Rugby Southland U65kg - 7 December 2018 - James Hargest

Page created by Shannon Farmer
Rugby Southland U65kg - 7 December 2018 - James Hargest
7 December 2018

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Rugby Southland U65kg - 7 December 2018 - James Hargest
Principal’s Report
         Andy Wood          Following a careful review of our Pastoral     •   Our aim in making these changes is
         Principal          Care structures this year, (including input        to enhance Form Teachers’ ability to
                            from parents and students), we are                 support and mentor their students
                            tweaking some aspects of our organisation          through the various stages of their 3
                            for 2019.                                          years as seniors.
                            • All year levels (including seniors) will
                                 be in Year level Form Class groupings     I would like to thank you for your moral
                                 (currently seniors are in vertical        and practical support throughout 2018.
                                 groups).                                  I wish you all a Happy Christmas and
                            • For Years 11-13, the grouping will           hope you have the opportunity for some
                                 stay the same over the 3 years with       personal rest and relaxation over the next
                                 the same Form Teacher (as far as          few weeks.
                            • Instead of 4 x 10 minute Form Times          Nga mihi nui
                                 each week. Form Teachers will meet        Andy Wood
                                 with their groups 2 x 25 minutes each     Principal

From the Boardroom
         Chris O’Connor     From the November Meeting                          be adjustments to the bell times
         BOT Chairperson    • Jeanette Chilton-Smith explained                 on the Senior Campus next year to
                                to the BOT that reporting since the            implement new arrangements of Form
                                abolition of National Standards is             Class time. All classes will begin at
                                being done with direct reference to            9.00am next year (currently 8.55am)
                                Curriculum levels.                             but with slightly shorter breaks, total
                            • The ICC has advised it is withdrawing            class time remains the same.
                                from third party contracts, which          •   On behalf of the BOT, seasons
                                inlcudes mowing the grass on our               greetings to all our Hargest families.
                                playing fields. The BOT has decided            See you in 2019!
                                to purchase suitable equipment and
                                employ staff directly to carry out this    Chris O’Connor
                                work.                                      BOT Chairperson
                            • The Principal advised that there will

PTA Chairperson’s Report
          Monique Shirley   Hello to all                                   There are four or five other events the PTA
          Chairperson       The PTA will be having the end of year         help with hroughout the year; the School
                            uniform Buy and Sell on Thursday 13            Ball, Interview evenings, Open Day, etc.
                            December; 4.30pm Buy In and 6.30pm             We would appreciate some extra help
                            Sell Out, and then again on Wednesday 30       from time to time. Again this year there
                            January 2019; 4.30pm Buy In and 6.30pm         are several people with Year 13’s who will
                            Sell Out. It’s a good chance to get any        be leaving the PTA.
                            surplus items sold off before Christmas.       We extend a warm invitation to join our
                            We look forward to seeing you there. This      small group and make a contribution to
                            is one of the events that we are often         the school in 2019.
                            looking for helpers, so if you are willing     We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a
                            to assist with this we would be grateful.      Happy New Year,
                            These are the only two uniform sales for       Monique Shirley
                            the year so please contact the office if you   Chairperson
                            are able to help.

Whanau Report
          Matua Neitana     Ngā mihi o te raumati nei ki a koutou katoa    our trip to Wellington for Te Matatini next
          Tane              - Seasons Greetings!                           year.
                            To all the supporters of both Kapa Haka
                            and the whānau form class a huge mihi.         Mauri tū Mauri ora - Merry Christmas to
                            Although there are so many of you who          all!
                            have helped enormously we would like
                            to thank Nic Nicholson and Lisa Tau in         Mauri ora
                            particular for all you have done organising    Matua Neitana Tane

Rugby Southland U65kg - 7 December 2018 - James Hargest
Staff Leaving
Mr Brendan Bowie                               Mr Roger Wilson                                Mrs Corlia du Preez

