Love To Dance Studio's Policies & Basic Information - Love To Dance; Bright, Indiana

Page created by Jason Hale
Love To Dance Studio’s Policies & Basic Information

1. INSURANCE: The studio does not carry Medical or Liability Insurance for its
   Students. It is REQUIRED that all Students are covered by their own Family
   Insurance Policies. If injury occurs, it is understood that Student’s own Policy is
   your ONLY source of REIMBURSEMENT. ‘Love To Dance Studio’s, owner, and
   any affiliates associated with ‘Love To Dance Studio’ will be forever discharged,
   held harmless and are NOT responsible for any injuries of any kind while
   participating at the studio or any other event associated with the studio, this
   included any competitions we may attend.
2. DANCE TUITION: Our Season/Session begins in August; the Studio calendar
   reflects days that the studio is closed. ‘Love To Dance Studio’ will not always
   follow the school calendar for days off. Monthly tuition remains the same
   regardless of the number of classes in a month. Tuition is $360 for the 5-year-
   old and older Session which can be paid all at once upon registration or divided
   up per month which makes it $45 monthly for the months of September through
   April. Tuition is $270 for the 3-5-year-old (35 minute) Session which can be
   paid all at once upon registration or divided up per month which makes it $30
   monthly for the months of August through April. Tuition is due by the first (1st) of
   each month and can be paid by cash, check or through PayPal. Payments not
   made by the 15th of each month will incur a $5 late fee that must be added to
   your payment. There will be an extra charge added on to all PayPal payments;
   $3 for monthly fees & $10 for tuition being paid in full. You MUST use the
   PayPal tabs on the studio website to make payments this way. This is due to the
   extra fees PayPal charges for payments. Students with accounts past due of two
   or more months will not be allowed to participate in classes if a payment
   arrangement has not been made with studio owner. Registration Fees,
   Competition Fees, Costume Deposits, Monthly, Yearly tuitions and any money
   paid to ‘Love To Dance Studio’ is NON-Refundable.
3. REGISTRATION FEE: A $20 Fee is required with the Registration Forms &
   signed Contract to reserve a class space. A Registration is NOT complete until
   the forms are completed and returned with the fee paid. There is not a separate
   single/family registration fee; it is $20 flat whether you are registering 1 student
   or 2+.
4. COSTUMES: Costumes are a requirement for our dance recital as well as those
   on our competition teams. Costumes will range from $65 and up for each
   costume. Students taking a two-type dance style combo class will have 1
   costume and a $50 Costume Deposit is due by November 10th. Students taking a
   three-type dance combo class will have 2-3 costumes and a $75 Costume
   Deposit is due by November 10th. Balances on costumes for ALL students will be
   sent home shortly after the costumes have been ordered. Balances will be due
   by January12th. Costumes will not be ordered for your child if deposits have not
   been paid by the due date. Please note that parents are responsible for full
   payment of ANY costumes ordered for your child even if they decide to no
   longer take dance from us.
5. PAYMENT OPTIONS: Payments can be made by cash, check or credit card via
   PayPal. When paying with cash, please place your payment in an envelope with
   your child’s name on it. When paying with a check an envelope is not necessary
   but please write your child’s name on the subject line. Both forms of payment
   can be made inside the studio in the white mailbox. Paying by PayPal is easy
   and fast; this option is available on the studio website under the “Payment” tab.
   KIND. This includes: Registration Fees, Costume Deposit, Costume Balances,
   Competition and/or Convention Fees, Tuition, Late Fees, Recital Fees, Misc.
   Fees, Dancewear, and All other Fees acquired to your account. There are no
   exceptions and there are no fees excluded from this rule. Competition and/or
   Convention Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE even if
   you or your child decide not to participate, even if you are removed as a Team
   Member for any reason. There is a $35 fee for all returned checks marked as
   Insufficient, cancelled, closed account, or stop payment and late fees will apply.
7. SHOES & DANCE ATTIRE: All dance shoes are ordered by you. The studio
   uses Curtain Call for Class (CCFC) for our shoes but you are free to purchase
   shoes elsewhere on your own as long as they match the studio shoe colors.
   There is a website for CCFC that allows you to login, click on the class your
   child will be in and the shoes required for that class. Please note that dance
   shoes do not fit like street shoes. There are shoes available at the studio for
   your child to try on prior to you ordering. Once purchased, the shoes will be
   shipped to you. Please write your child’s name on their shoes. Dance attire is
   required for all classes; this includes clothes that are comfortable and easy to
   move around in. There is not a set color or style required by the studio. NO
   JEANS are permitted in the studio for students participating in dance classes.
8. CLOSURES/HOLIDAYS/ATTENDANCE: ‘Love To Dance’ will set the calendar for
