Macquarie University at DUC 2006: Question Answering for Summarisation
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Macquarie University at DUC 2006: Question Answering for Summarisation Diego Mollá and Stephen Wan Centre for Language Technology Division of Information and Communication Sciences Macquarie University Sydney, Australia {diego,swan} Abstract sity. The main feature of AnswerFinder is the use of lexical, syntactic and semantic information to We present an approach to summarisa- find the sentences that are most likely to answer tion based on the use of a question an- a user’s question. We decided to make minimal swering system to select the most rele- modifications to AnswerFinder and to focus on the vant sentences. We used AnswerFinder, conversion of the DUC text into questions that can a question answering system that is be handled by AnswerFinder. In particular, the being developed at Macquarie Univer- text of each DUC topic was split into individual sity. The sentences returned by An- sentences, and each sentence was passed to An- swerFinder are further re-ranked and swerFinder independently. A selection of the re- collated to produce the final summary. sulting sentences were combined using a simple This system will serve as a baseline method described here. upon which we intend to develop meth- Section 2 describes how the DUC topics were ods more specific to the task of question- converted into individual questions. Section 3 de- driven summarisation. scribes the question answering technology used to find the sentences containing the answers. Sec- 1 Introduction tion 4 focuses on the method used to select the most relevant sentences and combine them to form This document describes Macquarie University’s the final summaries. Sections 5 presents the re- effort to use the output of a question answering sults. Finally, Section 6 presents some conclusions system for the task of document summarisation.1 and discusses further research. Current question answering systems in general, and our system in particular, are designed to han- 2 Converting Topics to Sequences of dle simple questions that ask for a specific item of Questions information. In contrast, a DUC topic is typically a block of text made up of a sequence of declar- AnswerFinder is designed to answer simple ques- ative sentences. A complex information request tions about facts and lists of facts. The version of such as those formulated as DUC topics needs to AnswerFinder used here is a Python-based version be mapped into a set of simpler requests for spe- that participated in the question answering track of cific information. This is what we did in our im- TREC 2004 (Mollá and Gardiner, 2005). plementation. Questions in the QA track of TREC 2004 were We used AnswerFinder, the question answer- grouped into topics. Each topic is a group of ques- ing system being developed at Macquarie Univer- tions about specific aspects of the topic. An exam- 1 This work is supported by the Australian Research Coun- ple of a TREC topic is shown in Table 1. cil under ARC Discovery grant DP0450750. Questions in a topic are of three types:
Topic number 2: Fred Durst num D0602B 2.1 FACTOID What is the name of Durst’s title steroid use among female ath- group? letes 2.2 FACTOID What record company is he narr Discuss the prevalence of steroid with? use among female athletes over 2.3 LIST What are titles of the the years. Include information group’s releases? regarding trends, side effects and 2.4 FACTOID Where was Durst born? consequences of such use. 2.5 OTHER Other Table 2: DUC topic D0602B Table 1: A topic in TREC 2004 Topic number D0602B: steroid use among female athletes FACTOID: Questions about specific facts. The D0602B.1 LIST Discuss the prevalence of answer is a short string, typically a name or a steroid use among female number. athletes over the years. LIST: Questions about lists of facts. D0602B.2 LIST Include information re- garding trends, side ef- OTHER: This special question requires finding fects and consequences of all relevant facts about the topic that have not such use. been mentioned in the answers to the previ- ous questions. Table 3: DUC topic converted into a TREC topic The grouping of TREC questions into topics was very convenient for our purposes, so we de- in the declarative form. As a matter of fact, cided to convert DUC topics directly into TREC the parser used by AnswerFinder is gener- topics. This was done by using the same topic ally more accurate with declarative sentences names as in the DUC topics, and splitting the DUC than with interrogative sentences. The only topic descriptions ( field) into individual real impact of using the interrogative form is sentences. Each individual sentence was treated as during the process of classifying the question. a LIST question by AnswerFinder. The rationale However, given that the kinds of questions for converting all sentences into LIST questions is asked in DUC are likely to be very different that we aim at finding all sentences that contain from those asked in TREC, it is still neces- the answer. AnswerFinder is designed so that the sary to adapt the question classifier to the new output of a LIST question is the list of unique an- task. swers to that question. This is therefore the closest • Split complex sentences into individual ques- to what we need. tions. For example, the sentence Include in- For example, the DUC topic D0602B (Table 2) formation regarding trends, side effects and was converted into the TREC-like topic shown in consequences of such use could be converted Table 3. into three questions: The conversion is clearly a simplification of what could be done. There are two enhancements 1. What are the trends of such use? that would be likely to produce questions that are 2. What are the side effects of such use? better tuned for AnswerFinder: 3. What are the consequences of such use? • Transform indicative forms into questions. 3 Sentence Selection Driven by the This option seems obvious, though the im- Questions pact of doing this is not as strong as it would seem. This is so because the ques- The version of AnswerFinder that participated in tion answering module can handle sentences TREC 2004 returns exact answers. For example,
