Lord Derby Academy Covid-19 Catch Up Development Plan 2020/2021/2022
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This plan runs in conjunction with the School Improvement Plan and the Pupil Premium Plan. Actions/strategies in bold will be funded through the catch-up premium. Target Area Specific Baseline Action/Strategy Integrated Success Criteria Impact Who When Cost RAG Area of Information PP/SIP Support 1. Teaching Supporting Full • Training for staff to deliver Y Staff are confident ALL staff have adapted to remote provision using Google CP/ HODS Term 1 - Use of ✓ and good complement high quality remote learning in the use of Google classroom and have delivered curriculum remotely. ongoing existing Whole teaching of teaching through Google classroom. classroom. Staff / pupil voice has been positive. Twilight School staff in post. • Training for staff in use of 99% of Y11 pupils rated the Remote Learning provision calendar ✓ Strategies additional remote learning Staff have access to as Good or Outstanding. £0 tools e.g. screencastify / the required tools Additional materials have supported pupils in accessing Mini podcasts. and CPD and are curriculum and subjects requiring specialist resources. visualiser • Allocate time/funding for equipped to e.g musical instruments. for all ✓ selected staff to create catch- continue to deliver 100% of the cohort received paper- based study support teaching up resources utilising in- high quality teaching packs during lockdown – no pupil left behind. Additional staff house materials / BBC and learning in stationary packs distributed to those with limited £375 bitesize/Oak Academy school and resources at home. Remote resources. Resources to remotely. Regular staff surveys highlight strengths and areas for learning include work booklets / development. subject podcasts / pre-recorded Pupils are able to bids revision lessons. access high quality £15,000 • Provision of subject specific materials in school ✓ resources e.g. musical and at home. instruments / subject study guides / art resources. Minimal disruption • Provision of additional to pupil learning. ✓ resources to aid learning support e.g. revision guides. All teaching staff delivered remote learning during lockdown. ✓ • Provide staff with necessary tools and technology to deliver teaching remotely e.g. mini- visualiser for use at home. ✓ • All teachers access and use DT profile information and Pupil profile information informed teaching and identified assessment data to inform high pupils in need of additional packages of support. quality teaching and support. • Staff complete ‘survey monkey’ ✓ to determine areas to focus CPD/additional departmental training All pupils have Resources being used in lessons and as independent study • Study guides / materials for all ✓ access to physical tools to support learning e.g Macbeth revision cards. year groups to support teaching bank of resources to Subject and learning / independent study support specific 202122 in English, maths and study/revision/catch- resources science. KS4 resources for all up. £5000 subjects. 2
Pupil Pupil profile • All staff to complete Dean Trust Y Assessment Profiles completed and used to inform support. LM/JE/HODS/HOY Term 1 £2370 ✓ assessment data Child profiling on SIMS to information used CATS data used to baseline Y7. LMO/KA/CT and collected identify emotional/ academic/ effectively to identify feedback HT1. wellbeing gaps. gaps in learning and Resources used regularly in literacy lessons. Data indicates • CATS testing for Y7 to provide inform strategy. pupil reading ages have improved across all KS3. ✓ baseline data. Strategies have No of £7000 • Numeracy and literacy ages impact on pupil students Students ✓ collected for KS3 pupils and progress and starting Students Making Students appropriate support plans development. at this Making 12+ Making ✓ developed. reading 6+ Months Months 14+ Months Reading age Progress Progress Progress • Additional literacy and Literacy ages improve. Age (Sep Sep 20 - Sep 20 - Sep 20 - Jul numeracy resources Group 20) Jul 21 (%) Jul 21 (%) 21 (%) purchased / catch-up sessions delivered by TA’s. Year 7 Spring / Summer ✓ • Data analyses to inform key Amber 68 58.80% 57.40% 52.90% groups for specific criteria Year 7 Term including assessment data and Red 51 72.60% 64.70% 58.80% behaviour for progress. Year 8 Diagnostic approach adopted by Amber 53 49% 32% 28.30% subjects and pastoral staff to Year 8 identify gaps in learning and Red 27 33.30% 18.50% 11.10% ✓ pastoral needs. Year 9 Amber 58 27.60% 24.10% 24.10% Year 9 Red 39 28.20% 12.80% 10.30% Reading Box: • Address the gap between decoding skills and £8640.00 comprehension ability • Ask literal, interpretive, inferential and critical questions • Are self-managing and motivational. • Termly assessment of pupil attainment to monitor progress. Pupils selected by HOY using profile information. Pupils • Bespoke sessions delivered Increase in % of targeted pupils who accessed programme. by school and external Term 1 report data shows an increase in the percentage ✓ providers to motivate and are committed learners. of pupils identified as committed and outstanding