MAGNETIC WEST - views from the - Figge Art Museum

Page created by Frank Curry
MAGNETIC WEST - views from the - Figge Art Museum
views from the

                                                              JULY- AUGUST 2020

                      MAGNETIC WEST
      The Enduring Allure of the American West
Program and event changes may  27-SEPTEMBER    20,at2020
                                     view updates
MAGNETIC WEST - views from the - Figge Art Museum
Find the Figge! Look for the building          hidden in this newsletter. Stop by the
Museum Store and tell us where you found it to enter into a drawing to win a fun Figge prize.

Views from the FIGGE                                       Board of Trustees
JULY- AUGUST 2020 • Issue 40
                                                           Executive Committee
Published four times a year at no charge for               Ken Koupal President
members, friends, and people interested in the
museum. Postage paid at Cedar Rapids,                      Cindy Carlson Past President
Iowa 52401 and additional mailing offices.                 Don Doucette PhD Vice President
                                                           Hunt Harris Treasurer
Figge Art Museum                                           Samuel Skorepa Secretary
225 West Second Street                                     Kay Hall At Large
Davenport, Iowa 52801-1804                                 Debby Stafford At Large
             [ LOGO - COLOR ]
                                                           Board Members
                                                           Kyle Carter
Home of the                       art collection.          Nancy Danico
                                                           Joseph D’Souza, DDS
                                                           Denise Garrett
                                                           Mary Lou Kotecki, PhD
             [ LOGO - INVERSE ]

                                                           Richard Lynn
Grand Lobby at the Figge Art Museum                        Carolyn Martin, MD                                                                                           Susan
                                                           Marion Meginnis                                                                                            Flanburg
                                                           Sue Quail                                                                                                  & her pal
                                                           Greg Schermer                                                                                            Boo-Boo Bear
is the exclusive hospitality sponsor
               [ LOGO - BW ]
                                                           Aleeza Singh
for the Figge Art Museum                                   Tom Terronez                                                                                              Outpatient Total
                                                                                                                                                                     Hip Replacement

HOURS                                                      ADMISSION
Reservations encouraged
10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday,
                                                           $10 adults; $6 seniors and students with ID;
                                                           $4 children ages 4-12; children under age 4 free                               HOME IN A dAY
   Friday, Saturday                                        AAA members save $2
10 a.m.-8 p.m. Thursday                                                                                                      Outpatient total joint replacement
Noon-5 p.m. Sunday                                         FREE ADMISSION
                                                           Thursday evenings from 5-8:30 p.m.                            The surgeons at ORA Orthopedics specialize in outpatient total joint
Café reservations and facility rentals                     Seniors first Thursday of the month
563.345.6657                                                                                                             replacement surgery. As the largest and most advanced provider of
                                                           Active U.S. Armed Forces and their families
FREE SENIOR DAY                                                                                                          orthopedic care in the Quad Cities, our fellowship-trained,
                                                           Wheelchairs available
Free admission first Thursday of each month
                                                           ALS interpreters upon request                                 board-certified physicians are redefining the experience for patients
                                                                                                                         who need total joint replacement.

                                                                                                                         With new advances in surgical techniques and personalized care
                                                                                                                         focused exclusively on you, you can now walk out of the surgical
                                                                                                                         center the very same day and recover in the comfort
                                   Figge Art Museum is supported, in part, by the Iowa Arts Council, a division of the   of your own home. Learn more at
                                   Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, and the National Endowment for the Arts.

COVER IMAGE: Terry Evans, American, b. 1944, Bison at Maxwell Game Preserve, Roxbury, Kansas, December, 1981, Archival
pigment print, 30 x 30 inches, Friends of Art Acquisition Fund, 2019.20.1, © Terry Evans, image courtesy of the artist

MAGNETIC WEST - views from the - Figge Art Museum
From the Director                                                                     Visitor Experiences
2020 is a year of two significant milestones for the                                  Policies for Visitors
Figge. In May, we made our final payment on our                                       We are closely monitoring COVID-19 and taking precautions as necessary.
construction debt for our beautiful building, and in
                                                                                      Check for updates and detailed guideline for visitors.
August, we will celebrate the 15th anniversary of the                                      6 FT
opening of that new space to the public. At the begin-
                                                                                                         Masks are required for all visitors age 3 and older. Masks
ning of the year, the staff and I began making plans to
                                                                                                          must be worn over mouth and nose.
mark these momentous events as well as for our 2020
programs and outreach, however, it soon became clear                                                     Children under 12 must stay with parent(s) or guardian(s)
we would have to restrategize due to COVID-19.                                                            at all times.
    The Figge staff quickly pivoted and adapted to                                                       Please use the hand sanitizing stations on each level and
this crisis. We immediately created and redirected                                         6 FT           wash hands frequently.
resources to our Virtual Museum and social media,                                                        Avoid touching your face.
where Figge audiences everywhere were able to enjoy educational, entertaining,              6 FT
                                                                                                         Observe posted signage throughout the museum with
mindful, and engaging activities from the comfort and safety of their homes.                              instructions for your health and safety.
Although we have now reopened our doors, our online outreach will continue and                           Please practice social distancing during your visit by
will move forward synergistically with our onsite programming. Please check our                           keeping 6 feet between you and other guests.
website for more details on these offerings.
    Our plans for our 15th anniversary have likewise shifted to an online platform,
and over 15 days, from August 6-21, we will offer unique virtual experiences,
                                                                                           6 FT
such as studio visits with artists, family art activities, private tours, classical
concerts, art talks, a mortgage burning, and much more. In this way, we can bring
our entire community together in a safe way to celebrate some of the Figge’s
triumphs and highlights from the past 15 years.
    What we have accomplished since 2005 and during this unprecedented period
is only possible because of you. We at the Figge are so grateful to be part of a
community that cares and understands the importance of our mission of bringing
art and people together. Our Board of Trustees, volunteers, members, and all of
you have stepped up and contributed your precious time and financial support,
enabling us to continue to enrich the lives of those in our community and beyond
and to provide interactions with art, connections with each other, learning oppor-
tunities, and respite during an anxious time. Thank you for making this impact on
our region and keeping your Figge strong.                                                                                 AugUSt 6-21, 2O2O Celebrate the Figge’s
                                                                                                                          15th anniversary with 15 days of fun including an
Michelle Hargrave                                                                                                         online performance by classical pianist Julian Gargiulo,
Executive Director                                                                                                        Caribbean cooking class, family scavenger hunt, tour of
                                                                                                                          the John Deere art collection, studio tour of Hot Glass,
                                                                                                                          and much more! See a complete listing of events and
                                                                                                                          register at

4                                                                                     Program and event changes may occur; view updates at               5
MAGNETIC WEST - views from the - Figge Art Museum
Magnetic West: The Enduring
Allure of the American West

