Making credit work better for all - Sustainability Report 2021

Page created by Teresa Manning
Making credit work better for all - Sustainability Report 2021
Sustainability Report 2021

credit work
better for all
Making credit work better for all - Sustainability Report 2021
Overview       Better for Customers       Better Ethics and Understanding          Better for Society   Responsible Business   Performance

Welcome to Lowell’s first Sustainability Report.                                                                                             Contents
In 2021, we worked together to define our Sustainability Strategy to support
our mission to ‘make credit work better for all’, and address wider societal                                                                 Overview
needs for a more inclusive and sustainable future. To achieve these aims,                                                                     Our CEO’s perspective                  3
we have set out clear goals and ambitions across four key areas, covering                                                                     About Lowell                           5
our customers and clients, colleagues, communities, and the environment.                                                                      Our business at a glance               6
                                                                                                                                              Our role in the credit cycle           7
When debt becomes unmanageable, everyone should have access to                                                                                Our Sustainability Strategy            8
the support they need to become debt free. So, we take the time to fully                                                                     Better for Customers                    9
understand our customers’ circumstances, and work with them to help them                                                                     Better Ethics and Understanding        14
take control of their money and improve their financial health. For our clients,                                                             Better for Society                     19
we work in partnership, tailoring our approach to commercial and customer                                                                    Responsible Business                   25
communications to suit their business and provide a seamless customer                                                                        Performance Scorecard                  33
journey. For our colleagues, we offer a rewarding and challenging career that
provides fulfilling work and personal growth.

This first Sustainability Report highlights our progress in 2021 against our
strategy and sets out our plans for the future so we can be held accountable
for our impact. We hope it offers insights into the way we work and shines
a light on how we have supported all of our stakeholders through the
challenges of the last year.

                                                                                                                                                          Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 2
Making credit work better for all - Sustainability Report 2021
Overview       Better for Customers   Better Ethics and Understanding       Better for Society       Responsible Business       Performance

Our CEO’s perspective
                                                  I am delighted to welcome you                            what our customers and clients tell us they want.            Lowell has a good history as a
                                                  to Lowell’s first Sustainability                         We also strive to treat everyone with respect,               responsible and ethical collections
                                                                                                           ensuring our impact in society is a positive one,            business. In a world in which
                                                  Report.                                                  and that any harmful impacts, such as our carbon             sustainability is more important than
                                                                                                           footprint, are minimised. In doing so, we not only           ever in building long-term resilience,
                                                  Sustainability is something we hear a lot about, and     do the right thing, we also deliver a resilient and          I believe the way we work and behave
                                                  it’s a word that gets used in many ways, so we have      consistent performance – both financial and non-             as a business sets us apart.
                                                  sought to define what it means for Lowell. For us, a     financial. This gives us, I believe, a huge opportunity
                                                  sustainable business is a better business, delivering    to grow stronger as a business in the future.
                                                  better returns for all of our stakeholders. To achieve                                                             This report shines a light on how we are doing
                                                  this, we rely on the three foundations upon which        All of this is embedded in our Sustainability             this and how we have supported all of our
                                                  Lowell is built: Resilience, Efficiency, and Delivery.   Strategy, which acts as an umbrella and guide             audiences throughout the challenges of the
Sustainability is embedded right
                                                  Together, these values place sustainability at the       for the effective management of our ESG issues.           last year. It demonstrates ways in which we are
across the organisation – from
                                                  heart of what we do, and underpin our mission to         Since launching the strategy in 2021, we have             leading our sector to shift outdated perceptions
governance processes to metrics
                                                  make credit work better for all.                         found that our work to embed and communicate              about debt and help our industry make a
and performance. Our dedicated                                                                             sustainability throughout Lowell has driven               positive impact on society. I am proud of the
Sustainability Development Group                  I’m proud of Lowell’s long track record of operating     even greater alignment across the business with           efforts of all our colleagues in these difficult
drives the agenda, but we all have                as a responsible company and member of society.          our aims and Values, such as being Better for             times to help us achieve this and to build a truly
a role to play.                                   We have always placed an emphasis on trust and           Customers. This has been especially important             sustainable, better business.
Colin Storrar, Group CEO                          integrity, supported by good governance and              during the pandemic. This report highlights some
                                                  sound risk management. Because of this, we have          of the ways in which customers – especially
                                                  been able to grow strongly, regardless of economic       those in vulnerable situations or affected by
                                                  cycles and even, more recently, pandemics.               COVID-19 – have received support from us
                                                                                                           during this difficult time.
                                                  Over the last few years we have increased our
                                                  efficiency and delivery through digitalising our         Our Performance Scorecard demonstrates that
                                                  processes, like our new mobile app and online            environmental matters are non-negotiable. While
                                                  options for customers. Using technology to               our carbon footprint may not be as large as some
                                                  continually improve our offering means a better          businesses, there are areas where we can and do
                                                  and more personal service for our customers and          make a difference, and we aim to lead our sector
                                                  clients. We make these developments based on             on our social impact.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 3
Making credit work better for all - Sustainability Report 2021
Overview   Better for Customers   Better Ethics and Understanding      Better for Society         Responsible Business   Performance

2021 highlights

                                                    Over half of our inbound                                    Helped improve sector          Our Group Sustainability
        2 million customers                                                                                   insight and understanding        Development Group was
                                                   customer interactions in the
       became debt free with                                                                                     to improve consumer                 established
                                                 Nordics come through our digital
           Lowell in 2021                                                                                              outcomes
                                                   customer services platform

               Read more            p9                              Read more               p9                           Read more     p14              Read more              p25

      Provided valuable insights
                                                                                                                  1 2                               Raised consumer
       to assist policymakers in                                                                              Set our baseline for Scope      awareness of financial issues
   understanding issues around                      Our colleague engagement                                   1 and 2 Greenhouse Gas        and support available, reaching
   financial vulnerability and the                    score for being ‘happy ’                                Emissions and a target for          over 10 million people
        effects of the pandemic                          at work rose to 71                                   Net Zero emissions by 2030             in the UK alone

               Read more           p17                              Read more               p19                          Read more     p25              Read more              p19

                                                                                                                                                    Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 4
Making credit work better for all - Sustainability Report 2021
Overview        Better for Customers         Better Ethics and Understanding     Better for Society    Responsible Business        Performance

About Lowell                                                             OUR VALUES

