MAC 2313 - Calculus with Analytic Geometry III Spring Session 2023

Page created by Brandon Perkins
MAC 2313 - Calculus with Analytic Geometry III
                               Spring Session 2023
Name: Dr. Petr Cheskidov
Office Hours:/Instructor Availability: TuTh, 9:40 – 10:00am in SE - UP 216
Email: Please use MyCourses for email communication.
Instructor Web Page:

Dean: Jimmy Chang
Office Location: SA 215 B
Office Number: (727) 341-4605

Academic Chair: Daniel Bueller
Office Location: UP 205
Office Number: (727) 341 – 4221

• eBook: Calculus, Early Transcendental Functions, 7th Edition, by Larson/Edwards,
       ISBN: 8220118193254
• Access to a computer and the Internet.
• Scientific calculator TI – 30XA recommended

Course Location: Seminole campus, Room UP 216
Meeting Days: TuTh, Jan 16 – May 12, 2023
Class Times: 8:00 – 9:40am

Course Dates: Jan 16 – May 12, 2023
Drop/Add Deadline: Friday, January 20, 2023
Withdrawal Deadline with a grade of "W": Friday, February 17, 2023
Final Exam: Tuesday, May 9, 2023, 8:00 – 9:50am


Course Description: This course is designed to follow MAC 2312, Calculus with Analytic
Geometry II. Topics include vectors in the plane and space, three-dimensional surfaces, various
coordinate systems, vector-valued functions, differential calculus of functions of several
variables, gradients, directional derivatives, applications of partial derivatives, multiple
integration, vector analysis, line integrals, surface integrals and applications.

MAC 2313 – Spring 2023                                                                            1
Course Goals:
1. The student will apply concepts of the geometric properties and calculus concepts involving
surfaces, two and three dimensional vectors, vector valued functions, planes, lines and the
cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems.
2. The student will apply the concepts of limits, continuity, differentiability and the chain rule to
functions of several variables.
3. The student will apply the theory of the calculus of functions of several variables to applied
4. The student will apply the extension of the concept of the "definite integral” to a two and three
dimensional setting and understand the theoretical development with respect to Riemann sums.
5. The student will apply concepts of multiple integrals to applied problems.
6. The student will demonstrate the concepts of vector analysis to applied problems.

Course Objectives:
1. The student will apply concepts of the geometric properties and calculus concepts involving
surfaces, two and three dimensional vectors, vector valued functions, planes, lines and the
cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems by:

a. computing the following when given two or three dimensional vectors: sum, difference, scalar
product, magnitude, dot product, cross product (3 dim. only), vector projection, scalar projection
b. finding the equations of planes and the parametric and symmetric equations of a line when
given sufficient information.
c. finding the derivatives and integrals of vector valued functions and apply these to applied
problems concerning both the motion of a particle, and tangent and normal vectors.
d. using vector dot products and cross products in order to compute distances between points,
skew lines and planes.
e. using cylindrical or spherical coordinates to solve problems dealing with three dimensional

2. The student will apply the concepts of limits, continuity, differentiability and the chain rule to
functions of several variables by:

a. finding limits of functions of two or three variables if the limits exist; show that a limit does
not exist by using different paths.
b. determining if a given function of two or three variables is continuous or differentiable at a
c. determining the partial derivatives of functions of two or more independent variables.
d. determining the partial derivatives of composite functions of two or more variables by using
the chain rule.
e. finding the first or second partial derivatives of functions of two variables at a given point by
using the definition of partial derivative.

3. The student will apply the theory of the calculus of functions of several variables to applied
problems by:

a. using the differential to demonstrate the differentiability of a function of several variables.

MAC 2313 – Spring 2023                                                                                 2
b. computing the directional derivative for a function of two or three variables and find the
equations of the tangent plane and normal line to a point on a given surface.
c. computing the gradient and use it in applied problems.
d. computing the possible extreme for a function of two variables.

4. The student will apply the extension of the concept of the "definite integral" to a two and three
dimensional setting and understand the theoretical development with respect to Riemann sums

a. approximating the value of an integrable function of two variables by using Riemann sums
b. computing the values of double and triple integrals by using iterated integrals in rectangular
coordinates, polar coordinates, cylindrical coordinates and spherical coordinates.

5. The student will apply concepts of multiple integrals to applied problems by computing areas,
volumes, centers of mass and surface areas by using double or triple integrals in rectangular,
polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates.

6. The student will demonstrate the concepts of vector analysis to applied problems by:

a. computing the line integral of a given 2 or 3 dimensional vector function by:
1) parametric equations
2) determining if conservative and using the Fundamental Theorem of Line Integrals
3) Green's Theorem
b. computing the curl and divergence of a vector field.
c. evaluating surface integrals including flux integrals both with and without the Divergence
d. applying line integrals and surface integrals to applied problems.