                                                       Organized by the Figge Art
                                                       Museum, Magnetic West
                                                       features more than 150
                                                       photographs by some of the
                                                       most renowned photogra-
                                                       phers of the 19th and 20th
                                                       centuries. Picturing the West
                                                       as a metaphor for promise
                                                       and peril, the exhibition
                                                       explores issues of identity,
                                                       implications of living in a
                                                       changing landscape, and the                                                                        Kurt Weiser, American, b. 1950,
                                                                                                                                                          Random House (Globe), 2017,
                                                       centrality of Indigenous and                                                                       porcelain, glaze, china paint, and
                                                       immigrant communities to                                                                           metal, Image courtesy of the artist
                                                                                                                                                          and Ferrin Contemporary, North
                                                       the essential dynamism of                                                                          Adams, Massachusetts, © Kurt Weiser
                                                       the region. Including images
made by artists from the United States and abroad, the exhibition expands the
dialogue of how our view of the West has evolved from the 19th century to today.
   Assembled from many public and private collections, the exhibition includes
                                                                                                      About Face:: Contemporary
important works by Robert Adams, Edward Burtynsky, Laura Gilpin, Zig Jackson,
Elaine Mayes, Wendy Red Star, Cara Romero, Victoria Sambunaris, Wim Wenders,
                                                                                                      Ceramic Sculpture
and many others. The exhibition will appear at the Sioux City Art Center October 24,                  JUNE 20-AUGUST 30, 2020 | FOURTH FLOOR GALLERY
2020, to January 17, 2021. A catalogue will be published in conjunction with
the exhibition.                                                                                       About Face: Contemporary Ceramic Sculpture examines the lineage and influence
                                                                                                      between the revolutionary generation of ceramic artists working in the figural
Contributing Sponsors:                                                                                genre in the 1950s and 1960s and artists working today. Through their work,
Constance Bosson Runge                                                                                these artists use the human form as a vehicle to explore issues relating to the body,
Carolyn Levine & Leonard Kallio Trust
                                                                                                      various social and cultural concerns, and concepts relating to the female/male gaze.
Modern Woodmen

Cara Romero, Chemehuevi, born 1977, 17 Mile Road, 2019, Archival pigment print, Private Collection,   Organized by the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Montgomery, Alabama
© Cara Romero, image courtesy of the artist

6                                                                                                     Program and event changes may occur; view updates at               7
MAGNETIC WEST - views from the - Figge Art Museum
Rob Lipnick: Mountains,                                                                         Seen and Heard: The Art
Faces, Stories, and Stacks                                                                      of Empowerment
AUGUST 15-NOVEMBER 8, 2020 | LEWIS GALLERY                                                      MAY 9-MAY 2, 2021 | ORIENTATION GALLERY, SECOND FLOOR

Throughout his long artistic                                                                                                                                          Seen and Heard: The Art
career, local artist Rob Lipnick                                                                                                                                      of Empowerment features
has developed a unique                                                                                                                                                women artists who asserted
system of iconography. The                                                                                                                                            their artistic empowerment
symbols in his ceramics link                                                                                                                                          despite social and cultural
his work to Jewish tradi-                                                                                                                                             barriers. In addition to
tion, popular culture, and                                                                                                                                            empowering themselves,
his personal experiences.                                                                                                                                             several of the artists on
This exhibition will feature                                                                                                                                          view use their work to
Lipnick’s most recent body of                                                                                                                                         give voice and visibility to
work, which consists of large                                                                                                                                         the marginalized. Whether
abstract ceramic assemblages                                                                                                                                          pursuing individual goals or
that challenge the viewer to                                                                                                                                          communal agency, these
discern meaning from their                                                                                                                                            artists have contributed to a
emblematic forms. These                                                                                                                                               more inclusive environment
works alongside Lipnick’s                                                                                                                                             in the art world and beyond.
more familiar ceremonial                                                                                                                                              Drawn from the museum
objects will provide insight                                                                                                                                          collection, artwork by Grace
into his artistic practice.                                                                                                                                           Hartigan, Louise Nevelson,
                                                                                                                                                                      Lee Krasner, Alison Saar, and
Contributing Sponsors:                                                                                                                                                others is now on view.

                                   Rob Lipnick, American, b. 1958, Arrangement, 2020, glazed    Marisol Escobar, known as Marisol, Venezuelan-American,
                                   ceramic, © Rob Lipnick, 2020, image courtesy of the artist   b. France, 1930-2016, Women’s Equality, 1975, color lithograph,
Jewish Federation                                                                               City of Davenport Art Collection, 1975.32, © 2019 Estate of
                                                                                                Marisol / Albright-Knox Art Gallery / Artists Rights Society (ARS),
of the Quad Cities                                                                              New York

6:30 p.m. Saturday, September 5
Members-only virtual tour of Rob Lipnick’s studio, led by the artist.                                                         Didier William: Lakou
Please contact Tessa Pozzi at to reserve your spot.                                       exhibition extended to August 23, 2020.

8                                                                                               Program and event changes may occur; view updates at                           9
MAGNETIC WEST - views from the - Figge Art Museum
Living Proof Exhibit:                                                                       Join Us in the Figge’s Virtual Museum
A Visualization of Hope                                                                     At the heart of all Figge programs is the belief that art has the power to transform lives,
                                                                                            especially during times of crisis and uncertainty. We hold this belief near and dear as we
SEPTEMBER 24-DECEMBER 6, 2020 | MARY WATERMAN GILDEHAUS COMMUNITY GALLERY                   navigate programming and redefine what it looks like to bring art and people together
                                                                                            when we can’t always be together in person.
The passion, courage, and talent of cancer                                                     Many of the programs that we have developed have been repackaged over the
survivors who use art to celebrate and                                                      past few months of transition—we hope you enjoy the assortment of offerings now
reflect upon survival are showcased in this                                                 available through the Figge’s Virtual Museum. As we can, we will continue to host
exhibit. The artworks vary widely in their                                                  modified programs in the museum, such as in-person, small-group classes, like figure
media and stylistic approaches yet coalesce                                                 drawing sessions that will start up again on Fridays in August. For programs that
around the theme of hope. The exhibition                                                    must accommodate larger groups of people, we will continue to host them online
is in collaboration with the non-profit                                                     until we determine it is safe to conduct them in person at the museum.
organization Living Proof Exhibit. To learn                                                    Trust me, we are as eager as you to gather together in person so we can pick up
more about Living Proof Exhibit, visit                                                      where we left off. Until that time, please join us and experience the transformative                                                                 power of art as we continue to look, learn, create, discover, and play together!

