West Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2022 Annual Conference - March 18 & 19, 2022 Stonewall Resort - 19, 2022 ...

Page created by Darryl Rivera
West Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2022 Annual Conference - March 18 & 19, 2022 Stonewall Resort - 19, 2022 ...
West Virginia Council of Teachers of

      2022 Annual Conference

        March 18 & 19, 2022
         Stonewall Resort
West Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2022 Annual Conference - March 18 & 19, 2022 Stonewall Resort - 19, 2022 ...
Friday 8:30
Opening Session and Business Meeting
                Room: Ballroom
         Overflow Seating Room: Pecan
Presented by: Myrtle Holland, WVCTM President


               Friday 10:00
             Keynote Session
                Room: Ballroom
         Overflow Seating Room: Pecan
“Building Math Residue with Lessons that Stick”
        Presented by: Graham Fletcher

             Many times throughout the school year, we
             teach a lesson and the understanding we thought
             students had is quickly forgotten. Let's explore
             how task selection and intentional sequence of
             activities plays a pivotal role in helping students
             make connections so that new understanding
             can stick.

                     Page 1
WVCTM encourages West Virginia mathematics educators to
  consider joining or renewing your membership with NCTM.
 You can find out more on the NCTM membership options and
benefits at https://www.nctm.org/membership/. If you do join as
   a new member or renew your current membership, please
    consider using reference code WVCTMLC22 when you
register by 5/31/2022. WVCTM will get a reimbursement from
     NCTM when you use this code for membership dues!

                      Friday Lunch
                   Included with registration
              Session 1 - 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
                Session 2 – 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
                    Stillwaters Restaurant
               Overflow Seating: Maple Room

                            Page 2
Friday 11:15
Session 6         Grades K-5
Room - Ballroom 2    F 11:15
   Building Fact Fluency
   Through Mathematical
Presented by: Graham Fletcher
(Keynote Speaker)
                                             Session 7         Grades K-8
When we ask students to                      Room - Greenbrier    F 11:15
memorize their facts, we are
essentially asking them to                       Making Math Stick:
memorize over 100 isolated                      Strategies that Support
equations. In this session, we'll              Understanding and Recall
explore the important role that              Presented by: David Costello
context plays in developing fact             (Costello Math)
fluency. By purposefully
sequencing a series of tasks and             Have you ever heard students
activities through the same                  say I forget doing that? Too
context, students can begin to               often, instruction prioritizes
make connections and develop                 short-term performance at the
an understanding that is scalable            expense of learning. Making
well beyond single digits.                   Math Stick is about refining
                                             mathematical instruction to
                                             encompass opportunities for
                                             mixed and spaced practice. Such
                                             a retrieval practice approach to
                                             instruction strengthens student
                                             mathematical understanding and
                                             their ability to recall previous
                                             learning. I will share effective
                                             instructional and learning
                                             strategies that can be applied in
                                             any grade.

                                    Page 3
Session 9              Grades 3-5
                                           Room - Kanawha            F 11:15
                                                   Metric Madness
                                           Presented by: Dana Stoll
                                           (Brooke Middle School)
                                           See how 5th graders celebrated
                                           National Metric Day by
                                           competing in a Metric Madness
                                           Race. Through a Math4Life
                                           grant, students were able to
                                           build balloon powered cars out
                                           of water bottles and race them
Session 8           Grades K-8             in a bracket style tournament.
Room - Birch           F 11:15             This STEM activity allowed
                                           students to discover the metric
     Coding with Scratch
                                           system and make conversions
Presented by: Emily Helton                 applicable in real life. Join this
(NASA IV&V ERC / Fairmont                  session to see how we made
State University)                          learning interactive and to ask
                                           questions and receive
Scratch is a block-based
                                           encouragement if you are
programming language
                                           considering applying for your
designed to make it easy for
                                           own Math4Life grant!
young students to learn how to
code. See some programs                          __________________
students can play to explore
math concepts and build your
own program. Learn about
resources to support you and
your students coding journey. A
laptop or tablet is recommended
for this session.

                                  Page 4
Session 10         Grades K-12
Room - Tygart          F 11:15
    Finding Resources to
  Differentiate Instruction
 within the Core Curriculum
Presented by: David Barnes
(MetaMetrics, Inc.) and Joseph
Mastracci (West Virginia
Department of Education)
This session will explore how
Quantile Measures can be used
to differentiate instruction for
students to meet their needs and            Session 11            Grades 3-8
connect them with resources                 Room - Potomac           F 11:15
that match their readiness to
learn, within the framework of               Rarely is the question asked:
the core course curriculum.                   Are our children learning?
      __________________                    Presented by: Kyle Berry
                                            (Barboursville Middle School)
                                            As the title - a classic Bushism -
                                            waggishly suggests, we should
                                            want to know for sure what our
                                            students are getting and what
                                            they are missing. Wouldn’t you
                                            love to do that AND get the
                                            students actively involved in the
                                            process? Come learn how to
                                            teach your students to separate
                                            what they know from what they
                                            don’t, and how to use that
                                            knowledge to fill in their
                                            learning gaps.

