Page created by Benjamin Gonzalez
LSF.WEEK  21 May 2021

Message from the Chairman
Loughborough Schools Foundation

This week saw further progress towards ‘normality’ as an easing of Covid
restrictions means that we can now meet with groups of family and
friends once again. On campus it has meant we can see smiling pupils,
who are now able to enjoy their lessons without wearing facemasks.
Although we must continue to be cautious to keep our community safe,
these small steps of progress and the spring blossoms around campus,
point to a brighter summer.

There is change too here at LSF. This week I was delighted to announce, on behalf
of the Board, the appointment of Dr Christopher Barnett as interim Headmaster of
Loughborough Grammar School. Dr Barnett brings a wealth of experience to the
role, which will benefit the Grammar School and Foundation as a whole. He was a
Lecturer in Economics at Brunel University, Head of History at Bradfield College, and
Senior Deputy Head at Dauntsey’s School. As Headmaster he led Whitgift, one of the
country’s finest day and boarding schools for boys, with distinction for 26 years.

I am sure you will join me in welcoming Dr Barnett to Loughborough in August.
He will provide leadership to the Grammar School while the Board undertake to find
the right person to become the permanent Head of the School.

In welcoming Dr Barnett, I must also reflect on the achievements of Duncan Byrne,
who leaves this summer to take up a new opportunity. In his time at Loughborough
Grammar School Mr Byrne has maintained and built on the reputation of the School
for academic success and for developing and guiding confident young men.

His introduction of the GREAT men initiative, alongside the expansion of the School’s
extra-curricular programme and his continued efforts to support and develop our
Boarding communities, have all strengthened the School and means that he leaves
LGS in a good place. I and the Board wish him, and his family, the very best in their
new ventures and their new home.

Admiral Sir Trevor Soar
Mental Health Awareness
                                            Last week was Mental Health Awareness Week, with ‘Connect with Nature’ being
                                            our key theme. From Kindergarten through to Year 6, the staff and I provided
                                            numerous opportunities for the children to develop their understanding of how
                                            connecting with nature can be beneficial for our mental health and wellbeing.

My assemblies provided an ideal             Reception
opportunity to open the children’s
eyes to the power of nature, as well as     The Reception children spent time
how we can enhance our connection           taking part in lots of outdoor and
to nature through our own personal          mindfulness related activities for this
engagement - what we feel, think and        week’s Wellbeing week.
experience in our interactions with the
natural environment.                        Each morning, Reception children went
                                            outside and ran laps around the field
The children and I also spoke about         to slowly reach their target of 100 laps!
our reciprocal relationship with nature     We believe that being active first thing
and the importance of thinking about        in the morning boosts our mood for
what we can do to protect and nurture       the day, and also brings about a sense
the natural environment around us, so       of positivity and accomplishment. The
that we can continue to enjoy the many      bursts of activity were followed with
benefits to both our physical and mental    Yoga and mindfulness stories (from
health which nature offers.                 Cosmic Kids) at the end of the day to
                                            help feel calm and tune in to our bodies.
I do hope that the following information    The children also took part in a variety
provided by the Heads of Year, as well as   of outdoor activities including bike time
Mrs Chadwick and Mr Hoult will provide      and Forest School, which were both a bit
you with a comprehensive taster of the      wet last week!
range of activities which the children
both participated in and benefited from     In the classroom the children continued
across Fairfield…                           to talk about our feelings and emotions.
.                                           The children also took part in group
Kindergarten                                discussions about things that make us
                                            feel happy and things we can do to relax
Kindergarten children focused on            and I am delighted to report that each
mental health through a variety of fun
                                            classroom now has a ‘Worry Monster’
                                            which can eat children’s worries or
                                                                                        Year 2
                                            anxieties!                                  Year 2 focused on exploring feelings and
They read the story of Giraffe’s Can’t
Dance and actively discussed all of the                                                 how different things can affect how we
characters’ feelings which led on to a                                                  feel
wider exploration based on the concept
of being kind, whilst using this vital                                                  We sorted our ideas into what might
opportunity to share their thoughts                                                     make us happy or sad or anxious, and
about what we are good at and how we                                                    what those feelings mean to us. We
can help each other. They also worked                                                   explored ways to help ourselves when we
as a team to complete challenges such as                                                may feel anxious or sad. All the children
dropping a ball through a parachute!                                                    agreed that being outdoors helped our
                                                                                        Mental Health and made us feel happier.