                                                                                            Melissa Mohr
                                                                                            Director of Education

Brand Boeshaar Scholarships                                                                 Full program listings and up-to-date information
                                                                                            can be found at
The results are in for this year’s recipients of the prestigious $12,000 scholarships for   Thursdays at the Figge has moved online! Programs are still free but registration is
students majoring in art, art education, design, or architecture. The program is funded     required and space is limited. Sign up today to reserve your spot!
by the Brand Boeshaar Foundation Fund, managed by the Figge Education Department,
and administered by the Community Foundation of the Great River Bend.                       All Virtual Thursdays at the Figge take place at 6:30 p.m. CST. Upon registration, you
                                                                                            will receive an e-mail that includes the link to join through Zoom.
2020 Recipients
                                                                                            Virtual Artist Talk: Andy Abeyta, July 23
Lillian L. Brand Scholarship Maggie Borata, Central DeWitt High School
                                                                                            Virtual Curator Talk: Vanessa Sage, July 30
Isabelle M. Brand Scholarship Lena Dybro, Davenport Central High School,
                                                                                            Virtual Artist Talk: Rob Lipnick, August 13
Creative Arts Academy
                                                                                            Virtual Artist Panel: August 20
Lucille Brand Boeshaar Scholarship Lucas Teasdale, Davenport Central High
                                                                                            Virtual Artist Panel: September 3
School, Creative Arts Academy
                                                                                            Virtual Artist Talk: Monica Correia, September 10
William Brand Boeshaar Scholarship Hope Van Patten, Davenport Central
High School, Creative Arts Academy                                                          Virtual Artist Talk: Wendy Red Star, September 17
                                                                                            Virtual Artist Celebration: Living Proof Exhibit, September 24
Honorable Mention
Don Heggen Memorial Scholarship Fund Recipients ($500 each)
Gracie Miller, Assumption High School                                                                  As programs and events are rescheduled, changes may occur.
                                                                                                          For the latest updates, visit
Sophie Curtis, Pleasant Valley High School
10                                                                                                                                                                                    11
MAGNETIC WEST - views from the - Figge Art Museum
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                                                                                                                   In March, the governor ordered museums and many other businesses across Iowa to
                                                                    Audiology Consultants, P.C.                    temporarily close in order to contain the spread of COVID-19. The Figge Art Museum
                                                                             was no exception. Figge staff created a Virtual Museum to bring art to the community
                                                         600 Valley View Drive         2215 E. 52nd Street
                                                               Lower Level                   Suite 2               in a new and innovative way.
         Stan   Goodyear
          600 Valley View Drive   cfp
                                2215     | cpa
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      REALTOR ®   Level
               , Licensed in Iowa &Suite 2 SRES®
                                    Illinois,            Suite 500
                                                             (309) 517-3889
                                                                                      600 N. College Avenue
                                                                                                                      The Virtual Museum offers exhibitions, tours, artist series, art education lessons,
            Moline, IL            Davenport, IA          Muscatine, IA                Geneseo,
            (309) 517-3889        (563) 355-7712         (563) 264-9406               (309) 944-9181               and activities that are available through the convenience of the Figge’s website.
                    563.370.8990          cell            3426 N. Port Drive          Hammond-Henry
                                                              Suite 500                    Hospital                The museum’s mission remains top priority by entertaining, educating, and inspiring
     4545 Welcome Way | Davenport, IA 52806
                                                             Muscatine, IA          600 N. College Avenue          virtual visitors in the comfort of their own homes.
                                                           (563) 264-9406                Geneseo, IL
                                                                                       (309) 944-9181
     DESIGN      FURNITURE        PROJECT MANAGEMENT                 FLOORING           INSTALLATION               Here’s our virtual impact since March 17:
                                                                                                                       17,335            Mobile Audio Tour participants

                                                                                                                    16,OOO               Visits to our Virtual Museum on our website

                                                                                                                      17,3O7             Followers of virtual content on Facebook (12,109),
                                                                                                                                         Twitter (2,792), and Instagram (2,406)

                                                                                                                      1,OOO              Views of Virtual Museum videos

                                                                                                                           229           Percent increase of people reached on our social media platforms

                                                                                                                          2O2            Percent increase of social media post engagements

                                                                                                                             22          Art games and activities introduced on our website for adults and kids

                                 210 Emerson Place • Davenport, Iowa 52801                                                     9         Percent increase in our email click rate by our 6,873 subscribers
                             210  563.326.1611
                                Emerson        •
                                           Place  • Davenport, Iowa 52801
                              563.326.1611 •
                            210 Emerson Place • Davenport, Iowa 52801
                                                                                                                                3        Virtual exhibitions
                       210 Emerson        •
                                      Place  • Davenport, Iowa 52801
                            210 Emerson Place • Davenport, Iowa 52801
12                      563.326.1611   •                                                 Program and event changes may occur; view updates at 13
                       210 Emerson        •
                                      Place  • Davenport, Iowa 52801
MAGNETIC WEST - views from the - Figge Art Museum
Philanthropy                                                                        Membership
My Museum: The Figge                                                                The Figge is committed to bringing art and people together, and we can’t do it
                                                                                    without you! Members provide critical support for our programs and outreach, all
is Important for a                                                                  while enjoying unlimited visits; discounts to the Museum Store, café, and classes;
Vibrant Community                                                                   and exclusive events, such as the annual member dinner, the Red, White, and Boom
                                                                                    Watch Party, and these Fall programs:
                                                                                    Rob Lipnick Virtual Studio
Hunt and Diane Harris have been                                                     Tour and Q&A
members of the Figge Art Museum                                                     4-5:30 p.m. Saturday, September 5
since the opening of the building in                                                Free; registration required
2005. “A vibrant community needs                                                    Take a virtual tour of Rob’s studio and
a strong base of cultural amenities.                                                learn about his processes. Enjoy an infor-
The Figge is one of the best regional                                               mative Q&A session following the tour.
museums in the country. It is an                                                    Wine & Art: Finger Painting
attraction and center of arts learning                                              (Members-only)
in the Quad Cities and an important                                                 Thursday, September 10
draw for those looking to move to
our area,” commented Hunt.                fellow board members, and committee         We offer memberships with NARM
   Over the years Hunt and Diane have     members,” he said.                          benefits, which provide you with free
attended many special exhibitions and        As a trustee of the board and            admission to nearly 700 museums
                                                                                                                                    Rob Lipnick, American, b. 1958, Stacked
events at the Figge. “We enjoy viewing    incoming development chair, Hunt            across North America!                         Arrangement (studio image), 2020, glazed ceramic,
the changing exhibitions and attending    recognizes the importance of                                                              Courtesy of the artist, © Rob Lipnick, 2020
programs at the Figge. Our favorite       supporting a cultural amenity like the
exhibitions are French Moderns, Monet     Figge. “There are so many worthy orga-
to Matisse, 1850-1950 and The Art of
Architecture: LEGO sculptures by Adam
                                          nizations in the community that it is
                                          hard to know what to support. Diane
                                                                                    Celebrate 15 Years at the Museum Store
Reed Tucker | Photographs by J. Hunt      and I try to balance our giving between   Find unique gifts exclusive to the Figge at the Museum Store. Everyone will appreciate
Harris II,” said Hunt.                    important areas of educational, human     the collection- and building-inspired favorites that support the museum and local artists.
   Hunt currently serves on the Figge’s   services, and cultural organizations.
Board of Trustees as treasurer and        We believe this is the best way we can
chair of the Finance Committee. He        support a vibrant community,” he said.                                                     NEW ARRIVAL
also serves on the Executive and             This belief is what has motivated                                                       Glow-in-the-Dark Jewelry
Governance committees and is the          Hunt and Diane to invest in the Figge                                                      Lamp-worked by hand from Krista
incoming chair of the Development         to continue to enrich the lives of the                                                     Bermeo in Indiana, these pieces
Committee. “I enjoy seeing and            people in our community through the                                                        glow like fireflies! | $30-$60
learning about great art and value        power of art.
the interaction I have with staff,

