LSC Application Pack 2022 - Amazon AWS

Page created by Janice Barton
LSC Application Pack 2022 - Amazon AWS
LSC Application Pack 2022

 Kei Aku nui, kei Aku rahi, tēnei te mihi Kia
     koutou Katoa, Nau Mai haere mai!
   Welcome to Rotorua Primary School!

  Nau mai, haere mai ki kura o Kaharoa
       Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou,
           tēnā koutou katoa.
      Welcome to Kaharoa School.
    We look forward to meeting you.
LSC Application Pack 2022 - Amazon AWS
About Rotorua Primary
LSC Application Pack 2022 - Amazon AWS
About Kaharoa School
Kaharoa School is an ideal size - large enough to offer a range of
diverse learning opportunities, yet small enough to provide a
caring atmosphere with a strong school spirit. All students to
participate in a wide range of activities. Our community has a long
history of strong and active involvement with the school.

Our motto is: “OUR BEST ALWAYS” “Tā Mātou Pai Ake”


VISION A Kaharoa Kid is:
Competency       ‘Kids Speak’         Definition
A Thinker        ‘Stop, Think…Do’     Curious, Creative, Critical and Caring
A Communicator   ‘Give and Receive’   Literate, Numerate and an Effective Listener

A Self-Manager   ‘Manage Me’          Adaptable, Organised, Balanced and Goal
A Can-Do Kid     ‘Give it a Go’       Motivated. A Risk taker, a Participator and
Friendly         ‘Team Player’        Kind, Caring, Respectful and Cooperative

We aim to build character through the Cornerstone Values
approach. Children learn that through their decisions and
subsequent actions there are positive or negative
consequences. The following values are taught, modelled and
practiced every day while we emphasise one value per term.

Our caring and dedicated team of teaching staff, learning
assistants, office administrator, caretaker, parents and School
Board, all ensure we work together effectively for the highest
outcomes possible as the result of an effective learning
We encourage the whole school to “Give it a Go!” Our aim is
to build a positive attitude of cooperation and involvement in
our numerous school wide activities.
LSC Application Pack 2022 - Amazon AWS
A note from the Appointment Committee
The Kaharoa School Board welcomes your application for the advertised position of
Learning Support Coordinator. Please find enclosed all the information you will need
to apply.

At the conclusion of 2021 Kaharoa School had a roll of 177 Year 1-8 students,
including 34 Māori learners.
Rotorua Primary had a roll of 328 Year 1-8 students, including 302 Māori learners.

We are looking for a highly skilled and experienced teacher, who will work closely
with the SENCOs and senior leaders of Kaharoa School 0.5 , Principal Lynden Cook,
and Rotorua Primary School 0.5, Principal Fred Whata. The role is to support our
students and their whānau with their learning support needs. This role may also be
suitable for job share by negotiation for two suitable teachers, one working at each

We are looking for a professional who is able to:

   ●   Develop and implement programmes to suit the needs of specific children and groups
   ●   Facilitate PLD programmes to support staff to be able to implement support programmes
   ●   Work alongside the SENCO, RTLB, RTLit, SWIS and other resource teachers in implementing
       programmes to support learners
   ●   Demonstrate an understanding and knowledge of culturally responsive and relational
   ●   Collaborate with classroom teachers to co-construct a way forward to support the
       development of priority learners
   ●   Keep up-to-date records and data
   ●   Work alongside children in class and through withdrawal programmes
   ●   Source funding to run programmes
   ●   Support parents and whānau to build relationships and understanding around learning support
       and establishing points of contact if needed
   ●   Support learners in both mainstream and rumaki settings.

This position commences as soon as the successful candidate is able to start, Term 2
at the latest. The successful candidate will be a NZ registered teacher, have sound
curriculum knowledge and experience working with children with diverse needs able
to be applied in the two different school settings.