This is the fourth time Brendan has been       Roger has been an integral part of the         Corlia joined us during the year to cover a
with us at Hargest, firstly as a student and   Physics team here at Hargest since 2009.       staff departure. In this time she has taught
then two subsequent times as a teacher,        In that time he has taught both Level 2 and    Science and Maths classes. We thank
finally returning to us in 2016 to cover       3 Physics as well as Level 3 Electronics. He   Corlia for her professionalism, hard work
Samantha York’s leave that year. Brendan                                                      and dedication to her classes as well as
                                               is a creative thinker about how to make
is a passionate and enthusiastic teacher                                                      her sunny personality and good sense of
                                               Physics more practical and his innovative
of Science, Chemistry and Physics and                                                         humour.
he continually brings fresh ideas around       gear designs have been a cornerstone
classroom practice as well as assessment       of our senior laboratory work. He will
                                                                                              Mr Dave Roberts
to the wider department. In his time           be remembered for his kind and caring
with us he has been involved in setting        manner as well as his impressive Physics
up the Melbourne Antarctica trip, school       knowledge. We have deeply appreciated
productions, camps, water polo and             Roger as a colleague due to his wonderful
more recently netball. He is leaving us        personal qualities as well as his beautiful
to join the Science team at Hobsonville        baking and we are available anytime for
Point Secondary School in Auckland.            Roger to test new recipes on us!
Hobsonville Point is a relatively young
school specialising in cross curricula
                                               Mrs Denise Sanderson
studies that are personalised for learners
which is a passion for Brendan. He will be
missed but we know he will be challenged
and energised by his new role in Auckland.
                                                                                              Dave came back into the teaching
Mrs Noella Flowers                                                                            profession after a long time away and
                                                                                              joined the Science Department in Term
                                                                                              Two of this year covering Mrs McLeod’s
                                                                                              maternity leave. He has taught Biology
                                                                                              and Science. Dave has been a collegial
                                                                                              and knowledgeable colleague and we
                                                                                              wish him well returning to his family in his
                                                                                              hometown of Dunedin.
                                               This year sees the retirement of Denise
                                               Sanderson. During her time at Hargest          Ms Libby Hamilton
                                               she majored in teaching English. Most
                                               recently she has been Head of the
                                               Student Support Centre. This is an
Noella Flowers first taught at the Junior      immensely varied job requiring a skill set
Campus in 2010, joining the Foods              beyond that of most similar positions.
Department at the Senior Campus the            The hallmark of Denise’s leadership
following year. Level 1 and 2 Hospitality      has been her overwhelming desire to
students have developed and refined            enhance the educational experience of
their professional cookery skills under        each student. To this end, her energy
her guidance, and junior students              and enthusiasm has been boundless.
have enjoyed working with her in Food          Many students have fond memories of
Technology classes. Her commitment to
                                               outings, camps, games as well as a great       We farewell Miss Hamilton. For the past
seeing students do their best has been
appreciated. Noella has increased her          sense of pride in their achievement of         two years she has been an enthusiastic
hours at MYPLC in 2019. We wish Noella         NCEA Literacy. Denise pioneered the            teacher of both Outdoor Recreation and
well.                                          Transition to Work Programme which has         English here at Hargest. However, she has
                                               been hugely successful, opening doors          accepted a position at Southland Boys’
                                               for students and breaking down barriers        High School which will allow her to indulge
On Maternity Leave                             within the community. Her sense of fun         more fully in her passion for Outdoor
Holly Bradshaw                                 has brightened many days and been              Recreation. Miss Hamilton’s positive,
Karen Colhoun                                  the driving force behind her numerous          collegial nature has been appreciated
                                                                                              by all. We wish her well for her next
Debbie Mitchell                                brilliantly produced dramas.
Rugby Southland U65kg - 7 December 2018 - James Hargest
Denise Sanderson Leaving Hargest                                                 Head Students
Student Support Centre                                                           2019
                                                                                       Head Boy: Declan Cruickshank
                                                                                            Head Girl: Holly Wu
                                                                                     Deputy Head Boy: Lewis Thomson
                                                                                     Deputy Head Girl: Mary-Jane Grove

                                                                                 Congratulations to the above students. We
                                                                                 have no doubt they will be outstanding
                                                                                 role models in 2019.

           Student Support Centre farewell to Mrs Sanderson

Junior Campus

              As part of the Year 7 electricity unit in   field trip earlier in the term to the Bluff
              Science some classes successfully made      wind farm (pictured above), the Awarua
              lemon powered batteries this week.          communications museum and the satellite
              Also, four Year 7 classes went out on a     tracking station.

Rugby Southland U65kg - 7 December 2018 - James Hargest
University Scholarships                                                                                  ILT and Other
Victoria Excellence Scholarship: Jarod Murphy                                                            Scholarships
                                                                                                                  ILT Scholarships
Canterbury University: Breigh Lawson-Stanley - UC College of Business and College of Law
                                                                                                                     Brie Casson
First Year Excellence ($5000)
                                                                                                                  Andrew Fleming
                                                                                                                    Alisha Gerken
Otago University Scholarships:
                                                                                                                     Robbie Gill
Christina Scott: University of Otago Academic Excellence ($35000)
                                                                                                                 Kristina Grumball
Mahnoor Kamali: University of Otago Vice Chancellor Scholarship ($12000)
                                                                                                                      Jason Hall
Merlin Herrick: University of Otago Vice Chancellor Scholarship ($5000)
                                                                                                                   Merlin Herrick
Caleb Duffy: University of Otago Vice Chancellor Scholarship ($5000)
                                                                                                                  Mahnoor Kamali
                                                                                                                     Elly Koehler
Leaders of Tomorrow:
                                                                                                                 Madison McKenzie
Ruby Donaldson: Otago University Leaders of Tomorrow ($12000)
                                                                                                                  Kaitlyn Michelle
Madison McKenzie: Otago University Leaders of Tomorrow ($8000)
                                                                                                                    Tate Mulligan
Kieran Belworthy: Otago University Leaders of Tomorrow ($6000)
                                                                                                                  Andrew Popham
Finn Rogers: Otago University Leaders of Tomorrow ($8000)
                                                                                                                   Nepia Ruwhiu
Elly Koehler: Otago University Leaders of Tomorrow ($6000)
                                                                                                                   Christina Scott
Andrew Fleming: Otago University Leaders of Tomorrow ($6000)
                                                                                                                  Nicholas Tuckey
New Frontiers:
                                                                                                                  NZAS Scholarship
Priscilla Tan: Otago University New Frontiers ($5000)
                                                                                                                     Jack Steel
                                                                                                             Makarewa Lions Scholarship
Charlotte Chesters: Otago University 150th Scholarship ($6000)
                                                                                                                    Robbie Gill
Maori and Pasifika Entrance Scholarships:
Anika Plunkett: Otago University Maori Entrance Scholarship ($10000)
Georgia Cleaver: Otago University Maori Entrance Scholarship ($12000)

