Luxury Cosmetics Trends - 2022 Less is More: How Gen Z is Disrupting the Beauty, Skincare, and Makeup Industries and What to Watch for in 2022 ...

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Luxury Cosmetics Trends - 2022 Less is More: How Gen Z is Disrupting the Beauty, Skincare, and Makeup Industries and What to Watch for in 2022 ...

Luxury Cosmetics
Less is More: How Gen Z is Disrupting the Beauty, Skincare, and
Makeup Industries and What to Watch for in 2022.

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Luxury Cosmetics Trends - 2022 Less is More: How Gen Z is Disrupting the Beauty, Skincare, and Makeup Industries and What to Watch for in 2022 ...
Table of Contents
                   Introduction                                                            3
                   Data Analyzed for this Report                                           4
                   Overall Insights: Gen Z is Changing the Beauty Game                     5
                        Category Winners: Skincare Dominates the Conversation              6
                        Category Losers: Pandemic Mammoths Lose Momentum                   7
                        Subcategory Winners: Get More Done with Less Product               8
                        Subcategory Losers: Trading in the At-Home Spa                     10
                        Ingredients Winners and Losers: The Shift to Natural, Clean, and
                        Eco-Conscious                                                      11
                        Need States Winners and Losers: Younger Consumers and Evergreen
                        Skincare Needs                                                     13
                        Themes Winners and Losers: Drawing the Line on Sustainability      15
                        Fragrances Winners and Losers: Less is More                        17
                        Forms Winners and Losers: The Minimalist Beauty Routine            19
                        Colors Winners and Losers: Adjusting to Pre-Pandemic Norms         21
                   About Simporter                                                         22

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Luxury Cosmetics Trends - 2022 Less is More: How Gen Z is Disrupting the Beauty, Skincare, and Makeup Industries and What to Watch for in 2022 ...
             Long before Instagram influencers existed, young people have been the
             driving force creating and interpreting trends. The eldest of Gen Z, defined by
             those born between 1995 and 2020, are now in their early and mid-20s and
             year-over-year are seeing a dramatic increase in their spending power.
             These digital natives have been exposed to the internet and social media
             since a young age, making their generation comfortable collecting many
             sources of information before making a purchase decision. Quality ingredients
             is the name of the game.

             While millennials and older generations have been under the assumption that
             more is better, Gen Z fundamentally sees cosmetics in a different way. For
             them, less is more. Say goodbye to caked-on makeup because this
             generation is all about achieving effortlessly chic routines that are simple,
             clean, and sustainable.

             Today’s consumers can no longer be swayed by high-end brand names and
             beautiful packaging alone. Younger shoppers have a sophisticated
             appreciation for ingredients and will be looking for clean products that truly
             connect with their audience’s needs. Sephora has a Clean Beauty Guide Clean
             Beauty Guide to help consumers find products without harmful ingredients
             and even breaks out products that are both clean and “planet positive.”

             Additionally, with more time spent indoors during COVID-19, people wore less
             makeup and became more particular about what they put on their skin. Many
             opted for home spa days and DIY self-care regimens over the traditional
             commercial/retail spa experience and as a result, higher quality products
             were needed for home and personal use.

             As the world returns to pre-pandemic norms, consumers will have less time
             and money to spend on their self-care regimen as they look to get more done
             with less - while not compromising on quality, sourcing, and sustainability.

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Luxury Cosmetics Trends - 2022 Less is More: How Gen Z is Disrupting the Beauty, Skincare, and Makeup Industries and What to Watch for in 2022 ...
Data Analyzed for this Report

             Using our White Space AI tool, we’ve collected and dissected 3.8 million
             consumer data points to understand where consumer interest is headed in
             2022 and beyond. Our software analyzes social media mentions, consumer
             sentiment patterns, product descriptions, and search traffic to make highly
             accurate trend predictions. Through this process, we’re able to understand
             what ingredients, need states, and sensory attributes are coming up in that
             data. We use that information to make predictions about the future, taking the
             following into consideration:

                       Consumer demand

                       Overall opportunity size


                       Innovation opportunities

             Our opportunity analysis helps brands understand where to invest next. This
             de-risks new product development and ultimately grows new product
             revenue. Data insights like these have proven useful to any business looking to
             get ahead of the curve.

