LTC COVID-19 Update Lori Davenport, Director of Regulatory & Clinical Affairs Kara Dawson, QSource Indiana Department of Health Team - Indiana ...

Page created by Loretta Becker
LTC COVID-19 Update Lori Davenport, Director of Regulatory & Clinical Affairs Kara Dawson, QSource Indiana Department of Health Team - Indiana ...
June 23, 2022

LTC COVID-19 Update

Presented by:
Lori Davenport, Director of Regulatory & Clinical Affairs
Kara Dawson, QSource
Indiana Department of Health Team
LTC COVID-19 Update Lori Davenport, Director of Regulatory & Clinical Affairs Kara Dawson, QSource Indiana Department of Health Team - Indiana ...
Today’s Topics
• IDH Updates Vaccines for children and Langham
  portal and PPE orders – Dr. Vuppalanchi
• NAT Waivers, what you need to know – Suzanne
• NHSN Update and a snack – Kara Dawson
• Q&A

  DON Workshop for SNF nurses, June 29-30, details HERE
  IHCA/INCAL Annual Convention & Expo, registration open, details HERE
LTC COVID-19 Update Lori Davenport, Director of Regulatory & Clinical Affairs Kara Dawson, QSource Indiana Department of Health Team - Indiana ...


LTC COVID-19 Update Lori Davenport, Director of Regulatory & Clinical Affairs Kara Dawson, QSource Indiana Department of Health Team - Indiana ...
To promote, protect, and improve
the health and safety of all Hoosiers.

Every Hoosier reaches optimal
health regardless of where they live,
learn, work, or play.
LTC COVID-19 Update Lori Davenport, Director of Regulatory & Clinical Affairs Kara Dawson, QSource Indiana Department of Health Team - Indiana ...
COVID-19 Vaccine updates
LTC COVID-19 Update Lori Davenport, Director of Regulatory & Clinical Affairs Kara Dawson, QSource Indiana Department of Health Team - Indiana ...
COVID-19 vaccine
• COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for everyone ages 6 months and older,
  regardless of a history of symptomatic or asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. This
  includes people with prolonged post-COVID-19 symptoms and applies to primary
  series and booster doses. This recommendation also applies to people who
  experience SARS-CoV-2 infection after receiving any COVID-19 dose.
• Everyone ages 5 years and older should receive at least 1 booster dose of COVID-19
  vaccine if eligible (i.e., if a booster dose is FDA-approved or FDA-authorized for use in
  a specified population). Recommendations for booster dose(s) vary based on age,
  COVID-19 vaccine product, and immunocompetence.
• Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine should only be used in limited situations; Pfizer-BioNTech
  or Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines are preferred for primary and booster vaccination.

               COVID-19 Vaccine Interim COVID-19 Immunization Schedule for 6
                                                                               Clinical Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC
                            Months of Age and Older (
LTC COVID-19 Update Lori Davenport, Director of Regulatory & Clinical Affairs Kara Dawson, QSource Indiana Department of Health Team - Indiana ...

       COVID19-vaccination-schedule-most-people.png (1200×1084) (
LTC COVID-19 Update Lori Davenport, Director of Regulatory & Clinical Affairs Kara Dawson, QSource Indiana Department of Health Team - Indiana ...
6 months to 11 years

             Clinical Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC
LTC COVID-19 Update Lori Davenport, Director of Regulatory & Clinical Affairs Kara Dawson, QSource Indiana Department of Health Team - Indiana ...
12-17 years

              Clinical Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC
LTC COVID-19 Update Lori Davenport, Director of Regulatory & Clinical Affairs Kara Dawson, QSource Indiana Department of Health Team - Indiana ...
18 years and older
* mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are preferred over Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine for both primary and
booster doses; an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine must be used for the second booster dose.
†An 8-week interval may be optimal for some people ages 6 months–64 years, especially for
males ages 12–39 years. A shorter interval (3 weeks for Pfizer-BioNTech; 4 weeks for Moderna)
between the first and second doses remains the recommended interval for people who are
moderately or severely immunocompromised; adults ages 65 years and older; and in situations
in which there is increased concern about COVID-19 community levels or an individual’s higher
risk of severe disease.
‡People ages 18–49 who received Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine as both their primary dose and
first booster dose may receive a second booster dose using an mRNA vaccine at least 4 months
after the first booster dose.

