Page created by Gilbert Keller
The Lachine Hospital  
                                                                               The only community hospital
                                                                                      of the MUHC
                       The Lachine Hospital Foundation Newsletter

                                                                                        SPRING | 2018

Luc Maurice has been a major donor to the Lachine Hospital Foundation
since 2012. The founder of Le Groupe Maurice — a leader in the private
retirement home industry — has been interested in the Lachine Hospital’s
cause since the residents of Le Savignon (the Groupe Maurice residence
located in Lachine) told him about the superior quality of care the
institution provides.
“It is important for me to support community-ori-      year, he graciously
ented organizations that share Le Groupe Maurice’s     accepted the title of
mission,” says Maurice. “That mission is to contrib-   honorary President of Luc Maurice
ute to the happiness and well-being of seniors in      this flagship event of
Quebec, making our compatibility with the Lachine      the Foundation, which will be held on May 5 under
Hospital self-evident. The hospital also represents    the theme Cinco de Mayo, in honor of the popular
an important element of the region’s heritage,         Mexican festival of the same name.
which inspires me even more.”
                                                       Ever mindful of the importance of giving, Luc Mau-
As part of his commitment to the Lachine Hospital      rice has always encouraged the residents and em-
Foundation, Luc Maurice has participated in the        ployees of Le Groupe Maurice residences to give
annual fundraising gala for a few years and often      back to their community.
invites Le Savignon residents to join him. This                                                     (see page 5) ➤

                                   ON THE CARDIOLOGY BEAT AT
                                   THE LACHINE HOSPITAL
                                    When cardiology resident               physician in chief at the McGill
                                    Dr. Sunil Garg first set foot in       University Health Centre’s only
                                    the Lachine Hospital in 2008, it       community hospital. “I came for a
                                    was as a temporary measure to          weekend and never left.” he says.
                                    help cover the intensive care unit
                                                                           The evolution of cardiac care at
                                    and internal medicine service.
                                                                           the Lachine Hospital is quite re-
                                    Ten years later he is Chief of spe-
                                                                           markable. A dedicated inpatient
Dr. Sunil Garg                      cialized medicine and associate
                                                                                                    (see page 3) ➤

Welcome to The Current.                                                 ernment funding.
                                                                        Most recently, a
Since our last newsletter, Gregory Charles
                                                                        state-of-the-art laser
dazzled Foundation supporters at his fundraising
                                                                        instrument that
show on November 15th. Thanks to sponsorships
                                                                        eliminates stones
and ticket sales, a net profit of $60,000 was
                                                                        in the bladder and
raised, a portion of which is being used to
                                                                        kidneys was bought
upgrade equipment in the surgery department.
                                                                        for the Urology
You can read more about the show on page 7.
                                                                        Department. The
With winter finally behind us, we are looking                           acquisition of this          Jacques Filion, Chairman
                                                                                                     of the Lachine Hospital
forward to May 5th and the Foundation’s                                 piece of equipment is
signature spring gala, which will celebrate the                         a perfect example of
Mexican feast of Cinco de Mayo. Hosting the                             how Lachine Hospital patients benefit directly
event is Sophie Thibault from TVA Nouvelles,                            from the generosity of Foundation donors. Your
and this year’s honourary chairman is Luc                               donations are vital, and we thank you for helping
Maurice, Founder and President of Le Groupe                             the Foundation make a difference as we strive to
Maurice. Mr. Maurice is a pioneer in the                                continually improve upon the quality and deliv-
development of residential solutions for seniors                        ery of care.
and has revolutionized the industry in Montreal
                                                                        We hope you enjoy this issue of The Current.
and its environs. He has been a long-time
                                                                        For more news about the Foundation or
supporter of the Lachine Hospital Foundation
                                                                        to subscribe to our mailing list, please visit
and we consider ourselves very fortunate to have
                                                              , and don’t
this inspiring gentleman in our corner.
                                                                        forget to ‘like’ us on Facebook at
As a result of our fundraising efforts, the hospital                    fondationhopitallachine 
receives approximately $300,000 annually to
                                                                                                                    Jacques Filion
purchase new equipment not covered by gov-