                                   Page 5
Session 12             Grades 6-8            Session 13        Grades 6-12
Room - Sutton             F 11:15            Room - Ballroom 1     F 11:15
    How might we rethink                      Hunt for Your International
       intervention?                                    Home
Presented by: Karen Wootton                  Presented by: Alexandra
(CPM Educational Program)                    Coffman (WVU Extension
                                             Service) and Tina Cowger
Do you have students who                     (WVU Extension Service)
struggle and need intervention?
What is the answer? Pre-teach?               International homes have a
Vocab drill? More practice?                  fascinating & popular draw.
Join us to experience                        Explore the world through
intervention redesigned; a                   currency conversion,
course focusing on                           international housing costs,
relationships, problem-solving,              costs of living and home
and enjoying mathematics.                    budgeting.
Experience activities to support             Youth will strengthen math
students as they rebuild their               skills through this lesson.
mathematical identity and hear               Lessons plan series & CSOs
comments from student surveys.               will be provided.
      __________________                     Learning Objectives: Youth will
                                             increase their knowledge of the
                                             essential elements of buying a
Session 15       Grades 9-12                 house and will develop an
Room - Bluestone     F 11:15                 appreciation for international
Applied Statistics Exploration               currencies and conversions.
                                             Please bring a laptop, if
Presented by: Gwynne Flatley
(George Washington High
School)                                            __________________

Exploring student-centered
activities in Applied Statistics.

                                    Page 6
M3T Poster Session: Understanding “Bugs”, Testing and
                     Refining Changes
                   Friday 11:15 (Session 14)
                   Friday 12:30 (Session 25)
                          Room – Pecan

                        Facilitated by:
      Joanna Burt-Kinderman (Pocahontas County Schools)
         Matthew Campbell (West Virginia University)

Join M3T Fellows and Local Improvement Team participants as
they share their learnings from the past year about addressing
common “bugs” of mathematics teaching and learning, such as
student perseverance, supporting students’ mathematical talk,
productive small group discussions, and students’ prerequisite
mathematical knowledge. Presenters will share what they have
learned about the problems, instructional changes they have used
as possible solutions, and how they are measuring improvement.

                             Page 7
Friday 12:30
Session 17           All Grades
Room - Sutton           F 12:30
Math Educator Development
   and Support Services
Presented by: Donna Landin
(West Virginia Department of
Learn about new opportunities              Session 18            Grades K-2
for elementary, middle grades              Room - Birch             F 12:30
and Algebra I math educators to              Pathway to Mathematical
earn 3 credit hours toward                          Literacy
certificate renewal or salary
advancement. In addition,                  Presented by: Marbeth Slater
information regarding Praxis               (Kanawha County Schools)
support for Elementary Math,               Have you ever wondered about
Middle Grades Math, Algebra I              how to help young students fill
and Geometry will be provided.             their gaps in math? If so, this is
      __________________                   the session for you!
                                           Information shared will be
                                           based on Kathy Richardson’s
                                           book How Children Learn
                                           Number Concepts. Learn about
                                           a program called “Assessing
                                           Math Concepts” that identifies
                                           early numeracy weaknesses in
                                           students and its counterpart
                                           Developing Number Concepts
                                           that gives activities to work on
                                           those deficiencies.

                                  Page 8
Session 20            Grades 3-8
                                           Room - Kanawha           F 12:30
                                              Making Math Fun with
                                           Presented by: Scott Green
                                           (School Specialty) and Michele
                                           Hertel (School Specilaty
                                           Curriculum Specialist)
                                           Math Force is School
                                           Specialty’s digital math
                                           program for grades 3-8. It is a
Session 19        Grades K-12              supplemental curriculum
Room - Ballroom 2     F 12:30              aligned to national standards.
                                           This full-featured math program
 Number Talks For All Ages                 combines the power of
Presented by: Renee Warner                 technology with the expertise of
(Carnegie Learning, Inc.)                  a teacher to bring out the best in
                                           both. Math Force is for your
Number Talks are typically                 student who may be struggling
viewed as a tool for developing            to understand concepts you are
number sense in students at the            teaching or for your student who
K-2 and 3-5 programmatic                   needs to see the instruction
levels. This session will show             presented from a different point
techniques for use at those two            of view.
levels, as well as how to use                   __________________
number talks in middle and high
school mathematics classes.
Participants will go away with
examples of number talks at
each grade level band along
with general Number Talk

                                  Page 9
Session 21         Grades 6-8
Room - Summersville F 12:30
 Power of collaboration with
      SREB support
Presented by: Dawn Dooley
(Fayette County Schools) and
Jason Adair (SREB)
Fayette County enrolled in the
math4life Unit Design
Collaborative with two schools         Session 22           Grades 6-8
and a curriculum specialist in         Room - Tygart           F 12:30
the summer of 2021. We have
                                           Patterns with a Purpose!
embraced SREB’s Powerful
Mathematics Practices to               Presented by: Carmel Draper
engage educators in designing          (CPM Educational Program)
units of study. The                    Participants will engage in
collaboration has grown beyond         activities designed to develop a
our expectations; we are now           rich understanding of the
collaborating with elementary          connections between a table,
teachers, teachers from other
                                       graph, rule, and context for
schools in our county and in           linear and quadratic functions.
January 2022 we going to               After solving challenging
collaborate with teachers from         problems and exploring the
another county via TEAMS.              ways connections can be used to
     __________________                enrich learning, teachers will
                                       analyze how emphasizing
                                       multiple representations can
                                       help to develop students into
                                       powerful problem-solvers.
                                       Teachers will receive ideas and
                                       materials that they can use in
                                       their own algebra classrooms.