                                                                                        We went on a Scavenger hunt around
                                                                                        the School, challenging ourselves to take
                                                                                        photos of all sorts of things in nature
                                            Year 1                                      such as things that we found funny or
                                                                                        unusual or exciting, things that are big
                                            As part of Mental Health Week, Year 1       or small or shiny, things that should not
                                            have been embracing nature and fresh        be there and things of different colours.
                                            air by spending lots of their lessons       It was a fun activity that really made us
                                            outside.                                    take notice of our surroundings and was
                                                                                        certainly enjoyed by all.
                                            During their art sessions, they created
                                            their own sculptures on the quad using
                                            natural materials. At Forest School,
                                            they took part in a mindfulness session
                                            where they considered all the things
                                            they experience with their senses.
                                            They thoroughly enjoyed leading their
                                            partners around Forest School whilst
                                            they were blindfolded so that they
                                            could focus on their sense of hearing
                                            and touch. But their favourite part was
                                            listening to the mud squelching and the
                                            puddles splashing as they jumped up
                                            and down!
Year 6
                                                                                        This week Year 6 have been focusing on
                                                                                        their mental wellbeing.

                                                                                        We’ve looked at how connecting with
                                                                                        nature can help us feel calm. We’ve
                                                                                        shared ideas and activities that make
Year 3                                                                                  us feel positive and have enjoyed a film
                                                                                        whilst eating popcorn with our friends.
Year 3 have enjoyed connecting with
nature in Mental Health Awareness                                                       Focus on Art…
                                                                                        The connection between creativity and
The children have been making wax                                                       good mental health is well established.
rubbings of man-made and natural
surfaces in our playground areas. We                                                    It’s no surprise that during recent
have even managed to employ our                                                         lockdowns, many people found comfort
mental arithmetic skills by running                                                     and solace in creating, be it painting,
around and completing a code-breaking                                                   knitting, baking, or gardening. The act of
activity outside.                                                                       concentrating on something that you are
                                                                                        making can be a fantastically cathartic
                                                                                        process, combine that with being
                                                                                        outside amongst nature and you have a
                                                                                        wonderfully mindful experience.
                                                                                        Year 2 had this experience this week
                                                                                        as we headed outside to sit and draw
                                                                                        the White House, we were very lucky
                                                                                        and missed the rain and the children
                                                                                        drew some wonderfully observed
                                                        sketches. Year 5 also had the chance to
                                            newsround/57063276                          work underneath the trees to add some
                                                                                        dynamic action painting splatters to the
                                                                                        pastel backing created previously as part
                                                                                        of their ongoing pieces. It was certainly
                                            Year 5                                      liberating to be able to create exciting
                                                                                        marks with the paints and enjoy all the
                                            What would the world be like if you         pleasures of the outside environment.
                                            shrunk to the size of a pencil? What
                                            adventures and dilemmas might you

