Long-term Central Waikato summer-autumn rainfall and pasture growth trends. Are conditions for pasture growth changing over time?

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Long-term Central Waikato summer-autumn rainfall and pasture growth trends. Are conditions for pasture growth changing over time?

Long-term Central Waikato summer-autumn rainfall and pasture
growth trends. Are conditions for pasture growth changing over time?
      Chris B GLASSEY1,*, R. Grant WILLS4, Mike B DODD2, Kieran S McCAHON1 and David F CHAPMAN3
			                                               1DairyNZ, Private Bag 3221, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand
                                    2AgResearch, 11 Dairy Farm Road, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand
                                                   3DairyNZ, 24 Millpond Lane, Lincoln 7608, New Zealand
                                                       493 Paratu Road, RD1, Matamata 3475, New Zealand

                                                        *Corresponding author: chris.glassey@dairynz.co.nz

Abstract                                                      farmers are already concerned that summers and
Farmers in the upper North Island are concerned               autumns in recent years have been more variable, and
about the poor productivity of their perennial ryegrass       generally drier and warmer than normal, resulting
pastures beyond 3 years and suggest this is linked to a       in more challenging conditions for pasture growth.
trend towards drier conditions for pasture growth during      Farmers are also noticing increasing costs and effort
summer and autumn. To explore how conditions for              for maintaining their pasture base and this is reflected
pasture growth and survival have changed, trends in           in costs recorded by dairy industry economic surveys
rainfall (measured and interpolated; c. 1954 to 2020),        (Dodd et al. 2018).
frequency of soil moisture deficit stress on pasture             Evidence to support these farmer observations is
growth (1972-2020), and pasture growth rates (simulated       sparse. Glassey (2011) reported a decline in mean
1977-2020, and measured c. 1979-2020) were compiled           December to April rainfall at Ruakura of around 40
for summer-autumn months (November to April)                  mm per decade since 1979, an increase in variability
for two Waikato locations: DairyNZ Ruakura/Scott              of rainfall with coefficient of variation (CV) increasing
Farm near Hamilton; and a commercial farm at Paratu           from 19% in the 1980s and early 1990s to 29% in
Road between Morrinsville and Matamata. Significant           the early 2000s, and a negative relationship between
negative linear trends were observed for interpolated         rainfall and cumulative pasture growth (-85 kg dry
rainfall (Paratu Road only), total stress days (both sites)   matter (DM)/ha per 10 mm-reduction in total rainfall).
and simulated pasture growth (both sites). No significant     These trends, and their potential effects on other pasture
trend in measured pasture growth was observed for either      performance factors such as pest outbreaks (Ferguson et
site, suggesting adaptive management has cushioned the        al. 2019), result in increased risk to pasture persistence
physical effects of harsher climatic conditions. The suite    which is reflected in farmer observations (Tozer et al.
of adaptive management practices adopted on the Paratu        2011) and confirmed in trial data (Lee et al. 2017).
Road farm is described. Analysis of decadal patterns             This between-year variability for central Waikato
indicated greater variability in rainfall in the decade       summers, which are often dry, means that recent dry
2011-2020 (coefficient of variation ranging from 32%          years need to be placed in an historical context to
to 36% depending on site and data source, versus ~ 22%        help identify the right adaptation strategies for the
in earlier decades) and a significantly higher number         future dairy forage base in the region. Since 2010,
of stress days in the decade 2011-2020 compared with          measurement of pasture growth at the site reported
the 1970s and 1980s at Paratu Road. Further adaptation        by Glassey (2011) has continued. A long-term
strategies will be needed to mitigate these most-recent       pasture growth dataset was also available from a
trends, should they continue as predicted by climate          local commercial dairy farm. In addition, models are
change forecasts.                                             available for evaluating long-term trends for summer-
                                                              autumn pasture growth for Waikato locations based on
Keywords: perennial ryegrass, persistence, summer             profile available water (PAW, as defined in Overseer™)
moisture deficit trends, Rezare Pasture Growth                and actual climate data, e.g., the Rezare Pasture Growth
Forecaster, Virtual Climate Network                           Forecaster (Ogle 2015). Simulation of pasture growth
                                                              enables an analysis independent of other farm system
Introduction                                                  influences (e.g., fertiliser, supplement use and grazing
Future climate change projections for New Zealand             management) which may help elicit the extent to which
point to temperature increases, particularly in summer-       those farm systems management factors may already be
autumn; more frequent hot days; precipitation decreases       off-setting climate-driven trends in pasture production.
in northern and eastern regions; and increased drought        This is useful for helping gauge what capacity exists for
severity (Mullan et al. 2018). In central Waikato,            adaptation (albeit likely to add to costs of production)

