Loadbalancer.org Enterprise VA 7.5 - Load Balancing 09/2013

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Loadbalancer.org Enterprise VA 7.5 - Load Balancing 09/2013
IT-ADMINISTRATOR.COM                                               09/2013

                                        The magazine for professional system and network administration
                       Special Edition for Loadbalancer.org GmbH

                                                                                                Under Test

                                                                               Enterprise VA 7.5
                                                                                        Load Balancing
Loadbalancer.org Enterprise VA 7.5 - Load Balancing 09/2013
P R O D U C T S I Te s t

                                                 Under Test: Loadbalancer.org Enterprise VA 7.5

                                                                       Load Distribution
                                                                                                                           by Thomas Bär

                                                                                                  There are many reasons for network
                                                                                                load balancing. On the one hand, the
                                                                                               system load on a server can be shared
                                                                                              among different machines, while on the
                                                                                          other hand, it is relatively uncomplicated to
                                                                                        set up a reserve or backup system. Although
                                                                                     the board resources from Microsoft include the
                                                                                   required technology, the configuration is always
                                                                                  restricted to the participating machines and diffe-
                                                                                 rent operating systems quickly lead to annoyance.
                                                                                    This is where the load balancing solutions from
                                                                                   Loadbalancer.org come into their own. The solu-
                                                                                         tions are available as software or hardware
         Source: anatolymas - 123RF
                                                                                          appliances and allow simple configuration.

        etwork Load Balancing (NLB) is                tual IP), from where the NLB server trans-    increases, depending on what the target
    N   a variation of the cluster techno-            fers the incoming and outgoing network        configuration is. We required only a sin-
logy. While a genuine cluster refers to a             traffic specifically to the background ser-   gle virtual network card with two assig-
group of independent computer systems                 vers. The different methods are based on      ned IP addresses, a VIP and a manage-
that each execute the same applications               the variety of requirements that they have    ment IP in order to make our terminal
and that present themselves to a client as            to fulfill.                                   servers, web servers and the Exchange
a single system, NLB is a method for sha-                                                           environment suitable for NLB.
ring all tasks for processing and for redis-          Lightning-fast Setup
tribution of the tasks in the event of failure        The Loadbalancer.org Enterprise Virtual       After importing the virtual appliance,
of a node in the system group.                        Appliance 7.5 was installed and confi-        the administrator needs only to switch
                                                      gured for the first time quickly and ea-      on the VM, and in less than one minute
There is no absolute necessity for the sys-           sily. We downloaded the 216-MB Zip            he is requested to set up the basic con-
tems to be completely identical in an NLB             archive provided for the 30-day trial pe-     figuration using the console window.
group.The NLB forwards service requests               riod and installed the system once under      Anyone willing to work with the stan-
– for example, for web access, to the re-             VMware ESXi 5.1 and also as a virtual         dard IP address can immediately begin
levant systems, which then process the re-            machine under VMware Workstation              with the configuration in a web browser.
quests. In ideal cases, an NLB group au-              9.0.1. Along with the VMware platform,        However, it is very easy to change the
tomatically detects the failure of a node             the software also supports Microsoft Hy-      IP address, particularly as
and transfers all new requests only to the            per-V and is available on a physical ap-      the required user and password infor-
remaining systems. NLB is basically suit-             pliance in different expansion stages.        mation is directly available in the console
able for web services,VPN services, strea-                                                          window.
ming media, remote desktop services and               In the minimum configuration we se-
proxy services.                                       lected, the NLB server required 1 GB          Bare-bones User Interface
                                                      of RAM, used a virtual CPU and had a          The menu on the Enterprise VA website
NLB can be implemented using a wide                   virtual 8-GB SCSI hard disk for storing       did not particularly impress us, but it at
range of technical approaches. However,               the configuration data, the CentOS-ba-        least allows the user to switch language
all implementation methods have one                   sed operating system and the log infor-       between English, German and French.The
thing in common: there is one shared, vir-            mation. The number of required IP ad-         header bar offers the items "Master| Sla-
tual network address (a so-called VIP, vir-           dresses and vir tual network cards            ve", "Active|Passive" and "Link." The