Performance Scholarship:                                                                                      Year 8
Tate Mulligan: Otago University Performance Scholarship ($16000)

                                                                                                            Social and
We strongly recommend that all students             iPads, Laptops, chrome books and tablets. As            Monday December 10,
from year 7 - 11 are equipped with a personal       a primary device we recommend the following            7.00-9.00pm – free entry
device next year.                                   minimum specifications:
Since introducing 1:1 device use with a pilot       •    Minimum screen size of 7 inches
class 4 years ago, we have been ‘rolling up’ a           (minimum usable resolution of 1024 x 600)         Free photo booth, photos
1:1 device learning environment year by year.       •    Running iOS11.0+, or Android 6.0+, Mac
During this time the school has transformed              OSX 10.11+ (El Capitan) or Windows 10
                                                                                                            of class groups, supper
many of its other systems to digital platforms.     •    Battery life of 5-6 hours                                 provided.
Students in all year 7-10 classes this year now     •    Wireless Capability
routinely use access to their school digital        •    Minimum storage for tablets of 32GB (due
                                                                                                            Chocolate and water for
platform (Google for Education) for their normal         to the increasing size of apps)                              sale.
work. Device use is about ‘which technology is      •    Google Chrome installed (Google Cloud
best’ - device or paper and pen, and often this          Print is used for printing from student
means using both at once.                                devices)                                          Tidy dress, parent must
Next year we continue rolling up this process. It   •    Protective case strongly recommended
is important that we prepare students for their     •    Bluetooth keyboard or keyboard/tablet
                                                                                                           collect their children, no
future, not our past!                                    case combination is recommended,                   one will be allowed to
Which Device?
                                                         particularly for smaller tablets less than 9”
                                                         eg ipad mini
                                                                                                           walk home alone or with
As a school, we are comfortable for students to     We recommend buying a device that is or can                     friends.
bring their preferred device to school. We do       be updated to the latest operating system as
not advocate one device over another. Students      this will give the device a longer life and allow
typically use a range of devices including          newly introduced apps to be used.                      Come and celebrate the
                                                                                                            end of two wonderful
                                                                                                                years at the
                                                                                                              Junior Campus!!

Rugby Southland U65kg - 7 December 2018 - James Hargest
Reports                                           Putangitangi
Years 9-10                                        Kapa Haka Competition
Reports to Year 9 and 10 students will be
emailed on Wednesday 12 December.
Parents/Caregivers/Whanau, as well as
students, will receive the email. Please
file these reports in a safe place so when
they are needed to be included/attached
to an application form, they can be located
easily. Students can print them at school if
a hard copy is required.
Teachers have spent a lot of time giving
feedforward for 2019. This should be
discussed with your son/daughter prior to
their NCEA examinations.
Keeping email Addresses Up-to-date:
It is important that all email addresses
are kept up-to-date, not only for receiving
reports, but for numerous messages sent
from Hargest. If you have a Vodafone
email registered at James Hargest, you
will not receive any of our messages.
Please phone and update your details.
You can easily check what details we
have by logging into https://kamarportal.