ISSN 0118-8581 (Print) ISSN 2463-4751 (Online)                https://doi.org/10.33584/rps.17.2021.3456
Long-term Central Waikato summer-autumn rainfall and pasture growth trends. Are conditions for pasture growth changing over time?
128                                         Resilient Pastures – Grassland Research and Practice Series 17: XX-YY  (2021)

versus the need to develop further adaptation measures.      grid node nearest Scott Farm (latitude 37.4606 south,
   The objective of this study was to investigate long-      longitude 175.2200 east), were examined for long-
term rainfall trends and the combined impact of rainfall     term rainfall and soil moisture deficit trends over six
plus soil moisture stress on plants over the summer-         months from November to April, and rainfall for each
autumn months and how these have affected conditions         individual month within that period.
for summer-autumn growth of perennial ryegrass-based
pastures in the central Waikato region, particularly over    Net herbage accumulation (HA)
the past 4 decades.                                          Simulated net HA
   Both measured and modelled pasture growth were            Pasture growth modelling was used to translate
used for this purpose, noting that data for measured         long-term weather patterns into potential pasture
pasture growth over periods greater than 3 to 5 years are    production, independent of the effects of changes in
sparse. We also note that 4 decades is still a relatively    farm management (e.g., stocking rate, soil fertility).
short time from which to draw firm conclusions               The Rezare Pasture Growth Forecaster (Ogle 2015)
given the evidence for decadal-scale climate patterns        was used to simulate daily pasture growth potential
(Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation, Folland et al. 2002).     for the two sites from November 1977 to May 2020
We therefore put forward observations rather than firm       (based on the availability of daily weather data from
conclusions and, in so doing, highlight the critical data/   the VCN). The model utilises information on farm
knowledge gaps that should be addressed to provide           type, geographical location, plant available water, daily
clearer messages for farmers about their exposure to         weather, fertiliser and irrigation inputs to generate daily
risk and associated adaptation options.                      changes in pasture biomass (Romera et al. 2009, 2013).
                                                             Pasture growth potential in the model is influenced
Materials and Methods                                        strongly by temperature and moisture growth-limiting
Analysis of long-term climate and pasture growth             factors that are combined into a single stress index.
trends focussed on two central Waikato locations,            This index typically accumulates during summer when
encompassing two research farms east of Hamilton             pastures are moisture-limited and temperatures are
(Ruakura No. 2 dairy, and DairyNZ’s Scott Farm at            high, then declines during autumn as moisture and
Newstead) and a commercial dairy farm 21 km south of         temperature stresses are alleviated. Predicted daily
Morrinsville (Paratu Road). This analysis included both      net HA (kg DM/ha/day, Hodgson 1979) and the daily
actual and modelled pasture growth data from various         value of the stress index, were compiled for each of
sources as outlined below.                                   the 43 growing seasons to indicate long-term trends
                                                             in climatically induced stress and annual pasture
Weather and climate data                                     production, as per Dodd et al. (2018).
Daily rainfall records from the Ruakura climate station         For the two locations, the site-specific input data
(National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research        for the model included the daily weather file from the
(NIWA) 26177 EWS, latitude 37.7757 south, longitude          nearest VCN node and the soil profile available water
175.3051 east) were aggregated into monthly rainfall         (PAW) from S-Map (https://smap.landcareresearch.
totals for November to April (incl.) from 1954 to 2020.      co.nz/) for the predominant soil type on each farm. For
The 6 months from November to April were chosen as           Scott Farm PAW was set at 198 mm (Matangi silt loam)
the months where it was most likely that the interaction     and for Paratu Road the PAW was set at 133 mm for (Te
between rainfall and potential evapotranspiration            Rahu silt loam).
creates soil moisture deficits that affect pasture growth.      Using the VCN data we calculated a daily soil
This was called the summer-autumn period and aligns          moisture balance for summer-autumn based on
with the November-January and February-April                 incoming daily rainfall (mm), minus daily potential
months as defined for the upper North Island for the         evapotranspiration (PET, mm), and a fixed available
DairyNZ Forage Value Index (DairyNZ 2021). The               water capacity (PAW, the amount of water in the soil
variability (CV%) of rainfall for November to April          ‘reservoir’ that plants can use). From this we determined
for the Ruakura climate station was calculated for each      the number of “stress days” for each year where plant
decade over this period.                                     roots take up water with increasing difficulty and plant
   Interpolated climate data were available from the         growth is restricted.
Virtual Climate Network (VCN, Tait et al. 2006), which
uses daily NIWA climate station records (NIWA 2020)          Measured net HA
to estimate values for a network of sites across New         Measured monthly pasture growth rates were collated
Zealand on a 5 km grid. VCN data from 1960-2020 for          for summer-autumn (November to April) from two
the grid node nearest to the Paratu Road farm (latitude      research sites and one commercial dairy farm.
37.4511 south, longitude 175.3842 east), and another           Records from Ruakura No. 2 Dairy (1979-2004) and
Long-term Central Waikato summer-autumn rainfall and pasture growth trends. Are conditions for pasture growth changing over time?
Glassey et al., Long-term Central Waikato summer-autumn rainfall and pasture growth trends. Are conditions for pasture growth... 129

