Long term alterations of growth after antenatal steroids in preterm twin pregnancies

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Long term alterations of growth after antenatal steroids in preterm twin pregnancies
J. Perinat. Med. 2021; 49(2): 127–137

Academy’s Paper

Thorsten Braun*, Vivien Filleböck, Boris Metze, Christoph Bührer, Andreas Plagemann
and Wolfgang Henrich

Long term alterations of growth after antenatal
steroids in preterm twin pregnancies
https://doi.org/10.1515/jpm-2020-0204                                     significantly decreased between infancy and early child-
Received May 11, 2020; accepted September 11, 2020                        hood by 18.8%. Birth weight percentiles significantly
published online October 5, 2020
                                                                          changed in a dose dependent and sex specific manner,
                                                                          most obviously in female-female and mixed pairs. The
                                                                          ponderal index significantly decreased up to 42.9%, BMI
                                                                          index increased by up to 33.8%.
Objectives: To compare the long-term effects of antenatal
                                                                          Conclusions: ANS results in long-term alterations in infant
betamethasone (ANS, ≤16 mg, =24 mg and >24 mg) in twins
                                                                          and childhood growth. Changes between infancy and early
on infant and childhood growth.
                                                                          childhood in ponderal mass index and BMI, independent
Methods: A retrospective cohort follow up study among
                                                                          of dose or twin pair structure, might indicate an ANS
198 twins after ANS including three time points: U1 first
                                                                          associated increased risk for later life disease.
neonatal examination after birth and in the neonatal
                                                                          Synopsis: First-time report on long-term ANS administra-
period; U7 examination from the 21st to the 24th month of
                                                                          tion growth effects in twin pregnancies, showing persisting
life and U9 examination from the 60th to the 64th month of
                                                                          alterations beyond birth in infant and childhood growth up
life using data from copies of the children’s examination
                                                                          to 5.3 years as potential indicator of later life disease risk.
booklets. Inclusion criteria are twin pregnancies with
preterm labor, cervical shortening, preterm premature                     Keywords: antenatal betamethasone; antenatal steroid
rupture of membranes, or vaginal bleeding, and exposure                   (ANS); dosage; early childhood; follow up; infancy; sex;
to ANS between 23+5 and 33+6 weeks. Outcome measures                      twin pregnancy.
are dosage-dependent and sex-specific effects of ANS on
growth (body weight, body length, head circumference,
body mass index and ponderal index) up to 5.3 years.
Results: Overall, 99 live-born twin pairs were included.
Negative effects of ANS on fetal growth persisted beyond
                                                                          In pregnancies threatened with preterm birth, antenatal
birth, altered infant and childhood growth, independent of
                                                                          steroid (ANS) treatment to induce fetal lung maturation
possible confounding factors. Overall weight percentile
                                                                          and to reduce neonatal morbidity and mortality is common
                                                                          practice [1] and appropriate alternatives currently do not
                                                                          exist [2]. We have previously shown that ANS treatment in
*Corresponding author: Thorsten Braun, Clinic of Obstetrics, Division
of Experimental Obstetrics, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin,         normally grown singleton and twin pregnancies reduced in
Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin,            a dose-dependent and sex-specific manner fetal weight
Germany, E-mail: thorsten.braun@charite.de                                gain, length and head circumference compared with
Vivien Filleböck and Wolfgang Henrich, Clinic of Obstetrics, Charité –    gestational age-matched controls [3, 4]. ANS doses esca-
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie Universität
                                                                          lation even increased the negative effects on fetal growth,
Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Berlin Institute of Health,
Berlin, Germany
                                                                          but did not improve neonatal morbidity and mortality at
Boris Metze and Christoph Bührer, Clinic of Neonatology, Charité –        birth. Although birth weight is only a rough surrogate
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie Universität         marker for hormonal or nutritional changes in the intra-
Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Berlin Institute of Health,   uterine environment, impaired fetal growth is associated
Berlin, Germany                                                           with a number of long-term developmental and health
Andreas Plagemann, Division of Experimental Obstetrics, Charité –
                                                                          implications [5, 6]. Exposure to high levels of glucocorti-
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie Universität
Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Berlin Institute of Health,   coids in utero is amongst the proposed mechanisms of
Berlin, Germany                                                           perinatal programming [5, 7, 8]. The implications for ANS

