Make Your Move - M A - Introducing the Mid-Level Civil Service Rotation Program - State Magazine

Page created by Luis Anderson
Make Your Move - M A - Introducing the Mid-Level Civil Service Rotation Program - State Magazine

              M     A     G      A    Z    I   N   E

Introducing the Mid-Level
Civil Service Rotation Program

                                                   JUNE 2007
Make Your Move - M A - Introducing the Mid-Level Civil Service Rotation Program - State Magazine
CONTENTSS TAT E M A G A Z I N E + J U N E 2 0 0 7 + N U M B E R 5 1 3

07   Virtual Connections
     Technology creates a unique public diplomacy tool.

14   Department Inner-View
     Director General George Staples goes on the record
     with State Magazine.

40   Walk on the Wild Side
     Rescued cheetah becomes environmental ambassador.

                       ON THE COVER
                       Pilot program encourages Civil
                       Service employees to explore
                        other professional fields.
                        Photograph by Corbis
Make Your Move - M A - Introducing the Mid-Level Civil Service Rotation Program - State Magazine

    Modern Nomads and Vast Horizons
    Mark U.S. ‘Neighbor.’

10 First Response
   Unconventional missions support transforma-       32 Special Report:
   tional diplomacy in Darfur.                           Rotating CS Assignments
                                                         Pilot program gives a taste of career diversity.

26 By Any Other Name                                 34 Outside the Comfort Zone
   Residence’s new name honors the ‘flowery flag.’
                                                     35 Connecting the Dots
28 Of Human Dignity
   Secretary Rice confers the first International    36 Office of the Month: A/EX
   Women of Courage awards.                             Shared services lead to better diplomacy.

                   2     FROM THE UNDER SECRETARY           44     SAFETY SCENE

                   3     READERS’ FEEDBACK                  46     OBITUARIES

                   4     IN THE NEWS                        46     RETIREMENTS

                  43     STATE OF THE ARTS                  48     THE LAST WORD
Make Your Move - M A - Introducing the Mid-Level Civil Service Rotation Program - State Magazine

IRM Begins Deployment of SMART with
Instant Messaging
   In November 1866, Secretary of State             • Several people can join in a single con-    piece will be SMART messaging, designed
William Seward sent an encrypted                      versation; you can efficiently clear a      to integrate cables, e-mails and memos on a
message through Atlantic Cable to U.S.                cable or memo.                              common user-friendly platform.
minister to France, John Bigelow. The               • You can decide with whom you will               While IM is making its way around the
cost: $19,540.50.                                     communicate; you can avoid being            globe (deployed to 38,000 desktops and
   On March 21, 2007, Under Secretary                                                             soon to be everywhere), the SMART team
Henrietta H. Fore conducted an instant                                                            has been hard at work on the next elements
message exchange with the ambassadors                                                             of SMART. Gartner Consulting recognized
to Athens and Belgrade. The cost:                                                                 the internal progress by giving high marks
a few cents.                                                                                      to the team’s completion of its Critical
   Resistance to the introduction of the                                                          Design Review, the blueprint that will be
telegram was fierce in the 19th century,                                                          used to build the messaging portion. And
ambassadors saw as a loss of autonomy.                                                            the Office of Management and Budget also
When e-mail was introduced to the                                                                 expressed support for Information Resource
Department 120 years later, passive resist-                                                       Management’s management of SMART.
ance initially relegated its use to a small                                                           The next application to be offered will be
coterie of adventurous and restless                                                               a collaboration tool called SharePoint,
employees. But after a few years, e-mail                                                          scheduled to be piloted from June to August.
surpassed cables as the preferred mode of                                                         In September, SMART messaging will be
communication. Its volume in the State                                                            piloted in Belgrade, Stockholm and Muscat.
Department now exceeds cables by a ratio                                                          At the same time, SMART will be piloting
of more than sixty to one.                                                                        additional collaboration applications as well
   Three months ago, the Department                                                               as a search and interest profiling service. By
introduced instant messaging as the first                                                         January 2008, nine more overseas posts will
application of SMART—State Messaging                                                              be added for the second pilot iteration of
and Archive Retrieval Toolset. I am                                                               SMART messaging. Worldwide deployment
pleased that it has been greeted with such              pestered by a flood of incoming           is scheduled to begin in September 2008.
enthusiasm as well as a healthy skepti-                 messages.                                     I have urged the SMART office to
cism. It is not a substitute for cables,             • It is a real-time medium; you can be       advance the piloting of SMART messaging,
e-mails or phone calls—but is an addi-                  assured that you will not find a queue    but integrating cables, e-mail and memos on
tional tool to ensure rapid worldwide                   of unread messages when you sign on       a common platform tied to a search capabil-
communication.                                          in the morning because they arrive        ity, with connectivity between ClassNet and
   What will instant messaging give our                 only when you are signed on.              OpenNet, is not easy. I am assured, however,
workplace?                                           My staff thought that my first IM experi-    that it can and will be done—and deployed
   • IM allows real-time communication;           ence—with Ambassadors Charles Ries and          worldwide after we have thoroughly tested it
     unlike e-mail or cables, you can have        Michael Polt—might require a rehearsal or       for usability, security and stability. These
     a quick question answered immedi-            hands-on training. I took the plunge with       tools will transform how we do our work.
     ately by a colleague.                        neither, while my staff held their breath in        Transformational diplomacy requires
   • IM is secure on ClassNet; you can            front of the 20 members of the SMART            state-of-the-art messaging systems that are
     have a classified conversation               steering committee. It worked exactly as        simple, secure and user-friendly. When fully
     between continents without a secure          promised. So, if it takes you more than a few   deployed by 2009, SMART will set a new
     telephone.                                   minutes to adopt IM, call home for help.        standard for the digital support of America’s
   • It is quiet; you can have a privileged          I am delighted that we have introduced       diplomacy. It remains the Department’s
     conversation with someone in the             this technology to the Department—and           highest IT priority.
     next office without being overheard          look forward to other collaboration tools           Stay tuned, as overseas piloting of SMART
     by colleagues.                               being introduced by SMART. The center-          messaging begins in a few months. ■

2   |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   JUNE 2007
Make Your Move - M A - Introducing the Mid-Level Civil Service Rotation Program - State Magazine

Belize’s Boston Whaler
  I enjoyed reading about the wooden Belize consulate
general/embassy building (March issue). In 1972, our
concern there was not hurricanes, but the real danger of
fire. Several rope ladders were installed to allow escape.
They might even still be there.
  Also, we bought ConGen Belize a Boston whaler for possi-
ble evacuation needs. As with the motor launch “Hiawatha”
in Istanbul, which you also featured in March, it was carried
as part of the motor pool.
  Either there was a regulation at the time against boat
ownership by the State Department or we thought Congress
might object—or both. Post was told not to requisition pro-
pellers, and the staff was encouraged to take the boat out to
the cays on week-ends “to make sure everything worked.”