Prerequisite: MAC 2312, Calculus with Analytic Geometry II, or appropriate score on the SPC
mathematics placement test.

MAC 2313 – Spring 2023                                                                              3
Calculator Policy: There may be some restrictions on the type of calculator used in class so that students
with high-powered calculators are not at an unfair advantage over other students. Some pre-programmed
calculators will not be permitted on tests because students are required to be able to perform these tasks
by hand. A graphing calculator will not be allowed on the tests. A Texas Instruments TI-30XA calculator
is recommended.

The college-wide attendance policy is included in the Syllabus Addendum
The policy notes that each instructor is to exercise professional judgment and define “active participation”
in class (and therefore “attendance”), and publish that definition in each syllabus. For this class, active
participation/attendance is defined below:
        Completion of all tests,
         No more than four absences
Students who do not meet the active class participation requirement will be withdrawn from the course at
the 60% point with a failing grade ("WF").

If you do not attend class at all during the first week or at all during the second week of the session, the
college will be informed that you are a “No-Show” and you will be automatically withdrawn.

Students considering a voluntary “W” are expected to withdraw themselves no later than Feb 17, 2023
and must do so online in My SPC found at In accordance with college policy, no
student can withdraw from a course after the withdrawal deadline. Do NOT ask your instructor to
withdraw you from the course. It is your responsibility.

Your grade will be based on five proctored exams, each worth 100 points and a mandatory comprehensive proctored
final exam worth 200 points. In addition, there will be ten quizzes worth 10 points each. The final course grade will
be determined by the total points accumulated according to the following scale:
FINAL AVERAGE                      FINAL POINTS                        FINAL GRADE
90-100%                                720 – 800                              A
80-89%                                 640 – 719                              B
70-79%                                 560 – 639                              C
60-69%                                 480 – 559                              D
0-59%                                    0 –479                               F

Students are expected to respect and uphold the standards of honesty in submitting work to instructors.
Though occurring in many forms, plagiarism in essence involves the presentation of another person’s
work as if it were the work of the presenter. Any cheating or plagiarism will result in disciplinary action
to be determined by the instructor based on the severity and nature of the offense. It is the student’s
responsibility to review the SPC Academic Honesty policy and to act above suspicion at all times with
regard to academic issues.

MAC 2313 – Spring 2023                                                                                             4
As a student, you are responsible, at minimum, for reading the text, coming to lecture, completing
homework assignments, studying the material, and taking the required examinations.
   A. Arrive on time for lectures and plan to remain until the final minute of class. If you must leave
       early for an appointment, please sit near the door and exit without disturbing others. If you are
       absent from a class, you bear the full responsibility for learning all the material covered in class
       while you were absent.
   B. Once a student begins an exam the student may not leave the classroom while working on it.
   C. Turn OFF ALL electronic devices prior to coming to class and DO NOT TEXT during class.
   D. Learning mathematics is a process which requires active participation of students. Therefore,
       regular attendance and participation is expected and attendance will be taken each day. Please be
       sure to sign the daily sign-in sheet.

The Professor will:

        Establish and maintain, with your involvement and help, a safe, comfortable learning
         environment in which your opinions and thoughts are valued.
        Make meaningful assignments designed to broaden your knowledge and help improve your
         ability to problem solve utilizing the critical thinking skills developed in the study of
        Respond to all emails within a 48-hour period during the normal business week (M – F).
        Post grades in a timely manner.

    Tests: You will have five unit tests during the semester and the final exam during the scheduled
       examination period. The tests will consist of series of problems representative of the content
       covered up to the end of the unit including review concepts. Each unit test will be worth 100
       points. All five test scores will count in your grade. The final exam will be comprehensive and
       will be worth 200 points. If your score on the final exam [in percent form] is better than your
       lowest test score, your score on the final will replace the lowest test score. Your grade on the
       final exam may not be excluded from your final grade calculation
       ALL STUDENTS MUST TAKE the FINAL EXAM to pass the course.

    Quizzes: You will have ten quizzes worth 10 points each. No make-up quizzes will be given. Late
       quizzes will not be accepted. Quizzes are based on material covered in the previous chapters and
       homework assignments.

    Homework: You will have a homework assignment for every day of new material. Homework will not be
       graded but we will go over it in class as needed, it is intended to be practice. It is the students' responsibility
       to insure that they are comfortable with the material.

The student survey of instruction is administered in courses each semester. It is designed to improve the quality of
instruction at St. Petersburg College. All student responses are confidential and anonymous and will be used solely
for the purpose of performance improvement.

MAC 2313 – Spring 2023                                                                                                  5

I have read, understand, and agree to abide fully by the parameters set in this syllabus and Syllabus

Student Name: _____________________

Student Signature: _________________                      Date: _____________

MAC 2313 – Spring 2023                                                                                  6
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