The successful candidate will be employed by the Kaharoa School Board as the
employing body. They may work 0.5 at Kaharoa School, and 0.5 at Rotorua Primary
OR in the case of a job share applicant, one candidate to work 0.5 at Rotorua
Primary, and one to work 0.5 at Kaharoa. As this role involves working onsite and with
students, shortlisted applicants will need to provide evidence of meeting the
Mandatory Vaccination Health Order.

We look forward to receiving your application. Applications can be delivered to
Kaharoa School at 296 Kaharoa Road or sent digitally to
Please email or phone 073323444 with any questions.
Thank you again for your interest in this learning support coordinator position.

Applications close at 4pm on Tuesday the 22nd of February.

LSC Application Pack 2022 - Amazon AWS
Below is a list of what you need to submit either digitally, or in hard copy received by
Kaharoa School by 4pm on Tuesday 22nd of February 2022.
Address Correspondence to:
Lynden Cook and Fred Whata
Kaharoa School
Kaharoa Road RD, RD6 Rotorua 3096

Please Send In:                                                                                          Self Check:
 A brief cover letter if desired.

 Included a brief Curriculum Vitae
 If you have provided a hard copy of your CV it will only be returned if you include a self-addressed,
 stamped envelope with your application.

Completed all sections of the Application Form

Completed three referee contact details

Complete the Key Criteria Section

Please email or post your application to be received by 4pm on Tuesday 22nd of
February 2022.

What we will do as the applications arrive and after the closing date:
    1. Acknowledge the receipt of your application
    2. If necessary, seek clarification of any aspects of your application with you
    3. Contact referees as necessary before or after shortlisting
    4. Examine your application thoroughly
    5. Possibly visit you at your present school
    6. Look for linkages of your application documents with the specifications and
       information we have provided you with
    7. Short list and Interview
    8. We will hold all applications until after the process is completed

Recruitment Process Timeline
 Advertising begins                                                             15 February 2022
 Applications close                                                             4pm Tuesday 22nd Feb
 Short listing and applicants not successful for
                                                                                Tuesday 22nd Feb
 interviews informed
                                                                                Thursday 24th Feb
 Successful applicants advised and other
                                                                                By 25th February 2022
 applicants informed
                                                                                As soon as practical. Beginning
 Starting date
                                                                                of Term 2 at the latest.

LSC Application Pack 2022 - Amazon AWS
                          Important Notes for Applicants
Thank you for applying for a position. Please ensure you have a copy of the position (job) description
before completing this application.

   1. Please fully complete this form personally. First, read it through, then answer all questions and
      make sure you sign and date where indicated on the last page.
   2. Attach a current curriculum vitae (CV) containing any additional information, if necessary.
   3. Copies only of qualification certificates should be attached. If successful in your application you
      will be required to provide the originals as proof of qualifications.
   4. If you are selected for an interview you may bring whānau/support people at your own
      expense. Please advise if this is your intention.
   5. Failure to complete this application and answer all questions truthfully may result in any offer of
      employment being withdrawn or appointment being terminated, if any information is later found
      to be false.
   6. All applicants are required to give consent to a Police vet.

      a) Applicants may not be employed as a children’s worker if they have been convicted of a
        specified offence listed in Schedule 2 of the Children’s Act 2014, unless they obtain an
        exemption. The Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004 will not apply to these specified
        offences and these offences will be included in your Police vetting results.
   b) The Clean Slate Act provides certain convictions do not have to be disclosed providing:
             • you have not committed any offence within 7 consecutive years of being sentenced
                 for the offence
             • you did not serve a custodial sentence at any time
              •   the offence was neither a specified offence under the Clean Slate Act 2004 nor a
                  specified offence under the Children’s Act 2014
              • you have paid any fines or costs
      c)     Please note that you are not obliged to disclose convictions if you meet the above
           conditions but can do so if you wish. If you are uncertain as to whether you are eligible
           contact the Ministry of Justice.
   7. Shortlisted applicants being interviewed will need to provide originals of both a primary identity
      document (e.g., passport) and a secondary identity document (e.g., New Zealand driver
      license). A list of acceptable primary and secondary documents is available in the last sections
      of the Children’s Regulations 2015.