                                 Page 10
Session 24             Grades 6-12
                                     Room - Bluestone           F 12:30
                                         Celebrating Student Brilliance
                                     Presented by: Kira Martin and
                                     Melissa Webb (Amplify
                                     Explore strategies for facilitating
                                     productive, student-led discourse
                                     in your classroom. Learn how
                                     you can put your students’
Session 23        Grades 3-12        brilliant ideas front and center in
Room - Ballroom 1     F 12:30        ways the build their math
  Word Swaps & Math Talks            confidence and content
Presented by: Sophie Youngs
(Kami)                                     __________________

Do your students struggle to use     Session 26             Grades 9-12
proper vocabulary? Are you           Room - Potomac             F 12:30
looking for another way to play              Angle of Diffraction-
with math words? Then come to                   Spectroscopy
this hands-on session to
participate in two vocabulary-       Presented by: Josh Revels
based activities. (1) Word Swap      (NASA IV&V ERC)
gets your students defining &        An engaging application of the
drawing as well as guessing          inverse tangent ratio that is sure
various math words while             to light up your students’ day
swapping & moving around the         while also reinforcing high school
room. (2) Math Talks integrates      physical science content. This
poems into your class allowing       session results in full certification
students to work in pairs to         to borrow this kit. Learn how to
explore math vocabulary words &      facilitate the activity and borrow
their various uses in the real       the equipment from the NASA
world.                               IV&V ERC for your classroom.
      __________________                   __________________

                               Page 11
Friday 1:45
Session 27            All Grades
Room - Greenbrier         F 1:45
   Math tools in Office 365
Presented by: Mark Moore
(West Virginia Department of
Graphing calculators, solvers,         Session 29            Grades K-5
quizzing and other math                Room - Bluestone          F 1:45
education tools around the                 Mathematical Fluency
Office 365 platform.
                                       Presented by: Becky Lewis
                                       (Marshall University) and
     __________________                Danielle Irby
Session 28        Grades K-5           Mathematical fluency is often
Room - Ballroom 2     F 1:45           thought of as the ability to recall
  Number Sense: What Is It,            simple math facts accurately
   and How Can We Help                 and quickly. This is a big
     Students Catch It?                misconception. In this session,
                                       participants will explore the
Presented by: Amanda Cosner            different components of
(Monongalia County Schools)            mathematical fluency to
During this session, we will           discover why mathematical
consider the definition of             fluency is so critical to building
number sense and why it is             confident mathematicians.
important. We will also discuss        Participants will leave this
relationships and specific             session with activities, routines,
activities and resources that help     and tasks that can be
to build number sense.                 incorporated into their current
                                       curriculum to build confident
      __________________               and fluent mathematicians.

                                 Page 12
Session 31            Grades 3-5
                                         Room - Kanawha            F 1:45
                                             Fractions Come in All Shapes
                                                    and Sizes Too!
                                         Presented by: Melanie Meck
                                         (Hampshire County Schools)
                                         For students in gr. 3-5, using
                                         manipulatives to develop
                                         fraction concepts is so
                                         important. Having students
                                         make fraction kits is really easy,
                                         fun and helps develops fraction
                                         understanding for these young
                                         learners. If you have never
Session 30           Grades 3-5          made fraction kits with your
Room - Pecan             F 1:45          students, come join me for an
  Mathemagical Movement                  hour of fraction fun and growth.
                                         Please bring scissors and a black
Presented by: Katherine                  pen or marker.
Lambert-Dudley (Wyoming                        __________________
County Schools) and Nina
Tunstalle (Wyoming County
This session will highlight ways
to incorporate movement and
physical activity into the math
classroom. Participants will
complete various physical
activities that incorporate key
math skills.

                                   Page 13
Session 32           Grades 3-5
Room - Birch             F 1:45
 Creating a Problem Solving
      Culture through
 Conversation, Writing and
Presented by: Melissa Forinash
(Suncrest Elementary) and Joni
Jones (Suncrest Elementary)            Session 33           Grades 6-8
                                       Room - Sutton            F 1:45
Be a teacher that facilitates
conversations and helps students       Elevating Discourse in Middle
feel confident and independent           School Math Classrooms
in sharing their thinking through      Presented by: Kelly Barr
various strategies. We will            (Gilmer County High School)
explore different strategies           and Stephanie Workman
using rubrics, student videos,         (Hamlin PK-8)
and creating models as forms of
expressing student thinking.           Join 3 middle school teachers,
Learn how to establish a number        also members of the M3T
talk community where students          project, as they share multiple
will be an active listener, use        strategies to improve
sentence stems and understand          mathematical discourse.
the process.                           Attendees of this session will
                                       take away ideas and strategies
      __________________               they can immediately
                                       implement into their
                                       classrooms. Attendees will also
                                       have the opportunity to ask
                                       about pitfalls and
                                       successes/failures of these
                                       strategies. Come join us and
                                       improve discourse in your