Pfizer vaccine dosing

Moderna vaccine dosing
             Vaccine     Label                   Primary series         Booster doses†
Age                                   Dilution
             vial cap    border                             Injection              Injection
indication                            required   Dose                   Dose
             color       color                              volume                 volume
6 months–
             Dark blue   Magenta      No         25 µg      0.25 mL     NA         NA
5 years
18 years
             Red         Light blue   No         100 µg     0.5 mL      50 µg      0.25 mL
and older
18 years
             Dark blue   Purple       No         NA         NA          50 µg      0.5 mL
and older

Updated schedule
for immunocompromised
Self-attestation of immunocompromised status

People can self-attest to their moderately or severely immunocompromised
status and receive COVID-19 vaccine doses wherever vaccines are offered.
Vaccinators should not deny COVID-19 vaccination to a person due to lack of

For Immunocompromised

Clinical Guidance
for COVID-19
Vaccination | CDC

Immunocompromised Ages 6-11

         Clinical Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC
Immunocompromised Ages 12-17

        Clinical Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC
Immunocompromised Ages 18 and older

         Clinical Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC
Dosage and mAbs
• Doses administered up to 4 days before the minimum interval, known as the 4-day grace
  period, are considered valid. This applies to primary series and booster doses. Doses
  administered at any time after the recommended interval are valid.
• People should receive the recommended age-appropriate vaccine dosage based on their age
  on the day of vaccination. If a person moves from a younger age group to an older age
  group during the primary series or between the primary series and receipt of the booster
  dose(s), they should receive the vaccine product and dosage for the older age group for all
  subsequent doses.
• People who previously received antibody products (anti-SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies
  or convalescent plasma) as part of COVID-19 treatment, post-exposure prophylaxis, or pre-
  exposure prophylaxis can be vaccinated at any time; COVID-19 vaccination does not need to
  be delayed following receipt of monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma.

Vaccination after close contact
• COVID-19 vaccines are not recommended for post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent SARS-CoV-2
  infection. Unvaccinated people who were close contacts of a person with SARS-CoV-2 infection should
  typically not seek vaccination until quarantine has ended
• In certain circumstances, to avoid missed opportunities for vaccination, vaccination during quarantine
  could be considered during outreach and contact tracing activities or at the time of post-exposure
  SARS-CoV-2 testing. Examples might include when people
1) are likely to have repeated SARS-CoV-2 exposures because they are unable to effectively quarantine
(e.g., residing in a congregate or crowded setting or during outbreaks in their community), or, 2) will have
limited access to vaccination after their quarantine period has ended, or, 3) are unlikely to otherwise seek
vaccination after their quarantine period has ended. In such situations, the person recommended for
quarantine can receive vaccination as long as 1) they do not have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or
current SARS-CoV-2 infection, and, 2) appropriate infection prevention and control procedures are
employed during vaccination.
• If had exposure while not up to date, they cannot come out of quarantine due to getting the booster.
  They have to complete the serial testing and TBP time.

Second Booster timing

Booster timing with respect to time of admission

• If boosted 24 hours or more before admission, they follow guidance for the
  up to date.
• If a new admission/readmission receives a booster dose upon admission to a
  facility or within 24 hours prior to admission, they can come out of TBP
  provided they had
      o No close contact in the 10 days prior to admission and
      o Asymptomatic
      o Tested negative at admission and 24 hours after admission and
      o Not immunocompromised.
      o They should still undergo testing at 5-7 days like all new admissions

Hospitalization trends

Hospital census

          Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Hospital Dashboard (
PPE Still Available to Order Through Langham

IDOH still has an abundant supply of PPE available for LTC facilities to order for
residents, staff, or visitors. Facilities may order any items that are available and
as much as they would like. We recommend that facilities order extra PPE to
build up the facility’s on-hand supplies.