14                                                                                  Program and event changes may occur; view updates at 15
MAGNETIC WEST - views from the - Figge Art Museum
Museum Giving                                                                                    Mike and Jane Coryn
                                                                                                 Tom Coryn
                                                                                                                                 Jill Moon and Richard Seehuus
                                                                                                                                 Mumford Family Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                   William and Marie Wise
                                                                                                                                                                   William and Patricia Wohlford
                                                                                                 Joe D’Souza                     Bernadette Murphy                 Dale and Marie Ziegler
Noted paid contributions were received as of July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020.
                                                                                                 Don Doucette and                Martha Neal                       Mark and Barbara Zimmerman
                                                                                                    Lynn Drazinski               Joe Needham
VISIONARY                      Greg and Mary Schermer            James Havercamp                 Leslie Dupree and Ben Beydler   Henry and Linda Neuman            INVESTOR
$25,000 +                                                                                        Carol and Clark Ehlers          Robert and Marilyn Noe            $250 +
                               Thomas O. and Margaret Nobis      Connie Heckert
Carol J. Carlson*                                                                                Beth and Keith Ehrecke          Robert and Patricia Nolan         Carol Albrecht
                                 Foundation Fund                 Debbie Hegwein
John Deere Classic -                                                                             Dawn Fensterbusch               Terry and Linda O’Connell         James and Dianne Andrews
                                                                 E. R. Hofmann
    Birdies for Charity        PATRON                                                            John and Lisa Figge             Jacki O’Donnell                   Paula Arnell and Vincent Liu
                                                                 P. Charles Horan
Steven and Katia Katz          $2,500 +                                                          Stephen Figge                   Leo and Renate Peck               Andy and Elizabeth Axel
                                                                 George and Charlotte
Kenneth Koupal and             Nandita and Suresh Alla                                           Patricia Figge Glowacki         Susan Perry and                   Michael and Noreen Bailey
    Thomas Kersting            Anonymous                                                         Major General Yves and              Stanley Goodyear              Bart and Denise Baker
                                                                 Mary Lou Kotecki, Ph.D.
Bill Prichard*                 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation                                      Kathy Fontaine               Jeff and Jana Peterson            Gerald and Patricia Barenthin
                                                                 Mary Kunau
Susan Quail                    John and Kay Hall                                                 Joel and Diane Franken          Peggy Pierce                      Tara Barney
                                                                 Todd and Mary Beth Kunau
C.R. and Nancy von Maur        Peg and David Iglehart                                            Manfred and Sandy Fritz         Mel Piff and Sara Holtz           Stephanie Barrick and
                                                                 Mary Lind and Tom Lytton
                               Caroline Kimple                                                   Denise Garrett and              Raelene and Scott Pullen              Geoffrey Campbell
                                                                 Mary Lujack
PHILANTHROPIST                 Jane and Kevin Koski                                                 Jim Niedelman                Dennis and Lynn Quinn             Robert and Priscilla Bass
                                                                 Robert and Janet McCabe
$10,000 +                      Judie Lance                                                                                                                         Michael Batz and
                                                                 Frank and Ann McCarthy          Amrit and Amy Gill              Paul and Janet Rafferty
Beaux Arts Fund Committee      Richard and Barbara Lynn                                                                                                                Margaret Morse
                                                                 Marion Meginnis and             William and Marvel Green        Ronald Rickman
Rick Bowers and Ahn Spence     Delia and Dave Meier                                                                                                                J. Michael and Barbara Bauswell
                                                                    Jack Haberman                Carolyn Hamilton                Ed and Bobbi Rogalski
Cynthia Carlson                Larry and Carol Minard                                                                                                              Joyce Bawden
                                                                 Steven and Bonna Powell         Michelle Hargrave               Jim and Michelle Russell
Don A. and Connie Decker       Ohnward Foundation                                                                                                                  Bill and Judy Benevento
                                                                 Kay Kretschmar Runge            Jan Harper                      Siv Brit Saetre and
Bank of America -              Vickie Palmer                                                                                                                       Joseph Bergstrom and
