Living your legacy A legacy is more than what you leave behind when you die. It's also what you give as you live - Thrivent

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Living your legacy A legacy is more than what you leave behind when you die. It's also what you give as you live - Thrivent
Living your
                                                                                  A legacy is more than what you leave behind when
                                                                                  you die. It’s also what you give as you live.

                                                                                  By Kathleen Childers

                                                                                                   hat does legacy mean        Am I giving of myself? Am I leaving        to leave the world a better place.
                                                                                                   to you? Traditionally, it   the world a better place?”                    If you want to volunteer but aren’t
                                                                                                   refers to leaving behind       The answers can inspire you to          sure for what cause, start by
                                                                                                   something upon death,       take action. You might volunteer your      identifying your interests and values.
                                                                                  like money or property. But there’s          time at a shelter, make donations to a     Then look for organizations that
                                                                                  another way to think about legacy            favorite cause, organize a way to feed     do work in those areas. Search
                                                                                  that’s about the present.                    people who are homeless or use a           online or ask friends and family
                                                                                     For Pastor Esteban Mesa and his           financial tool to structure your giving.   for recommendations.
                                                                                  wife, Miriam, legacy is about sharing           Whatever you choose to do, actions         Keith Berman, the Mesas’
                                                                                  their time and talents today in service      you take today are your living legacy.     Miami-based Thrivent financial
                                                                                  to others.                                                                              consultant, has clients who tell him
                                                                                     To the Wold family—Catherine and          Volunteer your time                        they want to help but are unsure how
                                                                                  her children and grandchildren—it’s          Pastor Esteban and Miriam Mesa             to get started.
                                                                                  about living out and passing on the          have led a life of service in Miami.          “I start asking them questions,” he
                                                                                  values demonstrated by her late              “It’s what we’ve been called to do,”       says, “about what causes they care
                                                                                  husband, David.                              says Esteban. He served 30 years as        about. Often, I can connect them
                                                                                     Both the Mesas and the Wolds              a Lutheran pastor and nine years as        with others I know in the community
                                                                                  are practicing what can be called a          a hospice chaplain. Esteban recently       who may have service opportunities
                                                                                  “living legacy.” It’s based on the idea      retired, but he and Miriam continue        for them.”
                                                                                  that you can pass along your legacy          their commitment to volunteering,             Thrivent is also a resource for

                                     Photo by VisualCommunications/Getty Images
                                                                                  while you’re alive, whether it’s your        helping to provide food and clothing       volunteer opportunities.
                                                                                  values, passions, time or money.             to people in need in their region.            “Eligible Thrivent clients can apply
                                                                                     Mandy Tuong, president and                “We care about people in need,” says       to organize a Thrivent Action Team to
                                                                                  CEO of Thrivent Charitable Impact            Esteban, “and that’s why we show up        help a favorite cause. Or anyone can
                                                                                  & Investing™, has noticed increased          in the community.”                         volunteer on someone else’s team,”
                                                                                  interest in this concept in recent years        You might not be inclined to            says Ryan Hahler, director of Member
                                                                                  and encourages clients to embrace            volunteer with the same intensity          Engagement Strategies at Thrivent.
                                                                                  the idea. “It starts by asking yourself      as the Mesas, but any amount of            (Learn more about Thrivent Action
                                                                                  some questions,” she says. “Am I             volunteer work is a way to live your       Teams and other Thrivent programs
                                                                                  doing something good when I can?             legacy because it reflects your desire     in “Ways Thrivent can help.”)