   8. This information will be held by the employer. For the successful candidate, this document will
      be held on their personal file, otherwise the information provided will be securely destroyed
      after 30 days. You may access it in accordance with the provisions of The Privacy Act 2020.

LSC Application Pack 2022 - Amazon AWS

Position applied for                   Location                             Vacancy/Reference Number

 Click or tap here to enter text.        Click or tap here to enter text.    Click or tap here to enter text.

Tick one

 Mr ☐              Mrs ☐               Ms ☐            Miss ☐

    Or other preferred title: Click or tap here to
    enter text.

    Surname/Family name                           First names (in full)

    Click or tap here to enter text.              Click or tap here to enter text.

Birth name (if applicable)

 Click or tap here to enter text.

Are you known by any other name(s)? (if yes please provide below)                                Yes ☐          No

 Click or tap here to enter text.

Full postal address

 Click or tap here to enter text.

Email address

LSC Application Pack 2022 - Amazon AWS
Click or tap here to enter text.

   Contact telephone numbers

    Personal:                                         Business:
    Click or tap here to enter text.                  Click or tap here to enter text.

   Identity Verification, Criminal Record and Right to Work
   Please tick the appropriate boxes:

Immigration information
Are you a New Zealand citizen?                                                    Yes ☐         No ☐

If not, do you have resident status, or                                            Yes ☐        No ☐

A current work permit                                                               Yes ☐        No ☐

Have you ever had a criminal conviction?                                                        Yes ☐       No ☐
If “Yes” please detail:
Click or tap here to enter text.

(A board may not employ or engage a children’s worker who has been convicted of an offence specified in Schedule 2 of the
Children’s Act 2014. The Clean Slate Act does not apply to schedule 2 offences.)

Have you ever received a police diversion for an offence?                                           Yes ☐      No ☐

If “Yes”’ please detail:
Click or tap here to enter text.

Have you ever been discharged without conviction for an offence?                                    Yes ☐       No ☐

If “Yes” please detail:

Click or tap here to enter text.

Do you have a current New Zealand driver’s licence?                                               Yes ☐         No ☐

Have you ever been convicted of a driving offence which resulted in                      Yes ☐     No ☐
temporary or permanent loss of licence, or imprisonment?

If “Yes”’ please detail:
Click or tap here to enter text.

Are you awaiting sentencing, or do you have charges pending?                       Yes ☐         No ☐

If “Yes”’ please state the nature of the conviction/cases pending:
Click or tap here to enter text.

In addition to other information provided are there any other factors                Yes ☐        No ☐
that we should know to assess your suitability for appointment
and your ability to do the job?

If “Yes”, please detail:
Click or tap here to enter text.

Have you ever been the subject of any concerns involving child safety?              Yes ☐        No ☐

If “Yes” please detail:
Click or tap here to enter text.

Are you aware of any injury or medical condition that could impact                  Yes ☐        No ☐
on your ability to perform this job effectively?

If “Yes”, please detail

Click or tap here to enter text.

For teaching/principal positions:

Do you hold a current practising certificate from the Teaching Council    Yes ☐   No ☐
of Aotearoa New Zealand?

Please enter your registration number: Click or tap here to enter text.

Educational Qualifications

             Name            Location   Number of   Highest
                                        years       Qualification
                                        completed   Gained




Employment History
Please list your work experience for the last five years beginning with your most recent position.
Please include months as well as years worked and explain any gaps in employment. If you were
self-employed, give details.

 Period worked                Employer’s name        Position held   Reason        for
 (please specify the start    (or reason for gap
 and end dates)               in employment)
            Start date
 End date







Please provide the names of three people who could act as referees for you. One of these should be
your current or most recent employer. Please indicate which referee is your current/previous employer
in the table below.