                                                                 Linda Schneider                 Thomas Harper                       James Entwistle, Jr.
   Museums on Us               Stanley and Betty Reeg                                                                                                                  Shawna Duske
                                                                 Larry and Marilyn Schreiber     Alan and Kristina Harris        Dan and Marysue Salmon
Jeff and Susie Eirinberg       Joyce and Tony Singh                                                                                                                Mike and Barb Bleedorn
                                                                 Mark and Deborah Schwiebert     William and Ruth Anne Hartman   Malavika and
Frances Emerson and                Family Foundation                                                                                                               Prakash and Rupa Bontu, M.D.
                                                                 Rick and Nancy Seidler          Nancy and John Hayes                Devendra Shrikhande
   Robert McClurg              Hugh and Debby Stafford                                                                                                             John and Lin Boone
                                                                 Steve Sinner                    Dale Hendricks and              Aleeza Singh and Kyle Ekberg
Thomas K. and Jennifer Figge   Jim and Linda Tank                                                                                                                  James and Marcia Borel
                                                                 Sam Skorepa and Abbey Furlong      Alison McCrary               David and Dale Smith
Hunt and Diane Harris          Susan and Richard Vermeer                                                                                                           Jim and Marcia Borel
                                                                 John and Diane Slover, Jr.      William and Deborah Irey        Dan and Gayna Stadelman
Wynne and David Schafer        James and Melissa von Maur                                                                                                          Deborah and Thomas Bracke
                                                                 The John Danico Family          Marianne Jensen                 Dick Taber and Brad Mumm
Lloyd and Betty Schermer                                                                                                                                           James and Donna Brady
                                                                 Jon and Michelle Tunberg        John J. Quail Foundation        Maggie Tinsman
William & Marie Figge Wise     ARTIST                                                                                                                              Thomas and Elaine Bridge
                               $1,250 +                          Dana and Mark Wilkinson         Johnson Watkins Family          Scott and Beth Tinsman, Jr.
   Foundation                                                                                                                                                      Peter and Lisa Britt
                               Anonymous                                                            Foundation                   The Arc of the Quad Cities Area
                                                                 STEWARD                         Matthew Katz and                Larry and Jane Tschappat          George and Mary Britton
AMBASSADOR                     Bill Barnes                       $500 +                                                                                            Patrick J. and Sue Broderick
$5,000 +                       Mark and Rita Bawden                                                 Stephen Sokany               Twin State, Inc.
                                                                 Bank of America Charitable      Marjorie Kinsler                Rusty and Doris Unterzuber        Sarah and Tom Budan
Carmen and Jack Darland        Thomas J. Brawley                    Foundation                   Ann Koski                       US Bank                           Greg and Chris Bush
Martha Easter-Wells            Don and Dee Bruemmer              Barry Anderson                  Richard and Judith Kreiter      Paul and Donna VanDuyne           Roland Caldwell
Patricia Figge                 William and Dixie Burress         Eileen Benson                   Robert and Sherry Lindsay       Douglas and Jean Vickstrom        R L Campbell
John Gardner and               Andrew and Debi Butler            Robert and Suzanne Benson       Alan Marin                      Patricia Walkup                   James and Lisa Carstens
   Cathy Weideman              Dean Christensen                  Patricia and Greg Bereskin      Marilyn and Mark Marmorine      Dana and Faye Waterman            Carl and Barbara Cartwright
Bernhard and Vera Haas         John and Nancy Danico             Fred and Shirley Berger         John and Michele Martin         Kimberly and                      Charles and Susan Cartwright
Janice Hartwig                 Xenotronics Company               Ellen Boeye                     Joseph and Carolyn Martin           Robert Waterman, Jr.          Cynthia Cavanagh and
Richard Kleine                 Sara and Nathan Fierce            Steven Burke and                Sylvia Martin                   Tom and Maria Waterman                Michael Fitzgerald
Brian J. and Elizabeth Lemek   Bonnie Fox                           Darcy Anderson               Gary and Jean Medd              Pete and Jackie Wessels           Chris and Connie Connolly
J. Randolph and Linda Lewis    Bill and Christine Gallin         Andy and April Buske            Glenn and Kathleen Medhus       Donavon K. Weston and             Gene and Mollie Conrad
Brian and Diana Lovett         Peter Gierke                      Ed and Molly Carroll            Bonnie and Gerald Moeller           Kathleen Christensen-         Phillip and Barbara Cray
Daniel Molyneaux, Sr.          Marie-Catherine and               Nancy Chapman                   Molyneaux Insurance Inc             Weston                        Marty Curry
Alan and Julie Renken              Pierre Guyot                  George and Nancy Coin           Daniel and Jennifer Molyneaux   Gary and Becky Whitaker           Michele and H.J. Dane
                               Phyllis Hallene                   Kent and Nancy Cornish
*Deceased member

