Luxembourg alternative investment fund regimes Comparative tables - UCI Part II, SIF, SICAR, RAIF, SCS and SCSp - Loyens & Loeff

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Luxembourg alternative investment fund regimes Comparative tables - UCI Part II, SIF, SICAR, RAIF, SCS and SCSp - Loyens & Loeff


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    Comparative tables

Luxembourg alternative investment fund regimes Comparative tables - UCI Part II, SIF, SICAR, RAIF, SCS and SCSp - Loyens & Loeff
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Luxembourg alternative investment fund regimes Comparative tables - UCI Part II, SIF, SICAR, RAIF, SCS and SCSp - Loyens & Loeff
Comparative tables 3

1. Legal and regulatory requirements
 Approval process and supervision
 UCI Part II                      SIF                              SICAR                            RAIF                              SCS and SCSp**

 Prior approval by the CSSF       Prior approval by the CSSF       Prior approval by the CSSF       No CSSF approval required         No CSSF approval required
 of:                              of:                              of:                              and no ongoing CSSF               and no ongoing CSSF
 • constitutive documents         • constitutive documents         • constitutive documents         supervision, but indirect         supervision, but indirect
 • prospectus                     • offering document or           • offering document or           supervision through the           supervision through the
 • main service provider              PPM                              PPM                          AIFM.                             AIFM.
     agreements                   • main service provider          • main service provider          Compulsory:
 • the UCI’s directors                agreements                       agreements                   • notarial deed recording
 • choice of depositary,          • conflict of interest policy    • conflict of interest policy       the constitution of the
     authorised auditor and       • risk management policy         • risk management policy            RAIF to be passed
     either AIFM or portfolio     • the SIF’s directors            • the SICAR’s directors             within 5 working days of
     manager depending            • choice of depositary,          • choice of depositary,             constitution
     on the AIF status of the         authorised auditor and           authorised auditor and       • notice of the constitution
     fund.                            either AIFM or portfolio         either AIFM or portfolio        to be deposited
                                      manager depending                manager depending               with RESA (recueil
 Ongoing supervision by the           on the AIF status of             on the AIF status of the        électronique des
 CSSF.                                the SIF.                         SICAR.                          sociétés et associations)
                                                                                                       within 15 working days
                                  Ongoing supervision by the       Ongoing supervision by the          of the notarial deed. The
                                  CSSF.                            CSSF.                               notice must indicate
                                                                                                       the authorised AIFM
                                                                                                       managing the RAIF
                                                                                                    • the RAIF must be
                                                                                                       registered on a list held
                                                                                                       by the RCS (registre
                                                                                                       du commerce et des
                                                                                                       sociétés) within 20
                                                                                                       working days of the
                                                                                                       notarial deed.

 Eligible assets
 UCI Part II                      SIF                              SICAR                            RAIF                              SCS and SCSp**

 All assets.                      All assets.                      Risk capital.                    All assets.                       All assets.

 UCI Part II                      SIF                              SICAR                            RAIF                              SCS and SCSp**

 Diversification                  Diversification                  No diversification               Diversification requirements      No diversification
 requirements apply.              requirements apply.              requirement.                     apply. Possibility to waive the   requirement.
                                                                                                    diversification requirements
                                                                                                    for investments in risk
                                                                                                    capital only.

 Compartments/sub - funds
 UCI Part II                      SIF                              SICAR                            RAIF                              SCS and SCSp**

 Possible.                        Possible.                        Possible.                        Possible.                         Not possible.

* Please note that this column only covers SCS and SCSp not qualifying as SIF, SICAR or RAIF and managed by an authorised AIFM.
Luxembourg alternative investment fund regimes Comparative tables - UCI Part II, SIF, SICAR, RAIF, SCS and SCSp - Loyens & Loeff

    1. Legal and regulatory requirements
     Borrowing restrictions
     UCI Part II                       SIF                             SICAR                            RAIF                            SCS and SCSp**

     Yes. These depend on the          None.                           None.                            None.                           None.
     investment strategy (50%
     for real estate, 200% for
     hedge funds and 400% for
     hedge funds with a market
     neutral strategy).