Stuart Lippe
Retired FSO
Haiku Contests                                Good Work
   Reading the cartoon on the inside back        During my 27 years of active duty in the
cover of the April issue—The Poetic Diplo-    Foreign Service, I always enjoyed the fine
macy Initiative—inspired me to share with     writing, reporting and organizational out-
you something with which any site officer     reach State Magazine provided to all            Let Us Hear from You
for a VIP visit can relate.                                      employees, no matter
   On a previous assignment                                      their status, rank or post
in Tokyo, I often served as                                      of assignment. There was     Mailing Address
control officer for VIP visits.                                  always something for         State Magazine
To keep spirits bright among                                     everyone.                    2401 E Street, NW
all involved, I would hold                                          These excellent quali-    HR/ER/SMG, SA-1, Room H-236
haiku contests through which                                     ties continue. Moreover,     Washington, DC 20522-0108
site officers and others could                                   the magazine has even
vent frustrations and share                                      improved, showcasing
funny anecdotes related to                                       stronger reporting, more     E-mail
the visit. I would collect them                                  stylistic formats  
as we went along, and we                                         and richer articles about
would hold a live reading at                                     the people and organiza-
the wheels-up party. One                                         tions making up the State    Phone
memorable haiku from such a contest:          Department and the many challenges              (202) 663-1700
       The map says turn left                 American diplomacy faces in the future.
       But the driver just turned right       Superb job!
                                                                                              Letters should not exceed 250
       Again we'll be late                       Living in rural Thailand, with perhaps
                                                                                              words and should include the
   I would not be surprised if other posts    only one other American in the general
                                                                                              writer’s name, address and daytime
are in cultures that have some form of        area and possibly two or three English-
                                                                                              phone number. All letters become
expression suitable for this sort of diver-   speaking individuals residing within a
sion. Keep your eyes out.                     20-mile radius, I expect that State Magazine    the property of State Magazine.
                                              will become one of my closest friends.          Letters will be edited for length,
Aaron Held                                                                                    accuracy and clarity. Only signed
American Consulate General                    Tim Lawson                                      letters will be considered.
Monterrey, Mexico                             Senior Foreign Service (Retired)

                                                                                              JUNE 2007   |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   3
Make Your Move - M A - Introducing the Mid-Level Civil Service Rotation Program - State Magazine
FSOs Donate Equipment to
Haitian Volleyball Team
   As a community service project in
Port-au-Prince, 15 Foreign Service offi-
cers in the Consular Section of the U.S.
Embassy donated equipment valued at
more than $300 to a local girls’ volley-
ball team.
   Sports are a preferred pastime for the
disadvantaged children of Haiti, yet
there are few public teams with suffi-
cient funding and equipment. The
team’s assistant trainer, who works as a
security guard at the Consular Section,
alerted Consul General Jay Smith to the
need for equipment, and the American
officers responded.
   “The spirit of competition the girls
enjoy during the matches will serve
them well for the rest of their lives,”
said Consul General Smith during the
presentation of the equipment on Feb-
ruary 7. “Learning to apply yourself
fully and work cooperatively in a sports
setting will also help you excel in all
                                                The volleyball team
aspects of life, whether as a student or        and its trainers pose
as an involved citizen,” he told the girls.     with Embassy officials.
   The team was given a tour of the
Consular Section and introduced to Dominique Gerdes, a senior             neighborhood off-limits to American officers unless they are trav-
local staff member in the Immigrant Visa Unit who once played on          eling in lightly armored vehicles or have special permission to
the Haitian national volleyball team.                                     cross the area in caravans.
   The volleyball players all reside in Carrefour, an area of the            To permit officers to watch the girls play, the team’s trainers
capital marked by high crime and extreme poverty. It is so danger-        have scheduled a match at a school in an area not off limits to
ous that the regional security officer has declared the                   U.S. personnel.

4   |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   JUNE 2007
Make Your Move - M A - Introducing the Mid-Level Civil Service Rotation Program - State Magazine
   A new diagnostic laboratory on the Black Sea coast has been
named for Brian Goggin, former agricultural attaché in Bulgaria.
   The Foreign Agricultural Service/Sofia was honored by the Bul-
garian Ministry of Agriculture for its important contributions to
the prevention and control of avian influenza in Bulgaria. FAS/Sofia
provided significant resources to create the new facility and train
                                     laboratory staff. This year, FAS
                                     is training 11 local experts in
                                     the United States.
                                         At the opening ceremony,
                                     current Agricultural Attaché
                                     Susan Reid extolled Goggin’s
                                     work. A marble plaque with his
                                     name in gold letters is mounted
                                     at the entrance to the lab.
                                         The U.S. Agency for Interna-
                                     tional Development has also
                                     provided support for the labo-         Under Secretary for Management Henrietta Fore demonstrates the new
                                     ratory and Bulgaria’s effort to        Instant Messaging technology in front of 20 members of the State
                                     prevent avian flu.                     Messaging and Archive Retrieval Toolset steering committee. The new
                                                                            technology allows real-time, secure communication within the same office
                                                                            or with colleagues on another continent.
                                    FAS specialist Brian Goggin

Embassy Auction Helps Mexican Children
   What can you do with a velvet portrait of    tion for ill children and their families in 20        To respond to this need, embassy junior
Elvis and a foosball table?                     states throughout Mexico.                          officers and specialists organized the “Give
   Junior officers at the U.S. Embassy in          In 2005, while donating hundreds of             Your Heart to a Child with Cancer” cam-
Mexico City recently used these items and       Christmas toys to various children’s chari-        paign, which culminated an auction that
more to raise money for the Asociación          ties in the Mexico City area, the embassy          raised more than $15,000 from embassy
Mexicana de Ayuda a Niños con Cáncer—           staff became aware of AMANC’s work and             employees and their families.
AMANC, the Mexican Association for              learned that the association was in great             Items to be auctioned were solicited from
Assistance to Children with Cancer.             need of an industrial-sized washer and             the embassy community and American cor-
AMANC provides care, lodging and educa-         dryer for its center for sick children.            porations in Mexico. Donations ranged
                                                                                                   from handmade quilts to dog-training
                                                                                                   lessons to a dinner with the ambassador,
                                                                                                   and the bidding was fierce. U.S. companies
                                                                                                   Church and Dwight, Coca-Cola, Continen-
                                                                                                   tal Airlines, Marriott and Maytag also
                                                                                                   donated to the cause.
                                                                                                      The campaign resulted not only in a new
                                                                                                   washer and dryer for AMANC, but also a
                                                                                                   year’s supply of laundry detergent and an
                                                                                                   additional $10,000 for medication and
                                                                                                   other items the charity might need. On
                                                                                                   Valentine’s Day, Ambassador Garza, junior
                                                                                                   officers and public affairs officials from the
                                                                                                   embassy delivered the donation, along with
                                                                                                   clothes and toys for the children, to Señora
                                                                                                   Guadalupe Alejandre, founder and presi-
                                                                                                   dent of AMANC.

                                                                                                   Embassy staff and families participate in the “silent
                                                                                                   auction” held at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City.