16                                                                                               Program and event changes may occur; view updates at 17
MAGNETIC WEST - views from the - Figge Art Museum
Loryann Eis                      Carmen and Bill Lundie          Ian and Sara Russell            Julie Beenblossom and           Aric and Tina Eckhardt           John and Raisin Horn
Rebecca Emeis Brookhart          Curtis Lundy                    Carol Schaefer                     Mary Downing                 Candace and Ronald Egger         Larry and Dianne Hosford
Ann Ericson                      Marjorie Magers                 Tim Schiffer and John Cameron   Karen Beetham and               Erin and Henry Emerle            Michael and Louise Howcroft
Robert and Karlen Fellows        Barbara Manlove                 Anthony and Helen Schiltz          Palmer Steward               Kenneth and Barbara Emerson      Jayna Hulleman
Kevin and Wendy Freebern         Brad and Lillian Martell        David and Julie Scott           Thomas Bengtson and             Mary Jo England                  Randall and Danette Hunt
Christopher Gabany               Tim and Karen Maves             Jerry and Julie Skalak             Kevin Carney                 Sandra Eskin                     Michael and Hedy Hustedde
Susan and David Gallagher        Cheryl and Waylyn McCulloh      Steve and Patti Sorensen        David and Ewelina Bergert       Ted and Lisa Ewing               Douglas and Colleen Hyde
David and Rene Gellerman         John and Geralyn McEvoy         SSAB Iowa Inc.                  Elyce and Nathan Billany        Tamara Felden and                Mary Kay and James Hymes
Genesis Systems                  Donna McKay                     Donald Staub                    George and Cynthia Bleich           Kurt Christoffel             Raphael Iaccarino and
John and Maureen Golinvaux       Susan McPeters                  Thomas and Mary Ann Stoffel     Harlow and Lila Blum            Rob and Dale Fick                   Barbara Maness
Philip and Greta Habak           Craig Meincke                   Sandra Stoit                    Mary Jeanne Bolger and          Jerry Fisher                     Gary and Nancy Ingelson
Lisa Hale                        John Menninger                  Amy and Fritz Swearingen           Rose Ann Vanacker            Kathryn and Timothy Flemming     Thomas Jackson and
Catherine Halligan               Teresa and James Mesich         Bob Thornton                    Joy and Chet Boruff             Patrick and Jeanne Flynn            Joanne Stevens
Barb Hansen                      Sharon Michaelsen               John Thorson and                Amy Bower                       Ronald and Beverly Foley         Chris and Dave Jagger
Linda and Gerald Hardin          Craig and Linda Miller             Zaiga Minka Thorson          John and Kathryn Bowman         Carol Francis and David Gamble   Laura Jagger
Nancy and William Hass           Vicky Miller -                  John and Katie Tritt            Dave and Ali Boyler             John Fraser and Peg Fraer        Brian Jennings
Sandra Hass                         V. Miller Consulting         Leanne Tyler                    Karen Brooke                    Ron and Cynthia Freidhof -       Jewish Federation of the
Luann and Kirk Haydon            Linda Minich and Denise King    Joseph and Nancy van Hook       Rebecca Bruno and John Keith        Ross’ Restaurant                Quad Cities
Gene Hellige and                 Christopher and Leanna Moen     Sara Volz                       Stan and Martha Buelt           David and Connie Freund          Judy and Jerry Johansen
   Loren Shaw Hellige            Ann and Jerry Mohr              Susan von Maur                  Richard and Jo Burns            Jean and Todd Friemel            Anne Johnson
Judy Herrmann and Jorge Cruz     Roger and Sarah Mohr            Andrew and Elizabeth Wallace    Alan Campbell                   Jim and Jeanne Gale              Kristi Kell
Marjorie Hier                    Norman and Janet Moline         James Walters                   Shelia and Alvaro Campos        Wendeline Galloway               Katie Kiley
John Higgins                     Kimberly and Tim Montgomery     Julie Walton                    Peter Caras                     Jan Garmong                      Lee and Julie Kimball
James and Carol Horstmann        Emily and Robert Navarre        Mike and Gail Walton            Nicole and Lee Carkner          Lee and Lisa Gaston              Brian and Tracy Kinman
Ralph and Mary Ellen Horton      Lois Nichols                    Patrick Walton and              Kyle and Maureen Carter         Benjamin Gladkin and             Peter and Susan Kivisto
Frederick and Virginia Houlton   Ann and Paul Nicknish              Theresa Jantzi               Sara Carton                         Haley Bierman-Holloway       Joel Kline and
Harry Hoyt, Jr.                  Jeanne and Paul Olsen           Tom and Kelly Warner            Karen Cathelyn                  James and Stephanie Godke           Catherine Woodman
Steve and Mary Ellen Hunter      Arla Olson                      Neil and Perrine West           Joseph and Shelley Chambers     Robert and Mary Jo Godwin        Donna Knickrehm
Steve and Maggie Jackson         George and Patricia Olson       Kerry White                     Frank and Carol Cincola         Rhonda Golden                    Michael and Lenore Knock
Lois Jecklin                     Angela and Dale Owen            Pamela White                    David and Sharon Cinotto        Regina and Jeffrey Goldstein     Wolf and Linnea Koch
Anne Jochum                      Constance Parkinson             Diane and Mike Whiteman         Richard Clewell                 Tom and JoAnn Goodall            Georgie Koenig and Lloyd Kilmer
Ann and Jim Kappeler             Cindy Pippert-Holmgren          Patrick and Dawn Woodward       Kathleen Collins                Mary Grant                       Kevin and Susan Kraft
Sherry Kaufman                   Curtis Poor and                 Mark and Laura Wriedt           Anne Colville and               Shaun and Victoria Graves        Kate Kremer and
Joe and Ana Kehoe                   Kay Sigardson-Poor           Steve and Barbara Wright           Steve Morrison               Luanne and Tom Gritton              Jonathan Crimmins
Aaron and Dorole King            Dan Portes and Judy Shawver     Brendan Young                   Sarah and Ethan Connors         Rex and Susan Grove              Danae Krutzfeldt
John and Jane Klinkner           Anne Powers                                                     Jack and Bridget Consamus       Barbara and James Hahn           Dean and Marybeth Kugler
Frank and Teresa Klipsch         Joseph Pozzi -                  BENEFACTOR                      Maria Cummings                  Roger and Laurie Hakeman         Deb Kuntze
Kent and Cheryl Kolwey                                           $150 +                          Sandra Daily                    Jay and Jennifer Hamilton        Norma Kurth
                                    Donora Family Chiropractic
Barbara Korbelik                 David and Paula Pratt           Lanny and Erika Adamson         Barbara Davison                 Mary and Daniel Hansen           Charles and Donna Kuykendall
Harold and Rosanne Krubsack      Alta Price                      Christine Agy                   John and Carolyn Deason         Lois Harker                      Sally and Robert Lambert
Joan and Vito Kuraitis           Theodore Priester and           Kenton Allen and                Don and Nancy Dehner            Marcie Hauck                     Marion Lardner
Gary and Gerda Lane                 Emilie Giguere                 Ghada Hamdan-Allen            Jason and Sonia Deutmeyer       Heart of America Group           Peter and Beth Laureijs
Brian and Ella Layer             Stephanie and                   Patricia Andersen               Alan and Dawn Dickey            Heidi and Kris Hernandez         Dan and Ruth Lee
James and Elisabeth Leach           Tom Raphael-Nakos            Steve Anderson and              John Dilg and Jan Weissmiller   Dave and Connie Herrell          Janet Leman
Roberto Leone and                John and Mariann Reese            Kathy Emorey                  Jerry and Steve Drucker         Vern and Ann Hill                Mary Ann Linden
   Andrew Hamilton               Jerome and Carole Reid          Marla and Steve Andich          Mary and Michael Drymiller      Lynn and Gary Hirsch             Ben and Aryn Lloyd
Robert and Barbara Lipnick       Republic Companies              Mary Jane Andrews               Maxine Duhm                     Jim and Linda Hoepner            Tim and Nora Loss
Catherine and William Litwinow   James and Jacque Richards       Amir and Lisa Arbisser          J. Huston Dunn and              Bill Homrighausen                Holly and Joseph Loussaert
Joe and Ann Lohmuller            Peter and Merriam Rink          Ralph Baechle                      Joanne Mercer                Peg and Scott Hopkins            Fred and Cindy Lukasik
Jerry Lowe and                   River Valley Coop               David and Mary Baker            John Dunsheath and Ann Hailey   Susan Horan                      Helen and Jeff Macalister
   Janet Brown-Lowe              Caitlin Russell                 Honey and Daniel Bedell