                                                   Board of Directors            Margo Heron, City of Dorval   Jean-Guy Aubry, Bijouterie
                                                   Chairman                      Jean-Pierre Lamy, Director    Jean-Guy Aubry
                                                   Jacques Filion, FCPA, FCA     Léna Mardelli, Clinique de    Madeleine Chantelois,
                                                   BDO Canada                    réadaptation universelle      Auxiliaires bénévoles de
    Editor in Chief: Monica McDougall              François Mackay, Vice-        Bruno Poudrier, Lachine       l’Hôpital de Lachine
    Contributors:	  Monica McDougall              chairman                      Hospital                      Claude Dauphin
                     Caroline Phaneuf              Groupe Mackay                 Micheline Rouleau, Borough    Robert Desforges, CPA,
    Translation:	David Cox                        Raynald Lachance, Treasurer   of Lachine                    Auditor, CA
                     Dominique Paré                Bentall Kennedy                                             Jean-Louise Lalonde,
                     Nathalie Veillet                                            Lisa-Marie Tondreau, RBC
                                                   Claude Briault, Secretary     Steve Trempe, Imprimerie      Lachine Community
    Graphic Design:	Linda Jackson,                                                                            Foundation
                     Medical Multimedia Services
                                                   Lachine Hospital              Aubry
                                                   Diane Bélair, Diane Bélair                                  François Ouimet, Member
    Printing:        Imprimerie Aubry                                            Staff                         for Marquette, QLP
                                                   Chantale Bourdeau, Lachine    Monica McDougall Executive    Edgar Rouleau, Mayor,             Hospital                      Director                      City of Dorval
                                                   Myriam Dion, Descary, Dion    Dessi Nikolova                Roland J. Saint-Arnaud,                                    Administrative Assistant      Lachine Community
                                                   & Provost Notaires
    The Lachine Hospital Foundation                Mario Durante, Director                                     Foundation
                                                                                 Board of Governors            Noël Spinelli, C.M., C.Q.,
    650 – 16th Avenue, Room 2D3                    Imma Franco, MUHC             Chairperson
    Lachine, QC Canada H8S 3N5                                                                                 Groupe Spinelli
                                                   Dr. Sunil Garg, Lachine       Diane Provost
    Phone: 514 637-2351 ext. 77333