                                 Page 14
Session 35          Grades 6-12
                                     Room - Tygart            F 1:45
                                     Mathematical Habits of Mind:
                                     Embedding Them into Daily
                                     Presented by: Tim Flatley (West
                                     Virginia Department of
                                     Education) and Joe Mastracci
                                     (West Virginia Department of
Session 34        Grades 6-12        Education)
Room - Ballroom 1      F 1:45        This session uses strategies and
   Enhancing Cooperative             tasks to model the Mathematical
  Learning through Partner           Habits of Mind to generate
         Activities                  mathematical discourse. This
                                     session emphasizes the
Presented by: Craig Mason
                                     importance of the Mathematical
(Magnolia High School)
                                     Habits of Mind and how they
This session will use the            address the skills, knowledge,
Formative Assessment Lessons         and dispositions students should
(Classroom Challenges) from          develop to foster mathematical
the Mathematics Assessment           understanding.
Project to model partner                  __________________
discussions and how to enhance
cooperative learning through
formative assessment. This
session will give teachers
hands-on activities to use in
their classrooms for both middle
and high school lessons and
strategies to engage students in
meaningful discussion.

                               Page 15
Session 37           Grades 9-12
                                       Room - Potomac            F 1:45
                                           Bridging the Low-Income
                                           College Gap: S-STEM at
                                                Fairmont State
                                       Presented by: Robert Niichel
                                       (Fairmont State University)
                                       Fairmont State University
                                       recently received an National
                                       Science Foundation S-STEM
                                       (Scholarships in STEM) grant to
Session 36       Grades 9-12           support talented low-income
Room - Summersville   F 1:45           students who attend. We are
 Teaching Algebra with TI-             looking to recruit students for
    Nspire Technology                  the program and we believe
                                       high school teachers are an
Presented by: Michael Houston
                                       integral part of that process. I’ll
(Riverside High School)
                                       discuss application requirements
Many algebraic concepts can be         and procedure, our student
not only learned, but deeper           support programs and field
connections between concepts           questions. If you have talented
can be made when using the             students who are interested in
appropriate technology at the          pursuing STEM, please consider
right time. Well explore some          attending!
of those concepts, and how TI-              __________________
Nspire Technology can best be
utilized in the algebra

                                 Page 16
Friday 3:00
Session 38        Grades K-2
Room - Greenbrier     F 3:00
 Integrating Loose Parts into
     the Math Classroom
Presented by: Elizabeth
Crawford and Amber Myers
                                      Session 39           Grades K-5
(June Harless Center)
                                      Room - Pecan             F 3:00
In an early childhood classroom,          How I became an Elementary
children learn through hands-on            Mathematics Super Hero
experiences and purposeful
play. Providing children with         Presented by: Dawn Dooley
open-ended materials inspires         (Fayette County Schools) and
them to be leaders of their own       John Maue (Marshall
learning. Visually appealing          University)
math manipulatives, such as           Thirteen elementary teachers
reflective objects, various           from Fayette County are
textures, different shapes and        working with the June Harless
sizes, provide endless                Center from Marshall
opportunities for children.           University to increase capacity
Utilizing these materials             of conceptual mathematics as it
encourage children to take a          relates to their classroom. These
deeper look at the relationship       teachers have committed to an
between numbers and                   18- month program which they
quantities.                           are completing assignments
     __________________               which emulate tasks required of
                                      National Board Certified
                                      Teachers. Through this
                                      program, the teachers will be
                                      participating in more than 80
                                      hours of in-person professional

                                Page 17
Session 41           Grades K-5
                                     Room - Tygart            F 3:00
                                         Experience Zorbits Math
                                     Presented by: Jack Crumm
                                     (Carnegie Learning)
                                     Some resources drive rich
                                     learning while others deliver
                                     playfulness, but they’re often
                                     mutually exclusive...until now!
                                     Our resources put the “play”
Session 40          Grades K-5       and “learning” in “play-based
Room - Birch            F 3:00       learning”. It all starts with our
Mathematical Habits of Mind:         research-proven games Zorbit’s
Embedding Them into Daily            Math Adventure and Mathstoria
         Practice                    where kids explore curriculum-
                                     aligned math concepts in
Presented by: Teresa Bailey          unexpected ways. This is your
(West Virginia Department of         chance to experience the
Education)                           incredible impact Zorbits will
This session uses strategies and     have on your students’
tasks to model the Mathematical      mathematical prowess! Please
Habits of Mind to generate           bring a device.
mathematical discourse. This              __________________
session emphasizes the
importance of the Mathematical
Habits of Mind and how they
address the skills, knowledge,
and dispositions students should
develop to foster mathematical

                               Page 18
Session 42           Grades K-8
Room - Bluestone         F 3:00
    How IXL can support
  instruction, learning, and
    engagement in math.
Presented by: Amanda Etter
(Brushfork Elementary School)
This session will allow viewers
to see how they take more of a
facilitator/coaching role in math
using the technology program              Session 43           Grades K-8
IXL. They will get to see live            Room - Maple             F 3:00
use of the program and the                    Combining physical activity
many tools that have allowed                  with Mathematics to enhance
students to learn, succeed, and                   student achievement
be engaged while learning in
person, remotely, or a mixture            Presented by: Josh Grant (West
of the two.                               Virginia Department of
                                          Participants in this session will
                                          be provided the benefits of
                                          infusing physical activity in the
                                          Math setting on student
                                          achievement. This session will
                                          bring participants though hands-
                                          on activities that get students
                                          moving with Math concepts and
                                          make learning fun. This is an
                                          active session, so be prepared to