   Let’s talk about teeth!
  A reminder for Parents and Caregivers
     Dental Treatment is
     FREE up until your
       18th Birthday
       Has your child had their teeth
   checked in the last 12 months? Once
      your child reaches Year 9 at high
    school they will need to be seen by
   a private dentist or dental therapist.         Athletics
    Contact your local dentist today to
     see if they offer the free under 18
                                                  NZ Secondary Schools’ Championships
               dental service.
                                                  The NZ Secondary School Athletics Championships were held in Dunedin last weekend.
     (inserted on behalf of the Adolescent Oral
                                                  Hargest took a small team to the event made up of new or beginning athletes. All the
        Health Co-ordinator, Southern DHB)        athletes demonstrated enthusiasm, commitment, perseverance and dedication and they
                                                  all represented their school well.
                                                  Special congratulations to the following athletes on their placings:
Room for One More                                 Senior Boys’:
Family Works                                      4 x 100m Relay team of Norman Tudor, Fin McNaughton, James Billows and Andrew
                                                  Popham who placed 9th missing out on the final by the narrowest of margins.
                        There are children
                                                  Junior Boys’:
                        and young people in
                                                  Brennan Rhodes        17th Year 9 Road Race
                        the community who
                                                  Corvin O’Rourke       27th Year 9 Road Race
                        need the support
                                                                       Semi-finalist 800m
                        of foster families.
                        Family Works are
                                                  Extra special Congratulations to the following two athletes who were medallists in their
seeking people (couples or singles) to
welcome children and young people into
                                                  Junior Boys’:
their homes. Care may be needed for
                                                  Quinn Hartley        1st Long Jump
regular respite, temporary short-term or
                                                                       1st Triple Jump
long-term. Family Works will support you
                                                                       3rd High Jump
with training, ongoing guidance, and foster
                                                  Junior Girls’:
                                                  Emily Hay            3rd Steeplechase
Please contat Nicky Bode at nbode@family or phone 03 2118226 to
register your interest.
Rugby Southland U65kg - 7 December 2018 - James Hargest
Ka Hikitia
“The Step Up”

 Monday 4 February 2019 is the date of the Ka Hikitia, when all students who have graduated from the Junior Campus will
 gather together to make the “The Step Up” to the Senior Campus. This is a school ritual which began in 2008, and marks the
 next step in our James Hargest College students’ education.
 The 2019 Year 9’s will meet in the atrium at 8.50am, where the Junior Campus council and Year 8 teachers will lead the students
 up the road to be welcomed onto the Senior Campus.

                                                                       Hargest Academic
                                                                       Blues 2019
                                                                       Academic Excellence
                                                                       For Academic Excellence the Hargest system
                                                                       of awards is based on the NZQA system of
                                                                       endorsing certificates with Excellence, that
                                                                       Excellence credits must be earned in one
                                                                       calendar year (ie 2018). To gain a general
                                                                       Excellence a student must gain at least 50
                                                                       Excellence credits at that or a higher level.

                                                                       Subject/Course Excellence
                                                                       To gain Subject/Course Excellence a student
                                                                       must gain 14 or more credits at Excellence in a
                                                                       subject in one calendar year. Of these, at least
                                                                       3 credits must be from externally assessed
                                                                       standards and 3 credits from internally
                                                                       assessed standards in that subject.

                                                                       100 Club
                                                                       Students who get 100
                                                                       Excellence credits are invited
                                                                       to join our elite 100 Club.

Rugby Southland U65kg - 7 December 2018 - James Hargest
Rugby Southland U65kg - 7 December 2018 - James Hargest
International News
Open Your Home to an International Student

            iles, language, and cultural differences sometimes make us feel worlds apart from
            each other. But when you welcome an international student into your home, you
            quickly discover they become family. Through conversations and experiences at
home, school, and throughout the community, you will learn how close together “worlds
apart” can really be.
Build lifelong friendships with a family from across the globe through your student.

Learn New Cultures
Introduce your family to a new language, new foods and music, and an entirely new culture.

Gain a New Perspective
See “your” world with fresh eyes as you share experiences with and learn from someone
from across the globe.

Make a Difference
Your support of diversity and cultural awareness extend to your family, schools and
throughout the community.

Build Lifelong Friendships
Build lifelong friendships with a family from across the globe through your student.

Who Can Host a Student?
There is no typical James Hargest host family! Married, single, young or empty nesters, with or without kids – Everyone is welcome!
James Hargest host families all share the desire to learn, teach, love and grow through their hosting experience.

Our host families volunteer to provide students:
• Home Sweet Home: A comfy, safe place to live, sleep, study, and thrive –short or long term!
• Healthy Meals: Three meals a day.
• A Reliable Ride: Host families or friends can provide a ride or students can use public transportation.
• Time and Enthusiasm: Welcome them, love them, listen to them, teach them, show them!

Get Started!
Request More Information from Ann Kingsbury
(Homestay Co-ordinator Senior Campus) Call 2176129 Ext 204
or email
or Kylie Hodson (Homestay Co-ordinator Junior Campus) on 2179250
or email                                                Ann Kingsbury        Kylie Hodson