  Open Access. © 2020 Thorsten Braun et al., published by De Gruyter.        This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
128          Braun et al.: ANS and follow up in twins

are still not fully understood. There are still ongoing trials            Material S3). For the documented anthropometric data, percen-
and research projects in singleton pregnancies, investi-                  tiles were calculated using the Ped (Z) pediatrician calculator
                                                                          [17]. This web calculator is based on data from Kromeyer-
gating all different kinds of aspects regarding ANS treat-
                                                                          Hauschild et al. for pediatric percentiles of infants, children and
ment such as which type of glucocorticoid and which                       adolescents for height, weight and BMI [18]. In addition, per-
formula should be used, which dosages and time intervals                  centiles for 0–6 year old children were derived for a variety of
between injections are preferable, which gestational age                  somatic parameters according to Hesse et al. [19–21]. For the
would benefit most and what kind of long term implica-                     head circumference percentiles, the data of the ‘Zurich Longitu-
                                                                          dinal Studies’ (1955–2009) were used [22].
tions are associated even with reduced ANS dosages [8].
                                                                                As reported previously, the protocol for steroid administration
     In multiple pregnancies, the different pharmacokinetics
                                                                          changed over time at our institution according to different local and
of ANS compared to singletons, the increased total fetal                  international clinical recommendations in effect during the study
mass and increased volume distribution in twins led to the                period [4]. The betamethasone treatment regimen ranged from 2×8 mg
discussion that the current glucocorticoid dose applied                   (≤16 mg) or 2×12 mg (=24 mg) given once during pregnancy, to repeated
might be too low to induce fetal lung maturation [9–13]. The              doses of betamethasone (8 mg weekly or 2×12 mg every second week)
                                                                          when the diagnosis of preterm labor still persisted (collectively
effects of antenatal lung maturation with glucocorticoids in
                                                                          grouped as ≥24 mg). Betamethasone dosage effects were analyzed
multiple pregnancies still remains unclear as trials in twins             among three different dosages: ≤16 mg, 24 mg and >24 mg. Gender
are limited and evidence is lacking [1, 9–15]. Especially                 specificity was tested for male-male, female-female and mixed-pairs of
follow up studies on long term changes are missing.                       twins. The Charité Hospital Ethics Review Committee approved the
     Therefore, the present study’s objective was to inves-               trial (EA2_111_15). All participants gave written informed consent
                                                                          before the study began.
tigate in twin pregnancies ANS dosage and sex-specific
long-term effects on infant and child growth development
up to 5.3 years of age.

                                                                          Crossed items in the sent copies of the children’s examination booklets
Materials and methods                                                     were interpreted as true, unchecked items as inaccurate and thus
                                                                          transferred to an Excel database. Statistical analyzes were performed
Prospective cohort study of twins born between December 1993 and          using the SPSS 25 software (IBM, SPSS Statistics, version 25, IBM
January 2011 in a tertiary referral center at the Clinic of Obstetrics,   Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA). Data were tested for normality
Charité University Hospital Berlin, Germany. Details on the original      assessing the histogram and using the Shaipiro-Wilks test. To analyze
birth cohort has been described previously [4]. Briefly, cases were        the long-term effects of antenatal betamethasone on anthropometrics
defined as twin pregnancies with the diagnosis of preterm labor with       (body weight, head circumference, body length, body mass index, tri-
symptomatic contractions and cervical ripening, premature rupture         ponderal mass index [23] and body mass index), in terms of steady
of membranes or vaginal bleeding and exposed to antenatal beta-           state characteristics, the unifactorial ANOVA with Kruskal-Wallis post
methasone (Celestan®, MSD GmbH, Haar, Germany) between                    hoc test was performed for two or more independent samples. For
23 weeks plus five days of pregnancy (23+5 weeks) and 33+6 weeks and       repeated measures a MANOVA and Friedman post hoc test was used to
delivered between 25+0 and 36+6 weeks. Exclusion criteria were: high      identify possible significant effects of different betamethasone dos-
numbered multiple pregnancies, twin-to-twin transfusion syn-              ages on growth trajectories (growth percentiles, ponderal index and
drome, intrauterine death, malformations, chromosomal anomalies           body mass index) in follow up data between U1 and U9 time points.
or other fetal or maternal diseases and pathological umbilical or         Data are reported as median and interquartile range or mean and
uterine doppler findings. Fetuses with sonographically estimated           standard deviation, as appropriate. Possible confounders were iden-
fetal weight below the 10th centile at the time of the initial betame-    tified (Supplemental Material S4) and significant results were
thasone treatment were defined as small for gestational age and            controlled for major confounders by analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).
excluded from the study to rule out possible growth restricting by an     Statistical analyses were performed for overall, male-male, female-
already existing placental insufficiency [4]. Estimated date of de-        female and mixed-pairs. For all tests, statistical significance was set at
livery was corrected by first trimester ultrasound when the difference     p
Braun et al.: ANS and follow up in twins         129