Year 4                                      Year 5 recently found out when they
                                            discovered their ‘mini-me’ character
This week has enabled us to ‘live in the    waiting for them at Forest School this
moment’ with a variety of mindfulness       week.
activities to focus on our mental health.
On Monday, each Year 4 class took part      The children took their ‘mini-me’ for an
in a yoga session with Mrs Butterworth      exploratory walk past the trees’ shadows,
                                            through the trickling stream, around the
focusing on strength and controlling
our breathing.                              badger’s sett and through the overgrown
                                                                                        Focus on PE:
                                            brambles. Flowers became fluffy pillows,
                                                                                        Mental Health has been a key topic of
We discussed how this can help us           leaves became boats, and feathers
                                                                                        conversation in physical education and
overcome all sorts of challenges in life.   became wings. The children were able
                                                                                        sport this week.
We have completed a series of short         to take the time to explore, relax and
mindfulness meditations to calm the         connect with their environment.
                                                                                        The Pre-Prep children have been
mind. Katie Thistleton, Radio 1 presenter
                                                                                        reflecting on their lessons and describing
pictured in next column, initiated our      They then used this experience to
                                                                                        how they feel after each activity. Whilst
discussion with the mantra “treat your      create a piece of writing back in the
                                                                                        in the Upper Prep, children have
physical health like your mental health”.   classroom using similes, metaphors
                                                                                        been discussing how and what type
We found out that it’s ok to express how    and personification to bring their
                                                                                        of feedback we can give, gaining an
you are feeling, just like you might say    descriptions alive.
                                                                                        understanding of how important our
you have tummy ache or a headache.
                                                                                        words can be and the positive effect we
                                                                                        can have on others. Many children have
                                                                                        also highlighted how important it is to
                                                                                        be active and enjoy playing outdoors,
                                                                                        keeping their mind and body energised
                                                                                        throughout the day.

Andrew Earnshaw
Innovation with a Social Conscience
Congratulations to Freddie and Harriet in Year 12 who have won the National 2021
‘Be the Future Challenge’, which asked entrants to create a social enterprise idea
that addressed a social or environmental issue, such as poverty, climate change or
inequality. After some rigorous judging from a panel of enterprise experts, Freddie
and Harriet were judged winners of the KS5 (Sixth Form age) category.

Their idea, called ‘Zap It’, was created to address the environmental issue of clean
water and sanitation across the world. ‘Zap It’ uses UV-C LED lights to create safe
drinking water for people across the globe.

The judges said that it was “a fantastic pitch that showed a developed knowledge and
understanding of both the issue and the technology required to resolve it.”

Freddie and Harriet commented: “We are absolutely honoured to have won.
Nowadays, people are becoming far more conscious of their social responsibilities
as global citizens. We entered the competition in order to learn more about how
a social enterprise would work and the factors involved in the decision making

They have won an invitation to a webinar which will be hosted by The Peter Jones
Foundation and a hamper of social enterprise goodies!

I am particularly proud of Harriet and Freddie’s achievement, as I feel that this
combination of forward looking, creative enterprise and concern for others, sums up
the spirit of our school.

A Change is as Good                          Best of Luck for Sports Week
as a Rest
Not content with punishing themselves
on the tennis court for hours every
day, our Hahn House boarders like to
use what little spare time they have to
explore new forms of physical exercise.

Last weekend, the Hahn House girls
spent their ‘downtime’ at a professional     This year, due to Covid, we have replaced
dance studio in Melton Mowbray               our traditional sports day with a sports
brushing up on their Street Dance moves.     week, which takes place next week.
Great to see them enjoying their first
proper excursion of 2021.                    This involves one Senior School and
                                             one Prep School year group spending
                                             half a day at the Park Road ground
                                             taking part in a variety of fun sporting
                                             competitions. As you can imagine, this
                                             has involved considerable organisation
                                             and great commitment from Mrs Lewis
                                             and her team. My thanks to them, and
                                             my best wishes to everyone taking part
                                             in sporting competitions next week.

                                             May the best House win!

