Love - the Anglican Parish of Burnside-Harewood

Page created by Gabriel Ball
Love - the Anglican Parish of Burnside-Harewood
                                                 The Anglican Parish of

News Sheet                                       2nd Sunday of Advent
                                                    6 December 2020

                                                     IN THIS ISSUE

                                                    Services this Week
SCRIPTURE VERSE                                     Christchurch City
Be not far from me O God: come quickly O God             Mission
to help me.                    Psalm 71:12          Christmas Appeal
                                                    The Week Ahead
Stir up your power, O Lord,                          Vestry Snippets
and with your great might                              CWS Appeal
come to our aid,
so that where our sins impede us,                        Notices
the help of your grace may swiftly deliver us,       Christmas Play
through Jesus Christ, our Saviour,
who is alive with you,                                 Joy factory
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,                   Rosters & Contacts
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

                Making lifelong disciples of Jesus
Love - the Anglican Parish of Burnside-Harewood
Advent 2
Sun 8.45am       Holy Communion at St James’               Nathan Muirhead
 2 Peter 3:8-15a (p1896) Mark 1:1-8 (p1555)
Sun 10.15am Holy Communion at St Timothy’s                 Nathan Muirhead
 2 Peter 3:8-15a (p1896) Mark 1:1-8 (p1555)
Sun 6.30pm       Rekindle at St Timothy’s
 A simple meal followed by a short input and reflection.
Wed 11.00am Holy Communion at St Timothy’s
 Mark 1:1-8 (p1555)

With Christmas just around the corner it
is time to think about how we could
possible help families in need this
The St James’ tree is up and ready to receive gifts for
children in need. St Tim’s has a table set up in the
foyer. Please bring unwrapped new gifts for

All non-perishable food with a special emphasis on
Christmas will be welcome at the mission for those
who won’t be able to afford ‘treats’ this season. For
example: A box of chocolates or biscuits, tins of fruit
salad, Christmas pudding….
Please give generously if you are able.
The last Sunday for donations will be the 13th December.

   FOR ALL PASTORAL NEEDS, please contact Alison McMillan (03 358 5286)
              or the Vicar, Chris (021 528 821 or 03 357 1292)
Love - the Anglican Parish of Burnside-Harewood
TIME FOR A CUPPA?                                                Rekindle
  Wednesdays, 10.30 - 11.00am                                            6.30 - 8.00pm
St Timothy’s Church Hall followed by a                                 Sundays at St Tim’s
      simple communion service
                                                                      Tonight: A simple meal
                 All Welcome                                           followed by a short
                                                                       input and reflection
     Every Thursday @ St Tim’s, 9.30am                                                Faith

                  Phone Jill McTeigue: 027 848 5769                    Fun         Food
                       Fun, Friendship & Food
                              All Welcome

                                                                             A CALL TO

                                                                          St Timothy’s
                                                                        Mon, Tues, Thurs
                                                                         9.00 - 9.30am

                                                                             St James’
                                                                             Wed, 9.00am

                                         St Timothy’s Church
     This club is free to join however seats are limited so contact
Shawn Ph: 022 570 1400 or go to
                                                                             All Welcome
Love - the Anglican Parish of Burnside-Harewood
Youth and Young Adults’ pastors: Vestry was advised that one of the people
appointed to the youth/young adults’ pastor position had since withdrawn and
there may therefore be changes to the hours and job description for Nathan
Muirhead, who will take up his new position on 12th January. This has yet to be

Shaun Liu has been appointed to the volunteer position of Ethnic Ministry
Pastor for 7 hours per week.

There will be a meeting of young families in the New Year to determine the
needs of the families ministry before advertising for someone to lead this work
on a volunteer basis.

The commitment cards which were issued for Stewardship Sunday have not
been universally accepted so won’t be continued in future.

Chris reported on a meeting with those involved in children’s ministry. A
roster has been devised so that each person involved will be relieved for at
least one Sunday each month. A time of combined singing will be held when
the children first go out, before they divide into their age groups. Creative ways
of teaching memory verses was also discussed at this meeting.

The programme of Christmas services and events was included in Chris’ report.

The Joy Factory Fun Day is to be held 11am-1pm on 13th December following
the service with the children’s Christmas play. Advertising will be mainly via
social media advertising, word of mouth (inviting our friends and neighbours),
and a banner erected at St Tim’s ahead of the day. Funding has come from the
Christchurch City Council to cover the costs.

In the Finance Committee report we learned of an extraordinarily generous
anonymous gift which has been received towards the Day of Giving. The
finance committee has not met since this came in, so there is more work to be
done on the budget for 2021.

The vicarage painting has been done and new French doors installed, with just
a few minor finishing touches needed to complete the work.

New grass has been sown where weeds and mulch were cleared from along the
fence lines at St Tim’s.

The new fence in front of the hall at St James has been completed, and quotes
Love - the Anglican Parish of Burnside-Harewood
are being sought for repainting of the hall roof and exterior woodwork on both
the church and hall.

There are now revised criteria and charges for booking space in the Memorial
Wall at St James’.

On recommendation from the Missions Committee, $500 is to be forwarded to
Tessa for her support.