the exact answer to the question What is the name 3.3 Candidate Sentence Extraction of Durst’s group? is Limp Bizkit. In the process Given the set of documents provided by NIST, An- of finding the exact answer, the system first deter- swerFinder selects 100 sentences from these doc- mines the sentences that are most likely to contain uments as candidate answer sentences. the answer. This is the output that we made An- Candidate sentences are selected in the follow- swerFinder produce for the DUC system. In par- ing way: ticular, the following modules of AnswerFinder were used: 1. The documents provided by NIST are split into sentences. The sentence splitter follows • Question normalisation a simple approach based on the use of a fixed list of sentence delimiters. This is the same • Question classification method that we used to split the DUC topic description into TREC questions. • Candidate sentence extraction 2. Each sentence is assigned a numeric score: • Sentence re-scoring 1 point for each non-stopword that appears in the question string, and 10 points for the pres- These modules are described below. ence of a named entity of the expected an- swer type. AnswerFinder automatically tags 3.1 Question Normalisation the named entities in all the documents in an Given that the questions may contain anaphoric off-line stage prior to the processing of DUC references to information external to the ques- topics. tions, AnswerFinder performs simple anaphora 3. For each question, the 100 top scoring sen- resolution on question strings. In particular, An- tences are returned as candidate answer sen- swerFinder performs a simple replacement of the tences. pronouns in the question with the topic text. Since AnswerFinder needs syntactically correct ques- As an example of the scoring mechanism, con- tions, the target is transformed to the plural form sider this pair of question and candidate answer or the possessive form where necessary. The trans- sentence: formation uses very simple morphological rules to transform the questions as shown in Table 4. Q: How far is it from Mars to Earth? 3.2 Question Classification A: According to evidence from the SNC meteorite, which fell from Mars to Generally, particular questions signal particular Earth in ancient times, the water con- named entity types expected as responses. Thus, centration in Martian mantle is esti- the example below expects a person’s name in re- mated to be 40 ppm, far less than the sponse to the question: terrestrial equivalents. Who founded the Black Panthers orga- The question and sentence have two shared non- nization? stopwords: Mars and Earth. Further, this sentence has a named entity of the required type (Number): AnswerFinder uses a set of 29 regular expres- 40 ppm, making the total score for this sentence sions to determine the expected named entity type. 12 points. These regular expressions are the same used in our contribution to TREC 2003 and they target the oc- 3.4 Sentence Re-scoring currence of Wh- question words. In addition, spe- The 100 candidate sentences are re-scored based cific keywords in the questions indicate expected on a combination of lexical, syntactic, and seman- answer types as shown in Table 5. tic features:
What record company is he with? −→ What record company is Fred Durst with? How many of its members committed sui- −→ How many of Heaven’s Gate’s members cide? committed suicide? In what countries are they found? −→ In what countries are agoutis found? Table 4: Examples of pronoun resolution performed by AnswerFinder Keyword Answer Type city, cities Location percentage Number first name, middle name Person range Number rate Number river, rivers Location what is, what are, what do Person, Organisation or Location how far, how long Number Table 5: Examples of question keywords and associated answer types Lexical: The presence of a named entity of the of parser was the Connexor Dependency expected answer type and the overlap of Functional Grammar and parser (Tapanainen words. and Järvinen, 1997). Being dependency- based, the transformation to grammatical re- Syntactic: The overlap of grammatical relations. lations is relatively straightforward. Semantic: The overlap of flat logical forms ex- tended with patterns. An example of the grammatical relations for a question and a candidate answer sentence follows: The use of lexical information has been de- scribed in Section 3.3. Below we will briefly de- Q: How far is it from Mars to Earth? scribe the use of syntactic and semantic informa- (subj be it ) tion. (xcomp from be mars) 3.4.1 Grammatical Relation Overlap Score (ncmod be far) The grammatical relations devised by (ncmod far how) Carroll et al. (1998) encode the syntactic in- (ncmod earth from to) formation in questions and candidate answer A: It is 416 million miles from Mars to sentences. We decided to use grammatical rela- Earth. tions and not parse trees or dependency structures (ncmod earth from to) for two reasons: (subj be it ) (ncmod from be mars) 1. Unlike parse trees, and like dependency (xcomp be mile) structures, grammatical relations are easily (ncmod million 416) incorporated into an overlap-based similarity (ncmod mile million) measure. 2. Parse trees and dependency structures are de- pendent on the grammar formalism used. In The similarity-based score is the number of re- contrast, Carroll et al. (1998)’s grammatical lations shared between question and answer sen- relations are independent of the grammar for- tence. In the above example, the two overlapping malism or the actual parser used. Our choice grammatical relations are shown in boldface.