All PPE and shipping costs will continue to be FREE to LTC through the end of
July or while supplies last.
Due to a scheduled inventory cycle count, no orders will be shipping out until June 29, 2022

IDOH Order Entry Portal Guide Instructions
Access Langham Portal (Sign In)

While it is safer for visitors not to enter the facility during an outbreak
investigation, visitors must still be allowed in the facility. Visitors should be
made aware of the potential risk of visiting during an outbreak investigation
and adhere to the core principles of infection prevention. If residents or their
representative would like to have a visit during an outbreak investigation, they
should wear face coverings or masks during visits, regardless of vaccination
status, and visits should ideally occur in the resident’s room.

Source control and physical distancing (when physical distancing is feasible and will not
interfere with provision of care) are recommended for everyone in a healthcare setting.
• HCP who are up to date with all recommended COVID-19 vaccine doses:
     ◦ Could choose not to wear source control or physically distance when they are in well-defined
         areas that are restricted from patient access (e.g., staff meeting rooms, kitchen).
     ◦   They should wear source control when they are in areas of the healthcare facility where they
         could encounter patients (e.g., hospital cafeteria, common halls/corridors).
• Residents who are up to date with all recommended COVID-19 vaccine doses in Nursing
  Homes in Areas of Low to Moderate Transmission:
      o Consideration could be given to allowing residents who are up to date with all recommended
        COVID-19 vaccine doses to not use source control when in communal areas of the facility;
        however, residents at increased risk for severe disease should still consider continuing to
        practice physical distancing and use of source control

                   Infection Control: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) | CDC

       Ventilation in Buildings | CDC

Shireesha Vuppalanchi, MD
Medical Director
Indiana Department of Health
Nurse Aide Training Waivers
 What You Need to Know

      Suzanne Williams

Nurse Aide Training Waivers
Ending July 1:

• Personal care attendants (PCAs) and temporary nurse aides (TNAs).
• Facilities have been encouraged to complete the training of their PCAs,
  TNAs and others working as nurse aides by that date; however, they may
  test after July 1.
• Nurse aide training programs have until July 1 to train nurse aides using
  the abbreviated or expedited training – that training is only allowed under
  the waivers that expire July 1.
• Any nurse aide training after July 1 must be the usual 105 hours of

Federal Waiver Ended June 6
•   The federal waiver from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) allowing nurse aides 8
    months to work and complete their training and testing, rather than just 4 months, expired June 6.
•   Nurse aides still have 4 months after the waiver ended (until October 6) to complete their training,
    testing and certification.
•   Refer to the CMS press release and QSO-22-15-NH & NLTC & LSC.

If PCAs, TNAs or other nurse aides do not complete training by July 1, they can continue to work as
nurse aides as long as they enroll in a nurse aide training program (105-hour program) and become
certified by October 6 (if they were hired before June 6).

Any nurse aides hired after June 6 have the usual 4 months to complete their training and testing and
become certified.

•   If nursing facilities or training programs have questions or experience capacity issues in training and
    testing that will result in a delay for a nurse aide to meet the full requirements within 4 months after the
    federal waiver ended, please notify Suzanne Williams at
•   If an individual nurse aide is experiencing a delay in being placed on the Nurse Aide Registry and it has
    been more than 30 days since they completed their training hours and successfully passed the CNA
    Competency Evaluation Examination, please contact Ivy Tech at

Coming Soon
Nurse Aide in Training Registry
•   A REDCap Nurse Aide in Training Registry has been created to provide a
    record of nurse aides in training in nursing facilities in Indiana.
•   This will enable IDOH to monitor capacity related to the training, testing and
    certification of nurse aides.
• Beginning July 1, nursing facilities should complete the survey for any nurse
  aides hired who are not yet certified. This would include former PCAs and
  TNAs who did not complete their nurse aide training prior to July 1 but are
  enrolled in a nurse aide training program with the intention of completing the
  training, testing and certification.