Making credit work better for all
Our mission                                                              Pioneering – we ensure       Excellence – we work
Our mission is simple: it is ‘to make credit work                        future success by leading    together to exceed
better for all’. Our work is important, so it’s                          advances in statistical      expectations, recognise
important to us that we do it well. We carry out                         and behavioural science,     success and deliver the
responsible debt collection, helping customers to                        and the way we work          best individual solutions.
take control of their finances, get out of debt, and                     each and every day.          We strive for excellence
regain full access to the economy.                                                                    every day; every one of
                                                                                                      us makes a difference,
Our Values                                                                                            and has a personal
Everything we do is driven by our five Values,                                                        responsibility to do so.
created in partnership with our stakeholders. Our                        Ambition – we want
Values are our compass, capturing the essence of                         to be the best. If there
who we are and how we operate with transparency                          is a better way to do
and accountability. They are how we build trust                          something, we will find it
with all of our stakeholders.                                            and make it happen. We       Responsibility – we
                                                                         want to set ourselves to     earn trust by always
Our Leadership Philosophy                                                be the leading example       being open, reliable,
Our Leadership Philosophy is based on our Values and                     to others.                   accountable, and beyond
explains the crucial role our leaders play in navigating                                              compliant. We simply
an increasingly competitive business environment.                                                     go out of our way to
It sets out our expectations that leaders create                                                      do our best and take
a workplace environment where colleagues can                                                          responsibility for our
thrive and develop, so we succeed in delivering our                      Compassion – we              actions.
company strategy and business goals. Our Leadership                      see and respect the                                                     Our mission is simple – to make
Philosophy asks each individual to:                                      individuals behind the                                                  credit work better for all. We carry
                                                                         numbers, staying helpful,                                               out responsible debt collection,
•   be accountable for our strategy                                      principled, and fair in                                                 enabling customers to take control
•   have the courage to take the initiative                              everything we do.                                                       of their finances.
•   take ownership to drive change
•   be compassionate, authentic and empathetic
•   be commercially focused                                                                                                                               Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 5
Making credit work better for all - Sustainability Report 2021
Overview       Better for Customers        Better Ethics and Understanding          Better for Society              Responsible Business                     Performance

Our business at a glance
                                                                                                 LOWELL HAS THREE
                                                                                                 OPERATING REGIONS                                                                                                              22.9m
Lowell is at the forefront of the debt purchasing and debt servicing industry.
Today we operate in eight countries and manage more than 22 million                                                                                                                            gross
accounts, with one of the largest and most diverse portfolios of customer                           NORDICS
accounts in Europe.                                                                               Denmark, Finland,
                                                                                                  Norway, Sweden

Our business model                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        estimated
As a credit management company, we deliver value in three ways: purchasing                                                                                                                                                                                remaining
debt from companies, collecting debt repayments from customers, and                                                                                                                                                  assets under                        collections4
making collections on behalf of our clients. We are proud of our customer-                                                                                                        DACH                               management3
centric approach. We actively engage with our customers to help them take                                                                                                          Austria,
control of their debt and work with them to develop tailored solutions to                                                                                                         Germany,
achieve the best outcome for everyone. We also become a trusted, long-term                                                                                                       Switzerland
partner to our clients, helping them succeed through a commercially flexible
and ethical approach to debt purchasing and collections.

Across the countries where we operate, cultural attitudes towards debt
                                                                                                                                                                 8                                                                             3,901
vary considerably. There are different legal and regulatory frameworks, and
varying splits between debt collection and debt recovery on behalf of third                                 UK                                                                                                                                   colleagues6
parties (3PC). Our sector expertise and experience enable us to adapt to                               England,                                             operating
                                                                                                                                                            countries                              cash income5
these differences. By applying a local focus, and supporting it with Group-                        Northern Ireland,
wide resources, we can offer personalised approaches that meet all of our                          Scotland, Wales
customers’ and clients’ needs, wherever they are based.

Our business plan
We are committed to continual improvement. Our three-year business
strategy makes that a reality, through ongoing development of our processes,               1                                      2                                      4                                    6
                                                                                                um of gross collections from
                                                                                               S                                       he number of active accounts
                                                                                                                                      T                                       he amount we expect
                                                                                                                                                                             T                                     olleague number includes
services, prudent additions to our portfolio, and offering a best-in-class client              owned debt portfolios and the          we owned as at June 2021.              to collect on owned debt             64 temporary workers
experience.                                                                                    gross collections on behalf of         Accounts being individual non-         portfolios as at December 2021
                                                                                               third party clients for the full       performing loans and receivables       across the next 120 months.           he number of customers who
                                                                                               year 2021.                             that form a debt portfolio                                                  became debt free with Lowell
                                                                                                                                                                              ross collections from owned
                                                                                                                                                                             G                                    during 2021.
                                                                                                                                      F ace value of assets under           debt portfolios plus fees and
                                                                                                                                       management on our third               commissions from third party
                                                                                                                                       party servicing platforms as          servicing.
                                                                                                                                       at December 2021.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 6
Making credit work better for all - Sustainability Report 2021
Overview        Better for Customers        Better Ethics and Understanding         Better for Society       Responsible Business        Performance

Helping make the credit
cycle work
Our economy relies on the cycle of credit to              At the same time, we help businesses that lend to
function. Affordable lending, or manageable debt,         improve their liquidity, and enable them to invest                                                   Step 1
stimulates economic growth and investment.                more in stimulating economic growth, providing                                                     Unlocking
It creates opportunities for individuals and              employment opportunities, and widening financial                                                people from debt
businesses.                                               inclusion.                                                                              We help people free themselves
                                                                                                                                                   from debt and regain control
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Step 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Helping people
But not all debt is manageable. When debt                 Supporting society
becomes unmanageable it’s rare that anyone is at          We play a key role in producing research to measure                                                                                                                    re-join the economy
fault, but it still has a stigma attached to it – which   the ability of households to manage their daily                                                                                                                           Freedom from debt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   means people can regain
we believe is unfair. We’re working to remove this        finances and adapt to sudden economic changes,                                                                                                                             full access to credit
stigma through listening to our customers, wider          such as the loss of employment, sickness, and the
discussion, and policy development.                       impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Financial
                                                          Vulnerability Index, a joint venture between Lowell
Large, unmanageable debts can exclude people              and US-based research organisation the Urban                                                                               The Credit Cycle
from the wider economy. This impacts their                Institute, is using our extensive proprietary data                                                                                Put simply, credit drives
lives and their wellbeing. It can also restrict the       to help policymakers understand where resources                                                                                  the economy, stimulating
amount of money available for businesses to               can be better targeted to make a difference for UK                               Step 4                                            growth and spending
invest elsewhere.                                         consumers.                                                                    Supporting                                                 activity
Unlocking people from debt                                Our work is important, not just to the credit                                  Businesses can                                                                     Step 3
In 2021, 2 million customers became debt free             management services sector or to the wider                                invest more to stimulate
                                                                                                                                        economic growth,
with Lowell, moving a step closer to accessing all        financial services industry, but to society as a whole.
                                                                                                                                      create jobs and widen                                                            business liquidity
forms of credit.                                          It provides invaluable data to policymakers to assist
                                                                                                                                        financial inclusion                                                          Recovering money tied up in
                                                          their decision making. This understanding – that                                                                                                           debt enables businesses to
We do this by treating everyone as an individual,         debt is a societal issue – underpins everything we do.                                                                                                       improve their liquidity
listening to and understanding their individual