                                                                                                     JUNE 2007      |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   5
Make Your Move - M A - Introducing the Mid-Level Civil Service Rotation Program - State Magazine

                                                                                                                   Rob Wiley

                                                                                                                   Bill Palmer

                                                                                                                Jennifer Leland

                                                                                                               David L. Johnston
                                                        Mission staff wore Tech colors orange                     ART DIRECTOR
                                                        and maroon to show their support.

                                                                                                     ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS
Mission to NATO Honors Hokie Hope Day                                                                          Maurice S. Parker
                                                                                                               EXECUTIVE SECRETARY
   The U.S. Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization participated in Hokie Hope
                                                                                                                 Kelly Clements
Day on April 20 to honor the lives lost during the April 16 shooting on the Virginia Tech
University campus in Blacksburg, Va. Tech alumnus Lt. Colonel Patience Larkin, a member                      Annette R. Cocchiaro
of the mission’s Office of the Defense Advisor, organized the event.                                           Margot A. Sullivan
   “It is difficult being so far away from the U.S. when tragic events occur at home,” said
Lt. Col. Larkin. “I wanted to show our support to the Virginia Tech community and was
very proud and grateful to the mission for participating and wearing the Hokie colors.”            State Magazine (ISSN 1099–4165) is pub-
                                                                                                   lished monthly, except bimonthly in July
                                                                                                   and August, by the U.S. Department of
Fair Teaches Thais about Consular Work                                                             State, 2201 C St., N.W., Washington, DC.
                                                                                                   Periodicals postage paid at Washington,
   In celebration of Consular Leadership          agencies and the private sector, colleagues      D.C., and at additional mailing locations.
Day, Jan. 26, staff from the U.S. Embassy in      from the public affairs section, the Foreign
Bangkok and the consulate general in              Commercial Service and Citizenship and                 CHANGE OF ADDRESS
Chiang Mai organized an open house and            Immigration Services were invited to join
                                                                                                   Send changes of address to State Maga-
fair in Bangkok to give contacts and col-         in the festivities, along with corporate part-   zine, 2401 E Street, N.W., SA-1, Room
leagues a behind-the-scenes look at their         ners such as Citibank, CSC and Teletech          H-236, Washington, DC 20522-0108. You
consular sections.                                                                                 may also e-mail address changes to
   Employing the Thai concept                                                            
of “edutainment” to make
learning fun, teams of local                                                                                 SUBSCRIPTIONS
staff and officers from Bangkok
                                                                                                   State Magazine is available by subscription

                                                                                                                                                 PHOTOGRAPH: (OPPOSITE PAGE): BUREAU OF EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS
and Chiang Mai’s consular                                                                          through the U.S. Government Printing
units manned booths with                                                                           Office by telephone at (202) 512-1800 or
names such as “The Wacky                                                                           on the web at
World of Biometrics,” “ACS:
Cradle to Grave” and “Famous                                                                                   SUBMISSIONS
Immigrants in the U.S.”
                                                                                                   For details on submitting articles to
   Interactive tools and games                                                                     State Magazine, request our guidelines,
were used to teach guests                                                                          “Getting Your Story Told,” by e-mail at
about consular work. The                                                                 ; download
fraud unit had by far the most                                                                     them from our Web site at;
                                    Embassy employees employed the Thai concept of “edutain-       or send your request in writing to
popular booth, where players        ment” to make learning about the embassy’s consular sections
competed to “spot the                                                                              State Magazine, 2401 E Street, N.W.,
                                    a fun outing.
                                                                                                   HR/ER/SMG, SA-1, Room H-236,
imposter.” Patriotic decora-
                                                                                                   Washington, DC 20522-0108.
tions, balloons, prizes, costumes, music and and Thailand Post. And because a fair is
refreshments all added to a fun, laid-back        not complete without souvenirs, the Ameri-       The submission deadline for the Septem-
environment for the 600 attendees.                can Community Service Association sold           ber 2007 issue is July 15. The deadline
   Since consular sections in Thailand rely       pens, mugs, key chains and other items           for the October issue is August 15.
heavily on support from other government          emblazoned with the embassy logo.

6   |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   JUNE 2007
Make Your Move - M A - Introducing the Mid-Level Civil Service Rotation Program - State Magazine
These teachers were part of a group from
Bangladesh, Tajikistan and the Palestinian
territories who were visiting the United
States on an exchange through the
Global Connections program.

Virtual Connections
   The Bureau of Educational and Cultural     methodology in their classrooms. In Tajik-     enthusiastically remain at the centers for
Affairs has unleashed the power of technol-   istan, Ibrahim Rustamov helped create for      long hours with the hope that they will be
ogy through the Global Connections and        Tajik students an online English Club that     able to use newly found skills in their
Exchange program to create a unique and       includes lesson plans, resources and educa-    future careers.
unprecedented public diplomacy tool.          tional games. In Bangladesh, four GCE
Through virtual linkages with teens and       schools are participating in NASA’S “Global    Across Borders
educators in the United States, this tool     Learning and Observations to Benefit the          Students visiting Internet Learning
enhances America’s presence in more than      Environment” program in which they col-        Centers expand their immediate environ-
1,000 schools worldwide. Using state-of-the   laborate with scientists and students around   ment as geography melts away and notions
art technology, GCE not only conveys          the world to analyze and compare data          of borders become secondary.
America’s values and traditions to the most   about forestry, conservation, weather pre-        In Central Asia, programs such as the
remote areas of the world, but also empow-    diction, disaster mitigation, global warming   award-winning “Tech Age Girls” give young
ers American and foreign youth by giving      and ecotourism.                                girls self-confidence as they learn advanced
them a voice in their communities and            Teachers throughout the GCE network         Web design techniques such as CSS, PHP
channeling their energy to help their home    have reported that the program has signifi-    and Javascript, then begin internships at
communities.                                  cantly affected retention rates, encouraged    high-tech companies. One Tech Age Girl
   GCE trained 1,500 teachers to use inter-   young girls and increased motivation for       said the program helped her become a
active approaches and project-based           youth at risk. Many students willingly and     more serious person.

                                                                                              JUNE 2007     |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   7
Make Your Move - M A - Introducing the Mid-Level Civil Service Rotation Program - State Magazine
Top: Bangladeshi students and
                                            “I now realize that I shouldn’t   play with children at earthquake    Democracy” project, an eighth
teachers rally in Chittagong in          question my ability to do some-      relief camps in Jaba, Basiaan and   grade class at the Maryland
favor of universal education.            thing, but should simply do it       Kushtra, while girls at Chowara     School for the Deaf filmed
Bottom: Young Bangladeshi
women from Joydebpur Govt.
                                         with confidence,” she said.          High School in Bangladesh           monuments in the Washington,
Girls High School gathered at                Teachers and students no         applied online and then received    D.C., area and explained their
Rani Bilashmoni Govt. Boys High          longer need to travel to the         a grant to print leaflets about     significance through sign lan-
School in Gazipur to celebrate
International Women’s Day 2007.          United States to collaborate         the adverse impacts of early        guage and subscripts. After
                                         with Americans on virtual proj-      marriages.                          their Armenian partner school
                                         ects that bring their worlds             Empowered by technology,        watched the video, student
                                         closer. In Afghanistan, students     Global Connections youth            discussions jumped from the
                                         created a blog project focused       produce innovative digital          meaning of democracy to a
                                         on human rights, while on the        stories, Web logs and multime-      comparison of U.S. and

                                                                                                                                                      PHOTOGRAPHS: (ABOVE): RELIEF INTERNATIONAL, BANGLADESH; (OPPOSITE PAGE LEFT):
                                         West Bank, Dina, a student at        dia presentations to gain a         Armenian policies regarding
                                         the Al Naja Secondary School in      dynamic voice in their commu-       the rights of people with
                                         Ramallah, posted an essay about      nities as they convey their         disabilities.