     Risk management
     UCI Part II                       SIF                             SICAR                            RAIF                            SCS and SCSp**

     Risk management system            Risk management system          Risk management system           AIFM managing the RAIF          AIFM managing the SCS/
     required.                         required.                       required.                        is required to have a risk      SCSp is required to have a
                                                                                                        management system.              risk management system.

     UCI Part II                       SIF                             SICAR                            RAIF                            SCS and SCSp**

     Mandatory.                        Mandatory.                      Mandatory.                       Mandatory.                      Mandatory.

     Central Administration
     UCI Part II                       SIF                             SICAR                            RAIF                            SCS and SCSp**

     Must have its central             Must have its central           Must have its central            Must have its central           Must have its central
     administration in                 administration in               administration in                administration in               administration in
     Luxembourg. This                  Luxembourg. This                Luxembourg. This                 Luxembourg. This                Luxembourg.
     can mean appointing               can mean appointing             can mean appointing              can mean appointing
     local service providers,          local service providers,        local service providers,         local service providers,        Subject to evidence to
     especially for the following      especially for the following    especially for the following     especially for the following    the contrary, the central
     functions:                        functions:                      functions:                       functions:                      administration is deemed
     • registrar and transfer          • registrar and transfer        • registrar and transfer         • registrar and transfer        to coincide with the place
        agent                             agent                           agent                            agent                        of its registered office.
     • administrative agent            • administrative agent          • administrative agent           • administrative agent

     Legal forms
     UCI Part II                       SIF                             SICAR                            RAIF                            SCS and SCSp**

     • FCP                             • FCP                           • SICAV/SICAF: SA,               • FCP (except for RAIF          • With legal personality
     • SICAV: SA, SE                   • SICAV/SICAF: SA, SE,            SCA, S.à r.l., SCS,               investing in risk capital)     (SCS).
     • SICAF: any corporate             SCA, S.à r.l., SCS,             SCSp, Coop SA.                 • SICAV, SA, S.à r.l.,          • Without legal
        form under the 1915              SCSp, Coop SA.                                                    SCA, SCS, SCSp,                personality (SCSp).
        law.                                                                                               Coop SA.
                                                                                                        • SICAF: any corporate
                                                                                                           form under the 1915

     Minimum capital / net assets
     UCI Part II                       SIF                             SICAR                            RAIF                            SCS and SCSp**

     EUR 1,250,000 to be               EUR 1,250,000 to be             EUR 1,000,000 to be              EUR 1,250,000 to be             No minimum capital
     reached within 6 months           reached within 12 months        reached within 12 months         reached within 12 months        requirement.
     after CSSF approval.              after CSSF approval.            after CSSF approval.             after set-up.                   Initial share capital for
     Initial share capital for a UCI   Initial share capital for a     Initial share capital for a                                      an SCS/SCSp that is
     Part II that is an authorised     SIF that is an authorised       SICAR that is an authorised                                      an authorised internally
     internally managed AIF is         internally managed AIF is       internally managed AIF is                                        managed AIF is EUR
     EUR 300,000.                      EUR 300,000.                    EUR 300,000.                                                     300,000.

    * Please note that this column only covers SCS and SCSp not qualifying as SIF, SICAR or RAIF and managed by an authorised AIFM.
Luxembourg alternative investment fund regimes Comparative tables - UCI Part II, SIF, SICAR, RAIF, SCS and SCSp - Loyens & Loeff
Comparative tables 5

2. Shareholding
 Eligible investor
 UCI Part II                      SIF                              SICAR                            RAIF                           SCS and SCSp**

 Any investor, but restricted     Well-informed investors          Well-informed investors          Well-informed investors        Professional investors.
 in other EU countries to         (institutional, professional     (institutional, professional     (institutional, professional
 professional investors.          and other investors              and other investors              and other investors
                                  who invest more than             who invest more than             who invest more than
                                  EUR 125,000) but                 EUR 125,000) but                 EUR 125,000) but
                                  restricted in other EU           restricted in other EU           restricted in other EU
                                  countries to professional        countries to professional        countries to professional
                                  investors.                       investors.                       investors.