2                                SPRING | 2018
➤ (from page 1)
                                        helping transform
cardiology service did not exist        cardiac care at the
at the hospital in 2008 and a           hospital. Thanks
typical heart attack patient could      to Foundation
end up being hospitalized for           donors, funds were
15 days while waiting to have           contributed to
tests done at other hospitals.          help purchase new
Fast-forward to 2018 and that           equipment and the
same patient is sent home after         waiting areas outside
4 days of care after having com-        the clinic were also
pleted the same tests – most of         refurbished, which
them on-site in Lachine.                Dr. Garg feels is an
                                        important factor in
Dr. Garg’s vision and hard work,
                                        the all-around comfort
combined with the hospital’s inte-
                                        and well-being                       Dr. Garg with children Samay, 8 and Shanaya,
gration into the MUHC, were key                                              2, helping out at the Foundation’s fundraising
                                        of patients.
factors that led to this this incred-                                        breakfast
ible improvement – the initiation       Dr. Garg goes on to say that
                                                                                 do their part by helping their
of specialized treatment for car-       he feels very fortunate to be
                                                                                 dad sell raffle tickets and serve
diac inpatients and a full-service      working with a fantastic team
                                                                                 coffee. “They know that daddy is
outpatient cardiology clinic.           of technicians and secretaries at
                                                                                 doing something to help people
                                        the outpatient clinic. ”Everyone
The outpatient cardiology clinic                                                 and they love to participate.”
                                        really cares about the patients
specializes in the optimization of                                               Samay already has an interest in
                                        and they’re always ready to help,
medical therapy. In other words,                                                 medicine and helping people but
                                        even if it cuts into their lunch
finding the best possible treat-                                                 has expressed an interest in oph-
                                        hour or if they have to stay at
ment for patients. “The spectrum                                                 thalmology, so Dr. Garg is hold-
                                        work a little longer.”
of cardiology is interesting,” says                                              ing out hope for Shanaya to be-
Dr. Garg. “Once you’ve made a           In addition to his clinical and          come the next cardiologist in the
diagnosis, you can see the patient      administrative work, Dr. Garg            family. “She loves examining her
feel better within a short period       sits on the board of directors           grandmother with her doctor’s
of time. In many cases the ther-        of the Lachine Hospital                  kit and prescribing medications.”
apies are life-saving and you see       Foundation and takes an active           he laughs.
a profound impact.”                     role in its fundraising activities.
                                                                                 Dr. Garg’s wife, Monica and his
                                        “Government healthcare provides
That impact was also felt in the                                                 children understand the long
                                        the basics, but anything above
hospital’s emergency ward. As                                                    hours and hard work that are
                                        and beyond that is up to local
a result of the highly specialized                                               required to help provide regular
                                        communities and foundations to
care that was now being offered,                                                 care at a small community hos-
                                        decide what they want to make
many patients with long-stand-                                                   pital like the Lachine Hospital.
                                        of their hospitals.”
ing cardiac issues were finally                                                  Recently, early on a Saturday
stabilized and were receiving the       Each year in October, at the             morning, Shanaya asked her dad
proper form of treatment for            Foundation’s annual fundrais-            what he was doing at home and
their illness. This translated to a     ing breakfast for palliative care,       why he wasn’t at the hospital
significant reduction in the num-       Dr. Garg volunteers with his             seeing patients. “I really like what
ber of recurrent visits to the ER.      son Samay, 8 and daughter                I do” states Dr. Garg, “and the
                                        Shanaya, who is only 2 years             Lachine Hospital is a great place
The Lachine Hospital Foundation
                                        old. As young as they are, they          to work.” 
was also a driving force in

                                                                                                       SPRING | 2018          3
One Group’s Secret: Friends, Activities and Supporting
the Lachine Hospital Foundation
Youth is, of course, measured not    Hospital Foundation
only by a number, but as a state     was suggested. Their
of mind. So what’s the secret to     choice was applauded
still feeling young when you’re a    by Luc Maurice, Founder
senior? For a group of seniors at    and President of Le
Le Savignon residence in Lachine,    Groupe Maurice (of which
                                                                         Donation from Le Savignon craft group in
friends, activities, and a purpose   Le Savignon is part) who has
                                                                         the form of a beautiful cake
– in their case, raising money for   been a major supporter of the
the Lachine Hospital Foundation      Foundation for many years.
– are key to keeping them young                                          lot of bookmarks, but they sold
                                     “We liked the idea of the Lachine
at heart.                                                                really fast!”
                                     Hospital because it gave us a
Not long after Jocelyne Dagenais     sense of belonging,” explains       “We had a stand at the reception
moved into the residence four        Mrs. Lemay. Nearly everyone         desk at the residence, put an ad
years ago, a craft group was born.   in the group has been a patient     in the local paper and word of
Today it counts 10 members –         there at one time or another        mouth spread,” she says matter-
all new friends: Mrs. Dagenais,      so the suggestion made sense        of-factly. Mrs. Rondeau and Mrs.
Denise and Pierre Laurin, Denise     as they wanted to support an        Desjardins also sold over 200
and Maurice Perrier, Normand         organization in their community.    of the bookmarks at the grocery
Dubuc, Micheline Desjardins,                                             store across the street and set up
                                     After much discussion they
Louise Rondeau, Jeanette Paré                                            a stand at the Lachine Hospital
                                     decided to make wooden
and Monique Lemay.                                                       for a day.
                                     bookmarks. “Our goal was to
The group began began selling        raise $2,000 for the hospital.      Le Savignon’s craft group is
their crafts at the residence in     We started in September and         a determined bunch. The
the hopes of covering their costs    within a mere two months our        wooden bookmark idea was
but soon realized they were          objective was met,” explains Mrs.   not the least labour-intensive
making a profit. They talked         Dagenais. “We didn’t think we’d     choice – Mrs. Dagenais estimates
about donating the proceeds to       reach our goal,” she admits. “At    they spent dozens of hours
a local charity and the Lachine      $3 apiece, you have to sell a       working on them. But in spite of
                                                                         the numerous hours, they had
                                                                         such a great experience that they
                                                                         made a variety of other items for
                                                                         the residence’s Christmas Market.