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Luxury Cosmetics Trends - 2022 Less is More: How Gen Z is Disrupting the Beauty, Skincare, and Makeup Industries and What to Watch for in 2022 ...
Overall Insights:
             Gen Z is Changing the Beauty Game

             With nearly 4M consumer data points analyzed, the team here at Simporter is
             predicting quite a bit of growth in the luxury cosmetics category. The beauty
             industry, while highly influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic and widespread
             use of facemasks, will also be profoundly impacted by Gen Z.

             2021 saw an influx of user-generated data, such as social media mentions
             and product reviews, largely driven by the generation who grew up with it. As
             the world shut down and screens dominated day-to-day life, consumers
             redefined how they felt about how they looked and what they put on their skin.
             So, they’re going to be looking for products that meet these new criteria.

             The luxury cosmetics market is expected to see rapid growth in 2022. While
             next year will still be considered a recovery period from COVID-19, more
             consumers will be talking about and searching for makeup and skincare
             products. According to Bloomberg, Gen Z is already spending 125 percent
             compared to pre-COVID-19 levels in 2019. Our team predicts this will continue
             to rise in 2022.

             Not surprisingly, we will see a higher percentage of consumer conversations
             and searches for skincare than makeup. Younger consumers have embraced
             a less is more mindset. They’re stripping back skincare and makeup routines
             in favor of a more minimalist approach. This mindset is all about pulling back,
             harnessing the power of multitasking and multipurpose products, and
             committing to a more sustainable (and usually cheaper) beauty regimen.

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Luxury Cosmetics Trends - 2022 Less is More: How Gen Z is Disrupting the Beauty, Skincare, and Makeup Industries and What to Watch for in 2022 ...
Category Winners:
             Skincare Will Dominate the

             We analyzed data points across 22 categories to get a sense for where the
             market will be focused in 2022. Powders and sun care/self-tanning products
             take the first two spots, growing 48 percent and 32 percent respectively.
             They’re followed by industry giants, creams and foundations, which are
             predicted to continue their strong performance into next year. Most of the
             predicted winning categories are skincare-focused, which is in line with
             younger consumer preferences for simple products that address multiple

             As people take off their masks and readjust to normalcy, they’re ready to
             break out their lip products. Lips rank 6th on the list with an 11.58 percent
             growth rate and 9.58 percent share of voice. Lips spiked in popularity when
             masks came off mid-2021, so the category was expected to rank at the top of
             the list in 2022. However, consumers are opting for powders and sun
             care/self-tanning products instead, doubling down consumer interest in
             skincare over makeup.

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Luxury Cosmetics Trends - 2022 Less is More: How Gen Z is Disrupting the Beauty, Skincare, and Makeup Industries and What to Watch for in 2022 ...
Category Losers:
             Pandemic Mammoths Will Lose

             A number of categories are expected to lose momentum going into next year.
             Most interesting on this list are scrubs and masks, two products that carried so
             many through the pandemic. These two categories have been dominant the
             past 2 years, peaking during the COVID-19 pandemic. As we look to 2022, this
             dynamic will shift and these two categories will continue on a downward

             It’s evident that consumers have moved beyond self-care and will be
             interested in categories that better align with their post-pandemic routines.
             We’re no longer confined to our homes in the same way that we were for the
             vast majority of 2020 and early 2021, so products that require lengthy time
             commitments and/or daily reapplications won’t trend up in the same way
             we’ve seen over the last 18 months.

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Luxury Cosmetics Trends - 2022 Less is More: How Gen Z is Disrupting the Beauty, Skincare, and Makeup Industries and What to Watch for in 2022 ...
Subcategory Winners:
             Getting More Done with Less Product

             While at-home self-care is declining, there are a number of subcategories
             expected to grow across the next year. Contour products (contouring is a
             makeup technique that uses cosmetics to define, enhance, and sculpt the
             structure of the face or other body parts) hold a very high growth opportunity,
             predicted to grow at 79.44 percent year-over-year. With the emergence of
             TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and other quick-tutorial channels,
             influencer communities have jumped on the trend and will continue to do so
             as we approach 2022.

             Night creams are second on the highest opportunities list. With a 0.49 percent
             share of voice, night creams are expected to grow 85.5 percent, the largest
             growth potential of all the subcategories. With many readjusting to
             pre-pandemic routines, consumers will have less time to spend on at-home
             self-care regimens. Night creams are the perfect solution as people will try to
             get more done with less time, effort, and money.