                                                                                                                                                 NO                                                                                                                       W
circumstances, and being flexible in our approach.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   TO
                                                                                                                                                      T                                                                                                          S
We support this work by sharing the insights we                                                                                                           A                                                                                                  E
                                                                                                                                                                   ND                                                                             T   I   NU
gain from our unrivalled customer data to build                                                                                                                         ER                                                                 C   ON
                                                                                                                                                                             ,W                                                       LE
understanding of the many causes of debt, both                                                                                                                                    E PL
                                                                                                                                                                                         AY A                                   C Y C
                                                                                                                                                                                              KEY ROLE                  G THE
at an individual level and on a national scale.                                                                                                                                                        IN E N S U R I N

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 7
Making credit work better for all - Sustainability Report 2021
Overview        Better for Customers         Better Ethics and Understanding       Better for Society       Responsible Business       Performance

Our Sustainability Strategy                                                                                                        Our Sustainability Strategy, launched in 2021, is based around
                                                                                                                                   four areas, each with a clear ambition and goals:
Developing our strategy                                       and engaged our investors in its development.
Our Sustainability Strategy was developed through             This enabled us to identify the most material issues
a rigorous process that identified and prioritised the        and opportunities we wanted to address.
key issues for our business, stakeholders and sector.
It places sustainability at the heart of what we do.          Through this thorough process, our Scorecard was
It is underpinned by a set of KPIs and a number of            created and aligned with the SASB framework sector
performance targets, that are regularly monitored             guideance as well as our own business activities. This led
and brought together for tracking through our                 to a natural weighting towards social elements, given
Sustainability Scorecard.                                     our impact on consumers’ financial health. However,
                                                              we also place significant focus on environmental issues,
The Scorecard was developed following a thorough              continually seeking to reduce our carbon footprint, and                      Supportive and                  Set the highest ethical                 Put people first to
review of existing guidance, frameworks and best              we fully recognise that providing insight into our policies                personalised debt                 standards and build a                build a stronger business
practice, including the Sustainability Accounting             and governance can provide reassurance and clarity.                         resolution for all                   positive sector                         and society
Standards Board (SASB), the Global Reporting Initiative
(GRI), the EU non-financial reporting directive, the UN       Sustainable Development Group                                          Trusted and engaging                Values-led                             Improving debt understanding
Global Compact, the UN SDGs, and the Task Force on            Our Sustainable Development Group reports to                           Personalised approach               Client and customer promise            Positive for colleagues
Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) standards.       the Executive Committee and is responsible for                         Supporting the vulnerable           Advancing standards                    Inclusive culture
                                                                                                                                                                         and understanding
It supports the aims of the Glasgow Financial Alliance        recommending, developing, embedding and                                Enabling financial health                                                  Community engagement
for Net Zero (GFANZ), formed in 2021 ahead of the             communicating our Sustainability Strategy with impact.
COP26 Summit.                                                 We are committed to sharing our progress openly via
                                                              an annual report showing how we are delivering on our
We benchmarked our Scorecard against our peers and            mission and Scorecard commitments; this is the first.                                    A resilient and efficient business, supporting a low carbon world
other organisations in the wider financial services sector                                                                                                       Strong governance     Environmental responsibility

                                                             Read more about the Group’s work                p27

                                      Sustainability is embedded in our culture, our practices and
                                  our performance. Our strategy acknowledges our desired impacts
                                  on all major stakeholders – including our colleagues, customers
                                  and clients. We must all work together to make a real difference
                                  for each other, our communities and the environment.
                                  Bitte Ferngren, Chief People Officer
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 8
Making credit work better for all - Sustainability Report 2021
Overview     Better for Customer
                        Customers    Better Ethics and Understanding   Better for Society    Responsible Business   Performance

Better for Customers
Our ambition: To help customers return to financial
wellbeing. We do this by delivering tailored and supportive
solutions designed to help them take control of their debt.

How we’ll get there:

We ensure debt           We treat every            We ensure all           We develop leading
repayment is simple,     customer individually     customers in            tools and services to
accessible and           and work with them        vulnerable              help customers build
supportive.              to resolve their debt     situations are          financial resilience to
                         issues.                   protected and           avoid problem debt in
                                                   respected.              the future.

                                                                                                                                  Did you know?
                                                                                                                                  2 million customers
                                                                                                                                  became debt free with
                                                                                                                                  Lowell in 2021.

                                                                                                                                        Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 9
Making credit work better for all - Sustainability Report 2021
Overview     Better for Customers         Better Ethics and Understanding       Better for Society      Responsible Business        Performance

Achievements and progress
                                                Through this difficult year we’ve continued
  Our KPI Stats 2021                            to develop new ways to help our customers.           DIGITAL HIGHLIGHTS
                                                We want people to feel safe to take the
  Customer Net Promoter Score                   first step with us, whichever channel                •	Our UK mobile app, offering
   67 NPS   UK     51 NPS   NORDICS
                                                they choose, and make sure they get the                 easy access
                                                right support. We measure our progress               •	Our UK customer panel was
                                                through regional Customer Net Promoter                  established to help us understand
  Group Client Customer Treatment Score         Scores (NPS) and a Group Client Customer                our customers’ needs better and
   97%                                          Treatment Score to ensure we are meeting                involve them in our proposition
                                                their expectations.                                     development. We’ve already had
                                                                                                        more than 2,000 customers help
  Debt Free Customers
   2m                                           Trusted and engaging                                    with research and test out new
                                                                                                        initiatives like our app
                                                Whether our customers want to deal with              •	A common portal for all DACH
                                                us in writing, on the phone, or online, we’re           customers with live chat
                                                here to help in a way that suits them.               •	LiveChat functionality
                                                                                                        launched in the UK
                                                For people taking the first steps to get out         •	New digital servicing
                                                of debt, speaking to someone about it                   solution, enabling Swedish
                                                isn’t always easy. And for most, the idea               customers to acknowledge
                                                of picking up the phone to a debt collector             receipt of important
                                                feels scary. This can lead to people avoiding           communications online
                                                dealing with their debts.