Julian Murphy
Duke of Edinburgh Award                        have not been feasible destinations.
                                               Instead, we have used the Quorn playing
The impact of the Duke of Edinburgh’s          fields as our base, opening up the
Award has been widely publicised in            beautiful (and demanding) Charnwood
the media following the death of Prince        Hills to Bronze, Silver and Gold groups.
Philip in April. Under the dynamic             Since Easter, no fewer than 140 boys have
leadership of Mr Moffett, we are               undertaken their practice expeditions.
delighted that Grammar School boys             Best of luck to the Bronze groups who
have continued with their qualifications.      will be completing their qualifying event
During the past year of travel restrictions,   of 34-38 km over the next few weekends.
the Peak District and the Brecon Beacons

                                                                                           At the Cutting Edge
                                                                                           Our use of technology changes
                                                                                           extraordinarily quickly: our Year 13
                                                                                           leavers have hardware that nobody
                                                                                           could ever have conceived when they
                                                                                           arrived at LGS seven years ago. The
                                               Biology Arrival!                            Computing Department’s virtual reality
                                                                                           headsets have made waves since they
                                               We are so fortunate to enjoy a veritable    arrived three years ago, with some of
                                               menagerie in the Biology Department,        the older inhabitants of Loughborough
                                               with countless Grammar School boys          experiencing them as part of our
                                               helping out with their care through the     Voluntary Service outreach. This week,
                                               ever-popular Beast Club. Unfortunately,     it’s the Physics Department’s turn to show
                                               despite Mr Thornton and Mrs Herring         off it’s new Infrared Camera. But who is
                                               successfully carrying out emergency         the Physics teacher represented in this
Cricket Returns!                               surgery following instruction from a
                                               YouTube video, we lost our previous
We are delighted to announce the               gecko just before Easter. We are
                                               nevertheless pleased to welcome Rango
return of cricket fixtures to Quorn!
                                               to LGS to take his place alongside the      Own Shirts Day
Although we managed to run inter-form          Royal Python, African land snails, sundry
                                               spiders and, of course, the feisty Degu.    Although an ‘Own Clothes’ day has
competition at the start of Autumn term,                                                   long been planned for Friday 28 May,
we have had no school fixtures since                                                       we have decided to add an extra event a
July 2019. This all changes on Saturday                                                    week earlier (Friday 21) in recognition of
morning (22 May) with block fixtures                                                       Leicester City’s historic victory. We have
against Solihull School. Please join us in                                                 countless LCFC fans at the Grammar
praying for glorious weather!                                                              School; in fact, rather more now than
                                                                                           was the case pre-2016. We are therefore
                                                                                           encouraging our Leicester fans to wear
                                                                                           their team shirts on Friday (with their
                                                                                           school trousers and blazer) so that those
                                                                                           of us whose teams’ trophy cabinets
                                                                                           are bare, can join in their well-earned

                                               Open Golf Competition
                                               Dr Mark Ebden is hoping to organise an annual LGS open golf competition (Years
                                               6-13). The inaugural event will be 12:00 to 16:00 on Tuesday 6 July at Shelthorpe golf
                                               course (18-hole pitch and putt). Any boy that can bring their own equipment and can
                                               play round a pitch and putt course is eligible. There will be prizes including for the
                                               best scratch and handicap scores. Boys that are interested should contact Dr Ebden
Duncan Byrne                                   by Wednesday 26 May.
Senior Prefect News                             As outstanding role models, they have        Classics Homerathon
                                                made a huge impact on the School,
Following an excellent Prefect Hustings         through leading pupil forum to               The University of Iowa Department
and election, we are delighted to share         organising whole school events. Hannah-      of Classics hosted the second virtual
details of our new senior prefects for          Maria and her team have demonstrated         Homerathon! Last year, a handful of LSF
the year ahead. These students will be          resilience and determination, inspiring      Classics pupils and LGS staff participated
leading a wider team of prefects, and           staff and students alike with their          in the reading of the Odyssey and we
together they play a vital role in the          unwavering enthusiasm, energy, and           made the local news then, as ‘a group of
leadership of our school community.             sense of fun.                                high schoolers from the UK’.