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Loadbalancer.org Enterprise VA 7.5 - Load Balancing 09/2013
P R O D U C T S I Te s t

                                                                                                                      Our aim was to achieve two identically
                                                                                                                      configured Microsoft Exchange 2010 ser-
                                                                                                                      vers from the predefined "Contoso" series
                                                                                                                      in the NLB group using Outlook Web
                                                                                                                      App (OWA) and to access the machines
                                                                                                                      with Microsoft Outlook. In a real envi-
                                                                                                                      ronment, the NLB service would be ap-
                                                                                                                      plied exclusively to the servers that have
                                                                                                                      the role of Client Access Servers.The ser-
                                                                                                                      vers process all Exchange client data traffic,
                                                                                                                      including OWA, ActiveSync, IMAP4,
                                                                                                                      POP3, RPC/MAPI and Outlook

                                                                                                                         Direct Routing (DR)
                                                                                                                         An NLB method based on layer 4 of the OSI refe-
                                                                                                                         rence model with very high performance in a fre-
                                                                                                                         quently used procedure in which the NLB server modi-
                                                                                                                         fies the destination MAC address of the data stream
                                                                                                                         during active operation. All participating servers ex-
                                                                                                                         pect to directly occupy the virtual IP address of the
                                                                                                                         NLB (the VIP). Although the servers are permitted to
                                                                                                                         and must actually respond via the VIP, this is not the
Illustration 1: Enterprise VA NLB from Loadbalancer.org is fully configured with only a few mouseclicks. However,        case for ARP requests. The direct routing mode allows
certain option parameters are not comprehensible without first referring to the documentation.                           servers in an associated network to access the VIPs
                                                                                                                         or RIPs (real IP addresses). No additional subnets or
                                                                                                                         routes are needed in the network, which makes se-
"Master" and "Active" settings were con-                       DNS settings. The four NICs assigned to                   tup easier. According to the vendor, Loadbalancer.org,
tinuously displayed in green as we only                        the virtual appliance can each be associated              the direct routing mode for HTTP requests is eight ti-
                                                                                                                         mes faster than NAT, and in the case of terminal ser-
worked with one NLB server and there-                          with a VLAN using the Network Interface
                                                                                                                         vices, the speed advantage over NAT is even a factor
fore could not switch to the second node.                      Configuration. In environments with                       of 50 greater.
The main menu on the left includes areas                       stricter security requirements, it is recom-
                                                                                                                         Network Address Translation (NAT)
such as "Overview", Local Configuration"                       mendable to link two Ethernet adapters                    If DR cannot be used, NAT (also a layer 4 service), is
and "Cluster Configuration."                                   together as a "bond" in each case.The ad-                 the next fastest option for load balancing. The DR
                                                               ministrator can carry out routing at the                  mode cannot be used if applications cannot respond
Even on the main page, the administrator                       web interface and does not have to switch                 to the two required IP addresses (RIP and VIP). The
can view a graphical presentation of the                       to the console to do so.The administrator                 setup in the NAT alternative resembles for the most
                                                                                                                         part that of a firewall environment. As a result, exten-
bandwidth usage, the system load and the                       can also enter individual commands at the                 sive changes in the configuration are needed for this
amount of RAM still available for use.                         web interface for direct transfer to the                  alternative.
Much more important than this, though                          shell. The software also displays the result              Virtual Server via IP Tunneling (TUN)
– and users cannot see it at this time as                      – for ifconfig, for example – at the web                  The "IP Encapsulation" is also found on layer 4. It is
no NLB cluster has yet been configured                         interface.                                                technical similar to direct routing, except that an en-
– is the key view of the NLB groups.This                                                                                 capsulated IP tunnel is used.
view presents the key fundamental data                         Complex Exchange                                          SSL Termination
of the involved servers, ports and virtual                     OWA Load Balancing                                        SSL Termination refers to the ability of the load balan-
IP addresses against a colored background                      While installation and initial configuration              cer to search for session cookies in an HTTPS data
                                                                                                                         stream on layer 7 of the OSI reference model. To this
whose meaning is self-evident. If every-                       only take a few minutes, configuration of
                                                                                                                         end, the system must be able to decode the data traf-
thing is functioning properly, the frame                       the NLB was rather more complicated.                      fic during active operation.
around the information and the filling are                     Fortunately, the vendor provides the ap-
                                                                                                                         Source Network Address Translation (SNAT)
shown in green, while yellow indicates                         propriate documentation in the form PDF                   The HA proxy method implemented on layer 7 allows
the need for administrative intervention,                      files for the varied range of scenarios, such             the correct use of cookies for the assignment of RDP,
and red signals the failure of all relevant                    as web, Exchange and terminal services.                   session broker or SSL accesses. The advantage of this
components.                                                    These files can be downloaded from the                    alternative is that the configuration of the applications
                                                                                                                         and servers does not have to be altered. In terms of
                                                               vendor's homepage. It may well be the
                                                                                                                         speed, according to the vendor Loadbalancer.org, this
The local configuration options are res-                       case that an administrator, who works on                  method is slower than layer-4 NLB functionality.
tricted to mandatory parameters, such as                       a daily basis with NLBs, knows all para-
the assignment of a host name, definition                      meters in detail.We, however, were grateful                Supported Types
of the role that the administrator can de-                     for the documentation when getting to                      of Load Balancing
fine to be "master" or "slave", and the                        know the system.