                                    Page 19
Session 45          Grades 6-12
                                      Room - Sutton            F 3:00
                                          Do I need to Keep This?
                                      Presented by: Jennifer Nail-
                                      Cook (Pocahontas County High
                                      Are you tired of passing back
                                      papers just to hear Do I need to
                                      keep this? Join a teacher who is
                                      working towards helping her
                                      students get into the practice of
                                      looking back at papers,
Session 44       Grades 6-12
                                      reflecting and learning from
Room - Summersville   F 3:00
                                      their mistakes. Well look at
 Shorten Your Grading Time            multiple iterations of my
       with Edulastic                 assessment reflection template.
Presented by: Barbara Zingg           You’ll try one for yourself
(Washington High School)              based on sample student work,
                                      see multiple iterations of my
Are your maxed out? Carrying          reflection template, and see how
papers home and collapsing            my students have reacted to this
before you get them graded?           procedure as we’ve
Edulastic provides a standards-       implemented this year.
aligned, self-grading,                      __________________
differentiatable, personalized,
opportunities to lighten your
load. Get up and running -
create an assessment and see
how it all works. Tips and tricks
to save your valuable time.

                                Page 20
Session 46          Grades 6-12
Room - Potomac           F 3:00
     Tired of Apathy, Try
Presented by: Steven Alley (Tug
Valley High School) and
Brittney Baisden (Tug Valley
High School)
This session will provide
teachers a guide to get students
to embrace the power of
mistakes and struggle. Tug
Valley High School math                  Session 47          Grades 9-16
teachers use an unconventional           Room - Kanawha           F 3:00
grading method to get students               Test Optional and Math
to take responsibility of their                Placement at WVU
own learning and to value
                                         Presented by: Dr. Mary Beth
content knowledge over grades.
                                         Angeline (West Virginia
We will share with you our
                                         University) and Sarah Snyder
experiences on changing the
                                         (West Virginia University)
math culture at our school.
      __________________                 We will discuss what it means
                                         for students to be accepted as
                                         test optional, how students can
                                         prepare to take a college level
                                         math course and how AP and
                                         dual credits factor into math

                                   Page 21
Friday 4:15
Encouraging State-Wide Collaboration among Higher Education
                          Room – Maple
    Facilitated by: Stephanie Jones (Fairmont State University)

Join us as we consider the college population served by WVCTM
and how WVCTM might better serve that population. We will
think about how to encourage more conversation and collaboration
among higher education faculty across the state who are working
to improve math education, including faculty who teach college-
level math courses as well as those who work with teacher
candidates. We welcome your suggestions for strengthening the
network of WV higher education math educators.

                         Friday 6:00
              Banquet and Awards Ceremony

                       Room: Ballroom

            Dinner, Celebrations, and Door Prizes!

                            Page 22
Page 23
WVCTM thanks
           Amplify Education,
           Carnegie Learning,
         and all of our vendors
for their additional support of the WVCTM

                 Page 24
Saturday 8:30
Session 48        Grades K-5
Room - Summersville   S 8:30
 Financial Literacy: Helping
    Students Make Smart
     Financial Decisions
Presented by: Michael Houston
(Riverside High School)
For many adults, making smart
financial decisions is a
challenge. For some adults,
they may not have the financial       Session 49            Grades K-5
literacy background necessary         Room - Tygart             S 8:30
to make informed decisions.
                                          Exploring length, shape, and
When should those adults have
                                           measure in the elementary
been expensed to concepts in
financial literacy? Research
has shown that the earlier we         Presented by: Alicia Holcomb
begin working with students and       (Oak Hill Middle School)
discussing concepts that will
                                      Have you ever been asked, How
become important later in life,
                                      big is big? How tall is tall? How
the better decisions students
                                      long until we get there? Is this
make throughout their life.
                                      all? Teaching students about
Some of these decisions may be
                                      measure is a discovery in
                                      length, shape, and relationships.
      __________________              How can we build a solid
                                      foundation in geometry that
                                      allows flexibility and mastery in
                                      thinking and learning?

                                Page 25
Session 51        Grades K-5
                                    Room - Ballroom 1     S 8:30

                                        Building a Sense of Scale:
                                        Measurement with Legos
                                    Presented by: Sara Dailey
                                    (Hampshire County Board of
Session 50        Grades K-5
Room - Ballroom 2     S 8:30        How tall is the Eiffel Tower?
                                    The Empire State Building?
     What do I do now?              Even we as adults struggle to
Presented by: Amanda Cosner         grasp the scale of these massive
(Monongalia County Schools)         structures. Participants will
                                    attempt to understand the
How often do you hear, “I’m         foundations of scale modeling
finished, what do I do now?” In     in this hands-on session.
most classes, you will find         Measurement of height, width,
students who finish assignments     area, and volume all contribute
early and want to know what’s       to our understanding of scale.
next. During this session, we
will explore activities and         Disclaimer: This session is
resources that will help engage     geared towards 2-5th grade.
these early finishers in                  __________________
meaningful ways.

