Liverpool City Region Health Informatics Research Strategy 2017-2022 -

Page created by Jeremy Blair
Liverpool City Region
Health Informatics
Research Strategy
LCR Health Informatics Research Strategy   3


Executive summary                                  4
1. Mission, vision and objectives                  6
2. Introduction                                    7
3. Learning healthcare systems                     12
4. Regional data storage and access facility       14
5. Patient and public involvement and engagement   16
6. Permissions and consent governance              18
7. Current local and regional initiatives          20
8. Generating wealth                               23
9. Phased approach                                 25
Appendix a                                         26
4                                                                                                                                                                                                             LCR Health Informatics Research Strategy             5

Executive summary

A joined-up approach to health data     There are 5 vital elements to this     2. Working with the public              5. Identify the resources required
is essential to improving healthcare    strategy:                                                                         and bring investment in to the
and to supporting research. With                                               We are committed to                        LCR digital economy                    Integration across the LCR and the wider Cheshire and Merseyside regions
the appropriate safeguards this         1. Building a vibrant                  communicating and working with
                                                                                                                                                                 In order to ensure integration and linkage across the LCR and the wider Cheshire
will improve health outcomes for           and effective network               the citizens in our region. We will     Delivering this strategy will require     and Merseyside regional networks (“our region”)*, a Strategy Implementation
patients and communities, improve                                              explore how personal health data        significant investment into the           Group will be convened with cross representation, including a representative from
                                        We propose to work in partnership      may be used for research, the           local digital health economy. In          the Cheshire and Merseyside Sustainability and Transformation Partnership’s
service delivery and efficiency, and    and build upon the excellent talent    potential benefits, and safeguards      the first instance this will need         (STP) Digital Group and a Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE)
lead to new scientific discoveries.     and leadership within the LCR:         that permit personal health             to come from the local health             representative. The Strategy Implementation Group will report to the LHP Board on
                                        we benefit from a vibrant digital                                                                                        a quarterly basis. The Terms of Reference will be agreed at the first meeting of the
This strategy document outlines                                                data sets to be anonymised in           economy but we must position              group. Reciprocally, a representative from the Strategy Implementation Group will
the steps that are needed to create     economy, and within the healthcare     any analysis without identifying        ourselves, working with the Local         sit on the Clinical Informatics Advisory Group.
a trustworthy approach to enable        sector there has been significant      individuals. We also need to identify   Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and
the use of personal health data,        investment from local and national     which uses of data are acceptable       others, to attract further national           Action                                                             Timeline
that are already routinely collected,   sources. National funding includes     to our local population. Public         and international investment in
for research purposes. Our aim is       four ‘Global Digital Exemplars’ at     engagement work has already             infrastructure and manpower.                  1. Appoint a Chief Officer to oversee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        January 2018 to
                                        the following NHS Trusts: Alder                                                                                                 the development and delivery of an
to work in partnership to create a                                             started via some of the initiatives                                                                                                                      December 2018
                                        Hey Children’s NHS Foundation                                                  In conclusion, we generate a huge                implementation plan.
learning healthcare system for the                                             mentioned above, and we are
Liverpool City Region (LCR), and        Trust, The Royal Liverpool and         committed to strengthening and          amount of personal health data                2. Establish a Strategy Implementation Group
                                        Broadgreen University Hospitals                                                in our healthcare system, but are                                                                                January 2018 to
the wider Cheshire and Merseyside                                              widening this engagement.                                                                to oversee the delivery of the strategy and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        December 2020
regions, where research findings        NHS Trust, Mersey Care NHS                                                     not using it to its fullest extent. The          implementation plan.
can be swiftly implemented into         Foundation Trust and Wirral            3. Establishing and rolling out a       Chief Medical Officer, Professor
                                                                                                                                                                     3. Undertake a programme of work on public
practice. This has the potential        University Teaching Hospitals NHS         model of consent                     Dame Sally Davies recently stated,
                                                                                                                                                                        engagement to describe the benefits of data                     January 2018 to
to transform healthcare delivery        Foundation Trust. Local initiatives                                            “Personal data must always be
                                                                               Some uses of data require consent,                                                       use for research and identify uses that are                     December 2018
and population health, as well as       include the Merseyside Digital                                                 stored securely, but using it                    acceptable to the people of LCR.
                                        Roadmap and the iLINKS project.        which in turn requires processes        responsibly can bring huge benefits
bringing investment into our region.
                                        Whilst these initiatives will impact   and systems that meet national          to patients and improve diagnosis             4. Identify the best model for gaining consent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        From December
This is already happening in other      on IT systems, local care delivery     standards. Gaining consent is           and treatment across the world”.                 to share data for research in keeping with
parts of the UK, and it is important    and the flow of information,           complex as people need to identify      Our strategy is consistent with this,            national governance standards.
that we are not left behind. Indeed,    research is not an integral part of    which data they are happy to share      and outlines our vision to effectively        5. Develop a programme of work in phases,
the potential of using personal         their remit.                           and with whom. A system that            utilise locally-generated personal               initially identifying key clinical pathways/                    First wave of
                                                                               records consent needs to take into                                                                                                                       pathways from
health data to improve health                                                                                          data, with the public’s consent, to              services for data analyses, but building it
                                        This document describes the            account that the public interacts                                                        up to encompass the whole healthcare                            June 2018
and the need for investment in                                                                                         improve the health and prosperity
infrastructure has been highlighted     strategy for building a research       with the NHS at various sites, and      of our city and wider regions.                   economy, utilising the significant expertise and                Second wave from
by the Medical Research Council,        infrastructure integrated into         that the public must have the ability                                                    experience already present in Liverpool and                     June 2019
                                        these initiatives. We will expand      to change their consent.                                                                 the region.
The Wellcome Trust, and the Chief
Medical Officer.                        to include other stakeholders,                                                                                               6. Identify the requirements and best provider
                                        working in partnership with NHS        4. Creating a secure facility for
                                                                                                                                                                        of a data ark/repository and commission its                     From June 2018
                                        Trusts, the University of Liverpool,      data analysis
                                                                                                                       Professor Andrew Morris
                                        Liverpool John Moores University       We require a data facility that can     Director of Health Data Research UK           7. Identify datasets for inclusion in the data ark,
                                        and other local digital partners.      anonymise and store data from                                                            building on existing programs of work including
                                        This builds on our experience with     a range of NHS and non-NHS                                                               the Global Digital Exemplar NHS Trusts,          From June 2018
                                        the Department of Health funded        organisations (e.g. universities)                                                        iLINKS, Informatics Merseyside, and NW Coast
                                        North West Coast (NWC) Connected                                                                                                Connected Health Cities.
                                                                               that meets national regulatory
                                        Health Cities (CHC) programme          governance standards. This will                                                       8. Identify workforce research health informatics
                                        and we will also work with experts     need the facility to link datasets                                                       training needs locally and develop and
                                        across the UK, to ensure we are                                                Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed                                                                                   From June 2018
                                                                               in a secure way, and allow trusted                                                       strengthen education programs for that
                                        working to the highest possible                                                Executive Director, LHP
                                                                               researchers access to the data in an                                                     workforce.
                                        standards.                             environment where they have the
                                                                               tools to analyse it.                                                              *
                                                                                                                                                                     For the purpose of this document, “our region” denotes the LCR, working in partnership with
                                                                                                                                                                     the wider Cheshire and Merseyside STP footprint.