               International Students
               Farewell to ....
               International Students (Long Term):                     Supanida (Kaifah) Suanthong from Thailand
               Erin Kwok from Hong Kong                                Tanakorn (King) Mabun from Thailand
               Honoka Inoue from Japan                                 Tidmayta (Aor) Thananuwat from Thailand
               Jeongho (Jacob) Kim Korea                               Vipul Sally from India
               Jinsub Kim from Korea                                   Yanisa (Milk) Puengphochaloenpun from Thailand
               Min Heo from Korea                                      Zhanpeng (Daniel) Chen from China
               Motoka Minobe from Japan                                Hayeon Kim from Korea
               Nuttipa (Poon) Sukwattananukit from Thailand            Hy Hung (Lloyd) Nguyen from Korea
               Pimchanok (Deenee) Sangngern from Thailand              Leizhe (Laser) Zhang from China
               Saphol (Poon) Jirattiticharoen from Thailand            Nattapach (Dina) Sangngern from Thailand
               Shing Hin (Marcus) Lee from Hong Kong                   Taeho Lee from Korea
               Shuang (Queenie) Wu from China                          Xiaoli (Angela) Yang from China
               Siraseth (Himm) Kowsupamongkol from Thailand

Rugby Southland U65kg - 7 December 2018 - James Hargest
Sporting and Cultural Blues Awards 2018
Athletics           Hockey                  Touch                    STUDENT COACHES
Quinn Hartley       Brianna Hartley         Payton Grieve            Bagpiping (Service)
Emma Hewitt         Emma Hewitt             Briar McKenzie           Declan Cruickshank
                    Piper Muirhead                                   Cody Martin
Badminton           Kate Ryan               Underwater Hockey
Brianna Loan                                Liam Neylon              Basketball
Kate Loan           Jazz Band               Finn Rowland             Jacob Baggott
Daniel Wells        Jack McKenzie           Caleb Westbury           Samantha Bowden
                                                                     Jack Braithwaite
Basketball          Kayaking                Volleyball               Jacob-Flynn Elder
Jacob-Flynn Elder   Florence McKenzie       Oscar Lee                Ryan Gutsell
Elly Koehler                                Corvin O’Rourke          Heidi Kean
Nathan Walker       Mountain Biking         Holly Wu                 Elly Koehler
                    Rhylee Akeroyd          Mary-Jane Grove          Nathan Walker
Brass Band          Cody Harvey             Gabrielle Milne
Florence McKenzie                                                    Debating
Jack McKenzie       Music                   STUDENT OFFICIALS        Liam Barnes
                    Tom Stewart             Basketball               Declan Cruickshank
Canoe Polo                                  Caitlin Kingsland        Mackenzie Fallow
Emily Donlevy       Public Speaking                                  Bradley McDonald
Megan Donlevy       Jeromy Tiatia           Hockey                   John Marshall
Isabel Flett                                Brianna Hartley          Jeromy Tiatia
Lena Huia           Rowing                  Anika Plunkett
Lucia Robold        Max Nally               Jacob Smith              Hockey
                    Mary Thompson                                    Anabelle Doherty
Chamber Music       Brendan Eyles           Netball                  Mia Harvey
Lewis Thomson       Summer Jubb             Maia Cavanagh            Bradley McDonald

Creative Writing    Softball                Waterpolo                Netball
Madeleine Doherty   Ruby Borland            Hamish Dudley            Jade Agnew
                    Tate Mulligan           Kimberley MacGregor      Sarah Allison
Cycling             Jack Steel                                       Kate Hatley
Morgan Borrie       Mitchell Tweedie        NZ REPRESENTATIVES       Miakkae Henderson
Liam Cruickshank                            Brass Band               Sophie Junghenn
Madeleine Gough     Squash                  Florence McKenzie        Teegan McDowell
Jasmine McLeod      Alex Laurie             Jack McKenzie            Alice Moreton
Hayley Paterson     Jaden Muir                                       Laura Moreton
Ronan Shearing      Hamish Dudley           Cycling                  Emma Riley
Rhylee Akeroyd      Anna O’Connor           Rhylee Akeroyd           Tessa Sloan
Hunter Gough                                Emily Paterson           Holly Wu
Cody Harvey         Swimming                Conor Shearing
Emily Paterson      Jacob Blomfield                                  Waterpolo
Conor Shearing                              Pipe Band                Hamish Dudley
                    Synchronised Swimming   Declan Cruickshank       Xavier Greenwood Black
Debating            Arielle Wilkes          Finn Cruickshank         Kimberley MacGregor
Liam Barnes                                 Cody Martin
                    Table Tennis
Drama               Damian Mitchell
Amy Lee
Kate Loan
                    Maia Cavanagh
                    Andrew Fleming                               ROWING
                    Finn Holden                Regatta season has started and our rowers
Tyler Hayes         Technical                    are putting some good results together
Kate Johnstone      Ben McIntyre                  at the first regattas. We have had two
Liam Martin                                     local regattas on the Oreti, last weekend
Kaitlyn Michelle    Tennis
Matt Stewart        Halle Faherty                  on Lake Dunstan and next weekend
Sean Angus          Finn Holden                  on Lake Ruataniwha. The weather has
Tom Bernard         Ben Wylie                   been fantastic and we look forward to a
Payton Grieve
                                                              successful 2019.