 Name            Organisation         Position/            Landline            Mobile
                                      Relationship         (preferred)

Key Criteria
The position you have applied for requires specific knowledge, skills, attributes and personal
characteristics. These key criteria are found on page 4 of this application, and also in the Job
Description. Please outline below how you meet these attributes and abilities. Even if you are
attaching a CV, please fill this out in full. The contact person cited in the advertisement can assist with
any questions.

 Criteria               Past roles in which What did you do              Key achievements
  (knowledge, skills,   you            have which
 attributes, personal   demonstrated the demonstrated this
 characteristics)       criteria

I certify that:
      ·    The information I have supplied in this application is true and correct.

      ·    I confirm in terms of The Privacy Act 2020 that I have authorised access to referees.
      ·    I know of no reason why I would not be suitable to work with children/young people.
      ·    I understand that if I have supplied incorrect or misleading information, or have omitted any
           important information, I may be disqualified from appointment, or if appointed, may be liable
           to be dismissed.

Signature __________________________________                                  Date ____________________

Custodial sentence means a sentence of imprisonment and includes corrective training, preventive detention, a sentence of imprisonment
served by home detention, borstal training, detention centre training and any other sentence that requires the full-time detention of an
individual. Non-custodial sentence includes, but is not limited to, a community-based sentence, a sentence of home detention, a sentence
of a fine or reparation, a suspended sentence of imprisonment, and a specified order.

Note: Your application should be signed, dated and scanned before it is emailed.

Learning Support Coordinator Job Description

Staff Member:__________________________

   ● Employing Board: Kaharoa School Board
   ● Responsible to:
         ○ Lynden Cook, Principal, on behalf of the Kaharoa School Board
         ○ Fred Whata, Principal, Rotorua Primary School
   ● Terms and Conditions: Primary Teachers’ Collective Agreement

LSC Role
The PURPOSE of the LSC role is to make sure that children and young people with mild-to-moderate,
neurodiverse, or high-and-complex learning support receive appropriate help when they need it.

Appraisal Process
   ● tbc

Job Description - Learning Support Coordinator
                                       Task Description
 Stakeholder             Descriptor                                     Key tasks
    focus                                                   Both schools = black Kaharoa= blue
                                                                  Rotorua Primary = red

Students/      Working with classroom                   ●     Regular weekly check in with SENCO after or
Ākonga         teachers, other professionals and              before school to discuss
               parents to identify student’s                  progress/concerns/needs (this could be via
Support        needs early and respond in a                   email)
students       timely manner with the right             ●     Meet with SENCO at the end of each term to
through        support;                                       discuss progress and identify needs for the
                                                              following term
building an                                             ●     Provide timetable to classroom teachers in
inclusive                                                     consultation with SENCO
school                                                  ●     Liaise with RTLB, RTLit etc as per need
environment                                             ●     Keep records (ongoing google doc) of
                                                              contacts with parents and professionals,
where all                                                     applications, meetings, emails, phone calls
students                                                      etc
participate,                                            ●     CC all relevant emails such as parent contact,
                                                              applications to SENCO, DP and Principal
progress and                                            ●     meet with parents
make                                                    ●     ask for input from classroom teachers about
successful                                                    what they see as the needs of their students
transitions.                                                  and what they have done so far to alleviate
                                                              these needs
                                                        ●     liaising with Learning Assistants to help them
                                                              best meet the needs of their students
                                                        ●     running modelling sessions for
                                                              Teachers/Learning Assistants
                                                        ●     offer advice/answer questions/ research
                                                              what I don’t know to assist others
                                                        ●     find where to go to access outside agency
                                                              help and build relationships with the people
                                                              involved in these agencies
                                                        ●     compile a list of these agencies and contact
                                                              details to be kept in school
                                                        ●     be familiar with assessment tools and carry
                                                              out/analyse these assessments where
                                                        ●     help to plan assistance for students