                                                                                                                       Professor Tony Marson
                                                                                                                       Professor of Neurology,
                                                                                                                       The Walton Centre NHS
                                                                                                                       Foundation Trust
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                  LCR Health Informatics Research Strategy   7

    1     Mission, vision and objectives                                                                         2           Introduction

                                                                                                                2.1. Why do we need a health informatics research strategy?

Our mission                            Our objectives                                                           This is a crucial time for the LCR                       We are one of only 3 City Regions              Additionally, there are wider
                                                                             Example – Northern                 and the Cheshire and Merseyside                          in England to have all of these                networks across our region that
Our mission is to make our region      • Work with the public to identify                                       STP (see Figure 1), as resources                         developments, meaning that we                  have already carried out a significant
a world leader in health informatics     appropriate uses of health data     England amongst                    for health and social care are                           have greater freedom to make major             amount of work in data sharing (e.g.
research.                                for research and gain consent.      worst for multiple health          squeezed, whilst demand for access                       decisions that affect all of our lives,        Health Information Exchanges and
                                       • Create an infrastructure that       and social needs                   to services increases. At the same                       including those about health and               the Cheshire Care Record). Ensuring
Our vision
                                         links information systems, stores                                      time power is being devolved                             investment in technologies. Health             that the wide range of systems that
Our vision for health informatics        data securely, and enables a        Examining the relationship         from central Government with the                         is a key concern for people in our             influence health outcomes in our
research is to put the people of         learning health system across       between multiple different         establishment of the Combined                            region, and in order for it to thrive,         region can deliver the best possible
our region at the forefront to           our region, linking in with wider   metrics of health and              Authority, coterminous with the                          improving the health of individuals,           health for everyone depends
revolutionise healthcare delivery        networks (e.g. the STP and other    wellbeing using clustering         LEP boundary, creating a functional                      children, families and communities             fundamentally on research (see
and transform our ability to make        Universities across Cheshire and    methods, researchers from          economic geography that includes a                       is essential. We have a proud and              Figure 2). This research depends on
new scientific discoveries.              Merseyside).                        Liverpool John Moores              critical mass of research bodies and                     long tradition of working together             access to and timely use of high-
                                       • Bring together and add value        University identified 5 distinct   innovation assets.                                       with our universities, the local NHS,          quality data.
                                         to on-going initiatives and         clusters of public health need.                                                             city and local councils and voluntary
                                                                             Despite accounting for only        The formalised devolution                                sectors to improve health.
                                         clinical systems within our
                                                                             13% of all local authorities       agreement with the Government
                                         region by developing a research
                                                                             mapped, Northern England           includes the creation of a £458
                                                                             accounted for over 60% of          million Single Investment Fund, a
                                       • Undertake analyses of data that                                        Single Growth Strategy and now an
                                                                             local authorities in the worst
                                         will improve health, the delivery                                      elected Metro Mayor.
                                                                             cluster. Examination of health
                                         of services, and make new
                                                                             outcomes data on a smaller
                                         discoveries in both clinical and
                                                                             geographical area would allow
                                         non-clinical research.
                                                                             us to pinpoint the areas of
                                       • Create jobs and attract             most need in the North West
                                         investment into our region.         for the appropriate targeting
                                       • To work with organisations to       of interventions and services.
                                         build training programmes and
                                         expand the health informatics
                                         knowledge of those working in                                             Figure 1: LCR Health Informatics Strategy Region
                                         our region.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Cheshire and
                                                                                                                                                                                         Liverpool City Region                           Merseyside STP
                                                                                                                                                                                                       St Helens
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Knowsley                              Merseyside

                                                                                                                                        St Helens





8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        LCR Health Informatics Research Strategy   9

                                                                                                                                                          2.2. The poor health in our region and the stark health inequalities

Whilst there are a number of on-                                                                                                                          The LCR serves a population of                                             Liverpool Clinical Commissioning         This is a critical time for health in
going local digital and informatics      Figure 2: The stages of research                                                                                 nearly 1.5 million and includes                                            Group (LCCG) highlight that 30%          our region: health services, the city
initiatives, the main focus of most                                                                                                                       some of the highest levels of                                              of people in the city live with one      council and local voluntary agencies
                                         This is a schematic of the full research and adoption pathway, covering the whole
initiatives is on creating clinical                                                                                                                       deprivation and poverty across the                                         or more long-term conditions,            are under considerable pressure
                                         spectrum from research design (which includes discovery and early phase research),
systems. Crucially there is no           research delivery (including recruiting patients into trials), adoption of research into                         country with some of its mortality                                         with Liverpool having one of the         for resources. The Five Year
overarching strategy for research,       practice (including implementation) and diffusion of best practice into the NHS.                                 rates 76% higher than the European                                         highest cancer mortality rates in        Forward View is part of the health
including non-clinical research,                                                                                                                          average.                                                                   England. In addition, LCCG state         service response to this agenda.
which is a threat to our future health                                                    Specialty Services                                                                                                                         there are 93,000 people affected         Key themes in the plan include
and prosperity. People’s health
                                                                                          and Opportunities
                                                                                                                                                          A baby girl in Liverpool can expect                                        by mental health problems, and by        supporting people to live better
                                                                                                                                   Research Design
is influenced by political, social,                                                                                               Service North West      to live 15 fewer years in good                                             2021 there will be a 10.7% increase      quality lives by working together
economic, environmental and                                                                                                          HEIs and NHS         health than a baby girl in Richmond,                                       in the number of people living           with partners in local government
cultural factors. (Figure 3).                                                          at
                                                                                         ion                   Re
                                                                                                                 se               Research Informatics
                                                                                                                                                          London. Similarly, adult health                                            with dementia (Healthy Liverpool         and the voluntary sector to develop
                                                                                     in                            a
                                                                                                                                                          in the LCR is significantly worse                                          Blueprint, 2015).                        more joined up models of care;

                                                Innovation Hubs


                                                                                                                                      CHC Digital
The greatest influences on our                                                                                                                            than the England average for


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              standardising quality of care and

health and wellbeing are factors                                                               Improving
                                                                                                                                                          early deaths due to cancer and                                                                                      reducing unwarranted variation,
such as poverty, education and                                                                  Patient                                                   cardiovascular disease deaths;                                                                                      and using the latest technology to
employment, housing and the extent                                                                                                                        alcohol-related hospital stays;                                                                                     support people in their own homes.
to which our community facilitates                                                                                                                        rates of hip fractures; sexually


                                                                                                                                   Research Facilities


healthy habits and social connection.                                                                                                                     transmitted infections and people


                                                Innovation Hubs                      A                     De
                                                                                                                                     HEIs and NHS
                                                                                                                                                          killed and seriously injured on

These determinants of health are,                                                                                                NIHR Clinical Research
                                                                                                                                    Network North         roads. Figure 4 illustrates how life
to some extent, under the influence                                                                                                   West Coast
                                                                                                                                                          expectancy changes dramatically
of local organisations, but in the                                              Collaboration for Leadership in
                                                                                                                                  Research Informatics    between areas in our region.
current climate many are struggling                                            Applied Health Research and Care
                                                                                       North West Coast
with budget cuts and increased