Rugby                                         Volleyball
Southland U65kg Team                          Rockhoppers Team
Preston Evans and Finn Goodall (pictured
on front cover) were recently selected in
the Southland Under 65kg Rugby Team.
They travelled to Christchurch during the
last school holiday break to play in the
annual South Island Tournament.
Following narrow losses to Canterbury
Metro and Otago on Day 1, they bounced
back to defeat Canterbury Country on
Days 2 and 3 to gain a respectable 3rd
Preston was also named Southland Under
65kg player of the year at the rugby
awards held recently.

Southland 7’s Team                                          Congratulations to the Rockhoppers Volleyball team who
                                                              won the Southland Junior Volleyball Championships.
Congratulations to Madison Grieve,                             They then went on to compete at the South Island
Anabelle Doherty, Alexis Sapini and                          Championships where they finished 2nd in Division Two
Maddison Tinnock who were selected                          beating more fancied teams. Their two year commitment
for the Southland Under 15 Girls’ Sevens                        to trainings with Mr France paid off handsomely.
Team. Madison Grieve was selected as
a member of the South Island Under            Waterpolo                                   Golf
15 Sevens Tournament Team. This is an
outstanding effort from girls playing their
                                              Junior Campus                               Junior Campus
first year of competitive sevens.             Waterpolo South Island Tournament           Southland Primary Schools’ Golf
Andrew Rowland’s coaching efforts have        On 26 October the James Hargest Junior      Tournament
paid off handsomely!                          Campus Gold waterpolo team set off          Lydia Blomfied, Dominic Buckby and Jadine
                                              to Dunedin to play in the South Island      Janssen qualified from the town zone to
                                              Intermediate School competition. This       play at the Southland Primary Schools’
Aerobics                                      team competed at a very high level and      Golf Tourament. This team of students
New Zealand Champs                            the games in which they lost were very      won the chipping skill station out of 32
                                              close. The team played for the bronze       teams.
                                              medal but finished a credible fourth.

                                              Boys & Girls Rugby
                                              Junior Campus

Congratulations to Kendyl Hair who was
placed third in New Zealand for the Junior    The James Hargest year 7 and 8 Boys        Otautau twice during the day and came
Secondary Schools’ Open Novice Section        and Girls attended a Tackle 10 Rugby       away undefeated. The boys played
(Year 9-10) at the New Zealand Aerobic        Tournament that was hosted by Otautau      Otautau (win), Northern Southland College
Championships Competition that was held       Primary School on Friday 23 November.      (draw) and Takitimu (loss) to finish second.
in Wellington in September.                   The girl’s team played Takitimu and
Kumagaya Friendship Association                                                         Science Road Show
Ambassador Awards                                                                       Junior Campus
                                                                                        The Junior Campus hosted the Science
                                                                                        Roadshow on Monday 12th and Tuesday
                                                                                        13th November. About 400 students from
                                                                                        a variety of primary schools from as far
                                                                                        away as Hauroko Valley visited during the
                                                                                        two days.
                                                                                        Once again there were many fantastic
                                                                                        demonstration experiments shown and
                                                                                        a wide variety of hands on exhibits. We
                                                                                        even managed to set off the fire alarms
                                                                                        and have the fire brigade arrive when a
                                                                                        demonstration experiment produced a
                                                                                        little too much smoke!
                                                                                        Favourites this year were the motion chair,
                                                                                        infrared camera and the skeleton bicycle.
                                                                                        We were very fortunate to have
                                                                                        Invercargill Mayor Tim Shadbolt and MP
                                                                                        Sarah Dowey come and visit and try out
                                                                                        some of the exhibits.
Carman Gin and Chloe Lewis (Year 13)       such as interacting with Japanese Exchange   A big thanks to our 24 wonderful student
were each recently awarded one of the      students, being involved in Japanese         demonstrators who had long days
2018 Kumagaya Friendship Association       activities outside of the classroom and      explaining how things work to other
Ambassador Awards. These recognise         being a model student while on exchanges     students.
Southland students’ outstanding            in Japan.
contribution to Japanese related things,

                                                                                        HPV (Human
Gold Challenge
Junior Campus                                                                           Papilloma Virus
                                                                                        The School Based Human Papillomavirus
                                                                                        (HPV) Immunisation Programme will
                                                                                        again be offering the HPV vaccine to boys
                                                                                        and girls in Year 8 in 2019. This will be a
                                                                                        two dose vaccine programme with a 6
                                                                                        month gap between the doses. The HPV
                                                                                        vaccine is the final immunisation given
                                                                                        as part of New Zealand’s free childhood
                                                                                        immunisation programme.
                                                                                        Consent forms with information on the
                                                                                        vaccine will be sent home with your child
                                                                                        in February 2019 for you to fill out and
                                                                                        return to the school. If you would like
                                                                                        more information on this immunisation
                                                                                        programme please go to:
                                                                                        HPV Immunisation Team, WellSouth, 40
                                                                                        Clyde Street, Invercargill. Phone: 2146436
                                                                                        or 0800 800 249.