24 | Thrivent Magazine | Fall 2021                                                                                                                                                     | 25
Living your legacy A legacy is more than what you leave behind when you die. It's also what you give as you live - Thrivent
an IRA directly to charity. The QCD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              also will count toward satisfying
                                                                                                                                                      Deciding what to support                                                                your required minimum distribution
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (RMD) from your IRA.
                                                                                                                                                      Are you interested in a living legacy but aren’t sure what causes you’d like
                                                                                                                                                      to support? These questions from Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing                Pass along your values
                                                                                                                                                      can help you identify your interests.                                                  Your values—the way you see the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             world and your role in it—are also
                                                                                                                                                      •	Do you actively volunteer with any organizations?                                   part of your legacy. They’re import-
                                                                                                                                                      •	What organizations or institutions have provided the greatest influences            ant to you, which likely makes them
                                                                                                                                                         in your life (for example, church, school or college, community, etc.)?             important to your loved ones.
                                                                                                                                                      •	What appeals to you about your favorite charities?                                     So how do you pass along
                                                                                                                                                      •	Would your financial support to any organization or charity be missed if            something that’s not tangible? Much
                                                                                                                                                         it ceased?                                                                          of that happens by example, being a
                                                                                                                                                      •	Are there societal issues you wish to address?                                      role model for others as you live your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             life day to day.
                                                                                                                                                      Once you narrow your interests, you can research organizations and look                   But you can be more intentional
                                                                                                                                                      for ways to support them.                                                              about it, too. One way is to have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             conversations with your family and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             friends about why you care about
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             certain causes and how you would
Start an organization or create an     was able to deliver more than 200      Above: For the Wolds, being charitable is                                                                                                                      like to impact the world.
opportunity to fill a need             Thanksgiving baskets last year.        a family affair. They decide together which                           designated amount of the fund is           making grants from the fund soon                 The Wold family discovered that
                                                                              organizations receive grants from their
Supporting a cause isn’t always a         At other times during the year,     charitable fund.                                                      granted to charities of your choice.       after his death.                              sharing values is an outcome of
once-and-done effort. For ongoing      the Mesas and members of their                                                                                  There are several other benefits            You don’t need to be wealthy to           managing their charitable fund.
needs, like supplying food or          family cook food at their home that                                                                          to structuring your donations this         open a charitable fund. Some have             They’ve established an annual ritual
providing transportation, consider     they then deliver to people in need,                                                                         way, including:                            no minimum requirement though                 around the fund. Every December,
creating an organization that          along with clothing and blankets.                                                                            • You can give when it’s right for you.   there can be minimum amounts for              the entire family of 17—Catherine
supports the cause.                    They manage all of this even           Structure your donations                                              • There are potential tax advantages.     grants, but they can be as low                and her children (Nick, Rebecca
   Fifteen years ago, the Mesas        though the ministry isn’t a            Making donations to favorite causes                                   • Grants are scheduled so you             as $100.                                      Wold Freeman and Rachel McArthur)
volunteered to teach English to        formalized organization.               is another example of a living legacy.                                   know where your money is going              “Our grants aren’t huge,” says            and grandchildren (ages 5 to 16)
immigrants. Not long after they           Are you interested in creating a    Some people donate as they become                                        and when.                               Nick Wold, Catherine and David’s              gather for a dinner to discuss their
started, it became clear that          more formalized nonprofit organi-      aware of a need while others donate                                   • Statements detail your giving.          son. “But we know that even a small           ideas of where they see needs and
their students were struggling for     zation or maybe an informal            on a set schedule. But as the idea                                    • Grants can be made in honor or          amount can make a difference to               vote on which organizations they’ll
adequate food and clothing. So         “movement” to help others? “It’s       of a living legacy has become                                            memory of someone.                      an organization.”                             give grants to. Everyone’s votes
the Mesas, along with Xiomara          not uncommon among our donors,”        more popular, many people have                                        • Scholarships can be created with            You also can use your investment          have equal weight.
Rodriguez, a friend and member         says Tuong, “because they are so       embraced another way of donating,                                        certain funds.                          assets to make a difference                      “My dad wanted this to be a
of their congregation, created a       generous both financially and in       through charitable funds.                                             • Cash or assets can be donated.          directly or use them to establish a           family effort,” says Nick, “and we
ministry to serve those needs.         volunteering. We’ve had donors who        “People are establishing charitable                                • Grants can be made to support a         charitable fund. There may be some            wanted to carry on his legacy of
   It started with delivering          used their financial blessings to do   funds to make grants to their favorite                                   nonprofit that you start.               tax benefits.*                                living and giving.”
Thanksgiving meals. “I asked the       simple but wonderful things—like       causes,” says Tuong, “so they can                                                                                    Consider these options:                      The Wold family members are
president of the local Kiwanis Club    run community gardens to teach         see the impact of their contributions.”                                 The Wold family has been granting        • Gift a portion or all of your nonretire-   very close, and they spend a lot of
for help,” says Esteban, “His group    kids about healthy eating and             These financial tools are investment                               money from a charitable fund for              ment account mutual fund shares to         time together throughout the year.
was able to provide 45 meals and       personal discipline, or starting an    funds. Here’s how they work: You                                      several years. David set it up with           a charity of your choice through a         But the annual fund gatherings have
                                                                                                                            Photo by David Bowman