                                                Our new digital solutions set out to tackle      Over a million customers are now                 Did you know?
                                                that fear of first contact that stops people     registered to have the option to manage
                                                from getting the support they need, by           their accounts online in the UK. Our My          Over half of our inbound customer             kr
                                                making it simple and easy to access our          Lowell self-service customer portal in the       interactions in the Nordics come through
                                                services. Customers can now choose to set        Nordics attracts more than one million           our digital customer services platform
                                                up their accounts online, create a plan that     logins each year, accounting for over
                                                works for them, and contact us more easily.      half of all inbound customer interactions
                                                                                                 in the region.                                                  Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 10
Overview        Better for Customers            Better Ethics and Understanding        Better for Society      Responsible Business      Performance

                                                            Supporting people through
  Our KPI Stats 2021                                        a hard year                                               Personalised approach                                 Enabling
  Support for Customers in Vulnerable                       Before the pandemic, it was estimated that just
                                                                                                                      We know some customers prefer more traditional
                                                                                                                      methods of engaging with us, such as phone or
  Situations                                                over 8 million people in the UK alone were in             post, and we’ve improved our support for them         financial
  We disclose our Group Policy and
  Pledges for Customers in Vulnerable
                                                            debt. People all over the world find themselves in
                                                            financial difficulty for many reasons. Poor physical
                                                                                                                      too. At a Group level we are focused on First Touch
                                                                                                                      Resolution for our customers, and we’ve continued
  Situations externally. {link}
                                                            or mental health, domestic abuse, lack of support,        to develop our colleagues’ skills in awareness        Alongside debt recovery, we
                                                            poor financial or digital literacy, separation, and job   and showing empathy, especially for customers         develop leading tools and
  Enabling Broader Financial Health                        loss can all put people into situations that means        in vulnerable situations. Our colleagues receive      services to help customers build
  We offer a range of debt support tools                    they need extra financial support. Understanding          regular coaching, support, and access to feedback     financial resilience. This includes
  and services by region:                                   the multiple pressures our customers face is a            from the customers they’ve helped so they can         accessible money advice on our
  – UK: 33,000 customer app registrations                  critical part of how we deliver on our mission to         see the impact of their work.                         websites and a free credit score
     since July launch, 1-in-4 accessed free                ‘make credit work better for all.’                                                                              function on our UK app – we’re
     credit score.                                                                                                                                                          the first company in our sector to
  – DACH: 17% of our inbound customer
      interactions came through our digital
                                                            In 2021, at a Group level we introduced eight
                                                            Pledges for Customers in Vulnerable Situations
                                                                                                                         Building                                           offer this.

      enquiries process.                                    supported in the UK by commitments to those                  confidence
  – Nordics: 55% of our inbound customer
     interactions in the Nordics come through
                                                            affected by COVID-19. These measures are
                                                            designed to make sure customers who find
     our digital customer services platform.                themselves in particular difficulty know they will           knowledge
                                                            be treated with dignity and care and can trust that          In Finland, we’re working with
                                                            we will find the right help for their needs.                 the National Public Services and
                                                                                                                         Information portal to provide
                                                                I ran into difficulties after leaving an                 advice and information on debt
                                                            abusive relationship. Lowell never once                      collection and settlement and to
                                                            pressured me, and a payment plan was                         promote financial health.
                                                            set up. Lovely customer service.
                                                            Joanne, UK customer reviewer
                                                            (Trustpilot 5-star rating, March 2021)

                                                                                                                                                                            Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 11
Overview       Better for Customers       Better Ethics and Understanding      Better for Society    Responsible Business   Performance

                                                                                                                                                                                       CUSTOMER INDICATORS
                                                         CASE STUDY
                                                                                                                                                   Over a million

                                                                                                                                                   customers in the UK are
                                                         New consumer portal                                                                       now registered to have
Through 2021, our practical support and digital                                                                                                    the option to manage
innovations helped customers across our business         Our digital innovations are enabling an                                                                                        Number of UK
                                                                                                                                                   their accounts online.
and beyond.                                              increased take-up of online support from our                                                                                   customers who were
                                                         customers. Our new mobile app in the UK                                                                                        given additional
                                                         enables customers to access their account                                                                                      support due to
                                                         information, contact us, link to our website,                                                                                  being in vulnerable
  CASE STUDY                                             and make repayments. The app also includes                                                                                     situations (circa 5%)
                                                         free access to credit scores, making us the
  A socially responsible                                 first company in our industry to offer this
  approach to disaster in
                                                         valuable tool to help customers control their
                                                         finances.                                                                                                                      55%
                                                                                                                                                                                        Nordic inbound
                                                                                                                                                                                        customer interactions
  When flooding caused widespread                                                                                                                                                       through digital
  devastation in Germany in 2021, a quick                CASE STUDY                                                                 CREDIT STRATEGY AWARDS
                                                                                                                                                                                        servicing platform
  response was required. Our immediate focus
  was on the safety of our colleagues, ensuring          Digital innovations                                                        Collections and Recoveries Service

  they had the support they needed, including                                                                                       Provider of the Year – Winner
  additional paid time off to deal with the              Our digital innovations are enabling
  personal impact of the floods.                         an increased take-up of online support                                     Credit Services Association Customer
                                                         from our customers.                                                        Engagement Centre Award – Winner                    Our average UK
  In addition to the direct impact of the flood,                                                                                                                                        Trustpilot score has
  we knew that thousands of our customers                During 2021, over half of our inbound                                      AMEX Power of Blue Award                            risen from 3.7 (Oct
  could also be facing financial difficulty. So,         customer interactions in the Nordics                                       (for ‘outstanding work and performance’             2019) to 4.44. We have
  we suspended all collections in the worst-hit          came through our digital customer                                          by Mona Isene, Advisor, Norway, and                 the most reviews in
  postcode areas and ensured they were all               services platform, and 17% of inbound                                      Matilda Ripendal, Case Handler, Sweden).            our sector, over 18,500
  treated in line with our Customers in Vulnerable       customer interactions in DACH came                                         Power of Blue award recipients are selected
  Situations Policy. Additionally, we reached out        through our digital enquiries process. In                                  for delivering best-in-class results and
  to local charities and relief groups to make           the UK, over a million customers are now                                   demonstrating a superior ‘will to win’ within       4 R
                                                                                                                                                                                           ating as at 15.02.22,
                                                                                                                                                                                          based on 18,736 reviews
  financial donations to support their work.             registered to have the option to manage                                    their organisation.
                                                         their accounts online.
                                                                                                                                                                           Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 12
Overview        Better for Customers           Better Ethics and Understanding      Better for Society      Responsible Business      Performance