 UCI Part II                      SIF                              SICAR                            RAIF                           SCS and SCSp**

 To be stated in the              Payment of interim or            Payment of interim or            Payment of interim or          Payment of interim or
 prospectus.                      annual distributions are not     annual distributions are not     annual distributions are not   annual distributions are not
 Payment of interim or            subject to any restrictions,     subject to any restrictions,     subject to any restrictions,   subject to any restrictions,
 annual distributions are not     subject to compliance with       subject to compliance with       subject to compliance with     subject to the provisions
 subject to any restrictions      the minimum net asset            the minimum net asset            the minimum net asset          of the Limited Partnership
 as long as the minimum           requirement.                     requirement.                     requirement.                   Agreement.
 capital is maintained.

* Please note that this column only covers SCS and SCSp not qualifying as SIF, SICAR or RAIF and managed by an authorised AIFM.
Luxembourg alternative investment fund regimes Comparative tables - UCI Part II, SIF, SICAR, RAIF, SCS and SCSp - Loyens & Loeff

    3. Management and marketing
     UCI Part II                      SIF                              SICAR                            RAIF                          SCS and SCSp**

     FCP: Managed by a                FCP: Managed by a                A management company             A RAIF must be managed        An SCS/SCSp may be
     Luxembourg management            Luxembourg management            is not required.                 by an external authorised     internally managed by its
     company. The management          company. The management                                           AIFM established either in    general partner which shall
     company must be                  company must be                                                   Luxembourg, in another        be authorised as AIFM.
     approved by the CSSF.            approved by the CSSF.                                             EEA Member State or in a
                                                                                                        third country (subject to     An SCS/SCSp may also
     SICAV/SICAF:                     SICAV/SICAF:                                                      the extension of the AIFMD    be externally managed by
     A management company is          A management company is                                           passport to that third        appointing an authorised
     not required.                    not required.                                                     country).                     AIFM established either in
                                                                                                                                      Luxembourg, in another
                                                                                                        For a RAIF organised as       EEA Member State or in a
                                                                                                        an FCP, the management        third country (subject to
                                                                                                        company (approved by the      the extension of the AIFMD
                                                                                                        CSSF) can act as AIFM or      passport to that third
                                                                                                        appoint an external one.      country).

     Marketing Passport
     UCI Part II                      SIF                              SICAR                            RAIF                          SCS and SCSp**

     A UCI Part II managed            A SIF managed by an              A SICAR managed by               A RAIF benefits from a        An SCS/SCSp managed
     by an authorised AIFM            authorised AIFM benefits         an authorised AIFM               European passport for         by an authorised AIFM
     benefits from a European         from a European passport         benefits from a European         marketing and distribution    benefits from a European
     passport for marketing and       for marketing and                passport for marketing and       to professional investors     passport for marketing and
     distribution to professional     distribution to professional     distribution to professional     within EU/EEA Member          distribution to professional
     investors within EU/EEA          investors within EU/EEA          investors within EU/EEA          States.                       investors within EU/EEA
     Member States if the UCI         Member States if the SIF         Member States if the                                           Member States.
     Part II is subject to full       is subject to full AIFMD         SICAR is subject to full
     AIFMD compliance.                compliance.                      AIFMD compliance.

     A UCI Part II managed by         A SIF managed by a               A SICAR managed by a
     a registered AIFM does not       registered AIFM does not         registered AIFM does not
     have a marketing passport.       have a marketing passport.       have a marketing passport.

    * Please note that this column only covers SCS and SCSp not qualifying as SIF, SICAR or RAIF and managed by an authorised AIFM.
Luxembourg alternative investment fund regimes Comparative tables - UCI Part II, SIF, SICAR, RAIF, SCS and SCSp - Loyens & Loeff
Comparative tables 7

4. Taxation
 Corporate income tax
 UCI Part II                      SIF                              SICAR                            RAIF                          SCS and SCSp*

 Not subject to corporate         Not subject to corporate         A SICAR organized as a           A RAIF is not subject to      Not subject to corporate
 income tax.                      income tax.                      capital company is subject       corporate income tax.         income tax due to its tax
                                                                   to corporate income tax                                        transparency.
                                                                   at a rate of 26.01% (in          For a RAIF that opts to
                                                                   Luxembourg City in 2018).        be taxed according to the
                                                                   The return derived from          same tax rules as those
                                                                   securities is however            applicable to SICARs (Risk
                                                                   exempt from income tax.          Capital RAIF), the same
                                                                   The return on funds held         corporate income tax
                                                                   pending investment will also     aspects apply as for the
                                                                   benefit from the exemption,      SICAR.
                                                                   provided the funds are
                                                                   invested in venture capital
                                                                   and/or private equity
                                                                   projects within 12 months.