Head Girl: Dulcie.                                                                           We were sent an invitation to participate
Deputy Head Girls: Manasi and Lucy                                                           this year and High School Classical
Academic: Lucy                                                                               Civilisation students, Elizabeth,
Sustainability and Society: Elizabeth                                                        Alexis and Alice, were among the 215
Community and Wellbeing: Ellen                                                               participants reading Homer’s entire Iliad.
House Captain, Burton: Tilly
House Captain, Fearon: Anya
House Captain, Hastings: Josie
House Captain, Storer: Jess

As the prefect handover takes place, we
say a huge thank you to our Head Girl,          Photo front to back, left to right:
Hannah-Maria, and her team of prefects,         Dulcie, Lucy, Manasi, Tilly, Anya, Josie,
for their work this year.                       Jess, Lucy, Elizabeth, Ellen.

Drama                                           Duke of Edinburgh Award
Exciting news! National Theatre
                                                - Bronze Training
Connections have been in touch to               Students enrolled on the Bronze Duke of
confirm the performance date at Derby           Edinburgh Award recently participated
Theatre and we will be performing to a          in a training weekend where they were
live audience!                                  put through their paces in all areas of
                                                the expedition.
The performance will take place on
Friday 11 June at 19:00. As we will be in       The aim of the weekend was to
                                                                                             Astrophysics Talk
Stage 3 of the government roadmap               introduce the essential skills, such as
(10-12 June), audience capacity will be                                                      LHS Physics Society virtually welcomed
                                                map reading, using a compass, putting
substantially limited, unless government                                                     Dr Danny Steeghs, Head of Astrophysics
                                                up a tent and using a stove. They also
restrictions are lifted in the interim, so if                                                at Warwick University to the High
                                                covered important topics such as first
you would like to attend, please consider                                                    School last week.
                                                aid, nutrition and what to wear.
booking seats as soon as possible.              On Saturday, students learnt how to
Please click on the following link                                                           In an event organised by RanRan, who
                                                put up their tents, which in itself is a
to book tickets:                                                                             is in Year 12, Dr Steeghs kindly gave up
                                                challenge and can test teamworking                                                       his valuable time to inform and educate
                                                skills straightaway.
                                                                                             the pupils and staff in attendance of
                                                                                             his cutting-edge work in identifying
                                                                                             the sources of Gravity Waves across the

                                                                                             Attendees were fascinated to hear about
                                                                                             everything from black holes to the
                                                                                             gravitational impact of massive objects in
                                                                                             space. It was a fascinating insight into the
                                                                                             life of stars including white dwarfs and
                                                On Sunday, Year 9 students went to
                                                                                             neutron stars.
                                                Bradgate Park to learn and develop their
                                                map reading and compass skills and in
                                                teams, they learnt how to navigate their
                                                way around the park over to Swithland
                                                and back.

                                                Thankfully the weather was kind, and
                                                everyone had a great day. It was a test of
                                                their teamwork skills and while some
                                                made it back more quickly than others,
                                                all of the students should be proud and
                                                feel confident that they are ready for the
   Fiona Miles                                  real thing.
Developers                                   Investigators
At the Nursery our youngest children         Over the past couple of weeks,
in Developers have been learning about       Investigators have been very creative
different farm animals and have created      making pictures using plastic wallets
a wonderful farm animal display. The         and paint by making marks with their
children have made paper plate pigs,         fingers, through the plastic wallet. The
cotton wool sheep, handprint chicks and      children have also been celebrating Eid
used shredded paper to make ducks for        by making special Eid pictures with the
the pond. Developers have also had fun       stars to celebrate the beginning of a new
celebrating Leicester City’s FA Cup win by   year, stamping them in the paint and
creating colourful flags and foxes.          over their card.

                                                                                          This month in Pathfinders we have been
                                                                                          doing lots of interesting activities. The
                                                                                          children have been conducting science
                                                                                          experiments with colours, mixing food
                                                                                          colouring with milk and squishing
                                                                                          different coloured paints together to
                                                                                          create new colours. The children have
                                                                                          also been looking at animal patterns and
                                                                                          learning about our British values and
                                                                                          the importance of being kind to others.
                                                                                          Pathfinders are looking forward to their
                                                                                          new topic and are going to be learning
                                                                                          all about space, rockets and planets.