and 36+6 weeks of gestation, were included into the
study (Figure 1). Seventy one (71.7%) women remained
pregnant seven or more days after the initial betame-
thasone treatment. Sixty children (30.3%) were born
after 34+0 weeks of gestation. Maternal characteristics
(Supplemental Material S4) were not associated with
the observed changes in anthropometrics after beta-
methasone exposure in multivariate analysis. Neither
the number and distribution within the twin-pair
structure nor its relation to the dosis-group was sig-
nificant different (data not shown).

Overall effects

Overall weight percentile significantly decreased between
U1 and U7/9 (U1: 45.5±28.1 centile vs. U9: 37.0±28.2 centile
p=0.001; U7: 38.9±27.0 centile vs. U9: 37.0±28.2 centile
p=0.027, Figure 2A). The length percentile increased be-
tween U7 and U9 (U7: 43.3±31.0 vs U9: 48.0±31.0 p=0.001).
The ponderal index as a marker for fat levels, continuously
decreased between U1, U7 and U9 (U1: 22.6±2.7 vs. U7:
18.3±1.9 vs. U9: 13.1±1.1 p
130            Braun et al.: ANS and follow up in twins

Table : Betamethasone dosage effects on anthropometrics.

U                                            ≤ mg                   mg             > mg    p-Valuea

Weight, g+                              .±.         .±(.)      .±.       .
                                                 n=                  n=              n=
Weight percentile++                       . (.)b           . (.)       . (.)      .
                                                 n=                  n=              n=
Length, cm++                                . (.)            . (.)         . (.)     .
                                                 n=                  n=              n=
Length percentile++                        . (.)          . (.)d       . (.)      .
                                                 n=                  n=              n=
Head circ., cm++                            . (.)            . (.)         . (.)     .
                                                 n=                  n=              n=
Head circ. percentile++                    . (.)           . (.)       . (.)      .
                                                 n=                  n=              n=
Ponderal index++                            . (.)f          . (.)g        . (.)h     .
                                                 n=                  n=              n=
BMI+                                          .±.j             .±.k           .±.l      .
                                                 n=                  n=              n=
U                                             ≤ mg                  mg             > mg    p-Valuea

Weight, g+                             .±         .±.     .±.       .
                                                n=                   n=               n=
Weight percentile++                      . (.)c            . (.)        . (.)     .
                                                n=                   n=               n=
Length, cm++                               . (.)             . (.)         . (.)     .
                                                n=                   n=               n=
Length percentile++                       . (.)           . (.)e       . (.)      .
                                                n=                   n=               n=
Head circ., cm+                             .±.               .±.          .±.       .
                                                n=                   n=               n=
Head circ. percentile++                   . (.)            . (.)       . (.)      .
                                                n=                   n=               n=
Ponderal index+                            .±.f              .±.g          .±.i      .
                                                n=                   n=               n=
BMI+                                       .±.j              .±.k          .±.l      .
                                                n=                   n=               n=
U                                             ≤ mg                 mg            > mg      p-Valuea