                                                                   A SICAR organised as a
                                                                   limited partnership is not
                                                                   subject to corporate
                                                                   income tax due to its tax

 Subscription tax
 UCI Part II                      SIF                              SICAR                            RAIF                          SCS and SCSp*

 Subject to subscription          Subject to subscription          Not liable to subscription       Subject to subscription       Not liable to subscription
 tax at a rate of 0.05%           tax at a rate of 0.01%           tax.                             tax due at a rate of 0.01%    tax.
 p.a. on its net assets.          p.a. on its net assets.                                           p.a. of its net assets.
 Some exemptions from             Some exemptions from                                              Some exemptions from
 subscription tax apply.          subscription tax apply.                                           subscription tax apply.
 Subscription tax is              Subscription tax is paid                                          Subscription tax is paid
 paid quarterly, based            quarterly, based on                                               quarterly, based on
 on quarter-end NAV. A            quarter-end NAV.                                                  quarter-end NAV.
 reduction to 0.01% p.a.
 is available for institutional                                                                     A Risk Capital RAIF is not
 share classes or subfunds                                                                          liable to subscription tax.

 Wealth tax
 UCI Part II                      SIF                              SICAR                            RAIF                          SCS and SCSp*

 Not subject to net wealth        Not subject to net wealth        Not subject to net               Not subject to net wealth     Not subject to net wealth
 tax.                             tax.                             wealth tax, except for           tax.                          tax.
                                                                   the minimum net wealth
                                                                   tax of EUR 4,815 p.a., in        A Risk Capital RAIF is not
                                                                   principle.                       subject to net wealth tax
                                                                                                    except for the minimum
                                                                                                    net wealth tax of EUR
                                                                                                    4,815 p.a., in principle.

* Please note that this column only covers SCS and SCSp not qualifying as SIF, SICAR or RAIF and managed by an authorised AIFM.
Luxembourg alternative investment fund regimes Comparative tables - UCI Part II, SIF, SICAR, RAIF, SCS and SCSp - Loyens & Loeff

    4. Taxation
     Withholding taxes (on dividends / interests paid)
     UCI Part II                      SIF                              SICAR                            RAIF                           SCS and SCSp*

     Distributions are not            Distributions are not            Distributions are not            Distributions are not          Distributions are not
     subject to withholding tax.      subject to withholding tax.      subject to withholding tax.      subject to withholding tax.    subject to withholding tax.

     Double taxation treaties (DTT) benefit
     UCI Part II                      SIF                              SICAR                            RAIF                           SCS and SCSp*

     A UCI Part II organised as       A SIF organised as a             A SICAR organised as a           A RAIF organised as a          Not entitled to tax treaty
     a capital company should         capital company should           capital company should           capital company should         benefits due to its tax
     generally be entitled to         generally be entitled to         generally be entitled to tax     generally be entitled to       transparency.
     tax treaty benefits unless       tax treaty benefits unless       treaty benefits.                 tax treaty benefits unless
     provided otherwise.              provided otherwise.                                               provided otherwise.
                                                                       A SICAR organised as
     A UCI Part II organised as       A SIF organised as a             a limited partnership is         A Risk Capital RAIF
     a limited partnership or an      limited partnership or an        not entitled to tax treaty       organised as a capital
     FCP is not entitled to tax       FCP is not entitled to tax       benefits due to its tax          company should generally
     treaty benefits due to its       treaty benefits due to its       transparency.                    be entitled to tax treaty
     tax transparency.                tax transparency.                                                 benefits.

                                                                                                        A RAIF organised as a
                                                                                                        limited partnership or an
                                                                                                        FCP, or a Risk Capital RAIF
                                                                                                        organised as a limited
                                                                                                        partnership, is not entitled
                                                                                                        to tax treaty benefits due
                                                                                                        to its tax transparency.