                                                                                                                                                      iEARN EGYPT; (RIGHT): BUREAU OF EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS
                                         the challenges of universal edu-     aspirations for a better future        In the “Two Rivers One
                                         cation. She noted that “students     and expose others to the bene-      World Project,” New York City
                                         can start acting internationally     fits of an open, civil society.     and Egyptian students tested
                                         by establishing networks and                                             water content of the Hudson
                                         lobbies to influence government      Virtual Linkages                    and Nile rivers, visited water
                                         policies.”                              Linkages with U.S. schools       treatment plants and discussed
                                            Global Connections projects       involve interactive discussions,    water supply and pollution
                                         steer overseas students to discuss   debates, research and informa-      with scientists and teachers. Six
                                         environmental issues with            tion sharing. Students explore      American students then trav-
                                         Americans, children’s rights with    themes that range from interna-     eled to Cairo to join their
                                         students in another village and      tional arts and music to ethnic     Egyptian peers to present their
                                         civil obligations with adults and    foods, fashion, world religions,    findings to Egyptian and Amer-
                                         children in yet another country.     youth service and more.             ican scientists.
                                         In Pakistan, teachers and stu-          Using video technology to           Teenagers also talk about
                                         dents traveled long distances to     produce their “Symbols of           matters that are important to

8   |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   JUNE 2007
them personally. Discussing           to different cultures and have      GCE merges virtual and physi-         Above left: Egyptian students
conflicts in their daily lives with   expressed an increased interest     cal exchanges to offer foreign        participate in the Art Miles
Tajikistani students, an Ameri-       in foreign travel and languages.    partners the 21st century skills      Project as part of the Global
                                                                                                                Connections program adminis-
can student wrote, “I would                                               needed to improve their soci-         tered by the International
have to agree that some conflict      Transformational Diplomacy          eties. Similarly, it extends          Education and Resource
is good in our lives. I agree that       Born with computers at their     opportunities for Americans to        Network. Right: Through technol-
                                                                                                                ogy and the Global Connections
it isn’t good to fight with your      fingertips, America’s teenagers     learn about other cultures, reli-     and Exchange program, these
family and friends, but you           increasingly rely on e-mail, Web    gions and ways of life. As the        young Tajikistani women can
can’t learn about someone if          chats, instant messages and         only program of its kind,             hold open and frank discussions
                                                                                                                about their daily lives with
you don’t argue sometimes.”           social networking sites for their   GCE has evolved into an effec-        American counterparts.
    A recent project merged           communication. Comfortable          tive public diplomacy program
virtual discussions with Digital      in a virtual environment, they      that reaches thousands of
Video Conference technology           enthusiastically discuss their      hearts and minds virtually to
that allowed students at Wilson       lives and values with foreign       give mutual understanding a
High School in Washington to          peers. It is no longer surprising   new meaning and infinite
collaborate with students in          to hear students living in rural    dimension.
Azerbaijan on a Model United          villages discussing U.S. presi-        Additional information
Nations project that focused on       dential candidates, freedom of      about GCE can be found at:
HIV/AIDS in Botswana.                 speech and volunteerism.  
    Communicating in English             The program not only helps       education/citizens/students/
with Americans has helped             narrow the digital divide, but      worldwide/ connections.htm.
thousands of international stu-       also places overseas youth on          You can also contact the
dents and teachers improve            equal footing with their Ameri-     program officer directly via
their English language skills.        can partners. The two groups        e-mail at MussmanAP@
Many have attributed their par-       come together as collaborators, for details. ■
ticipation in the program to          discussing similar concerns and
their qualifying for exchange         working together on the same        The author is a program special-
programs to the U.S. and other        project.                            ist in ECA’s Youth Programs
countries. American teachers             In harmony with transfor-        Division, Office of Citizen
and students have been exposed        mational diplomacy principles,      Exchanges.

                                                                                                    JUNE 2007    |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   9
Soldiers from Minni Minawi’s Sudan
                                                                                                              Liberation Army faction board one of their
                                                                                                              “technicals” in Umm Baru, North Darfur.

first response
          “I would define the objective of
                                                        There are few better places in the world to
                                                     see the potential for transformational diplo-
                                                     macy than in El Fasher, a dusty frontier
                                                                                                       Response Corps, composed of first respon-
                                                                                                       ders who support stabilization and
                                                                                                       reconstruction efforts in conflict-affected
     transformational diplomacy this
                                                     garrison town with only a few paved roads         regions. Corps members are Foreign Service
                                                                                                                                                           PHOTOGRAPHS: (ABOVE): EYTHAN SONTAG; (OPPOSITE PAGE TOP):
 way: To work with our many part-                    and scant amenities that serves as the capital    and Civil Service personnel who specialize in
 ners around the world to build and                  of Sudan’s North Darfur state. For the past       unconventional field missions, often in
                                                     year, a team of diplomats from the U.S.           remote and hostile regions, to support
 sustain democratic, well-governed                   Embassy in Khartoum and the Department’s          embassy and Department initiatives.
                                                                                                                                                           CHARLIE WINTERMEYER; (BOTTOM): KEITH MINES

states that will respond to the needs                Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruc-            The need for a diplomatic presence in
                                                     tion and Stabilization has been working           North Darfur arose in the aftermath of the
      of their people—and conduct                    along with US Agency for International            Darfur Peace Agreement signed in Abuja,
          themselves responsibly in the              Development field staff to stabilize the polit-   Nigeria, on May 5, 2006. The agreement
                                                     ical, security and humanitarian crisis and its    sought to end Darfur’s political and eco-
             international system.”                  impact on the people of Darfur.                   nomic marginalization by the authorities in
     —Secretary Rice, January 18, 2006                  CRS is represented by members of its           Khartoum and was initially signed by the
                                                     Active Response Corps and Standby                 government of Sudan and one of three rebel

                Transformational Diplomacy in Darfur | By Eythan Sontag and Keith Mines
10    |    S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   JUNE 2007
Left: School tents at the Oure Cassoni
                                                                                                    refugee camp in eastern Chad wear out in
                                                                                                    three to four months because of the con-
                                                                                                    stant sand and wind. Below: Author Eythan
                                                                                                    Sontag, front left, sits with African Union
                                                                                                    peacekeepers and Justice and Equality
                                                                                                    Movement rebels in Jebel Moon to discuss
                                                                                                    the peace process.