   each session. The calendar may not always follow the school calendar. Please
   see studio website and Facebook page for weather related closures. If school
   was cancelled for bad weather but the roads are clear by class time, we WILL
   hold class. Use your best judgment and always call when unsure.
   ATTENDANCE is very important to your child’s progress; however, we are not
   responsible for classes missed due to sickness or bad weather. Due to the
   studio being used throughout the week for regular session classes, Saturday is
   the only open day to hold makeup classes. Makeup classes will only be
   scheduled in the event that your class has been cancelled 2 or more times during
   the session whether it is by the teacher or bad weather. Classes that are missed
   due to the studio being closed for pre-scheduled days off based on the studio
   calendar are not included in this. Tuition remains the same regardless of the
   amount of days in a month, the tuition is based on a year of classes as outlined in
   the Dance Tuition for the entire session. *IF the studio has to close for
   pandemic reasons, we will continue classes online and will resume classes in the
   studio as soon as we can. Tuition will remain due during this time unless
   extenuating circumstances determined by the studio apply.
9. RECITAL: Our Dance Recital is the first weekend in May at Harrison or East
    Central High School pending availability. A Recital fee of $8 per person ages 5 +
    will be required to obtain a ticket for entry. The seating is first come first serve.
    The Recital fee pays for the use of the facility for the rehearsal and recital.
10. NOTICES: The bulletin board in the lobby, the studio Facebook page as well as
    the studio website, will have important information that
    relates to the studio. Letters will also frequently be sent home with information
    that relates to important dates and or events. Please utilize these resources to
    keep yourself informed & ask your dancer if papers were sent home to review.
11. PARENTS & STUDENTS: Please stress to your child the importance of
    remaining in the lobby before their class time. The studio door will open when
    class is ready to begin. While waiting, please have your child use the restroom
    and get a drink if they need one. We will have 1 break during class to change
    shoes. Dance bags need to be in the studio with your dancer.
        • If you have questions or concerns, please let us know. However, please
           do not interrupt teachers during classes. We can make arrangements to
           speak or meet with you at a convenient time. You can email your
           concerns to or leave a note in the payment
           mailbox. Usually concerns or problems are handled easier and quicker if
           they are brought to the teacher’s attention right away instead of
           discussing them with others potentially causing problems to escalate.
           Misunderstandings happen especially when issues aren’t resolved right
           away and properly, please speak with Ashley or Jaymee directly to avoid
       •   Please walk students, especially the younger ones into the studio. This
           ensures that the students arrive safely. The studio lobby is small and the
           walls are thin. Please be considerate of the teacher and dancers class
           time by keeping small children in the lobby quiet. It can be a distraction
           to the teacher & dancers if the door is being knocked on, opened, lights
           are being flickered and or loud noises are coming from the lobby.
       •   Please stress the importance to your child to remain in the studio during
           class. This helps us in keeping the class going and not having distractions
           with the doors being opened and closed and having to stop class for a
           child to use the restroom. Please have your child use the restroom prior
           to class beginning.
       •   Please pick your child up on time after their class. Younger dancers will
           remain in the studio if you are late picking up your child to ensure their
      •   No Food, Gum, and drinks are allowed in the dance studio.
          (Bottled water is the only exception)
      •   Please properly dispose of all trash or items you bring into the lobby.
      •   Come to class on time and prepared to dance. Attendance is important.
      •   The studio is not responsible for classes missed due to absences. Tuition
          will remain the same.
      •   Students, do not leave or walk out of the dance studio without asking
          permission. The teacher needs to know where you are at all times while
          in their care.
      •   Be polite and respectful of all students, Teachers and class assistant. Do
          not invade another dancer’s space by touching them. Always keep your
          hands to yourself.
      •   NO foul language and or behavior will be tolerated in the studio by
          Parents, Students, Teacher or Assistants. Parents & Students will be
          asked to leave for foul language and/or behavior.
      •   Please use respectful body language; do not smack your lips, roll your
          eyes, etc. If you have a question, please raise your hand and do not
          interrupt the Teacher. Always listen and do your best.
      •   Cell phones are to be left in dance bag with it on silent; we will not stop
          class for dancers to check their phone.