A facility must not use any individual working in the facility as a nurse aide for
more than 4 months, on a full-time basis, unless (i) That individual is
competent to provide nursing and nursing-related services; and (ii)(A) That
individual has completed a training and competency evaluation program, or a
competency evaluation program approved by the state as meeting the
requirements of §483.151 through §483.154.

A facility must not use any individual who has worked less than 4 months as a
nurse aide in that facility unless the individual (i) is a full-time employee in a
state-approved training and competency evaluation program; and (ii) has
demonstrated competence through satisfactory participation in a state-
approved nurse aide training and competency evaluation program or
competency evaluation program.
New Policy for Requesting a Waiver of NATCEP
Facilities whose CNA training has been banned had the opportunity during the COVID-
19 public health emergency to request a waiver and conduct abbreviated nurse aide
training in their facility by an approved CNA training program.
• These waivers of NATCEP loss allowing training in banned facilities expire on July 1,
The new IDOH policy and procedure for facilities to request a waiver of disapproval of
nurse aide training has been in effect since June 1.
Facilities may request a waiver by emailing with
the required information in the checklist of information to request a waiver of
disapproval of Nurse Aide Training and Competency Evaluation Program (NATCEP).
This information was also in the 5/26/2022 LTC Newsletter.

Ivy Tech Contacts:

If you have general questions about the CNA QMA Testing Office, please email

Also, visit their website for additional information and FAQs:

If you are representing a training facility and you have questions or need
information, please email Lori Urick at

IDOH CNA/QMA Training and Registry webpage:
Suzanne Williams

Vaccination Tracking
• Survey oversight of the staff vaccination requirement for
  Medicare and Medicaid certified providers and suppliers
  will continue to be performed during initial and
  recertification surveys but will now only be performed in
  response to complaints alleging non-compliance with this
  requirement, not all surveys. Under prior guidance, all
  surveys included oversight of the staff vaccination
• CMS will revise QSO 22-11 to ensure deficiency
  determinations reflect good faith efforts implemented by
  providers and suppliers and incorporate harm or potential
  harm to patients and residents resulting from any non-
Vaccination Tracking
• Tracking of staff and resident vaccinations is essential to ensuring
  compliance with regulations
  • Utilizing internal tracking tools to monitor vaccination and/or
    exemption status of all healthcare workers and residents
  • Developing systems to ensure that residents and/or healthcare
    workers that are not up to date and/or eligible for the next step in
    their vaccination series receive their vaccinations in a timely
    manner to ensure compliance.

Vaccination Reminders
   • Must wait 21days (Pfizer) and 28 days
     (Moderna) between primary doses.
   • An individual is eligible for 1st booster 5
     months after primary series completed
   • Individuals over 50 years of age or severely
     immunocompromised are recommended to
     receive a second booster (Pfizer or Moderna)
     at least 4 months after first booster

Staff Vaccination InternalTracking Tool
     Complete this form or          Direct facility   Age or Date Title/Positio Assigned    Vaccinated                                                                                             Not Vaccinated
     provide a list containing      hire (DH),        of Birth    n             work area
     the same information           Contracted hire
     required in this form.         (C), Other (O)

     Section I: Complete based
     on the Day 1 of the
     Total # of staff:

     # partially vaccinated staff
     # completely vaccinated
     staff (6):

     # pending exemption (8
     and 9):
     # granted exemption (8 and
     # temporary delay/new hire
     # not vaccinated without

     Note: The sum of the #’s
     for columns 5, 6, 8 through
     11 should equal the total #
     of staff.