factions. Persuading the outlying rebel         rebel factions that signed the peace agree-      FLUID SITUATIONS
groups, which have proliferated since the       ment or the Declaration of Commitment,             ARC members adapted to the fluid cir-
agreement was signed, to join the peace         an agreement to commit to the Darfur            cumstances as the mission and security
process remains a key diplomatic priority.      Peace Agreement, to help those groups           conditions in Darfur evolved. To help facili-
U.S. efforts have also focused on improving     transition from military organizations to       tate the peace process and ensure the
political conditions to help alleviate the      political entities.                             protection of millions of displaced Darfuri-
humanitarian crisis in Darfur and facilitate       In addition to establishing the Peace Sec-   ans, ARC officers served as U.S. observers to
the return of more than 2 million internally    retariats, the ARC was tasked with creating a   the African Union Mission in Sudan Cease-
displaced persons.                              forward platform in Darfur where U.S. gov-      fire Commission, which monitors, reviews
   To help achieve these objectives, the        ernment officials could live and work. CRS      and reports on violations of the peace agree-
Department’s Bureau of African Affairs and      worked with the Bureau of African Affairs       ment. In this capacity, they conduct outreach
USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives        and the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum to estab-      to rebel signatory and nonsignatory factions
provided funds for Peace Secretariats—also      lish two residences/work facilities on the      alike, looking for common ground that will
called DPA Implementation Offices—in            outskirts of El Fasher. The houses were         reinforce the cessation of hostilities.
Khartoum and El Fasher. A small ARC             refurbished, fortified to meet security stan-      ARC officers have participated in hands-
team developed these secretariats into          dards, furnished and equipped with very         on missions to such places as the
centers for dispensing information about        small amerture terminal (VSAT) technology       mountainous Jebel Marra and Jebel Moon
the peace agreement and for coordinating,       to provide Internet connectivity. The           areas to engage rebel movements, gain first-
hosting and encouraging activities related      outpost is supported by a seven-person field    hand information about armed
to the peace process. The Peace Secretariats    staff of local drivers, custodians and inter-   confrontations and, where appropriate,
also provide office space, logistical support   preters who were recruited and hired by         participate in African Union or UN media-
and communications assistance to those          ARC and embassy officers.                       tion efforts.

                                                                                                JUNE 2007      |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   11
Children from one of the local internally displaced
                                                                                                  persons camps collecting firewood and fodder pass
                                                                                                  in front of an African Union Mission in Sudan camp.

   In addition to cultivating a wide network       PUBLIC OUTREACH                                   rebels located in Chad to reinforce U.S.
of contacts within the UN, humanitarian               The Department’s El Fasher presence            policy points and escorted delegations
communities, AMIS, civil society and local         has also provided enhanced outreach               from Congress, USAID and the Depart-
government, ARC and embassy officers con-          opportunities for the U.S. Embassy in             ment’s Bureau of Population, Refugees
tinue to assess the progress of UN support         Khartoum. The embassy public affairs              and Migration.
to AMIS. The ARC presence in Darfur has            officer recently made the first public               CRS and the ARC, in collaboration with
provided ground-level visibility and report-       diplomacy trip to El Fasher in many               the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum, the Bureau
ing of policy implementation, including            years, visiting the University of El Fasher,      of African Affairs, USAID and other part-
progress on the peace agreement, for deci-         the local radio station and the town’s            ners, continue their work in Darfur as an
                                                                                                                                                        PHOTOGRAPHS: (ABOVE): EYTHAN SONTAG; (OPPOSITE PAGE
sionmakers in Khartoum, Washington, New            only museum.                                      example of innovative and flexible trans-
York and other diplomatic centers.                    For six months, the ARC and SRC also           formational diplomacy in action, where
   As one of the U.S. government’s highest         deployed officers to Chad, serving primari-       bringing the right assets and people
foreign policy priorities and the subject of       ly in the eastern part of the country             together at the right time may help make a
                                                                                                                                                        TOP): CHARLIE WINTERMEYER; (BOTTOM): CRS

intense public and media focus, the situa-         bordering Sudan. These officers met regu-         difference in this troubled region.
tion in Darfur has attracted numerous              larly with the UN High Commission for
high-level delegations, ranging from presi-        Refugees and nongovernmental organiza-            Eythan Sontag is a Foreign Affairs officer on
dential special envoys to movie stars to           tion officials supporting Darfurian               detail to the Office of the Coordinator for
congressional delegations. ARC officers have       refugees and internally displaced persons,        Reconstruction and Stabilization and a
played a key role in coordinating and receiv-      both at the hub of operations in Abeche           member of the Active Response Corps. Keith
ing these visitors to the field, providing         and at the many refugee camps and dis-            Mines is a political officer at the U.S.
briefings, arranging meetings and organiz-         placed person sites in eastern Chad. ARC          Embassy in Ottawa and a member of the
ing security measures.                             and SRC personnel also engaged Sudanese           Standby Response Corps.

12   |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   JUNE 2007
Left: Camps in eastern Chad fill quickly with
                                                                                                    young Darfur refugees. Below: Active
                                                                                                    Response Corps officer Eythan Sontag, sec-
                                                                                                    ond from left, and Standby Response
                                                                                                    Corps officer Keith Mines, far right, meet
                                                                                                    with the head of the Legislative Council in
                                                                                                    El Fasher, North Darfur.

ON SHORT NOTICE By Ambassador John E. Herbst
   In my 10 months as coordinator for            We must also draw on the expertise of         interagency conflict assessment tool that
reconstruction and stabilization, S/CRS       the American public, which is why the            are now in use for U.S. planning efforts for
has experienced inevitable challenges,        President called for the creation of a Civil-    Kosovo. In Haiti, a team from multiple U.S.
but also tremendous progress. The office      ian Reserve Corps in his most recent State       agencies in Washington and the field
was created to organize the U.S. govern-      of the Union address. Secretary Rice is          designed an innovative initiative to
ment’s reconstruction and stabilization       leading this effort, and tasked my office        enhance security and economic opportuni-
efforts for countries that have fallen into   with standing the CRC up. The CRC will           ties in one of Port-au-Prince’s most
chaos, and build the civilian planning and    expand the pool of civilian experts such         troubled neighborhoods.
response tools to staff these operations.     as law enforcement specialists, public              Weak and failing states pose critical
   An important part of what we are           administrators and engineers who can             national security challenges. By better
trying to do is create a civilian surge       support critical areas of reconstruction         organizing how we respond and ensuring
capability. To that end, the members of       and stabilization work.                          we have the necessary civilian resources
our Active and Standby Response Corps            To get our civilians on the ground, our       to do so, we give ourselves the best
are truly on the cutting edge of transfor-    government must support them with                chance for success in future crises. We
mational diplomacy. They can be               proper planning, coordinated operations          owe it to our country and to those
deployed on short notice to unconven-         and training. We have agreed on an inter-        around the world struggling to emerge
tional, challenging environments. And         agency management system that will be            from conflict. ■
they have begun to do so in Sudan’s           used to address future reconstruction and
Darfur region, eastern Chad, Lebanon,         stabilization crises. As part of this, we have   The author is the coordinator for recon-
Haiti, Kosovo, Iraq and Nepal.                developed a planning process and an              struction and stabilization.