Chris announced that Rob Orange is to be appointed as the new Vicar’s
Warden, effective 1st January 2021. Alison Jephson was appointed ‘relieving
warden’, and coopted onto vestry until the next AGM.

Bishopdale Menzshed has been given approval to hold its garage sale at St
Tim’s on Friday 4th December. Parishioners may also sell good at this event,
and will remain responsible for removing any of their unsold items.

The next vestry meeting scheduled for 8th December will only be held if there is
urgent business to consider. Otherwise vestry will meet again on Tuesday 26 th
January 2021.

We wish all parishioners a very happy Christmas full
of God’s blessings, and a safe and happy New Year.
Fiona Johns and Alison Jephson (Wardens)
Love - the Anglican Parish of Burnside-Harewood
We are Hungry for Peace
After years of civil war, South Sudan became an independent, predominantly
Christian, country in 2011, breaking away from the Islamic North Sudan. The
rejoicing was short-lived, as after a mere two years, civil war broke out
within the young country. Once again, the population was on the move
seeking safety, losing loved ones, facing hunger and trauma. It is within this
context that we are introduced to Jenty.
Jenty’s warm smile hides a life of suffering and pain. Her husband left her for
another woman and in February 2020, she and her children fled from her
home because of armed conflict. They arrived in Maridi town after walking
on foot for seven days along with thousands of others who had fled the
conflict. Jenty arrived with nothing, but seeing her plight, the local people
allocated her a small plot of land to grow food, giving her a chance to
partially feed her family and regain her dignity.
Life is still difficult, however, the Maridi Service Agency, one of CWS partners,
is keenly involved in civil society discussions to improve the lot of Jenty and
other women like her. MSA wants to help 300 more mothers start their own
gardens. A staff member will provide agricultural support to this new group.
This year’s Christmas Appeal will contribute to these costs and all of MSA’s
work. Please donate if you are able to.
Love - the Anglican Parish of Burnside-Harewood
Working Bee - Saturday 19th December - St Tim’s
Please come and lend a hand at 9.00am to tidy up the
grounds ready for Christmas.
St James' Christmas Pot Luck Lunch
Today: Sunday 6th December, 12pm at the home of Maurice & Lesley
Reynolds, 121 Wairakei Rd (back section)
Please bring picnic chair and food to share.

 Children’s Christmas Play - Sunday 13th December at St Tim’s
 Please bring your friends and family to this wonderful Service
 Practices will be during the 10.15
 service this Sunday then a
 full dress rehearsal will be held on
 Saturday 12th December at 10am.
 Please call Charlotte our Children’s
 Pastor if you have any questions. 022
 081 1378. All children are welcome
 to join in and we ask that you try to
 make it to every practice.
Love - the Anglican Parish of Burnside-Harewood
Worship       This Week: 6th December                    Next Week: 13th December
Roster                       10.00am                     8.45am       10.15am
Leader        D Williams          C Wong                 P Sundstrum
Preacher      N Muirhead          N Muirhead             C Ponniah
Celebrant     C Ponniah           C Ponniah              C Ponniah           Children’s
2 Chalice     C Lee               Child                  C Scobie         Christmas Play
Intercessors C Ponniah            S Williams             P Sundstrum        followed by
                                                                          the Joy Factory
1 Reader      S Steele            A Moyle                C Scobie             Carnival
2 Reader      J Baker             P Meguire              M Ward
Ministry      S & M Lawrence                             B & D Williams

PARISH CONTACT DETAILS                                                       ST JAMES’
VICAR: Rev Chris Ponniah
                                           Sidesperson         J Baker/C Sundstrum
  Office        358 8175 or 021 528 821    Cleaning            P Davids & D Andrew
WARDENS                                    Hall Cleaning       F Johns
  Alison Jephson           027 514 1585    Hospitality         N/A
  Fiona Johns                  359 2972
PARISH OFFICE Lou Godfrey                  Memorial Wall       P Walker
  46 Kendal Avenue CHCH 8053
  Phone                        358 8174                                   ST TIMOTHY’S
                                           Sidesperson         R Kamuhangire
  Izzi Neville            021 0839 4694    Welcomers           L Hardwick
CHILDREN’S WORKER                          PA System           K Wakeham
  Charlotte Rodley         022 081 1378                 Data Projector      J Glue
  Barbara Neville           021 796 233    Sanctuary           N/A
ELDERCARE CO-ORDINATOR                     Flowers             P Rodley
 Jill McTeigue              03 930 8161
PASTORAL CARE WORKER                       Cleaning            VOLUNTEERS PLEASE
 Alison Jephson            027 514 1585
                                           Vacuum              PA to the PA
  Alison McMillan              358 5286
PRAYER CHAIN                               Hospitality         C Wong, A Soo & family
  Lynne Balcar                 352 2721
  Carol Saysell                358 2214    Lawn Mowing         D Moyle

  Acc Name: Parish of Burnside-Harewood Acc No: 06 - 0831- 0031780-00
Love - the Anglican Parish of Burnside-Harewood Love - the Anglican Parish of Burnside-Harewood
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