engage pupils e.g. Fix-up learners. seminars (booked for Sept. (e.g 22% increase from Y9 to 10) 21)/ re-engage. Re-engage reports demonstrate engagement scores £1000 improved by 34%. All Y11 and Y7 cohorts participated in session during Sept. 21 induction days focusing on motivation, achievement and mental well-being. Pupil and staff feedback comments were positive. Transition Transition • HOY and safeguarding team Y Staff supported in Training accessed and delivered. Staff confident in SLT / HODS / HT1 ✓ support meetings accessed well-being training in delivering well-being supporting pupils on return. HOY / HJo / JK held in summer 2020. Training focus as part of August with cascaded to all staff at induction. new Y7 September INSET to support Pupils from all year pupils / pupils on return. groups settle back parent/carer • Induction days delivered to all in to school Smooth transition to full opening evident. Y7 cohort settled ✓ and form pupils on return to school. positively. well following highly supportive induction programme. £4,000 tutor. • Y6 summer assessment Parents of new Y7 Ongoing ✓ Package of objectives shared with HODS to are fully informed 98% of Y11 pupils rated the support provided as Good or information inform curriculum support. and able to support Outstanding to support pupils with transition HT2 - transition. from primary school. ongoing ✓ 3
Induction • Recovery curriculum developed Appropriate support days with and delivered to Y7 (8 and 9 in packages are Bespoke programmes delivered to address gaps from Y6 e.g HT1 – well-being some cases). available and RSE unit ongoing ✓ focus were • Identify additional transition accessed by those planned needs through DT pupil profiling in need to enhance HT3 – ready for and recovery curriculum. well-being. ongoing £8640.00 September • Well-being programme CEAIG delivered to ✓ opening. delivered to identified cohorts all Y11 pupils in Pupils in need of additional support identified and supported to support pupils with the preparation for through Re-engage. transition back to school transition to post-16. Re-engage reports demonstrate 100% of pupils feel they now post-lockdown e.g. re-engage Resources available have the skills to manage their own wellbeing and are aware programme. for transition in to of the importance of engaging with health and support • CEAIG programme delivered next academic year services if necessary. ✓ through combination of face to 21/22. CEIAG programme delivered - 94% of Y11 rated CEIAG face interviews, in-school as good or outstanding. £1800 support and online materials e.g. Post-16 resources purchased and distributed to support virtual taster days / virtual open transition from KS4-5. Pupil voice indicated resources were evenings / mock interviews. well-received. ‘This is so useful and thoughtful, thank you’ 2. Targeted One to one Registered • Identify suitable tutoring Y Intervention is No external tutors available to meet LDA request. To carry LM/JE/ HODS/CT HT2 - £14,000 ✓ Support and small through agencies through targeted at specific over to 21/22. ongoing group NTP. https://nationaltutoring.org.uk/ gaps in learning and ✓ tuition • Tutors secured in pupils impacted 3 tutors secured from November 21. English/maths/science for most by isolations HT1 – academic year 202122 as a result of Covid. ongoing ✓ • Tutors secured through NTP Pupils have access to deliver additional tutoring to the resources in English and mathematics required to • Identify cohorts and specific accelerate progress. areas of learning for tutors to Pupils who cannot Pupils accessed KIP McGrath tuition and successfully deliver to on a rolling access school engaged with provision. Secured appropriate qualifications. programme. regularly are • Kip McGrath programme for supported online. £2500 ✓ targeted SEND pupils. Programme of one- External • Employment of extra teaching one and small group maths and tuition is in place. HT1 - ✓ staff allow English and maths to English staff reduce pupil/teacher ratio in Pupils engage with ongoing in post. Y11. programme. Learning gaps are ✓ Intervention Registered • Tutors secured through NTP Y No external tutors available to meet LDA request. To carry LM/JE/ HODS Programme for NTP. reduced. over to 21/22 via Tutor Trust. HT3 (Tutor Trust) to deliver additional tutoring to Tutors secured for English, maths and science from identified pupils focusing on November 2021. specific areas of learning with identified pupils on a rolling programme. • Analysis of school data used to Google classroom resources and capacity explored by staff. ✓ identify pupils in need of Variety of programmes used to engage pupils. £T.B.C intervention – initial focus on English and maths / well-being. ✓ £2000 • Subject diagnostic analysis informs specific areas of focus. • Identify suitable on-line tuition ✓ providers - programme to be delivered to specific pupils. • Maximise external agency ✓ support and existing links to provide catch-up opportunities e.g. Shaping Futures. 4