               Working with individual students     initial testing for followup assistance eg
               to provide direct support where      Dyslexia Quest/Learning Assistance/RTLB
               appropriate;                         interventions/classroom observations
                                                    running quick 60 alphabet programmes
                                                    running quick 60 reading programmes
                                                    running early words programmes
                                                    one-to-one reading/writing/maths assistance
                                                    modelling to Learning Assistants
                                                    inviting in whānau to observe direct support

               Ensure a Learning Support            take responsibility for maintaining on a regular basis
               Register of students’ needs (at      a register of children and young people with learning
               school and cluster levels) is kept   support needs across both schools
               up-to-date, and used regularly by    make sure this register is secure at all times, is only
               authorised staff. Information        accessed by appropriate staff and those staff that
               sharing and privacy protocols        should have access to it are aware of its existence
               must be followed.                    attend workshops/webinar seminars on the
                                                    successful setting up & running of the support

ensure data is transferred across into the
                                                       standardised LSR that the Ministry is going to roll out
                                                       from July 2020
                                                       ensure that we all know/ use the correct/standardised
                                                       language that is going to be implemented by the
                                                       Ministry onto it’s LSR
                                                       be familiar with the Ministry’s expectations on sharing
                                                       information through the LSR
                                                       ensure that permission is gained from whānau for a
                                                       child to be included on the LSR and let them know if
                                                       that information is going to be shared within the
                                                       cluster to other relevant parties

                  Supporting kaiako/teachers to        always make myself available to
                  ensure that students receiving       collaborate/contribute with teachers and other
                  specialist support have an           stakeholders in the creation and updating of ILP’s
                  individual learning plan.            regularly liaise with classroom teachers on the
                                                       progress of children with ILP’s and update ILP’s
                                                       depending on the outcome of these meetings
                                                       attend meetings with whānau to create/update ILP’s
                                                       make sure other stakeholders eg RTLB are included in
                                                       the creation/updating of ILP’s

                  Contributing to learning support     liaise with all stakeholders on a regular basis to make
                  system improvements, including       sure systems are successful and work on ways to
                  smooth transitions for learners      improve these if issues come up
                  from early learning into school,     visit preschools that contribute to Kaharoa and
                  between year levels.                 Rotorua Primary School, ask for their feedback
                                                       liaise with teachers on correct placements of children
                                                       across year levels

Teachers/         Contributing to the identification   be available/approachable to teachers who are
Kaiako            of learning support needs across     looking for help
                  the school or kura and cluster       have clear guidelines available for teachers to make
Support to lift   through the provision of tools       contact/share their concerns with you/make requests
their             and advice to teachers               attend meetings if required
capability to                                          run professional development sessions
better meet                                            source outside agency help if necessary
the needs of                                           do classroom observations
                                                       initiate conversations/offer help
learners, and
                                                       attend LSC cluster days/workshops
to strengthen                                          upskill myself in available tools of the trade
with early        Providing the learning support       be informed by educational readings and professional
learning          team with evidence-based             development and inviting specialists in/picking their
services.         strategies, practices, and           brains to be able to give guidance
                  guidance about what will make a      collaborate with other stakeholders to build a
                  difference for their students        network of proven practices
                                                       make sure I communicate/listen/value input from
                                                       continue to expand my own knowledge by asking if I
                                                       don’t know or going to where I can access help myself
                                                       build my knowledge of evidence-based theory
                                                       through a range of ways eg workshops, readings,
                                                       webinars, discussions etc

                  Embedding a culture of               be open to new learning and building
                  collaboration between the LSC        relationships with other stakeholders
                  and teaching professionals           be seen as a go to person by teaching staff who
                  where different approaches are
                  openly observed and shared           have learning support needs

organise professional development sessions
                                                    listen and value others ideas/thoughts
                                                    create a non threatening environment
                                                    take classes so teachers can observe a
                                                    new/different approach by me/others
                                                    be non judgemental
                                                    build relationships
                                                    introduce new approaches that are seen to
                                                    make a difference
                                                    invite teaching specialists to share their
                                                    knowledge by others observing classroom
                                                    practise or they run a professional development