3.4.2 Flat Logical Form Patterns Question Pattern: Semantic information is represented by means object(ObjX,VobjX,[VeX]), of flat logical forms (Mollá, 2001). These logi- object(what, ,[VeWHAT]), cal forms use reification to flatten out nested ex- object(ObjY,VobjY,[VeWHAT]), pressions in a way similar to other QA systems prop(of, ,[VexistWHAT,VeX]) (Harabagiu et al., 2001; Lin, 2001, for exam- And the pattern of Y has a X of ANSWER is: ple). The logical forms are produced by means of a process of bottom-up traversal of the depen- Answer Pattern: dency structures returned by Connexor (Mollá and dep(ANSWER,ANSW,[VeANSW]), Hutchinson, 2002). prop(of, ,[VeY,VeANSW]), A straightforward way of using the flat logical object(ObjX,VobjX,[VeX]), forms is to compute their overlap in the same way evt(have, ,[VeX,VeWHAT]), as we find the overlap of grammatical relations, object(ObjY,VobjY,[VeY]) so that the score of the above example would be Borrowing Prolog notation, the above patterns computed as follows: use uppercase forms or ‘ ’ to express the argu- ments that can unify with logical form arguments. Q: What is the population of Iceland? As the logical form of What is the population of object(iceland, o6, [x6]) Iceland? matches the above question pattern, then object(population, o4, [x1]) its logical form is transformed into: object(what, o1, [x1]) prop(of, p5, [x1, x6]) Q: What is the population of Iceland? dep(ANSWER,ANSW,[VeANSW]), A: Iceland has a population of 270000 prop(of, ,[VeY,VeANSW]), dep(270000, d6, [x6]) object(iceland,o6,[x6]), object(population,o4,[x4]) evt(have, ,[x6,x1]), object(iceland,o1,[x1]) object(population,o4,[VeY]) evt(have,e2,[x1,x4]) prop(of,p5,[x4,x6]) Now the transformed logical form shares all five terms with the logical form of Iceland has a pop- ulation of 270000, hence the score of this answer In this example, the two overlapping logical sentence is 5. In addition, AnswerFinder knows form predicates are shown in boldface. Note that the answer is 270000, since this is the value that the process to compute the overlap of logical that fills the slot ANSWER. forms must map the variables from the question The use of flat logical forms makes it possi- to variables from the candidate answer sentence. ble to handle certain types of paraphrases (Rinaldi AnswerFinder uses Prolog unification for this pro- et al., 2003) and therefore we believe that pat- cess. terns based on flat logical forms for the task of With the goal of taking into consideration the identifying answer sentences such as the ones de- differences between a question and the various scribed above are more appropriate than patterns forms that can be used to answer it, AnswerFinder based on syntactic information or surface strings. uses patterns to capture the expected form of However, the resulting patterns are difficult for hu- the answer sentence and locate the exact answer. mans to read and the process of developing the Thus, if a question is of the form what is X of Y?, patterns becomes very time-consuming. Due to then a likely answer can be found in sentences like time constraints we developed only 10 generic Y has a X of ANSWER. In contrast with other ap- templates. Each template consists of a pattern to proaches, AnswerFinder uses flat logical form pat- match the question, and one or more replacement terns. For example, the pattern for what is X of Y? patterns. The above example is one of the ques- is: tion/replacement patterns.