                                                                                                JUNE 2007      |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   13
Department “Inner View”
   To Director General George Staples, the         many crucial and sometimes difficult deci-     his way through the FS ranks with posts in
key word in Foreign Service is the first           sions, but his guide throughout has been an    Bahrain, Zimbabwe, The Bahamas and
one—Foreign. When he joined the Depart-            unwavering focus on supporting Secretary       Uruguay. He spent his Washington tours in

                                                                                                                                                 PHOTOGRAPHS: (ABOVE): DAVID L. JOHNSTON; (OPPOSITE PAGE): ROB NOLAN
ment in 1981, he understood the                    Rice’s vision of today’s diplomacy and ful-    the Department’s Operation center and in
rewards—and the potential drawbacks—of             filling the Department’s mission to help       the Bureau of European Affairs. He reached
a life dedicated to serving the interests of       build and sustain a more democratic, secure    the peak of Foreign Service as U.S. Ambas-
the United States and fulfilling the country’s     and prosperous world.                          sador to the Republic of Rwanda and to
diplomatic mission.                                    Today’s world is more volatile than when   Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea.
   To the young ex Air Force officer, it           the Foreign Service welcomed newcomer             His last post before assuming duties as
meant a life full of professional commit-          Staples 26 years ago. Transformational         Director General was as Political Adviser to
ment, personal sacrifice and unimaginable          diplomacy asks diplomats to spend more         the Supreme Allied Commander Europe at
satisfaction in serving his country through        time in that world and less time in their      North Atlantic Treaty Organization head-
good times and not-so-good times. His              offices. The Director General’s office has     quarters in Belgium.
career spanned the end of the Cold War and         been the eye of the storm for most of the         To help explain the magnitude of the
the start of several hot ones, including the       changes that had to be made as the Depart-     changes and the reasons they had to be
current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan          ment transitioned from an earlier, less        made, Ambassador Staples met with State
that are taxing his beloved Foreign Service.       dangerous era into the modern world.           Magazine editors for an extensive overview
   During his 13 months as Director                    Ambassador Staples began his Foreign       of the modern Foreign Service and why it
General, Ambassador Staples has made               Service career in El Salvador, and he made     must adapt to a rapidly changing world.

14   |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   JUNE 2007
SM: We couldn’t help but notice the just       done the assignment business in the past. I       to serve in perhaps one of these hardship
released “Best Place to Work” survey in which     made numerous trips to the field and con-         positions but there would not be too many
the Department did very well. Could you           ducted town meetings abroad as well to            requirements for family separations.
comment on those rankings?                        explain the changes, and I’m pleased to say
   Director General Staples: I’m very             that the system has worked.                          SM: Some of the recent changes have been
pleased with the announcement that the               Looking at summer 2007 assignments,            perceived by some as a step backward in the
Department was recognized within the              we are about 98 percent staffed in Iraq, 100      Department’s on-going efforts to be as family
Federal government as the No. 6 Best Place        percent or close to it in Afghanistan and         friendly as possible. How would you respond
to Work. We’re up from No. 10 in 2005.            close to 100 percent staffed in our other         to this particular perception?
   In particular, we were ranked No. 1 by         hard-to-fill posts in South Asia and the             Director General Staples: I sometimes
women. If you remember where we were 26           Middle East.                                      hear that when I’ve gone overseas and
years ago when I came into the Foreign               The challenge will be how to sustain this      talked in town meetings. But when I
Service, this recognition is quite significant.   in terms of 12-month tours. We have a huge        explained the full range of the challenges we
It reflects very well on all of our employees     turnover at these posts every year, and we        face, when I reemphasized that we are now
and on what the Secretary and many others         do not have a large Foreign Service. Even         in a Foreign Service in which the median
have done to make the State Department a          people who are not currently Fair Share           hardship differential is 15 percent and every
good place to work.                               have to serve more often in hardship posts.       year we have to fill between 500 to 700 posi-
                                                  We live in one of the
   SM: State did well across many areas—          most challenging
No. 2 among males, No. 4 among African            periods that I can
Americans, etc.                                   remember in the
   Director General Staples: And we were          Foreign Service, but I’m
ranked No. 3 in effective leadership. You can     pleased to see that the
add to this latest survey the recognition we      challenge is recognized
received in BusinessWeek magazine on the          and we have filled our
results of surveys of college undergraduate       positions with volun-
students, it speaks well of our efforts to not    teers. Thus far, we have
only serve the American people, but to also       not had to do a single
ensure that our efforts are recognized and        directed assignment.
appreciated among a broad cross section of
observers. I believe BusinessWeek noted              SM: To what do you
that the Department finished No. 3 behind         attribute the success of
Walt Disney and Google on the 2006 Most           the new assignments
                                                                                 The Director General enjoys an informal lunch for embassy employees
Desirable Undergraduate Employer ranking          process?                       at the Deputy Chief of Mission’s residence in Pretoria.
and No. 4 behind Google, Disney and Apple            Director General
on the 2007 ranking.                              Staples: I think the recognition on the part         tions that are unaccompanied or limited
                                                  of our people that we are facing challenging accompanied, people understand.
   SM: Last August, you introduced changes        times and that more service in hardship                 The point we make is that we are
to the assignments process, from the order in     assignments is expected. Our people recog-           meeting these staffing challenges and doing
which assignments are made to changes to          nize that service in the world has changed.          all we can to support families and to
Fair Share rules and the elimination of           Our median hardship differential is 15               support our personnel. The Iraq service
fourth-year extensions at posts with less than    percent, and that’s just extraordinary. I            package alone should indicate how we have
15 percent differential. What necessitated        believe more than a fifth of our posts are 20 gone out of our way to take into account
these changes?                                    to 25 percent differential or higher today.          those who are serving in our most difficult
   Director General Staples: As I’ve              And that’s not just terrorism; that’s crime,         foreign policy environments. Between three
explained in town meetings and in numer-          climate, health issues, schooling, cost of           regional rest breaks and two R&Rs, we were
ous messages to the field, the changes were       living, etc. All of those things go into the         able to add a home leave and to increase
made because we had a serious problem: we         hardship differential.                               both the hardship and danger pay differen-
didn’t have the people that we needed to                                                               tial. Those serving in PRTs have been able
staff our most difficult positions. In the           SM: Is it difficult to make changes to the        to leave their families behind at the post
past, people just bid and went pretty much        assignments process?                                 from which they left. Their families do not
where they wanted, and extensions were               Director General Staples: It is difficult,        have to move while the children finish
granted liberally. I have made the point that     because we are really dealing with a change          school. On a voluntary basis, we expanded
no organization would allow itself to be in a     in culture. When I came into the Foreign             that by asking posts wherever possible to
position where its most difficult, critical       Service, many of us knew about the dangers support those who would also like this
positions were not filled first.                  in Beirut. I started my career in San Sal-           benefit if they are going to Embassy
   We changed the rules, if you will, in con-     vador, which was a danger-pay post and               Baghdad or another location.
sultation with the American Foreign Service       unaccompanied for most of my time there.                The response has been extremely positive
Association, recognizing that this was a          But for the most part, everyone recognized           around the Foreign Service. If possible,
marked departure from the way we had              that at some point in time, you would have           posts have worked out arrangements in