                 Working with the learning          run modelling of good practise for Learning
                 support team (teachers and         Assistants
                 teacher aides, SENCOs, gifted
                                                    Let it be known you are available to help with
                 coordinators, and other
                 professionals) to develop its
                                                    any issues by keeping in regular contact with
                 capability through training and    Learning Assistants through email/conversation
                 professional development           run training sessions for Learning Assistants
                                                    regular liaising with SENCo
                                                    share through email/discussion any new
                                                    training/professional development that has
                                                    potential to develop their capability
                                                    attend a staff meeting to talk about my role

                 Working with the learning           hold regular meetings with support team to
                 support team to decide on the      prioritise who does what and how to best meet
                 best use of available learning
                                                    the needs of children
                 support resources to meet the
                 needs of children
                                                    keep a list of who is doing what which is shared
                                                    with all stakeholders and make sure it gets
                                                    ticked off/dated when completed
                                                    refer on a regular basis to this list
                                                    make sure list is updated as needs require
                                                    collaborate together to work out what is the best
                                                    learning support resource to use
                                                    collaborate on the support staff timetable
                                                    follow the support staff timetable

                 Providing kaiako/teachers across   compile a list of support agencies to be kept in google
                 a cluster with clear avenues to    docs that teachers know is there & they can access it
                 seek additional advice on          keep up to date with professional development that
                 meeting the learning support       may be suitable advice for teachers and keep
                 needs of all students              teachers informed of this
                                                    organise/offer professional development for teachers
                                                    if you see a need

Parents/         Ensuring parent, whānau and        work collaboratively with whānau by building positive
                 student voice is heard and         relationships with them
                 represented when the school or      whānau and student must have agency/authority
Support to       kura is making decisions about     student and whānau input must be listened to and
partner          learning support                   valued
successfully                                        inviting them in to chat/observe/discuss
with their                                          keep in regular contact via face to face, email, phone
school or kura                                      calls, texts
and develop                                         be approachable

of learning       Providing parents and whānau        keep whānau informed at all times
support           with access to resources and        invite whānau in to observe when giving direct
                  guidance at an early stage so
processes and                                         support
                  they are able to be pro-active in
who to            school engagement about their
                                                      invite whānau in to share what they can do at
contact if        children;                           home to make a difference or if they can’t come
needed.                                               in email/phone/text/you visit them
                                                      build positive relationships with students and
                                                      whānau by having open lines of communication

                  Leading school and kura-wide        build positive relationships with whānau and let
                  engagement and communication        them know you can be the go to person for
                  with parents and whānau of          them
                  students with learning support
                  needs                               be visible and available on site
                                                      build open lines of communication

                  Helping kaiako/teachers build       collaborate together and build positive
                  capability and confidence in        relationships by being open and honest with
                  working in partnership with
                                                      teachers in conjunction with whānau
                  parents and whānau, and
                  working directly with parents on
                  more complex or disputed

LSCs/             Using the learning support          familiarise myself with the Learning Support register
                  register and assisting with         familiarise myself with all other agencies etc that are
                  planning to meet needs as           out there who can offer us help/support
Work with         students move through the           look at trends across the cluster with other LSC
other LSCs        system                              implement programmes/professional development
and connect                                           from these trends
                                                      attend meetings with other LSC in our cluster
with the                                              keep in touch with other LSC in our cluster
Learning                                              keep open lines of communication with other LSC
Support                                               clusters across Rotorua
Facilitator and
agencies to       Collect information for research    keep records on how I see the role of LSC has worked
access            and evaluation purposes to assist   thus far and where it needs to go to moving forward
services and      the Ministry of Education and       keep records of feedback on the positives and
                  school/kura with the                negatives of the LSC role as given by others
resources to
                  development of the LSC role and     Be honest and open to all lines of communication
support           the LSDM.                           with the Ministry