3.5 Actual Combination of Scores task then was to populate each of these portions After experimenting with various ways to combine with sentences. the lexical, syntactic, and semantic information, Our overall summary population strategy con- the system developed for TREC 2004 used the fol- sisted of the following steps: lowing strategy: 1. Perform any necessary re-ranking of sentence lists on the basis of their contribution to the 1. Select the top 100 sentences according to lex- final answer. ical information only (as described in Sec- tion 3.3). 2. Pop off the best sentence from each answer set and insert it into the summary portion re- 2. Re-rank the sentences using the following served for the question associated with that combinations (several runs were produced list. for TREC 2004): 3. Repeat step 2 until the summary length limit • 3gro + flfo, that is, three times the over- is reached. lap of grammatical relations plus once the overlap of flat logical forms. In other However, in order to populate a summary, we words, grammatical relations are given found that we had to handle the following two is- three times more importance than flat sues: logical forms. Issue 1 How do we select the best sentences given • flfo, that is, ignore the grammatical re- multiple questions? lations overlap and use the logical form information only. Issue 2 How do we allocate space to each ques- tion? Runs with the formula flfo had better results in In response to Issue 1, our re-ranking of an recent experiments with data from TREC 2005 so answer set was designed to handle duplicate ex- we decided to use this formula in the submission tracted sentences across all answer sets. Using the to DUC 2006. well-established principle in multi-document sum- marisation (Barzilay and McKeown, 2005), repe- 4 Sentence Combination tition of sentence content was again taken to indi- In this work, we aimed to produce a summary cate that the sentence was important. In our case, composed of extracted sentences. Given a set of a sentence that was automatically deemed to an- questions and a ranked list of returned sentences swer multiple questions, and which was hence re- per question (referred to as an Answer Set), the turned several times, was given an elevated score. final stage of our summariser determined which This was achieved by keeping the first instance of sentences were to be selected for the summary. In the duplicated sentence (in some answer set) but general, our sentence selection mechanism would updating its extraction score (as computed by An- return more sentences than could be used in the fi- swerFinder) by adding the scores of subsequent nal summary given the length limit of 250 words repetitions found in later answer sets. These du- per summary. plicates were then removed. Once the re-scoring Our summary content structure was quite sim- based on duplicate detection was completed, sen- ple. For each summarisation test case, we con- tences in each answer set were resorted in de- structed a summary skeleton that allocated an scending order by extraction scores, which are cur- equal portion of the summary for each atomic rently integers.2 question derived from the statements in the orig- 2 For sentences with the same score, we would have pre- inal DUC topic text. These portions were ordered ferred to sort these by conserving the sentence order in the original document. However, our system currently does not according to the order of the atomic questions in return this information to the summary generation module so the original DUC topic (i.e.. question order). Our we cannot ensure this.
To flesh out the summary skeleton, we iterated systems, the best scores, the worst scores, and the across answer sets in ‘question order’. The top scores of the NIST baseline system. The baseline sentence was removed from the answer set and system returns all the leading sentences (up to 250 then inserted into the appropriate portion reserved words) in the field of the most recent for that answer set in the summary skeleton. Note document. that as we kept the first instance of a repeated sen- On average, our results are just below the av- tence, this sentence tended to appear towards the erage and above the baseline. The only result be- beginning of the summary. Sentences underwent low the baseline was the quality score, though it simple preprocessing before insertion to remove should be mentioned that the baseline score was news source attribution information (like ‘Reuters higher than the best overall score across all sys- ’), or location and time information of the news tems. Considering the little amount of work spent story prepended to the sentence string. in the adaptation of the question answering system Our space allocation approach gave space to and the final combination of the answers (under 35 each question portion opportunistically (see Is- person-hours), these results are encouraging. sue 2) by looking at the quality of the answer We noted that there was not much difference be- sentences extracted as indicated by the extraction tween the scores produced by the automatic eval- score. After one pass across the answer sets, our uations of all the systems. Therefore we did not summary would at least have one sentence answer consider it advisable to evaluate the impact of spe- for each question. However, the 250 word limit cific components of our system in the overall re- may not yet have been reached. Instead of sim- sults. Instead, we will focus on perfecting the ply filling out the sentences by giving each ques- adaptation of the QA system and a more sophis- tion equal status (and hence equal portions of the ticated way of combining the answers found. summary), we gave more room in the summary to questions for which our sentence extraction mod- 6 Conclusions and Further Research ule found good answers. The intuition behind Our contribution was the result of initial experi- this is that if AnswerFinder has done a better job mentation on the integration of a question answer- on some questions and not others, we should not ing system for the task of question-driven doc- waste summary space by using sentences with low ument summarisation. The results obtained are extraction scores, which represent a low match to promising and suggest that there is good potential the question. of such an integration. To do this, we kept track of the best extrac- tion score seen so far, regardless of which ques- The technology used in AnswerFinderis de- tion is being answered. We call this the Recent signed to find answers to simple fact-based ques- Best score. We then iterated across answer sets tions (of the type used in the QA track of TREC). and if we found an answer that was as good as the This needs to be adapted to the needs of question- Recent Best score (i.e. equal to it), we appended it based summarisation. We have identified the fol- to the end of the relevant portion in the summary. lowing areas of further work: If, after examining all answer sets, no sentences Processing of the DUC topic description. We were found to be as good as the Recent Best score, plan to attempt a more detailed analysis of the we reduced the Recent Best score by one and re- DUC topic descriptions (the field) so that iterated again across answer sets. This process of they are converted into simpler sentences. In some filling in the summary ends when our given word cases this will involve decomposing a sentence limit is exceeded. with conjunctive elements into several simpler sentences. We currently integrate a dependency- 5 Results and Discussion based parser and therefore it would be possible The results of the evaluation conducted by NIST to analyse the sentence dependency structures to are shown in Table 6. The table includes the scores perform transformations that would split a depen- for our system, the mean of all the participating dency structure into several simpler structures.