What’s next?
                                                           Continued digitalisation                                Supporting customers in vulnerable situations         Providing
   Our targets                                                                                                     From December 2021, all colleagues in all roles
                                                           We will continue to develop the digitalisation of       will receive a training package on the new
   Customer Net Promoter Score                             our processes in all regions during 2022 to offer our   Group Policy and Pledges to support Customers         education
                                                           customers more choice in contact methods.               in Vulnerable Situations. The aim is to refresh
     Establish a standardised process for
      collecting customer NPS across all                                                                           awareness and understanding of the principles         In the Nordic countries, we are
                                                                                                                   we follow, using interactive activities to embed      supporting moves to add financial
      regions by end of 2023 and achieve
      above market rates ongoing                           Innovating to engage                                    the key learning points. This sits alongside the      literacy to the curriculum to help
                                                                                                                   ongoing coaching and support our customer-facing      young people better understand how
                                                           Following an approach that has worked well for
   Client Customer Treatment Score                                                                                 colleagues receive across all key skills, including   to avoid falling into the debt trap.
                                                           customer communications across our Group,
                                                                                                                   listening, empathy, understanding, and tailoring      In Sweden, we’re working to reduce
      aintain excellent score of
     M                                                     in the DACH region, we will introduce updated
     above 85%
                                                                                                                   solutions. Our approach varies in each region: in     the burden of debt – currently, the
                                                           customer letters, which have been rewritten with
                                                                                                                   DACH, each colleague receives a minimum of            country has £6 billion of ‘invisible’
                                                           the help of a behavioural psychologist. Future
                                                                                                                   six coaching sessions, tailored to their individual   debt, held by collection agencies.
                                                           communications will focus more on detailing the
                                                                                                                   needs, strengths, and development areas, every        We are encouraging politicians and
                                                           range of support available and the wider benefits
View our full KPI scorecard              p34                                                                       year. Training considers customer treatment,          regulators to set up a voluntary
                                                           to all aspects of customers’ lives from tackling
                                                                                                                   use of words and language, understanding the          national debt register to identify and
                                                           debt repayment.
                                                                                                                   customer’s situation, finding the right solution      support those at risk of becoming
                                                                                                                   based on their needs, and technical knowledge.        over-indebted. We are also advocating
                                                           We will continue to use the knowledge gained
                                                                                                                                                                         an Opt Out of Credit platform to
                                                           from our customer panels in the UK, and our online
                                                                                                                                                                         enable people to choose not to
                                                           feedback platforms in the UK and DACH, which
                                                                                                                                                                         receive credit-related marketing. In
                                                           capture the voice of our customers. One planned
                                                                                                                                                                         the UK, we work with the Centre for
                                                           development focuses on the foundation of setting
                                                                                                                                                                         Social Justice to help ensure the most
                                                           affordability repayment, which is how we establish
                                                                                                                                                                         vulnerable in society do not become
                                                           what our customers can afford to repay. We
                                                                                                                                                                         trapped in debt.
                                                           plan to streamline our Income and Expenditure
                                                           assessment processes to make them easier and
                                                           more accessible for customers.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Read more           p18

                                                                                                                                                                            Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 13
Overview      Better for Customers      Better Ethics and Understanding      Better for Society    Responsible Business   Performance

Better Ethics and
Our ambition: To be an industry leader in ethics and
standards; build a wider understanding of what our industry
does; and promote improved outcomes for all consumers.

How we’ll get there: Lowell is committed to developing
sector-leading standards and operating transparently.

We are defined by our                Our customer policies and            We help improve sector
colleagues – they are the heart      practices set out our leading        insight and understanding, by
and soul of our business and         standards for how we support         working with clients, partners,
bring our Values to life every       our customers and guide our          regulators, and policymakers to
day through their positive           actions every step of the way.       improve consumer outcomes.
interactions with each other,
our clients, and our customers.

                                                                                                                                        Did you know?
                                                                                                                                        The share of adults in the
                                                                                                                                        UK claiming social benefits
                                                                                                                                        is 15% (Financial Vulnerability
                                                                                                                                        Index, Q1 2021).

                                                                                                                                                       Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 14
Overview      Better for Customers    Better Ethics and Understanding      Better for Society       Responsible Business      Performance

Achievements and progress
                                                  Our Values and ways of working                          Just as our ways of working are embedded in              Code of Conduct
  Our KPI Stats 2021                                                                                      our organisation, they are embedded into our             In 2021, as an additional layer to our current policies
                                                  In the financial services industry, trust is vital.     Governance structure too – so rather than having         and practices, we developed our colleague Code of
                                                  The best way to build trust is to deliver what we       a separate Ethics Committee, accountability              Conduct. Designed to capture the essence of our
  Clear Values and ways of working
                                                  say we will, and to be transparent at all times –       sits with our Group and Regional Executive               well-embedded culture and existing practices and
  Developed a Group Code of Conduct               and our sustainability reporting is key to this.        Committees. Visibility and regular assessments           policies, it sets out how we work as a company, and
  and People Policy
                                                                                                          of our performance are provided through our Risk         how we expect everyone to do their personal best
                                                  We have a range of established and embedded             Management framework and at our Group Risk               to embody our Values and follow our guidelines. It
  Group colleague engagement score                policies and practices relating to Lowell’s way of      Committee, where ‘Ethics & Governance’ and               is an umbrella policy that aims to present a lot of
   69                                             working, our conduct, ethics, and professional          ‘Conduct’ are two of Lowell’s top ten key risks.         existing information in one place. We’ll be rolling out
                                                  standards. Given the sensitivity of our work and                                                                 Group-wide training on the Code of Conduct to all
                                                  the vulnerable situations in which many of our          Client and customer promises                             colleagues in 2022.
  Group colleague engagement survey
  response rate
                                                  customers find themselves, such behaviour is            Through our business-to-business relationships we
                                                  central to our business DNA and essential to our        partner with a wide range of organisations and           We have continued to develop new training on our
                                                  licence to operate. All colleagues receive regular      sector types. Each client is allocated a dedicated       mission and Values, including a special section for
                                                  feedback, coaching and support to embody our            Lowell contact who will work to develop bespoke          new joiners as part of their onboarding programme.
                                                  Values; our Let’s Talk Performance Evaluation           commercial and customer solutions. Whether it’s          Living our Values is a key element in the design of
                                                  process assesses a colleague equally against both       providing cash flow at times to suit their business      our colleagues’ reward package, and performance
                                                  the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ they demonstrate, and          schedule, developing unique service offers – such        is regularly assessed and recognised. Additional
                                                  policies are in place to guide the specific treatment   as helping them verify contact details for their         coaching and support are provided where required.
                                                  of our key stakeholders, including our colleagues,      consumers – or tailoring the customer journey
                                                  customers and clients.                                  so it follows on seamlessly when they move to            Group People Policy
                                                                                                          Lowell, each offering is unique to our client. As part   We want our colleagues to feel that Lowell is a
                                                              Top Employer of the Year –                  of our regular client audit programme, we also           place where they are valued and can grow, develop
                                                              Lowell received this accolade               offer our clients full access to our in-house business   and have a fulfilling career. Our Group People
                                                              in Germany for the 16th                     experts to facilitate best practice sharing.             Policy sets out what our colleagues can expect
                                                              consecutive year in 2021                                                                             from Lowell throughout their time with us and our
                                                                                                                                                                   promises and commitments on key employment-
                                                                                                                                                                   related areas, as well as how the policy will be
                                                                                                                                                                   monitored to ensure its effectiveness.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 15
Overview         Better for Customers              Better Ethics and Understanding      Better for Society      Responsible Business         Performance