More than ever, organisations
need to know what works best to                                                                                                                              Figure 4: Inequalities in life expectancy in Liverpool
inform targeting of increasingly                                                                                                                             This figure illustrates how life expectancy varies by region across the
scarce resources. In order to            Figure 3: The factors that influence health in Liverpool                                                            Liverpool City Region.
understand and improve the               This figure illustrates the social determinants of health starting with the individual
health of people in our region, it is    and their lifestyle and including social and community networks and general                                         20 minutes on Merseyrail
necessary to make better use of the      socioeconomic, cultural and environmental conditions.
data we collect to understand factors                                                                                                                                                              Life expectancy
                                                                                                                                                                                      Southport                      78
that influence health over the course                                                                                                                                                  Birkdale                                83
of people’s lives.                                                            ic, cult
                                                                                       ural and enviro
                                                                                                          nem                                                                           Hillside                               83

                                                                      conom                                    ent                                                                     Ainsdale                                     85
                                                                    -e                                            al
                                                                  io                                                 co
                                                                                                                                                                                      Freshfield                               83
                                                             l s             Living    and    Working                  nd
                                                           ra                                                            iti                                                            Formby                                 83
                                                          e                         Conditions                              on
                                                                                                                                                                                      Hightown                            80
                                                                                                                                                                                      Hall Road                                83

                                                                                                          Unemployment                                           Blundellsands and Crosby                                      83
                                                         environment                        munity n
                                                                                   d co m                                                                                              Waterloo                 76
                                                                             l an                         or                                                        Seaforth and Litherland               73

                                                                         ocia                               ks        Water and                                           Bootle New Strand
                                                   Education            S            ua l lifestyle
                                                                                  id                fac               sanitation                                           Bootle Oriel Road
                                                                            In                           rs                                                                           Bank Hall            74

                                                                                                                          Health care                                                 Sandhills            74
                                               Agriculture                                                                   services                                             Moorfields                    76
                                                and food                                                                                                      Wirral Line to James
                                                                                                                                                              Street and Birkenhead                             76
                                               production                                                                                                                             Brunswick
                                                                                                                                                                                  St Michaels
                                                                                                                              Housing                                                                                78
                                                                                                                                                                                       Aigburth                           80
                                                                                       Age, sex and                                                                              Cressington
                                                                                      constitutional                                                              Liverpool South Parkway                                 80

                                                                                         factors                                                                                 Hunts Cross                              80
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ...10 fewer years of life
10                                                                                                                                                                                                LCR Health Informatics Research Strategy    11

2.3. Harnessing data to respond to these challenges to improve health                                                  2.4 This strategy

There is international recognition      Using routinely collected data in      The SAIL databank has been the          This strategy aims to put the people     We desperately need to respond to
of the potential for better use of      this way will require the creation     basis for over 160 research papers,     of our region at the forefront of        the criticism and external view, that      Action:
data for research to improve the        of a skilled workforce, including      spanning a wide range of topics,        the advanced analytics and health        the health economy in our region
delivery of services at local levels,   information technology experts,        including:                              informatics research agenda,             is too fragmented; a view that has         Appoint a Chief Officer to
improve population health, and          researchers, clinicians and                                                    improving health and bringing in         previously deterred investment.            oversee the development and
                                                                               • Evaluation of a housing
make new discoveries that can           managers, bringing investment and                                              investment.                                                                         delivery of an implementation
                                                                                 programme offering early help to
drive development and investment.       boosting employment.                                                                                                    Working with the public is also key        plan.
                                                                                 reduce demand on other services
Harnessing the rich data routinely                                                                                     Huge amounts of data are                 to this strategy. We need to ensure
                                                                                 such as health and social services.                                                                                       Establish a board to oversee
collected within our region offers      The Welsh Secure Anonymised                                                    generated and the volume and             the public are reassured about the
                                        Information Linkage (SAIL)             • Establishing a national multiple      variety of data generated increases      security of their personal health          the delivery of the strategy and
the opportunity to improve the lives
                                        Databank is a population level           sclerosis registry hosted and         every year. Each visit to a GP, a        data and the potential uses of it          implementation plan.
of people now, and to establish an
                                        data linkage system for Wales,           linked to the SAIL databank.          hospital, or services provided by        to facilitate research. However, at
essential data resource for future
research. For example, research         established by Swansea University      • Clinical trials using routinely       local councils (e.g. by schools or       the same time, we must not let this
using routinely collected data can      with funding from the Welsh              collected outcome data.               social care services) generates data.    impede their decision to consent
                                        Government. It now holds over                                                  However, although a great deal of        to the sharing of their data among         Example – Co-location
help identify:                                                                 • The establishment of the Welsh
                                        15 billion anonymised records of         Electronic Cohort of Children,        work has already gone into data          healthcare professionals providing         of GP at A&E reduces
• Whether services are working
                                        4-5 million people. There is much        which tracks over a million           sharing frameworks across our            direct care.                               waiting times and
  effectively and inform service
                                        learning that we can take from           children born in Wales across         region, we do not currently have                                                    hospital admissions
  improvements.                                                                                                                                                 We need to ensure that privacy
                                        SAIL, including the collaborations       health, education and social care.    the infrastructure or systems in
• Whether new technologies are          required, the development of a                                                 place to readily access and analyse      concerns are addressed,                    When Alder Hey Children’s
  being implemented and having          robust governance framework.                                                   these data for research purposes.        particularly given the lessons             NHS Foundation Trust decided
  an impact.                                                                                                           This is to the detriment of our local    from, and also learn             to introduce a GP on site,
• Variation in mortality and            SAIL began as a pilot in 2007,                                                 population and is impeding our           from the successes of health               next to their emergency
  associated causes.                    linking an extract of hospital and                                             ability to deliver efficient services,   information exchanges nationally           department, there was an
                                        GP records, and social services data                                           monitor them, make discoveries,          (e.g. Southampton and Leeds).              opportunity for researchers
• Previously unknown side
                                        from a local authority area. SAIL                                              and attract investment into our          We want to enable access to                to see whether this initiative
  effects (or beneficial effects) of
                                        now holds anonymised data from                                                 digital economy.                         data for research that is in the           had an impact on waiting
                                        80% of Welsh GP practices and                                                                                           interest of people in our region,          times, hospital admissions and
• Causes of diseases.                   large number of national datasets                                              To deliver this strategy we will         at the same time as maintaining            antibiotic prescriptions. Of
• Genetic causes and determinants       including: in-patient and out-                                                 need to overcome some significant        confidentiality and the highest            over 5,000 children deemed
  of diseases or response to            patient records, emergency care,                                               challenges. There are clearly a          standards for using data safely.           appropriate to be seen by the
  treatments.                           ONS births and deaths, screening                                               number of technical, ethical and                                                    GP, and after taking account of
                                        services, Welsh Cancer Intelligence                                            governance issues to address.                                                       other factors that may explain
                                        Surveillance Unit, Congenital                                                  However, the greatest initial                                                       some of the differences,
                                        Anomaly Register and Information                                               challenge may be to encourage                                                       children seen by the GP had
                                        Service for Wales, All Wales                                                   more local organisations to work                                                    shorter waiting times, were
                                        Perinatal Survey, Welsh Health                                                 together. Generally speaking there                                                  less than half as likely to be
                                        Survey, Welsh Index of Multiple                                                are major technical or governance                                                   admitted to hospital, but were
                                        Deprivation, Welsh Fire and Rescue                                             problems preventing organisations                                                   prescribed more antibiotics.
                                        Service Data and National Pupil                                                from sharing data with one                                                          This research would not
                                        Database Wales.                                                                another; and there are barriers                                                     have been possible if GP
                                                                                                                       such as a lack of standardisation                                                   and hospital data were not
                                                                                                                       among data sets, and a lack of                                                      available in a linked form.
                                                                                                                       digital maturity across providers.
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           LCR Health Informatics Research Strategy   13