Leadership        Providing regular reporting,         schedule regular catch up meetings with the
Work with and     drawing on the learning support                leadership team to feed forward and
                  register, to the school and kura               feedback information in relation the the
influence the
                  leadership about student                       support needs register
school or kura    numbers, needs and trends            liaise regularly with SENCo and RTLB
leadership        regarding learning support;
team to
ensure all        Raising and advising on                      holding open and honest regular
students          particular capability development            conversations with the Leadership team
receive the       needs related to learning support            about professional development needs
appropriate       for kaiako/teachers and learning             within the school and how these can best be
                  support professionals                        met
support to
enhance their     Raising learning support related    please see above!
learning and      issues that require leadership
progress          involvement in order to resolve

                  Influencing school wide system      please see above!!
                  and resource decisions to           Find/research resources that will work/make a positve

support students with learning       difference for LSNeeds children
               support needs                        work with Teachers to see these resources
                                                    work with RTLB to help teachers find ways and means
                                                    to positively support LSNeeds children that will/do
                                                    make a positive difference

               Helping to create shifts toward      please see above!!!
               earlier intervention and group       ask teachers if I can do some classroom observations
               delivery of LS services              and then give them positive feedback and suggest
                                                    interventions that might make a difference
                                                    model these interventions to show what I mean
                                                    work with teachers/ children to set up programmes


Agencies       Supports the development of          Ensure there is a partnership for whānau which
               expertise across the school          guarantees a say in the decision making for them
               and/or cluster in learning           E sure whānau are protected and retain their right to
               support in bicultural and/or         self-determination regarding all issues of importance
               bilingual Aotearoa New Zealand,      to them
               consistent with the Treaty of        Ensure the participation of whānau that guarantees
               Waitangi, to support improved        the equity of rights, privileges, opportunities and
               outcomes for Māori students          outcomes

Planning for   Promoting evidence-based             provide opportunities for ongoing targeted
success        strategies, practices, and inquiry   professional development for myself and teachers
               processes to plan, implement         work with specialists such as RTLB to support
               and review effectiveness in          classroom teachers assess and plan specific
               progressing school or kura goals     instruction for children with LSNeeds
               to improve outcomes for diverse      encourage consistent school wide approaches that
               (all) students                       use effective, evidence-based strategies/programmes
                                                    that meet children’s needs

Effective      Helps to develop and implement       Attend up to date professional development across a
learning       strategic change across a            range of areas and take notes on these
support        school/cluster/Kāhui Ako with the    maintain up to date professional readings across a
               current and relevant research        range of areas and take notes on these
knowledge      evidence to support the learning     hold regular discussions with other avenues of
about what     and progress of every student in     support for my learning eg RTLB, other LSC etc
works best     ways that recognise their            At all times use the principles of The Treaty of
               identity, language and culture       Waitangi in my professional practice
                                                    Build a school support team eg leadership, SENCo etc

Professional   Works responsively with                      please see above
Learning       colleagues to identify teachers’             at all times work from a strengths based
               and their own professional                   model for everyone
               learning strengths and needs                 make classroom/group/individual
               using a range of evidence                    observations with feedback in a timely
                                                            manner using notes as necessary

               Works collaboratively to enhance     Plan cohesive, school wide professional learning for
               capabilities to improve teaching,    staff, learning assistants and support staff where
               and learning outcomes for            necessary using evidence-based research
               diverse (all) students               provide time, information and practical support
                                                    Help teachers develop their understanding and plan
                                                    approaches that enable them to constructively
                                                    engage with learners

Learning Support Coordinator signature for Job Description:


Principals’ Signatures

__________________________Kaharoa                       Date_______________
__________________________Rotorua Primary               Date_______________

Presiding Member (Kaharoa School Board) ________________________


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