baskets, which we delivered.”          effort to bring more kindness to       open a charitable fund with a                                         his father about 10 years ago. They           transfer of ownership.                     inspired everyone to be more
   Esteban also enlisted the help      everyday interactions in honor of      contribution, and you choose                                          planned to grow the fund and hadn’t        • Anyone age 70½ or over can elect           aware of needs in the world. And
of churches throughout the area,       their late child who lived by that     how that money is invested. Any                                       yet started making grants from it             a Qualified Charitable Distribution        they’re fun.
of all denominations. As a result of   principle every day.”                  earnings the fund may generate                                        when David died three years ago. To           (QCD), which allows you to distrib-           “We love to see the kids come
the combined effort, the ministry                                             are reinvested. A percentage or                                       honor him, the family decided to start        ute up to $100,000 per year from           together for these dinners,” says

26 | Thrivent Magazine | Fall 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | 27
Living your legacy A legacy is more than what you leave behind when you die. It's also what you give as you live - Thrivent
Rebecca. “It encourages them to
look outside of their own lives.”
   The kids are both students and
teachers, as they hear about various
causes and offer their own ideas.
And sometimes, they share about
how they support charities with
others. “My kids will talk with their
friends about the fact that they’ve
given to different causes,” says
Rachel. “Even my 5-year-old talks
about how she’s helping animals
with her friends.”
   The experiences with the fund
have led to other broader discus-
sions about giving. “It makes us
realize that the places we give
financial help to are also places we
can give our time and volunteer,”
says Catherine. “It makes the kids
think about that, too. Besides the
financial part of it, what else can
we do?”                                         How Thrivent can help
   That’s a living legacy at its best. n
                                                •	Talk to your financial professional for more information about financial
Kathleen Childers is a writer in                   tools and concepts that can help you maximize your giving while
Minnesota.                                         you’re living.
                                                •	Learn more about Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing™ and the
                                                   ways you can donate assets or create a donor-advised fund. Go to
                                                •	Find out how you can use your Thrivent Mutual Funds to inspire
Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing™,           generosity at or by talking to your
a separate legal entity from Thrivent, the         financial professional.
marketing name for Thrivent Financial
for Lutherans, is a public charity that         Thrivent also has several programs available to help you live your legacy:
serves individuals, organizations and the       •	Thrivent Action Teams: Support your community by applying to lead
community through charitable planning,
                                                   a team for a fundraiser, educational event or service activity. Thrivent
donor-advised funds and endowments.
Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing             provides the resources you need.
works collaboratively with Thrivent and its
financial professionals.                        •	Thrivent Choice: Direct Choice Dollars® to organizations and causes,
                                                  and influence how Thrivent distributes some of the program’s funding.
*Thrivent and its financial professionals
                                                                                                                              Photo by SDI Productions/Getty Images

  do not provide legal, accounting or tax
                                                •	Online giving platform: Make a donation to one of the more than
  advice. Consult your attorney or
  tax professional.
                                                   40,000 organizations enrolled in Thrivent Choice. Thrivent pays the pro-
                                                   cessing fees so 100% of your donation goes to the organization.
Member benefits, programs and activities
are not guaranteed contractual benefits.        Thrivent Action Teams and Thrivent Choice are open to eligible
You should never purchase or retain any         Thrivent clients. Learn more at or contact your Thrivent
insurance or annuity products simply to be      financial professional.
able to participate. Participation is subject
to applicable Terms and Conditions.

28 | Thrivent Magazine | Fall 2021
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