                                                                                                      (see page 5) ➤

                                                                         Pictured from left to right: Louise
                                                                         Rondeau, Denise Laurin, Pierre Laurin,
                                                                         Monica McDougall, Executive Director
                                                                         Lachine Hospital Foundation, Jocelyne
                                                                         Dagenais, Monique Lemay, Jeannette Paré,
                                                                         Denise Perrier, Normand Dubuc

4                    SPRING | 2018
➤ (from page 4)
This resulted in another $1,000      Foundation’s behalf. “I was really   our friends from Le Savignon.
donation to the Lachine Hospital     touched by the enthusiasm with       Add to that their sense of
Foundation for a total of $3,250,    which Jocelyne and her team          accomplishment and pride as
which Luc Maurice topped off to      took on this project. There’s        a group, and there’s success on
reach a total of $4,000.                                                  so many levels.” She goes on to
                                                                          say that it was a delight for the
The group agrees that creativity
                                                                          Foundation team to interact with
keeps them young. “It’s nuts
                                                                          Jocelyne and her group.
what creativity offers you,” says
Mrs. Perrier. “It keeps us young,                                         In addition to all their efforts,
we forget our aches and pains,”                                           the team spent hours on the
adds Mrs. Laurin. “We have so                                             presentation of their donation:
many laughs together doing this,                                          $10 and $20 bills rolled-up in the
                                     Bookmarks made by Le Savignon
it’s incredible. We often laugh so   craft group                          shape of a beautiful cake! If youth
hard we cry!”                                                             were measured by creativity
                                     a good feeling that people
                                                                          and energy, this group of seniors
Monica McDougall, Executive          experience when they give back
                                                                          would be adolescents! 
Director of the Lachine Hospital     to their community. The act
Foundation, visited the group        energizes and motivates them,
to accept the donation on the        which is clearly the case with

➤ (from page 1)

“Our residents have energy, time     employees. This enables him to       opinions of those who choose
and a lot of interests. Many of      take the pulse of the situation      our homes to live or work in are
them like to be able to do things    on the ground, to get caught up      invaluable to me. Through the
together and help each other;                                             years, they have often allowed
to live in one of our residences                                          me to identify our weaknesses
means being a part of a large                                             and make appropriate changes, all
community. Volunteering is ideal                                          with the sole purpose of increas-
because everyone can find a way                                           ing the happiness of residents.”
to feel useful.”
                                                                          “Luc Maurice has been a
As a result, a group of Le Savi-                                          wonderful addition to the
gnon residents recently organized                                         Foundation family,” says Jacques
a fundraiser for the Lachine                                              Filion, Chairman of the Lachine
Hospital Foundation. They raised                                          Hospital Foundation. “He is a
a remarkable $3,250 by selling                                            true leader in every sense of the
bookmarks and other handmade         Luc Maurice and Andrée Mayrand       word, as the fundraising project
                                     at the Foundation’s 2015 gala
items. Their dedication and de-                                           initiated by Le Savignon residents
termination are presented in the                                          demonstrates. We are extremely
                                     on their daily lives, and to find
article on page 4.                                                        grateful that he is passionate
                                     out what they like and what can
                                                                          about our Foundation and it is
Maurice visits with his residents    be improved upon.
                                                                          a privilege for us to have him
at least once or twice a year
                                     “Basically, we are a business        as Honorary Chairman of our
and takes the time to sit down
                                     of emotions and services. The        Cinco de Mayo gala this year.” 
with them, as well as with his