 3          Learning healthcare systems

A primary goal of this strategy is                 Figure 5 illustrates the cycle of                      From the perspective of this                  To be useful, those analyses must                                        The most useful analyses will likely
to develop a learning healthcare                   a learning healthcare system,                          strategy, steps four and five –               be timely. That requires mimimal                                         come from those that link various                    Action:
system that uses information                       starting with identifying a                            evaluation and adjustment - are               time-lag between data being                                              datasets held by different parts
effectively, rapidly and intelligently             problem, designing and then                            crucial. Evaluation will require              collected and being made available                                       of the health service and other                      Identify datasets for inclusion
to inform prioritisation, underpin                 implementing an intervention,                          analysis of a range of routinely              for analyses. Otherwise mutiple                                          parties, enabling a broader view                     in the data ark, building on
improvements in the quality and                    evaluating that intervention,                          collected datasets, the range of              cycles of evaluation and adjustment                                      and better targeting of services                     existing programs of work
efficiency of services, and enable                 making necessary adjustments and                       which is illustrated in Figure 6. In          will take many years, to the                                             for the population, and more                         including the Global Digital
innovation and scientific discovery.               wider dissemination. Through this                      the first instance analyses may               detriment of patients and services.                                      rapid development of innovative                      Exemplar NHS Trusts, iLINKS,
Whilst at a first glance this might                process we will work with multiple                     focus on Hospital Episode Statistics          At present, for example, there is a 3                                    solutions to the growing health                      Informatics Merseyside, and
seem an easy and obvious thing to                  stakeholders (e.g. the public,                         (HES) or primary care data such               month lag between HES data being                                         problems within our region.                          NWC Connected Health Cities.
do, it will require significant effort             primary and secondary healthcare,                      as those held by Egton Medical                collected and being made available                                       Linking datasets and delivering
to bring our organisations and the                 public health, universities). Recent                   Information Systems (EMIS). To                by NHS Digital. We will deliver a                                        these analyses poses significant
public together. It will also require              local examples include improving                       enable those analyses we require              local solution that enables real-time                                    challenges including the roll out of                 Example – ensuring
major investment in analytic and                   access to seizure clinics after                        investment in infratructure, and              analytics. Similarly any analyses will                                   a consent model as well as major
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      appropriate pathways for
research capacity, ulitmately                      presenting to the Emergency                            staff creating a data storage                 need to be swift and presented in a                                      technical challenges. Analyses of
generating wealth and bringing                     Department, or improving vaccine                       facility, which will include a ‘trusted       way that is useful and accessible to                                     linked datasets will be addressed in                 people presenting with
investment in to our region.                       uptake rates.                                          researcher environment’, as well              clinical and managing teams.                                             the latter phases of this strategy.                  seizure
                                                                                                          as public consultation and the
Importantly we must ‘close the                                                                            development of data governance                Scientific discovery will come from                                      It is important to highlight that                    Following a national audit
loop’ and ensure that analyses of                                                                         processes.                                    further analyses of datasets held,                                       health data takes many forms and                     which highlighted variation
data really do impact on health                                                                                                                         which can harness the power of                                           is often stored in such a way as to                  in treatment for people
care. That is, we need to put                                                                                                                           major assets in our region such                                          make it very difficult for researchers               presenting with seizure,
research into practice effectively                                                                                                                      as the Hartree Centre and IBM’s                                          to access and analyse. To enable                     researchers from the NWC
and efficiently for the benefit of our                                                                                                                  Watson. The possiblities might                                           timely and efficient analyses of                     have implemented a pathway
population.                                                                                                                                             include discovery of risk factors                                        data, it is fundamental to our                       to streamline referrals from
                                                                                                                                                        for disease, identification of                                           strategy to create a data storage                    the emergency department
                                                                                                                                                        unanticipated harms or benefits of                                       facility with robust governance                      or medical assessment
                                                                                                                                                        treatments (e.g. drug repurposing).                                      process that meet national                           unit to neurology / seizure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 standards, as described in the                       clinics. Data are fed back
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 following sections.                                  to trusts via reports and
     Figure 5: A Learning Heathcare System
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      an interactive dashboard
     This figure illustrates the cycle of a learning healthcare system, starting with identifying a problem, designing and                                                                                                                                                            allow benchmarking of local
     then implementing an intervention, evaluating that intervention, making necessary adjustments and wider dissemination.                                                                                                                                                           services, creating a learning
                                                                                                                                                           Figure 6: The Wheel of Data                                                                                                health system. Improvements
       Internal                                                                                                                        External                                                                                                                                       in the number of admissions
                                                                                                                                                           This figure illustrates the range of datasets that are already routinely collected,
                                                                                                                                                           starting with GP and hospital records, and including other health and social care                                          referred to outpatient clinics
                                                                                                                                                           records, and a range of non health datasets.                                                                               has already increased by over
                       Collect data and
                    analyse results to show
                                                                      Use evidence to                                                                                                                                                                                                 50% since its introduction in
                                                                    influence continual
                     what works and what                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2015.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                tion • Crimina
                                                                                                                                                                                                            d                 l ju
                                                                                                                                                                                                      t   •E                      st
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Imag
                                                                                              Disseminate                                                                                                              ions       ing

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  cr                  •

                                                                                         Share results to improve

                                                 In a learning
                                                                                            care for everyone.


                                                                                                                                                                                  port • Environ

                                              health care system,

                                                                                                                                                                                               Pathology • P

                                              research influences

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ployment • S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      GP and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          tics • Screenin
                                              practice influences                     Internal and External Scan
                                                   research.                      Identify problems and potentially
                                                                                         innovative solutions.




                         Implement                                    Design care and                                                                                                                                                ti

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    eg             en
                    Apply plan in pilot and                         evaluation based on                                                                                                                                         • D


                      control settings.                             evidence generated                    (Figure adapted from Learning Health Care                                                                         i             re
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ed                 •
                                                                    here and elsewhere.                    Systems and Justice (Ruth R. Faden, Tom L.                                                 Nu
                                                                                                                                                                                                        trition • Social m
                                                                                                         Beauchamp, Nancy E. Kass). Hastings Center
                                                                                                              Report, Volume 41(4), July-August 2011)
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                        LCR Health Informatics Research Strategy    15