                                                               Listening to our colleagues                            Improving incomes through partnership                  Inkassobrancheforening Board and Seppo Lahtinen,
   Our KPI Stats 2021                                          Our annual colleague engagement survey,                We are members of all the respective debt              Director in our Nordic Commercial Unit, on the
                                                               completed by more than 80% of our team every           collection associations in all countries where we      Suomen Perimistoimistojen Liitto (SPL) Board.
   Group client satisfaction score                             year, is one of the many ways in which we listen       operate. Lowell is an affiliate member and sponsor
    8.6                                                        to our colleagues. In 2021 our Group engagement        of the Federation of European National Collection      In Germany, as part the Federal Association of
                                                               score was 69. A specific area of focus, fast-tracked   Associations (FENCA).                                  German Debt Collection Companies (BDIU) we
                                                               by the pandemic, has been our approach to ways                                                                worked in 2021 to create a Code of Conduct
   Help improve sector insight and
                                                               of working. This has been shaped by colleague          In the UK, we work closely with our industry trade     for the industry, ensuring customers across the
                                                               feedback and has resulted in colleagues scoring        body, the Credit Services Association (CSA). We        country will get the support they need. Anke
   – Membership of debt collection
                                                               us 815 when asked if they have the opportunity         are members of the BDIU (Federal Association of        Blietz, our DACH Operations Director, is a member
      associations and business networks in all
      our operating countries                                  to work flexibly and to better balance work and        Germany Debt Collection Companies) in Germany,         of the BDIU Board, Holger Rampe, our Managing
                                                               personal life.                                         the Associations for Finnish, Danish and Swedish       Director of Analytics, is at the Präsidium of BKS
   – Key partnerships that deliver better debt
      understanding and education                                                                                     debt collection companies, and the Association         Bundesvereinigung Kreditankauf und Servicing
   – Funding for the free debt advice sector in               Advancing standards                                    of Trade and Services in Norway. Through such          e.V. and our Head of Quality and Complaints
      the UK
                                                                                                                      bodies, we take a strong leadership role within our    Management, Thomas Schauf, chairs the BDIU’s
                                                               Raising standards together                             sector, working closely with peers and regulators to   committee for data protection.
                                                               In the Nordics, we have introduced a new               set standards for fair collections, develop codes of
                                                               Supplier Code of Conduct that outlines the             conduct for the industry, and inform policymakers      We also partner with organisations that guide
                                                               ethical behaviour and standards that we require        through our research and data.                         policymakers and help to prevent people falling

                                                               from our suppliers. The Code’s principles will be                                                             into debt. Read more about our work with
                                                               used in all new contracts with suppliers, and we       In 2021, our UK Operations Director, Kathryn           the Centre for Social Justice. Our Payment
                                                               plan to include environmental and sustainability       Morgan, was appointed to the CSA board and             Indicator and our Financial Vulnerability Index
Our average client satisfaction score                          questions in future third-party audits of suppliers.   we also represented all CSA members on a UK            provide valuable tools to assist policymakers in
for the Group, demonstrated how we                             We have also introduced responsible selection of       Treasury Working Party, focusing on VAT-related        understanding issues around financial vulnerability.
are recognised as a trusted partner                            clients and portfolios, ensuring that the clients      issues for credit management organisations.
                                                               we work with share our Values and commitment           In Nordics, Lowell is represented at Board level
                                                               to good business ethics. By working closely with       in the respective debt collection associations            Lowell helps to fund the UK free debt
                                                               clients in this way, we can provide them with a        in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark.                   advice sector through Fair Share
                                                               range of services and solutions, including third-      Johan Agerman, Nordic CEO, sits on the Board
                                                                                                                                                                                Contribution (FSC). In 2021, we paid
                                                               party collections, debt purchase, or different         of Svensk Inkasso, Geir Inge Skålevik, Legal
                                                                                                                                                                                over £3.3 million into FSC, helping to
                                                               challenges. Under our One Nordic banner, in 2021       Director Nordics and Managing Director Norway,
                                                                                                                                                                                ensure free, independent debt support
                                                               we successfully integrated our debt purchase and       on the Virke Inkasso Board, Keld Hvolbøl, HR and
                                                               third-party collections, enabling us to offer a more   Communications Director in Denmark on the Dansk
                                                                                                                                                                                is available to those in need.
                                                               streamlined service to our clients.
                                                                                                                      5 Average score taken from our annual
                                                                                                                         colleague engagement survey                                      Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 16
Overview      Better for Customers         Better Ethics and Understanding      Better for Society      Responsible Business   Performance

Viewpoint                                                                                                                                                CASE STUDY

                                                                                                                                                         Sharing insights on
                                                       Improving financial education                                                                     financial stability in
   Financial Vulnerability
                                                       Using insights from the Financial Vulnerability
                                                       Index, we have been assessing routes to combat
                                                                                                                                                         the UK
   Index                                               the long-term rise in household financial
                                                       vulnerability across the UK. Working alongside                                                    The Financial Vulnerability Index has
                                                       the Centre for Social Justice, we are supporting a                                                provided valuable insights into the financial
                                                       project to identify financial education solutions                                                 resilience of UK households in the wake of
                                                       and policy recommendations that can make a                                                        Brexit, the pandemic and other economic
                                                       real impact, by improving young people’s money                                                    impacts by looking at national, regional
                                                       management skills to prevent persistent, harmful                                                  and parliamentary constituency levels.
                                                       debts. We are building a pilot in one parliamentary                                               Now with its second iteration released
                                                       constituency prior to wider engagement.                                                           and two further releases planned for
                                                                                                                                                         2022, we have held meetings with the
                                                       As a central part of this project, we are supporting                                              Government, regulators, policymakers and
                                                       a local youth charity in Blackpool, one of the              We are concerned about our            other influential stakeholders to dig into
                                                       country’s most financially vulnerable areas. The       nation’s financial health. With COVID      the data and see where national and local
                                                       charity, Boathouse Youth, specialises in improving     support falling away, we can already see   interventions can support better outcomes
                                                       financial skills through residential courses. The      vulnerability ticking up. This has been    for consumers in the UK.
                                                       project is due to report in the first half of 2022.    rising since 2017 and we need to have an
                                                                                                              honest conversation about why.             The most recent research highlighted,
                                                                                                                                                         for example, a 7.9% rise in average credit
   In 2021, we launched the first UK Financial                                                                John Pears, UK Managing Director, Lowell   use in 2021. Credit use rose especially
   Vulnerability Index to provide detailed                                                                                                               sharply in Q3, following the reduction in
   insight into the long‑term profile of financial                                                                                                       financial support for households during
   vulnerability across the UK. Combining                                                                                                                the pandemic. Information like this can
   anonymised Lowell data and publicly                                                                                                                   help policymakers better understand the
   available data, we have built a recognised                                                                                                            nation’s true financial health and inform
   index for policymakers, charities, and                                                                                                                judgments on the levels of support required.
   the wider sector that provides a unique
   understanding of the UK’s financial health
   and informs decision making.
                                                                                                                                                                   Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 17
Overview         Better for Customers           Better Ethics and Understanding       Better for Society      Responsible Business      Performance