                                                                                           SPRING | 2018   5

CINCO DE MAYO                                          Lachine Hospital Foundation
                                                       ART AND PHOTO EXHIBITION
Fundraising Gala                                       Featuring the artwork of Francine Ouellette Lemaire
Hosted by Sophie Thibault,                             and the photography of Robert Séguin
of TVA Nouvelles
                                                       July 6 — 8, 2018
May 5, 2018
                                                       Francine Ouellette Lemaire
Each year, on the first
                                                       Francine was a long-time
Saturday in May, the
                                                       resident of Lachine who
Foundation hosts its biggest       Sophie Thibault
annual fundraising event.                              was well known in the
In the past, themes of the evening have ranged         community for her artistic
from a Venetian ball to a gastronomic evening to       talent. Her work ranged
a fashion show, to name just a few. With event         from Chinese calligraphy to
day falling on May 5th this year, the choice for the   watercolor and acrylic paint-
theme was evident – Cinco de Mayo, the popular         ings, with a wide variety of
Mexican celebration.                                   images including flowers,
                                                       buildings and landscapes.           Francine Ouellette
Luc Maurice will be the honourary chairman                                                 Lemaire
of this year’s gala. A long-time supporter of the      As a result of living with mul-
Lachine Hospital Foundation, Mr. Maurice is the        tiple sclerosis, Francine was wheelchair-bound and
Founder and President of Le Groupe Maurice             could not leave the house as often as she would
which offers residential solutions that promote in-    have liked. She turned to painting, which she
spired living for today’s seniors.                     claimed offered her a way to escape and feel free,
                                                       and her beautiful work expressed her journey.
Sophie Thibault, the esteemed anchorwoman of
TVA Nouvelles, will reprise her role as the event’s    Francine passed away on March 17, 2017 in the
MC. She hosted the Foundation’s annual galas in        palliative care unit at the Lachine Hospital. One of
2015 and 2016, and her fun and approachable style      her final wishes was to donate the proceeds from
were a delight to all who participated.                                                  the sale of her
400 people are expected to attend the gala which                                         paintings to the
will take place in Dorval at the beautiful Marriott                                      Lachine Hospital
In-Terminal Hotel. With the colours and flavours                                         Foundation.
of Mexico highlighted throughout the evening,
guests will be treated to a delicious 5-course meal,                                                (see page 7) ➤
live music and dancing, a silent auction and much
more. Proceeds will go towards the purchase of
new medical equipment for the hospital.
Tickets are $250 per person and are still available.   Francine’s painting of a Lachine
To purchase your tickets or to find out about spon-    fire station
sorship opportunities please contact the Founda-
tion at 514 637-2351 ext. 77333 or by e-mail at 

6                     SPRING | 2018
➤ (from page 6)

Robert Séguin                                                  of unconventional frames like wooden or metal
                                                               plates and faux cement.
Robert is a lifelong Lachine resident who received
his diploma from the School of Modern Photog-                  Robert’s photos have been displayed widely
raphy of New York at the age of 18. He describes               and this year his work is being exhibited at the
his style as contemporary, treating many different             Saul Bellow Library in Lachine. All of his
subjects with surprising results.                              creations are presented under the trademark
                                                               ©Click : Robert Séguin 
Surprising in part, because of
the eclectic range of materials
                                                                                  Art and Photo Exhibition
that he uses to present his
                                                                                  Featuring the artwork of Francine
beautiful photos – printing
                                                                                  Ouellette Lemaire and the
them on acrylic, canvas and                                                       photography of Robert Séguin
even brushed metal. And his
                                                                                  Friday, July 6, 5 — 8pm
creativity goes beyond the
                                                                                  Saturday, July 7 and Sunday July 8
photographs, as he pays par-
                                                                                  12 — 5pm
ticular attention to how they
                                                                                  L’Entrepôt, 2901 boul. St-Joseph,
can be enhanced with the use
                                            Robert Séguin