     Within the scope of VAT
     UCI Part II                      SIF                              SICAR                            RAIF                           SCS and SCSp*

     Yes.                             Yes.                             Yes.                             Yes.                           Yes.

     A UCI Part II qualifies, in      A SIF qualifies, in principle,   A SICAR qualifies, in            Qualifying as an AIF, a RAIF   Qualifying as an AIF, an
     principle, as a taxable          as a taxable person for          principle, as a taxable          qualifies, in principle, as    SCS/SCSp qualifies, in
     entity for VAT purposes.         VAT purposes. Under              person for VAT purposes.         a taxable person for VAT       principle, as a taxable
     Under specific conditions,       specific conditions,             Under specific conditions,       purposes. Under specific       person for VAT purposes.
     management services              management services are          management services are          conditions, management         Under specific conditions,
     are VAT exempt. In               VAT exempt. In specific          VAT exempt. In specific          services are VAT exempt.       management services
     specific cases, a UCI            cases, a SIF will have to        cases, a SICAR will have         In specific cases, a RAIF      are VAT exempt. In
     Part II will have to register    register for Luxembourg          to register for Luxembourg       will have to register          specific cases, a SCS/
     for Luxembourg VAT               VAT purposes.                    VAT purposes.                    for Luxembourg VAT             SCSp will have to register
     purposes.                                                                                          purposes.                      for Luxembourg VAT

    * Please note that this column only covers SCS and SCSp not qualifying as SIF, SICAR or RAIF and managed by an authorised AIFM.
Luxembourg alternative investment fund regimes Comparative tables - UCI Part II, SIF, SICAR, RAIF, SCS and SCSp - Loyens & Loeff
Comparative tables 9

5. Reporting requirements
 UCI Part II                      SIF                              SICAR                            RAIF                            SCS and SCSp*

 Semi-annual report and           Annual report to assess          Annual report to assess          Annual report to assess         Annual report (by AIFM)
 annual report to assess the      the assets, liabilities,         the assets, liabilities,         the assets, liabilities,        to assess the assets,
 assets, liabilities, income      income and operations of         income and operations of         income and operations of        liabilities, income and
 and operations of the UCI        the SIF.                         the SICAR.                       the RAIF.                       operations of the SCS/
 Part II.                                                                                                                           SCSp.
                                  Annual report to be              Annual report to be              Annual report to be
 Annual report to be              available to investors within    available to investors within    available to investors within   Annual report to be
 available within 6 months        6 months from the end of         6 months from the end of         6 months from the end of        available to investors within
 from the end of the period       the period covered.              the period covered.              the period covered.             6 months from the end of
 covered, unaudited semi-                                                                                                           the period covered.
 annual report within 3

 Valuation principles
 UCI Part II                      SIF                              SICAR                            RAIF                            SCS and SCSp*

 Unless the constitutive          Valuation at fair value,         Valuation at fair value,         Valuation at fair value,        A proper and independent
 documents provide                or according to the              or according to the              or according to the             valuation of the assets,
 otherwise, listed                rules provided for in the        rules provided for in the        rules provided for in the       according to the rules
 instruments are valued           constitutive documents.          constitutive documents.          constitutive documents.         provided for in the Limited
 according to the last                                                                                                              Partnership Agreement.
 available price, if it is
 representative; other
 assets are valued at the
 probable realisation value,
 estimated with care and in
 good faith.

 UCI Part II                      SIF                              SICAR                            RAIF                            SCS and SCSp*

 Annual report to be              Annual report to be              Annual report to be              Annual report to be             Annual report to be
 audited by an approved           audited by an approved           audited by an approved           audited by an approved          audited by an approved
 statutory auditor (réviseur      statutory auditor (réviseur      statutory auditor (réviseur      statutory auditor (réviseur     statutory auditor (réviseur
 d’entreprises agréé).            d’entreprises agréé).            d’entreprises agréé).            d’entreprises agréé).           d’entreprises agréé).

* Please note that this column only covers SCS and SCSp not qualifying as SIF, SICAR or RAIF and managed by an authorised AIFM.
Luxembourg alternative investment fund regimes Comparative tables - UCI Part II, SIF, SICAR, RAIF, SCS and SCSp - Loyens & Loeff
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