What’s next?
                                                            Developing our policies                                 Debt Management Bill seeking to significantly           – as well as share information directly with our
  Our targets                                               We’ll be continuing to embed our Code of Conduct        improve standards of public sector debt collection      system. This will not only provide greater visibility
                                                            and People Policy through 2022, extending training      practices and extend the protections and                of key data, but also make communication
                                                            to all of our colleagues and new joiners. We also       standards in the private sector to the public sector,   between us and our clients more streamlined
   Colleague training on our Code of                        aim to introduce a new Group-wide Customer              helping those in debt.                                  and efficient.
                                                           Charter, which will build on the commitments
     All existing colleagues to participate                we made to customers during the pandemic                    We recognise the continual need to                  Sharing market insights with our clients
      in launch training during 2022 and                    and will set the standard for how we support                                                                    As part of our partnership approach, we offer our
      all new joiners to receive new                                                                                    develop new, more agile solutions –
      welcome content                                       our customers.                                              such as our new self-service                        clients full access to in-house business experts to
                                                                                                                        management system.                                  enable sharing of best practice. We proactively
                                                            Addressing financial vulnerability                                                                              offer deep-dive sessions on hot topics, such as the
   Colleague engagement                                     One of our core partnerships is with the Centre                                                                 introduction of new breathing space regulation
      Increase our Group colleague                         for Social Justice (CSJ), a leading UK think tank       Improving access to affordable credit                   in the UK. Our face-to-face offering is supported
       engagement survey score and align                    focused on delivering social justice to the most        We see access to affordable credit as a key             by webinars, the most recent topics being our
       to the global benchmark of 75 by
                                                            disadvantaged in society. We are a founding             component of preventing people falling back into        Financial Vulnerability Index and Payment
       December 2025
                                                            member and long-term supporter of the CSJ’s             harmful or persistent credit. Working with the          Indicator in the UK and Nordics respectively.
                                                            Financial Inclusion Unit, which looks at ways to        think tank Demos, we have mapped the Financial
   Colleague engagement survey                              ensure the most vulnerable in society do not find       Vulnerability Index onto the Good Credit Index to
   response rate                                            themselves excluded or trapped in financial debt.       understand where and why the most vulnerable
      aintain 80% plus participation in our
     M                                                      The Unit has sought to provide policy insight           areas of the UK also lack access to affordable
     annual colleague engagement survey                     across various areas including illegal money            credit. The project is due to report in January 2022
                                                            lending, hidden debt, and poor public sector            and will provide further recommendations on how
   Client satisfaction score                                debt practices.                                         to tackle these dual difficulties in society.
      aintain excellent satisfaction score
     of above 8.5                                           On public sector debt collection, a CSJ report          Self-service for clients
                                                            revealed that 42% of debt problems stem from            In 2022, we will launch a new self-service system
                                                            Government-originated debt6, such as student            for our 3PC clients in our DACH region. Clients will
                                                            loans and Council Tax bills. To help address this, we   be able to see a complete picture of their accounts
View our full KPI scorecard               p34
                                                            will continue to work with the CSJ to support and       altogether in one place – including money paid and
                                                            provide best practice insight into a Government         outstanding, customer numbers, and much more

                                                                                                                                                                                          Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 18
Overview    Better for Customers    Better Ethics and Understanding      Better for Society   Responsible Business   Performance

Better for Society
Our ambition: To create a stronger society through fostering better
financial wellbeing, promoting inclusive work opportunities, and providing
support for our communities. We aim to always put people first and
believe this will build a stronger business and a fairer society.
How we’ll get there:

We actively engage     We want to be a great    We want to be a            Through education,
customers and wider    place to work. We        community where            community
society to improve     want our colleagues      everyone is free to be     engagement and
debt management        to feel valued and       themselves and feels       partnerships, we
and build financial    know there are           welcome and valued.        will work to share
resilience.            opportunities to grow,   We’re committed to         knowledge on how
                       develop and enjoy        raising awareness of       to make credit work
                       a fulfilling career,     the importance of          better for all.
                       balancing work and       diversity and creating
                       personal life.           an inclusive culture.

                                                                                                                                   Did you know?
                                                                                                                                   56.2% of UK adults have no
                                                                                                                                   emergency savings (Financial
                                                                                                                                   Vulnerability Index, Q1 2021).

                                                                                                                                                 Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 19
Overview        Better for Customers             Better Ethics and Understanding      Better for Society      Responsible Business      Performance

Achievements and progress
                                                             Improving debt understanding                           Researching the effects of the pandemic
  Our KPI Stats 2021                                                                                                Our Payment Indicator (PI) is an annual survey-
                                                             We aim to create a stronger society through            based research programme run by Lowell in the
  Raise consumer awareness of financial                      fostering better financial wellbeing, promoting        Nordics. It began in Sweden in 2017, expanding
  issues and support available                               inclusive work opportunities, and providing support
                                                             for our communities. A better understanding of
                                                                                                                    to all of our Nordic countries in 2020. The research
                                                                                                                    provides insights into topics such payment ability
                                                                                                                                                                            Speaking out
  – 10 million consumers reached in the
     UK alone                                                debt, its effects, and how to manage it, is integral   and financial vulnerability as well as perceptions of   about debt
  – 2021 campaigns included managing                        to this. Using our unique database and bespoke         credit and consumers’ consumption patterns.
     hidden debt, removing the stigma                        research, we share insights that are valuable for                                                              In the UK, we combined our research
     of debt, and campaigns to promote                       customers, clients and policymakers.                   In 2020 and 2021, the research explored how             findings with tips and advice on
     consumer debt solutions and financial                                                                          the pandemic affected financially vulnerable            topics relevant to our customers.
                                                             In 2021, we ran a number of campaigns in the           households, especially in the hardest-hit Nordic        In partnership with StepChange,
  – Nordic campaign proposing solutions                     UK and Nordics to raise consumer awareness             countries: Sweden and Finland. It has provided a        we looked at challenges such as
     to issues identified by the payment
                                                             of financial issues and the support available.         database of real value to politicians, government       hidden debt and what people fear
     indicator research, including ‘opt out of
     credit’ platform                                        We estimate our campaigns reached 10 million           agencies, and policymakers on issues around             most about money. Our advice
                                                             consumers in the UK alone.                             indebtedness in the region and has given clients an     stressed the importance of speaking
                                                                                                                    additional perspective. PI also informs our website,    out about such debt, and ways for
  Contribute to wider system                                                                                        a hub for knowledge around over-indebtedness            people to avoid or manage being
  knowledge through new insights
                                                                                                                    as well as learning and advice to help develop          in such situations.
  – Financial Vulnerability Index launched                                                                         financial health.
     in the UK
                                                                                                                                                                            Other issues we addressed during