Responsiveness Automatic Eval. Run Quality Content Overall R2 SU4 BE AnswerFinder 3.20 2.40 2.10 0.08 0.13 0.04 Rank 21-27 24-28 20-28 9-19 17-22 9-21 Mean 3.35 2.56 2.19 0.07 0.13 0.04 Median 3.40 2.60 2.20 0.08 0.13 0.04 Best 4.10 3.10 2.40 0.10 0.16 0.05 Worst 2.30 1.70 1.30 0.03 0.06 0.00 Baseline 4.40 2.00 2.00 0.05 0.10 0.02 Table 6: Results of the NIST evaluation; 34 systems participated; the rank range indicates the existence of other systems with same scores Question analysis. The sentences derived from rization. Computational Linguistics, 31(3):297– the DUC topic descriptions system are very dif- 328, September. ferent to typical TREC QA questions. Conse- John Carroll, Ted Briscoe, and Antonio Sanfilippo. quently, AnswerFinder’s question analyser needs 1998. Parser evaluation: a survey and a new pro- to be modified. Rather than converting the DUC posal. In Proc. LREC98. simplified sentences into TREC-like questions, it Sanda Harabagiu, Dan Moldovan, Marius Paşca, Mi- is probably more useful to develop a taxonomy hai Surdeanu, Rada Mihalcea, Roxana Gı̂rju, Vasile of sentence types specific to the DUC task, and Rus, Finley Lăcătuşu, and Răzvan Bunescu. 2001. then to develop a question classifier tuned to these Answering complex, list and context questions with LCC’s question-answering server. In Ellen M. sentence types and patterns. Provided that one Voorhees and Donna K. Harman, editors, Proc. can build a training corpus of reasonable size, a TREC 2001, number 500-250 in NIST Special Pub- good solution would be to use a statistical classi- lication. NIST. fier trained on such a corpus. Jimmy J. Lin. 2001. Indexing and retrieving natural We also want to study methods to identify the language using ternary expressions. Master’s thesis, question focus. Given that the questions are typi- MIT. cally in the form of declarative sentences (such as Diego Mollá and Mary Gardiner. 2005. Answerfinder discuss . . . ), typical methods used to find the focus at TREC 2004. In Ellen M. Voorhees and Lori P. in questions may not apply here. Buckland, editors, Proc. TREC 2004, number 500- 261 in NIST Special Publication. NIST. Sentence combination. The sentences extracted in the QA component are independent of each Diego Mollá and Ben Hutchinson. 2002. Dependency- other. These sentences need to be re-ranked in or- based semantic interpretation for answer extraction. In Proc. 2002 Australasian NLP Workshop. der to reduce redundancies and ensure a complete answer. Diego Mollá. 2001. Ontologically promiscuous flat logical forms for NLP. In Harry Bunt, Ielka van der Summary generation. Our text quality could Sluis, and Elias Thijsse, editors, Proceedings of also be improved further. To make better use of the IWCS-4, pages 249–265. Tilburg University. limited summary length, we will examine methods Fabio Rinaldi, James Dowdall, Kaarel Kaljurand, for compressing sentences. To enhance coherence, Michael Hess, and Diego Mollá. 2003. Exploit- we intend to examine schematic orderings of ex- ing paraphrases in a question answering system. In tracted information. Proc. Workshop in Paraphrasing at ACL2003, Sap- poro, Japan. Pasi Tapanainen and Timo Järvinen. 1997. A non- References projective dependency parser. In Proc. ANLP-97. ACL. Regina Barzilay and Kathleen R. McKeown. 2005. Sentence fusion for multidocument news summa-
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