Loads of play ideas to stimulate the senses

Page created by Troy Spencer
Loads of play ideas to stimulate the senses
Loads of play ideas to stimulate the senses
Salt Dough                              Sand Dough

           4 cups of salt                           1 cup sand
         1 cup of corn flour                      ½ cup corn flour
               Water                              ¾ cup hot water

1.   Mix salt and corn flour in pan      1.   Mix ingredients in pan
2.   Add enough water to form a paste.   2.   Cook, until very thick.
3.   Cook over medium heat stirring      3.   Let models dry in sun for 12
Modelling Dough                           Clean Mud
            2 cups salt                        1 bar ‘Dove’ soap
         1 cup corn flour                      1 roll toilet paper
        1 cup warm water                       1 gallon of water

                                      1.   In a large tub layer up toilet
1.   Mix in pan on a low heat.
2.   Model.
                                      2.   Grate soap and sprinkle over
3.   leave to harden or cook on low        paper.
                                      3.   Add warm water.
      Great dough that is very        4.   Leave over night .
     Smooth and soft. Hardens         5.   Use to make models.
      quickly and paints well.
Corn flour dough                           Fruity Putty

       1 cup corn flour
                                         0.3 ounce sugar free jelly powder.
      1 cup warm water                               2 cups flour
           1 tbs oil                                  1 cup salt
                                               4 tbsp cream of tater
1.   Mix in pan, cook until thick.
                                                  2 tbs cooking oil
2.   Makes a smooth dough.                     2 cups boiling water

                                     •     Mix dry ingredients in pan.
                                     •     Add boiling water and oil stir
                                           over medium heat until ball
Shaving foam                          Sensory Fun
•    Spray foam onto table/ tray.
•    Allow children to spread around,
                                          Melt in microwave, very sticky.
     draw patterns or letters with
     fingers.                             Add washing up liquid t o make
•    Add powder paint mix colours.        slimy and bubbly
•    Take prints by putting paper on
     top.                                         Mashed Potato
    Use sensitive shaving foam          Instant, allow children to mix with
                                        Water, add food colouring.
         Bubble Squish
•    Pour bath foam on table add a       Other substances to explore
     yogurt pot of water and mix with              Hair gel
     hands. Continue as above.
•    Alternatively use no tears
     shampoo if there is a risk of
     children rubbing eyes.                    Baby massage gel
Goop                               Cloud Dough
             1 cup corn flour                             8 parts flour
                  Water                                  1 part baby oil

1.      Put corn flour in tray/ bowl
                                                  Mix together, it will be soft yet
2.      Slowly add water until runny              holds together like wet sand.
        but malleable

       Let children play with corn flour before
      adding water.                                 Add a splash of food colouring.
      Add colouring and peppermint or vanilla
      essence for smell.                           Use different scents of baby oil,
     Use instant custard powder- no need                appropriate to colour.
            to add smell or colour
Sand Ideas                                    Cereal
Add a splash of water and washing up
 liquid for another sensory element.                                 *Thread
                                              Rice Crsipies
        Add food colouring too.                Add water &
                                              Colouring, listen      *Float on
Add PVA glue and a dash of paint, allow           & squish
 to play on card and then dry to create
          longer term creation.

Use in a shallow tray, add paintbrushes                       Wheat Biscuits
       and allow to make marks                                *Float on water
                                            Cornflakes        *Mix with water
              Add glitter.                   Add water
                                             and colour      Oats
  Add metal objects and play using
magnets for children to find the objects.                   Dry-avoid
                                                            excessive eating.
Put a shallow amount of sand on top of                     Add water-
a bright picture or mirror children move                   Squishy & silky
      sand until they find picture.
Snow                            Jelly
                                   Mould into shapes using jelly
        Lux soap flakes
                                   Mash up green jelly for swamp.
Mix water soap flakes and water
                                   Put small objects inside jelly
using manual and electric whisks   before setting, children explore
                                   jelly to get them out.
   A small amount of water will
    allow ‘snow’ to be moulded
   and left to harden. A greater   For those who are sensory
    amount of water will great        defensive set jelly in
   amount of bubbles, provide a          polythene bag.
         range of whisks.
Pasta                                Natural Play
      Pasta shapes/ spaghetti               •   Soil: Add dinosaurs, bugs,
                                                animals, garden tools, pots etc.
          Food colouring
              Water                         •   Turf: Add dinosaurs, animals,
                                                tractors, small people etc.
            Cooking oil
                                            •   Autumn leaves: Give children a
1.   Cook pasta according to packet.            wheel barrow to collect and put
2.   Add food colouring to water before         into paddling pool to jump in.
     cooking and plenty of oil to prevent   •   Hay/ straw: Smells great,
     sticking and make it slimy.                children can make nests, feed
3.   When cooked, rinse well with hot           animals etc. Provide hay bail to
     water                                      pull apart great for motor skills.
                                            •   Feathers: Large amount of craft
      Supermarket’s do nice range of
                                                feathers in paddling pool to sit in.
     shapes to suit a range of topics.      •   Shells: A large selection
     Use noodles (Chinese, Japanese,            presented on blue material, shiny
     rice, super noodles) instead they          metal trays or child safe mirror.
      usually just need soaking in hot      •   Pine cones: Loads of sizes in
Flax                                Semolina