  – Payment Indicator research continued                                                                                                                                   the year included how comfortable
     in the Nordics
                                                                                                                                                                            people are at managing their finances,
                                                                                                                                                                            debt following specific events from
                                                                                                               In the Nordics, we have launched a campaign running          Christmas to divorce, and ways to
                                                             of people don’t         of households in          across the media and targeting government. Our               remove the stigma of debt.
                                                             discuss their           Norway state that         campaign focuses on providing solutions to problems
                                                             debt, with over         they have been            identified by our Payment Indicator research. These
                                                             half (53%) too          negatively                include campaigning for an ‘opt out of credit’ platform
                                                             embarrassed to          impacted by               and providing greater support for financial education,
                                                             talk about it (UK)      the pandemic              budgeting, and debt management.
                                                                                                                                                                               Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 20
Overview       Better for Customers       Better Ethics and Understanding       Better for Society         Responsible Business       Performance

  Our KPI Stats 2021                              Positive for colleagues                                    Building a diverse and inclusive culture
                                                                                                             Diversity is all the visible and invisible differences
                                                  Positive for colleagues                                    that make us unique, including our personalities
  Number of employees
                                                  We want to be a great place to work. That means            and life experiences. Inclusion means embracing
   3,901                                          helping our colleagues to feel happy and valued,           all colleagues regardless of their differences when
  – Full-time – 3,244                             with opportunities to grow.                                we collaborate, solve tasks, develop, innovate,
  – Part-time – 657                                                                                          and make decisions. We want to be a community
                                                  Colleague development and wellbeing                        where everyone is free to be themselves, and feels
  Temporary and contract colleagues
  – Temporary – 64                                We want our colleagues to enjoy fulfilling careers         welcome and valued.
  – Contract (fixed term contract) – 90           with us. We encourage and support all of our
                                                  colleagues to plan their career and consider               Working towards our Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)
                                                  any development needs as part of our Let’s                 Vision, in 2021 we created a D&I Council, which
  Gender diversity
                                                  Talk performance evaluation process. Through               reports directly to our Executive Committee. Each
  – Company-wide:                                feedback, we understand what our colleagues                region also has a D&I plan, with awareness-raising
     39% male and 61% female
                                                  want and need. We set our People agenda based              activities, targets and KPIs, and survey measures in
  – Our senior team:                            on what they tell us is most important to them,            place to assess progress and gather data. In 2021,
      67% male and 33% female                     and appropriate for us to be a sustainable business.       our company-wide gender split was 39% male and
                                                                                                             61% female, and our senior team was 67% male
  Employee turnover                               Since the start of the pandemic, we have                   and 33% female. We aim to improve the gender
  22% (of which 17% is voluntary)                 expanded wellbeing activities offered to colleagues,       balance in senior roles by 2025.
                                                  and invited external specialists to run digital, as
                                                  well as face-to-face, sessions on mental health,           We also created a series of ‘Involve groups’ in 2021.
                                                  self-care and financial wellbeing. Our underlying          Including colleagues from across the business, these
                                                  focus on each person’s development and wellbeing           groups do just what their name suggests – involve
                                                  means we focus on the whole individual.                    our colleagues directly in how important societal
                                                                                                             issues such as D&I and colleague wellbeing are
                                                  Employment turnover at call centres is generally           managed within the company, and how we select
                                                  quite high, and our figures are in line with the norm.     the charities we support. As the groups become
                                                  Globally, the turnover trend is increasing as working      established, they’ll be making a real contribution
                                                  from home has opened up wider opportunities and            to how we evolve as a responsible company, and
                                                  demand. Our focus to address this is, therefore, on        better reflect the communities we serve.
                                                  making Lowell a great place to work.
                                                                                                                                                                      Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 21
Overview      Better for Customers      Better Ethics and Understanding       Better for Society      Responsible Business       Performance

                                                    Leadership Philosophy                                   over £100,000 to local charities, including shelters
  Our KPI Stats 2021                                Our new Leadership Philosophy was established           for domestic violence victims and the homeless,
                                                    in 2021. Based around four leadership capabilities      food banks and those helping people improve their
  Group colleague engagement survey                 – Clarity, Energy, Success and Resilience – the         mental health. Money was raised through colleague
  scores for ‘happy’
                                                    philosophy will guide how our business is led and       fund raising, match funding, and our Lowell Giving
   71                                               managed in the coming years. This will include          donation pot.
                                                    the creation of our Leadership Development
  Group colleague engagement survey                 Programme, launching in 2022, in which all of           In DACH, we partnered with the Westdeutsche             this included significant donations supporting
  scores for ‘opportunities to learn’               our people managers will participate.                   Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper in 2020. WAZ               cancer research. In Finland, we are long-standing
   64                                                                                                       donate newspapers to two local schools to help          supporters of a local hospital’s children’s intensive
                                                    A new hybrid working model                              promote financial literacy and education, and           care ward and provide support for cancer research
                                                    The pandemic showed the world that working              linked to this, we are now offering internships         and mental health, as well as financial literacy
                                                    from the office doesn’t have to be the only option.     and educational training at Lowell Germany. In          amongst schoolchildren. Since 2011, we have
                                                    Flexible and remote working is now the preference       2021, 530 school students benefited from this           organised a Christmas Wish Tree campaign to
                                                    of more than 80% of our colleagues. So, we’ve           programme.                                              donate Christmas gifts to deserving children.
                                                    enhanced our offering and are committed to                                                                      In Sweden, we support Stadsmissionen, an
                                                    retaining a hybrid model that will help colleagues      Support for our annual Wish Tree campaign               organisation that helps, among others, the
                                                    to continue to benefit from the increased flexibility   continues to bring deserving children a little bit of   homeless and low-income families.
                                                    to suit their own needs and circumstances,              seasonal joy. In Essen, we provide gifts for a local
                                                    something that we know they value.                      kindergarten run by VKJ, which supports young
                                                                                                            people in socially deprived areas. In Ratingen, our
                                                    Community engagement                                    colleagues organised a Wish Tree in 2021 in aid
                                                                                                                                                                                We aim to create a stronger
                                                                                                            of the Burgholz Children’s and Youth Hospice in
                                                                                                                                                                                society through fostering
                                                    Wherever we operate, we aim to support                  Wuppertal, while colleagues from our Wuppertal
                                                                                                                                                                                better financial wellbeing,
                                                    local communities.                                      office donated gifts for several local social
                                                                                                            institutions. Lowell DACH also donated €25,000
                                                                                                                                                                                promoting inclusive work
                                                    In the UK, since 2015 we have donated £450,000          to Aktion Deutschland Hilft, a global emergency                     opportunities and providing
                                                    to the Leeds Hospital Charity, which supports           relief charity.                                                     support for our communities.
                                                    hospitals across the city. This includes £50,000 for
                                                    the charity’s Capital Appeal to raise funds for a new   In the Nordics, we support a wide range of
                                                    hospital, due to open in 2026. In 2021, we donated      causes within the countries we operate. In 2021,
                                                                                                                                                                                   Lowell Sustainability Report 2021 22
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