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Luxury Cosmetics Trends - 2022 Less is More: How Gen Z is Disrupting the Beauty, Skincare, and Makeup Industries and What to Watch for in 2022 ...
Masks are a thing of the past in many states here in the US, as well as
             countries all around the world. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that other
             subcategories we analyzed - such as eyeshadows, tinted moisturizers, and
             lipsticks - have shown high growth potential for the upcoming year. As more
             and more individuals return to their routines and see friends, family, and
             colleagues without masks, products like these will resurge in popularity and

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Luxury Cosmetics Trends - 2022 Less is More: How Gen Z is Disrupting the Beauty, Skincare, and Makeup Industries and What to Watch for in 2022 ...
Subcategory Losers:
             Trading in the At-Home Spa

             So, where is the share of voice declining? The bulk of negative growth rate is
             going to be seen across products used for at-home self-care, such as
             Cleansers, Eye Creams, Makeup Removers, etc. Overall, consumer interest will
             be shifting back to pre-COVID-19 norms. Regardless of which generation a
             consumer falls under, it’s evident that the reopening of economies worldwide
             will put a significant speed bump in the way of product development and
             growth within the at-home care categories.

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Ingredients Winners and Losers:
             The Shift to Natural, Clean, and

             Fan-favorite Aloe Vera tops the list with a 412 percent predicted growth rate.
             It’s chock full of minerals and well-known for its ability to soothe and hydrate
             the skin, minimize the impact of sunburns, and it can even help reduce acne.
             People are familiar with the ingredient, know how it can help, and feel satisfied
             when they use it.

             Chia Seed Extract sits right behind Aloe Vera. It contains healthy fats that have
             been shown to help strengthen and restore the skin’s moisture barrier, which is
             helpful to those with dry skin conditions. Additionally, it combats the serious
             danger of long-term UV damage, which is something everyone should be
             thinking about.

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As consumers look for more transparency behind their favorite products,
             ingredients like Rose Water, Jasmine, and Cucumber will likely struggle to
             compete. While very popular across 2019 and early 2020, they will continue to
             lose steam as consumers focus on products that are natural, clean, and

             Today’s consumers are keenly aware of what ingredients are used in their
             cosmetic products to make sure they’re safe and when possible, eco-friendly.
             The increasing awareness of climate change will push consumers to seek out
             ethical and environmentally conscious products.

             Not only should cosmetic products make people feel good, but they also need
             to do good in the process. It’s evident from our analysis that in order to grow
             your business in the cosmetics industry, your ingredients will need to have a
             focus on quality, sustainability, and ethical sourcing.

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Need States Winners and Losers:
             Younger Consumers and Evergreen
             Skincare Needs

             Consumer demand is a critical component for any trend analysis, so let’s dig
             into consumer need states (needs consumers claim to have). We analyzed
             107 needs to understand which are dominating consumer conversations.

             There will be an overwhelming shift towards skincare needs as 2022
             approaches. With COVID-19, people took more time to evaluate what
             mattered most to them in beauty and skincare products. Gen Z is flooding the
             market with evergreen skincare needs, such as dry skin, acne treatment, and
             bacteria removal and they’re likely the generation (along with Millenials) that
             hold the greatest buying power in these categories.

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A number of trending needs from the past two years will see negative growth
             in 2022. While Hypoallergenic and Skincare Routine needs are certainly not
             going away any time soon, they will just not be searched for as often. Products
             for Routine and Daily Use will decline as consumers spend less time investing
             in self-care and more time commuting to work, at social gatherings, traveling,
             and doing other activities.

             It’s not surprising to see Anti-Aging on the negative growth list as the market
             shifts to younger consumers who are interested in other needs. As mentioned
             previously, Gen Z will hold a significant share of the buying power in 2022.
             Therefore, products geared towards older consumers who see greater
             perceived value in Anti-Aging benefits won’t make as large of an impact on
             consumers as they have in past years.

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Theme Winners and Losers:
             Drawing the Line on Sustainability

             Our AI tool analyzed 38 themes to find those with the biggest potential in the
             new year. Talc-free takes the number one spot with an impressive 752.17
             percent growth potential.