 4           Regional data storage and access facility

                                                                                                                                                   4.1 Architecture and Infrastructure

A key element of this strategy is the                We can learn from, and adopt,                      This way of working influenced the         Table 1 summarises a number
creation of a data storage facility                  best practice from similar projects                Phase 1 design for data access in          of relevant and ambitious
                                                                                                                                                                                           Table 1 – Shortlist of digital strategies, initiatives and
that can collate and store data                      elsewhere in the UK that are more                  the North West Coast Connected             initiatives addressing aspects
                                                                                                                                                                                           recommendations guiding development of the Regional-scale Data
from a range of sources, and allow                   advanced in their development. For                 Health Cities (CHC) (a partnership         of health informatics research.         Storage and Access (TRE) Facility
analyses by ‘trusted researchers’.                   example, A Charter for Safe Havens                 between the Innovation Agency              When developing our plans for a
Whilst there are a range of NHS                      in Scotland (2015) details a baseline              (Academic Health Science Network           regionally-scalable data storage        Liverpool iLINKS Strategy (2014-2017) http://www.imerseyside.
informatics initiatives in our region                set of principles for ethical uses of              for the North West Coast),                 and access facility, it is imperative
that underpin or link clinical                       data that are in the public interest,              Universities of Liverpool and              that we are clear in what we want       transformation_strategy_2014_2017.pdf
services and data, none allow for                    which are scientifically sound, and                Lancaster, and AIMES Grid Services)        to achieve. In the CHC design, it has   Merseyside Digital Roadmap
the storage and use of data for                      have patient identity and privacy                  project which currently holds              been recognised that the power          media/1554/the_merseyside_digital_roadmap.pdf
research; the primary objective of                   appropriately protected.                           anonymised (no patient identifiable        of health informatics for radically     Intra-Region Digital Exemplar strategies e.g. for the Global Digital
this strategy.                                                                                          data) hospital episode statistics          improving research performance          Exemplar Trusts: The Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University
                                                     We plan to create what is currently                data and is visualised in Figure 7         falls into a series of practice         Hospitals NHS Trust, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, Wirral
The creation of a data storage                       being called a ‘Trustworthy                        below.                                     domains or use cases (green             University Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, Mersey Care NHS Foundation
and access facility requires                         Research Environment’ (TRE) that                                                              boxes, below). This demarcation         Trust and the Fast Followers programme.
significant technical know-how and                   allows authenticated researchers                                                              is useful because each
a complex governance structure                       access to data in order to undertake                                                                                                  A Charter for Safe Havens in Scotland (2015)
                                                                                                                                                   application area could share            Publications/2015/11/4783/4
that meets the requirements of                       analyses. One model that is being                                                             technology/infrastructure with
legislation as well as those of our                  used is in Genomics England’s                                                                 subtle differentiating factors in       The Digital Economy Act (2017) is now in force and provides a UK
local population. It also requires                   100,000 Genomes project. The TRE                                                              deployment. This efficiency will        regulatory framework for the use of data for research in an effective,
investment in infrastructure and                     is configured such that only outputs                                                          be key to delivery and the risk of      safe and secure manner; see Chapter 5: Sharing for Research Purposes -
the workforce.                                       of analyses (but not the source                                                                                             
                                                                                                                                                   fragmentation of solutions must be
                                                     data) can be taken away (exported).                                                           strongly avoided.                       Liverpool PRIME: Precision in Medicine proposals
                                                                                                                                                                                           (details available from LHP)
                                                                                                                                                   Learning Health/Service Improvement     The Wachter Report
                                                                                                                                                   Public Health                           revolution/wachter-review/

                                                                                                                                                   Clinical Research/Discovery Science     UCL Partners Health Informatics Strategy (2014-2017) http://
                                                                                                                                                   Citizen-Driven Health                   Informatics%20Strategy
     Figure 7: A data storage facility and trusted researcher environment
                                                                                                                                                   Personalised/Precision Medicine         NHS England Target Architecture for Learning Health Systems
     This figure illustrates a data storage facility in which health data are securely stored behind a firewall according to national standards,
     whereby trusted researchers can log in and have access to data for analyses but not take those data away from the secure                                                              The National Data Guardian
     environment.                                                                                                                                                                          organisations/national-data-guardian
                                                                                                                                                                                           NHS system supplier expertise and technologies e.g. EMIS Web, Cerner,
       Scale                                                                                                                                         Identify the requirements and         Tiani Spirit, InterSystems, Endeavour Health, Patients Like Me, Patients
            South Cumbria                                                                                                                            best provider of a data ark/          Know Best etc.
            Merseyside                                                                                                                               repository and commission its
                                                                                                                                                     development.                          Expertise in national and international informatics initiatives e.g.
                                                                                                                                                                                           NHS Digital, Regional CSUs, The Farr Institute for Health Informatics
                                                                                                                        Secure research                                                    Research, Health Data Research UK (HDR UK), GA4GH, BRCs, HL7 UK etc.
                                                               r e su s)                                                   data host
                                                             ,       ad
                                                          ion lo
                                                   l i sat own
                                                ua a d
                                             Vis dat                                             Compute-intensive
                                               (no                                                   services

                                                                                    Virtual machine
                                                                                  (VM) bespoke apps                            ,
                                                                                                                        y nt s
                                                                                                                       s nd
                                                                                                                d at ma
                                                                                                               e co  m
                                                                            Firewall                        nc
                                                                                                      f e re hes,
                                                                           VPN/ portal
                                                        machine                                     Re earc
                                                        locations             login                    s
16                                                                                                                                                                                                  LCR Health Informatics Research Strategy   17

 5        Patient and public involvement and engagement

                                                                                                                     5.1. Benefits                            5.2. PPIE for this Strategy to date

Patient and public involvement and       We will achieve our PPIE                                                    Our PPIE will help to inform the         Obtaining consent from patients to          The video of responses can
engagement (PPIE) is key to this         objectives by a multifaceted                                                development of the programme of          use their personal health data for          be viewed here: http://www.
                                                                                 Example – “Introducing
strategy. It is vital that we clearly    approach, through identifying and                                           work and help gain trust from the        clinical research is a fundamental
and effectively communicate the          developing a relationship with key      personalised risk based             public in the data sharing model.        step in the success of this strategy.
potential benefits to the health         citizen engagement and public           intervals in screening              Data will, for the most part, be         We need to understand what                  We recognise that this initial PPIE
and wealth of our population in          involvement groups within our                                               used in an anonymised form, but          motivates patients to provide this          work provides only a snapshot of
                                                                                 for diabetic retinopathy”
terms of using personal health data      region. This engagement will be                                             should data be required to be used       consent and, more importantly, to           opinion and much more detailed
                                                                                 ISDR trial                                                                                                               engagement will be required in the
for research. It is also paramount       facilitated by using social media and                                       in a patient identifiable format         establish what barriers may present
that we consult and work with            creating digital areas for dialogue                                         additional consent will be sought        and how they can best be tackled.           next steps of this strategy.
                                                                                 One of many complications
our population to identify ways          blogs, web areas, social media,         seen in people with diabetes        and safeguards put in place.             In the development of this strategy,
of using data that are acceptable        events and twitter chats.               is diabetic retinopathy –                                                    some PPIE work has already taken
                                                                                                                     Engagement with our community                                                           Action:
and to reassure them of the use of                                               damage to the retina (the back                                               place.
their data for research, whilst not      We will also work with other                                                will help assist in the development
                                                                                 of the eye) which can cause                                                                                                 Undertake a programme of
impacting on their consent to share      organisations and stakeholders,                                             and implementation of a “Model           In collaboration with several
                                                                                 blindness if not diagnosed                                                                                                  work on public engagement to
data for clinical purposes.              such as Cheshire and Merseyside                                             for Consent”. Citizens will be able to   organisations from within LHP, a
                                                                                 and treated. Current                                                                                                        describe the benefits of data
                                         STP, SMEs, Healthwatch, Health                                              view the extent and degree of their      series of ‘vox pop’ interviews from
                                                                                 recommendations in England                                                                                                  use for research and identify
To achieve this, we need to develop      North and technology partners,                                              consent to data sharing and to have      a number of pre-selected locations
                                                                                 suggest screening every 12                                                                                                  uses that are acceptable to the
an effective dialogue with people in     industry and universities, to                                               control over it.                         around Liverpool were conducted.
                                                                                 months but the evidence                                                                                                     population of our region.
our region, enlisting trust and active   enhance partnership and                                                                                              We were able to gather the
                                                                                 behind this is very limited, with
involvement, about how we would          collaborative working. The aim                                                                                       opinions of members of the public
                                                                                 potential for better targeting
like to use their data across a range    being to ensure involvement from                                                                                     through asking them the following
                                                                                 of services. The University
of agencies, both within the NHS         diverse groups, including those                                                                                      questions:                                     Example – University
                                                                                 of Liverpool and The Royal
and beyond, including partnering         that are hard to reach, and to avoid                                                                                                                                of Liverpool researchers
                                                                                 Liverpool and Broadgreen                                                     Q1. Do you think it is important
with industry (as appropriate) to        duplication with other initiatives.
                                                                                 University Hospitals NHS                                                     to support clinical research in the            have developed a data
achieve breakthrough research
                                                                                 Trust are running the ISDR                                                   NHS? Why is that?                              linkage at small area level
objectives. Learning from other
                                                                                 trial, which is integrating
successful organisations, such
                                                                                 diagnostic data from hospitals,                                              Q2. When you visit your doctor or              The Integrated Longitudinal
as those in Manchester, Leeds
                                                                                 demographic data from GP                                                     nurse you share personal health                Research Resource (ILRR)
and Southampton, and working
                                                                                 practices and imaging data                                                   data, would you be happy if this               allows researchers to extract,
with colleagues within the patient
                                                                                 from eye-clinics to calculate an                                             data was shared with clinical                  manage, and link data from
engagement teams across the
                                                                                 individual’s risk of developing                                              researchers in the NHS?                        diverse, datasets for policy
Cheshire and Merseyside STP
                                                                                 retinopathy. Based on this                                                                                                  relevant analytics, including
footprint, will be imperative to our                                                                                                                          Q3. Do you have any concerns
                                                                                 they will be called back for                                                                                                consumer, finance and welfare
success.                                                                                                                                                      about the sharing of your personal
                                                                                 screening at either 6, 12 or                                                                                                datasets not routinely used in
                                                                                 24 months. This study has                                                    health data?                                   applied public health research.
                                                                                 necessitated the creation of                                                 Q4. If your personal health data               Through a collaboration
                                                                                 bespoke data sharing systems                                                 could be made anonymous when                   between the NIHR CLAHRC
                                                                                 as mechanisms to link these                                                  shared would you still have any                North West Coast, the ESRC
                                                                                 different sources of data are                                                concerns?                                      funded Consumer Research
                                                                                 not presently available in our                                                                                              Data Centre and 10 local
                                                                                 health data architecture.                                                    Q5. Would you be happy if we                   authorities across the North
                                                                                                                                                              shared personal health data with               West we have established
                                                                                                                                                              other researchers in life science              an Integrated Longitudinal
                                                                                                                                                              companies that may be outside the              Research Resource (ILRR)
                                                                                                                                                              NHS?                                           of linked neighbourhood
                                                                                                                                                                                                             datasets, enabling the tracking
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of the determinants of health
                                                                                                                                                                                                             and health outcomes within
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                             LCR Health Informatics Research Strategy   19