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Loadbalancer.org Enterprise VA 7.5 - Load Balancing 09/2013
P R O D U C T S I Te s t

                                                                                                                        Since there are plenty of constellations
                                                                                                                        in which an NLB group server member
                                                                                                                        is to be shut down, the "heavy-handed"
                                                                                                                        method does not need to be used every
                                                                                                                        time. The Drain command on the menu
                                                                                                                        bar of the load balancer is very practical
                                                                                                                        in this regard. Along with the Halt com-
                                                                                                                        mand, which immediately ends all con-
                                                                                                                        nections to the selected server, Drain
              Illustration 2: The load balancing between the servers can best be viewed graphically with a time axis.   has the effect that the machine deals
                                                                                                                        with all connections that are still open.
                                                                                                                        Since the load balancer does not initiate
Anywhere, in the CAS role. The entire                     entry to ensure that the machine is con-                      any further connections in this status,
internal data traffic in an Exchange 2010                 sidered less frequently during the as-                        the server can calmly process the exis-
environment is handled by the Hub Trans-                  signment of sessions. In general, the ven-                    ting tasks.
port Servers, which share the load inde-                  dor – who refers in this case to Microsoft
pendently by default.                                     – recommends assignment by "weighted
                                                          round robin" as the most suitable method.
                                                                                                                           Load balancer in the form of a software or hardware
Using the English version of the PDF ma-                  There is no dynamic assignment in ac-
nual, we began with the installation of a                 cordance with the current memory or
Source Network Address Translation HA-                    CPU load on the target server. In this case,
                                                                                                                           Loadbalancer.org GmbH
Proxy (SNAT). More or less twenty pages                   the NLB would have to sample the data
dealt with setting parameters and confi-                  on the Windows servers by WMI.
guring settings. While configuration of                                                                                    Price
                                                                                                                           The smallest model of the virtual appliance, Enterprise
the CAS-VIP bond on the Exchange ser-                     Reliable Load Balancing
                                                                                                                           VA R16, limited to 16 servers, costs 1,195 euro. The
ver is, of course, one of the work steps to               After about 90 minutes, we were able to
                                                                                                                           price of the unlimited virtual appliance starts at 2,995
be expected, the manual modification of                   directly test our configuration. As could
                                                                                                                           euro as an individual system and 4,995 euro for a
registry values could be considered to be                 be expected, the NLB server set up a                             double set.
a task more suited to an installation agent.              connection to one server at a time. As
                                                                                                                           Technical data
The registry values ensure that the address               no measurable difference could otherwise
book and the RPC service do not com-                      be seen, we then attempted to disrupt
municate through just any ports, but ins-                 the assignment by disabling a server. Wit-
                                                                                                                         IT Administrator's rating (max. 10 points)
tead exclusively through the ports 60.200                 hin a few seconds, the load balancer de-
and 60.201. Also other parameters, such                   tected the failure of the node and di-                         Configuration work                                   7