Abbey Glover organised Mayor Tim           for Room 7 to learn about a leader in
Shadbolt to come to class for a gold       our community. Room 7 found this really
challenge. As we are doing a unit around   valuable and enjoyed Mr Shadbolt’s talk.
leadership this was a good opportunity     Thanks Abbey for a great gold challenge!

Year 10 Camps

123 Tech Challenge                                                                                Course
                                                                                               Thursday 31
                                                                                              January 2019
                                                                                                  Years 11- 13 (2019)
                                                                                                 9.30am: Year 13
                                                                                                 11.00am: Year 12
                                                                                                12.00noon: Year 11
                                                                                             All students will be emailed
                                                                                              to indicate whether they
                                                                                                are required to attend.
The Year 10 Tech Challenge team consisting of Charlie Samson (absent from photo), Cade
Lloyd, Jacob Smith and Pedro Witzel Chiarioni have won the regional Tahi Rura Toru Tech      It is essential to come if you:
(otherwise known as 123 Tech Challenge) competition and will be heading to Wellington        • have been requested to
in a couple of weeks to take part in the final. The 123 Tech Challenge asked teams to             attend via email
identify a problem in their school or community and devising a digital technologies-based
                                                                                             • want to change your subjects
solution to solve it. The James Hargest team set out to create a calendar app that used to
our school bell times and gave teachers the ability to send class notifications. While the   • are new to Hargest
team did not have a finished product when the 10 week time allocation ended, they had
demonstrated enough skills and creativity to impress the judges.
Service Awards                                Year 7 & 8 Reports                              Bus Arrangements
Junior Campus                                 End of Year                                     Last Day both Campuses
Congratulations to the following students     Reports will be emailed on Tuesday the
   who have received Service Awards           11 December at 4pm. Please inform the
                                              office if you have had a change of email
              Road Patrol                     address to ensure you receive your child’s
    Hunter Howe x 2, Daniel Saunders,         report.
            Sebastian Parata
                                              Stationery Lists
   Amelia Black, Ella Sutherland, Caitlin     Years 7, 8 & 9 in 2019
                                                                                              The Otatara and Bluff buses will leave at
  Hartley, Jodie Smith, Annabelle Smith,      Stationery lists are available on the James     12.15pm on the last day, 12 December.
 Ruby Bath, Sophie Parata, Solmae Dablio,     Hargest website www.jameshargest.               The other buses will run as normal from
 William Robertson, Matthew Harley, Ella (under general information).          3.00pm.
  Templeton, Arneisha Stuck, Ben Elder,       Order on-line from the OfficeMax website
 Maia Cribb, Thomas Cowie, Nate Makay, or at OfficeMax 109
Harry Duperouzel, Lucy Archer, Claire Best,
  Annabelle Atkins, Tiana Turnbull, Abby
                                              Yarrow Street Invercargill. All stationery is
                                              required for the first day of school in 2019.
                                                                                              PTA Uniform Sales
Tan, Hollie Wills, Emily Cunningham, Claire                                                   December 2018 and
  Shaw, Jade Holland, Eilish Hegan, Kate
                                                                                              January 2019
 Russell, Mckenzie Akeroyd, Mia Switalla,     Sun Block
  Jada Emms, Skyla Grace-Frisby, Darika                                                                 These will be held on:
        Abeysinghe, Neve Waddel               Junior Campus                                          Thursday 13 December 2018
                                              We encourage students to use sunblock                        4.30pm: Buy In
               Rec Shed                       during breaks outside and we have sun                       6.30pm: Sell out
    Hannah Miller Stevens, Vicky Han          block available on the counter at the                             and
                                              Junior Campus office.                                  Wednesday 30 January 2019
                                                                                                           4.30pm: Buy In
Lost Property                                                                                             6.30pm: Sell out
Junior Campus                                 Bank Accounts                                            EFTPOS will be available

We have a large number of un-named
                                              Automatic Payments
                                                                                                 Only good quality, laundered items
jackets, sweatshirts, school jerseys, black   When your child moves into Year 9, please               will be considered to buy
shoes, sports shoes, track pants, socks       remember to change the James Hargest
and miscellaneous items of clothing in        College bank account you put the money
lost property. Apart from uniform items,      into:                                           Accounts
unclaimed clothing will be given to a         Senior Campus A/c No: 02 0924 0408612
charity. Please ask your children to check    02.                                             Junior Campus
for lost clothing.                                                                            School accounts are now overdue for
                                                                                              payment. Payment can be made by
  Term Dates for 2019                                                                         cheque, cash or eftpos. Internet banking
                                                                                              and automatic payments are welcome, as
          Term 1:     Thursday 31 January: Course consultation                                are partial payments.
                      Friday 1 February: Teacher Only Day
                      Monday 4 February: Year 7, 8 & 9 start date
                      Tuesday 5 February: Whole school attends                                Marching
                      Wednesday 6 February: Waitangi Day
                      Thursday 7 February: Whole school attends
                                                                                              Junior Campus
                      Friday 12 April: End of Term 1                                          On Sunday 2 December, three Year 7
                                                                                              students Lily Potter, Jorja McIntosh and
          Term 2:     Monday 29 April: Start of Term 2                                        Arianna Whyte, competed with their
                      Friday 5 July: End of Term 2                                            marching team, the Southern Stars, in
                                                                                              Christchurch at the South Island Marching
          Term 3:     Monday 22 July: Start of Term 3                                         Championships. They gained first place in
                      Friday 27 September: End of Term 3                                      the Under 12 grade for their display and
                                                                                              second place for their technical march. Out
          Term 4:     Monday 14 October: Start of Term 4                                      of eleven teams from all over the South
                      Wednesday 11 December (TBC): End of Term 4                              Island, this is a massive achievement for
                                                                                              the Southern Stars.