                                                                                                     JUNE 2007      |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   15
which the family could stay while the              this building and elsewhere have served on           Today, I’m telling the members of the
member served anywhere in Iraq. These are          Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq          A100 classes and our mid-level officers that
just some of the things we have been able to       and Afghanistan.                                 these kinds of separations may be more
do in this regard.                                    And let’s not forget the largest number of    common in a career. They may have to face
   We also developed recognition awards for        our employees, our almost 37,000 Locally         it two, three or even four times, so plan
children of those serving at unaccompanied         Employed staff, who are what Secretary Rice      accordingly. This is a huge and increasing
posts. Medals and certificates have been sent      calls the Crown Jewels of the State Depart-      number, and that’s just another example of
to the child’s school for presentation as a        ment. They often serve at very difficult         how the Foreign Service has changed. You
thank you for the service of the parent,           positions and often risk their lives to          add onto that the requirements for service
and that has been very beneficial for family       perform their duties and, on occasion, keep      in the hardship-danger pay posts, and it’s a
morale. It also increases public awareness         us safe. They, too, are doing a marvelous        significant change.
around the country about what our person-          job, and should be commended.                        We try to do our best to assign people
nel are facing and where they are serving                                                           together. We certainly take in consideration
overseas.                                             SM: Do you anticipate any other changes       the requirements for adequate schooling.
                                                   to the assignments process?                      We’re very strict on everyone meeting their
    SM: So the Department is really one               Director General Staples: We are negoti-      Fair Share requirements, but we’ve gone out
big family?                                        ating with AFSA for a couple of other            of our way with the bureaus to take care of
    Director General Staples: We are a             changes, and we’ll have to see where that        those who have come out of posts like Iraq,
family. And that’s not just the Foreign            comes out.                                       Afghanistan and Pakistan. We have succeed-
Service; it’s also the Civil Service, as well.        One would strengthen the minimum              ed because of the support we’ve had in this
We just instituted a pilot Civil Service rota-     standard for hardship service to recognize       building from the Secretary, Assistant Secre-
tion program which for the first time will         the 15 percent median in terms of positions      taries, and others who value that service.
allow Civil Service personnel of the same          around the world. And the other issue I am           I would also like everyone to know that
grade and doing the same type of work to           personally pushing is to change the 6-8 rule     in these circumstances we still consider
switch between Bureaus for a year or two to back to 5-8, with five years the maximum                ourselves to be as family-friendly as possi-
gain some career-broadening experience.            number of years any FSO can serve in             ble. I have approved every single request
It’s a pilot program, but I hope we can            Washington. This was the policy before           that crosses my desk for a waiver based on
                                                                        1997, and given the         medical condition or special needs for a
                                                                        challenges overseas and     child, 100 percent. Our Family Liaison
                                                                        the staffing require-       Office has established a special position
                                                                        ments we have to meet,      for a coordinator who does nothing but
                                                                        I think it’s important      work with our unaccompanied families in
                                                                        that we go back to that     the U.S. while the member is serving an
                                                                        standard.                   unaccompanied tour. We have more than
                                                                           The point I want to      200 such families in the U.S. today. Who
                                                                        make is that this is the    could have imagined something like that
                                                                        Foreign Service, and I      years ago?
                                                                        strongly believe that the       We also contracted for a service that pro-
                                                                        bulk of one’s career        vides 24-hour counseling, financial
                                                                        should be spent over-       planning, and other guidance to our per-
                                                                        seas. It’s very important   sonnel. So we have any number of benefits
                                                                        to serve in Washington,     and efforts underway to look after our
                                                                        to understand how we        people and their families as much as possi-
The Director General poses with Peach Corps volunteers and staff
                                                                        operate   here in the       ble. You can add to that the wonderful work

                                                                                                                                                     PHOTOGRAPHS: (ABOVE): ROB NOLAN; (OPPOSITE PAGE): DAVID L. JOHNSTON
members outside their offices in Maseru, Lesotho.
                                                                        interagency process and     they’ve done in FSI to expand training
expand it. We in the Foreign Service get           how policy is made here at the senior levels     opportunities and the huge increase in
these rotations every two or three years, but      in this building. But the bulk of one’s career   online courses that are available to family
our Civil Service colleagues often spend           should be spent in overseas service.             members and employees overseas. We’re
their entire careers in the same office at the                                                      doing what we can in today’s circumstances
same desk. Why not offer the opportunity              SM: What else has changed?                    to really take care of our people, provide
to switch for those who don’t want to stay            Director General Staples: Another             good training, watch out for families and at
at that same desk for 25 years? Why not give example of how things have changed today               the same time meet our responsibilities to
them the chance to do something else and           vs. 26 years ago—we have almost 600              do the work of diplomacy.
gain exposure to the broader work of the           tandem couples in the Foreign Service
Department?                                        today. That’s 1,200 people that we try to           SM: How helpful has AFSA been?
    Through our assignments procedures, we assign together. We used to tell our tandem                 Director General Staples: We have a
have also allowed close to 200 Civil Service       couples that because of various reasons,         good relationship with AFSA. In accordance
personnel to serve overseas, where they are        when they reached more senior levels they        with the Foreign Service Act, they are the
performing with distinction in hard-to-fill        might have to face a leave without pay situ-     official bargaining unit of the Department. I
positions. Many Civil Service personnel in         ation or even serve at different posts.          am an AFSA member, as are many of the

16   |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   JUNE 2007
“We are a family. And
                                                                               that’s not just the Foreign
                                                                               Service; it’s also the Civil
                                                                                    Service, as well.”