then Scott Farm (2004 to 2020) were compiled, the                   VCN rainfall, soil moisture (stress days), and measured
latter adding 10 additional years to a previous analysis            and modelled pasture growth (net HA) at each site were
(Glassey 2011). These two farms are less than 5 km                  examined using linear regression, scatterplot smoothing
apart and have similar perennial ryegrass/white clover-             utilizing locally weighted polynomial regression
dominant pastures. They are referred to hereafter as                (LOWESS, Cleveland 1979), and box plots by decade.
‘Scott Farm’. The following data were analysed for                  If required to achieve homogeneity of variance, data
between-year variability in summer-autumn net HA.                   were transformed for analysis. In order to test for equal
• Monthly net HA for the ‘control’ farmlet at Ruakura               variances between decades, Bonferroni 95% confidence
   No. 2 Dairy from June 1979 until May 1993. Data                  intervals, adjusted for multiple comparison, were used.
   from 11 of 13 years were available. No nitrogen (N)              There was no significant indication of unequal variances
   fertiliser was applied to pastures during this period.           for the different decades (Tables 2 and 3).
• Monthly net HA for the ‘control’ farmlet at Ruakura                  Box plot graphs by decade are presented except for
   No. 2 Dairy from June 1993 until May 2004. During                measured and modelled pasture growth due to Paratu
   this period annual N fertiliser application to pastures          Road measured data spanning only 2.6 decades. Where
   averaged 186 kg N/ha.                                            the slope of the linear regression was significantly
• Monthly net HA for the ‘control’/’benchmark’                      different from zero, they are reported in the text and
   farmlet at Scott Farm from June 2004 to May 2020.                in tables. Differences were considered significant at
   During this period, annual N fertiliser applications             P
Long-term Central Waikato summer-autumn rainfall and pasture growth trends. Are conditions for pasture growth changing over time?
130                                              Resilient Pastures – Grassland Research and Practice Series 17: XX-YY  (2021)