           Packet of flax                            1 cup sand
              Water                                ½ cup corn flour
                                                   ¾ cup hot water

Give to children to play with dry. it
                                        Use as an alternative to sand, it has
Is very silky and slides between
                                        A lovely texture and great for pouring.
                                        If it gets wet though it forms little
Add water and boil makes a very
glutinous mixture.
                                        Allow children to mix with water to
                                        make a very sticky and grainy paste.
Tapioca                                Cellulose slime

           Packet Tapioca                              Cellulose powder
               Water                                         Water
           Food colouring                               Food colouring

1.   Allow children to explore dry tapioca
     in great alterative to sand feels        1.   Mix water and powder according
     great, but can become very static.            to instructions, stir quickly slowly
2.   Boil tapioca according to instructions        adding powder
     using water instead of milk, add         2.   Leave over night.
     food colouring.
                                              3.   Add food colouring.

         Great for putting in                      Cellulose powder available from
              the water tray                       School suppliers used for Paper
             as frogs spawn
Little Scientist                                        Ice
                                                Put water
Children love to mix things together to                                      Objects
                                               into moulds
make potions, provide children materials                                     Into ice.
                                               With children
To create their own laboratory for
Example clear plastic pots, plastic bottles,                                  Use range
Spoons, lolly sticks, pipettes and cloths.                                    Of moulds
                                                        Grate to
                                                       make snow
                                                                             Large, small
        Possible Ingredients                                               Balloons, gloves
   Cooking oil      Water                        Provide
                                                 Salt to
   Vinegar          Ketchup
                                                Melt ice.
   Baking powder Corn flour                                                         Put
   Baby oil         Flour                                                        in water
                                                   Add food colouring
   Salt              Ice                                                            add
                                                    Before freezing.
   Sugar            Food colouring                 Layer up different           penguins
        Bicarbonate of soda                                                       etc.
                                                 Colours as they freeze.
Colour Mixing                  Icing Sugar Painting
            Play Dough                        Icing Sugar
 Give children balls of primary              Powder paint
 Colours, allow them to mix.

          Hand Painting            1.   Make a thin solution of icing
Paint one hand one colour the           sugar spread over paper.
Other another rub hands
                                   2.   Sprinkle powder paint over
Together to make new one.

                 Water             3.   Allow to dry (Takes a long
Add primary coloured food colour        time)
to clear pots of water. Use        4.   Dries shiny.
syringes or pipettes to transfer
water to another pot to create
new colours.
Bubble Trouble                                        Finger Paint
1/2 cup of washing up liquid
                                                    2 cups white flour
5 cups water
2 tablespoons glycerine
                                                    2 cups cold water
1 teaspoon of sugar.                                food coloring
(put in microwave for 10 sec’s before use for
 better bubbles)                                Add other materials to make it a
                                                  differing sensory experience
    Unusual Bubble Blowers                            Instead of food colouring use
            Funnels                                  powdered jelly to add colour and
         Plastic tubing                                       strong scent.
             Hula hoops                         Allow children to play with this on
          Rope tied in a hoop                   a plastic surface then take a print.
            Tennis racquet                         Put paint onto a plastic mirror to get
            Plastic netting                        a nice reflection back when playing,
                                                              again take print.
Make huge amount put in large tub               Warm in microwave, just prior to use.
                                                      Put in shallow tray and use feet.
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