                                                                                            Partially    Eligible     Completely Eligible     1st Booster Eligible for Eligible Date 2nd Booster   Pending (P)   Pending     Temporary Not vaccinated without
                                                                                            vaccinated   Date for 2nd vaccinated Date for 1st dose        2nd Booster for 2nd        Dose          or Granted    (PN) or     delay per exemption/delay
                                                                                                                                                                       Booster Dose
                                                                                                         Shot                    Booster                  Yes/No                                   (G) medical   Granted     CDC/ new
                                                                                                         (Primary                                                                                  exemption     (GN) non-   hire
                                                                                                         Series)                                                                                                 medical

     Staff Name
     Sally Sunshine                 DH                52          RN           DON                                   X                        X            Yes         6/30/2022                   N/A           N/A         N/A        N/A
     Patty Cake                     DH                25          CNA          200 hall X                7/4/2022
Resident Internal Tracking Sheet
      Complete this form or         Date of       Discharge Isolation - Assigned Vaccinated                                                                      Not Vaccinated
      provide a list containing the Admission     Date      Yes/No Room #
      same information required in
      this form.

      Section I: Complete based on
      the Day 1 of the survey:

      Total # of residents

      # partially vaccinated
      residents :
      # completely vaccinated staff

      # pending exemption (8 and
      # granted exemption (8 and
      # temporary delay
      # not vaccinated without
      exemption/delay (11):

      Note: The sum of the #’s for
      columns 5, 6, 8 through 11
      should equal the total # of

                                                                                Partially Eligible   Complete    Eligible 1st        Eligible 2nd       Fully     Pending    Pending    Tempora Not vaccinated
                                                                                vaccinate Date for   ly          Date for Booster    Date for Booster   Vaccinate (P) or     (PN) or    ry delay without
                                                                                d         2nd Shot   vaccinate   1st      dose       2nd      Dose      d         Granted    Granted    per CDC/ exemption/delay
                                                                                          (Primary   d           Booster             Booster                      (G)        (GN)       new hire
                                                                                          Series)                                    Dose                         medical    non-
                                                                                                                                                                  exemptio   medical
                                                                                                                                                                  n          exemptio

      Resident Name
      Jack Benimble                   6/20/2022             No                                       x                    1/1/2022            6/1/2022 X

Tickler System
• Pending File
• Files numbered 1-31 (days of the month)
• Place notice in corresponding number according to eligible date
  • Load files at end of month for the next month (ex : end of June for
  • Look a week ahead to notify staff and/or residents of their upcoming
     eligible date
  • Schedule clinics according to demand each week/month
  • Take all notices out of current day to morning meeting – to discuss
     with team
  • Place the notices in pending file and once proof of vaccination (copy
     of card, etc.) is obtained shred notice in pending file and file current
     vaccination card and update tracking tool.

Qsource Assistance
• The QIO is available to assist facilities with tracking
  tools and/or implementing the tracking/tickler system.

                     • Kara Dawson

                   • Teresa Hostettler

Contact Information
Lori Davenport – IHCA/INCAL Clinical/Regulatory
•                           Dr. Shireesha Vuppalanchi – Clinical, IDH         Deeksha Kapoor – IHCA/INCAL Communications/PR
•   765-516-0148                                  •                            •

Amy Kent – Assistant Commissioner, IDH            Brenda Buroker – Survey, IDH                      Rob Jones – IDH Gateway Assistance
•                                                                                   •
•   317-233-7289                                  •   317-234-7340                                  David McCormick
Jennifer Spivey – Infection Control, IDH                                                                   •
                                                  Jan Kulik
•                          •                            Dr. Lindsey Weaver
•   317-232-0639                                  •   317-233-7480                                          •
•   317-471-7844 cell
                                                  Peter Krombach                                    Suzanne Williams
Paul Krievins                                                                                             •
•                                                                           Langham Customer Service
                                                  Michelle Donner
Kelly White – Reporting, IDH                                                                             • 866-926-3420
                                                  •                               •
                                                  Pam Pontones – CDC Guidance, IDH
Tammy Alley – Vaccine Questions, IDH              •
•                            •   317-233-8400
•   317-223-7441
                                                  Kara Dawson – NHSN
Randy Synder – Vaccine Questions, IDH             •
•                          •   317-628-1145 OR contact:
Russell Evans                                     •   Angeleta Hendrickson -
                                                  •   Teresa Hostettler -
•   317-804-4102

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