    Figure 1      Cumulative summer-autumn (November-April) interpolated rainfall (mm) by decade from VCN climate data sites
                  representing Scott Farm and Paratu Road. Boxes encompass the middle quartiles, plus the median (solid line). Whiskers
                  represent upper and lower quartiles.
Figure 1 Cumulative summer-autumn (November-April) interpolated rainfall (mm) by
    rainfall among decades (Figure 1), although the CV          at Scott Farm (Figure 2), but a significant increase in
decade  frominVCN
   increased        climate decade
              the most-recent data sites
                                           3) at both  Scottdays
                                                      stress  Farm   and
                                                                 in the   Paratu
                                                                        most recentRoad.
                                                                                   decade Boxes
                                                                                          compared                 with
    sites, similar to the pattern in measured rainfall at       earlier decades at Paratu Road.
encompass      the middle quartiles, plus the median (solid
    Ruakura noted in Table 1.
                                                                         line). Whiskers represent upper and
                                                                   Linear regression analysis of summer-autumn stress
lowerWhen     individual months (November to April) were
        quartiles.                                              days by individual months showed significant increases
    analysed for trends in interpolated rainfall, there was     over time for November, December and January at Scott
    a significant decline for November for both locations       Farm, and for November and January at Paratu Road
    (P=0.021 for Scott Farm; P=0.005 for Paratu Road)           with a statistical trend toward an increase in December
Whenbut individual
         no significantmonths     (November
                        trends were  observed fortotheApril)
                                                         other were  analysed
                                                                at Paratu         for trends
                                                                          Road (Table   4).    in interpolated
    months at either location (data not presented).
rainfall, there was a significant decline for November                 for both
                                                                Simulated   net HAlocations (P=0.021 for Scott
    Soil moisture stress days                                   The model predicted a significant linear decline for
Farm;   P=0.005
    There           for Paratu
           was a significant       Road)
                              linear        butin no
                                     increase         significant
                                                  stress days      trends werepasture
                                                                summer-autumn        observed    forfrom
                                                                                            growth    the 1977
    from 1972-2020 at both sites (Table 1). There were no       for both VCN nodes representing Scott Farm and
at either  location
    differences  among(data   notinpresented).
                          decades     calculated stress days    Paratu Road (Table 1). However, the linear component

    Table 2       Mean summer- autumn rainfall at Ruakura (November-April, mm), 1954-2019 by decade. Includes standard deviation
                  (SD) from mean and coefficient of variation, CV%.
Soil moisture stress days
    Decadal variability						Decade
   		 was a significant linear increase in stress days from 1972-2020 at both sites (Table 1).
    			1950                                       1960       1970       1980        1990       2000        2010       Overall mean
There were no differences among decades in calculated stress days at Scott Farm (Figure 2),
    Nov-Apr rainfall       Mean         574        556        498         548        489         488        505            516
but a significant increase in stress days in the most recent decade compared with earlier
                           SD           118        109        105         103         97
                                                                                    119          108        164
                           CV%           21         20          21         19         20          22         32             23
decades at Paratu Road.
Glassey et al., Long-term Central Waikato summer-autumn rainfall and pasture growth trends. Are conditions for pasture growth... 131

       Figure 2      Cumulative number of moisture stress days in summer-autumn (November-April) calculated by decade from VCN climate
226                  data sites representing Scott Farm and Paratu Road. Boxes encompass the middle quartiles, plus the median (solid line).
                     Whiskers represent upper and lower quartiles.
227   Figure 2 Cumulative number of moisture stress days in summer-autumn (November-April)
228   calculated by decade from VCN climate data sites representing Scott Farm and Paratu Road.
       Table 3       Decadal variability (standard deviation, SD; and coefficient of variability, CV%) in interpolated cumulative summer-
229   Boxes encompass   the middleinclusive)
               autumn (November-April quartiles,
                                                      (mm) the
                                                            from median   (solid
                                                                 VCN climate        line).
                                                                             data sites     Whiskers
                                                                                        representing Scott represent   upper
                                                                                                           Farm and Paratu Rd
                     from 1960-2020.
230   and lower quartiles.
       Decadal variability						                                                                Decade
       			                                                   1960          1970          1980          1990         2000         2010
232   Linear regression analysis of summer-autumn stress days by individual months showed
       Nov-Apr rainfall      Scott Farm         SD            129            125          100            97           106          176
233   significant
       		         increases        over    timeCV%
                                                for    November,
                                                           23           December
                                                                           23           and
                                                                                          19 January 20
                                                                                                      at      Scott   Farm,
                                                                                                                      23       and35for
234   November and January
                    Paratu Rd at Paratu
                                    SD Road with
                                            118 a statistical
                                                      127     trend
                                                                  96 toward an
                                                                            91 increase
                                                                                    128 in December
       		                                       CV%            20             22           16            16            25           36
235   at Paratu Road (Table 4).
       Table 4       Linear trends (slope) and statistical significance (P-value) by month for summer-autumn moisture stress days at Scott
                     Farm and Paratu Road, 1972-2020.
237   Table 4 Linear trends (slope) and statistical significance (P-value) by month for summer-
238   autumn moisture stress days at Scott Farm and Paratu Road, 1972-2020.
       Linear trend by month		                                Nov           Dec           Jan           Feb           Mar         Apr