                              Page 26
Session 52        Grades K-8
Room - Greenbrier     S 8:30
    Problem Solving in a
   Mathematically Literate
Presented by: David Costello
(Costello Math)
Problem solving in a
mathematically literate
environment moves instruction
and learning beyond the surface
level. It is imperative that              Session 53           Grades 3-5
students apply metacognitive              Room - Sutton            S 8:30
strategies so that they can self-
monitor their learning, and                    Spring into Area and
become independent and                             Perimeter!!
confident math learners. I will           Presented by: Holly Williams
share instructional and learning          (Hugh Dingess Elementary
strategies that support students          School)
as problem solvers so that they
are not reliant on teachers to            Take your instruction of area
help them work through                    and perimeter outdoors this
stumbling blocks.                         spring with a number of
                                          rigorous lessons that will keep
      __________________                  all of your students engaged and
                                          eager to learn more! This
                                          workshop will provide lessons
                                          that can be used in grades 3-5
                                          for area and perimeter.

                                    Page 27
Session 54         Grades 3-5
Room - Potomac         S 8:30
 Fractions: Building a Strong
    Foundation Based on
  Conceptual Understanding
Presented by: Kelli Arthur
(Wayne County Schools) and
Tonji Bowen (Wayne County
Explore the progression of
building conceptual                   Session 55           Grades 3-8
understanding of fractions            Room - Birch             S 8:30
through collaborative and
engaging strategies. Learn to             Pairing Quality Questions
use WVCCRS Educators Guide                   with Best Practices
as the foundation for lesson          Presented by: Joseph Mastracci
planning. Discover the CRA            (West Virginia Department of
model instructional strategy.         Education) and Teresa
Session will be presented by          Hammond (West Virginia
above named members of the            Department of Education)
Wayne County School
Curriculum Dept., as well as          Improving student achievement
additional specialists.               is a goal of all educators.
                                      Asking great questions can lead
                                      to the implementation of
                                      engaging classroom practices
                                      and deeper thinking. In this
                                      session participants will learn
                                      how to incorporate questioning
                                      techniques to formatively assess
                                      student learning and elicit
                                      stronger student engagement.

                                Page 28
Session 56          Grades 6-12
Room - Pecan             S 8:30
  How to reach all learners
  through the lens of a non-
    traditional classroom
Presented by: Michael
Harshbarger (Cabell County
Career Technology Center) and
Elaine Schwing (Board of Child
Care)                                  Session 57          Grades 6-12
                                       Room - Maple             S 8:30
Participants will brainstorm
barriers they have with students           Can we talk...about math?
fully engaging in their math           Presented by: Casey Whitlow
classrooms. Then, they will            (Eastern Greenbrier Middle) and
examine and discuss ways to            Ann Hall (John Adams Middle)
address those barriers.
The presenters teach in non-           Join M3T Fellows, Casey, Ann,
traditional settings and will          Jami, and Brittany as they take
share strategies they utilize to       you through a variety of
reach all learners. Some barriers      activities to increase student
that will be addressed are how         engagement and get students
to overcome the lack of desire         talking about math! In this
to learn math, overcoming              session they will explore
students’ mindsets that they are       activities that will get your
not good at math, building             students out of a textbook and
prerequisite skills, and making        engaged. They will show you
math concepts relatable                how to enhance prerequisites
      __________________               with clothesline math,
                                       implement Notice and Wonder
                                       from easily found materials, and
                                       explore Which One Doesn’t
                                       Belong technique to get students

                                 Page 29
Session 59          Grades 9-16
                                       Room - Kanawha           S 8:30
                                          AP, Dual Enrollment,
                                       SAT/ACT or test optional: Oh
                                       Presented by: Mary Beth
                                       Angeline (West Virginia
                                       University) and Sarah Snyder
Session 58       Grades 6-12           (West Virginia University)
Room - Bluestone      S 8:30           Taking college courses in high
Getting Started with Problem-          school has financial aid,
       Based Learning                  scheduling and GPA
Presented by: Kira Martin              consequences. What happens
(Amplify Education) and                when students apply as test
Melissa Webb (Amplify                  optional? We will explore how
Education)                             to prepare high school students
                                       for the college math path that
Moving from traditional                lies ahead.
teacher-led instruction to                   __________________
problem-based instruction can
be a big shift for teachers and
students. In this session, you
will learn high-leverage teacher
actions for implementing
problem-based learning in your
classroom, actions you can take
in your first weeks. We will
discuss ways to build student
investment, detail strategies to
strengthen teacher and student
skill sets, and share key look-for
teachers and leaders can use to
track progress along the way.

                                 Page 30
Saturday 9:45
Session 60           Grades K-2
Room - Pecan             S 9:45
   Putting the Fun in Math
    FUNdamentals Using
      Children’s Books
Presented by: Connie Stout-
ODell (Glenville State College)
and Shelly Ratliff (Glenville
State College)
This hands-on session will focus
on integrating developmentally          Session 61        Grades K-5
appropriate math strategies and         Room - Summersville   S 9:45
quality children’s literature that
                                              Marvelous Math!
will have your students excited
about math. Participants will           Presented by: Stacey McKenzie
have the opportunity to learn           (Wiley Ford Primary)
about interactive, engaging
                                        Participants will learn ways to
math strategies while integrating
                                        make math exciting for all types
high-quality children’s
                                        of learners. Participants will
literature. Session attendees will
                                        also be shown how to bring all
participate in activities for the
                                        subjects of learning into the
K-2 classroom while
                                        math classroom.
networking with professionals
about best practices.                         __________________