18                                                                                               Program and event changes may occur; view updates at 19
Salvatore Marici                  Andrew and Michelle Richmond     Martin Tinberg and             GRANTS AND                        Susan Perry and                 John Deere Classic –
Robert and Mona Martin            Erin Rickels                        Carol Branagan              SPONSORS                             Stanley Goodyear                Birdies for Charity
Joan Marttila and Richard Gast    Ron and Amy Riggins              John and Linda Titus           $100,000 +                        Mark and Deborah Schwiebert     Martin and Susan Katz Estate
Jeff and Jo Ellen Maurus          Jimmie and David Ring            Gwen Tombergs and              The Bechtel Trusts                Theisen’s Home, Farm,           Joe and Ana Kehoe
Ron and Cindy May                 Bill and Sylvia Roba                Dave Wayne                  Quad City Cultural &                 Auto Store                   Marjorie Kinsler
Paul and Sue McDevitt             Chuck and Pamela Roeder          Clayton and Sue Traver           Educational Charitable Trust    Visit Quad Cities               Cindy and Dan Kuhn
David McEchron                    David and Kara Rohlf             Charles and Joyce Urbain                                         Whitey’s Ice Cream              J. Randolph and Linda Lewis
Kathleen McLaughlin               Paul and Karen Rohlf             Ken Urban                      $50,000 +                         Xenotronics Company             Frank and Ann McCarthy
Michel and Linda Menard           Dennis and Patricia Rose         Norman and                     Regional Development                                              Michael’s Arts & Crafts Store
Aaron Miers                       John and Celeste Roth               Margaret Vandekamp            Authority                       $500+                           Dennis and Pat Miller Estate
Randal and Victoria Miller        Bill and Karen Rubright          Kym and Jeff Vandygriff        Scott County Regional             5ive Star Salon and Spa         Bernadette Murphy
John and Linda Molyneaux          Robert and Linda Ryden           Deb Vanspeybroeck, Ph.D.         Authority                       Eye Surgeons Associates, PC     Martha Neal
Daryl Ann Moore                   Jennifer Saintfort               Diane von Dresky                                                 Dawn Fensterbusch               Henry and Linda Neuman
                                                                                                  $25,000 +                         Junior Board of Rock Island
Kathy and Dan Moore               David and Ginny Samuelson        Carol and Larry Wagner                                                                           Olde Towne Bakery
                                                                                                  Brand-Boeshaar                    Michael and Sara Thoms
Nancy Mott                        Jack and Peggy Sands             Wayne and Kay Wagner                                                                             Palmer Hills Golf Course
                                                                                                    Foundation Fund
Edwin and Chris Motto             Dick and Kit Sayles              Margaret Walsh                                                                                   James and Sandra Partridge
                                                                                                  John Deere Foundation
Gregory and Susan Murphy          Thomas Scanlin                   Thomas Walsh                                                     IN-KIND                         Beth Peters and
                                                                                                  Windgate Charitable Foundation
Tim and Diane Murtha              Ronald Schaecher                 Marvin and Carol Webb                                            Aldrich House                      Jason Carpenter
Gladys and Diego Navarro          Martha and Timothy Schermer      Ida and Jim Weibel             $10,000 +                         Amir and Lisa Arbisser          Peggy Pierce
David Mark Nelson and             Rowen Schussheim                 Cheryl Welsch and              Iowa Department of                Bella Salon                     Anne Powers
   Ann Marie Campagna             Jim Schwarz and Linda Gonzales      W. David Snowball             Cultural Affairs                Biaggi’s Ristorante Italiano    Quad City River Bandits
Jon and Chrystal Nevenhoven       Matt and Tracy Schwind           Matthew Welty                  Kathryn J. Dinardo Fund           Blue Iguana Mexican Cantina     Quad City Storm
Gary and Nancy Nolan              Randi and Gary Segal             Cal and Jill Werner                                              Celebration Belle               Quad City Symphony Orchestra
Jim and Judy Nordquist            Donna Seifert                    Randy and Barbara Westerdale   $5,000 +                          Central Standard Craft          Susan Quail
Don and Angela Normoyle           Ron and Becky Sipes              Linda Jane Wheelan             American Bank & Trust Co.            Burgers & Beer               Rhythm City Casino, Davenport
Samuel and Elisabeth Norwood      Corrine and Steve Smith          Liz and Ted Whisler            Genesis Health System              Dean L. Christensen            River Action, Inc.
Brad and Les Oates                Dennis and Linda Smith           Jeff and Megan Whitaker        Alan and Julie Renken             City Limits Saloon & Grill      River Music Experience
Michael Ochotorena                Nathan and Jennifer Sondgeroth   Todd and Judy White                                              Crawford Brew Works             Lloyd and Betty Schermer
                                                                                                  $2,500 +
George Ohley                      Larry and Mary Southwick         Karen Wickwire, Ph.D. and                                        Daffodil Row                    Tim Schiffer and John Cameron
                                                                                                  Grant W. Brissman & Virginia M.
Peter Paisley                     Tom Spitzfaden and                  Spike Bloom                                                   K. Vinje and Suzanne Dahl       Rick and Nancy Seidler
                                                                                                     Brissman Foundation
Janet Parker                          Robin Smith                  Bette and Jeff Wigand                                            Davenport Country Club          Aleeza Singh and Kyle Ekberg
                                                                                                  Jewish Federation of the
Dolores Payette Kustom            St Paul Lutheran Church          John and Jarene Wilch                                            Dimensional Graphics & PSS      Sippi’s Restaurant
                                                                                                     Quad Cities
Don and Marsha Pedersen           George Staley                    Linda Wilkinson                                                  Joe D’Souza                     Skin Dimensions Day Spa
                                                                                                  Carolyn Levine
Daryl Penner                      Don and Rita Stanforth           Jack and Marilyn Willey                                          Dean and Jane Dubin             Small Town Pastry
                                                                                                  J. Randolph and Linda Lewis
Dan and Melissa Pepper            Scott Stange                     Tony and Mary Williams                                           Elements of Design Inc.         Hugh and Debby Stafford
                                                                                                  MidAmerican Energy
Dick Petrizzo and Pam Feather     Jackie and Gene Staron           Claudia Wood                                                     Faithful Pilot Cafe             Steventon’s
                                                                                                     Holdings Co.
Vicki and Dennis Plamer           David and Ann Stern              Joe and Angela Woodhouse                                         Five Cities Brewing             Jim and Linda Tank
                                                                                                  Modern Woodmen of America
Carol Plouffe                     Eugene and Susan Sullivan        Kathleen and Lee Woodward                                        Front Street Brewery            The Outing Club
                                                                                                  Moline Foundation
Srinivasan and Gowri Purighalla   Sharon Suss and Bill Smutz       Joel and Michelle Wright                                         Frontier Hospitality Group      The Tangled Wood
                                                                                                  Northwest Bank & Trust Co.
Debbie Quinn                      Michael Swartz and               Peggy and David Wrzesinski                                       John Gardner and                Thunder Bay Grille
                                                                                                  Constance Runge
Megan Quinn                           Nancy McConnell              Jeff and Donna Young                                                Catherine Weideman           John and Linda Titus
                                                                                                  Wynne and David Schafer
Debra Rantilla                    Charles and Valerie Swynenberg   Stephen Young                                                    Glen E. and Sarah Gierke, Jr.   Susan and Richard Vermeer
Kelly and Katherine Rea           Nancy and Phil Tabor             Roger and Teresa Youngblut     1,000+                            Hunt and Diane Harris           Tom and Susan Vieth
Mary Regan                        Jim and Stephanie Tansey         Derk and Mishelle Ziegler      Andrew and Debi Butler            Shirley Harris                  What BBQ & Bar
Connie Retherford                 Clara Delle Thompson                                            CBI Bank & Trust                  Gene Hellige and                Whitey’s Ice Cream
                                                                                                  Doris and Victor Day                 Loren Shaw Hellige           Todd and Heidi Woeber
                                                                                                    Foundation                      Hot Glass Inc.                  Mark and Laura Wriedt
                                                                                                  John Gardner and                  Hotel Blackhawk                 Zeglin’s Home TV and
                                                                                                    Cathy Weideman                  Stacey and Terry Houk              Applicance, Inc.
                                                                                                  GreenState Credit Union           Isabel Bloom                    Zeke’s Island Cafe