       Stress days         Scott Farm      P-value           0.044
7                132                                                                         Resilient Pastures – Grassland Research and Practice Series 17: XX-YY  (2021)
      Modelled pasture growth November to April (kg DM/ha)

                   Figure 3                                  Predicted summer-autumn net HA (November-April) from 1977- 2020 for Scott Farm and Paratu Road. Shaded areas
9   Figure 3 Predicted   summer-autumn
               are 95% confidence intervals. net HA (November-April) from 1977- 2020 for Scott
0   Farm
      onlyand Paratu20%
           explained Road.  Shaded
                        (Scott Farm) areas are(Paratu
                                     and 22%   95% confidence  intervals.
                                                        The variability between                      years dominated much of
     Road) of the overall variation in predicted cumulative          the available data making detection of trends difficult.
1    summer-autumn HA. The LOWESS analysis (Figure 3)                For example, it was difficult to confirm the trend in
     indicated that most of the decline in predicted pasture         summer-autumn rainfall at Ruakura over 70 years, as
2   Observed    net HA
     growth occurred from the mid-1990s to 2020.                     the linear trend only approached significance with a
3   Mean cumulative net HA for November to April inclusive                        measured
                                                                     very low regression         during(P=0.075,
                                                                                             co-efficient  the Ruakura      No.
                                                                                                                    r2 = 0.048).
       Observed net HA                                                  We used three independent statistical methods to
4   2 Dairy
       Mean and     Scott Farm
               cumulative   net HAsequence
                                     for Novemberwas 9.4    t DM/haexplore
                                                        to April       ±1.4 trends
                                                                               SD over      41 the
                                                                                       within   years.
                                                                                                     data,At Paratu
                                                                                                           each  with Road,
                                                                                                                       their own
       inclusive measured during the Ruakura No. 2 Dairy and         respective advantages and limitations. The chosen time
5   mean    cumulative net HA for November to April was
       Scott Farm sequence was 9.4 t DM/ha ±1.4 SD over
                                                                           7.1 t DM/ha ±1.6 SD over 26 years.
                                                                     period for analysis, and the influence of individual year
6      41 years. At Paratu
    Inter-annual            Road,inmean
                     variation      net cumulative    net HA for
                                         HA was greater              data points
                                                               at Paratu    Roadin (CV=22%)
                                                                                     relation to the compared
                                                                                                      time sequencewith
                                                                                                                     of available
       November to April was 7.1 t DM/ha ±1.6 SD over 26             data, can influence the sensitivity of a linear regression.
7   Ruakura/Scott      Farm
       years. Inter-annual     (CV=14%).
                           variation in net HA  There    was no
                                                  was greater  at linear   trend
                                                                     Because   of over     time in evidence
                                                                                   climatological     NHA for  foreither   site
       Paratu Road (CV=22%) compared with Ruakura/Scott              oscillations in weather patterns, we grouped the data
       Farm (CV=14%). There was no linear trend over time            by decade. This represents a somewhat arbitrary
       in NHA for either site (Table 1).                        10 decision of which 10 years will constitute a decadal
                                                                     group. We explored this despite the loss of statistical
       Discussion                                                    power compared with using individual years for linear
       The results suggest that farmers in at least two locations    or LOWESS analysis. We present box plots graphs by
       in central Waikato are facing a trend of increased            decade as they give a much better depiction of any change
       frequency of summer-autumn soil moisture deficits             in variability than the scattered individual year patterns
       while still coping with substantial (and possibly             used in the linear regression and LOWESS graphs.
       increasing) variability in rainfall between years.               The availability of VCN data strengthened our search
       Salinger & Porteous (2014) reported a distinct trend          for evidence and allowed inclusion of the site at Paratu
       towards higher values of drought indices over a 72-year       Road with recorded pasture production for 26 years
       period, including the region covered in our analysis.         (Figure 4). Keeping monthly rainfall records on Paratu
258   (Table 1).
                   Glassey et al., Long-term Central Waikato summer-autumn rainfall and pasture growth trends. Are conditions for pasture growth... 133
      November to April pasture growth (kg DM/ha)