                                  Page 31
Session 63          Grades K-12
                                      Room - Birch             S 9:45
                                            Exploring the Vertical
                                          Progression of Mathematics
                                           with math4life Resources|
                                      Presented by: Teresa Bailey and
Session 62        Grades K-12         Joseph Mastracci (West
Room - Greenbrier      S 9:45         Virginia Department of
    A $10,000 Award for               Education)
    Classroom Teachers!!
                                      This session explores the
Presented by: Cindy Burke             vertical progression of
(Retired) and Sarah Snyder            mathematics from early and
(WVU)                                 elementary to middle and
                                      secondary. Seeing how concepts
Join past applicants and
                                      and topics are developed
awardees in a discussion about
                                      throughout all programmatic
the Presidential Awards for
                                      levels can add to powerful
Excellence in Science and
                                      instructional practices. This also
Mathematics (PAEMST) and
                                      creates excellent collaboration
the application process.
                                      opportunities not just within the
Why Apply? Recipients of the          building level vertical team but
PAEMST Award receive the              also across school districts. A
following:                            synopsis of math4life resources
• A certificate signed by the         also available to assist with the
    President of the United           vertical teaming and
    States.                           collaboration.
• A paid trip to Washington,                __________________
    D.C., to attend recognition
    events and professional
    development opportunities.
• A $10,000 award.
• An opportunity to build
    lasting partnerships with
    colleagues across the nation.
                                Page 32
Session 64        Grades 3-8            Session 66          Grades 6-8
Room - Ballroom 2     S 9:45            Room - Tygart           S 9:45
  You'll Want to Escape our                 Making Math STEAMazing!
           Room                         Presented by: Melissa Bane and
Presented by: Stephanie Felton          Angela McDaniel (West
(Frankfort Middle School) and           Virginia Department of
Sarah Malone (Frankfort Middle          Education/West Virginia
School)                                 University STEAM TAC)
Compete against other teams as          This session provides an
you try to escape the classroom         overview of the new
before the clock runs out.              WVDE/WVU STEAM
     __________________                 Technical Assistance Center
                                        (STEAM TAC) and the free
Session 65        Grades 3-8            STEAM immersion experiences
Room - Kanawha Saturday 9:45            offered to West Virginia
                                        students in grades 6-8. STEAM
    Making Math Fun with
                                        TAC specialists will guide
                                        participants through engaging,
Presented by: Scott Green               hands-on, math focused
(School Specialty) and Michele          engineering design lessons and
Hertel (School Specialty)               discuss many opportunities for
Math Force is School                    related lesson extensions.
Specialty’s digital math                      __________________
program for grades 3-8. It is a
supplemental curriculum
aligned to national standards.
This full-featured math program
combines the power of
technology with the expertise of
a teacher to bring out the best in

                                  Page 33
Session 67           Grades 6-8         Session 69        Grades 6-12
Room - Sutton            S 9:45         Room - Ballroom 1      S 9:45
Building Deep Understanding                 Student Discourse Through
of the Mean and Solving Mean                     Error Analysis
          Problems                      Presented by: Jon Webster
Presented by: Thomas Klein              (Petersburg High School) and
(Marshall University)                   Karen Keener (Brooke High
Participants attending this
session will learn two ways to          Do your students effectively
think about the mean and obtain         critique the reasoning of others?
a deeper understanding of its           Do you hear your students using
definition. They will apply             vocabulary and questioning
these ways of thinking about the        why? This session explores
mean to solve problems                  different tools for engaging
involving the mean without rote         students in constructing
use of the definition.                  arguments and critiquing the
                                        reasoning of others. Through
     __________________                 implementing activities such as
                                        Get the Goof and Contrasting
Session 68          Grades 6-12         Cases, students work to develop
Room - Maple             S 9:45         vocabulary and a deeper
                                        understanding of the material.
 What Shape is Your Name?               Instructional methods include
Presented by: Rowanne                   group talk and writing in
Shockey (Retired)                       mathematics.
Use your name to create a
personal graph. Suggestions for
extensions will be provided.

                                  Page 34
Saturday 11:00
                                      Session 71           All Grades
                                      Room - Kanawha          S 11:00
                                          Give Your Friends Some
                                           Challenging Problems
                                      Presented by: George Norton
Session 70          Grades 9-16
Room - Potomac           S 9:45       Do you have any favorite math
                                      problems that you would like to
  Rock Your STEM Major!               share? This is your chance to
Presented by: Lori Ogden (West        bring them in and present them
Virginia University) and              to everyone in the session.
Brittany Cuchta (Fairmont State       These can be any level, whether
University)                           you currently teach it or not.
This session will provide an
overview of a virtual camp that
has been/will be offered to
rising college freshman this past
summer. Rock Your STEM
Major! was an engaging virtual
summer experience aimed at
increasing math/science and
college readiness. The “camp”
consisted of 5 unique (two hour)
sessions. The curriculum
connected entry-level
mathematics, chemistry, and
fraction arithmetic, unit
analysis, time-management,
awareness of campus resources,
and study-skills.