20                                                                                                Program and event changes may occur; view updates at 21
INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERS            John Gardner and                Linda and Warren Fierce            Sharon and Jennifer Pinnick     Mary Lou Kotecki, Ph.D.         John H. Hobbs and Davia Gallup
Augustana College                    Catherine Weideman          Bonnie Fox                         Theodore Priester and           Barbara Langley                 Mark and Kathy Kilmer
Black Hawk College               Glen E. and Sarah Gierke, Jr.   Pat and Tom Freiburger                Emilie Giguere               J. Randolph and Linda Lewis     William Nichelson
Creative Arts Academy            John and Kay Hall               Craig And Karen Hansen             Kristin Quinn and               Mark and Marilyn Marmorine      Maggie Tinsman
Eastern Iowa Community College   Nancy and John Hayes            Connie Heckert                        Anthony Catalfano            Sylvia Martin                   State Farm Companies
Palmer College of Chiropractic   Connie Heckert                  Lynn and Gary Hirsch               Sherif and Teri Ragheb          Don and Ronda Meduna              Foundation
St. Ambrose University           John C. Higgins                 Raymond and Joyce Holland          Rosie Sly-Ginther               Joy and Michael Peterson
University of Iowa               James and Carol Horstmann       Delores Immesoete                  Janelle Swanberg and            Susan Quail                     William & Alberta Seesland
Western Illinois University      Jewish Federation of the        Connie Jones                          Donald J. Fish               Stephanie and                   Billie Brewer
                                     Quad Cities                 Kevin and Jane Koski               Dick Taber and Brad Mumm            Tom Raphael-Nakos
                                 Katie Kiley                     R. B. and K. S. Kramer                                             Bill and Sylvia Roba            Jeanne Stopulos
CHECK US OUT!                                                                                       Robert Horton                                                   Andrew and Debi Butler
LIBRARY MEMBERS                  Mary Lou Kotecki, Ph.D.         Richard and Judith Kreiter                                         David and Wynne Schafer
                                 Barbara Langley                 Judie Lance                        Glen E. and Sarah Gierke, Jr.   Jerry and Virginia Schroder     Craig and Gretchen Cordt
Bellevue Public Library                                                                                                                                             Linda and Dave Emrick
Bettendorf Public Library        William and Kathy Langley       J. Randolph and Linda Lewis                                        Sheila Tallman
                                 Janet Leman                     Sandra Macumber                    Susan Jarrell Edwards           Eric And Mary Thomsen           Glen E. and Sarah Gierke, Jr.
Carnegie-Stout Public Library                                                                       Larry and Marilyn Schreiber                                     Mimi Greer
Cordova District Library         Brian and Diana Lovett          Sylvia Martin                                                      Patricia Walkup
                                 Richard and Barbara Lynn        Lori And Kerry Mildon                                              Linda Wilkinson                 Jim and Julie Herring
Davenport Public Library                                                                            Mary Lou Johnson                                                Katie Kiley
Geneseo Public Library           Marjorie Magers                 Eloise Pfeiff
                                                                                                    Kay Runge                       Oscar Leidenfrost               Mark and Deb Kretschmer
LeClaire Community Library       Jacqueline O’Donnell            Susan Quail
                                 Priscilla Parkhurst             Stephanie and                                                      Barbara Leidenfrost             John Larson
Monticello Public Library                                                                           Ross Lance                                                      Patricia Moritz
Robert R Jones Public Library    Mr. and Mrs. Leo Peck              Tom Raphael-Nakos               Mary Jane Andrews
                                 Peggy Pierce                    Ardith and Phillip Simms                                           Vida Luth                       Richard and Martha Patterson
Scott County Library System                                                                         Renee Becker                    Holly and Jacob Stuart          Kay Runge
Warren County Public             Anne Powers                     Joseph and Nancy van Hook          Mike and Barb Bleedorn
                                 Bill Prichard                   Patricia Walkup                                                                                    Matt and Tracy Schwind
  Library District                                                                                  Norm and Linda Bower            Jean Mayes                      Thomas and Sally Schulz
Western District Library         Susan Quail                                                        Neighbour Bozeman
                                                                 Scott Holgorsen                                                    J. Randolph and Linda Lewis     Dob Schutter
Winterset Public Library         Stephanie and                                                      Don and Dee Bruemmer
                                     Tom Raphael-Nakos           Fred and Shirley Berger                                                                            Art and Rachel Serianz
                                                                                                    Michael Bullock                 Pam McDermott                   Kerry Strayhall
                                 Paul and Ann Nicknish           George and Cynthia Bleich
                                                                                                    Carol and Clark Ehlers          Jeff and Jean Yerkey
IN HONOR                         Kay Runge                       Doris Brinning-Ross
                                                                                                    Jacqueline and Harvey Erikson
Figge Docents                    St. Paul Lutheran Church        Marshall and Carol Daut                                            Anna Ohanesian
                                                                                                    Bonnie Fox
St. Paul Lutheran Church         David and Wynne Schafer         Linda and Warren Fierce                                            Brian and Diana Lovett          A proud sponsor of Figge programs
                                                                                                    Bill and Christine Gallin
                                 Hugh and Debby Stafford         Lisa and Rich Gentry                                               Susan and Richard Vermeer
                                                                                                    Connie Haiar
Kenneth Koupal Retirement        Jim and Linda Tank              Sharon Getty
                                                                                                    Barb J. Hansen
Mara and Michael Downing         Maggie Tinsman                  Catherine Halligan                                                 Harold Rayburn
                                                                                                    Beth and Brad Hartman
                                 US Bank                         Cynthia Haring and Katia Valdeos                                   Mary Ellen and Amy Chamberlin
                                                                                                    Julie Kolmos
La Table Ronde                   Susan and Richard Vermeer       Bob Heimer and Victoria Navarro                                    Thomas and Dori Erps
                                                                                                    Kevin and Jane Koski
Robert and Janet McCabe          Patricia Walkup                 Dale Hendricks and
                                 Ann Werner                         Alison McCrary
Tim Schiffer’s Retirement        Cal and Jill Werner             John C. Higgins,
Mike and Barb Bleedorn                                              Oscar and Buddy
Don and Dee Bruemmer                                             Raymond and Joyce Holland
Dean L. Christensen              MEMORIALS                       William and Julie Holmer
Don and Connie Decker            Gloria Gierke                   Ed Holstrom
Don Doucette and                 Anonymous                       Robert and Barbara Lipnick
   Lynn Drazinski                                                Sammy and Mrs. Marogil
Joseph D’Souza                   Jerry Hansen                    Nancy Messenger and
Leslie Dupree and Ben Beydler    Robert and Margaret Andriano       Paul Symons
Jeff and Susie Eirinberg         Mike and Barb Bleedorn          Bonita Meyer
Bonnie Fox                       Patrick J. and Sue Broderick    Italo and JoAnn Milani
Joel and Diane Franken           Janet Ciegler                   Michael and Cheryl Miller
                                 Leslie Dupree and Ben Beydler   Dick and Penelope Peterson

22                                                                                                  Program and event changes may occur; view updates at 23
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