Weight, g++                               ()          ()       ()        .
                                                 n=                 n=              n=
Weight percentile++                      . (.)b,c         . (.)       . (.)       .
                                                 n=                 n=              n=
Length, cm+                                 .±.            .±.        .±.         .
                                                 n=                 n=              n=
Length percentile++                        . (.)        . (.)d,e      . (.)       .
                                                 n=                 n=              n=
Head circ., cm++                            . (.)           . (.)        . (.)       .
                                                 n=                 n=               n=
Head circ. percentile++                    . (.)          . (.)       . (.)       .
                                                 n=                 n=               n=
Ponderal index+                              .±.f           .±.g        .±.h,i       .
                                                 n=                 n=              n=
BMI++                                       . (.)j         . (.)k        . (.)l      .
                                                 n=                 n=              n=
Braun et al.: ANS and follow up in twins        131

Data presented as mean+ (standard deviation [SD]) and median++ (interquartile range [IQR]) for normally and non-normally distributed data,
respectively. aKruskal–Wallis test, asymptomatic significance. Growth trajectories – weight percentile: ≤ mg: MANOVA for repeated measures
132              Braun et al.: ANS and follow up in twins

Table : Antenatal betamethasone and the effects of anthropometry with respect to twin pair structure.

U                                 Male-male     Female-female               Mixed     p-Valuea                                 Mixed     p-Valueb

                                                                                                              Male             Female
Weight, g                       . ()      . ()       . ()        .      .±.        .±.        .
                                       n=               n=               n=                            n=               n=
Weight percentile++              . (.)       . (.)a     . (.)a,f,g     .        . (.)o        . (.)       .
                                       n=               n=               n=                            n=               n=
Length, cm++                      . (.)         . (.)         . (.)       .          . (.)         . (.)       .
                                       n=               n=               n=                            n=               n=
Length percentile++              . (.)       . (.)d     . (.)b,i,j     .        . (.)p        . (.)r      .
                                       n=               n=               n=                            n=               n=
Head circ., cm++                  . (.)        . (.)k         . (.)       .          . (.)         . (.)       .
                                       n=               n=               n=                            n=               n=
Head circ. percentile++          . (.)        . (.)        . (.)       .         . (.)        . (.)       .
                                       n=               n=               n=                            n=               n=
Ponderal index+                    .±.l         .±.m          .±.n        .          .±.t          .±.u        .
                                       n=               n=               n=                            n=               n=
BMI+                                .±.v          .±.w            .±.x       .          .±.y            .±.z       .
                                       n=               n=               n=                            n=               n=
U                                 Male-male     Female-female               Mixed     p-Valuea                                 Mixed     p-Valueb

                                                                                                              Male             Female
Weight, g                   .±.      .±.     .±.         .    .±.      .±.        .
                                      n=                n=              n=                             n=                n=
Weight percentile++             . (.)        . (.)e       . (.)f       .         . (.)         . (.)      .
                                      n=                n=              n=                             n=                n=
Length, cm++                      . (.)         . (.)         . (.)       .           .±.            .±.       .
                                      n=                n=              n=                             n=                n=
Length percentile++             . (.)        . (.)h       . (.)i       .       . (.)p,q      . (.)r,s     .
                                      n=                n=              n=                             n=                n=
Head circ., cm++                 . (.)a        . (.)a         . (.)
Braun et al.: ANS and follow up in twins        133

 Kruskal-Wallis test, cpairwise comparison p=., dpairwise comparison p=.. Data presented as mean+ (standard deviation [SD]) and
median++ (interquartile range [IQR]) for normally and non-normally distributed data, respectively. aKruskal–Wallis test, asymptomatic
significance. bMann Whitney U-test; Growth trajectories – weight percentile: female-female: MANOVA for repeated measures p=.
(friedman’s two-way analysis of variance by ranks): eU vs. U p=.; mixed MANOVA for repeated measures p=. (friedman’s two-way
analysis of variance by ranks): fU vs. U p=., gU vs. U p=.; length percentile: female-female: MANOVA for repeated measures
p=. (friedman’s two-way analysis of variance by ranks): hU vs. U p=.; mixed MANOVA for repeated measures p
134        Braun et al.: ANS and follow up in twins