• Extended subject study sessions are scheduled within curriculum ✓ time to accelerate progress e.g. Extended periods of lockdown limited additional support accelerate English / maths / sessions in Term 2. masterclasses / coursework completion. • Well-being programme delivered to identified cohorts ✓ to support pupils with their Re-engage reports demonstrate an average of 20%+ personal development e.g. re- improvements in well-being scores of targeted cohort. engage programme. Pupils are made Programme to continue in aware of community 202122. risks and • Cells project to be delivered to consequences of targeted year group (Y10) – involvement in anti- £1000 ✓ reduce risks of involvement in social/criminal Pupil, parent and staff feedback very positive. anti-social behaviours behaviours Extended Y11 • Secure staffing to run Y Pupils have access Extended periods of lockdown and Covid restrictions limited LM/ JE / HODS / HT2 ✓ School time additional additional study club to high quality additional support sessions. HOY Study sessions / master classes. support out of HT5 £1,250 support / • Targeted study clubs for year school hours. half term 7-10 to be launched in 100% of targeted ✓ sessions January (5x25 weeks. 1 hr per pupils attend HT2 are an week at £25 per hour). (carry additional sessions. established over to 2122 due to Lockdown Pupils have a place HT2 feature of 3). to study. 99% of Y11 received confirmed offer of post 16 place. provision. • CEAIG support provided after Learning habits are 90% of Y11 accessed at least one subject after school. ✓ school – e.g. applications. embedded. £1000 • Launch Y11 study support Gaps in knowledge HT3 programme – lunchtime are reduced. ✓ sessions and after school sessions in HT2. £2500 • Provide refreshments and Y11 Easter school attended by over 100 pupils. ✓ rewards for pupils at study support. • Twilight catch-up evenings for £1500 ✓ Y11 subjects (carry over to 2122) • Explore potential tuition programme to be delivered by ✓ ITT cohort • Extend study support After school sessions provided by staff. Y11 pupils accessed programme pre-school and study base after school. A8 improved from 2019. weekend / half term in Spring ✓ 2021. 5
3. Wider Supporting Information • Year group Handbook to Y All parents/carers All Y11 pupils issued with printed and online version of LM / CP/ HT2/3 £3,500 ✓ Strategies parents and shared via support sharing of receive key handbook to support pathway through Y11. No gaps in HOY/ carers letters / information. information and feel communication during periods of isolation. HODS ✓ website / • Remote learning guide shared more equipped to Ongoing ✓ weekly with pupils and parents. support pupils. Schoolcloud feedback from parents/carers was positive. newsletter / • Subject information leaflets to School-home links Enabled communication with individual teachers. ✓ twitter to support parents and carers. enhanced. £1000 ensure • Calendared parents’ evenings ‘Attendance’ at ✓ informed. go ahead virtually through use of parents’ evenings School Cloud. exceeds 2019 ✓ • School Cloud ‘how to’ guide figures. Ongoing shared with parents/carers. ✓ • Additional invitations for parental call backs. • Financial support to provide uniform/resources. Access to Significant • Identify pupils who have not got Y 100% of pupils are 100% of LDA pupils had access to a device by January 2021. JA / CP Summer ✓ technology numbers access to technology / Wi-Fi via able to access Over 600 devices received to support pupils. 2020 without questionnaire / pastoral staff. device. Ongoing ✓ access to IT • Source devices / routers. Pupils are confident Pupils increasingly competent in using google classroom and / WIFI. • Issue devices to pupils. in using remote pupil voice was appreciative of frequency of ‘live lessons’. Subject teachers Laptops • Demonstrate to pupils in lessons learning tools. ✓ being how to access applicable issued to learning platforms e.g. Google Provision of devices enabled live online mocks to continue ✓ pupils in classroom for 20% of Y11 cohort who were isolating. need. ✓ • Monitor use of devices / engagement with remote learning. Classcharts data indicates that 94% of the cohort used devices to access remote learning. Summer Summer • Pupils in Year 6 receive literacy Y Gaps in literacy and 95% of new Y7 accessed provision. JE Summer T.B.C ✓ support school and numeracy lessons. numeracy are Pupil voice indicates cohort enjoyed the provision and are 2021 provision • Programme of additional Y6 reduced. more confident about starting at LDA. ✓ established. enrichment activities to develop Pupils attend social skills / teamwork / summer school and engagement. are prepared for transition to • Programme of activities offered secondary school. 40% of school population accessed provision. ✓ to Y7-10 over summer holiday Pupils experience a Y10 cohort achieved first aid qualification. period. range of enrichment Pupils participated in outdoor activities – developed and academic teamwork and communication skills. Improved well-being. • Remote revision resources activities. Social and £1000 available in all subjects for Y10 - academic Pupils able to conduct independent study targeted at gaps ✓ 11 to access during summer development identified from assessments. holiday evident. 6
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