                                                                                          Pathfinders Priest House really enjoyed
                                                                                          their special mealtimes for celebrating
                                                                                          Eid, particularly the homemade chapati’s
                                                                                          and vegetable kebabs for tea.
                                                                                          The children are loving spending time
                                             Innovators have been super busy              outside whether that is playing on the
                                             learning about the fire department.          bikes and trikes or getting crafty by using
                                             The children have made their own fire        chalk paint to create fantastic patterns on
                                             engine and used team work to make            the floor.
                                             sure the paint stayed in the lines! The
                                             children have also been creating their
                                             own fire pictures outside on the floor but
                                             the rain came and washed them away!
                                             The children have also enjoyed lots of
                                             stories and dressing up like people in the
Pioneers                                     fire department.

Pioneers have been covering lots of
activities to do with the story of the
Enormous Turnip, this was started from
the children’s interests and they have
all been really engaged. The children
passed the turnip around at circle time
but none of the children knew what
this unusual vegetable was! From using
their imaginations with small world
play using real vegetables, to observing,
painting, sorting and numeracy, it’s
amazing how something can spark off so
many activities that include all the seven
areas of learning.

  Carla Brindley
  Nursery Manager
Design and Technology

NEWS...                                   PUPIL WORK
                                          Following the lockdown period in the Spring Term, Year 9 pupils at the Grammar
                                          School have relished being back in the Design and Technology workshops, as they
                                          have finally been able to complete their practical projects.

                                          The pupils have been creating prototypes from their own design work by responding
                                          to two different design briefs - to create a timber based mechanical toy centred
                                          around the work of Pixar and to a manufacture an acrylic and aluminium desk tidy
                                          in the style of the Memphis Group.

                                          We have been really pleased by the pupils’ progress as well as their confidence in
                                          the workshops, and it has been great that their hard work is reflected by such high
                                          quality outcomes.

SWITCHBOARD                                                                            More recently, as part of the celebrations
                                                                                       to mark the 525th anniversary of the
                                                                                       founding of Loughborough Grammar
John Marsden works in the Grammar School Design and Technology                         School, John has used complex multiple
Department and he has designed and built a switchboard!                                processes and micro processors to create
                                                                                       an interactive switchboard. At the touch
John loves spending his time designing and building electronic, mechanical-moving      of the start button, the switchboard
installations for local and national events. Some of you may remember that John        comes to life with random light patterns
created and built the poignant installation of mechanical poppies that responded to    flashing on the board to replicate an
human interaction, as part of the centenary commemoration of the fallen of WWI..       old-style telephone switchboard. When
                                                                                       the lights stop moving, by matching
                                                                                       the telephone cables to the lights on
                                                                                       the board, the telephone rings until

                                                                                       On answering and following some
                                                                                       simple instructions it is then possible to
                                                                                       choose a number to dial on the Bakelite
                                                                                       phone to hear one of the many recorded
                                                                                       interviews and stories from the history of
                                                                                       the School.

                                                                                       John has used one of the School’s original
                                                                                       Bakelite telephones and the original
                                                                                       ringer, which were both still in working
                                                                                       order 70 years on from the date of
                                                                                       original manufacture. It is clear that John
                                                                                       is inspired by the challenge presented
                                                                                       by creating these complex, interactive
                                                                                       installations that bring so much pleasure
                                                                                       to so many people.
You can listen to John speak about creating his switchboard here;
Andrew Harris
Andrew is a member of Fairfield School Board and Chair of the LSF Fundraising

What is your day job?
I have recently moved roles. For the last 7 years I was on the Executive Board of
Aston University, I am now Director of Campaigns at the University of Sheffield
leading their Development and Alumni Office where we support their 312k
alumni and strategically engage them with the institution.