 6           Permissions and consent governance

There is a complex range of                              Other uses of data do require                        It is important to realise that         Facilitating patients to opt in or      We need to work towards creating
legislation and permission required                      individual patient consent, such as                  consent is multi-layered (Figure 8).    out of sharing their personal           an infrastructure that meets              Action:
for the use of health data for                           uses that require linkage of records                 For example, patients may choose        information, for reasons other than     all of these requirements and
research, which largely depend                           from a number of systems. In this                    to share anonymous data with            their individual care and treatment,    enables the people in our region          Identify the best model for
upon the type of data and the                            circumstance, the NHS number                         some parties (e.g. other health         is the subject of an English national   to contribute their data and to           gaining consent to share
intended use. It is essential that we                    is commonly used as a unique                         service organisations) but not          development by NHS Digital that         participate in research. Whilst the       data for research in keeping
work with the public, as described                       identifier to link data. Data linkage                others (e.g. industry), may want to     is proposed for operation from          text in this section has focussed         with national governance
above, to navigate these processes                       can be undertaken by a trusted                       restrict which data are shared, and     late 2017. It follows on from the       on information technology, the            standards.
when we create our learning health                       third party who then removes                         will need the ability to change those   National Data Guardian’s (NDG)          importance of working with the
system.                                                  patient identifiers to provide                       permissions. In the WCR, if a patient   review of data security and consent     public and integrating this into the
                                                         researchers with anonymised data.                    opts out of sharing of the record       of July 2016. The patient opt out       day to day working of our health          Example – UK birth
In England, some uses of                                 One example of a linked system                       there is a Read Code set on the         preferences will be stored in a         services must be emphasised. This
anonymised data (data are                                                                                                                                                                                                               cohort shows impact of
                                                         in our region is the Healthy Wirral                  primary care system (EMIS). This        central repository and systems will     can only work if seamless processes
considered anonymised if they do                         Care Record (WCR), which links data                  code prevents data held in EMIS         be made available so that it can        are put in place to capture consent       transition into poverty
not include information that allow                       from primary care, Wirral University                 for that patient being shared, and      be securely accessed and applied        and permissions at time points
an individual to be identified, such                                                                                                                                                                                                    Using a specially conducted
                                                         Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation                     also prevents sharing of data from      when personal information is being      where patients interact with health
as date of birth or NHS number)                                                                                                                                                                                                         study – the Millennium cohort
                                                         Trust, community, mental health                      other sources. In addition, national    shared between organisations for        services.
do not require individual patient                                                                                                                                                                                                       study – which collected
                                                         and social care etc. In the WCR,                     standards exist that exclude the        purposes.
consent (e.g. in public health, audit,                                                                                                                                                                                                  information on children from
                                                         consent for use of data is managed                   sharing of certain data items,
NHS service improvement and                                                                                                                           The General Data Protection                                                       across the UK born between
                                                         with the GP record as a central                      for those that do not opt out of
some research studies). In the early                                                                                                                  Regulation (GDPR, https://ico.                                                    2000 and 2002, researchers
                                                         point.                                               sharing.
phases of this strategy the focus                                                                                                                                                               from the University of
will be on the use of these data                                                                                                                      protection-reform/overview-of-the-                                                Liverpool were able to show
given the complexities of setting up                                                                                                                  gdpr/), which becomes effective in                                                that transitioning into poverty
systems to manage patient consent,                                                                                                                    May 2018, identifies additional and                                               was associated with an
as described below.                                                                                                                                   more sophisticated requirements                                                   increase in childhood social
                                                                                                                                                      to capture and manage patient                                                     and behavioural problems.
                                                                                                                                                      permissions for research. For                                                     This study collected data
                                                                                                                                                      example, the ability to include or                                                directly from participants
                                                                                                                                                      exclude specific episodes of care,                                                (socioemotional behaviour)
     Figure 8: Gaining and managing consent in the NHS                                                                                                                                                                                  and also used data from
                                                                                                                                                      and the need for interoperability of
     Starting in the bottom left hand corner, this figure illustrates how a patient attending an NHS organisation (e.g. their GP) can identify        systems.                                                                          government agencies including
     which data they wish to share and with whom, give consent to do so, and have the option to change their preferences at a future                                                                                                    the Department of Work and
     time point.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pensions (benefits) and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Department for Education
               National Data
               Guardian for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (educational achievement).
               Health and care               ID-linked sharing                                                                                                                                                                          We plan to create a similar
               Review of Data
               Security, Consent
                                          Consent/opt-out model                     “Sharing for purposes                                                                                                                               anonymised population level
                                          for cross-organisational                  Other Than individual
               and Opt-Outs
                                                data sharing                         care and treatment”
                                                                                                                    Data Consumer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        child health and development
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        dataset for all children in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Liverpool from existing data
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        sources to allow researchers
              National Data Guardian
                                                             Patient selects preference
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and policy makers to improve
             Caldicott Review July 2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        child health in our region.
               No preferences need
               to be expressed for
                   data that is                                                     ID-Stored preference                       Stored Preferences
                 anonymised or                                   Opt-in/out         ID-Stored preference                       Control Sharing
                 pseudonymised                                   is linked to
                                                                                    ID-Stored preference
                                                                   NHS ID
                                                                                    ID-Stored preference