personnel in the Bureau of Human                ALDAC messages to the field to get the          Anyone else who would be the DG right
Resources. We have frequent meetings with       word out. We have a deputy chief of             now would do the same thing.
the members of the AFSA leadership, the         mission collective email that my Principal         If you explain the situation and ensure
president and the board to discuss issues       Deputy Assistant Secretary Heather Hodges       that the steps you take are fair and transpar-
and negotiate. While AFSA has not agreed        uses to raise specific issues. I speak at all   ent, then you will have the support of the
with us on all of the new policies we have      chief of mission meetings; I also speak at      people who have come into this business to
had to implement, I think there is an           all ambassadorial and DCM seminars to           carry out public service. That is what we
understanding within AFSA that times have       encourage our senior leaders when they get      have seen here. It is a tribute to the men
changed and that all of us in the Depart-       to post to recognize that our people are        and women and the families of all of our
ment face extraordinary challenges.             serving in difficult times. I ask them to be    people—Foreign Service, Civil Service,
                                                especially aware of the need for outreach       Local Staff—to work today on behalf of our
   SM: Is there anything else you are working   and to take the steps necessary to maintain     government and to meet our diplomatic
on with AFSA?                                   good morale at post and to help all of the      responsibilities. It is not easy to face separa-
   Director General Staples: We will later      officers who are going to serve at these        tion, to see your children graduate without
this year begin regularly scheduled negoti-     hardship posts develop strong leadership        you. It is not easy to work overseas in
ations on precepts for 2008, but otherwise      and management skills.                          embassies that face threats and in which our
I don’t anticipate being involved with             I think the word is out. The bottom line     access and our openness to the general
AFSA in any other groundbreaking initia-        is simply this: these are the requirements      public overseas is more restricted because of
tives. We have been keeping AFSA abreast        that we must fulfill to carry out our           the security requirements.
of changes in the Foreign Service intake        nation’s foreign policy. We have done it           And yet our people do this every day, and
process, the new procedure to replace the       successfully with these changes, and in         I’m extremely proud of that. I’m extremely
Foreign Service examination, and we have        the process done all that we can do to          proud of their service and deeply apprecia-
briefed the president and senior AFSA offi-     support our families and our personnel          tive of their sacrifices.
cials on a regular basis and they have been     who are working under incredibly difficult         I say this on behalf of the Secretary and
fully supportive.                               circumstances.                                  all of the senior leadership of this building
                                                   If we were not able to do what we have       and myself—a sincere “Thank You” to all of
  SM: You say that when you personally          done this year voluntarily, we would have       our personnel who work for the United
explain the policy to FSOs, they understand,    done it through identification, or directed     States Department of State. You have our
but you can’t go to every single post.          assignments. One way or the other, we are       deepest respect and admiration. ■
  Director General Staples: No, I can’t, but    going to put people where they are needed
we use BNet, we use town meetings, we use       to carry out our diplomatic requirements.       The author is the editor of State Magazine.

                                                                                                JUNE 2007      |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   17
Men and children ride along
     the Mongolian prairie during
     an annual festival.

                                                    PHOTOGRAPH: TRAVEL ALBERTA

18    |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   JUNE 2007
The Amarbayasgalant monastery, located in the
                                                                        Iven Gol River Valley on the foot of Burenkhan
                                                                        Mountain, is a landmark of Mongolia’s cultural
                                                                        memory and rich Buddhist heritage.

                                                      In January, the United States and Mongolia marked the 20th
                                                   anniversary of diplomatic ties. The landlocked country’s only geo-
          Imagine conducting diplomacy             graphic neighbors are Russia and China, but during his November
                                                   2005 visit to Ulaanbaatar, President George W. Bush embraced
                                                   Mongolia’s characterization of the United States as its “third
         in the homeland of Genghis Khan           neighbor.”
                                                      The United States established an embassy in Ulaanbaatar in
                                                   1988 and the first resident American ambassador arrived in July
            and bolstering a developing            1990. Just a few months earlier, Mongolians had peacefully dis-
                                                   carded socialism and begun transforming their nation into a
                                                   democracy with a market-oriented economy.

     country’s transition from social-                When it opened, the embassy had three local employees and
                                                   three American officers. Today, 135 Locally Employed staff and
                                                   27 direct-hire Americans grapple with a wide and growing range

         ism to free-market democracy,             of issues.

                                                   INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE
                                                      Defense cooperation is especially strong. Nearly 900 Mongolian
         while spending weekends enjoy-
                                                                                                                         PHOTOGRAPHS: U.S. EMBASSY IN ULAANBAATAR

                                                   soldiers have served in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2003, and 250
                                                   Mongolian soldiers guard the United Nations war crimes tribunal
                                                   in Sierra Leone—visible signs of progress toward establishing
           ing stunning natural beauty.            Mongolia as a major international peacekeeping troop contribu-
                                                   tor over the next few years. In August, for the second year in a
                                                   row, Mongolia will host a major U.S.-supported multinational
                                                   peacekeeping exercise for Asian nations.
                         That is Mongolia.            A Millennium Challenge Account compact with Mongolia,
                                                   expected to be concluded in 2007, will represent a major expan-
                                                   sion of U.S. assistance and engagement. Vocational training,

20   |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   JUNE 2007
health, property rights and railway proj-
ects are being considered for inclusion
in the compact.
                                             AT A GLANCE: MONGOLIA
   The U.S. Agency for International
Development launched its first program
in Mongolia in 1991 with a grant of $10
million to provide emergency supplies
for the country’s failing power plants.
The aid is gratefully remembered.
   Today, USAID still provides technical
assistance to strengthen the energy
sector, but it pursues a much broader
agenda. Under ongoing programs, every
court in the country has been automat-
ed and every judge trained, an umbrella
group of women’s political groups
swiftly won favorable changes in the
parliamentary election law, protections
are being enhanced for endangered
wildlife species, and a popular television
series promotes greater awareness of
   Most USAID programs encourage
faster economic growth and support
policy reforms like the major tax
changes enacted by the State Great
Hural (Mongolia’s parliament) in 2006.
Other programs support entrepreneur-
ship and are helping to lower Mongolia’s
35 percent poverty rate.                     Capital                              Per capita income
   The embassy’s economic and com-           Ulaanbaatar                          $2,000
mercial focus is to encourage a business
climate that fosters free enterprise and     Total area                           Population below poverty line
foreign investment and to promote U.S.       1,564,116 square kilometers          36.1 percent
trade and investment in a growing
economy with world-class mineral             Approximate size                     Import commodities
deposits just beginning to be developed.     Slightly smaller than Alaska         Machinery, fuel, automobiles, food
More than 125 American businesses are                                             products and industrial goods
active in Mongolia, with mining-related      Government
firms especially well represented.           Mixed parliamentary/presidential     Import partners
                                                                                  Russia (34.5 percent), China (27.4
VAST CONTRASTS                               Independence                         percent) and Japan (7.1 percent)
   Nearly half of Mongolia’s 2.8 million     July 11, 1921 (from China)
people live in the capital, but business                                          Export commodities
trips take embassy employees to the          Population                           Copper, apparel, livestock, cash-
Gobi Desert, mining towns, the ethnic        2.95 million                         mere and wool
Kazakh region in the far west and
provincial trading centers. Many in the      Ethnic groups                        Export partners
countryside continue to lead a nomadic       Mongol (mostly Khalkha) and          China (48.1 percent), United States
existence, but even herders are connect-     Turkic (mostly Kazakh)               (14.2 percent) and Canada (11.6
ing with the outside world. It is not                                             percent)
unusual to see a ger (a round tent used
as a portable home) on a broad, empty
                                             Khalkha Mongol, Turkic and Russian   Internet country code
steppe with a satellite dish, outside the
door, powered by a solar panel.
   More than 100 Peace Corps volun-          Currency
teers work in communities across             Togrog/tugrik (MNT)                        SOURCE: CIA World Factbook 2007
Mongolia. While most teach English,

                                                                                     JUNE 2007   |   S TAT E M A G A Z I N E   |   21
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