             Talcum Powder is a common ingredient in powder compacts, finishing
             powders, eye shadows, etc. because it creates a soft, silky texture, reduces
             inflammation, and combats UV damage. However, it’s been reported to
             contain asbestos, which has been linked to causing Cancer. It’s even called
             out on Ulta’s Made Without List to help consumers make more informed
             purchasing decisions. Consumers will not only be looking for products without
             this ingredient, but they will be looking for products that specifically claim to
             be Talc-free.

             Instagram is near the top of this list as social media ingrains itself in the
             everyday life of consumers. The majority of skincare and cosmetic influencers
             promote and educate via Instagram, so the platform will continue to grow
             with their established audiences and loyal followers.

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As consumer preferences shift toward clean and natural, Vegan products will
             gain a lot of traction. People will spend more time researching to have a better
             understanding of what exactly they’re purchasing and whether or not the
             product is sustainably sourced. In many cases, consumers will go a level
             deeper to ensure that the company itself follows ethical eco-friendly practices
             in manufacturing, sourcing, and distribution of the products. Clean and
             natural tells you one thing, but Vegan adds an additional layer of assurance
             that the product purchased meets your quality standards and expectations.

             Themes expected to see negative growth include Recycled, Celebrity
             Endorsed, and Hypoallergenic. While Recycled may be a surprise, it’s
             important to note that while consumers are focused on sustainability, they’re
             primarily focused on what they’re putting on their skin even in a time where
             environmental consciousness is top-of-mind.

             Consumers will not be as concerned with the supply chain, packaging, or
             recycle-focused aspects of the product. There’s a lack of transparency
             around Recycled materials, so consumers are less likely to trust what is
             actually recycled, versus what simply claims to be recycled. However, Ulta
             Beauty has vetted brands like OSEA and Eva NYC for Sustainable Packaging,
             meaning at least 50 percent of their packaging is made from recycled or
             bio-sourced materials (or be recyclable or refillable). If other big-box retailers
             (i.e. Nordstrom, Sephora, Bloomingdales) can vet the brands they offer
             in-store and online, Recycled is sure to stabilize and even make a return to the
             priorities list for this category.

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Fragrances Winners and Losers:
             Less will be More

             We analyzed 28 different fragrances to see what will be trending next year.
             Natural elements like Rain Water and Vanilla take the top two spots on the list
             with impressive triple-digit growth potential and a decent share of voice over 1
             percent each.

             Consumer preferences will shift toward lightly scented and unscented
             fragrances, indicating consumers are doubling down on their interest in
             natural and clean scents for their homes, cars, and offices. More mainstream
             fragrances like Citrus are expected to perform well, just not as well as they
             have in past years.

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Our predicted losers list is composed of previously popular Sweet, Floral, and
             Fruity fragrances. These fragrances will decline while natural fragrances ride
             the upswing. Floral fragrances will still be popular and hold considerable
             market share, but brands should look to lighten the scent or focus on more
             natural floral elements. Again, less is more to today’s buyer pool.

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Forms Winners and Losers:
             The Minimalist Beauty Routine

             Since forms are typically influenced by the other categories, we won’t spend a
             ton of time dissecting our predictions here. It’s not surprising to see Powders
             take the number one slot with the shift towards cleaner, minimalist beauty
             routines. Gen Z loves a fresh, natural, glowy look, so they will be looking for
             product forms like powders, pads, creams, and pills to fill this need.

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Products that were essential to home spa care, such as Wipes, Oils, Sprays,
             and Serums, are expected to see negative growth. While likely to remain
             popular, they just won’t be at the forefront of consumer conversations. This is
             because many of these products feature ingredients that don’t check some of
             the “must-have” boxes we’ve addressed throughout this article, such as
             natural ingredients, ethically sourced, and so forth.

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Colors Winners and Losers:
             Adjusting to Pre-Pandemic Norms

             While bright colors like Red spiked when masks came off, the colors expected
             to perform the best in 2022 are colors and finishes similar to pre-pandemic
             preferences. Prior to COVID-19, the most popular colors being used across
             most makeup/skincare categories fell under what we’d classify as “natural”
             tones. High-impact colors and shines such as Sheer, Glitter, and Satin that
             spiked in demand mid-2021 are expected to normalize to pre-pandemic levels
             as we head into 2022.

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