                                                                                   Figure 3: (A–C) Effects of different antenatal
                                                                                   bethamethasone dosages on growth
                                                                                   trajectories with respect to twin-pair
                                                                                   Data were analyzed by MANOVA for
                                                                                   repeated measures followed by Friedman
                                                                                   post hoc test. Significant differences
                                                                                   between time points are indicated by
                                                                                   stars/crosses. Head circumference
                                                                                   percentiles in >24.
                                                                                   mg and mixed ≤16 mg are not shown due too
                                                                                   low numbers. Data are presented as

betamethasone dose group and not seen in the ≥24 mg            pairs between U1 and U7 and let us speculate, that with
betamethasone dose group. Taking the twin pair structure       regard to postnatal weight development, the dose of 24 mg
into account, birth weight percentiles did not change in       antenatal betamethasone might be favorable to prevent
male-male pairs. In line with our previous observations in     growth alterations in preterm twin pregnancies.
singletons [3, 26] and twins [4], sex-specific strategies for       Body length percentiles significantly increased overall
adapting to changes in the uterine environment have been       between infancy and early childhood by up to 10.9% (U7
described [27] and the present study supports our antenatal    vs. U9 p=0.037). Body length percentiles in male-male
findings, that female-female and mixed pairs experience         pairs were unaffected by antenatal glucocorticoid treat-
more growth restriction in response to prenatal betame-        ment. However, in mixed pairs (U1 vs. U7, all three doses)
thasone than male-male pairs, which persisted beyond           antenatal glucocorticoid treatment resulted in a significant
birth and early childhood. Only in female-female pairs         decrease in body length percentiles between U1 and U7,
which had received ≤16 mg bethamethasone, birth weight         independent of the betamethasone dose.
percentiles significantly decreased. ≥24 mg betamethasone           The ponderal index is a relative stable measure of
actually increased weight percentiles in female-female         adipose tissue (fat) levels in childhood and adolescence
Braun et al.: ANS and follow up in twins       135

                                                                                    Figure 4: (A–B) Ponderal index (body weight
                                                                                    in kg/height in m³) and BMI (body weight in
                                                                                    kg/height in m2) in relation to
                                                                                    betamethasone dosis group and twin pair
                                                                                    Data were analyzed by MANOVA for
                                                                                    repeated measures followed by Friedman
                                                                                    post hoc test. Significant differences
                                                                                    between time points are indicated by
                                                                                    stars/crosses, data are mean±95%CI.

[28]. Rapid gain in ponderal index in infancy has been         “physiological profile of normalization” of this index.
associated with increased obesity and adverse later            Changes in BMI between 2 and 5 years have been reported
outcome such as cardiovascular disease [29, 30]. However,      to be strongly associated with later adiposity and Howe
others reported less evidence for the changes in ponderal      et al. suggested that BMI changes were also strongly
index in infancy but demonstrated a strong association of      associated with increased fat mass, as well as with a range
rapid BMI change between 8.5 and 10 years of age and           of cardiovascular risk factors at age 15 [31].
associate risk for cardiovascular disease [31]. We therefore        We do acknowledge, that the BMI is associated with
analyzed the ponderal index as well as the changes of BMI      both lean and fat mass in young children, however, in in-
after antenatal betamethasone in infancy and early child-      fancy and childhood the BMI is an imperfect measure of
hood up to the age of 5.3 years. Interestingly, the ponderal   adiposity. We therefore included the data for the ponderal
index significantly decreased between U1 and U9, inde-          index and evidence from other cohorts suggests that BMI
pendent of twin pair structure or betamethasone dose. The      has similar magnitudes of association to cardiovascular
BMI index, however, increased between U1 and U9 (≤16 and       risk factors in childhood as does total fat mass assessed by
24 mg) and between U1 and U7 (≥24 mg), independent of          DXA or waist circumference, suggesting that BMI may
twin pair structure, probably indicative of catch up growth    adequately assess adiposity in childhood [31].
in length. Between U7 and U9, BMI trajectories signifi-              There are limitations to our study. Uncontrolled data
cantly decreased again in male-male and female pairs           collection and selection bias may be present in the ana-
with ≤16 mg and mixed pairs with 24 mg. These opposite         lyses. However, due our large sample size, these effects are
BMI and ponderal index trajectories between birth and the      unlikely to account for the differences observed. Although
age of five in twins after antenatal betamethasone treat-       we used regression analysis to control for possible con-
ment were similarly observed earlier in singletons [32] and    founding variables, the multiple factors affecting growth
seem to follow within a 2x standard deviation the              make comparison of groups difficult and we acknowledge
136        Braun et al.: ANS and follow up in twins

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