyers who
                                                     came to visit the Presidential Market

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 495

came from various villages in Banda                   shopping centers , and a modern
Sakti District and some came from                     shop. As well as the Qanun of
Muara Dua District. From the                          Lhokseumawe City Number 14 of
explanation above, it can be                          2012 regarding retribution for market
concluded that the function of the                    services.
market,       especially     traditional                         As for the background for
markets, is not only as a place for                   conducting research related to the
buying and selling transactions, but                  management of merchant stalls in the
also as a medium of communication                     presidential         market     by    the
between villagers who live around                     Disperidagkop of Lhokseumawe
the market. The market is a social                    City, including:
media that connects communication                     1. There are still traders in the
between people in an area. In                             presidential market who trade in
addition, the market is a location that                   unofficial stalls (outside the stalls
provides employment for the                               that have been provided).
community. No exception to the                        2. The existence of illegal fees
Presidential Market which has given                       citing traders who do not sell in
birth to new jobs that are utilized by                    designated stalls.
the community, such as pedicab or                     3. The location of the merchant
motorcycle taxi drivers, cart-pulling                     stalls is still not well ordered.
coolies,       parking      attendants,               4. The management of the traders'
newspaper sellers and shoe-polishing                  stalls seems not yet appropriate
workers. This indicates that the                               From         the    results   of
Presidential Market has an important                  observations made by the author at
role in reducing unemployment in                      the Inpres market in Lhokseumawe
the vicinity.                                         City, there are still many traders who
          The location of the inpres                  sell on the side of the road and some
market traders is very crowded,                       even go to the road which is not a
causing many traders' stalls or places                location for trading, resulting in
to sell traders that are still not well               traffic jams around the presidential
organized and even do not follow the                  market. In addition, there are still a
Regulation of the Minister of Trade                   lot of contribution quotes made by
 No.    Types of     Unit     Information             irresponsible people who are
         Traders                                      troubling the traders and there are
  1     Little      147             -                 still many stalls of traders in the
        merchant    Units                             Inpres market that are not yet
  2     Micro       115             -                 orderly. (preliminary observation, 03
        Traders     Units
  3     Intermed     65             -
                                                      June 2020).
        iate        Units
        Trader                                        2. RESEARCH METHODS
       amount                                         2.1. Research Design
of the Republic of Indonesia Number                          This research was designed
70 / M-DAG / PER / 12/2013                            through a qualitative approach This
concerning guidelines for structuring                 type of descriptive research is
and fostering traditional markets,                    research that seeks to address

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 495

        existing problem solutions based on                      makers, heads of agencies, NGOs,
        data.                                                    traders, communities and others in
                The approach used in this                        the research area, are willing to be
        research is a descriptive qualitative                    participants / informants and are
        analysis approach, according to                          willing to be interviewed.
        Sugiyono (2006: 11) is "a research                       2.4. Data collection technique
        approach used in data collection by                           This study uses three data
        examining problems that are                              collection techniques, namely direct
        happening at this time, then the data                    observation, passive involvement,
        is collected and compiled, after                         in-depth         interviews         and
        which it is processed. and analyzed                      documentation.        Passive-involved
        ”.With this design approach, it is                       direct observation is used to see
        hoped that accurate and reliable                         directly the context of social reality,
        information will be extracted.                           a description of individual altruistic
        2.2. Research Flowchart                                  behavior in various occasions
                                                                 holistically in       social    reality.
            The research flow or roadmap
                                                                 Meanwhile, in-depth interviews are
        for this research process can be
                                                                 used to gather information related to
        described as follows:
                                                                 the topic of study being studied.
                                                                      Furthermore,       documentation
                                        CROSCEK                  techniques are used to discuss the
                                            (Data                main ideas of this study in the
   DATA COLLECTION                     triangulation)            context of naturalistic reality,
[Literature Study, Observation
        and Interview]                                           namely       according       to      the
                                                                 characteristics, habits, norms and
                                    PRESENTATION                 cultural values that develop in the
                                        OF DATA                  local community. Documentation
                                     [Transcription &
 [Reduction, categorization,           Description]              can be in the form of theoretical
  coding and interpretation]
                                                                 concepts, results of previous studies,
                                                                 journal articles or other relevant
            REANALYSIS                CONCLUSION                 information.
              (full data                  (Theory
              analysis)               development and
                                                                 2.5. Data analysis technique
                                                                      Analysis of the research data
        2.3. Research Objects and Subjects                       using the interaction model from
                                                                 Milles et al. (2014), namely:
             The object of this research is an
                                                                 1. Data         reduction,     namely
        attribute of people, namely traders,
                                                                      collecting,    organizing    and
        stalls or markets and local
                                                                      coding the data obtained from
        government and society. The
        subjects of this study are called
                                                                 2. Data presentation, namely the
        participants      (informants        /
                                                                      presentation of data on field
        information providers from across
                                                                      findings in a comprehensive
        professions) in the Lhokseumawe
        City community. The criteria for
        informants, among others; policy