GREGORY CHARLES CONCERT                                        and went on to
                                                               sing top hits from
RAISES $60,000                                                 every year that was
FOR THE LACHINE HOSPITAL                                       suggested between
                                                               1938 and 2017. On
Close to 300 people were in attendance at
                                                               several occasions
L’Entrepôt concert hall on November 15th, 2017
                                                               throughout the
and they did not leave disappointed, as Gregory
                                                               show, the audience
Charles put on one of his signature high-energy
                                                               sang along with
shows that left everyone on their feet and
                                                               him. From begin-
wanting more!                                                                            Gregory Charles in concert
                                                               ning to end, he had
True to his unique style of entertaining and his               the crowd in the palm of his hand.
reputation for interacting with his fans, he asked
                                                               Gregory Charles’ appreciation for his fans and his
audience members to suggest a specific year to him
                                                               generosity were in full evidence on stage, but even
                                                               more so after the show, as he signed autographs
Gregory Charles with Lachine Hospital nurse Ginette Labonté,
left, and right, with young fan Jonathan Tanasa                and had his photo taken with people for well over
                                                               an hour.
                                                               Sponsors of the evening included Les Auxiliaires
                                                               Bénévoles de l’Hôpital de Lachine, Les Soeurs de
                                                               Sainte-Anne du Québec, Pneus Lachine, Simard
                                                               Transport and Spinelli. Funds raised will go towards
                                                               the purchase of new medical instruments in depart-
                                                               ments throughout the hospital. 

                                                                                                    SPRING | 2018      7
A 44-Year Commitment                                      90 Years Young
The Foundation sends out a special acknowledge-           Noël Spinelli cele-
ment to Madeleine Chantelois, who recently                brated his 90th
stepped down as the President of Les Auxili-              birthday on De-
aires bénévoles du centre hospitalier de Lachine.         cember 29th, 2017.
Mrs. Chantelois volunteered with the organization         Mr. Spinelli, who
for a total of 44 years, the last 28 as president.        was chairman of the
Over the years, the auxiliary has made significant        Foundation from
donations to the Foun-                                    1989 to 1999, is a
dation through the                                        Member of the Or-
operation of their cof-                                   der of Canada and a
fee shop which is lo-                                     Knight of the Ordre
cated on the first floor                                  national du Québec.
of the hospital near the                                  Although he has re-             Noël Spinelli
emergency room. The                                       tired from the success-
Foundation expresses                                      ful and ever-expanding Groupe Spinelli that he
its sincerest thanks to                                   built into a major player in Montreal’s automotive
Mrs. Chantelois for her                                   industry, he is still very active in his philanthropic
years of dedication to                                    activities and holds a special place in his heart for
the hospital and                                          the Lachine Hospital Foundation.
its patients.
                               Madeleine Chantelois

               The Lachine Hospital of the MUHC
               Our patients experience the comfort of a community-based hospital environment
               while benefiting from the resources of the world-renowned McGill University
               Health Centre (MUHC). Any patient who comes to the hospital requiring more
               complex care will have immediate access to all areas of specialty medicine offered
               throughout the MUHC’s network of hospitals. For more information please visit

               The Lachine Hospital Foundation
               The Foundation contributes funds towards the purchase of medical equipment
               and hospital improvements. It is estimated that $300,000 will be disbursed
               in 2018. For more information or to make a donation, please visit us at

               The Lachine Hospital Foundation
               650 – 16th Avenue, Room 2D3                                                          Follow us on
               Lachine, QC Canada H8S 3N5
               Tel : 514 637-2351 ext. 77333

                                                                                                    Printing courtesy of

                                                                                                     Imprimerie Aubry Inc.
8                    SPRING | 2018
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