                 NHS Digital patient
                  preference-driven                                                  Central Repository                 Data
              information sharing for                                                    NHS Digital
                purposes other than                                                 (by 2020 all providers)
                 individual care and
               treatment (May 2017)                                                                                  Data Source
20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             LCR Health Informatics Research Strategy                 21

                                                                                                                                                Initiative          Lead organisation   Brief description                      Project ambitions / objectives                       Further information
 7           Current local and regional initiatives                                                                                             iLINKS              Liverpool CCG       A shared vision of Liverpool CCG,      1. Create and deliver an information                 http://www.
                                                                                                                                                Informatics                             South Sefton and Southport                exchange across health and social care.           ilinksmersey.nhs.
                                                                                                                                                Transformation                          and Formby CCGs, to improve            2. To ensure informatics system-wide                 uk/
                                                                                                                                                Programme                               health and social care by                 coherence and strategic leadership across
                                                                                                                                                                                        providing professionals with the          health and social care.
                                                                                                                                                                                        information they need to work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3. To exploit the benefits and investment
                                                                                                                                                                                        and share collectively around the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of existing future technologies and
LHP serves to ensure close collaborative healthcare research through University of Liverpool and Liverpool John                                                                                                                   processes.
Moores University working together with local NHS organisations.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Global Digital Exemplars (GDEs)
This complements the ongoing digital initiatives locally and regionally, including our region’s hosting of four of the                          Alder Hey           AHCH                NHS England’s only specialist          1. Paperless medical record                          http://www.
NHS’s Global Digital Exemplar Trusts (GDEs); and we are the only area in the UK that has such a concentration of                                Children’s NHS                          children’s GDE.                        2. Web portal for patients and families.   
GDEs. These initiatives (Table 2) underpin this strategy and place our region in a strong position to succeed.                                  Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3. Web portal for healthcare professionals.
                                                                                                                                                Trust (AHCH)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               4. Patient ‘app’ platform.
We are creating a sharing environment that enlists the trust, and active involvement, of NWC citizens.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               5. Collaboration with Hartree Centre and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  IBM Watson to create the UKs first
Table 2. Local and Regional Digital Initiatives                                                                                                                                                                                   ‘Cognitive’ hospital.
Initiative        Lead organisation   Brief description                  Project ambitions / objectives                   Further information   The Royal           RLBUHT              ‘Digital Liverpool’ is RLBUHT’s        1. Digital Innovation                                http://www.rlbuht.
                                                                                                                                                Liverpool and                           digital vision and strategy            2. New Royal                               
The Merseyside    Liverpool CCG       A strategic plan in response       1. Digitally empowered individuals               http://www.
                                                                                                                                                Broadgreen                              underpinned by it’s GDE
Digital Roadmap                       to the NHS Five Year Forward       2. A connected health and social care                                                                                    3. Digital Transformation
                                                                                                                                                University                              programme. With health and
                                      View requirement to improve           economy                                                             Hospitals NHS                           social care partners across the        4. Electronic Patient Record
                                      health and care services by the
                                                                         3. Exploiting the digital revolution                                   Trust (RLBUHT)                          city, RLBUHT, through its GDE,
                                      increased and improved use of
                                                                                                                                                                                        will revolutionise patient and staff
                                      information and technology.
                                                                                                                                                                                        experience, transform quality and
EMIS Health       EMIS Health         Leading supplier in connected      1. Deployment of EMIS Web in Walk-in             https://www.                                                  safety of its services and produce
                                      healthcare software and               Centres                                                                            better health for the population.
                                      services in the UK. EMIS Health    2. Electronic Patient Record (EPR) Viewer        home/
                                                                                                                                                Mersey Care         MCT                 One of seven Mental Health             1. Flip the Clinic                                   http://www.
                                      and the LCR have enjoyed a long
                                                                         3. Mobile working                                                      NHS Foundation                          GDEs in England.                       2. Digitisation is about people, not just  
                                      and successful relationship with
                                                                                                                                                Trust (MCT)                                                                       technology.
                                      Liverpool CCG and Informatics
                                      Merseyside being key strategic
                                                                                                                                                Wirral University   WUTH                WUTH is leading a programme            1. Organisation level electronic patient             http://www.wuth.
                                      partners through the EMIS
                                                                                                                                                Teaching                                of work in Wirral as part of the          records – based on the very mature GP   
                                      Pathfinder Programme.
                                                                                                                                                Hospital NHS                            GDE programme. As well as                 records in the EMIS system in primary             and-visitors/
FARSITE           NWeHealth           A powerful search and patient      1. To recruit over 90% of GP practices in    Foundation                              developing the digital platform           care WCR will also contain data from the
                                      administration tool that allows       Liverpool and surrounding environs to         products/farsite      Trust (WUTH)                            in the hospital, the community of         other providers as shown above. Thus the
                                      the rapid identification of,          use FARSITE.                                                                                                provider organisations in Wirral          content of the individual systems is a basic
                                      and easy communication with                                                                                                                       are working to create a new               building block.
                                                                         2. To develop relationships with Industry to
                                      cohorts of patients drawn                                                                                                                         shared Wirral Care Record (WCR).       2. Creating a single population long term
                                                                            mount large scale trials that can test new
                                      from primary care information                                                                                                                     This will support clinicians/carers       record – as data flows from EPRs into
                                                                            drugs, devices or models of care quickly.
                                      systems for the purposes of                                                                                                                       on the ‘front-line’ of care delivery      the WCR, it goes through a series of
                                                                         3. Population health management                                                                                as well as the system as a whole
                                      research and population health                                                                                                                                                              algorithms to create a single unified
                                                                            interventions to be designed and                                                                            as it works to manage the health
                                      management.                                                                                                                                                                                 view of the data which dedpiulicates and
                                                                            implemented to achieve meaningful                                                                           of the population.                        normalises the data to make more sense
                                                                            and lasting improvements in the health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of it to the end user and also make it
                                                                            and wellbeing of patients in our health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  easier to analyse.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3. Registries / Care Plans – the data allows us
NWC Connected     Innovation Agency   NWC CHC is funded by the           1. Making information available to front-line    http://www.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to target specific disease groups and link
Health Cities     (Academic Health    Department of Health and              staff in timely ways that enable them to      connected
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the data from the various organisations
(CHC)             Science Network     brings together the Universities      better plan and review the care they offer;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to provide a single view of the patient,
                  for the North       of Liverpool and Lancaster, the       and develop new and more effective            connected-health-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in a set of wellness and condition based
                  West Coast)         Innovation Agency (Academic           pathways.                                     cities/north-west-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  registries. These assist clinicians to identify
                                      Health Science Network for the     2. Harness the power of data and data            coast/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  what has been done for the patient
                                      North West Coast) and AIMES           analytics by collecting, linking and                                                                                                                  already and also those things that have
                                      Grid services. The programme          collating data from health and social care                                                                                                            not yet been achieved for each patient.
                                      is creating learning healthcare       and eventually from a wide range of other
                                      systems.                                                                                                                                                                                 4. Analytics – by bringing together all of
                                                                            sources – finding new ways to use data to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the health issues and identifying the
                                                                            transform care.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  resources deployed in each sector to
                                                                         3. Support industry and academia and                                                                                                                     deliver care, WCR is a rich source of data
                                                                            others in using data to conduct research                                                                                                              to understand how to manage population
                                                                            that both improves understanding of                                                                                                                   health and where best to apply scare
                                                                            health care efficiency and effectiveness                                                                                                              resource.
                                                                            and enables new techniques, ideas and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               5. Future – in future we would expect the
                                                                            organisational forms to be tested.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  patient to be more involved digitally in
                                                                         4. Create a sharing environment that enlists                                                                                                             this process and for example services like
                                                                            the trust and active involvement of North                                                                                                    will be linked to the WCR.
                                                                            West Coast citizens.
22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           LCR Health Informatics Research Strategy   23