14. CLASS WITHDRAWAL: We understand that issues arise and require a student to
   withdraw from class. If this would occur, we do require a 30-day written notice
   prior to their anticipated last class. If a written notice is not received, tuition will
   continue to be billed until one is received.
   **There is a $50 withdrawal fee if withdrawal occurs after November 1 **

   ‘Love To Dance Studio’ is a Family Oriented Studio and we reserve the right to
   withdraw a student from class in the event that:
      • they exhibit unsafe behavior toward themselves, our students, Teachers,
         assistants and studio guests
      • they use foul language, suggestions, and/or negative behavior around our
         students, Teachers, assistants and studio guests
      • they continuously fail to follow directions from the Teacher and Assistant
      • they are 2 months behind in their tuition and/or costume payments and
         have not set up a payment plan
      • if a student or family member creates a negative scene or argument for
         our students, Teachers, Assistants and studio guests
      •   if a student or a family member refuses to cooperate with the guidelines
          set forth by ‘Love To Dance Studio’
The parent and student have read this contract in its
       entirety and have understanding to the set terms. The
       parent and student agree to abide by the terms and policies
       of this agreement for the 2020~2021 Dance Session.

  Dancer Name________________________________________________________ Date:_______________

  Parent Signature_____________________________________________________ Date:_______________

  Print Name___________________________________________________________ Date:______________

I have read and understand the payment information/details and agree to:

     Pay the session tuition ($360) in full (50 minute classes).
      (Registration fee & 2 Recital tickets included)

     Pay the session monthly due by the first class each month (50 minute classes).
       ($20 Registration Fee, $45 due monthly from September through April)

     Pay the session tuition ($270) in full (35 minute classes).
      (Registration fee & 2 Recital tickets included)

      Pay the session monthly due by the first class each month (35 minute classes).
       ($20 Registration Fee, $30 due monthly August through April)

               Love To Dance Studio*Ashley Davis-Owner*2020/2021 Dance Session

I, the undersigned, do hereby consent to the use by Love To Dance Studio of my image
or child’s image, voice, or both, in video, photograph, audio tape; and any video,
photograph, or audio tape reproduced either in whole or in part from the video,
photograph or audio tape regardless of whether these materials are used for
fundraising, advertising, publicity, or any other purpose on behalf of Love To Dance
Studio and it’s affiliates/contractors.

In addition, I waive all claims to compensation or damages based on the use of my
image or voice, or both, by Love To Dance Studio and it affiliates/contractors. I also
waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photograph, video, or audio tape.

I agree that all such portraits, pictures, photographs, video, and audio recordings and
any reproductions thereof, all plates, negatives, recording tape, and digital files shall
remain the property of Love To Dance Studio, unless otherwise noted.

I agree to not post any pictures, video, or audio recordings from that of Love To Dance
Studio’s property, video choreography, music or performances on sites such as
YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, MySpace, Twitter, etc. I understand posting
of such pictures, video and audio is a violation of copyright laws and I will solely be
responsible for any damages or claims arising. Furthermore, I agree to hold harmless
Love To Dance Studio, its affiliates/contractors and waive all claims for damages
resulting from that of parent, student or community members posting pictures, video or
audio on sites such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, MySpace, YouTube, Twitter, etc.

I understand that this consent is perpetual, that I may not revoke it, and that it is binding
on my heirs and assigns.

I warrant that I am at least 18 years of age and that I am competent in my own name
insofar as this consent is concerned. I further attest that I have read this consent form
and fully understand it contents.

Signature of Participant or Parent if under 18:                        Date:


Printed Name of Participant or Parent if under 18:                     Date:

24486 Stateline Road
                                                                                                         Lawrenceburg, IN 47025


                                      Love To Dance Studio
                                 WAIVER of LIABILITY FORM


Waiver of Liability

I, _______________________________________________, (parent/guardian’s name) hereby give my child,

__________________________________________, (child’s name) permission to dance and or tumble at Love To Dance
Studio. I waive the right to any legal action against Love To Dance Studio for any injury sustained on studio property or at
any event that Love To Dance attends and or performs at. I also release and hold harmless the studio owner, director,
employees, class helpers and those acting under its authority from all actions, claims and liabilities relating to my child’s
participation in any and all programs. I understand that I am enrolling my dancer in a program of physical activity and have
agreed that my student is in good physical condition and does not suffer from any disability that would prevent or limit
participation in this dance program.