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 495

3.   The conclusion of the data is                   saw that there were a number of
     that the researcher tries to                    traders who complained to the
     analyze and interpret the data so               merchant         stalls      of      the
     that the meaning of each field                  Disperindagkop that they provided
     finding data can be understood.                 500 stalls of traders, but those who
     In addition, to cross-check data                traded in the Inpres market were
on field findings, either observation                around 1000 traders. This has
data, interviews or documentation,                   resulted in many traders selling on
the researcher uses triangulation                    the side of the road, in alleys and
techniques as an effort to check the                 even above ditches, causing various
relevance and accuracy of the data,                  problems that occur in the
so that the reliability of the research              presidential     market,     thus    the
data can be proven empirically.                      Disperindagkop is obliged and must
                                                     overcome this problem so that in the
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                            future there is no confusion in the
        The results of the research                  market. Inpres.
that the researchers found in the field                       Inpres market traders still
both in the form of observations, data               complain a lot about the facilities and
collection and interviews from                       infrastructure provided by the
various figures above showed that                    Lhokseumawe City Industry and
the         Lhokseumawe           City               Trade Cooperative in providing
Disperindagkop was still unable to                   services. The facilities that have been
manage the merchant stalls properly,                 provided by Disperindagkop are still
there were still traders who had not                 not being felt by the traders until
waited for the regulations that had                  now, such as inadequate merchant
been set. Most of the traders still                  stalls. At least Disperindagkop
traded in trenches, in alleys and even               provides lapak for traders who do not
on the side of the road which resulted               have a stall so that they do not trade
in congestion and chaos in the                       in random places.
Presidential Market.                                          The Disperindagkop has
        The     Disperindagkop       of              regulated fees or taxes in accordance
Lhokseumawe City has made every                      with the applicable regulations with a
effort to solve the problems that                    quote of 2000-5000 rupiah per stall
occurred in the Presidential Market,                 according to the size of the stalls of
given the behavior of traders who do                 the merchandise. Usually, those who
not care about the rules that have                   quote fees or taxes are official
been       set.     However,        the              officers, thus there is no fraud in the
Disperindagkop remains optimistic                    collection of fees or taxes.
about socializing it to traders so that                       Based on the results of the
they can occupy the stalls provided                  research, it seems that the first step
by the government.                                   taken by the Disperindagkop is to
        Based on empirical data, the                 plan or socialize the traders carefully.
researcher found that the number of                  This is very effective in dealing with
merchant stalls in the presidential                  all the problems that occur in the
market in 2015 was approximately                     Inpres market. The number of traders
327 units. But here the researcher                   'stalls with traders is not appropriate,

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 495

there are more traders than traders'                       3. Unofficial citation of dues by
stalls, proving that there is still a lot                     irresponsible       individuals
of work to            be     done by                          causes     traders to       feel
Disperindagkop and the government                             disadvantaged, so that the
in overcoming this problem.                                   Disperindagkop must tighten
         carried out can be planted                           supervision of those who
with types of plants that are local                           carry out illegal quotations.
species       and     facilitate      the
implementation       of     reclamation
activities by maintaining the                           The suggestions that can be given
smoothness of the top soil.                          are as follows:
                                                         1. The Kota Lhokseumawe
4. CONCLUSION                                                Disperindagkop           should
          From the discussion that the                       coordinate      with    various
author has done, we cannot                                   parties related to stalls of
generalize that the problem of stalls                        traders in the Presidential
for traders in the presidential market                       Market so that traders who
is just like what was discussed, but                         sell      do       not      feel
presumably this discussion can be a                          disadvantaged.
portrait for the Disperindagkop in                       2. The      Lhokseumawe        City
supervising traders' stalls well so that                     Disperindagkop should pay
the inpres market in Lhokseumawe                             more attention to the traders
City is always crowded with people. .                        in the presidential market and
From the discussion above, the                               more fully supervise the
following conclusions can be drawn:                          traders so that traders can sell
    1. Management          of    Inpres                      comfortably so that they do
        Market        Traders        By                      not sell in random places and
        Disperindagkop             Kota                      the quotation of unofficial
        Lhokseumawe is still not                             dues to traders can be avoided
        optimal, so there is a need for                      or disciplined.
        increased supervision of the
        traders who occupy the stalls
        and there are no traders
        selling anywhere.
    2. The factors that hinder the
        Management         of    Inpres
        Market        Traders         in
        Lhokseumawe City, namely
        the lack of facilities and
        infrastructure for traders who
        occupy the stalls that have
        been provided by the
        Department of Industry and
        Trade, so that traders can feel
        comfortable selling.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 495

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