What is your connection to LSF?
I spent 3 years in the independent school sector, very much enjoyed my time
and wanted to ‘give back’ to the sector that had given me so much.
Why Loughborough? The opportunity arose and I had worked with one of the
Headteacher’s previously.

What was your favourite subject in school?
History and particularly Latin/Classical Civilisations – even today I recall much
of Virgil’s Aeneid.

When not on Governor duties, how do you like
to spend your time?
I have two teenagers of my own which take up time, but when I have some free
time I like to spend it on the golf course. My son and I are members at
The Shropshire.

If you went on Mastermind, what would your
specialist subject be?
I’d actually quite enjoy the General Knowledge round but would try British
politics since 1979.


• Morning or Evening?

• Library or Museums?

• Alaska or Hawaii?

• Singing or Dancing?
  Both – musical theatre every time

• Pasta or Pizza?

• Flowers or Trees?


          The Executive are delighted to announce that Nicky Bouckley has been
          appointed as Director of Music for Loughborough Schools Music. LSF.
          WEEK caught up with Nicky this week and asked her about her exciting
          new role.

          How long have you worked at the                What are you looking forward to
          Foundation and what will your                  most as DoM?
          new role encompass?
                                                         Concerts, and lots of them. Seeing our
          I’ve been at the Foundation for 11 years,      students perform at any level is one of
          firstly as Deputy Director of Music, then      the most rewarding things, and I get to
          as Head of Academic Music and finally          see them all!
          now as Director of Music. As DoM I will
          oversee all of the Music at all four schools   How have your team adapted
          in the Foundation, making sure that            during this period of year group
          every student has as many opportunities
          as they want and need, to learn and            bubbles?
          perform. It’s an exciting role!
                                                         I think that our instrumental teachers
          How is your department                         were amongst the first in the country to
                                                         start teaching online, with great success.
          structured?                                    Academic lessons also went online, and
                                                         we had to think of new and imaginative
          There are two different sides to a Music       ways to be creative. Performances were
          department: the academic and the               the hardest things to adapt, but the
          performance. Our department is further         staff and students have been fantastic,
          split in terms of year groups - Prep and       producing hundreds of performances
          Senior. We have a huge number of staff         throughout lockdown and more recently
          - around 45 - to teach and enable over         - just look at our YouTube channel!
          2000 pupils!
                                                         Do you envisage a return to the
                                                         programme of Music concerts and
                                                         events in September?

                                                         Yes, and I can’t wait!! We are hoping to
                                                         be able to do a ‘normal’ year in terms of
                                                         performance next year, with some big
                                                         ideas already for the Spring Concert at De
                                                         Montfort Hall and for Al Fresco. Watch
                                                         this space, and while you’re waiting, cross
                                                         your fingers that restrictions get lifted in
                                                         time for us to be able to start rehearsing.

                                                         If you were stranded on a desert
                                                         island, which three pieces of music
                                                         would you take with you?

                                                         This is such a difficult question! I
                                                         love so many different types of music
                                                         that narrowing it down to 3 is almost
                                                         impossible... I think Bach’s St John Passion
                                                         is a must, probably one of Sibelius’
                                                         symphonies (number 2?) for some
                                                         orchestral music, and the organ version
                                                         of Messiaen’s L’ascension is just totally


                                   MUSIC EXAMS
                                   Congratulations to the following pupils who have achieved Distinction
                                   in their Music exams.

                                   Well done to everyone on a fantastic set of results!