261                  Figure 4                       Measured summer-autumn net HA (November-April, kg DM/ha) for Ruakura/Scott Farm (1979-2020) and Paratu Road
                                                    (1995-2020). Shaded areas are 95% confidence intervals.
262   Figure 4 Measured summer-autumn net HA (November-April, kg DM/ha) for Ruakura/Scott
                   Road was abandoned many years ago after recognition                                one location. Long-term sequential records for annual
263   Farm
       of the(1979-2020)
               large effects and
                              that Paratu  Roadof(1995-2020).
                                    the timing    individual  Shaded
                                                             pasture    areas
                                                                     growth    areresearch
                                                                            from   95% confidence       intervals.
                                                                                           sites in Waikato before
        rainfall events can have on soil moisture levels and,            1980 were difficult to find although some publications
264     therefore, pasture growth. The VCN data allowed the              presented data for shorter periods (e.g., Mcaneney et al.
265   Discussion
        calculation of daily soil moisture balances and provided         (1982) covered 1953-1966 and Baars (1976) covered
266     information on the frequency of “stress days”, where             1954-1970).
267   The
        soil results
             moisturesuggest       thatpasture
                        was limiting     farmers    in at least two locations
                                               growth.                               in central
                                                                           For measured              Waikato
                                                                                                pasture   growtharewe
                                                                                                                        were a unable
           The analyses of VCN data supported farmer concerns            to detect any significant trends over time at both
268   ofofincreased
                         drier and more of variable
                                                    summers. While soil moisture     deficits4).while
                                                                         locations (Figure               still coping
                                                                                                   This contrasts        with
                                                                                                                  with the  simulated
        the VCN data box plot for rainfall by decade for both            summer-autumn pasture growth (Figure 3). Simulated
269   substantial
        sites showed(and      possiblytrend
                        no significant    increasing)     variability
                                                at Scott farm   there in   rainfall between
                                                                         cumulative     NHA for years.       Salinger fell
                                                                                                       November-April    & broadly
        was a linear trend (P=0.06) towards reduced summer-              within the range measured at Scott Farm (5000-12000
270   Porteous (2014) reported a distinct trend towards higher values of drought indices over a 72-
        autumn rainfall, and for Paratu Road there was a                 kg DM/ha). For Paratu Road the model predicted
271     significant  (P=0.03)   linear  decline  in summer-autumn
      year period, including the region covered in our analysis.         higher pasture growth (by ~2000 kg DM/ha on average)
        rainfall over the past 6 decades. For Paratu Road the            than the measured data. A possible explanation for the
272   The    variability
        boxplot  by decade  between      years
                               also showed       dominated
                                              a significant     much ofdissimilarity
                                                             increase      the available in thedata    making
                                                                                                 long-term  trenddetection    of
                                                                                                                  between measured
        in soil moisture deficit days for the most recent decade         and simulated data sets is that the pasture growth model
273   trends
                 2).         For example, it was difficult to confirm    uses onlythelocaltrend    in summer-autumn
                                                                                            environmental                   rainfall
                                                                                                             conditions (weather  and
           Additional analysis of VCN data for each location by          soil) in its predictions, whereas on-farm measurements
274   atmonth
          Ruakura      over 70 years, as the linear trend onlyofapproached
                showed November to be the only month with a
                                                                                             significance with a very low
                                                                            pasture growth will also be influenced up or down by
275     consistent and
      regression         significant decline
                      co-efficient     (P=0.075,     r2 = over
                                               in rainfall       time
                                                           0.048).       other factors, such as reducing feed demand by culling,
        and this resulted in significant increases in soil moisture      N applications, supplement use, rotation length and
276             Wefrom
        stress days    usedNovember
                              three independent        statistical
                                        to January (Table   3).      methods
                                                                         managingto explore       trends(Reynolds
                                                                                      grazing intensity   within the    data, each
           Linking trends in climate data to measured pasture              The significant decline in summer-autumn pasture
277   with    their own
        production          respective
                      is difficult  becauseadvantages
                                             of the lack and     limitations.
                                                           of actual     growthThe     chosen
                                                                                  predicted    by time   period
                                                                                                    the model      for analysis,
                                                                                                               perhaps  confirms that
        long-term pasture growth measurements from any                   the trends found for declining summer-autumn rainfall,
278   and the influence of individual year data points in relation to the time sequence of available