                                Page 35
Session 72        Grades K-2
Room - Ballroom 2    S 11:00
 Exploring Number Sense in
  Small Group Instruction
Presented by: Amber Myers and
Elizabeth Houck (June Harless
Center at Marshall University)
Starting children off with           Session 73        Grades K-5
engaging math experiences is         Room - Summersville S 11:00
crucial to learning and
                                            Integration of Reading
developing number sense.
                                         Strategies in the Mathematics
Participants will explore number
sense using small group
instruction. They will explore       Presented by: Danielle Irby
activities using a variety of        (June Harless Center) and
materials to create small group      Becky Lewis (June Harless
work for math instruction. We        Center)
will discuss how children can
                                     This session will explore
use the materials to represent
                                     reading strategies that can be
numbers, create addition and
                                     incorporated into daily math
subtraction equations, math
                                     instruction. Participants will
journals, and use word
                                     identify characteristics of good
                                     readers and good
      __________________             mathematicians. They will then
                                     examine and explore strategies
                                     and tools that can integrate these
                                     two content areas to meet the
                                     diverse needs of their
                                     classroom. Finally, participants
                                     will evaluate how these
                                     strategies correlate to the
                                     Mathematical Habits of Mind.

                               Page 36
Session 75        Grades 3-5
                                        Room - Ballroom 1    S 11:00
                                            Building Mathematical
                                             Fluency with Games
                                        Presented by: Lisa Menninger
                                        and Dawn King-Hull (Point
                                        Harmony Elementary)
                                        How can we build fluency for
                                        our students in a way that they
                                        will enjoy? Math should not just
                                        be worksheets. Fluency can be
                                        built through games. Games can
Session 74           Grades K-8         be so powerful and make it fun
Room - Birch            S 11:00         for our students. Games provide
  Numbers with Nearpod:                 tons of practice in a short time
 Adding Engagement in your              frame. They are a great way to
     Math Instruction                   help kids practice. In this
                                        session we will show you
Presented by: Teresa Stanley            numerous games to use with
(Kanawha County Schools)                your students to help with
If you want to increase student         accuracy, efficiency, fluency,
engagement, promote                     and build flexibility. We will
mathematical discourse and              also have resources to take
view formative assessments in           home.
real-time, then Nearpod is for                __________________
you. It is an awesome resource
for in-person and remote

                                  Page 37
Session 76        Grades K-12
Room - Greenbrier     S 11:00
   Facing the Challenge of
     Vertical Alignment
Presented by: Alison Jo Frost
(Woodrow Wilson High School)
As a high school teacher              Session 77           Grades 6-12
encountering a pile of students       Room - Maple             S 11:00
with a weakness in every aspect
                                          Sneaking Real Math into The
of mathematics, I am fascinated
                                           Classroom - The Power of
by vertical alignment. While all
of our standards are important,
some of them link from                Presented by: Joshua Jones
Calculus down to pre-K in ways        (Martinsburg North Middle
that make more sense than             School)
others. We are going to make
                                      The internet has impacted math
sense of some of these
                                      education, and memes themed
comparing our classrooms and
                                      around “another day without
creating content for our students
                                      math,” and “when will I ever
that really supports future
                                      use THIS?” have no place in my
                                      classroom. To counter this, I
      __________________              created projects around life
                                      skills using grade level skills.
                                      For me, these projects have
                                      given ownership to my students
                                      while having increased their
                                      interest in the learning process. I
                                      will present several projects and
                                      how I adjust content to grade
                                      level and stretch the concept to
                                      a writing prompt for literacy

                                Page 38
Session 79           Grades 3-16
                                        Room - Potomac           S 11:00
                                        Kami for Teachers - What can
                                              YOU do with it?
                                        Presented by: Sophie Youngs
                                        Join Kami Hero Sophie as she
                                        explains how to use Kami tools
                                        designed with teachers in mind.
                                        Put text, images, videos, and
                                        other documents all in the same
Session 78          Grades 6-12         document for an all-in-one
Room - Pecan            S 11:00         lesson. Create quick, easy, and
                                        personalized feedback.
    Thinking on Your Feet               Participants will receive a Kami
Presented by: Sara Klesel               code that provides 4 months of
(Parkersburg South High                 the paid teacher version for free.
School) and Kerianne Smead              It is suggested that attendees
(Morgantown High School)                bring a device.
Join Sara and Kerianne as we
explore small changes to
increase engagement and
perseverance. Based on the
book, Building Thinking
Classrooms, by Peter Liljedahl.

                                  Page 39
2021-2022 WVCTM Board of Directors
President                          Myrtle Holland
President-Elect                    Matthew Campbell
Elementary Vice President          Melanie Meck
Middle School Vice President       Jami Packer
High School Vice President         Allan Meck
College Vice President             Stephanie Jones
Secretary                          Adam Fletcher
Treasurer                          Jeremy Knight
Member-at-Large                    Joy Hunt
Member-at-Large                    Allison Miller
NCTM Representative                Sheila Ruddle
Public Relations                   Jeanne Finstein
Historian                          Samantha Service
Web Content Editor                 Amy Cowgill
Vendor Relations                   Amy Rice
Webmaster                          Mark Alvaro
WVDE Math Coordinator (Elem)       Teresa Bailey
WVDE Math Coordinator (Sec)        Timothy Flatley
WVDE math4life Coordinator         Joseph Mastracci
State Math Field Day President     Rowanne Shockey

                         Page 40
Stonewall Resort - Venue Map
West Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics
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