Medical Release Form

I, _______________________________________________, (parent/guardian’s name) hereby give permission for

any and all medical attention to be administered to my child, ____________________________________ (child’s name), in
the event of accident, injury, sickness, etc., at any necessary emergency facility, until such time as I may be contacted. I also
assume the responsibility for the payment of any such treatment. This release is effective for the period of one year from the
date given below.

Parent Printed Name___________________________________________________________Date___________

Parent Signature_______________________________________________________________Date___________

Monday August 24th: CLASSES BEGIN

Monday September 7th: LABOR DAY, STUDIO CLOSED

Monday October 5th~October 9th: FALL BREAK, STUDIO CLOSED

Wednesday Nov 25th~Nov 27th: Thanksgiving Break, STUDIO CLOSED

Monday December 21st~January 3rd: Christmas Break, STUDIO CLOSED

Monday January 4th: CLASSES RESUME

Monday March 22nd ~March 26th: SPRING BREAK, STUDIO CLOSED


Saturday May 8th: RECITAL, TIME: TBA*

*Tentative dates pending availability of facility
Student Information 2020-2021


Student’s Name: ____________________________________________ Age: ______

Birth Date: _______________                          Grade in school: __________

Student #2 Name: _________________________________________ Age: _______

Birth Date: _______________                   Grade in school: __________


Student #3 Name: ____________________________________________ Age: ______

Birth Date: _______________                          Grade in school: __________

Parent/Guardian: _________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________

Dancer Cell Phone: ___________________________ Text Capable?

Parent Cell #: ____ _________________________ Text Capable?

E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________________

Any restrictions I need to be aware of:
I am interested in the following recreational classes:

   Ballet         Tap         Jazz            Hip Hop           Lyrical       Tumbling

I am available on the following days for classes:

   Monday               Tuesday                 Wednesday              Thursday

        Friday                     Saturday

My Dancer would like to be in class with (if possible):

Assumption of the Risk and Waiver of Liability Relating to

The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health
Organization. COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-
person contact. As a result, federal, state, and local governments and federal and state health agencies
recommend social distancing and have, in many locations, prohibited the congregation of groups of

Love To Dance Studio (LTD) has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-
19; however, LTD cannot guarantee that you or your child(ren) will not become infected with COVID-
19. Further, attending classes at LTD could increase your risk and your child(ren)’s risk of contracting


By signing this agreement, I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume
the risk that my child(ren) and I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending LTD and
that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. I
understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at LTD may result from the
actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, Studio employees,
assistants, and program participants and their families.

I voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to
my child(ren) or myself (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness,
damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that I or my child(ren) may experience or incur in
connection with my child(ren)’s attendance at LTD (“Claims”). On my behalf, and on behalf of my
children, I hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless LTD, its employees,
agents, and representatives, of and from the Claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages,
costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating thereto. I understand and agree that this release
includes any Claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of LTD, its employees, agents, and
representatives, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after participation in any LTD


Signature of Parent/Guardian                                                       Date


Print Name of Parent/Guardian & Name LTD Participant(s)                            Date
2020-2021 COVID-19 Studio Policy:

Due to current COVID requirements, social distancing, etc. the studio will not be
able to accommodate parents, siblings, guardians, etc. the ability to stay in the
lobby during class times. You are permitted to come inside to drop off your
dancer to us but will then need to wait in your vehicle until class time is over and
then come back in for pick up. The use of the restroom is still permitted however,
so feel free to come in and use that if needed. Due to this policy, it is imperative
that you make sure your dancer has used the restroom prior to their class time
since you will not be in the waiting room to take them should they need to go
during class! We appreciate your flexibility and patience with us during this time
and hope that it is short term. We will continue to provide you with updates on
any changes with our policy and or CDC policy guidelines.

MASKS: Feel free to send a mask with your child to class if you choose to have
them wear one, as the studio will not be providing them. Dancers will be spaced
out for both warmups and dancing to accommodate the social distancing rule as
well. Teachers will be wearing masks if we need to be in close proximity to the
dancers as in moving arms or legs for proper dance technique.

SANITATION PROCEDURES: Please note that we will be wiping down door
handles, restrooms and ballet bar between classes. Dancers will be asked to wash
hands and or sanitize throughout class if needed.
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