 Parent, Caregiver, Whanau                            Coming Events for 2018/2019
  Community Engagement
   At James Hargest College we are always             Senior Campus
 interested in engaging with our community
  and listening to parents, whanau and the
   wider community. If you have any good              December 2018
 ideas or there is something special that has         Wed 12		      10.00am: Year 9 and 10 Prizegiving
  happened regarding Hargest, or there are            Thur 13		     PTA Uniform Sale in the Hall 4.30pm Buy In; 6.30pm Sell Out
  issues, concerns or complaints we should
    be aware of, please contact the school            January 2019
  office Senior Campus (2176129) or Junior            Wed 30		        PTA Uniform Sale in the Hall 4.30pm Buy In; 6.30pm Sell Out
        Campus (2179250) or via email,                Thur 31		       Course consultation
                                                      February 2019
       You will be put in contact with an
                                                      Fri    1		      Teacher Only Day
           appropriate staff member.
                                                      Mon 4		         Year 7, 8 & 9 start date
                                                      Tues 5		        Whole school to attend
                                                      Wed 6		         Waitangi Day - School Closed
           E-mail Newsletters                         Thur 7		        Whole school to attend
 The next newsletter will be issued via email         Wed 20		        Year 9 Parent Evening
         on Friday 8 February 2019.
Hard copies of the newsletter will be available       March 2019
  from either the Junior or Senior Campus             Mon 4		         Year 9 Camps start
 You can view the newsletter on the Hargest
   web site               Junior Campus
          Information Updates                         December 2018
 If you have any changes to your details (e.g.        Mon 10          Year 7 Merit Assembly
   address, phone numbers, medical details,           		              1.40-3.00pm: Year 8 Graduation
    emergency contacts, etc), please let the          		              7.00-9.00pm: Year 8 Graduation Social
 school know as soon as possible in order to          Tues 11         Reports emailed home
         keep our records up-to-date.                 		              5.00-7.00pm: Year 7 and 8 Excellence Prizegiving in Junior Campus Hall
  Please email Mrs France (Senior Campus)             Wed 12          Last day of Term 4 2018 finishing at 12 noon
              with any changes at                     Thurs 13		       PTA Uniform Sale in the Senior Campus Hall 4.30pm Buy In; 6.30pm Sell Out
              or phone 2176129                        January 2019
    or Mrs Megan Cribb (Junior Campus) at             Wed 30		        PTA Uniform Sale in the Hall 4.30pm Buy In; 6.30pm Sell Out
              or phone 2179250                        February 2019
                                                      Fri    1      Year 7 students (2019) “Open Classroom” strictly between 2.00-3.30pm
                                                      Mon 4         Students are to come to the Junior Campus at the following times:
           Junior Campus                              			                   8.45am: Year 9 to the Atrium for the Ka Hikitia
          6 Layard Street, Invercargill               			                   9.15am: Year 7 to their classroom
              Phone 03 2179250                        			                   10.50am: Year 8 to the Hall
Email:            			                   11.40pm: Mihi Whakatau - Full school welcome (Parents welcome,
                                                      			                   but note, standing room only)
          Senior Campus
      288 Layard Street, Invercargill                                                                                                              
              Phone 03 2176129

                                                                          School Accounts
                                                       All school accounts for Junior and Senior Campuses will be emailed. If you do not
                                                       receive an account, please contact the Junior Campus on 2179250 or the Senior
                                                                                      Campus on 2176129.
                                                      We encourage automatic payments. Payments can also be made to the school offices
                                                                         by cash, cheque, Eftpos or internet banking.
                                                                          The Junior Campus bank account number is
                                                                                   BNZ 02-0924-0408612-01.
                                                                         The Senior Campus bank account number is
                                                                                   BNZ 02-0924-0408612-02.


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                                                         • Trained teachers

                                                          Call 03 Riley
                                                     Call Clayton 214 4181
                                                                        03 214for a free
                                                                               4181  for a assessment
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        and the Windsor Shopping locale)
                  027 756 4469

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