as the value of 3,600,000 for client and                  rected all new requests to the remaining
                                                                                                                         Load balancing alternatives                          8
server timeouts, should be defined either                 servers. If the two servers failed, the NLB
by a wizard that assists an administrator                 server could only present a local failover
                                                                                                                         Administrability                                     7
during the Exchange NLB installation or                   website, whose visual display and contents
at least given in a more user-friendly unit               the administrator can modify for his or
                                                                                                                         Operating reliability                                8
(milliseconds in this case). Interestingly,               her company.
three pages later, the software again de-
                                                                                                                         Documentation                                        8
mands the input of an hour, but this time                 In another step, we used a test program
in minute format.                                         to set up a very large number of very fast
                                                          HTTP connections at the same time                                This product is
In summary, the administrator sets up two                 through the load balancer to the IIS web
layer-7 services for the Exchange NLB:                    services of the Exchange servers.The load                           very suitable for companies wishing to run diffe-
one service is for ports 80 and 443, the                  was, as expected, shared equally between                            rent systems using load balancing.
other service responds to the specific ports              the systems. If one of the servers is stop-
for Outlook.The administrator assigns the                 ped, a message was displayed for about                              conditionally suitable for companies that already
                                                                                                                              use other NLB methods.
physical machines to the two services in                  five seconds to indicate that the destina-
a second step. As is typical for NLB, the                 tion could not be reached, before the load                          not suitable for companies that only have indivi-
relative weighting to the other NLB ser-                  balancer switched to the other system.                              dual servers and do not require load balancing.
vers can be specified using the "Weight"                  Regarded overall, the NLB server could
entry. For example, if one of the servers                 not be disrupted in implementing its tasks.
provides less performance than the others,                We experienced similarly positive results                          Loadbalancer.org Enterprise VA 7.5
the administrator could use the weight                    in the case of remote desktop access.

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Loadbalancer.org Enterprise VA 7.5 - Load Balancing 09/2013
P R O D U C T S I Te s t

                                                                                                                           highlighting of the different defined virtual
                                                                                                                           services or even a filter function would have
                                                                                                                           been very helpful instead of endless linking
                                                                                                                           of the rows together. Apart from transfer of
                                                                                                                           the messages to a Syslog server, there are no
                                                                                                                           other utilities.

                                                                                                                           Anyone who has ever had to work frus-
                                                                                                                           tratingly for several hours with the NLB
                                                                                                                           services from Microsoft will like the al-
                                                                                                                           ternative offered by Loadbalancer.org.We
                                                                                                                           were able within two hours of the test to
                                                                                                                           set up and configure a load balancer for
                                                                                                                           Microsoft Exchange 2010 OWA.The sys-
                                                                                                                           tem gives the user an easy introduction to
                                                                                                                           the subject and is sparing on details.Within
                                                                                                                           a very short period of time, we had our
                                                                                                                           first remote desktop NLB or HTTP-NLB
                           Illustration 3: An overview shows in color the situation regarding the clusters and servers
                                                                                                                           set up without having to change anything
                                                                                                                           in the existing configuration. On the one
Unclear Log Files                                         ckup and restore functions for manual ba-                        hand, that is pleasing, while on the other
We were very impressed by the option to                   ckup are available as is synchronization with                    hand, it is very useful for operational se-
directly view configuration files on the web              a peer partner. Although the log files, if acti-                 curity in the company. Only a small num-
interface.This option means there is no need              vated by the administrator, provide important                    ber of weaknesses in the configuration pro-
to switch to the console.The administrator                information – for example, on timestamps,                        cedure lead to occasional annoyance and
can access the integrated firewall using scripts          the source IP address with port and the des-                     make the administrator's work unnecessa-
and also directly from the web interface. Ba-             tination of the connection – at least color                      rily more difficult. (dr)

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Loadbalancer.org Enterprise VA 7.5 - Load Balancing 09/2013
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