    Joseph, LGS: DipLCM flute                                Francesca, LHS: Grade 5 percussion

    Ankitha, LHS: Grade 8 flute                              Jude, FFD: Grade 4 music theatre

    Lucy, LHS: Grade 8 piano                                 Joanna, LAS: Grade 4 piano

    Natalie, LHS: Grade 8 piano                              Oliver, FFD: Grade 4 violin

    Patrick, LGS: Grade 8 violin                             Sabrina, FFD: Grade 3 singing

    Dan, LGS: Grade 8 drum kit                               Jayden, FFD: Grade 3 cello

    Ellen, LHS: Grade 8 music theatre                        Luke, FFD: Grade 3 cello

    Anya, LHS: Grade 8 clarinet                              Tiyani, LHS: Grade 3 pop music vocals

    Ayeka, LAS: Grade 8 violin                               Josh, LGS: Grade 3 percussion

    Keira, LHS: Grade 7 flute                                Estella, FFD: Grade 2 music theatre

    James, LGS: Grade 6 piano                                Jai, FFD: Grade 2 percussion

    Jacob, LGS: Grade 6 cello                                Lara, LHS: Grade 2 percussion

    William, LGS: Grade 6 saxophone                          Jovan, FFD: Grade 1 percussion

    Charles, LGS: Grade 5 music theatre                      Leni, FFD: Initial grade violin

Don’t forget to tune into the Loughborough Schools Music YouTube channel to watch and listen to
performances by our musicians in the regular Lunchtime Live and Sound Bites sessions.

          The Sports Department are delighted that pupils can begin returning
          to more normality with regards to sports fixtures and events. We are
          really enjoying seeing the students all participating in their clubs and
          activities again and whilst the British Summer weather has not been
          too kind to us in the last couple of weeks, we are remaining optimistic
          for our bumper week of sport next week.

          It was fantastic to see over 30 girls from Loughborough High School attending their
          first hard ball cricket nets session, and this is certainly something to build on in the
          coming weeks. At Fairfield the number of students attending extra-curricular sports
          clubs in the Upper Prep has continued to be over 90%.

                                                        For Amherst School and The Grammar
                                                        School the half term will end with the
                                                        focus on School sports days. Both Schools
                                                        will be running year group bubbled
                                                        events with a range of activities from
                                                        formal athletic disciplines.

                                                        The House points will be collated over
                                                        the week with a running total and the
                                                        Sports Day House Champions will be
                                                        announced straight after half term. For
                                                        Fairfield School and the High School
                                                        these exciting bubbled sports days are
                                                        currently being planned and will be
                                                        taking place later in the term.

                                                        Additionally, we are so pleased to
                                                        be holding our first cricket fixtures

                                                        We have 8 boys cricket teams playing
                                                        matches against Solihull School with
                                                        strict Covid guidelines in place. We are
                                                        hoping that the weather is kind and we
                                                        are all looking forward to watching the
                                                        return of inter-school fixtures at Quorn
                                                        Playing Fields.

                                                        For the other Senior Schools, we are
                                                        planning the return to school fixtures at
                                                        weekends after half term.

                                                        Jo Hackett
                                                        Foundation Director of Sport
News in pictures

IN THE                                                                  FLY FLY THE
NEWS...                     CAN YOU SEE A
                            RAINBOW?                                    In their class assembly, Reception
                                                                        children at Amherst gave thanks for their
                            Year 1 at Fairfield have made a beautiful   class butterflies before releasing them
                            Rainbow Collage.                            into the wild.

                                                                        HEALTHY EATING
                                                                        At the High School this week, during
                                                                        their Food & Nutrition lessons, pupils in
                                                                        Year 9 have been working on designing
                                                                        food for children and have produced
                                                                        some beautiful ‘garden’ focaccias,
                                                                        to encourage children to eat more

   Loughborough Schools Foundation                                       Loughborough Schools Foundation is a Company
   3 Burton Walks                                                        Limited by Guarantee, number 4038033, and is registered
   Loughborough                         T: 01509 283700                  in England and Wales. It is also a Registered Charity,
                                                                         number 1081765.
   Leicestershire                                   The Registered Office is 3 Burton Walks, Loughborough,
   LE11 2DU                             @LboroSchFdt                     Leicestershire LE11 2DU
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