                                                                                                                                                                  8        Generating wealth

                                                                                                                                                                 The LCR has a population of 1.5m         Initiatives aligned to the Growth        The ambition of the Growth
Table 3. Informatics strengths within our local Universities
                                                                                                                                                                 and a £28.3bn economy. This is a         Strategy/SIF will:                       Strategy is for each sector to
University                     Summary of informatics strengths                                                                                                  crucial and exciting time as power       • Build on key assets: including LCR’s   become a beacon of excellence,
University of                  Ranked in the top 1% of higher education institutions worldwide, the University of Liverpool (UoL) is a comprehensive             is being devolved to the region            role as a unique global port and a     productivity and accelerated
Liverpool (UoL)                university of global reach with campuses in China and Singapore.                                                                  from the central Government,               world-leading centre for innovation    growth through investment in
                               In collaboration with its partners, UoL has developed an ambitious programme of health and biomedical informatics
                                                                                                                                                                 with a Devolution Deal agreed              and achievement in science,            facilities, infrastructure, networks,
                               research, tackling important global challenges at scale, initiating new business links, influencing policy, and improving         with Government in 2015, the LCR           culture and civic life.                people and innovation, creating
                               health and social environments. Over 50 academics across UoL carry out interdisciplinary health and biomedical                    Combined Authority established and                                                more and higher skilled jobs and
                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Focus on growth sectors:
                               informatics research. The UoL Healthcare Data Laboratory, established as part of the Connected Health Cities programme.           the election of a first ever LCR Metro                                            more growth businesses. Sector
                                                                                                                                                                                                            investment will be maximised by
                               UoL uses novel informatics approaches to answer important clinical and public health questions. It supports industry,             Mayor (Steve Rotherham) in May                                                    based interventions will focus
                                                                                                                                                                                                            strategically focusing on those
                               academia and others to conduct research in its theme areas to improve understanding of health care efficiency, the                2017.                                                                             particularly on those activities that
                                                                                                                                                                                                            sectors with the greatest potential.
                               benefits of treatments and minimizes risk, and also enabling new techniques, ideas and organisational forms to be tested.                                                                                           accelerate growth, apply innovation
                                                                                                                                                                 Devolution provides an opportunity       • Respond to challenges: including       commercially and deliver increased
Liverpool John                 LJMU is a modern civic university with a long history of applied teaching and research responding to the needs of
Moores University              external stakeholders including the NHS. LJMU won the 2017 Educate North University of the Year award, and has the                for LCR to direct its economic future,     long-established challenges            productivity.
(LJMU)                         highest number mainstream journal published articles co-authored by international collaborators of any University in              to build on recent success and to          regarding levels of health,
                               the UK.                                                                                                                           address the challenges, in particular      business, jobs, worklessness,          Sectors identified in the LCR Growth
                               LJMU offers degree apprenticeships working alongside employers to enable students to develop practical skills within              those relating to inequalities             productivity, skills and spatially     Strategy include Digital and “Health
                               the workplace. Health research, scholarship and knowledge exchange within LJMU is embedded within the Institute for               mentioned above.                           concentrated deprivation.              and Life Sciences”, which clearly
                               Health Research (IHR) which has a portfolio of cross disciplinary expertise and facilities including digital health, applied                                                                                        align with the development of the
                               health informatics and health service delivery needs analysis.                                                                    The LCR Growth Strategy (published       The outcomes that the Growth             LCR Health Informatics Research
                                                                                                                                                                 June 2016) provides a 25-year            Strategy will deliver across its         Strategy. In addition, the LCR
                                                                                                                                                                 strategic approach to how growth         three pillars by 2040 can be             has been recognised through
                                                                                                                                                                 will be driven forward across the        summarised as:                           the Government’s Science and
                                                                                                                                                                 City Region via three pillars of         • 100,000 additional jobs                Innovation Audit (SIA) process as
     Figure 9: North West Coast Connected Health Cities                                                                                                          Productivity, People and Place,                                                   having world leading capabilities
                                                                                                                                                                                                          • A net increase of 20,000
                                                                                                                                                                 and building on LCR’s unique                                                      in infectious diseases, materials
     This figure shows the partners in this programme and what they plan to deliver.                                                                                                                        businesses
                                                                                                                                                                 strengths and assets. The Growth                                                  chemistry and high performance/
                                                                                                                                                                 Strategy, through consultations          • An additional 50,000 people living
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   cognitive computing, with further
                                                                                                                                                                 with the City Region’s partners and        in the City Region
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   commercial programmes in these
                                                                                                                                                                 key stakeholders, has identified         • An increase in the City Region’s       areas under development.
          NWC Connected Health Cities                                                                                                                            a framework for devolution and             economy to around £50bn.
                                                                                                                                                                 the achievement of long-term
                                                                     Cultivating Innovation
                                                                                                                                                                 sustainable economic growth. Key
                                                                                                                                                                 to implementation of the Growth
                                                                                                                                                                 Strategy is the attraction and
                                                                                                                                                                 focused allocation of investment.
                                                                                                                                                                 The Single Investment Fund (SIF) has
                                                                        People Collaboration
                                                                          LEd by Lancaster                                                                       been established to fund delivery
         Roles:                                                                                                       Roles:
         1. Lead on Therapeutic themes                                       University                               1. Lead industry research (TRL1-3)         of the Growth Strategy. Over the
         2. Develop CHC knowledge framework
         3. Lead on evaluation approaches
                                                                                                                      2. Develop workforce digital skills
                                                                                                                      3. Build digital research capacity         next five years the SIF will invest
         4. Scale therapeutic themes                                                                                  4. Link digital programmes, e.g. Testbed   £458 million. This resource will help
                                                                                                                                                                 leverage private sector and external
                                                                                                                                                                 investment opportunities as they
                                                         Collaboration Led by
                                                                                           Technology                                                            become available.
                                                                                      Collaboration Led by
                                                             University of
                                                                                      AIMES Grid Services
         Roles:                                                                                                       Roles:
         1. Strategic direction & leadership                                                                          1. Lead industry partnerships
         2. Lead innovation spread (TRL7-9)                                                                           2. Technical Design Authority
         3. Commission packages                                                                                       3. Technical platforms
         4. Drive economic growth                                                                                     4. Solution prototyping (TRL4-6)

      Innovation Spread                                                                                                              Commercialisation

                                                              Intellectual Property Partnerships
                                                              * TRL = Technology Readiness Level (DoD)
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