134                                         Resilient Pastures – Grassland Research and Practice Series 17: XX-YY  (2021)

including November, at both farms are creating               stress and threatening their persistence, there is also a
challenges for managing feed supply and feed demand          cost of ‘doing nothing’ as farmers become trapped in a
for Waikato dairy farmers, especially on soil types with     cycle of re-grassing and re-cropping (Dodd et al. 2018).
lower PAW (e.g., Paratu Road).
   It is evident that the magnitude of variation appears     Conclusions/Practical implications/Relevance
to have increased for both sites in the most recent          This study suggests that farmers near the locations
decade (Tables 1 and 2; Figures 1 and 2). This is            examined are likely to have experienced increased
consistent with climate projections for increases in         variability and frequency of summer moisture deficits,
the frequency of extreme conditions (precipitation,          which our pasture growth modelling shows is likely to
temperature and wind, Mullan et al. 2018). Increased         have been accompanied by a declining trend over time
variability is a likely contributor to reduced resilience    in pasture accumulation rates.
of ryegrass pastures (Lee et al. 2017). It also impacts         Depending on their farm’s risk profile for ryegrass/
on the choice of farm system through a reduction in          clover pasture resilience, farmers in the upper North
opportunity to carry forward surplus feed from one           Island will need to explore alternatives to perennial
season to the next and increases other risk factors such     ryegrass to maintain their future home-grown feedbase,
as soil physical damage associated with increased crop/      or adapt their pasture management to cope with the
pasture establishment method and management.                 increasing risk of summer moisture deficit.
   The increased frequency of drier summers in the              The integration of VCN data with pasture growth
past decade (Figures 2 and 3) will also be influencing       models appears to be an opportunity to help farmers
farm management changes over time due to the reduced         understand how their local climate is behaving and
amount of pasture available in drier summers. For            should inform farm management decisions that help
example, Glassey (2011) reported that 100 mm less            them cope with the increasing risk of summer soil
rainfall between December and April was associated           moisture deficits.
with 850 kg DM/ha less pasture grown.                           Adding more sophisticated analysis such as thermal
   Farm management practices have been adapted               time accumulation, and other statistical methods, could
over time at the Paratu Road farm in response to the         add increased certainty to these messages.
variability in farm-specific summer-autumn pasture
growth measurements. These include:                          ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
• An increase in weed spraying because of more               Grant Wills provided 26 years of monthly pasture
   Setaria pumilia (Poir.) (yellow bristle grass) and        growth data for his dairy farm at Paratu Road, Walton.
   other C4 grasses.                                         Barbara Kuhn-Sherlock (DairyNZ) provided valuable
• Increased use of winter-active ryegrass cultivars          statistical advice. We are also grateful to the many
   such as ‘Shogun’ integrated with a summer cropping        technicians who have contributed to the collection and
   programme.                                                storage of monthly pasture growth data over the years
• Use of three Herd Homes™ in summer to help                 at Ruakura No. 2 dairy and Scott Farm.
   control post-grazing residuals and mitigate heat
   stress for cows.                                          REFERENCES
• Increased imported feed in the last 12 years to            Baars JA. 1976. Seasonal distribution of pasture
   mitigate the variability of pasture production.             production in New Zealand. IX Hamilton. New
• A change (4 years ago) to 25% of the herd starting           Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 4: 157-
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